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hey guys welcome to today's live stream it's currently the 27th of october that's the day we're doing the live stream as you know we do them every single week i just want to quickly do a microphone oh my god what's going on here that's crazy okay my bad it's because my own video started then my bad so um can we do a microphone test and can we do a video test quickly and then our progress with the live stream but if you're new to the live stream and you can hear me clearly see me clearly make sure you number one smash the like button um and like comment on the live chat where you're tuning in from today are you tuning in from the states you tuning in from the uk australia wherever you're tuning in from let me know in the live chat and also make sure you smash the like button before we get into today's live stream which is all about black friday product research and i've actually got um quite a cool little feature um not a feature but i've got quite a cool um method to show you now these these methods i'm showing you today are all for free none of them are paid so um you guys are in for a good treat and these methods are legit they work you know you can find some some solid products from these um from the strategies i'm gonna show you today so let me know if you guys can give me a quick technical um approval of everything working okay and then we'll get straight into the live stream and again i would appreciate it if you guys can smash the like button and leave a comment so everybody's saying there's no lag yeah man the view is i don't know what i don't know what's going on with youtube these days i don't know if there's a if there's like a shadow band thing but to have only 81 viewers on the live stream it's just i don't know what the hell's going on these days it's a bit crazy if you ask me so before we actually get on with the live stream can we just do a quick uh technical test on the um on the screen sharing because i am scared i am sharing my screen so if you guys can quickly give me a um approval on if the screen sharing is nice and fluid if not then there might be a technical issue but i think we're all good to go uh holding a second i'm gonna change this you guys are saying you can see everything nice that's what i want to hear so yeah guys like i said i'm gonna be doing black friday product research with you today show you a few methods that i'm using currently myself to uh find some um some nice quality products let me turn up the brightness on the screen as well just to make sure it's nice and bright for you um and yeah if you guys are new to the live stream make sure you smash the like button we are going to be getting into some nice product research on black friday today a nice exclusive live stream and make sure if you're new to the live stream you let me know where you're tuning in from today and it'll be highly appreciated to make sure i can engage in my community find out where everybody's coming from that's the aim of the game so yeah we're gonna get straight into the first method on what i do to find some uh some nice quality products for black friday for completely free by the way so the first thing that you want to do and you might want to grab your laptop so you can follow along with me if you want and again if you are new to the stream make sure you smash the like button if somebody can remind somebody in the live chat to smash the like button when they're new to new to the stream that would be greatly appreciated so the first way i do it is i head over to the ads manager now when i get to the ads manager you want to go to where it says um this here select country you want to change it to all ads you want to change it to all and then in this search bar here um where it says search for a keyword or an advertiser you want to search with these keywords in mind so you might want to type something like this in black friday now when you search this in it's going to show you all the ads that have this word in their ad copy or their ad headline so you can see here somebody's trying to promote these um ladies hi knee boots um so you can see them right there they've got this black friday um like sticker here on the thumbnail now what else you might want to do is you might want to hover over the profile and go to go to page so i'm going to click go to page and as soon as you go to the page it's going to take you to their facebook page i should have really logged into my facebook before i did this but oh while it is what it is um and then you can go to their website now for some reason let me see if i can find the website should be on here it might be cause i'm not logged into my account but either way i will show you in a minute okay whilst that's loading anyway you can see here they're promoting these black knee-high boots and if i scroll down you can see that there's this page here promoting this um this sofa bed kind of thing and then you can see some other things that people are promoting so you want to get a night so the reason why i do this is to get an idea for the products that i want to test and i'll also be looking but guys when i go over these strategies i will be taking like five ten minutes look at the comment section and see what you guys are saying when i'm talking about this by the way is this loaded yet that's taken for ages so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna wait and do it another time but as soon as i go over different strategies i will be going into the comment section and seeing what you guys say about what i'm doing um just just so i can keep um up to date with you guys if you've got any questions what you also want to look for though is what creatives and strategies are people using so you can see here people are using this black friday sale with this gold and black banner on their creative so i also do this for creative ideas now the good thing is in canva you can make these so if i go to canva and show you this you can make these creatives okay so if i go to canva and this is really easy to do i think all of these that i'm showing you now are pretty much made in canva if you type in black friday you'll see that they'll come up with loads of different um creatives that you can make i know this is product research but i also want to show you um how you can create these creatives as well because it's very very important why is it not working this is really weird i don't know if it's my computer bugging up but this is weird anyway let's move on i don't know why that's not working but anyway on canva if you search for black friday or christmas it will come up with these types of styles of creatives that you can use for yourself all right cool let's move on let's look at the live chat we've got panzerhalper now in the live chat thank you very much really appreciate it so that's one good way of doing it now another key word that you can do is you can do christmas so if you put things like xmas in here now this is obviously a slang way of saying christmas you can see coca-cola are using the word xmas and this is in some form a different language you're going to find loads of different ads that come up and you want to look in the ads now obviously if you put christmas in it's going to come up if you put cyber monday in things are going to come up now as soon as you find something so i'm going to use black friday again as soon as you find something like this you might want to go over to aliexpress and i'm going to type in on here um me hi boots because that's what i've found here i found a knee-high boot and i can i'm pretty sure that this ad is a drop shipping ad from what i've seen so when you type in knee high boots you can see this coming up now i'm going to change it to order amount um so it's not even showing me anything with high order amount so if we go back the the the knee-high boots did look like they were where have they gone i thought i found one that looked just like them but either way you want to search for the products that you're finding on the ads manager okay here we go those are the ones i think i found so i think these are the exact ones hold on a second i think these are the exact ones that we have in this ad let me just double check yeah those are literally a spitting image i wish okay if i click learn more will it take me to the website okay it's not taking me to the website that's so weird i don't know why that's not working that's so weird but either way if you look at the image i think these are pretty much the same ones and these have got a thousand orders by a way that 1025 orders 4.7 star reviews now in terms of fashionable products i think these fashionable products are very good um you've got to be careful with the size guides and stuff like that so that's where you contact the suppliers and ask them for size guides european us and uk just because at the end of the day you don't want to get size and issues but you can see there i found this product right here and it looks like it's doing pretty well you can see here 1025 orders now i'm going to show you another strategy quickly and this is on the tick tock ad center or should we say the tick tock creative center now i will leave a link to this in the description you can see the url here if you want to see it now what you want to do is you want to head over to showcase and you want to click this little red ready purply color sorry ready pinky color search bar and then in here you want to type in again the same keywords now i believe this works better on tick tock if i'm going to be completely honest with you if i type in black friday here you're gonna see that sorry no content found okay that's a bit weird black friday maybe i spelt it wrong i literally just did this hold on a second maybe it was on trend discovery what was it on top ads i literally just did this before the uh live stream so i don't know why it's bugging out um let's try uh deals let's see if that comes up i don't know if it's this bugging out but it was literally working for me a minute ago uh search let's try xmas that is so weird before the livestream i don't know what's going on this this was working so i don't know why it's doing this let's try black see if it works that's really weird why is that not working hold on a second let me try google chrome maybe it's my safari browser just messing around let me try using this on google chrome it might work because it was literally working for me a minute ago so i don't know why it's not now so let's try black friday on here oh that's so weird why is it not working damn let me try going on inspiration okay maybe it's because on the last seven days okay let me change the date range to search bond now ah here we go that's why because this quake my bad my bad that was my fault sorry guys i've wasted your time there i knew something wasn't right so change the days so let me go back so what you want to do is you want to change the days why is it hold on a second last 30 days okay why is it not giving me wow i think safari is a piece of crap if you ask me let me go on google chrome quickly let me go search bar again i'm having a right craze right now okay last 30 days top ads so this is what i need so i don't know what is going on here you guys just have to be a little bit patient with me the reason why i'm using safari is because it's a lot quicker than google chrome so i thought using safari might be a better idea for me and it turns out it's just been a pain in the ass but i think i've got what i need okay cool i've got what i need but it doesn't give me the search bar so weird so weird i've literally copied and pasted the same url anyway guys i'm not gonna waste any more of your time i'm just gonna do it on google chrome so you go to google chrome don't use safari because it doesn't work it's like a bug um i don't know what bug i don't know what's going on with safari but google chrome will work for this so you go to tiktok creative center you go to top ads you go to last 30 days you go to the search bar and you want to search for black friday as soon as you search for black friday it's going to show you ads that are from black friday so it'll basically show you anything that has black friday in the video or in the description so just to repeat that again if you search these words in the good thing about tic toc is it will either show you a video that's talking about it or has it in the description now with facebook they don't do that they only show you what what what's in the actual copyright and not in the video so again to repeat that you go to tiktok creative center on google chrome you go to top ads you go to last 30 days now i'm going to show you this one right here so this is the one that i saw um and it was this ad i believe or was it this side it was one of these ads but i'm gonna actually use this side of here oh yes this side here so this is one of the top ads right now and i'm gonna play the video for you i'm going to mute my uh my volume by the way and this here is showing that it's a drop shipping store now it's going to give my give me the analytics as well for this so you can see here that this is promoting a compass necklace so if i go to aliexpress now quickly i might as well just do this all through google chrome so i'm going to go to aliexpress and then what you want to do is so again this ad again if you look closely i know you probably can't see this i'm actually going to make this full screen for you they're promoting this compass necklace now if i actually go to aliexpress and type in compass necklace i'm gonna try and see if i can find the exact same one that's in here now i'm gonna change it to order amount and you're gonna see here i found the exact necklace that's been promoted in the video it's got 541 orders so if if you have a if you have a look at this necklace very closely i've zoomed in for you that's the necklace if we head over to i'm also going to just delete the safari browser because that will uh take up a lot of power on the computer anyway but yeah if you take a look at this image there's the compass necklace if we take a look at the ad it's the same necklace i believe it's pretty much the same one let me just double check so that one looks slightly different but it's got the same i think i think the same ones on here though hold on a second yeah that's the same one i think it's either that one or it's uh where is it where is it where is it where is it i did see it before as well um maybe it was on best match but it's definitely on aliexpress by the way so it's i i don't think it's that one i think it's probably this one or it was on best match but you get what i'm trying to say i've just found i've just found the exact same product from this top tik tok ad in the aliexpress search engine you know so that's what else you want to do and again if i go back quickly you're going to see you're going to see loads of other ads come up now do bear in mind that obviously drop not all drop shipping products are going to come up some will be service based some will just be real e-commerce brands you can't control it if you you've got to hold and just hold over the video and it will play the video and just pay attention and this is the thing with this research method you have to really pay attention to the video to see what they're trying to promote now if you see here again they're trying to promote the exact same thing again they're promoting that compass necklace again there's a lot of ads being around for that compass necklace now if we go here there's a there's a shop called friday deal store promoting this um mud mask it looks like a mask face mask product now i wouldn't recommend selling um facial products like this because of any issues with allergies or anything but that's a drop shipping product i've seen it before if we carry on scrolling down you just want to keep looking and keep looking now something else that you want to put in here in this in this search engine is deal so i might want to type in deals and then it's going to show me any ads that are coming up with a deal in mind now because of the time of the year it is obviously it's currently the 27th of october that means that we're out we're literally around the corner of being in um with q4 in mind obviously so anything that you're putting with deals in mind they're obviously going to be people promoting products that are designed for q4 so this guy's promoting these these light bulbs you can see if i hold over it he's promoting some form of light bulb i don't even know what this does let's see what it does so there we go this is a classic winning product this is a winning product um from a couple of years ago that i actually tested myself so i'm going to play the video again and i'm going to show you that i can find the exact same product so this is what they call the firework light bulb by the way i'll show you right now so that's the firework light bulb so look and what else it will show you is it will show you related videos to this to this video and it will also show you the analytics as well by the way but if i go here i'm going to find you the exact same product so it's called the firework light bulb i might have misspelled that but uh okay here we go there's the exact same product let me change this to order amount it's cause i've spot this wrong hold on a second here we go order a map so where is it where is it where is it there we go there's one right there but i'm trying to find the exact same one let me just change it to best match on best match you're gonna be able to see the exact same one anyway but i wanted to show you uh the one with a lot of orders so you can see here this is the exact same product by the way it's a firework light bulb and you can see it's got 545 orders 165 reviews based on 4.7 stars now i don't know if you guys have seen this product before let me know in the comment section below if you've seen this product before um it'll be great to know if you guys have seen this one before now one of my students from a few years ago actually sold this his name's ayash and he um he did some really good numbers with it he did about 80 000 during i think it was around about um august or september time he sold it a few years ago and he did really really well with it because of obviously the fireworks season and stuff like that but let me know in the comment section below if you've seen this product before i'm just intrigued to know what you guys think and i'm also going to be taking a look at the comments right now as well so let me just quickly go to youtube and look at the comment section so pop out chat so i've got it now nice so let's take a look at the comments i'm just i'm just intrigued to see what you guys think have you seen the product before have you not if you haven't what would you want to know about the product these are the kind of questions so when i'm finding these products for you let me know um what questions you have about the product that i found i've got some good questions here by the way sorry i just need a drink of water um so somebody put i couldn't find the search bar on tick tock ads library before i haven't learned it because i wasn't logged in might want to tell the viewers so yeah that's a good that's a very good um comment so that's probably the problem that i had on tik tok i wasn't logged in but i am logged in on google chrome so you need to be logged in to actually get the search bar so it wasn't safari that was the issue it's because i wasn't logged into uh tick tock on safari so good uh ritac is it ritik very good um comment there appreciate you putting that what's the best product to sell right now there's no such thing as the best product at this current time um somebody put they've never seen that light bulb before uh panzer said he thinks he's seen it before muhammad said hey should you test products if many sellers are testing it of course you should so if loads of people are testing a product what you want to make sure that you're doing is you want to make sure that you're doing different creatives a different marketing angle towards that product now what you might want to do is and this is a very clever thing to do because i found this light bulb we might want to head back over to the ads library and this is something i should have said before is you want to head back over to ad library and what you want to do is you want to search for that product so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click all i'm going to click all again and i'm going to type in fire i'm just going to go and copy and paste off here but basically what you want to do is you want to see if there's ads being ran for it on the ads manager because you want to see what creates people are using and basically that's it so you can see here i've just searched for it on the ads library and you can see there's one called fire bulbs this is a private label brand i'm hoping um if i go to the page i'm gonna actually you know what i don't even need to go to the page actually yeah i do need to go to the page no i don't there's the link in the description so as soon as i go into the description you can see here it's called fire bulbs and these guys specialize purely in selling these fire bulbs so you can see it's a niche website the colors are very good they've got this logo i don't know if this guy watches my videos i swear i swear this guy watches my videos because this logo looks like a logo that i've taught you guys to make um this was made in canva by the way and you can see the website this guy's currently running for it he's using the debutify he's using the debutify theme this guy is definitely one of my subscribers man you can just tell um but yeah this is pretty funny that he's one of my subscribers and he's made this website but yeah that's what you want to do once you find a product from tiktok ads um content studio you want to then search for the product name in the ads library to see what ads are currently being ran and at the moment there's only ads being ran by this company called firebugs which is a drop shipping store and what you can do is you can take a look at the um you can take a look at the uh the copywriting that they're doing so you want to when you do your ads you want to try and make it so it's different to what they're doing now the website and you also want to look at the website the like website overall is not too bad and it's pretty decent what i'm going to do though is i'm going to check to see what it looks like in the uh mobile view so more tools developer tools so this is what it would look like in the mobile version and it looks pretty decent uh it's a little bit messy here and there let me see what the product page looks like uh 14.95 so those are asking how much would you sell it for he's selling it for 14.95 uh he's got the original sapphire and diamond so yeah these are the ones that i found on aliexpress you can see here you've got the sapphire diamond and the christmas tree looking one um overall the website's not too bad he hasn't got any reviews on there which is a bit weird but yeah this is the kind of research and due diligence that you want to be doing before you start um going all in with the product it's it's very important that you guys do the same research that i'm doing so let's try and see if we can find another product this product's a solid product it is a proven product in the past before doesn't mean it will do the same it doesn't mean that it'll do well again but history tends to repeat itself but let's have a look what else we've got again if you just hover over the um the video it will play it so these seem to be some form of pack of cards these are toro cards toro cards i don't even know what this is called a turret deck so i'm going to search for this i don't even know what this is guys maybe you need to um maybe you need to uh teach me in the in the comment section what all that means because i don't know what any of that stuff means uh let's have a look i don't even know if those are the same cards but yeah i've searched for those cards in the aliexpress search engine and i don't think i can find the exact same ones maybe i can find the exact same ones let me see let me see so it's got like a brown box the cards are like a bronzy color uh i don't think the exact same ones are on aliexpress so yeah i don't think they're on aliexpress but yeah we'll carry on going now this product is definitely on aliexpress and you can see here let's take a look at the ad this ad has got some decent engagement now it is the spinning drainer so it's the drain it's the vegetable drainer so if i if i go in here and show you the product it's called the uh i think it's the vegetable drainer oh it's the vegetable drain spinner i need to put so there it is there's the exact product there you go it's the exact same product i'm gonna play the video for you and i'm gonna show you side by side it's the same product now this is a slo-mo video so let's speed up a little bit it's gonna take forever here we go so you can see it does this thing where you move it and it will stay up so instead of your food all fallen out of the bucket it stays there so yeah you can see that's the exact same product as this one right here maybe it's just a different version of it but it's pretty much the same thing so we put some of the toro cards are custom made thanks for letting me know that sort of been looking for ages on there oh i've lost my page uh okay come on can i get that page back you know what it doesn't matter i'll just go back here so what we're going to do now is we're going to search for something else so i'm going to search for deals again okay now it's giving me aftershave that's a bit weird well that's weird oh i did black friday deals right did i do did i do black friday now i've already done black friday let's try um let's try discount nope that's not working let's try holiday ah here we go holiday boom here we go this works so as soon as you type in holiday you can see a few videos coming up with these um drop shipping products not a lot of them a few of them let's try amazon i think this might bring us a lot of them so here we go if you type in amazon check this out okay it's not actually doing it okay amazon fines that doesn't work either okay cool um to be fair to you guys this is more on add caption keywords let me try that that might work better ah here we go that's better hold on a second so there there we go by the way guys you're going to want to change this toggle to add caption keywords not advertiser add caption keyword so let's try that again let's try deals again see what comes up here we go yes there we go that's what i wanted so what you want to do is you want to change you want to change the uh filter here to add caption keywords so it's not about the advertiser's name it's more about the uh actual caption in the video so you can see here a few dropshipping products are coming up this is the uh this is the moon product like the flyer moon um you'll have seen that a few times you can see loads of different products are now coming up um again some of them won't be drop shipping related you just have to filter through but you can see loads of different products here from uh from the trauma drop shipping website now this is a jewelry product that i'm interested in where's that drawer product gone that was a really cool jewelry product that i just saw you can see these jewelry products here they're pretty cool now i want to show you another strategy that you can do as well so uh hold on a second uh [Music] black if you type in black friday in the search bar uh deals so if you go to youtube this is another tip that i always recommend that you guys do go to youtube and type in black friday deals and it's going to come up with loads of videos of people talking about black friday deals now in the video description i'm pretty sure they put their links to everything because they're affiliated with them so if you go show more you should see all the links so here we go all the deals mentioned now some of these won't be of any interest to you because they're actually branded products but if you can go here you can see all the links now sometimes they promote amazon products and a lot of the amazon products are obviously sourced from aliexpress in china so you do have to play around with this strategy it does take a bit of time but if we do black friday amazon so if you type in black friday amazon it's going to show you the top 50 amazon black friday deals up to date hourly so if we click on this and we go to the description then you're gonna find loads of um aliexpress products drop shipping products in the description now obviously you need to go one by one by one but it is is um worthy of actually reading the actual description because you don't want to pick in alienware because obviously that's a branded product you can't get that anywhere else but that's an idea now something else that you can do is you can do black friday or you can do something like uh this is another strategy tech under 50. so if you type in tech under 50 it's going to give you loads of cool tech under 50 now because a lot of people they do these on a monthly basis so you can see here tech under 50 september cool tech under 50 september this was a month ago now these are going to be primarily about of course uh christmas gifts or gifts you can buy yourself for christmas because the time of the year so if i click on this video you're going to see in the description these are all have a look atom 60 keyboard black magic mouse 75 some of them are branded so you have to be careful so maybe if you do tech under 20 you might get the drop shipping products tech under 20 this might give us what we're looking for why is my search bar glitched out okay let's try this so here we go best budget tech under 20 student edition so if i open this video i'm going to go into the description apple watch bands so apple watch bands now all this is something that i wanted to mention before as well let me show you this quickly although some of these are designed for actual proper products this is a good way to get an idea of what to sell for now apple watch bands are not just made from apple now these ones are not legitimate apple watch bands these are just basically um a brand's own version of them so if i go to aliexpress and type in uh apple watch band you can see it comes up straight away you click orders check this out so there's a product here that has sold 17 000 orders and it's just a clear protective case that's trying to make your watch like a casio watch so there you go i didn't even know this product existed and this is this must be a winning product look at how many orders that's got so if you guys are watching this you're getting some really nice uh golden products right now because i've been in dropshipping for a long time and i've never seen this apple watch product um it's actually a really good looking product you know it makes your watch look like a casio watch or like a g-shock so if i actually go on to this and type in apple watch band you might find a lot so you can see here there's loads of apple watch bands coming up now if i click on the link we can see if this is a drop ship in store now i can delete these i don't need these this could be a drop shipping brand i'm not too sure i think it is a drop shipping brand yeah this is all drop shipping i'm sure i've just seen i've seen about eight of those so yeah these are all being drop shipped by the way guys so this just shows you that if you go so yeah who remembers the lucky wheel uh oops uh not sorry um um discount converter you can tell this is drop shipping just by looking at the stuff they've got on their website so yeah that is a absolutely solid product by the way if anybody's watching this and they like to start tech products if you want my honest opinion this looks like a solid product man like that's really cool i don't even need that on there anymore delete that um if we go down you can see people selling the replica version of the apple one now i don't always recommend selling the replica version of the apple one i'd always recommend that you sell something that apple doesn't offer because people want things that apple doesn't offer like you can't get these bracelets from apple you can't get like these why was it not sure here we go you can't actually get like a proper watch bracelet for for your apple watch they don't really do them so you can see that these guys are trying to style stuff and again this is a uh this is a drop shipping website they are selling stuff that you can't get you can get that from apple but where's those other ones gone that's a bit weird he's he's he's advertising a product that he doesn't even have that is so weird like he's got that in the image but he doesn't even have it that's so weird but anyway that's that that was a solid product anyway i don't want to go too far actually this is a really cool product yo this is really cool this could do really really well as well but i don't know if this is an e-commerce brand let me check it out quickly um [Music] here we go there's the website yeah this is all drop shipping as well oh my god these are amazing these are solid that is a good product that is a very good product that is a solid product yeah i'm giving you guys loads of good products right now man if you appreciate the the the good product suggestions make sure you smash that like button because i didn't even know these existed uh this this this goddamn spinning wheel man you spin the wheel you might get a discount you might get free shipping that was so 2018 but um let me uh see if i can find apple watch band does it come up but yeah that one's a solid one by the way uh let me see if i can find it yeah where's the mom and dad ones okay have a watch band click the wrong thing man apple watch band mom maybe that's a bit hard all right cool trying to find that exact same one well it's definitely on aliexpress you're just gonna have to type in loads of different words to try and find it but again if i go back to this so we've got the apple watch that i quite liked people are selling dude air tags those are to keep people on what's this wish product that he's got obviously wishes or dropshipping i believe let me have a look what they're selling oh i can't do it unless a sign in that's annoying hold on a second if we go back so he's doing d brand skins this wish link i don't know what this is lego figure mini plant what's this there you go he's doing these mini plants i don't even know what that's got to do with tech from being quite honest with you but this could be this could be a really good product you could do this look um [Music] mini plant order amount you know what would be better though the flying plant so let's type in flying plan yeah there we go this is what i'm after this one right here so this is a solid product by the way check this out it's that hover because look he's a tech channel i watch this guy quite a lot so he's all about promoting tech he should have really instead of tried to cite instead of trying to get you to buy this this is a way better product this fly-in this is actually a tech product it's hovering plan so if we type in on uh let's type in that on the ads library see what we've got i'm gonna type in levitate and bonzi there you go there's already somebody trying to promote it here there's one person here use promo flow to get a discount that's crazy let me have a look see if the website's in here i said what's a dead ad that's so weird surely this isn't a dead ad as well it's a dead ad i don't know why it would do that yeah all the links in that in that are pretty much from china by the way so just just bear that in mind um that's also a very good strategy now something else that you can do um i've already shown you that strategy now i'm pretty sure you understand what i'm trying to get at is if you go back to google so let's go back to google why does it suggest things i don't want i want google that's all i want oh my god i don't want anything but google that's all i want just google let's just do google ads and then click this ah it gives me things i don't want so if you type in black friday deals then it will give you websites so if we're typing black friday deals here we go black friday deals we've got there in the end then you go to shopping it's going to give you lots of phones now this is the one annoying thing that i don't enjoy it's going to give you loads and loads of phones which is annoying but depending on where you are this is because i'm in the uk depending on where you are this will be different i use a vpn when i do that by the way i changed the us but if you go here you can see that it gives you loads of different things that people are interested in so you can see here you've got these chocolate copper chocolate machine what i don't even know what the hell that is let me have a look what this is this is a is it a hot chocolate machine it's got to be a hot chocolate machine i don't even make daily ritual hotel chocolate hot chocolate's a uk brand by the way but anyway if we go to aliexpress and try and find the hot chocolate machine let's see if we get the same thing so there's a chocolate machine but it's not a hot chocolate machine yeah that might not be what i'm looking for okay that doesn't work that's got to be a private product anyway but they're selling these machines what else have we got we've got i saw something interesting here they got the nike sports tech fleece men so this is very popular at the moment joggy bottoms you got watches that do well now pardon me the reason why you want to know what is doing really well what you the reason why you want to know what's doing well on the google shopping shelf is because for these guys to be this high up on the search engine would mean that they're paying a lot of money meaning that these are all desirable products right now during this time of the year now you don't obviously sell the nike version of this you would sell the aliexpress version of this and you would find what sells best so for example i would go on here and i'll type in men's track track pants is what you put in and then you change it to order amount and then you're going to find track pants so these ones here there's not got the best reviews always check the reviews they're not amazing uh scroll down why are these all bad reviews so weird that didn't that didn't really go my way because i can't find anything with some decent reviews on there but yeah you would basically try and find the uh the aliexpress alternative to what they're trying to buy now it could be this for example i know there hasn't got many reviews but this is just an example so this could be an option for them to to have and it comes in different colors and different styles so yeah that just gives you ideas of what's selling well in the whole e-commerce world you know um what else have we got let me move this up here so uh we've got so what else you might want to do sorry is you might want to do black friday deals and then what happens is loads of websites will basically list their top products at the moment so black friday 2021 then it will give you shop deals you click this and it will take you to all the deals right now so you can see these are all the different deals that they've got on now of course a lot of these will be private labeled products will be branded products but you want to fund the alternative to them so they're selling this uh smart watch again they're very easy to find aliexpress you can see that people want to buy hair dryers right now people are selling the massaging gun right now so this is a private label product um but you can actually get on aliexpress it's just been private labeled um what else you got these hood blankets right here that are doing really really well you've got what else have you got you've got this musical kit that's doing well you got these um i forgot what they call them these hoverboards are doing well really really at the moment so basically what i'm going to want to do is i'm going to want to try and find what i can find that's very similar to this on the aliexpress website now something else that you might want to do is you might want to head over to pinterest by the way so if you haven't already go and sign up to pinterest and get yourself a free account uh let's have a look login i should have my stuff saved on here yes logged me in straight away nice cool so then what you want to do is you want to head over to the search bar and you want to type in black friday again and then it's going to show you lots of design ideas this wasn't what i was looking for anyway let's do deals type in deals 22 tips and tricks on amazon let me see what this says oh these are just tips and tricks i don't want these tips and tricks all right cool let's type in amazon fines here we go if you type in amazon fines then you're going to find loads of things that come up amazon 2020 must-haves that you didn't know you needed this is what i'm looking for okay cool so now online here it's going to take some time to load i don't know why it's blurred out you refresh this so here we go why is it doing this notifications blocked allow for this site does this work okay here we go it works cool so now i've done this now what you want to do if you're new to the live stream make sure you smash the like button i'm giving out you guys free value i hope you've learned something new if you've learned something new let me know in the comment section below be very highly appreciated now as soon as you come to this page you want to go to their website because they're always doing self promotions and things like that 10 must have amazon fine so she's doing affiliate marketing so the first thing that she's saying that you need is an airpod designer lookalikes now i don't know what this means is it basically a fake pair of airpods i don't know now they're saying that you should get this silicon cozy you should get the best leggings that suck you in so that you want to be buying leggings that suck you in so if you type in here women's leggings i can't even spell women's leggings and then you could put something like tight okay that won't work uh women's women's maybe thai leggings would work so there you go you want to basically search for what they're trying to say so what this product is is basically where has it gone it's it's basically a product that will suck your body in to obviously make it look better than it is so that's what the idea of that product is you'll find something that's like that then you've got the scalp massager that is an aliexpress product right there so is it here yeah that's a scalp product this is on am this is on aliexpress by the way this has been private labelled if you type this in you'll find on aliexpress check this out there you go you can find the exact same product we change its order amount did we get the right one uh i think it was just i think that might have been it or is this one right here you can see it's got 2 000 orders i think this is the exact same one by the way yeah that's the exact same one it's got 2 000 orders so that's what you want to do you want to go over to pinterest and you want to look at the thread of the pinterest to see what people are trying to recommend you to buy um it and the thing is you can see here another product right here this is this some laptop let's have a look at this this is quite cool click and snap well click and snap doesn't work okay i don't even know what this is about so an amazing product to put on your laptop this is a cool product for christmas by the way uh i don't even know what you'd call it laptop phone mount maybe laptop phone holder maybe this is the one there we go found it it's a very cool product now i'm sure there's one on there that's got quite a lot of orders changes to order amount there you go there's one with 15 000 orders right there 15 000 orders that's a solid product as long as it's good this the only thing i'd be worried about this product is the reviews are a little bit on the low side so i'd have to investigate why the reviews are quite low but overall i think that's quite a solid product people are putting some funny stuff anyway we're going to be checking um yeah so those are a few of the methods i'm going to be sharing right now what i'm going to be doing quickly is i'm going to quickly have a look at the live chat see what people are saying would you sell a neck pain removing device in q4 now you're referring to like neck massagers i would sell them they do well all year round people will buy it for somebody to help them during if people if if somebody if somebody knows somebody that suffers from anxiety stress headaches migraines part of me they're more they're obviously very likely to buy them it's very it's a very good idea to buy that for somebody because of course it's a good product to help them with that problem uh thank you for being alive appreciate it uh recommend for newbies to start with a general store i would in queue for i'd recommend you start with a niche store or a general store free or a paid vpn so the vpn that i currently use myself i currently use the nordvpn nordvpn in my opinion it's the best it's the one that works for me really really well and it is paid it's 15 to 20 days shipping long now i typically do now when i'm testing a product i like to do 15 to 20 days in the testing stage anything over that i don't do how do you deal with facebook profiles is there any way to buy them there is but it's a it's it's quite a risky thing to do so it's a hit and miss uh let's have a look what else we got where do you what do you mean reviews are low it is 4.6 stars it wasn't 4.6 stars it was 4.4 stars you see right there 4.4 now anything below 4.5 i'm a bit conservative so anything above 4.5 i'm fine with anything below 4.5 i'm a little bit conservative just remember that i'm a little bit cautious i'm a little bit like i'm not too sure but do bear that in mind is it a good idea to sell electric electronical products in my opinion yes it is but be very careful and make sure you test because it's very important what do you think about beauty device and q4 yeah they do well when are you drop shipping what do you what do you use to advertise do you ask supplier for video for what do you use for your video ads so sue deluxe you need to watch the free course because that question has literally been showed on the free course so if you don't know what free course i'm referring to i'm referring to i'm referring to this free course right here sorry you need to watch this free course right here that's the video that i'm referring to because i literally cover uh i literally cover that exact thing that you're asking about by the way i'm gonna delete all these tabs i'm not using as well because no point having them open uh i don't need to open damn everybody commenting that's a good thing i want everybody to comment make sure you guys um make sure you guys smash the like button by the way i'm giving out loads of free value for you guys the best advertising method right now in my opinion um ticktock snapchat ads and um google ads right now are pretty good for test would you say pretty much everything does well in q4 no not everything does well in q4 a lot of people think everything does well in q4 majority of things do well in q4 but you still need to um you still need to uh you still need to uh do some research around it and don't think that everything you see will do works it won't uh hey econ king i started a website and struggling to find a successful to sell well look dude i'm gonna be completely honest with you you could potentially go you could you could potentially go through easily easily go through five to ten products and still not find anything that's just the way the industry goes why you suggest an e-straw or a general store because in q4 you need to test a lot of products very quickly and the only way you're going to do that is with those types of stores bought pizza today only well done man peaks is a great product research tool it is the best product research clone there's loads of cool features coming out in the next few weeks uh i watch beaufree course great then you should know what you're doing pretty much more views today yeah the views are pretty decent today still not amazing but i appreciate every single one of you watching the video and if you would like it that also be very appreciated best theme for niche store they beautify or go to shopify premium themes and have a look at the different themes they offer for the niche that you're in thanks for the info i've just launched my first store and facebook strategy congratulations it's 200 ad budget too little yes it's too little what item is the best profit margin that styles high ticket items things like um things like electronical products things like furniture those things do pretty well that one dislike is trash yeah the dislike is trash but anyway the dislike even boosts the video so i don't really mind anyway loving the flying plant the flying plant's amazing i need to buy one for myself they look cool do you think drop shipping is one of the best ways to become a millionaire 2021 a lot of people see this is the thing drop shipping is a great way to become a millionaire you're not guaranteed to become a millionaire you're not going to get rich overnight don't believe into any of that nonsense but is drop shipping a great way to be a millionaire now drop shipping will open the doors for you to become a millionaire very well it's not a get rich quick scheme you need a job alongside drop shipping until you're doing consistent numbers but what i'm trying to say to you is drop shipping can open the doors to cash flow you need cash flow to invest so let's say you make three hundred thousand dollars in profit with drop shipping over three years okay five years then what you can do is you can invest that money over the next three years four years maybe that turns into a million dollars so technically drop shipping is the one that got you there because they it design it got the cash flow that you needed to get there do you know what i mean so i hope that makes sense but yeah it can uh do this have a look what we got hey econ king i say 5k star store if i spend most of my time researching products do you still think i could fail easily yeah of course everybody can fail this is the thing don't be scared to fail embrace failing and embracing the failing is the best part you know yeah i did 100k with the videos there you go right there we've got ever we've got a youtube testimonial jess wilson who's one of the subscribers has watched the free course and has been able to do 100k just watching the free course most of the items are from china long shipping times with the cargo delays of course that is the issue right now what can we do i'm stuck on the loop trying to open but the being able of my last high school year dude you just gotta try and balance them together it's e-commerce mentoring worth it e-commerce mentoring is definitely worth it so e-commerce mentoring is only worth it if you've watched the free course if you've watched the free course and you're still struggling or if you've watched the free course and you've made five ten twenty three thousand dollars but you wanna take it to the next level e-commerce mentoring is definitely worth it but if you haven't watched the free course then don't do it because the free course it can help 80 percent of people and for those that want to either take it to the next level are still really struggling then it's a great option so that's the short answer to that when to hire an agent that questions in the free course by the way check it out it's stressful as f yeah it is stressful bro life is stressful business is stressful that's how the game goes man hey econ king i'm in school my kids a lot of random things do you think putting all the latest trends into one store is a good idea of course you can call it a trend store just selling the latest trends it's a very popular idea a lot of people do it and they're successful i own a 15k follower dog nishikan how do i go about profiting from my audience while you do affiliate marketing don't you you promote products that dogs use and you use your affiliate link you get a commission very popular that influencers do or you start your own drop shipping store and promote the products on that store to them can i contact you with ecommerce mentoring if you've got any questions about it of course you can find my email address in the information section on my channel email me and um yeah of course or you can just message the website directly which is what i'd recommend you do much love king i appreciate it man i i love all of the subscribers all of the subscribers i love a lot and i appreciate all of you you guys mean a lot to me and um i try my hardest to give you guys as much as i can is drop shipping sustainable drop shipping is sustainable the only issue is you could go from product to product so what a lot of people do is they get into the drop shipping um into the blood bath where they will test products and products they'll find one product does well but then they never do anything with it if you're somebody that finds a product that does six figures but then you end up not doing anything with it meaning you never go out there and actually turn it into a private label brand you never actually go out there and change it into a white label brand then you're you're basically doing yourself because at the end of the day the only way you can make the sustainable is by creating a long-term brand now if you're just trying to drop ship and not bother to try and change anything into a private brand then your inconsistency sustainability is going to be a big issue so that's the problem that i see nowadays too many people are too scared to try on private label and that's what makes them inconsistent i taught a guy um in 2019 and he found a six-figure product he did really well it was basically a gold cutlery niche it was basically cutlery but it was gold cutlery and he did six figures with it he made a lot of money with it and then the year after he didn't bother to um he didn't bother to private label the product or try and brand the product in any formal way and he went to another drop shipping product and he lost all of his profit on testing loads and loads and loads and loads and loads of different products which is terrible so this time he did six figures again with a different product this was more of a relaxing product by the way and what he did is he then private labeled it and for the last year and a half since he's done it guess what he's had no issues with consistency so that just shows you that if you go down the short term thinking it doesn't plan out alternatives of facebook ads and tick tock snapchat ads is a good option hello man what do you think about dynamic creative strategy on facebook it's a good strategy man it's not too bad thanks from morocco bro you're an inspiration i appreciate it for those that are part of the e-com king members i'd like to see you guys comment man i can only see panzer in the chat with the e-com king members where all the e-com king members are can you start a successful dropping drop shipping store with a low budget you can but you'd have to do what we call um you'd have to do what we call uh viral content creation so what a lot of guys are doing is a lot of guys are doing something where they do a lot of viral videos on tick tock if you go to tick tock and type in amazon fines and things like that you'll see a lot of accounts that do viral videos and they're all drop shipping accounts so that's what people do to try and get lots of sales for free and it does work it's not easy how do you find product how do you find winning products easily so the only way to really find winning products easily and fast is by using a tool and most tools are paid if you want to try and find products for free make sure you watch my video um like i made today showing you three ways of doing it because then here you've got a product spy tool that are literally showing you products that are doing really well right now part of me so you can see that this is heat massaging heat pad that's doing really well right now if i open the link you can see it's a common heat massaging neck rub i think here it is it was posted on the first of october they've already got how many views have they got should time and reviews they've got they've got 1.9 million views and the comment sections are very positive as well very very positive let's try the um website out as well website's pretty good it's just a little bit hold on a second yeah website is pretty good website's been done well this is really well this is like a proper private label not private label sorry this is a really this has been done really well as a one product store so yeah that's a solid product so you can see here when you're when you use tools like this it makes life so much easier women's solid cod wedge ankle boots these do really well i know that for sure um this product is really really good right now i'm not gonna go over it now because it's in one of my other videos but yeah it's a really good product so let's see what else we've got these are just showing me winning viral ads right now uh what else have we got on here this looks good this looks really really good let's have a look pride of winners let's take a look at what this is all about so a gift to remind us of our furry friends is heaven worldwide shipping this is a solid product by the way this is a very very good product yeah that's a good one so if we search for this on aliexpress let's see how many orders it's got hold on a second is it a key ring is that a key ring or is it a um it's made out of wood hold on a second oh i thought it was made out of gold they're still cool though i didn't realize it was a christmas decorations but either way it's still it's still a very good product by the way how many seconds it's got a decent amount of comments yeah that's a good product if you can find it i'm not going to try and find it today because it could take me some time but it's a good product let's see what else we've got that looks quite good this looks like a good product okay it doesn't work it's died link has died out uh that's the bed that i recommended a few weeks ago let's see what else we got that product did well last year this did well last year this does well right now there's so many good products on there man i could go through but let's go back to the comments and see what people are saying how many tel how to test many products for a general store so the thing is you make a general store and you test three products within the general store it's very simple are you passionate about all your brands that's a very good question so that is a very very good question i am i wouldn't odds i'm only pa so i'm going to be honest with you i am passionate about all my brands but i'm the most passionate about the brands that are actually being made by ourselves so you've got private label brands where you're taking a product from china and you're just putting a logo on it there's nothing special about that it's just the next level of drop shipping but i'm more passionate about products where we actually construct them we make them we design them they get made it's one of one that i'm very passionate about cpp right now hi what do you what do you do to control it you can't do anything to control cost per purchase or um cpc like cost per click they're very hard to control what's the best strategy on facebook right now in your opinion so i actually made a video let me see which video it was in this video right here how we took a beginning from zero to 10k we i talked about a strategy that i'd recommend that you'd use it so it's a it's a cbo strategy and i cover it in this video so make sure you go and watch it can you explain the question of utms of ads so utms is you is is a unique tracking mechanism where you can track certain things with the url so we've made a video about it before if you go to this go to channels you'll see the e-commerce mentoring channel go to videos this video here teaches you about um utm tracking by the way how many orders on aliexpress is considered saturated i would say anything over 10 000 orders but i i like test and products i like testing products over 10 000 orders because i can use a different creative and a different angle with it and i can still do well with it how long would you run a hundred dollar cbo with metrics would you look for after 24 hours so after 24 hours with 100 c cbo i'm looking at at least five out of cards i have a budget of 25k would you recommend using fiverr for ads or should i go with someone else if you want if you've got that kind of budget buddy i would be going with bilo man if you've got a budget over 5k man and you you want to be making sure you're getting custom content bilo is all about custom content by the way it's where you send your product out to these influencers they make videos for you it's the best way obviously if you're on a tighter budget use fiverr but if you've got 25k buddy you should be using custom content can you still make money on the galaxy projectors of course every product can still make money it doesn't matter the time of the year doesn't matter when a product can always make money you've just got to tap into what would make it make money you know is 37 years too late to start any late boomer's success story so yeah i taught a guy that was i believe in his early 60s now if i go to all these videos i made a case study where's the case study so if you watch okay here we go if you watch this video right here student case study 0 to 10k in 14 days this case study was on a guy that was in his late um early sorry late 50s or early 60s who saw the fishing rod um and and he was 60 years old or in his in his late 50s okay i didn't mean to click that button but yeah so yeah if you want the motivation it's that video right there we teach lots of of people that are in their older ages and they still do well what do you think about christmas lights i don't recommend selling this product because these are things you can find from your high street can we scale on instagram what do you mean ads what do you mean organically here is a product name poor ring please can you tell me if it's winning so you are you trying to tell me that's the name of the product and if i type this in i will find it so look okay i get i think i get what you're trying to tell me now that these these kinds of jewelries do well so if the guys are asking me if poor see that's a solid product i like that one a lot i like these ones a lot so so these types of rings would do well i'm just trying to see if you can get in different see the see these types of jewelry do really really well they do so so well i know because i sell lots of jewelry now the thing with this is you it's gonna you would have to input the most popular breed so what you what you would have to do is you type you'd have to type in most popular dog sorry i'm typing in a dark room on my keyboard so these are the types of research you guys should be doing so if i was to try and sell this dog ring here where's it going if i was to try and start this dog ring here i know i can find a french bulldog ring i know i can find a um a pug ring maybe a chihuahua ring so if we type in most popular dog breeds american so they'll then tell you what are the most common breeds now labradors golden retrievers they're going to be the most popular ones so you can see [Applause] labrador french bulldogs german shepherd so then what you'd want to do is you would want you would want to try and find you would want to try and find that exact ring but you want to make sure that you can you can find that ring but you can you want to try make sure you can find that ring for the top 10 breeds on this list the more the better of course because the end of the day if you're going to run facebook ads for this then i would recommend you do a carousel and the carousel would be a carousel with five images in it and each image will be a different image of the bridge so one carousel image would show this ring another carousel image would show this ring and so forth so then you're going to be showcasing the different dog breeds within the carousel now of course you're going to be targeting things like dog lovers dog walkers those types of interests now because you're targeting those types of interest the likelihood of people when you're targeting those interests owning these type of dog breeds are very unlikely but if you're targeting those interests it's very likely that those type of people owning these type of dog breeds so it's very important that you do this type of research when you look into some of these type of things because if you don't do it properly it won't make sense and it's all about how you advertise the product because the only way you're going to really captivate the market with a product like this is to be able to show that you're able to sell these people with all the dog rings now you could call you could call your website something like um all dog all dog breed rings all dog see if let me see if that's available that's actually quite a good name google domains let me see if it's available so you could call it something like this [Music] you know i want to see if i can go and go daddy and get it so if i type in um breeds ring let me see if this is available so here we go all dog breeds or maybe all dog breed rings maybe that would sound better all dog breed rings dot com that is sick that is a solid demeaning and you can see look at how cheap this is that is amazing guys i hope this gives you an insight in how i think i i really do hope this really gives you guys an insight on how i think about doing things like the the the research i do and stuff like that because it's very important that you you guys understand that's literally what i'm doing now you all dog breed rings is all that that i think is solid um but yeah that's the kind of research that i would do on selling those types of products that's the type of branding that i would go with um and then i'd make the i'd obviously make the logo on camera and stuff like that but that's pretty much how i'd work around that kind of stuff let's see what the comments are saying let me know in the live chat if you're getting value from this if you're getting value from this live stream let me know quickly because i'll be massively appreciated if you're getting value from it let me know guys because i'm trying to show you guys literally what i do in on the in and outside of things you know yeah i think you guys are getting some real good knowledge from this anyway but yeah guys that will let me just um let me switch back quickly on a second let me just get out of this let me go here and let me do this cool let me quickly turn a light on look how dark this room is oh we're back oh we're back oh this horrible yellow coloring horrible horrible horrible yeah you guys are absolutely loving the value today so i appreciate it but anyway guys i hope you took value from this live stream i hope you you've understood a few free methods you can use i hope you guys see the research that i do once i find a product um yeah i hope you've learned something from this if you're new smash the like button and there's a new video coming out this sunday top products for november so make sure you got that in your calendar um and yeah make sure you guys are watching this because the ones that are watching my live streams consistently are the ones that are most likely to be successful because you're committed to learning now i'd recommend that you guys watch the um the most recent videos on my channel so if you've not already watched my last three videos make sure you go and watch them because i've got so much value in them and i'm going to be catching you guys again in the next uh yeah next week i'll do a live stream every week by the way so i don't know why i was thinking about that but yeah i'll catch you guys next week on the next live stream and now remember i do i do i do a um i do a short on tuesdays i do a live stream on wednesdays and i do a video on fridays or saturdays or sometimes sundays but yeah guys appreciate you guys hanging out with me today hope you've learned something really do appreciate every single one of you that are committed to learning from this live stream and yeah catch you guys soon and there will be giveaways on the next live stream i saw somebody just ask about giveaways i'll be doing them on the next
Views: 15,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, dropshipping 2019, Nate Schmidt, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify dropshipping strategy, Facebook ads, dropshipping tutorial, one product Shopify dropshipping, Shopify training, How To Create Dropshipping Facebook Ads, make money online, how to make money online, best dropshipping guru, how to start dropshipping, aliexpress, oberlo, jordan welch, Davie Fogarty
Id: OMLWnFbJ200
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 40sec (4480 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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