All damage types explained (2023) | Warframe

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I've previously done a video on damage types but thanks to constant updates it accrued a few inaccuracies I'll cover all the damage types as they are today so you know you've got up-to-date information on what to pick and what to skip I'm Nick engineer let's solve a practical problem [Music] damage types can be grouped into four categories physical basic element combination element and well other almost all of them have an Associated status effect which for most types lasts for six seconds how much of each status you can apply varies depending on both the type and the nature of the enemy you're fighting let's start with physical damage the physical damage types impact slash and puncture are innately on most weapons if a physical type is not present in a weapons damage then you normally can't mod that type of damage in there are a few exceptions mainly in mods stances or abilities which can force slash stage defects but otherwise a weapon only gets the physical damage it starts with physical damage mods like crash course will increase only the portion of your damage that is already the matching type like here on the foreman you can see it increases the impact damage by 120 percent while having no bonus on nor bonus from the electric damage of the semi-automatic mode because of this most physical damage mods are not worth using most of the time as you only get a fraction of the benefit compared to Elemental options impact as a damage type is loosely associated as being The Shield breaking damage type due to having bonuses against both types of enemy Shields however as it has a weakness against both grineer and Corpus Health it's nothing special the impact status effect can be applied up to a Max of 5 times with any additional status effects replacing the oldest ones on the Target on applying impact this will stagger the target if they're not already in a hard animation such as using an ability overguarded enemies will not be staggered the lingering effects of impact will increase the mercy threshold on eligible heavy units raising the remaining Health to be open to Mercy by eight percent per proc for The Grenier and invested this means you can raise the threshold from a 40 minimum to 80 maximum while Corpus can be raised from 60 to 100 of Health though you still need to break their Shields first enemies that cannot be Mercy killed suffer no direct effect from Impact after the initial stagger puncture as a damage type is Lucy Associated as being the armor-piercing damage type due to having bonuses against all three armor types but a significant reduction against Shields all damage modifiers are bonus against armor means the damage is increased by the Bonus amount and the enemy is treated as having the arm reduced by that amount for resistance purposes so for puncture vs ferrite puncture immediately deals 50 more damage and is then reduced by only half the enemy's armor value the puncture status effects can be applied up to five times and has two properties the first it reduces the enemy's damage by 40 on the first effect where additional Stacks reduce the enemy damage a further 10 to a Max of 80 reduction while helpful for your own Survival in harder missions you usually won't find the time to specifically cover and keep covering enemies in puncture effects it's usually better just to kill them the second effect increases the critical chance of attacks against the Target by 5 per effect up to a Max of 25 event the increase is an absolute value after all mods so if you've had five puncture effects on the enemy for the full 25 bonus and a weapon with a seven percent critical chance normally then your hits on the enemy will instead have a 32 critical chance as it's a fixed value it has a greater real effect when combined with weapons with lower critical chance and higher critical damage that said the effect is limited if you have 100 or higher critical chance each puncture effect will always give you less than a five percent damage bonus falling yet slower with higher critical chance still if your critical chance is below 100 then puncture prox may be more effective but only if your weapon has high critical damage and low critical chance very few weapons fit this bill like the kubernucor and the best candidates like any puncture damage themselves basically the puncture effects for more critical chance does have an effect but that effect is sorely limited if puncture happens on an enemy then you can enjoy the bonus us but trying to force more puncture effects will usually come at the cost of some other stronger damage Source lastly of the physical types we have slash on the surface slash comes across as the flesh rending type having bonuses against all biological Health but weak against armor and Corpus robotics while these bonuses are real slash is rarely considered for its damage type instead it's coveted for its status effect slash is the only physical status effect to deal damage applying a fraction of your weapon damage every second though ignoring any Elemental or physical mods you may have used all the damage is only a fraction of your weapons potential the damage from the effect is not slash damage but instead a typeless damage often referred to as true damage this has the unique effects of bypassing armor entirely given enemies at higher levels can have armor providing easily over 95 damage reduction being able to avoid all that armor is a huge Boon for damage also unlike impact and puncture flash has no cap on the number of axis status effects on a Target allowing you to continuously deliver more slash effects and inflicting Death By A Thousand Cuts I've covered the equation for calculating status damage in a previous video which you should definitely check out if you haven't already so I'll save us going over it in detail right now the only other important thing to know about Slash FX is that they deal damage every second at the end of the second with a 6 second duration this means they'll normally hit six times at 10 increase to your status duration bring you to 6.6 seconds will give you no additional hits while even a one percent reduction to your status duration bringing you to 5.94 seconds will cost you that sixth hit moving on from the physical types we can break into the basic elements basic elements are occasionally innate to a weapon but mostly need to be added in through the use of mods or abilities as all four basic elements can combine with one another to form combination elements you can only ever have one basic element damage type on a specific attack there are a couple ways of having a second and different basic Elemental hit such as with sarin's toxic lash but that's specifically a different hit unlike physical damage mods and Buffs for basic elements will take your entire weapon damage into account including any innate physical and Elemental damage of different types because of this a 90 or even 60 basic Elemental mod will usually apply a stronger bonus than a 120 physical mod so let's look at the individual type pipes heat damage is loosely associated with wiping out the weaker unit having bonuses against biological veneer and weaker infested but a penalty against stronger corporate Shields that said just like with Slash heat is more going for it through the status effect on applying a heat status most enemies will panic and thrash around as they burn in addition to this heat has two ongoing effects the first is that it reduces the target's armor over the course of two seconds down to 50 percent this is multiplicative with all other arm reduction options the arm reduction will remain in full power while heat remains on the target with armor returning to normal over two seconds when the effect expires the second effect from heat is a damage over time effect hitting every second at the end of each second just like slash unlike slash heat has a higher multiplier and is also boosted by equipped heat bonuses to the attack but it doesn't bypass all of an enemy's armor it has the unique property of inheritance as well when the first heat effect is applied to an enemy this also locks in the heat bonuses from whatever weapon or Source the heat effect came from all other heat effects applied after the first but before the heat Runs Out We'll Inherit this bonus rather than using their own so if you apply heat to an enemy using a weapon with a 90 heat mod then with an ability that delivers a heat effect the ability will also gain the 90 bonus done the other way around applying the ability effect first and then a weapon status effect the damage over time from the weapon will not use its 90 heat bonus despite applying it to the direct hit in addition to this bonus inheritance all the heat procs inherit the duration of newly applied eprocks allowing them to stack up indefinitely until all run out at once no other status effect is self-sustaining in this way all of this allows heat to scale up to a lot of damage while undermining enemy armor next of the basic elements is cold cold damage is a bit of a mixed bag having a bonus against weaker corpora Shields stronger armor and stronger infested armor yet a penalty against most infested units as a damage type it's not largely useful as a status effect gold applies to effects the first is a slowing effect slowing down everything the enemy does as if time itself Ram more slowly for them this comes with a maximum of 9 status effects applying a 50 slow on the first effect and a further five percent slow for each additional effect to a Max of a 90 slow uniquely cold statuses are capped against enemies with overguard to just four effects for a Max low of 65 percent this slow effect can be helpful for preventing enemies from getting to objectives making them less threatening with slower and more telegraphed attacks and for setting them up for easy attacks on weak points like headshots the second effect of cold is a critical damage enhancement the first gold status effect will boost the critical damage of attacks on the Target by 0.1 times as an absolute value after all mods if your critical multiplier will be two times then this makes it 2.1 times if you have a 10 times it becomes 10.1 times as a result the bonus is more effective on weapons with a weaker critical hit additional cold effects add an extra 0.05 times to the critical multiplier climbing to a Max of 0.5 times against normal enemies or just 0.25 times against enemies with overguard this bonus is incredibly weak on a very poor critical weapon with a 1.5 times multiplier the first chord effect would increase your damage by six percent with the max defects being a 33 damage increase at 100 critical chance a critical focused weapon with a five times multiplier would only get between two percent and 10 damage bonus at 100 critical chance with higher critical chance the effect scales up ever so slightly but the likelihood of having such a high critical chance with a low critical damage is rare and frankly wasteful gold is far more important and useful in upcoming combination elements for damage purposes so the main use for gold should be for the slowing effect the third basic element is electric this damage type is associated as being the anti-machine type having a bonus both against the rather uncommon Grenier Machinery as well as against Corpus robotics it also has a significant debuff against alloy armor which many robotic or Machinery based enemies are coated in more than undoing the bonus where electric can shine is in its status effect similar to heat on applying electric effect enemies will be stunned in electrocuted position for a few seconds this will only apply if the enemy is not overguarded or in the middle of a hard animation also like it electric has no limits on the number of Applied effects and will deal damage Over time however rather than reducing armor and using the inheritance that heat does electric will deal damage in an AOE affecting both the target enemy and all others within 3 meters if you can group up enemies tightly this can be a significant uptick in damage on top of this electric status image every second at the start of the second meaning the first hit will land instantly on applying the status effect while it still has the normal 6 second duration of most status effects a slight reduction in stage duration will not lose you any damage while even a tiny increase will deal an additional take of damage electric effects are more valuable than heat when dealing with clustered weaker unarmored enemies last of the basic elements is Toxin this is classically the Corpus killer as toxin damage completely bypasses all normal Shields and overshields some Shields can prevent this such as the Corpus Treasurer or the Shields and the Warframe hildren when she has overshield but mostly it's a total bypass even accounting for the damage reduction against Corpus robotic Health bypassing their Shields is still a net positive almost always against organic infested toxin has no bonus and is even weak to use against certain units but is an overall too debuffed as a general direct damage type toxin is reliable this reliability continues use into the toxin status effect it has no special on his effects or strange additional features instead simply enough toxin status will deal toxin damage over time to the Target enemy boosted by toxin mods that's all it does damage over time and again bypassing Shield because it is Toxin heat and slash are superior for armored enemies and electric will get more work done in clusters of unarmored enemies leaving toxin as just reliable individual takedown with the basic elements out of the way we come on to the biggest group the combination elements each combination element is composed of two basic elements despite this none of the effects or modifiers of the basic element carry over the combination element is its own unique thing a select number of weapons have innate combination element damage where that happens you can apply a basic element to the weapon to go alongside the combination element even if that basic element is one of the two components of the combination element itself however if you are adding combination element to a web open by using two basic elements all sources of the basic elements on that hit will be rolled into the combination element including modded bonuses innate types and bonuses from Warframe abilities for a more detailed look into how elements combine I'll link the full guide to exactly that in the video description let's start with blast the combination element formed from heat and cold blast is strong against only grineer Machinery which is a common and fossilized infested used only by a handful infinvested with many of them armored it's also weak against ferrite armor which is common and against infested sinuama as a damage type blast is overall lackluster its status effect is somehow much worse blast can be applied for a maximum of 10 Stacks applying an inaccuracy effect to the enemy this reduces their accuracy by 30 on the first effect and a further five percent per additional effect up to 75 in accuracy considering every other damage type you could be doing including burning the enemies destroying the Rama slowing them increasing damage against them or outright killing them it's hard to justify taking the time to reduce the target's accuracy for six seconds moving on then we can combine heat and toxin to get gas gas damage is mainly an infestation cleanser having a significant bonus against most infested Health while having a debuff against all biological Corpus and grineer given that most invested units are something of a pushover without armor this isn't much of a win the gas status effect is then a curious one similar to electric and despite having no electric in it gas status creates an AOE cloud of damage centered on the target this will damage all nearby enemies in a radius starting at 3 meters rising to about 6 meters with additional status effects up to 10. this 10 status limit is where the problems begin no other damaging status effect has such a limit but gas will cap out the 11th effects applied will remove the first one if your 11th hitter is weaker than the first such as replacing a crit with a non-crit this actually means your damage goes down even if that doesn't happen you cannot scale Beyond 10 effects per Target and the Damage scaling for gas effects does not take into account your weapon bonuses to heat or toxin in making gas you give up heat arm reduction duration inheritance and panic effect you give up toxin Shield bypass effect and you give up both heat and toxins respective mod bonuses to your damage all in exchange for a soft capped cloud of gas as a result gas is most useful as a status effect when grouping up enemies without armor and then only on a stronger weapon applying a medium amount of status blocks rapid fire effects will just be a waste and too few effects will have lower range all while being weak against the stronger two main factions the third way to combine heat is with electric forming radiation radiation is a damage type is very effective against alloy armor used by many hardier grineer and boss units from multiple factions giving it a strong place for use as a direct damage type it is however weak against many infested and should certainly not be used against the Infested on the cambian drift unless you intend to handicap yourself radiation status effect is a little more complicated on receiving a radiation status effect the target will become capable of Friendly Fire both player and NPC can suffer this what's more an irradiated player will be unable to help allies such as Reviving them while on a radiated NPC will become confused forgetting friend from foe and gaining a 100 damage bonus against their allies with additional Stacks this bonus increases by 50 to a Max of 550 extra damage against its allies with 10 Stacks once radiation expires All Is Forgiven among NPCs as they rejoin their brothers in fighting you no such forgiveness is guaranteed from fellow players if you backstab them unlike most status effects radiation has a base duration of 12 seconds rather than six amplifying the overall effect while enemies are pretty poor at shooting each other in terms of damage having enemies turn on one another can be a great defensive tool taking a threat away from you or your objective on the flip side this is a terrible thing if you're trying to be stealthy as a radiated enemies will absolutely cause Havoc that you can be caught in a crossfire even if undetected for balance purposes this status has a reduced effect against many enemies most boss or boss-like enemies including enemies with Overgaard will not be tricked so easily bosses and overguarded enemies affected by radiation will still be considered friendly by their allies and will not shoot their allies however they will open fire on unprotected allies affected by radiation the boss enemies the radiation effect on them will instead increase the damage they receive from confused allies rather than increase the damage they would deal to allies the next combination element is magnetic form from cold and Electric magnetic is the damage of choice for dealing with corporate Shields boasting a 75 bonus against all corpora Shields it otherwise lacks any other damage bonus and has a serious penalty against alloy armor the status effects of magnetic doubles down on this design the first effect on an enemy will increase all Damage Done to its Shields by 100 and a further 25 for each additional effect up to the max of 10 stacks for a 325 damage bonus this is a multiplier to all incoming damage including further hits of magnetic damage the downsides though should be obvious firstly there's the earlier damage type toxin which bypasses Shields entirely getting no bonus from magnetic secondly every enemy that doesn't have shields is functionally immune to the magnetic effect effect it's still really potent against highly shielded enemies especially those with enhanced Shields like the Corpus Treasurer but is otherwise Porter wield against players magnetic has an enhanced effect a player hit by magnetic will have their UI scrambled for the duration and will lose 20 NG per second from the effect anything that cleanses you of status effects will halt the energy drain and shield damage bonuses but the UI effect will still run its course similar to Magnetic we then have viral which is composed of toxin and cold viral damage has a bonus against biological grineer and biological Corpus Health while it has a debuff against the weakest infested and grineer Machinery viral is also one of the most commonly resisted types outside of the normal damage modifiers with a specially infested units in some locations being immune to either viral status effects viral damage or even both the viral status effect then is the health counterpart to Magnetic against Shields viral increases the Damage Done to Health by a hundred percent on the first effect and 25 more for each extra effect up to the cap of 10 stacks for a 325 damage bonus unlike magnetic viral is beneficial against all factions as everything has health and everything dies only when that health is reduced to zero one way or another the only real downside to viral is how much it locks you out of formed from cold and toxin this restricts your ability to use cold toxin magnetic blast gas or corrosive alongside the viral effect beat Electric radiation and physical types are perfectly usable alongside viral however so finally if the combined elements is corrosive made from Toxin and electric corrosive damage has a powerful bonus against both ferrite armor and fossilized Health making it a great damage type for a large number of hardier enemies it only has one weakness too against the shields of stronger Corpus units this downside is made worse by the difficulty in getting Toxin and corrosive on the same weapon but then that's why we can bring multiple weapons as for the status effect corrosive reduces the armor of the target the first effect will reduce the armor instantly by 26 percent and then a further six percent for each additional stack up to the max of 10 for an 80 arm reduction this is multiplicative with other arm reductions also uniquely corrosive status effects have a duration of 8 seconds rather than the usual six while it's mostly grineer that are armored there are some Corpus and infested armored units which can be debuffed by this effect too broadly then the combination elements are mixed with blast being terrible gas and magnetic very situational radiation somewhat situational but corrosive and viral are widely and strongly effective it eats Their Own Way the final few damage types are the more exotic ones which don't have a category themselves true damage mentioned earlier as the damage type used by slash status effects is more accurately referred to as typeless it has no positives nor negatives against anything with the exception of ignoring all armor but not other damage reduction effects it can be found in front back and stealth finishes slash stasis effects and some abilities like desiccation you don't mod for True damage it just happens when eligible void damage is a non-elemental damage type available from a very limited number of sources primarily the operator or Drifter amps it like true damage has no bonus against any health Shield or armor type but it does have a 50 damage bonus against Overgaard while nothing else does unlike true damage voyne has a status effect bullet attractor this doesn't show as his status effect on the status bar of a Target but it does create a transparent bubble around the enemy drawing in any weapons fire that would intersect with the bubble to hit the enemy think of it like a kind of aim assist then there is Tower damage a damage type exclusive to this sentient faction we know very little about this damage type how they came to develop it what it really represents all we know is that we can resist it and it has no discernible status effect lastly if damage types are the rail Jack damage types these use the same base types as the physical basic elements and combination elements but with different status effects in truth you can ignore the details of those types far more important in rail Jack is the type of weapon you're using and how quickly it kills enemies in general due to lack of weapon modding you can't readily select for ideal damage types leaving you free to skip that whole train of thought I'm doing you a favor here you don't need to think about it alright that wraps it up on damage and status effects in Warframe as they exist in 2023 I hope you found this video helpful and remember to subscribe to catch more as it goes live and as always land damage proc status and fire Wild tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 104,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, elements, damage types, status, combination, basic, physical, impact, puncture, slash, ips, cold, heat, electric, toxin, gas, radiation, blast, corrosive, viral, magnetic, void, tau, true, finisher, kengineer
Id: jo2ACSgAXH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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