Shotcut Video Editor Tutorial - Designed for Beginners

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hi there Jamie Keita here today a teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today we're gonna take a look at shot cut shot cut is a free video editor very simple to use free video editor it's cross-platform I've been doing a lot of tutorials lately on free editors if you want to check out some other ones make sure you check out the playlists here in the card or check down below in the description I have other links to them too so I'm gonna go through a beginners tutorial of shot cut here today going through everything that you need to do to create if you're using it for YouTube or just for other uses to create a simple video project here but going over many of the different parts I'm gonna timestamp everything so you can just go down below in the description click two different parts if you want to come back and not not would not exactly know where to go just click the time stamp and you'll get there so let's get started on this beginners tutorial of shot cut today so if you want to download shot cut just go to shot cut org I'll put the download link down in below too and you can see click to download here it's going to ask you what operating system just follow the instructions and download on today's tutorial I'm using Windows 10 so we get that downloaded and then you can start playing around with shotcut what I and I have it open right here so if you open shot cut and it looks like this a lot of the windows and different things aren't open on it so when I open mine it just looked like this I'm default but to quickly change things around if you go up to view up here you can open different things on your display here so if I go to if I wanted my timeline where I would be doing my work with tracks if I click on it you can see now it's open here if I wanted to see my properties and if I go to properties now it's over here on the left now you so you can just simply click them and it will just appear on it you have a few different options you can move these around too so if I go to make sure you have show title bars on which I do right now you get these handles so you notice I can close it down but I can also move it so if I wanted to move it to have it floating or maybe move it to a different monitor and if I was on a dual monitor I could do that if you want to put it back in place you can just drag it down and notice how it turns blue and I drop it and it locks back in place so you can move these different windows to get whatever works gets things the most efficient for you a couple other settings to look at if you're under here look just looking under languages you can pick just pick the language that works best for you so go through get things set up the way you want before you start importing media and that's what I'm going to do right now so with importing media importing media to this you just go ahead and hit open file and you can go to that media so I'm going to show you a couple different ways to do this so if I was looking for my shot cut here I'll pick this first one and hit open and you can see here it is and this is playing in my source window right here because I haven't started my project yet notice right here I've sourced some project when I start bringing things into my timeline I'll be able to switch back and forth to see each of these now I imported that one one media clip into it right here if you wanted to change how large notice right here I can drag this up here as you maybe add more tracks you might want to change the size I can move this around to get it perfect the way I want to work now how do I like to import my media I like to do it like this so I import it this one right here already but let's say if I was selecting multiple ones I'll just pick all of these ones right here I can just simply drag them over and it's gonna populate over here I'll just make this larger again so I've imported my different media in here you can see as it comes in here now it's already four where I can start adding tracks and bringing it down so I can get ready to add a date after that and now let's bring our media down into our timeline so we can start working on our project if you look down below there's no tracks a lot of times with video editors you'll start with an audio or video there'll be a number of tracks right below now there's a couple different ways I can do this I could just simply take let's take this earth one that I'm already on and I'm gonna just drag it into my timeline and it's gonna create a video track for me now I could create my tracks also before that too so if I go ahead and click here you can see I can add audio tracks and video tracks here so if I want to insert another video track I could go ahead like this and I have another one here and if I wanted to insert audio track I could do that so you could set up your tracks before you drag anything down so you might know how much your how many tracks you need you can just go ahead and create them now you can also just simply right-click anywhere if I right-click notice how we have the same options from hitting there too so gives you the same things just looking at the tracks here so I'm just gonna play this so I'm gonna scrub overtop of it here so I have my playhead and you can see now this is the project window so now I'm under the project this was the source to view this these type of media over here if I go ahead and hit I could view it here or I could just bring the playhead over and just scrub it over and kind of see what's happening there I'm gonna bring in a few more things here so this time I'm gonna bring in a intro I'll bring in my intro I'm gonna drop it into this track here you can see I can drag it so I can click and drag these around and set them up where I want to if I wanted to bring in some audio I'll bring it down to below this so right now I have thumbnails clicked on and the wave so it looks like this but again if you right-click notice right here I have show audio waveforms and thumbnails I could unclick those and it will disappear I like having those on because it gives me an idea what's kind of happening with the volume levels and everything in here so like I said you can drag these around here I'll bring in another clip this is just an image here so if I bring in an image I can put it to either track that I want I'll put it in actually I'll put it this this right here so you can see I can drag this around so that's how you bring your media into your tracks and then you can just simply move it around to set up to get ready for some editing before I start doing some trimming and cutting here I just want to show you some options with the tracks you can simply click on these if you wanted to mute your tracks you can click these off so sometimes like in this you notice if I'm dragging the plate or dating play maybe I don't want to hear a certain audio to it I can go ahead and mute it that loud noise from this one is from the audio track down here I can go and mute it so now I didn't delete anything I could be working on something now and I won't be hearing it so go ahead and just simply mute it the other thing is you can hide so maybe a certain track you didn't want to see and this works well if you're working with layers and overlays you could hide a certain track and then you'll be only able to see I'll put the volume down on that one and then you only be able to see the one so you can just hit the I again and it's back on the other nice thing is if you have a track you don't want to mess around with you know it's perfect and everything is in perfect place and you want to make a mistake by cutting or moving it just hit the lock here so when you the lock notice how these lines go across showing its lock the green just shows kind of the whole length of the project or the gaps in between you can see how the green goes to the end of this audio art fills in the spaces between the selected tracks so if I select a different track you can see how it just fills in the spaces to the length of the project here another important feature what I like to use here I'll turn off my lock is this zoom so maybe you want to get look up to get closer and closer to a certain area you can go ahead and zoom up and you're getting a different and you're getting a different look to it so maybe you want to get to a specific part of the clip when we trim it use this back and forth so just simply drag or you can hit the hit the plus or the minus on the little magnifying glass to get it the way that you want to do I you happen to use that quite a bit when I'm working on these projects here so let's talk about some basic trimming and cutting here too and I think with shot cut it to me is one of the easiest ones to use maybe doesn't have all the features but this is a great beginners program beginners program it was some good effect tools that I'll make sure you stay around because I'll show you those a little later like green screen and just adding other effects to it but if I go to this let's say the earth I can simply trim off of it by grabbing the the ends here right here so if I drag it back I'm cutting it from the end part so I just made that shorter by just dragging the end so you can grab the left or the right and just drag it in and you're gonna cut it now another thing that you can do is use this tool right here which is the split at the playhead so if I click on this I'm gonna undo and do remember ctrl Z on your windows or command Z will undo I didn't mean to hit that so I'm going to undo up here but remember you're the shortcuts to and many of these have shortcuts to know all the different ones if I go back over here notice that it shows what letter to hit it says let it play head s so you if you're using this lot the short cuts do do help a lot so if I drag the playhead to a certain spot let's say we'll go back to this right here now where we cut this we want to make sure we're on the right track so if I want to be on this one this is the one I want to cut so if I was clicking down here I'm on the audio one so if I wanted to cut this if I go ahead and click this let it play head I've just put a cut in here now I have some options here what I can do is if I wanted this gone I can just simply click on the clip that I cut out hit the scissors or I could hit delete and you can see it just kind of got rid of that gap there the other thing what I could do if I select it if I hit the this - remove from Kurt and slide it will get rid of it - so you have a couple different options of you could just delete sometimes the delete will leave the gap but in this if you didn't want to have the gap so if up here if I was clicking up here and I wanted to have let's move my playhead over I'm gonna cut here and I'm gonna cut again just right here so if I hit in the middle and hit delete notice the gap is there so to save some time I'll just undo here if you hit the dis- notice it gets rid of the gap and moves everything to the left - closes that closes it - so something you might might save you some time rather than dragging everything around the snap tool here when you're moving these different things different part different clips around the snap tool so notice when I drag around it just floats over top really easily if I want to snap to the end of a certain one if you use the snap tool and you can see it's gone now when I bring it over it's just gonna snap very very quickly so that's good I leave that on a lot of the times you can still force it to go over but when you're trying to line up Clips it's handy to have on because it'll just snap to the edge there I'm just going to undo here to get back so I want to show you another thing with some basic editing here so I've showed you how to do some trimming so we've we split and we've cut the other thing you can change is duration so how fast the clip is so if I look at this intro I'm just gonna drag it down it's really slow so this intro is around 10 seconds right now and I usually only play it at about 3 seconds see how slow okay so if I click on the clip and I make sure I use my properties and make sure you this is where you can change each Clips attributes very very quickly here well make sure I have properties on here click on properties and notice we have speed right here and it says ten seconds is the total duration of this clip but if I change the speed rate so if I want it to go faster here I'm gonna put this to just three times here and I'll hit enter and you can see how it's shortened the clip if I just click in the front I'll hit play and you can see it's much faster here so if you're adding make sure if you're if you're playing with the properties click on the click click on the clip that you're working on and the properties will connect to it so you can make that quick adjustment of speed here so let's go on to the next section we're showing you some more things how to change up your video all right now I'm going to show you how to do some transitions and some fade-ins and fade-outs I'm just going to bring this up a little bit so it's a little better visually bring in one of my tracks just drag it right down let the create a video track here now I'm going to need a second clip I'm gonna do a transition between these two clips here's the surfer one bring it down right to here notice there's a gap right here I'm just gonna bring it closer like this so right now it just would play from one clip to the other if I hit play it just jumps back and forth if I drag them over top of each other notice it creates this this is the transition so the transition if I play this again I'll hit play you can see a transition between the nice smooth cross dissolve on it I can change the length if I wanted that to be a shorter amount of time you can see how our you can change the duration to it like so you can adjust the transition to pick a different one if I click on the transition here and go up to properties now use properties Rumer on all the clips and different things to make adjustments you see where it says video and dissolve right here I can pick different transition so I can go ahead and let's say if I wanted barn door vertical if I pick it now I if I hit play I have barn door vertical so you get really easy to change and you have a few other different options to play with to add transitions now one thing one problem that happens sometimes is I'm just gonna go back a few steps if you try to just drag it over top notice there's a gap here if I try to drag it right over top it just snaps back it doesn't allow me to do it you have to remove the gaps first before you can do the transition so if it's the green area right here if I right click and hit remove I can now I can drag over top and the transition is created on it so just something to remember if you're having troubles with that snapping back just to remove the gap first on it here so the next thing I want to do is just show some fade-ins and fade-outs here and this is working with filters so if I go ahead and click on a clip and let's say I want to fade out on this one I'm gonna go to a filter right up top here click on filter I'm gonna hit the plus and that's adding a filter to this particular clip that I have selected and I'm looking for fade in fade out all these ones with the stars right now are my favorite so you can see this star favorites these are all of them right here I happen to have the star the feed and fade out you can see for audio and video right here in my favorites so if I said fade out in video and I select it and then I want to make sure I'm gonna go get another one here and I'm gonna go say fade in and video so I've added one at the beginning and I want to keep on hitting the wrong one here fade out so I've added fade out and a fade in now if I hit play here I'll just hit play and you can see it fade out I can change the length of this if I click up rate up on top I'll go back to the clip here grab this little flashing black circle and I can create a longer fade out on it so you can make some adjustments to it the other thing to just make sure you can do the same thing to audio with those Clips like I had before if you just bring your audio down below you can add the filters through here so we're gonna go on and do a little more with text now and some other special effects inside shot cut here when you add text in shot cut you're going to need to add it to a clip so for instance this one right here I'm going to click on this clip it's gonna be under the filters so I got to make sure I have filters on and then hit the plus now I have it again usually I keep it in my favorites here so I'm gonna look for a text if not click over here and then we're gonna go insert text in this right here at the beginning it was my favorites I just didn't see it so I click on text now at this point I can type something so I'm just gonna type something right here so I'll just say example right here so i'm gonna click off of it make sure i'm over top you got to make sure my play had moved there so i'm gonna be on top of here so you can see how it says example i'm just gonna stretch this window so i can see a little bit more of all the information remember again how your windows can be moved around to be able to see things better for you to work so you can see i wrote the word example here it is right here i could grab the corners if I wanted it smaller you can see and then grab the circle I can move it around in different places when I do that if you notice over here the numbers are changing so I put the numbers in over here to move it or I can adjust it here by kind of eyeing it and getting it to the size that I would like we have from our font you can see how I can pick some different colors I also have an outline right now the thickness is zero so let's maybe a white and I'm gonna increase the thickness here and you can see as I increase it you can see it more on it again my font style if you wanted a different one to go through again I showed you position on it so now the thing is that that font is attached to that clip so maybe you don't want a clip the whole thing so if you had a really long clip you might not want to add font for everything on there so what you can do so if I was using an example on let's click on a different clip here what you can do is take a certain part and clip out so if I could make a clip let's say I'm gonna cut right here and I'm gonna move here and if I knew I wanted this is where I wanted my font I can now select this clip and add the filters to it and go ahead and go get my text that I have here again and now I'm just adding it to that one clip so you could select a certain part trim it or it's cut it out and then just have the text appear on this all just type example here again for you and make sure you're over top so you can see it now if I go over top of it here and hit play you can see it's only gonna show during that duration of it so that's how you go ahead and add some text to your screen to your different Clips in out in shot and shot cut and now I'm gonna move on and work with some special effects with green screen and just adding some other filters to it so let's work with a little special effects now I'm gonna just drag this surfer video down into a track here so it creates one I'll start by just adding in two factor it so I make it make sure it's clicked on I go up to my filters and hit the plus and I'll just start with a blur so if I go to my blur I'll make sure I go to them all my blurs right here it's not listed as a favorite click on it now I can add some blur by adjusting these here so you can see the image becomes more blurry as I adjust these here now if I go ahead and hit play you can see the adjustment that it's made through adding the blur now what you could also do is you can add multiple multiple effects to the same clip so if I go through and if I wanted to go to brightness now and make an adjustment now I you can see I can click off the blur and only the brightness is there or vice versa on it here so if you hit play you get to see both of them remember how when I worked with the text you could cut out a certain part of it so if you wanted to add the effects you can just trim it I could pick cut on each side and add the effects to that one little piece here so let's continue and I want to do one more effect before we to exporting and that's just using green screen or chroma key chroma key in this one so I'm gonna insert let's just go back to my playlist I'm just gonna bring down this right here so I brought this down in the track I'm gonna insert a brand new video track so it's on top I'm gonna bring down my chickens that I use a lot in my videos for green screen so you can see the chickens here if I hit play it's a video and I need to get rid of the green so that it looks like they're on the beach so what I do here is make sure I have this this one selected go up to my filters hit the plus and I'm looking this time for chroma key you can see chroma key advanced I'm going to use this one has the more options and I'm gonna pick the pick of color and I'm just gonna go over to near the chickens and click and the background is gone so you can see there's some adjustments that could be made you could play through here and make some adjustments but we'll clean it up a little bit more and more and just say take some time of it to get it as good as you can now you can keep adding more effects to this if I go to my size if I wanted to go to size and position if I wanted to take those chickens and move them make them smaller and maybe move them over to a certain spot and now you can see if I hit play they're on the beach eating here this as soon as they click off it this would be here too so that's just using chroma key and a few different effects on it here remember with overlays that you could make the videos smaller up top so you can kind of do a picture-in-picture just by doing that size and transformation moving it just like I did with the chickens so let's say you get this video all finished you want to export it maybe bring it over to YouTube let's take a look at the finishing touches to get this video all done okay let's say this was the finished movie here and I know it's not very good but for an example we'll say it's the final thing that I want to upload and put out as a file so I'm gonna hit export right up here and when I get export you can see that there's some custom settings you can go through and kind of look at maybe the specific settings that you need to maybe where you're going to be playing it from or uploading it to so these are all presets that you can pick as you pick any of these it will show you right through here so at any time though you can go through you can see with the different resolutions and UK you can change here we have aspect ratio my night keep at least 1920 by 1080 P on it so when you get everything set up you can see where do you want to export it from well it's the timeline down below so I go through and select that for this one in the case the project that I was working when you have it all done hit export file you're gonna pick a place where you want it so if I wanted to go back into that file I'll give it a name I'll just call this finish and I'll hit save so now it's exporting that movie and it won't take very long to export it and then you would have it done and then you could go through and upload so if you're logging into YouTube you could just drag and drop it into your upload feature with YouTube or grab it you can see over on the right-hand side as it's going through and processing it but that's gonna be your final step so I hope you liked this video today I do these weekly tech tips I've been focusing a lot on the free editors I'm gonna start looking at some may be free free screencasting screencasting apps here also right away so if you're interested in all this stuff of YouTube help make sure you hit that subscribe button I'll put out a lot more videos on it so thanks for watching this week i if you have liked this make sure you share the video I'll talk to you next time have a good week
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 1,191,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shotcut, free video editor, teachers tech, how to use shotcut, shotcut tutorial, shotcut video editor tutorial, shotcut effects, shotcut tutorial 2017, shotcut transitions, shotcut tutorial for beginners, shotcut green screen, free video editing software, shotcut 2018, shotcut tutorial 2018, how to use shotcut video editor, how to use shotcut video editor 2018, shotcut video editor tutorial 2018, shotcut video editor, best free video editing software, free editing software
Id: hlDG90sbhQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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