How Ash Smoked Warframe

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before I start this video I want to quickly drag your attention towards a fellow Creator and friend of mine Shiro nature shirou as some of you may know is a creator for Warframe making memes and edits you've probably seen the infamous nightmare fade but recently with the April fools upload YouTube decided to be extra special that day and take down his video for quote harmful content what exactly was harmful about his April Fool's upload well apparently the Southern University Dancing clip which was an organized event after a upload YouTube then decided to strike the channel for once again harmful content which this time was the Roy party dancing clip because of the strike it's hindered his channel significantly and if anyone that's been on YouTube for at least a little bit will know how dangerous these strikes really are and their reasoning for taking his video down and suspending him for a week is absurd going as far as threatening him as support desk I know YouTube has his problems and I'm pretty much pigeoning a tomb at this point but it would mean a lot to us if he checked out his channel he's got a video discussing the details of the strike so i' commend showing some support I know my space on YouTube is a speck of dust but seeing my friends get screwed over like this is ridiculous and the least I can do is shout out and spread some awareness about the topic sorry for taking up some time here in the intro but I hope you understand thank you so much and have a great day [Music] the time has come I know you've all been feing for more videos so let's get right to it today take a look at how Ash smoked Warframe Ash before the release of Warframe used to be female at least in concept F Ash take that as you will I couldn't find more information about this since I don't have connections with de but this image is all we have reference so yeah Ash first released alongside Warframe being one of the eight original beta warframes Ash took up the archetype of ninja and ironically being the only hard focused Ninja the game has ninjas play free huh might as well slap Ash on that slogan during warframe's infancy the meow wasn't that form and new players are hopping into the game and trying things out just experimenting with this new concept of a game at the end of the day it was a generic third person shooter that had hack and/ elements intertwined but Ash did play some importance and fulfilling traditional roles most notably stealth oh sorry I meant Loki yeah this is going to be a recurring comparison Ash only had one competition and that was the other stealth frame the trickster Loki however despite their common trait of invisibility Ash was quite different to a frame since Warframe had traditional roles characters were commonly built and designed around these roles in mind Ash was offensive and Loki was not Ash's kit ability wise is the same as it was all those years ago first Power tossing a Shen out forcing serrated blade damage which was part of the old damage system that consisted of various damage types some being exclusive to certain archetype of weapons the serrated blade was an armor bypass which allowed Ash to deal with armored enemies very easily his second was a smoke screen that had a very low duration but would be used as a way to briefly stun melee attackers and evading enemy fire unfortunately the duration of this smoke screen was small and would be a very common comparison for years to come with Loki however the cloak Ash and Loki offered gave both of them a boost of melee attacks and charge attacks and indirectly increasing stealth attacks since in melee 1.0 stealth attacks were increased by extra charge damage this allowed Ash to Red crit on charg with stealth Ash third ability was teleport in the name teleport to an enemy getting close allowing Ash to strike them however teleport wouldn't activate finishers of any kind during this early era also to note when teleporting with an enemy Ash would perform a front flip which then neutered his power as it gave the enemy time to react and start hitting you and finally blazestorm Ash targets a hord of mobs striking them down in Rapid succession the key difference here was blazestorm automatically hit the battlefield and did not require marking but Ash also had no Shadow clones thus Ash had to literally strike down enemies one by one unfortunately Ash did suffer from a slew of quality issues from launch despite having pretty offensive powers and great tanking with good armor and HP his teleport wasn't that great especially comter you didn't want to waste your energy teleport into an enemy further when you can just slide roll there for free energy economy was also rough and there weren't much ways to enhance energy generation and sadly Ash wasn't immune during the blazestorm animation this meant if you blaz stormed into a group of enemies they could literally shoot you out of the blazestorm yeah I can't make this up BS on higher levels was literally a death sentence even more the ability lets you Traverse to where the final enemy died however if the final enemy of the storm died within a pack of enemies you were once again pretty much dead BL storm also suffered from some targeting issues as patches went on thankfully the updates came and fast patch 5.4.1 in the close beta adjusted energy economy of Ash's Powers it's unknown exactly what these changes are but safe to assume it's a positive one then comes 6.3.1 blazestorm was then fine tuned to Target enemies as the power card leveled up and teleporting Ash back to the origin point of the storm Zen in 6.3.2 Ash is now immune during the blaz storm which means enemies can't shoot him out of it and finally the cap of enemies have been buffed to 12 which is substantially better now the downside is shuriken didn't track enemies but instead was shot in a straight line though this would be fixed come open Beta as The Meta did solidify and rotate through the these super early patches a very common setup with Ash emerged run in gun or run in staff due to Ash's 1.0 Sprint and smoke screen a common style of play with Ash was hop in the Smoke screen and make a run for it cover as much distance as you can from point A to point B then reinis for short missions like raid Mobile Defense and exterminates this was a very common way of using Ash that just worked blaz Storm's damage while good was also very slow and log to in place of the animation because of this it hindered your momentum and control against enemies especially in a team but on the contrary to further solidify smok screen's Effectiveness it was extremely cheap and gave you melee bonuses more specifically a 50% increase in light attack and 100% for charge and since Ash also went to invis he gained stealth and the bonus to charge lets you red crit but strangely organ shatter only affected the stealth hit some phenomenal weapons like Zoran and Fragger appreciated these Buffs that smokescreen offered and once the Fang Prime released that was a behemoth of a melee under smoke bomb in fact melee Ash was so strong that it was a dominating play style for the ninja popping the smoke bomb and charge hitting enemies for extreme damage and even better if the weapon has serrated blade it would ignore armor entirely striking the health directly this was even more important on Boss runs where you can walk up to the boss invest and a single charge hit would obliterate them especially the j3000 where specific weapons dealt triple damage to them going through more patches of 2013 with the introduction of the Void Ash was a great Warframe for the void raid and exterminate missions being able to go inv against Tower three enemies was a huge boom and even more so when Ash was able to enhance melee damage and Strikes however the Run and Gun play style just got more popular as a result of more missions being added with Sentinel like shade being introduced the Synergy between Ash was excellent by using the cloak precept Ash could stay invisible while tossing shurikens out further increasing his stealth duration and damage on the flip side Ash did have use in defense missions but it didn't seem to be unique in much way cast blazestorm declar some enemies clean up mobs go invis Etc nothing crazy like magar frost just an offensive frame offering a mix of everything with the Advent of new updates like artifact rework this propelled Ash more as well modding became easier slap or mod that match to polarity and you can save about one to two formas this was really important because formas were extremely rare and Ash benefited tremendously from still charge giving him more melee bonus and Mod Space shuran then got a tuneup now having the star semi- track to enemies within range and once the mod leveled up you'll get two stars upon casting and the damage was tripled against the infested patch 9.3 B the damage of the storm as well as ironing out targeting issues with enemies in patch 10 this was great for the storm as now you can safely engage with grouped enemies in Endless missions and speed up the clearing process of fod enemies as beforehand even though the player could see the enemy from the camera Ash still wouldn't strike them only the ones he specifically targeted from his POV now the storm will perform a r cast from The warframe's Eye and the camera's View and position if the existing conditions are met from both fronts but while these changes were really good for ash improving his kit to be more functional The NeverEnding battle continue between him and Loki as the community spark numerous debates for who's the better frame based on invis which in hindsight makes no sense their powers and plays were completely different Loki's job is to use cc to its fullest to control and confuse enemies while Ash has elements of CC that complement his more damage tune kit including smoke screen which was often used to distract and stun enemies while providing melee amp unfortunately this discussion would continue for years to come until Loki was eventually creeped out of the game update 11 was tremendous for Warframe as it introduced damage 2.0 reworking and streamlining damage across all weapon archetypes removing the serrated blade damage type in place of new elements and physical damage one of the bigger issues of the early damage 1.0 according to many users at the time was the fact that weapons had very strict damage types this meant you couldn't deal damage to all enemies with a singular weapon some weapons have force field and electric while other guns only possess physics impact while this did allow players to spec into specialize loadouts you just couldn't bring any weapon to a faction or else your damage was going to be quite low with damage 2.0 the main goal was to alleviate this by implementing base damage with three main types impact puncture and slash de did an abisal job explaining this new Elemental System since users were so accustomed to the original damage having new Elemental combos was very confusing thankfully user AOS had clarified the entire system breaking it down bit by bit in a format that's simple to understand now what does this mean for ash well Ash now possesses slash damage slash during this early iteration was super effective against health and flesh and even though there was promise for other elements like puncture and impact these PED in comparison to slash which bypassed armor and did extra damage to flush Health enemies and furthermore slash had bleed bleed was the damage overtime effect offered if the slash status proced the effect what the bleed did was it reduce the enemy's health over time as well as blocking healing pairing this with the original viral which sickened the enemy cutting their HP in half thus viral slash as a damage combination was born being a super effective method for dealing sustained DPS however this would come to FR a bit later as during Dage 2.0 people were still figuring out ways to mod their gear on the flip side though now that cursor projection was altered stacking it four times in a Lobby meant enemies wouldn't spawn with armor at all which also heavily benefited slash let's make a detour before update 13.5 because that's a big one we'll get to but first let's go back to what we discussed about red hits and stealth so on a melee weapon if you're invis you gain a unique buffer we stated that it's a 50% boost to light attack and 100% to charge attacks melees had very limited actions and slight attacks would come to First and shortly after only two characters could reliably access these bonuses and that was Ash and Loki other warframes were car shet but that was inconsistent and in higher levels if Shay died you no longer had invis the community at the time wasn't 100% sure on how these red hits were working as there was a lot of speculation from the player base since de never really clarified these mechanics in game players had to usually resort to data mining information on how it works but as we've discussed in our void Key video around update 10.3 data mining became significantly harder due to encryption and access to the game game's files and knowledge were limited or restricted as a result players had to sort of Brute Force the way red his for being determined it's been speculated that when spoke bombed are invis your hits become yellow as a result of the new bonus and if a crit occurs during the buff for State the crit hit is red however for guns it's a bit of a different story synapse synapse and volt electric shield with a rank three crit mod giving you 100% crit but trying to surpass this crit chance didn't seem like it do anything now melees has stoed multipliers from enemies when they weren't alerted and for a good while this was Ed to bolster the damage of melees by an astronomical amount but it seemed the red hits occurred in general for weapons with high enough crit chance to crit on invis like summer Prime supposedly nothing outside of synaps was super conclusive and I'm honestly not sure how this CR calculation even worked it seemed like volt was doubling the crit hit and as a result the yellow went red but seeing claims of Asher Loki having red hits on high crit rifles with invis is kind of bizarre again I'm not certain on how this worked so if you remember the specifics then feel free to let us know down below but arriving at update 13.5 is when red Cris were revamped and clarified alongside the new Ash reor blaz storm had received a massive overhaul now giving Ash to new Shadow clones fighting alongside him during the storm because of this the player will clear out large groups of enemies even faster this new version of Ash was really good because it allowed Ash to effectively deal with large clums of enemies on defense and survival very quickly and it lets Ash cover good distance and interceptions targeting moms at the terminal who are trying to hack however this was soon turned into the infamous press for to win meta come Excalibur radial Javelin update and Mesa as being able to kill enemies in an instant in a wide area very quickly proved to be too effective and coincidentally Ash's forth ability reflected a very early iteration of this notion throughout most of 2014 Ash maintained his promise as a solid Warframe now having actual clearing speed with blaz storm and as a result newer setups emerged instead of using the classic run and stab Loadout now going with higher power strength and range to enhance blad storm although teleport was still pretty useless with the introduction of various and more events Ash played an all right role in the general metag game being good for just general missions furthermore during this time between 2013 and 2014 Mami was an upcoming Warframe Creator quickly solidifying himself in the community as he was the first to remote and publish highly edited videos and modding tutorials since a lot of people within the community had no idea on how to mod properly Mami was the first to Showcase how mods can function and what mods affect Powers as a result Mamu can be considered the grandfather of Warframe Bill tubing but more so for the topic of discussion Mamu was also an ashm featuring him on his channel which now has over 600,000 views on YouTube Mamu for a good while was the main reason Ash became so insanely popular as he was at the time the most subscribed Warframe Channel raking in just over 100k subscribers which for Warframe was huge come update 15 things were about to change Excalibur received the radio Javin update and the new syndicates launched the grind was extremely tedious for reputation as even though there wasn't a standing cap the reputation gains were abysmal with raiky and on average about 50 to 100 rep anything more and that would be considered good now skipping some details because I don't want to be here forever but eventually viver not on Aries was discovered to be a good luuka for rep XP since it was a zeni map it was familiar and small Excalibur mag and Trinity were used as the main frames for this Farm mainly because their powers could be spammed in Rapid succession Javelin pull and polarize had no line of sight checks all the team needed was an energy vampire which provided the team infinite energy which then allowed the two casters to span their powers more and more for more loot unfortunately Ash sered no purpose but the style of play is important to document the thing is force spam would soon become the meta and turn into the infamous press for to win era while line of sight was implemented then readjusted for fairness the concept of force spamming for Max kills had resonated with players now realizing you can get so much more kills and loot by doing so you can just Spam to your heart's content while Eevee was in the background with the release of Mesa this couldn't have been more true as in pretty much any defense or interception Mission meso is set at top a crate and hit peacemakers targeting anything that St within vicinity of her now granted mag was the early iteration of power spamming back in 2013 however due to M being a lot rare back then a lot of players didn't have access to Max Str setups now that things were getting power the combo became more potent as more frames were capable of doing set Power spamming with Ash though this was a bit different since blaz storm despite getting a revamp for shadow clones was still pretty slow the difference though was its range was still massive and had no line of sight restrictions Ash narrowly evaded the losos Nerfs all because it wasn't as popular as P Javelin and peacemakers thus Ash was creeping in the shadows for the time being though eventually this will become a point of major criticism within the community and the devs did take notice for a future patch on some side notes smoke Shadow launched with 15 and sadly the duration for Ally invis was really short only being used on occasion like hiding rescue targets and such duration sources were quite limited with the most duration a player can get being just over 200 since Prime continuity wasn't a thing until late December with the introduction of barer but even then the range was pretty short then seeking shuriken released which was an allright mod offering armor reductions which can be useful for heavy units but this mod would come through FR and years later with Niche setups using gas and viral against grineer however Rising storm is where discussions of blaz storm started to emerge a user on the forums named cant had brought up the topic about Rising storm this augment is quite interesting as it has a couple of perks cyant discovered the combo counter during Melee 2.0 had offered a damage multiplier per combo bracket size first test was fig figuring out if Rising storm worked if Ash didn't use a melee weapon and surprisingly Rising storm does increase combo counter whether a melee is equipped or not second was to figure out the duration of the combo and to our surprise Sai found out that Rising storm does increase the combo duration this is insanely important as before the Advent of body count all combo counter was locked to 3 seconds of duration Ash was the very first Warframe to bypass this limit by building for power duration Rising would offer 6 Plus seconds of combo timer the third test was a fix figure out if blaz storm was amped by stealth multi or not spoiler alert it doesn't but the conclusion is very interesting since Rising storm amps melee combo counter this meant the consecutive blaz storm would have increased damage since Ash always hites enemies during the storm it meant the combo would always be sustained in the animation which is then preempt for the next cast not only that since Rising storm would increase combo this meant you could run a lower strength storm build and rely on the damage increase of the combo for the next storm cast which saves you tremendous energy and Mod Space the te ldr is this mod was broken Rising storm had became Ash's biggest sleeper yet allowing for insane melee flexibility in an era where melee flexibility wasn't even a thing the downside though was that almost no one cared to dig deep into Rising storm as the normal cut scene Ash was still the most dominant way of killing and playing come 2015 it was time for ash to shine first was the rework to stealth and Affinity update patch 15.13 joining our updated spy 2.0 are some exciting improvements to steal combat players will now find that sneaking around each mission may come with some excellent rewards these alterations of Stealth gameplay will continue to evolve based on player feedback but for now stealth enthusiasts can sync their teeth into the following changes stealth streaks are here stealth kills can now receive Affinity multipliers if done in succession players will have up to 30 seconds from one stal kill to the next to increase their Affinity multiplier which now goes up to five times for melee and two times for range finisher damage will now increase based on weapon Rank and enemy level finisher damage for stealth cap to 8X damage with Max rank melee weapon this was tremendous for ash but it was only half of the full buff as come July of that year teleport Ash would engage a Full Throttle second Ash Prime leaks have emerged now being the next prime Warframe alongside him the infamous carrier has finally gotten a prime making him officially at the time the best Sentinel and companion in all of Warframe and we get our very first sniper Prime vectus sadly this was before the sniper reworks so it wasn't as good until later on ash Prime was very hype as his fan favorite was finally getting some love finally going to get some much needed updates the shuriken and teleport as these Powers were starting to show their age blazor was pretty much carrying Ash at this point in time well that didn't happen but we did get the classic wheelchair Ash since Ash Prime's leaked photos was his upper half icon and it looked like he was sitting in a wheelchair 2015 humor take it or leave it but now with the Advent of Ash Prime this was huge giving him extra energy reserves and more polarities which can make modding Ash really comfortable oh my God bro oh hell no man what the ash Prime out the gate was probably the hardest Warframe to farm for because his components were locked to defense rotation C and survival rotation c as a result players had to spend an enormous amount of time in the void just trying for a chance at the component his blueprint and systems were extremely rare and his price on trade CH wasn't looking too cool either I remember the countless hours trying at it in T2 survival only to continuously get former drops or other weapon parts like bolor and Rhino the grind was definitely real however the popularity of Ash only grew grew so much that by 2016 Ash was voted as the number one frame on mami's channel and it makes perfect sense as for why that's the case Ash is a Warframe that fulfills a common archetype in gaming and pop culture the ninja ninjas are extremely cool and fun it's as simple as that Ash is a ninja Warframe he's got a Sleek design powers that are attractive at first glance and cool enough for new players to try him then there's blazestorm which is just an animation treat teleporting from enemy to enemy performing flips kicks and jumps a shadow in the night the Grim assassin when broken down like this it's easy to see why ashar attraction and even though a lot of aspects of his kit was starting to age all that carried him was his powers at least matching a steam by now Lester used Powers such as ones twos and threes that never got updated failed to see much real use and most of the roster consisted of frames having one or two good abilities so the bar for relevancy and power wasn't as high High people didn't care about the frame having synergies there were no passives having multiple meh abilities was fine as the strong Powers more than made up for it we also had very strong weapons like the soo gamore and tonor very powerful weapons that dominated the game before their nerve so even if your Warframe was just average having very powerful guns made up for it while Ash Prime launched that same year we also got cover lethality and here's where things start to take a very interesting turn for ash while C Ash was very much a popular style of play for ash was starting to become a bit more one note with this kit as shuriken wasn't that powerful anymore and teleport was pretty much useless until covert lethality unlike lowkey Ash is able to force a finisher by teleporting this opens up enemies to melee finisher kills even if they're alerted because of this every time Ash TS to an enemy he can make use of cover lethality cover was by far the best mod in the game there was nothing that would come close to it because the mod lets you literally one-hot anything anything as long as you can perform a finisher thus tele Ash bills before the introduction of fatal teleport was born and the timing was perfect as around this time stealth farming was starting to surface on YouTube using lowkey and sometimes Ash for S exterminate farming Stealth at the time was also extremely broken as it used to be a separate multiplier that could double dip on dots so you can see how broken this could be and furthermore gas would triple dip on stealth for a new 512x multiplier but there is one more thing covert did full death blazestorm that's right since covertly gave you a one shot upon finisher this allowed blazestorm to deal one shots on anything it hit since blazestorm is actually affected by mods melee mods this Tech was super ancient and hidden as the community didn't realize blazor could be affected by certain mods and very few endgame players took advantage of this while the rest of the player base used teleport lethality which was still extremely effective but the fact that Ash could onot enemies within a 40 m Plus radius was mental and even more so by the end of 2016 a lot of spam characters have been Revisited and updated sarin Excalibur mag and Mesa have all been changed nerfed or altered to stray away from the press for to win era Ash was the last of his kind and lethal Death Storm was the final song to be sung in defense and survival but it gets even better as with the introduction of lore from update 16 this patch gave us raids which also gave us arcanes one Arcane worked amazingly with Ash Arcane trickery since Ash can force trickery with teleport and blaz storm this meant not not only did Ash extend his effective invisibility timer but now one shot enemies while doing so the downside though was that Ash required a very expensive Arcane at the time and at this point a lot of players within the community have dismissed a majority of Ash's Powers BL arm was still very powerful and the typo was a great combination for speeding up the storm it was the preferred play style due to its ease Effectiveness and style Factor the spa mechanics of exterminates were also different and this early rendition of stealth farming required a teammate one to stack up the stealth Affinity then another as the EXP Lee once the killer stacked up every kill would yield 500% XP thus allowing players to help their friends level up in a matter of minutes far quicker than Draco series with the introduction of Parkour 2.0 both Loki and Ash were indirectly buffed having infinite stamina with increased momentum and bullet jumping however Ash's farm would change because his components prior to this update dropped at the old teal regor which yeah that was quite the glow up huh since Equinox now drops her components at regar on Uranus Ash was moved to the new manic enemies who can be found on various Greener survivals the best way to form these was on ailia unfortunately the grind was a lot more tedious than just running the regular boss and while today it would seem like an easy Farm back then the spawns for manics were a bit scuffed though thankfully a good way to ensure players could form Ash components easily was through law of Retribution since various encounters spawn the manic enemies just before 2016 with the second dream releasing both Loki and Ash sword in use as stealth farming became meta more so to form the ludicrous amounts of focus points from Focus 1.0 while DPS on Draco series was good stal farming was way faster since you needed millions of points to unlock trees in space in patch 18.1 the exterminate farming was Nerf quite a bit now enemies are semi alerted when one of their allies dies within vicinity thus breaking the stealth chain and unfortunately enemies stopped spawning in massive groups while this didn't completely Nerf stealth it was something to knowe as the Farms now required a bit of pathing from the player Ivar and Equinox were more safer options now because you can put the entire room to sleep whereas Ash and Loki couldn't do that but on the bright side in Ash's case he can finally catch a break from the invisibility allegations as our homeboy can now run naramon shadow naron shadow or Shadow step was a passive ability from the naramon tree that allowed the user to go invisible upon Landing in melee critical hit do note you have to first activate the focus power but after that for the entire Mission you would be permanently invisible from the enemy this was tremendous and once players discovered how good nmon was the new meta was in full effect stealth melee spam because of the invisibility melee hits gain stealth and with double dip on slash but triple on gas here this with covert lethality and yeah you were hitting gamebreaking damage and to put the cherry on top patch 18.11 introduced fail teleport oh that's right we should probably talk about this for a bit instead all right so if you're an active viewer of the channel you pretty much know what I'm going to say body count and blood rush with these new acolyte mods melees for the very first time can hit righted hits Ash's unique stealth buffer was removed in place of a more Universal stealth bonus for melee hits a while ago but now with the introduction of red Chris for melees these hits can be enhanced through stealth obviously the hits were bugged but for a long while with maming Striker or blood rush having red crate hits and stealth was disgustingly powerful and since Ash had some flexibility with how he can invis he enjoyed the fruits of this new meta Ash was really coming into his own not only becoming the most popular frame of last year but now having so much build diversity and almost all of his powers being genuinely good for gameplay blaz storm L targeted the entire room and was a way for ash to deal with large groups of enemies and can still do so even at level 100 smok screen can be chained with other invis sources like naramon and trickery extending his effective timers and now teleport allowing Ash to strike enemies with extreme burst DPS for free cing Arcane energies indirectly bombards Behemoth juggernauts heavy gunners and eximus they didn't stand a chance against Ash and as the levels climbed Ash face no challenge whatsoever in an era of exponential enemy scaling and drastically higher ehp Ash was cooking real good come update 18.13 massive Nerfs across the board to many meta Staples occurred while this is unfortunate for other frames Ash for the time being still narrowly evaded any changes to blazestorm but instead now buffing blazestorm by 25% Ash's new passive bleed procs dealt by Ash are 25% stronger and last 50% longer this passive was excellent for Ash and probably at the time one of the best passives in the game and would also synergize amazingly with Telos Boles The Syndicate weapons Locker release launching the melees as the final phase of synda weapons out the gate secure Electa obliterated existing credit Farms the sideon was a solid blinding pole arm which could engage steal gas but most importantly tellos Bolas abusing maming strike to full effect for the time being this was arguably the most powerful weapon in the entire game however there is one more melee that was released and a favorite toy for ash to use raka dark dagger the rack to dark dagger was a peanut butter to Ash's bread this dagger was immensely powerful under cover since cover allowed instant one shot it means you can activate the melee exclusive fror effect much easier which is transferring a portion of radiation from the enemy to your Shields not only that when equipping the melee enemy's range detection is reduced by 33% which is perfect for invis frames the most important upgrade though was the attack speed since attack speed and attack speed mods enhance the blaz storm's killing tally but on the topic of blazestorm once again during this time it was still Ash's most popular style of Play Because blazestorm was the final fourth ability that was an instant nuke to win it was slower than radial jelvin for sure but all of these other powers have been altered and changed Ash's blaz storm at the highest levels at the time was the final power to maintain his nuking capabilities without any restrictions or checks but at the cost of player engagement while the entire joke of custy asash was that Ash players didn't need to play the game to win it was a sentiment de wasn't super fond of an easy solution to this would be to integrate the rest of Ash's Powers with blazestorm as at the time Synergy was a Hot Topic from the mag rework trying to pull things together to make the kit feel FL instead of onedimensional with four separate abilities unfortunately though 19.1 Ash Revisited was more of a Nerf than anything shuriken receive no changes smoke screen can now be used in the air teleport has been widened and allows Ash to TP to more items and things such as spy cameras and blaz storm now has a new Mark system Ash now has to enter four to Mark enemies up to three times then recasting the power lets him strike enemies enemies bodies are also vanished however this isn't noteworthy because nearby enemies will still be alerted after blazestorm the new Synergy was that if Ash smok screen before activating blazestorm he will get energy refunded After the Storm however if you just kill the marked enemies while invis normally you still get refunded on the bright side blazestorm is generally faster to use now since all you have to do is sway your camera left and right really fast to Mark enemies and hit for this way you cover more enemies than the previous iteration of the power unfortunately the marks had issues of dissipating altogether as it seemed like the marks might have their own duration but furthermore the bleed damage of blazestorm was drastically reduced now dealing a quarter of the damage it used to this is more apparent in high level enemies and even more so the engagement Factor wasn't really solved since again swirling the camera like a spaz was the best way to use blaz storm and that was kind of it sadly this rework was so unfortunate that Ash's General popularity plummeted because now blaz storm requires players to enter a two-step process for DPS and was generally more energy intensive if you weren't invis as more DPS options were propping up blaz Storm's killing tally wasn't as effective or so it seemed this is even more true when you realize these Zoro had been released in war within solidifying itself as a meta staple with insanely strong AOE damage as we discussed before blaz storm was all Ash really had and while fatal teleport was good it was substantially slower than blazestorm however now that the storm was nerfed fatal teleport bills became one of the only styles of play for ash or kind of you see from this point in time Ash had sparked an interesting within the community while blazestorm was a Nerf and trying to prevent automated gameplay It ultimately brought Ash into a new found perspective the endurance meta game Ash was the go-to Warframe for endgame survivals since his bills are pretty flexible and diverse Rising storm for sustained combo counter which increased your melee DPS seeking shuriken for slice and dice bills against heavy bomb bars and xmus which let you run a flex off for using gas or viral then fatal teleport which was still one-shotting anything and since you can Mark enemies killing marked enemies with fatal teleport gave you a surplus of energy and not only that with the cobt Death Storm Tech I mentioned prior still works with this iteration of blaz storm so if you ran or racked a dark dagger with blazestorm you can still one shot everything so granted this time around it was substantially more expensive life of Rio was a popular YouTuber at the time who specialized in endurance survivals and Ash was his main Warframe as highlighted various Feats in Solo Survival this put Ash on the radar for the endurance metag game and I solidifi the Warframe as a top tier Contender but again the problem people seemed to have with blazestorm was the fact that it became slow while not being engaging however what players fail to realize is that OG blazestorm was problematic I'm going to be straight up with you having very small to zero checks on losos for a power that let you one- shot enemies in a massive radius through walls was not balanced it was very unhealthy sure it did look cool but the game was being played for you you can make fun of revenant or Mesa all you want but you need to understand that these frames still require active input Ash on the other hand lets you hit four and Tab out of the screen That's not healthy but to be fair the rework could have been a lot better introducing actual synergies instead of waiting several years later to do so but the Nerf is warranted 2017 was massive first was Octavia she pretty much stee rolled the endurance game since her mandor let her go invisible with a relatively High timer but also being able to refr the timer using Crouch band not only that Octavia offered plenty of Buffs to herself and the team extra multi-shot more damage and Sprint plus her Mallet had really good damage scaling that could carry her into endurance Octavia was a massive cheese but her Stell capabilities work perfectly with how offensive kit was Ash on the other hand was in his own ballpark entirely with more bills and plays emerging for the endurance metag game but with the fix to stealth gas and slash this was a major blow to Ash since a lot of his damage came from both stealth and cover lethality now it's mainly cover lethality Ash also dwindled in steal forms especially for Affinity as players have been discovering other nose to try and form affinity after the rework to starm which subsequently changed Draco series from the interception know to survival aod Aries and biria propped up as these locations were extremely popular but eventually hydron would emerge before the Advent of onslaught so Ash indirectly didn't see any specific use case on this front even more the next stealth exterminate Farm was now adaro Seda and while this note was excellent Ash took little part in this then War within prior naramon was changed and nerfed so now you can no longer go invis forever with the release of ples Ash had no real purpose only very briefly was Ash mentioned as with the release of Exodia contagion with the very first plar event using a zakana was a great format with Ash though mostly for the a Aesthetics but also provided great radius damage on the bright side with the release of ghouls just after Hunter Munitions took over the game and a very popular setup emerged viral Munitions land a crit with a viral proc and your slash dos would go Haywire Ash appreciated this because bleed passive not much else to say though the endgame Bill thrived using viral slash 2018 gave Ash some small changes that are important 22.12 Ash can now summon Shadow clones to perform the blaz storm allowing Ash to freely move around and perform any action the player wants the blazestorm marks are also cheaper so this means you can fully Mark enemies without draining all of your energy this change was really good because now it finally lets Ash do whatever he wants without being forced into a cut scene now you might be wondering what about the immunity frames he gains during the storm well Ash can now teleport into the stor to re-trigger cut scene Ash this just gives ash a lot more flexibility and for the endurance Community this was a fantastic addition but in general use it wasn't a huge Jailbreaker even if the power was cheaper and worth using now more DPS options are coming through and with sarin 3.0 she took over as a very potent DPS character sarin was also easier to use and didn't feel clunky thanks to her spores her damage was always spreading and granted she was fun to use for a lot of players at the time and still is the biggest dealbreaker for Ash is that after each major update another new shiny and fun Warframe comes out the gate while older warframes get revamps and tuneups to feel better while Ash was capable the fact of the matter was that his kit wasn't fun for a lot of players due to how clunky blazestorm was in comparison to at the time much better powers like main which was a more autonomous nuking skill that had a better arbitrary condition the mark system was something more casual and newbies weren't fond of and the sentiment would only continue as the years progressed so with 2019 melees were finally getting an update the big melee melee rework changing melees from slce spamming to full-on melee fluidity with active engagement and dynamic melee input de's goal was to ensure melee wasn't this one button spamming gameplay system although that's kind of what melee is now so uh you tell me how effective the rework was back then when range pole arms and whips were dominating the game because of their really high range and no falloff other melees like dual swords or single swords kind of fell off the top melees were pretty much heavy Blaze with the old Tempo Royale whole arms and whips for sliding and gum blades for extra DPS with melee 3.0 or rather 2.5 the goal was to rebalance the entire melee system and bring things in line this meant changing core mechanics and features of melees as well as introducing new mechanics the first of these changes was the Beast of sanctuary which was the stepping stones for fixing the meme strike era melee hits will no longer bypass obstacles and objects second update 24 Berry depths melee Phase 1 flow changes essentially this phas of melee 3.0 ensure players can now freely swap between melee and gun immediately instead of having to hold the F ke since before this point in time for several years if you want to go fully into melee mode you had to hold F otherwise tapping the E key with gun equipped your player would quickly melee but then holster the melee again this caused some friction if you want to weave your gunshots between melee hits although because of how powerful melee metal was you weren't really doing this just hold F and mash e gr slam's got a revamp as well as having improved targeting and fluidity as well as new melee effects across the board the key binds have also been altered because of the update blocking is no longer bound and it's automatic when facing enemies who deal damage to you in melee mode en channeling is now a toggle to all fire in melee mode instead of having to click and hold f is also no longer set to change melee if held instead the F key swaps between primary and secondary furthermore right Mouse is always aim and left to shoot so no need to switch back to weapons manually from melee mode as it's automatic unfortunately while these changes seem promising melee aim Glide is now gone and there were tons of issues with controller users most notably if a controller user tried to channel it completely broke everything if you also tried to hold down the right click to start a click combo you would swap to your gun so it felt a bit awkward trying to combo at all the auto blocks were just far too inconsistent and a lot of players reported the issues of this flawed rework oh yeah if you also equipped a melee only you still couldn't manually block that's pretty stupid slam attacks now have ragd doll which made it really annoying to strike enemies this just made phase one feel more sour than it need to be H fix 2 then addressed some of these issues but for the time being controller users were screwed when trying to use melee as for ash nothing substantial even though he was a Melee character Ash could still use fatal teleport and perform finishers as well as the usual melee Madness with toxin slash and range with the focus of open worlds being pretty much over for now the Advent of Jian Concord seemed like ash would come to froan and finally take a real place in the general metag game once more correct well not really you see there are a multitude of factors which led to other frames of setups being used more often than Ash despite him having seeking shuriken nowadays the most popular style of play with Ash is grabbing a high DPS weapon and using seeking shuriken on demolishers while this is extremely effective today back then viral wasn't changed or altered and he was completely trash being one of the worst elements of the game as a result of he being so abysmal of a damage type Ember was also one of the worst warframes back in the day eat inherent wasn't a thing an enemy levels and armor scale multiplicatively tldr enemies were Mega beefy in comparison today Jovian only launched the Jupiter disruption which had Corpus demos but these new enemies didn't have armor only Shields and health so shuriken was completely useless now you might say what about smoke Shadow yeah what about it I don't see a Chris chance buff here that came in 2022 toxin was super powerful and so was melee before the changes to melee with Melee 2.0 then 2.5 then 2.9 melees were still the dominating force in the game and for endurance it was still the most used for dealing damage even after the fix to stealth dipping melees like Play Creep at the northst prime were very strong but also gun blades were extremely effective a very common DPS tool used to deal with demos most notably the Redeemer Prime with gas during Elementals 2.0 unfortunately Ash wasn't used that often because his time to kill was way over 5 seconds in disruption by the time the Kua bra released later that year in old blood that weapon alongside B was really good for armor reduction in disruption but again Ash's use pretty much non-existent in disruption for now but then melee face two released in update 26 which changed the melee meta forever so melee and Ash are very related even though Ash seems like a Caster based Warframe he very much specialized into melee gameplay using his powers bleed passive and invas to enhance and amplify melee output he's got a few play Styles oriented around melee so when melee 3.0 arrived yeah Ash had some problems with it but right before that Ash did get some tweaks Rising storm was buffed in 25.6 the shadow Clum will now raise a combo counter so this made Rising storm actually functional with blazestorm 3.0 and smoke Shadow did get a small buff phase two focus on technique well considering how flow was received and maybe de learning from their mistakes this one shouldn't be so bad right kind of but not really the tldr is majority of melee weapons were nerfed except silver A's Prime Phase 2 did bring back equip melee and manual blocking but also introduces Dodge cancelling and tactical dodging basically you can cancel the melee attack by Rolling something that should have been implemented in phase one but whatever I guess but more importantly the fundamental updates unfortunately most of these are Nerfs many popular stances like Temple Royale were nerfed combo also got a Nerf instead of providing a bonus to damage the counter is now used as a meter for heavy attack hits this replaces channeling and other related mods have have been altered to heavy strike condition instead blood rush has also been altered because of this change instead of getting your red hits immediately at 2x you now have to build it up to 12x for maximum crit boost instead the catch if you heavy attack once all that build combo was gone maming strike had also been nerfed now providing an additive buff like true steel channeling was then removed and mods such as life strike Now function Off heavy but because you lose combo on heavy this mod would destroy your combo and also the time to heal on heavy was substantially slower than a channel strike the new lifted status was here to finally replace janked ragd dolls of phase 1 but unfortunately the lifted radius was Tiny in comparison to the Speculator ranges from beforehand condition overload now uses a stacking multiplier based on how many status effects are on the Target coming in at 120% damage per status cover lethality was straight up killed no longer providing the one shot on finisher this was a devastating Nerf to fatal teleport and finally range and follow through range was the biggest outlier for melees having pole arms and whips hit the entire room upon spin attacking now range is a fixed boost for all melees this meant shorter range melees could make use of prime range since it was a flat meter increase however longer range melees were devastated from the Nerf as their effective range Boost from Prime reach was significantly lower this meant weapons like adarx scolia orthos Prime and zenistar have their range gutted by a huge margin and with follow through being introduced this me your effective strike range was hindered there were a bunch of other additions and changes but for the topic of discussion these were the hardest Nerfs now granted the Spin Attack Nerfs were warranted as at the time spin towin was so femly strong that it was ruining the game for a lot of players and his play style went from a cool tactic to gain some distance and damage to becoming the only thing used to deal with new content to be frank maming strike got annoying even if the Nerfs were unfortunate but the changes to range stances and combo was the nuke the only melee to really survive melee Phase 2 was Silva and A's Prime but we can discuss this for another day as for Ash the damage Boost from comb wasn't as high as it was before heavy attacks on paper seem great but outside of gun blades they weren't used that often until way later on while not metap for disruption yet Hammer finisher bills were still thriving using weapons like Jack attack or Fragger Prime for instant kills under teleport yes cover did get a nasty nerve but it was seen Uprising with failed teleport in the future Scarlet spear nothing update 27.2 is where things start to get really interesting while the event was going on and being a completely buggy mess for several weeks the damage system was refined once more with the update to status and damage as well as enemy scaling going into the endurance metag game has never been easier than before thanks to the new scurve and overall reduction of enemies ehp and armor now with the Advent of a shield gate all squishy warframes didn't care as much about damage reduction eventually Shield gate spam arose with a decaying key for invincibility and a lot of bills and YouTubers start to advocate for the style of play on a similar coin viral with heat emerg as the general go-to for damage a few reasons for this a viral now increases the Damage Done to Health by 325 heat is able to reduce the enemy's armor and deal damage to HP not only that corrosive itself was nerfed now no longer fully reducing the enemy's armor if enough procs are applied and corosal projection have received a Nerf for its percent this meant for stacking didn't reduce the enemy's armor completely instead corrosive would live in harmony with viral heat as a more natural Contender instead of just being the best option slash itself has also received some changes but it nerfed the shield AS Slash won't bypass the shield enemies however this change does go both ways as players now don't have to worry about a slash tick instantly killing them and finally gas it got nerfed yes yes you can use gas electric but it's nowhere near as powerful as the gas from Elemental 2.0 arcanes also got a revamp now having rank five versions but at the cost of no longer being able to double stack it this meant you couldn't stack two trickeries but the solo Arcane was just better since it was 1.5 times more effective than a single rank three so for the very first time Arcane trickery could be used with another Arcane such as Fury or strike since the R5 trickery was more than enough for consistent invid for ash his blaz storm can still activate the Arcane so this was more of a boon than anything on the topic of heat since firewall was super affected with it you'd assume heat in hair would take off but dystopia actually didn't reveal the mechanic publicly during this time and would only do so later on so people still didn't know how to heat inherit and were still running more at the time normalized build remember back when I said toxin was super powerful even before the melee changes well with the the Advent of damage 3 toxin was still one of the most popular setups for building blood rush was still 60% and you can still stack Berserker with prime Fury so for a lot of melees even after Phase 2 the bills didn't change but when it comes to Ash now is where things start to get interesting because with the introduction of new elements seeking sh and lados against disruptors finally emerged now being able to use the new viral heat combo alongside the armor reduction against grineer demos Ash also had smok screen and teleport both good utility options and for years to come Ash would become the face of disruption farming and various level caps and Wreckers were smashed using Ash damos is where ash finally catches a break and has a field day with helmet most notably Marked for Death but let's cover some other popular Powers Ash can make use of first with helmet Ash can finally get to pump his damage to the next level using Rhino Roar gives Ash a consistent Bane buffer and this positively amps his bleed ticks since Ash's bleed is 25% more powerful and now being doubled under Roar silence was also tremendous as the augment Savage silence lets Ash deal tremendous finisher damage from Fatal teleport and blaz storm even though the power to many might feel sluggish with the mark system being able to deal 300% extra finisher on your ultimate that was a pretty good deal to take not only that fatal teleport plus Banshee silence lets you once again hit for extreme burst DPS just like OG covert lethality and of course other options like nourish which offer toxin this went hand inand with existing bleed most importantly however is Mark for death Mark for death was arguably at the time the best best helmet ability in the game and Ash was eating really good this was the big Buffet he's been yearning for since cover 1.0 Mark for death allows the user to mark an enemy and turns all Damage Done to the enemy into an AOE this radius scales off range and strength of the Warframe Ash loves to build for range and strength if you apply status effect onto the mark it will spread as well the best way to Max this ability was to use finisher damage and damage mods since finisher damage at the time was and still is very very strong and also bypasses armor the damage mods were also applying twice to this power which made it even more absurd and with no damage cap fatal teleport was going wild here I'm talking room nukes enemies instantaneously dying upon Landing a finisher and to put the cherry on top Ash could even replace smoke screen in place a mark because apparently the AOE could proc Arcane trickery yep each enemy hit by the AOE could proc trickery how does this even happen anyways you could tell this power was simply absurd so de nerfed it and people were very upset because all they needed to do was fix damage mods applying twice instead they just nuked it because this was unintentional de's reasoning for people using m4d was to prioritize heavy units for maximum damage instead of just F enemies but if the intent was to put a focus on heavy enemies why release the power in this iteration instead I don't get it as a result a lot of players took to the forums and YouTube to express the negative sentiment about Mark for death nerve when all they could have done was simply fix the maziply twice oh and Arcane trickery because it still worked for some forsaken reason thankfully near the end of September Mark was altered and rebalanced base damage starts at 75% and scales to 150% this makes marked actually usable not overpowered but usable and pairing it with a mecha set this means you can still output very good damage unfortunately the use case for marked will remain limited as not every frame can just open the power and use it so Garuda and Ash and well mostly Ash Red in the goodies once more skipping steel path 1.0 because Ash did not play a part in the original Essence Farms come steel path Revisited Ash became much more substantial because now Essence farming wasn't orientated around sitting in a corner with Kora for hours on end now you can play the game normally Ash of course skyrocketed in used for disruption steel path as the game mode was becoming very popular with the endurance Community for how fast it scaled dystopia and others took to YouTube highlighting various Feats in the end game and Ash was a very common frame for disruption thanks to seeking shuriken and other great weapons for DPS alongside heat and hered using very good primers like Kua nukor since Ash offered shuriken in the helmet other frames did see use as well but you might be wondering why use shuriken over other strips well it was cheap and fast and before the armor reduction changes being additive seeking shuriken was pretty much the best for single Target reduction there were a bunch of bills and showcases for seeking shurik and Ash through late 2020 and 2021 we'd be here forever if I'd list them all but I'll leave Links of various highlights that I think are interesting enough [Music] then come call of Tempest stari the epit was another very popular primer and while its single Target DPS capabilities were astronomical Ash appreciated both spectrums of this Powerhouse since Hemorrhage was introduced prior Ash could amp the B of epit as it forc impact procs paired this with Rhino Roar the damage was going to be Unholy update 29.5 was another tremendous spon for ash now finally fixing a long-standing problem with blaz storm insta marks Ash now applies max number of marks instead of needing to SWR the camera back and forth energy is consumed once per Target instead of the mark which saves a bunch of energy allowing Ash to now Mark more enemies in Rapid succession this change was excellent as now it alleviates a lot of unnecessary management and issues of blaz storm being able to mark enemies once for three strikes seems a lot more reasonable for the cost though unfortunately blazor would never see mainstream use again as by this point in time power creep was getting so far out that unless blazestorm receives any massive changes it will remain in the shadows while seeking shurik can took mantle despite it being a very potent power the player base didn't want to give it a chance especially now with sisters of paros buffing kuasar and introducing to N plasmor tldr More power creep slower power suffering due to a lack of attention and relevancy while Ash was building quite the momentum over the past few Updates this time it took a sour turn for no real reason update 2910 Ash has been moved to railjack rewards Corpus railjack defense rewards why quote we did this to connect railjack to some more core Warframe rewards and make their acquisition more straightforward do you think this is straightforward for a new player the reason Ash had even maintained a sliver of relevancy for General use is because of his acquisition being more autonomous than other warframes if you just played Warframe for a decent amount of time chances are you had Ash components because as Parts would drop as a world drop on most medium to high level grineer missions these missions were being played for various reasons like Fishers endurance Farms resources or even defection or manics are guaranteed to spawn after a few rotations this is great because by the time you're done the star chart Ash was yours to build now that Ash was moved into railjack this makes his form a demand instead of something that just happens if you want to play Ash you had to form for him in a completely different game mode that was negatively received even after the hundreds of patches not only him but also Oberon which was an amazing new player Warframe and fantastic support before players got their hands on Trinity or whisp more new players didn't have Ash and if they wanted to farm him they need to go through many hurdles within railjack which just wasn't fun for a vast majority of players and even to this day this change makes no real sense sisters of parvos another massive update for the game introducing galvanized mods and primary arcanes Ash well he loved the bus to primary as now he can make use of more primaries with higher DPS options this goes hand in hand with with disruption the mission where ash at this point made it his home thanks to primary arcanes Ash with seeking shuriken was even more deadlier who knew giving a Kua heack over 200% multishot and gunio with armor strip was broken so there's a couple things Ash appreciated with the Advent of zerin and void Cascade Ash became a top Contender for the game mode for the same reasons he excelled in disruption find heavy special enemies strip them down and go to town granted void Cascade is a bit more hectic and demanding requiring management of exal liers and spear Lancers the core concept is largely the same and this is something Ash is very good at doing and incarnus also benefited from armor reductions smoke Shadow also got above now offering Point strike for all weapons under the shadow this further solidified and even put Ash on a more mainstream front and more players gravitated towards the runin gun ninja but it gets even better than this as with the release of inem in the echos patch this dagger had finisher damage built into the evolution perks which positively buffed blazestorm giving the power more damage F arks was also another great weapon in the was patched as it quickly became one of the best weapons for disruption and Cascade and even high level content since Ash get spec into armor reduction while still having plenty of flux slots for Zetas or nourish you saw Ash with f arks for a large majority of endless runs from this point forward then came Veil breaker which buffed armor reductions introduced archon shots for flexible building as well as Star Strike which is a better sub ZOOM for reduction however because of this update seeking shuriken wasn't as dominant for armor reductions anymore as other armor reductions came out the gate like terrify Avalanche or Crush now granted Ash mainly cared about single Target reduction but unu offered this too and was an operator power but you can also use other armor strips anyways because they were AOE essentially other powers while being a bit more expensive had better quality of life this stunted Ash because one of his main gimmicks was specializing in armor reductions against problematic enemies back in 2021 the options were limited now we have a lot more variety and freedom and how we can approach the setup this is even more true with the Advent of other frames doing well in disruption like Revenant Prime Zephyr or zaku or actually any DPS Warframe that's more comfy to use than Ash because of how flexible Loadout building has become Ash isn't that mandatory anymore but this isn't to say he got out crept as he did receive a lot of shiny toys post DUI and Whispers in DUI we get to see the more complicated side of blazestorm come to life now it's unclear when this took off but with ash a lot more mods affected blazestorm whereas prior only cover 1.0 and attack speed Amplified the storm eventually the storm was cap to 50% attack speed increase for the animation and clone but having other things affect the storm allow the power to flourish in modern Warframe for example now blazestorm can be enhanced using slide to speed up the animation as well as Bane mods condition overload apparently affected the damage of the power though I was getting conflicting reports about Co not affecting the Storm at all even from years ago back in 2020 many claim that Co doesn't boost the storm yet as invasions claim that it does which is weird though this could be the quote new blazestorm bug but I couldn't verify it so believe it at that the previous 50% attack speed C was quote removed supposedly and the Incarnate in a bonus affects the damage output well the reason for all this happening is very simple when Ash summons blazestorm he marks enemies and projects Shadow clones these clones are a separate entity not a part of Ash the thing that happened was the shadow clones took the melee weapon you were using hence the extreme burst DPS and attack speed this did end up being a bug as come update 34 abys of do go fix most of these issues but during DUI for a few months Ash was raiki and Havoc finally having his blazestorm killing tally reamplified this fixed a lot of issues with blazestorm people had beforehand since Phase 2 cover was significantly nerfed and the combo counter was changed while it did still affect blaz Storm's damage it wasn't as potent as the OG combo which gave a large bonus to damage per bracket but now that the burst damage of the storm was so much higher compared with the higher speed this let Ash genuinely compete with frames like Mesa for Speed DPS while having enhanced crit from invis and armor reduction for heavy enemies now blaz was on the radar genuinely but the issues I've continuously talked about still didn't quell the reason for this I think is due to a misunderstanding of blazestorm and synergies that Ash presents yes the 19.1 rework wasn't that good and could have done a better job but the difference is that over the years while Ash got stuff gradually and had received updates to improve the Synergy and gameplay in his kit Warframe evolved rather too fast for ash as by the time Shadow Clones released it was kind of too late for the character to have much relevancy like Mesa or vault but because of the nature in virtue of what Ash can do and how his abilities are ash was still very capable even at his lowest point during the rework Ash could always do something extremely effective no matter what state he or the game was in but with more options and power creep emerging as time went on ash started to lack relevancy and most importantly quality of life quality of life is the main thing I feel people should be discussing when it comes to Ash the instam mark patch that was a genuinely good update for a allowing him to consume energy per Target which with then hit for three times in blazestorm however it didn't fix or address the issues of blazestorm speed and fluidity now it's not the end of the world as the power isn't unusable but you can definitely feel the sluggishness at times you can have all the damage in the world but if you lack quality of life it's not going to feel good to play or even use mag volt and Excalibur all received a bunch of Q during Veil breaker which improved their Po's Effectiveness and fluidity imagine if V still had energy drain when using V Shield that would suck Shield isn't active power and Vols gameplay and kit and having it punish you isn't a fun experience the point is Ash needs quality what I suggest is tuning a shuriken so it's a cone attack like daros but instead of having two shurikens add five more so it's seven this way you can shuriken more enemies in groups and clusters and Mak seeking shuriken genuinely useful as an armor strip for AOE and could compete with thoros or terrify fatal teleport should be built into the kit and I think a small buff like melee attack speed upon successful teleport would suffice also let us teleport anywhere with without needing an HP bar I mean come on you made rattle Advance just give it to ash2 then for a blazestorm it could be as simple as reading the attack speed increase this alone I think is fine another option would be to alter the blazor reticle so it's a cone targeting that way you don't have to place a reticle near each enemy for marking I think reverting the storm back to what it was isn't a good idea because the animations for Cy Nash has always been very janky with the camera flickering enemy bodies blocking the camera or sometimes the camera glitching out of bounds also in TR enemy don't have the animation and instead Ash will revert to his 1.0 animation where he just blinks to each enemy one by one or maybe even allowing Ash to send out clones immediately for enemies within line of sight and readjusting the cost for the power there's a lot you can do here so be sure to let me know down below what you think with that said blazestorm still has some interesting mechanics and properties that are of note but aren't mentioned much or even discussed blazestorm has two aspects first the Clones the ninjas Ash sends out are unique entities and while they don't use your melee weapon anymore the Clones still deal tremendous damage and are buffed by Arcane Fury which can be proed using blaz storm as well as combo multiplier the attack speed is still cap to 50% so a single Prime Fury is enough finisher damage perks and mods do not work anymore but the weapon archetype does you may have also noticed a clone perform animations against the enemy your average player might not even notice these clones and dismiss them as just animations are part of the power but what if I told you these animations do matter see that sweeping finish well you did more damage because of that sweeping kick does the most and this is the reason why your blazestorm testing might be varied you've got different types of finisher moves being activated at random order and second depending on the melee you have equipped will dictate your damage we tested this using well of life with neb as he was able to gather how much damage I did in a single hit of the Shadow clone using frager Prime and a notm this is most likely because of the finisher clones being dependent on the melee archetype but the damage difference may be redundant depending on how you look at it the UI for the damage is also quite misleading as you want to focus on their HP bar instead the existing blade ticks can also be amped using Roar but not Bane but furthermore Blazer can also be Amplified using Savage silence or radiant finish this gives the Clones insane amounts of burst DPS as you're boosting the damage by over 300% also acolytes can be hit with the blaze storm simply Mark and release with Savage silence and Arcane Fury the aolly will meet an inevitable end if things get too hectic you can also teleport into the blazestorm to gain immunity frames now I'm not sure if Ash actually takes up the Shadow clone's place during the state I've heard some comments say it does slow The Killing tally of the storm but the Wei says Ash will enter as a new entity in the storm alongside the Clones but uh I don't know for certain not that it matters much and of course Rising storm a very underrated augment that gives you extreme flexibility with melee combo with the rise of Teno Kai Rising storm goes hand in hand with melees and efficient heavy attacks one weapon I want to highlight is the anun carnin unfortunately a lot of people dismiss this weapon as just fod but I do think it's pretty decent considering it can force bleed after a spin attack and also the fact that it's an incarnate so it just has damage I don't know why people are complaining it's pretty good but anyways what's more important is the interaction with Ash since Ash increases bleed by 25% the anku is 25% stronger under Ash pair this with Rising storm your combo is always at 12x activate ten oai and the room ends up like this slim attacks also got a buff with Dante Unbound so the Anu slam is hitting for extreme burst DPS while also forcing bleed as going to be Amplified by the Bane and Ash's passive you can pair this with any melee Arcane I've been having a ton of fun using this with Vortex as with the Hound Auto priming for magnetic I'm essentially creating near Perma Forex slams with Force bleed it's pretty insane honestly with all of that said at the end of the day Ash could use some tuneups but to say he's completely irrelevant or garbage is I feel too much of an ex auration Ash is certainly capable and pretty all right a great entry frame for endurance and solid at General missions despite not being as relevant and overall he's a very cool Warframe anyways thanks for watching hope you enjoyed let me know your thoughts about Ash down below and I will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: NovaUmbral
Views: 76,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new prime warframe, warframe dante, free warfram, warframe histry, warframe history, warframe void keys, new warframe update, warfram dante, augments warframe, new warframes, new warframe content, warframe, warframe protea prime, protea prime, new warframe video, warframe builds, ash warframe, ash prime frame, ash warframe game, warframe ash, update warframes, prime ressurgence, gazttv, knightmareframe
Id: 2NkFfktvSsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 2sec (3962 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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