Learn EVERYTHING about Shotcut | Full Master Class

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what's going on guys so I recently got done with my shot cut masterclass basically just a mini six part masterclass under an hour of total content breaking down sort of the basics of shot cut you know a pretty cool video editor for you know all my beginners out there and in today's video I've just compiled that whole series into one main long video with time codes to all the individual lessons in the description without further ado let's get into learn everything about shot cut hey what's going on guys welcome to episode number one of the shot cut masterclass here on my channel this is breaking down everything there is to know about an amazing video editing software I known as shot cut hands down a great beginner video editing software if you've been involved in video editing for a while you probably you know escalate it to something a little bit more advanced however it is an amazing intro video editor an amazing you know way to get yourself way to dip your foot in the water if you will you know what I mean and kind of get comfortable this is a you know the full master class breaking down everything there really is to know about this program if you watch these simple six to seven videos you're gonna know it all and you know you'll pretty much know how to use this program entirely you'll be very comfortable on it that is my goal at least that I'm starting out the series with so if you're not watching this video in the playlist already check it out in the description without further ado let's gun you know jump into the video so on-screen is shot cut this is what its gonna look like when you actually load up and you're gonna be doing most of your maneuverability in three different areas up here which is gonna be your controls so for example you've got your your playlist which is gonna be where you're gonna import all your media to and your filters which are gonna be effects and stuff like that and over all your properties right here as well which will be information on clips and stuff like that so that's actually where we're gonna be dragging our clips in now where were actually going to be watching what's currently going on whether it's in our timeline or previewing what our clips that we've imported are is going to be right here in this window and you know if we've draw it dragged clips into here and we want to watch them before we put them in our timeline we can watch them on the source window and if we've already dragged them into our timeline we can watch them on the project window once we've actually you know established the project by dragging a clip into the timeline and then you know you can you can adjust the size of all these by these little dots right here and this is where we're going to be doing all our composition right down here in the timeline and you know this pretty much where we construct everything these are gonna be our tools we're gonna have a full a full lesson which is I think this thing is gonna be the next lesson after this breaking down all the tools and shortcuts to familiarize yourself with and you know just have those shortcuts in your back pocket so you can be editing really quickly on this program and you know everything is pretty damn simple it looks like I mean it's really really really simple compared to other editors out there hands down you know the layout is very very simplistic they've catered this towards beginners and you know if you are a beginner you're in very good hands because shot cut is a great way to learn you know editing and overall familiarize yourself with video editors pretty much all linear video editors like this are gonna be pretty similar they're gonna have a preview window a media you know blockade or a media section and then of course timeline where you're gonna be doing all your composition your chops your cuts and your edits and you know all your actual video editing if you will is gonna go down here but that right there is the video editing basics of shot cut why don't we go ahead and import a couple clips real quick just to finalize off this first episode which really I just wanted to make sure you're comfortable with the layout the next episode we're gonna go over there's tools and shortcuts and let me just go ahead and open on my computer I want to open up a folder and actually just import a few clips which is some pretty funny clips actually have me climbing and breaking into an abandoned castle yeah you heard me right so to actually import you want to just go ahead and find the folder that you have your clips in and just drag them and you see when you drag them it kind of comes up with the option to copy them over here and you could just let go and that's actually gonna teleport right to here and just like I said it has a source window up here which you see you're on your source and if you click on the clip it's gonna come up in the source window so our first clip is me and my homie walking up the side of the castle okay and then my other friend Noah is driving a drone after us so you can actually see us walking up and you know this first clip is just us walking up the steps of this castle the next clip is gonna be us trying to jump up the wall to climb into the castle which shadow my homie yarn he's a little bit heavier set than I am here he wasn't having the easiest time climbing up this wall and I'm pretty sure I came right after I'm gonna show it out yeah I'm about to show them how it's done watch this come on now you know I'm not much of a climber but if I got a climb I'm gonna do it right yeah pretty terrible a physical stuff but that one right there I definitely showed yarn up and he tries again he doesn't make it and then we cut to the next drone clip of me actually walking into the castle so we got some dope footage don't worry like throughout this series where I'm gonna try and clewd as much cool stuff whether it just be the you know the clips even as I can't so that right there is our cliff how would we create a timeline we create our first timeline by either dragging one of those clips here you see how we have the option to drag and drop it right down here or we could actually just go ahead and right-click and go add video track but usually I'm actually gonna go ahead and just drag something in cause it's gonna optimize it I'll just drag it down here and then we can drag this back over here and we have officially dragged in our first clip and you know just like that that's that's kind of how we do okay that's kind of how we do we've dragged everything in and you know we've sort of started off so right there is going to be right there's gonna be where we want to start our clip right so right right about there okay so just to finalize this well let me just go ahead and go all the way to the end until our cursor changes to this guy and let's just go ahead and see if we can just adjust this by dragging it over again drag that over there and you know we've just trimmed our clip so it starts where I want it where we're just walking instead of us waving at the camera or waving at the drone like we were before but that right there is the video editing basics if you enjoyed make sure you check out the next episode of the shot cut masterclass the thumbnail will pop up on screen as soon as I'm done this video right here and it'll start playing so by all means just just keep watching basically I'll shut up now and I'll see you guys in episode number two welcome back to the shot cut masterclass here all my channel guys if you're interested in video editing videography and how to make money making videos subscribe now this right here is the shot cut masterclass we're breaking down everything there is to know about the great beginning video editing software shot cut this episode right here is gonna be the tools and shortcuts and this is episode number two if you know you want to join the full playlist start watching everything click the link for the full playlist down below in the description the full masterclass completely free so you could join in with the other lessons as well like I said this is just lesson number two without further ado we're gonna be jumping over to shot cut which is on my screen and we're to be breaking out the tools and shortcuts not all of them but definitely what I'm gonna theme as the most important ones and you know in the last episode we actually familiarized ourselves at a layout and imported our first clip so how do we actually go about doing some tools and shortcuts and what is gonna be the most important stuff now first off if I actually just trim this down a little bit by doing this I want to just show you something that is extremely important and that is this right here toggle snapping make sure at all times throughout your work you have toggle snapping on now that right there is off so if it's white it's off if we click it it's blue and it's on the reason you want toggle snapping on is because toggle snapping is this so for example if I drag a clip down here and I let it go right here and I drag it over you see how it snaps in see snaps it snaps by attaching to the clip following on so that we don't have any random you know little you know little gaps where it's just the screen turns black between clips or anything like that and this ensures you know everything just snaps together and and you know as soon as one clip finishes it cuts to the next one you know what I mean which is standard at all times you want snapping on if you don't have snapping on for example we could try pour a clip and but you know we dragged it here and it doesn't snap you see so we'd actually have to zoom we'd actually have to zoom in you know what I mean which is a complete pain we'd have to do this and and try lining it up perfectly instead we could just turn snapping on and then just drag it over a bit and it snaps into place perfectly so that is pretty important pretty straightforward just to make sure you know you're completely caught up on that one that's really important to keep that on at all times now just to start on the actual you know side let's go ahead and actually start looking at how we'd actually do some stuff so first off a super simple you know shortcut it's gonna be the copy paste now the copy paste is simply C and then you you know you press seal the clip you want to copy for example this one we press C and then we come over you know right here it snaps to the ad that we just simply press V and that is going to just basically paste the clip that we then we've actually copied right here to the actual right hand side and of course snapping is enabled so it's gonna snap straight to where we want it to be very very simple very very useful though now there's another way to do that more or less and that is the do Kate now if duplicate is obviously gonna duplicate the clip it sort of does the same as copy but you can actually go on a clip and just press a and it's gonna duplicate that clip to the end right real real simple really really really simple and pretty straightforward now hypothetically speaking say we had two different clips right here and you know we wanted to delete this one and just bring this one over right but we wanted to not keep this in this space same order to delete it if we deleted this one right here we deleted the first clip it still got this space right here and we have to actually drag the clip physically over which couldn't be a little bit annoying right so hypothetically speaking if we wanted to delete this and this just teleports right here and comes to the beginning and kind of does the process of deleting that and bringing this over for us all we do is go here and we do a ripple delete and a ripple delete is the key X you see how that instead of you know pressing the Delete key right and just deleting it which just creates this space here that we you know awkwardly have to drag the clip over if we actually just press X that is going to be ripple delete and ripple delete deletes what's here and it deletes the actual space instead of just delete which deletes the clip but does not delete the space ex deletes the clip and deletes the space brings everything over so look at very very very cool and then arguably the most important tool that is here is s and that is the razor tool for s you all you want to do is go to a place in the clip where you want to split it for example let's go ahead and play this so we're walking up what's actually find where we want to split it and I'm actually gonna split it probably around the probably around the five-second mark you see how up here we can see the timer and I'm actually just gonna go to the five-second mark and now I'm gonna press s and it's gonna split the clip exactly where my actual scrub my scrub thing is I'm not too sure what the exact name for this is cursor or whatever right and this actually give a split it down the middle then we could go here and just delete that and you know simple or we could go here to the first clip and you know press X the ripple delete and it would pull it over and just start from where we've actually chopped but I like that beginning bit so I'm actually gonna delete the secondary bit and have this one right here but that right there is what I would deem to you guys is the most important shortcuts and all your tools are manually gather a bowl right here so for example if you wanted to raise a tool you could actually just you know select it and it would add a split but like I said I've just showed you the shortcuts just to speed everything up and you know that right there is pretty pretty cool so we have gone over the tools and shortcuts overall everything's looking pretty smooth we've chopped out a nice five-second section so we've actually started to compose stuff down here together and that rent that concludes episode number 2 of the shot cut masterclass going over the tools and shortcuts in the next episode we're going to be jumping into a juicy one going over all of the advanced effects advanced transitions and basically doing a little bit more on the composition side as well so loads of important stuff coming up next if you finish this episode right here check out the full playlist down below in the description the next episode will start playing right after this thank you guys for watching and I'll see you in the next episode welcome back to another video guys run ease Jack I produce weekly content based around video production today we're jumping into episode number three of the shot cut masterclass jumping into the filters section all of the advanced video effects the advanced transitions break it down everything that you can actually do in terms of visual manipulation all the actual sort of VFX heavy stuff without further ado let's explore the filter section of about I nearly said Premiere Pro shot cut masterclass we're doing it now the full shot cut masterclass is linked down below in the description shot cut is up on my screen we are carrying on with our you know composition with our project that we've done like I said we've already done two episodes so far so that has gotten us to this point that's me by right there with my friend climbing up a castle this is one of the clips we've imported so far but we're gonna be jumping into the actual visual effects now before we actually jump into those quickly let me just go ahead and just trim this over a little bit and I just want to make a full sequence right so let's want to bring this over and you know just pop that right there and just chop this down a little bit so it so if you bring this over actually go to the point in the clip where I'm trying to jump up there it is okay so this is actually me and my friend just literally literally that all right so without further ado let's go ahead jump into this filter section and that really is it so in the past couple episodes we've gone over the tools and shortcuts an overall familiarizing ourselves with the program itself today we're gonna be jumping into the filters section so the filters section actually is literally you just can't do anything with it until you've imported a clip now once you've imported a clip you can actually highlight that clip and then the filters section will become active ok so if you have no clips in here import a clip and it will become active and to actually create a new filter all you got to do is go ahead and press add filter and it's gonna pop up with the most used filters so show favorite filters first and you know you you might actually think you've got a limited amount of stuff but you just have to switch it from the show favorite filters which is default it's default on that to the show video filters then you go ahead and just click it and you know you've got all the video filters and it is pretty interesting the video filters they give to you some of them are actual just presets and then some of them you actually have customized ability as well which you would help for so I just want to start breaking down some of these filters right here so let's go ahead and select one like the vignette vignettes a pretty cool filter of course it looks pretty disgusting right there looks it looks a little bit too much what I want to do is put the feathering on full and the radius on pretty damn full as well but just about about like that or about like that cool so we've created a vignette and then I'm gonna make the opacity not so much right so we've created a vignette just like that just by kind of importing this and then kind of messing with the variables just like that we've got a vignette and you know the playback speed of a shot cut is unfortunately one of its biggest downsides unfortunately as you can see right here I've got a extremely powerful computer upgraded two months ago and you know the the the playback is still still pretty laggy it's unfortunate it's definitely one of the biggest downsides the shot cut do have you know especially with these video filters it's pretty unfortunate but that's just what it is now we've got the vignette right there let's go ahead and mess around with some other ones ok so let's go ahead and just do sketch why not there's some more stuff like a sketch for example where you can actually do like a cartoon kind of outline type of thing and I'm actually gonna remove the vignette as I add this sketch we can actually scroll along to see that you know it's pretty cool cartoon background and you're probably understanding the video effects right now we're gonna get to the transitions in a second and also some color grading stuff but right there the video effects are pretty simple okay all you got to do is pop them on and then you're gonna have some sort of control but there are it's stuff like the mirror which traditionally in other video editors you would have some sort of variables and control over it a mirror effect in this is literally just a mirror effect there is no actual variables to adjust and some of these filters like I said are just kind of presets like that where there's no customizability you can really do to it but there is some cool stuff you can do as well with for example size of position when you actually want to create an effect to be a little bit more complete for example let's go ahead and find like a wave alright so here's a wave a wave adds this weird border to our effect which is not nice it ruins it to be honest look at these little these little dots around the side now if you wanted to actually remove these annoying eyes dots you know hold on let me just go ahead and undo that I just messed up let me just delete that at it again I messed up wave say you wanted to remove all these little impurities if you will it's actually pretty simple how you do that but you know what first glance it could be a little bit intimidating all you want to do is actually add another filter and let's go ahead down here and actually just try and find the size of position so there it is that size position this is more or less the scale and you know all that sort of stuff so we actually click that and add it and we have the ability to actually start dragging out via these guideline helpers if you will around the side and we can actually hold and just start dragging that up which actually dragged it away from the side so you actually start erasing those impurities that were around the side and now if we give this a play we've just got a pretty smooth wave effect without all that little nonsense around the side now like I said the preview is unfortunately pretty shocking unfortunate that is like I said the biggest downside of of shotcut hands down but you know just by simply pulling this out a little bit you know just by making a little a little bit bigger we've kind of been able to zoom in right there and you know erase those impurities around the side and create a much more convincing full effect something that's not you know going off the side or anything crazy like that um now let's go ahead just try one more effect just to make sure you guys understand how to actually just stuff and make sure you're familiar with the filter section just go ahead and scroll through here alright simple well get it glow now some of these are really gonna have one variable or two for example right here we got the blur variable and you know just looking pretty cool oh yeah all right sweet so just like that we've added a whole bunch of different effects now how would we actually go about doing some transitions that's what I want to you know have a look transitions again super easy shot cut is very catered towards beginners so you've probably picked up a pattern at this point which is that everything is really really easy almost too obvious so to actually add yourself a transition there's gonna be two different ways to do it and they're both as effective as each other you could either go over to the left hand side or the right hand side until you get this little control bubble that pops up and it's pretty obvious you see it right there control Bobo a bubble on the left control bubble on the right and you could actually just click and hold and just start dragging that in to create one of these angles right here and you know that right there is gonna be a fade in aka a transition and just like that it's gonna fade in so you could actually go over here on the side and again try to find that and just bring it over and you know you've actually added a fade into video and a fade out you see we got a fade in and then a fade out and just like that we've actually added it and you know they'll be a matter of seconds to be honest and if we actually wanted to do this a little bit longer over way we could actually just go Plus to the video filters and just go fade in video and you know just like that if we drag that out it is now gonna add a nice smooth fade in to the video and in terms of other transitions shot cut is very limited that's pretty much the most effective transition you can do by all means tell me in the comments if you've you know if you know some more effective custom transitions and stuff like that but by all means the fade in is more or less more or less than most powerful more or less than most powerful transition now moving on to some actual color correction some color grading it's kind of interesting the color grading I would have hoped for more I really would have but all you got to do to actually select it again go to filters and then go to color grading and they are interesting shall I say that I'll say it's interesting all right you can kind of customize some stuff obviously it just gives you a shadows of mid-tones and highlights and you know you can actually look up a couple more in-depth tutorials on how to use these tools right here but more or less these are really good to actually grade towards a certain color scheme if anything now I'm not the best with color color grading with these sort of you know dials but more or less all you want to do is actually do a nice contrast of colors a lot of the time works so if you push towards let's say a blue in your highlights maybe on your midterm mid-tones you might want to push towards the opposite direction to kind of even out a little bit and kind of create like a sepia is it sepia I'm not too sure I'm using the wrong I'm using the wrong words right now but more or less if I had to be real with you guys the reason I've left the color grading to the end of this video effects in transition sections because it's not great I would have liked to have a whole complete video just based on the color grading but it's really not great like I'm I'll be real and for me I am kind of shooting in the dark when I'm actually color grading using shot cut I have not been able to get a grade that actually looks nice so far all of them just look kind of amateur by all means tell me if you guys are a little bit better with this but you see what I mean it's um it is a little bit tough to actually to actually use use this tool to kind of grade it in a convincing way unless you do sort of little light things like that like you see if we turn that off and then turn it on that's actually done a bit of grading but just kind of in a in a in a pretty simplistic way in a pretty subtle way and I should be like that like that's funny enough um I was just saying how I haven't been able to get a decent color grade and now I've just created one that I'm actually pretty happy with so that's the before that's the after that that's such as jinx on myself I for real I'm actually kind happy with this right now this is pretty minimalistic pretty simplistic pretty subtle but I like it and that is what a good color grade is it's not over the top unless you know your color grading some s log or some V log footage which is a mass difference obviously because it's gray or whatever but that right there is a pretty nice color grade and the subtler the better I think the subtler the better it's just a nice kind of addition to the the footage and this is drone footage that I'm watching right here but that right there is the video effects and transitions part number three of the shot cut masterclass I'm about to get started with the titles that effects loads of amazing titles and effects in here you know there's a bunch of presets as well which is great so you could save yourself a bunch of time animating stuff and all that is coming in the next episode so if you reach this point of the shot cut masterclass episode three I'll see you in the shock rub mask class episode four because you're clearly enjoying it sweet see you the next episode what's going on guys welcome back to episode number four of the shot cut last class breaking down everything there is to know about the great amazing beginner video editing software that is shot cut really simple beginner a video editor and this is the series six parts or seven parts are not too short breaking out literally everything you need to know about this program you know if you take this quick master class it's about an hour you're gonna know everything there is to know about Shaka and you know well you know I might not know everything there is to know I'll cover my bases there I'm not gonna be arrogant or anything but you know I know a significant amount and I'm teaching everything that at least I know you'll hunter percent be able to use this program completely after this episode after the series rather but I talk so much goddammit sweet we're jumping at the shot cut this right here is gonna be the titles and text episode and surprisingly there's actually a lot you can do with the titles and texts to a certain extent now we finished off the last episode which was the video effects and transitions and not the greatest way unfortunately they don't have the most amazing at color grading options which is the last thing that we looked at in the last episode but we were still able to create a pretty convincing color grade right here which just adds on to our drone shot of me walking up the castle with my home of yarn and right here we're gonna be kind of jumping on to that and showing how we would actually create some titles and text so titles and texts again really simple when again it's going to be done through the predominant vid effects tab which is the filters tab not even the predominant predominant implies those others which are more inferior this is the only filters effects tab so we're going to the only one filters is right here we're gonna hit the plus button and we're actually gonna type in something you might not have expected honestly and I'm po and you're like because we're gonna type in exactly what you would have expected and that is text just like that it's gonna kind of add us and the default which is a timecode down here which is kind of cool I guess all we want to do is go to the text right here and customize it so what do we want to do let's go ahead and type in subscribe just to give you guys a little tip on how to get involved in my channel and I'm going for a right hook that's what I'm saying I'm go for a right hook subscribe if you're not already do it it's worth it now if we actually just highlight that we can actually go over to the Verta which is the font and click it and I'm actually gonna go ahead and just get my signature font Gotham ultra go ahead and press okay we've got the SUBSCRIBE and you know I actually want to highlight the exclamation mark and see if I can just go to the font color and change the exclamation mark just to a yellow Oh apparently we can apparently we can only do one base color the entire time that's cool absolutely fine with it it says subscribed is what it is now the very cool thing about the titles and text section which kind of has to has to be there if it wasn't there the text entitled section would suck because this would be the extent of it this would literally be it but you know the kind of cool thing to do if you will is the presets right so the presets right here is loads and you've actually got the ability to do like a lower third well they'll pop it down there for you just like that for example subscribe you know subscribe to my channel or whatever channel or you could actually do like some animated stuff so for example if we do like a um let's actually bring this in a little bit and actually go here to preset and actually go to like a slide out right right so for example it will actually start sliding out to the right if it did not just crash Wow oh my god I'm just gonna keep it running Wow and we've load it back up and we're back okay so that right there is a very accurate thing it will crash sometimes this right here just for everyone who you know I'm going to move my water bottle this is a two thousand dollar PC over over a two point something thousand dollar pc and uh shotgun just crashed I'm gonna I'm leaving that in 100 percent I'm not cutting that out hell no that would be fake I'm leaving it in to show you that you're not you're not alone because I've had a lot of comments saying shaaka crashes for me this and that I just want to tell you I'm on a 2 to 2 plus grand thousand dollar PC and it just crashed just like that and came back just like this so you know if that has happened to you at any point you're not alone it's happened to me as well but we want to go to the presets go ahead and put slide in from left and actually press play and we have now an animated title that literally has animated itself just like that just from these presets which are super simple just to select slide in from left slide out left for example you know we can give this a play and I believe it'll probably slide out now so we've got to animate in an enemy out a slow pan up so it's again give this a place see what it's saying so this is slightly gonna be going up you see what I mean you've got all these amazing presets which are great absolutely love these you've got some top left stuff leave stuff up there some top top right and all these different presets I absolutely love it this is hands-down one of the kind of coolest aspects of shotcut that there really is because with these beginner video editors I think they should provide loads more pre-made stuff which I like that you know the text wise they've added loads of pre-made animations because people who are beginners they want pre-made stuff like they really do I remember being a beginner I wanted a bunch of pre-made stuff so that you know I could see what was possible and also I didn't know how to do much professional-looking stuff right off the bat so 100% presets are amazing in this and I think that really make up for the fact that the filter section is more or less kind of limited but the text is well to be honest who are we kidding the text is limited as well but at the end of the day you can at least do a bunch of animations and stuff like that which is pretty cool and you know just like that that right there concludes our titles and text section of the shotcut master class if you've enjoyed make sure to check out the full playlist linked amount below in the description or don't even worry the next episode we'll start playing right after this because they're all linked together so just keep watching and the next episodes coming up sweet I'll see you there alright welcome back to episode number five of the shotcut master class breaking down everything there is to know about shot cut an amazing beginner video editing software its last video and they're totally free you know the full playlist is linked down below in the description or watch this episode in the next episode we'll start right after it this is episode number 5 6 part series today we're gonna be jumping into the overlays and you know green screens and stuff like that in the last episode we did the titles and text explored all of that stuff and in the previous episode we did a whole bunch of video effects transitions all that sort of stuff but right here is our clip now this is a you know me aman homie yarn walking up the castle we're actually climbing up the castle and you know right here i'm actually gonna go ahead and provide you guys a freebie if you want to follow along with this video so if you guys want to follow along you can go down below and download these five clips it is two green screens and three overlays three glitched overlays right so these are the top of things it's just a kind of cool glitch thing and i'm gonna show you guys how to actually use these and overlay them into your projects or for example an explosion like that or this which is a you know a character smoking a joint as a green screen basically it's just a joke yeah alright so let's actually go ahead and highlight these clips right here make the window a little bit smaller actually go over here to our playlist so we've got our three clips in which we imported before our one clip of us actually walking up the castle the next clip of me actually jump in the wall and you know what i mean hold on let me just show you so i jump up on the wall and then it's me on the actual castle you know jumping into the castle pretty cool footage we actually broke into an abandoned castle months ago ages ago me and me and my friends but right here is three clips and two green screen so i'm gonna highlight them all and drag and drop them into our playlist and just like that it's gonna load them up one by one into our source window which is right here and to actually use these very very simple process now the normal process to import a video would just be to drag and drop it but that's going to put it on the same level this and we don't want that to overlay it on top of this image right here for example to have the green screen appearing over this without the green or the glitch effect appearing over this footage we would actually have to create a layer on top of this so we would right click right here and go to add video track to actually add another active video track right above there okay and then the process after that would be extremely simple and you know all we'd actually do is important to the green screen or overlay right there and then actually proceed to do an effect on it so for example say we wanted the you know the hands smoking all we do is drag that up here right to the top actually go ahead and leave it actually go ahead and you know select it go to the filters go to add and we actually just want to go ahead and filter that to the show video filters instead of the show of favorite filters and then just go down to the chroma key we could do the chroma key simple but I'm just going to go chroma key advanced and you know the actual chroma key selects green we want to select the actual pick of color and just click on the actual screen and just like that we have actually green screened out this but as you could tell we've got this kind of annoyance around it which can actually happen with some lower quality green screens that's one thing you can do to stop that to a certain extent and that would be the key spill and the key spot right here advanced all we want to do is click that actually we get the target color which is this green right the key color is this green we want to destroy it we want to actually replace it and this right here is maybe not the easiest thing so just kind of tweak some of these just tweak these I'm actually not entirely sure if I'm from doing the correct thing right now by just tweaking these but pretty much a good a good strategy when you're when you're a little bit lost is just to start playing with stuff 100% so that's what I'm doing right now trying to be as honest as I can hold on transparency so I'm just trying to get rid of this now it doesn't look like the qisas suppressions working right there let me go back and just go to the key spill advanced okay so target color there's green boom tolerance nine okay so that's actually looking pretty pretty pretty low quality let's go ahead and just remove that green screen I'm just actually chalking that one up there to the green screen being a pretty damn low quality let's go ahead and just type one of these overlays okay so it's actually important overlay actually play that so it's a pretty cool glitch overlay and what we be keying out is the black so we go to filters we go here and actually go ahead and go chroma key advanced and just click the black and just like that you know right here if we actually give this apply so we scroll to the beginning or we actually put the you know the damage a little bit there and we give a play just like that we have a nice you know glitch effect which actually goes across the screen and you see that one there is clearly better quality it does have a little bit of a choppy effect around the side but nowhere near you know the actual spill that that green screen had that green screen really must be terrible quality for that to have happened we'll try it again with the other green screen in a second but that right there the process of actually putting these these these glitches in so for example say we wanted just to make it glitching the whole way along we'd import that next glitch right here and then we'd finally import this final glitch right here pop that there just adjust the video to make it the actual same length and then we just repeat that process of going here going to the actual chroma key advanced selecting the black going here you know plus and that going to the chroma key advanced and actually selecting the black and you know now if I actually give it a play remember the shot cut preview window is such a slacker man honestly it's pretty laggy but if we give this a play we will see a some white accurate representation of what's actually happening and you know as you can see it's a whole bunch of glitches and we have successfully removed the you know the overlay alpha channel if you will and we've actually just got the glitches themself actually overlaid right here even though the preview window is so so terrible honestly you know that's just that's just shot cut unfortunately guys you know it's got a bunch of crack problem stuff like that it's just unfortunate but for a free editor it's worth it hands down but if we actually go to playlist and we actually bring in this explode let's go ahead and see if we can kind of remove the remove the nastiness that we had going on before with that previous green-screen but if I go ahead to about here this one actually has volume that we go to filters we plus it we actually go advanced and you know just like that or in fact what I want to do here is just make this black so so that it's keying nothing and then just click and you know just like that it's a much higher quality green screen as you can see it still has kind of like a kind of like a green tint around it however the green tint is nowhere near what we had before but obviously still if it's got a green tint it's not great right it's not amazing if we got the green tint but we can actually pull up the greens like that to actually kind of push it as much as we can you know away and then we could even follow up with the you know the key suppression and right there that actually does a decent bit no doubt and you know drastically improves it so if I give us a play right now it is so damn terrible this replay window I said the preview window I shot cut I would give it a zero hands now not not even like a not even like a the 3 out of 10 like a straight-up zero the preview window just dies after anything but that right there is the overlay section of the shot cut master class the next episode we're just gonna cover importing is about to start playing as soon as I stop talking so stay tuned for episode number six coming up and I'll see you guys in the next episode alright welcome back to another episode of the shot cut masterclass not even just another old episode this is the final episode of the shot cut masterclass if you're interested in checking out the full free masterclass it is linked down below in the description you know or you might even be on the playlist right now it is a full of six six episode playlist walking through everything there is to know about shot cut the amazing beginner video editing software familiarizing yourself with it so many people on my channel you shot cuz so I decided I was gonna make a full-blown masterclass and you know keep an eye out for the hit film and The DaVinci Resolve masterclass as well cuz those are coming but we're at the end of our series right now how would we actually go about exporting so if we got this this you know clip right here is me actually climbing the stairs right here and then it's a supposed to be me in this clip right here climbing up the wall but it looks like that's a miscut I'm just gonna drag that over a little bit delete that drag that over here sorry about this there's a little bit on professional I should have I should have prepared this before but trust me you'll you'll understand what I'm doing hold tight so I'm just going to where I actually go to climb the wall drag this over it's my friend trying to climb the wall first he wasn't doing too good at it it's all good yarn yeah that's what his name is see there you go nice first try climbing the wall pretty easy I'm not a very athletic dude either so you know give my props in the comment section for that easy wall climb and now I'm gonna drag this clip over here so say we've actually got the full sequence alright so if we actually got a sequence prepared this is it right here three clips not the biggest sequence I assume you'd probably have a bigger project but if we did want to actually you know which sport it very very simple we go up here to we sport and you know I just want to run you guys through the different versions of the presets okay because the presets are super important and you know you might get a little bit confused because there's no honestly just too much to to kind of choose from right here if you will alright now there is a few different options so first off you could actually just export the audio right so the audio would just be the audio track that goes on behind this and if you are actually gonna be exporting some audio I would suggest to you guys to export in WAV it is gonna be the highest quality next up if you were to actually sport a actual single image so just a screenshot if you wanted to just go in for a little screenshot I'll suggest you guys export in P&G in terms of the actual still images that would 100% be the the number one suggestion in terms of an actual still image and then obviously if you're actually going up here the number one actual just standard all kind of aspects preset to actually export with is going to be the h.264 high profile or down here with the legacy the lossless h.264 h.264 mp4 if we go with a h.264 high profile up here on the stock and we actually go ahead and you know go ahead and just press export file we can actually select where we want to export it so I can go to my PC go go to my record drive go to a go-go to go to this this footage folder I just go ahead and type in you know sample just gonna call it sample and just like that as soon as we actually save the location of where it's gonna go - assuming we've you know customized all of our data and information about it right here which you know 4k that sound aspect ratios you know sixteen by nine that's all standard twenty-four frames as soon as we click the location and actually establish a location it is going to start exporting just like that we could actually go over here and if you want to make this bigger you could actually use your regular cursor which looks like this and go over these little dots here and you know drag that out a little bit but okay to write that out just a little bit just so we could see this a little bit more and as you can see it's a 94% right now saying that we've got one second elapsed and just like that it has exported to our clipper folder which we can actually go ahead just open and you know we're gonna be dealing with a sample which is this sample right here very very simple and you know it's looking nice and smooth because we've actually just exported with that h.264 high profile everything's looking really nice it's got me climbing up onto the wall and you know everything's looking and span everything is looking nice so if you go ahead just use those export presets you guys are gonna be on your way to you know having two projects be nice smooth and there is some export problems some people have where they export and their projects are laggy and things like that honestly that can't happen if you're not using the right presets and that is really the case here even in an advanced video editor like Premiere Pro you're using presets so it's no different over here in shotcut you're gonna be using presets as well and I would suggest you guys - we use the h.264 high profile or if you want to be lossless go ahead and use your h.264 lossless down here which is mp4 Stills I'm suggesting you guys do pngs that's the highest quality and for your audio I'm suggesting you do WAV which is again highest quality that right there is the shot Cup masterclass six-episode is breaking out everything there is to know about shot cut the best or one of the best beginner video editing software out there thank you guys for watching the video of the Jack Reese Jack o for more video production content whether it be video editing video ography and how make money making videos subscribe to my channel and by all means if you have not watched the holeshot co master class and you made it to this point of the video the full yeah yeah the full class is linked down below in the description the full playlist six episodes breaking down everything you need to know about shot cut thank you for watching this thank you for reaching the end of the series and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Jack Cole
Views: 586,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shotcut Video Editor 2018 Tutorial - Designed for Beginners, Shotcut Tutorial! Super Easy Video Editing!, ShotCut Tutorial 2018 - All Beginners Need to Know to Get Started With the ShotCut Video Editor, Shotcut tutorial: How to use Shotcut video editor for beginners, Shotcut Beginner Tutorial, How to Edit Videos in Shotcut | Free Video Editor (2018), Shotcut tutorial // Covering the basics 01, Shotcut Text Title - Basic & Advanced Tutorial, Shotcut Tutorial: Beginner Video Editing, 2019
Id: 4bcw9_zXEuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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