Arcane Dissolution & what DE won't tell you! | Warframe

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do you want a fully ranked Arcane energize do you dislike fighting eidolons and orix are you unwilling to drop hundreds or more platinum on one upgrade well then Arcane dissolution is here to save the day maybe how does it work and is it really that helpful I'm the engineer let's solve a practical problem The Whispers of the wall update has released with a whole bunch of new features including the Arcane dissolution mechanic unlocked after to the quest speak to Lloyd in the sanctum anatomica the new Hub where you can both dissolve arcanes and select an Arcane collection to draw from drawing arcanes cost 50,000 credits and 200 Vos for the new resource acquired from dissolving arcanes down regardless of the pack you choose on drawing you'll get three random arcanes from the possible ones in that pack including the chance to get duplicates so what's the best way to get this Vos for then almost all unranked arcanes can be dissolved into Vos 4 if an Arcane is ranked up at all you'll first need to break it down down to be able to dissolve it arcanes have values ranging from 98 to 12 VOR in general the RAR the Arcane the more VOR it dissolves into many arcanes come solely from the vendors in various parts of Warframe you can buy arcanes from Hawk enco root zoo and little duck that you cannot acquire any other way yet more can be bought from vendors or required for Missions so by cavalero aredian Y otac acrotis and Bird 3 finally various arcanes can only be obtained from misss specifically from Idol on or orix arbitrations acolytes or isolation faults with standing based vendors you can only obtain so much standing a day to trade with them and in each case they have specific arcanes which are best to purchase with your limited standing if you choose to go that route but enco purchase only meus Vigor or virtuous null giving one Arcane pack every 42,000 standing for cavalero Cascadia accuracy will get you one pack per 46,000 standing for birth three melee 4 ification will get you one pack per 56,000 standing for little duck you can take Mega destruct for Hawk any of the gold Exodia arcanes while for rud zud all of their arcanes are equally valued for these three you'll get one pack for 83,000 standing this means even a Max Level player can't get a whole Pack's worth of os 4 per vendor per day and it's up to you both how quickly you can obtain standing to make these trades and if you even want to do so you'll probably be better off selling the more desirable arcanes to other players rather than dissolving them other vendors don't use standing mechanics potentially allowing more daily volume acrey sells arcanes for pathos clamps though you limited on how many you can actually buy from her the most efficient are the legendary D arcanes worth 84 Vos 4 for 20 pathos clamps but that's still two runs of deiri for one Arcane that you'll probably get more value out of keeping or selling rather than disolving when it comes to otch trading belrick and Ria crystals you can get typically 144 of each Crystal per 25-minute rotation C run in an efficient group in addition you'll average 0.285 arcanes per rotation C adding these together every 25-minute run will average 2.68 five arcanes if you P every crystal into them earning 155 vosa per hour or 1.3 hours per pack similarly with archimedian Y and the lure arcanes you can average 30 L thorax plasm per rotation C in a group on steel path circulars which trades in at two arcanes per 20 minutes on top of 0.363 arcanes per 20 minutes from round rewards this puts the lure arcanes at 156 vosa per hour again 1.3 hours per pack if you farm steel path acolytes they spawn roughly every 5 minutes providing an Arcane each time worth 20 voser giving you 240 voser per hour or 50 minutes per pack you can also do that alongside the mirror defense or conjunction survival Farms more than doubling the Vos for power you can get from those missions compared to their specific drops only arbitrations don't have a normal rotation for drops instead granting two rewards from the a table two from B then C thereafter unless you're doing disruption A and B rounds offer 15% chance of a 20 Vos for Arcane while C rounds offer 20% of the same at 5 minutes per round that means only 44 voser in the first hour and just 48 vosa per hour thereafter arbitrations are objectively a terrible farm for L for alone bear in mind these arcanes are extras alongside the existing rewards especially vus assessence so it's much more of a hybrid Farm than dumping all your lure thorax plasm into arcanes to dissolve isolation vaults and Arcana bounties from mother on deos can award residual and Theorem arcanes either 50% of the time from an isolation Vault or 50% per Bounty stages for the Arana bounties all of these arcanes are worth 24 voser which for the time taken to get them and the 50% drop rate is a again a low source of vosa but zaraman arcanes aside from buying them from cavalero you can obtain them from thrax and angels on steel path a dormant void Angel has a 50% chance of dropping an Arcane while the thrax have a 10% drop rate for exterminate then with perhaps five thra and one Angel that's an average of one zaran Arcane per Mission Worth 22 vosa in a squad you can maybe do 12 of these an hour the 240 vosa per hour that's doubled to 480 per hour once you include the acolytes still spawn the new arcanes from Al's lab could be dissolved too even though they didn't ship with a matching pack to reobtain them from however aside from buying them from Bird 3 these arcanes only drop from the assassination half the time from the rather loose of mocking and scaving Whispers or from the very limited netr cells 45% of the time in fact the legendary ones are only from the netr cells with the others worth just 18 or 24 vosa I wouldn't recommend dissolving these at all for the for of future which leads us to the final Arcane source of note the idolon and orix orix are objectively worse at putting arcanes than idolon mind you for idolon the terrorist Arcane drops on capture have an average value of 15.7 Vos 4 gang list it rises 22.5 VOR and hydr list it reaches 35.9 VOR that makes a full trialon worth 74.1 voser on average or one Pack's worth for 2.7 runs if you ignore the legendary arcanes as those are the target for a lot of players then the voser Run comes down to 59.4 or around one pack per 3.4 runs this means a well equ equipped individual could turn their unwanted arcanes into additional pack every single night and a very efficient group may even manage two perite orics on the other hand are stingy not only do they only drop an Arcane on rotation C which is for dispatching 12 orics you need to complete a set of space side railjack objectives before going going into the ship to fight even the most lucrative mission in in the veil Proxima only offers an average of 25.8 vosa per rotation C which is itself 12 minutes after boarding the Corpus ship you would need roughly eight rotation C rewards near three entire runs for a single Pack's worth of vosa that's about 2 hours a pack worse than nearly any other method I've mentioned so far so how good is it actually to receive all this voser well that brings me on to a sorry bit of news de is withholding that information at the time of writing this we are missing drop tables for all the Arcane packs not just missing I've asked specifically about them and the drop tables are not being released at this time we get to know what's available but not at what rates these aren't the only tables missing the Bounty tables for all five bounties with the cavia are currently missing going further back to the release of CVO the tables for the undercroft portals and award various gains are also still missing so that's a bit of an issue which could really do with not continuing for the present it means I cannot give you a precise comparison of how the seven packs Fair compared to the Natural Farms of those arcanes I can't give you specific average Vos for values per pack without those drop rates what I can do is give you the limits and make some educated assumptions within those limits each of the hold Fass neolisk and steel path packs all only contain arcanes of identical voser value this means each of those packs has a guaranteed vosa value 66 72 and 60 respectively you lose about 2/3 of the vosa value when buying those packs given the same values for vosa they may all be identical drop rates for each Arcane in those packs however the natural sources for those arcanes are not equally weighted so that may be untrue for the other four packs they have a mix of Arcane Vos for values the Osan Solaris packs may give you as low as 36 BS for worth of arcanes in a pack if you roll all only the lowest ones well the d pack minimum is 54 and the ID one is a minimum of 42 however these packs can give more with the maximum Voss of value for an ostron and Solaris pack being 72 while the duri pack has a max of 252 and the idolon pack a Max of 294 Vos for Value these are huge ranges and in all likelihood are very far from evenly distributed if the actual idle on drop tables are anything to go by worth an average of 73 voser across three Arc drops we can anticipate a similar average for the idle on Arcane pack the Dey pack though it could really be higher or lower the arcanes in it come from either disconnected or unpublished drop tables giving only limited information to go on that one is for now a completely blind gamble which brings me to my final takeaways on all of the Arcane dissolutions if you want to farm for voser I'd recommend doing so on steel path zaraman missions not only do you collect void plumes with standing you also have Arcane drops during the mission from thra angels and from acolytes boosted by the mud drop booster innate to Steel path this seems to be about the best rate of vosa you can achieve and by quite the margin from more passive Farm continue playing the game on the steel path facing acolytes as they spawn every 10 acolytes you kill is another pack of arcanes from your choice of the seven packs given this can be done alongside the majority of content in Warframe once you're on that level this is likely to be your best source of for The Wider ramifications for the market remain to be seen acolyte arcanes have risen in price and I anticipate will rise to a point more befitting of the sheer power they give rather than the frequency with which they drop after all being able to trade a Max primary dexterity for what's likely the equivalent of two trions worth of arcanes is a trade many would make however for expensive arcanes idolon arcanes especially those prices have not only tumbled but will likely stay down massively while the rates may not seem amazing at first 10 acolytes equals one trion's worth of arcanes per player I imagine there are a substantial number of people running seal path for hours collecting arcanes that otherwise would have had no use if the drops are truly similar making a single idle on pack average 5% of an energize for example then 350 hours of Steel path would average to having maxed out every single legendary Arcane sure that's 4,200 acolyte kills which is a lot for a single person to do but players are doing it anyway all across the game couver and Relic packs got Limited in the steel essent shop because players are farming these acolytes that's hard in addition along the way you can remelt down unwanted arcanes you get from the packs and you can throw in extra arcanes from places like the zaraman that combined can reduce the total time from 350 hours down to less than 150 potentially the exact time taken to max out all interesting arcanes will naturally vary from person to person depending on look efficiency and which arcanes you're happy to give up further still even those who Farm eidolons can recuperate some of the Lost value those extra arcanes the ones that just do not shift quickly on the market now can be melted down to for more shots of the more impressive arcanes so while we may not know the exact ratees we can say for certain that it's going to make the cheapest arcanes more expensive and the priciest arcanes cheaper much like turning Prime Parts into duckets all of this makes arcanes more accessible both for players who stick to themselves and players who engage in trading with others I've put together more in-depth information reviewing these changes over on patreon and discuss this and more Warframe topics in depth live on Twitch the links for both of those are in the description that's all for me for now so as always F arcanes roll packs and fight well tenno
Channel: TheKengineer
Views: 208,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warframe, arcanes, guide, warframe guide, dissolution, loid, whispers in the wall, vosfor, arcane dissolution, arcane energize, farms, rates, kengineer, dissolve, arcane dust, eidolons
Id: NIbyiRwj3pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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