I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With $1000 (72 HOUR CHALLENGE)

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here's the result of the drop shipping drawing prime time challenge with a thousand dollars in today's video i'm gonna be attempting to do shopify drop shipping drawing the prime time of the year with a 1 000 budget for the next 72 hours now what makes this the prime time of the year for shopify dropshipping is we're now in q4 which is where the most people are online buying products because of things like christmas black friday and halloween so let's see if q4 actually makes a difference with this drop shipping challenge so welcome to the channel my name is kamel sanon it's the ecom kingdom this is gonna be my most intense drop shipping challenge i've ever done before so i'm gonna be giving myself a one thousand dollar budget for the next three days to see if i can generate as much money as possible during the prime time of drop shipping now the reason why i've given myself one thousand dollars is because i believe that's the most ample amount of money that i'm gonna need for the next three days to test four different products so if you're a beginner with drop shipping this is gonna give you a great insight to see what it looks like to test during q4 at a rapid pace with a decent amount of budget so i'd recommend that you guys grab a notebook and pen or your laptop to follow along because you're gonna have to watch me find women products for q4 you're gonna watch me build a website design for q4 and you're gonna watch me actually run the facebook ads during this period of time so you're gonna learn so so much [Music] so it's day one of the challenge and the first thing that i'm gonna be doing today is i'm gonna be doing product research but especially designed for q4 because q4 product research is a lot different to normal product research so i'm going to be using a tool called peekster which will actually enable me to look at facebook winning ads from last year during q4 because whatever products tend to do well in the previous years can most definitely do well during the current year and the future years from what i've had in my experience now a few of the tools that this has got which is really cool is it's got a tick tock ad spy as well and whatever's doing well on tiktok is normally leading the market at the moment so i'm really interested to see what's doing well on tick tock to see if i can bring it over to facebook this will also show me what's doing well on amazon as well because all of these different markets are correlated in a certain aspect [Music] so after 45 minutes of product research i have found four products that i'm confident with going forward with now the first product i've chosen is this butterfly eyeshadow palette now the reason why i've chosen this product is because beauty during this time of the year does really really well because people buy it as gifts for their daughters their best friends their girlfriends and this is a unique product because it's shaped as a butterfly and it's got six different color eyeshadows in the palette so this is a piece of makeup that you can't just go out on the street and buy and during christmas people want to be buying gifts that are more unique than common so i thought this will do really really well now if we take a look at the reviews you can see it's got 4.9 star reviews meaning it's a high quality product with around about 445 orders meaning that it's an untapped product right now considering i've only got a thousand dollars to test with i don't want to be going with products that are too competitive because it will eat up my ad cost so the second product that i've chosen is this yoga acupuncture mat with pillow it's optional if you want it with a pillow or without the pillow and what it is is this mat and it's got these acupuncture like suckers on it on the mat and on the pillow and this is designed to relieve anxiety and stress and just to make you feel really really good and to also do yoga on now if you look at the order amount it's got 2 182 orders with 4.9 star reviews meaning it's a good quality product now i'm going after really solid quality products because i don't want any return another great thing about this product is it's a winner from last year and the previous year so i'm hoping that it will do well again this year so the third product i've chosen is going to be this hundred letter language necklace which says i love you in a hundred different languages now you've probably seen this product before if you've been in drop shipping because it's a winning product from four years ago now the reason why i love this product is because it's in the jewelry niche and jewelry does really really well every single year and it's got a really nice message with inside it and this is a product that you just can't find on the high streets from places like pandora so again it's got that unique position to it now the fourth part that i've chosen are going to be these women's fashion sneakers and i've taken a risk on this one because as you know fashion in dropshipping can be a bit risky but i've seen these blown up recently which are these cool looking pink sneakers and it's what these influence has been wearing recently so i feel like that's the reason why it's gonna be good and fashion for q4 for christmas is insane who do you not know that receives fashionable products on christmas i don't know especially for women so as you guys can see it's got 410 orders and a 4.5 star review i don't go under anything under 4.5 star reviews so it seems like it's a solid product now you can also see on the imagery they've got like these little ankle bracelets which is a great upsell during q4 because upsize is where you make a lot of money so i'm going to show you guys exactly how i found the products for this challenge the ones that i've chosen now i headed over to a website called pixlr and i enabled the two day free trial which everybody can get so technically this doesn't come out of my budget so it's a great way to find winning products within the two days for free as long as you cancel it and i headed over to where it says product spy and this is going to be showing me facebook ads that are currently doing really really well now i'm not interested in any old facebook ads i want to go over to where it says limit to a month and i want to be choosing between september and december because those the products that are doing well during q4 so i'm going to select november and you guys can see the ads have gone from 10 months ago meaning almost this time last year now as soon as i scrolled down i saw these pair of leggings that i liked the look off because i feel like they're a great product to buy somebody as a gift and as soon as i click learn more it's going to take me straight to the facebook ad now as soon as i came to the facebook ad i saw straight away that this has got 12 million views now to get 12 million views on a video you must have spent a lot of money to make sure that this hits 12 million views meaning that they've done really really well and they've also got 36 000 comments and this video is a ugc video of them showing off the leggings and showing the insides of a plate to you guys you can see it's just showing off the inside of the leg and being fur inside to keep you warm during the winter now this is user generated content it always does well now if i head over to the comment section this is something else i look for i look to see what people are saying in the comments section whether they bought it how quick was the delivery time and just things like that are they able to talk about anything else that i can utilize on because i believe that finding what people did last year that did well but then going a step ahead of them that's the way to close the gap on beating them as the competition so as you guys can see i typed in aliexpress leggings and i sorted it by amount and you can see the leggings have come up right here and they've got almost 10 000 orders now these are the exact leggings as in the video now how do i know they're the exact same leggings because this image was used in the video and you can see the logo here it will match the logo on there so these are the exact leggings they're using now unfortunately i'm not able to work out how much they've made because their website's been taken down because obviously it's seasonal so i'm not able to see it but what i would do is i would basically times that by however much they're selling the product for and then i can work out roughly how much the website's possibly made now not though all of those orders would be from that one person but it gives me a good idea but i know for sure that these are a solid product and i also want to check out the star reviews scene if they're at 4.5 or above so the second way that i like to use this tool is i like to go to tick tock spy and this is going to show me basically tick tock winners and tick tock is ahead of the market when it comes to selling ecommerce products so as you guys can see i saw this ad which really stood out to me because of the comments and the likes and as you guys can see it's got 1.6 million views and it's this unique water bottle design that's been created creating ugc content and it just shows you them using in this crazy way and you can see there that water bottle is crazy and you won't be able to find those at your traditional stores now something else i like to do is i like to read the comments again but what a lot of tik tok people do is they actually make their account as a drop shipper so you can see if i go to their link it's actually going to take me directly to the website they're selling these products on so they've actually private labeled or branded their own tick tock to actually sell drop shipping and print on demand products so this is a great way for me to actually find other related products because if they're getting millions and millions of views on the products that they're promoting it means that all the other products they've got on their website are probably gonna be really really good so now i've got my products i need to now get my video ads made for my facebook ads and i'm come to our website called launchvids and i'm going to go down to the packages and i'm going to be selecting the ultimate package which will include 10 fully optimized videos perfect for facebook and instagram watermark included thumbnails and it's 30 to 50 seconds long and it gives me up to 10 revisions so i'm going to be filling this out and hopefully i should receive my video ads within one to two days hopefully within 24 hours so i can get on with the challenge and i'm gonna be using a coupon code which i'll leave in the description so that will actually make me spend instead of 250 dollars around about 230 dollars so that'll be deducted out of my budget [Music] so it's day two of the challenge and what i've got planned today is i'll be building the website and building one in general niche website that way it's going to save money and it's going to save a lot of time because during q4 you want to have either a niche store or a general store because you'll be testing as many products as quickly as possible because time is against you you've only got three months to really maximize this time of the year so after i've completed the web so i'm going to move on to creating my ad copies which is basically the writing that underneath the ad so that's going to take some time to work out and then i'm going to be trying to launch my facebook ads and that's really if i have the time to do so i might have to change this challenge from 72 hours to potentially five days because this is a lot of work to do within three days and i want to try and run my ads long enough to actually give them a fair enough test i'm building one website and putting four products on there making it actually a decent website is going to take a few hours so let's get [Music] [Music] [Music] so four and a half hours later i've been able to finish the website there are a few little things i need to finish off but i'll do that a little bit later wrong so it's only going to take me like 10 minutes or so to do it but i'm exhausted and here is the website so as you guys can see on the screen i've called it christmasgiftsforher2021.com so people know as soon as they come to the website it's about buying gifts especially christmas gifts for a woman whether it be your sister your mom your daughter so forth for 2021 and you guys can see i've gone for the turquoisey blue color the white and the brown color scheme and you can see the logo here i'm gonna zoom in it says gifs and then it's got a picture of a woman for her simple branding but it's effective as soon as people see it they're going to know exactly what the brandon means and you can see in the top of the shipping board it says free shipping worldwide 30 day free returns that way it's going to increase conversion rates because people ain't scared and on the home page i won't be sending any traffic to the home page but i'll put what i think will do the best so i don't know it will do the best because i've tested it yet but i believe this product will probably be the best out of the four so i'll put it on the home page and you can see here i've called it aw autumn winter 2021 casual fashion sneaker 2939 which has converted it into pounds it is in dollars got the best currency converter turned on you can see i've got the save it now and then you can see i've got the bullet point that says this is the perfect gift for your loved one so that'll let people know that this is could be a gift product if you don't want to buy it for yourself then we've got the different colors if you click the color it changes it then you've got the sizing options and then you've got the details here when you scroll down the pictures and the information and then you've got the size chart and then you've got the trust badge at the bottom saying local customer support free insured shipping happy customers worldwide and high quality footer is very simple it says our mission is to supply you with the best gifts for your loved ones whether it be for birthdays xmas valentine's day we've got you and then you've got the site pages the newsletter and you can see the bottom here it's got the sales pops showing people saying that they've bought from the website to increase conversion rates and if we go to the menu you can see here this is the important part the best gifts for her you're going to click that and then it's going to take you to a collection page with the four different products that i've got now i'm obviously going to be running each ad directly to the product page so they don't actually get to see this page and the one i'm gonna be showing you is the butterfly makeup and you can see here it says here butterfly eyeshadow palette it's got a discount again it says this is the perfect gift for your loved one it's got the trust badges and then straight into the description we've got some really high quality images and images like this do really really well and they're so educational so you can see here it says finding an eye shadow palette for beginners which can be used for pro techniques and then it talks about introducing the butterfly makeup palette and it shows the different colors you've got wild rose then you've got dessert then you've got wistra whatever you want to call it the purple one and then it goes over how to use it the specifications then it's got recommended for you at the bottom so you can potentially cross our people on it and then i've got the luke's reviews here as well as you can see these reviews are nicely done on the bottom then we've got those trust badges again and that's pretty much how every product page looks for each product and then you've got the um sticky add to cart button so when you scroll down it shows the add to cart button as well now all the apps that i used i will leave in the description on my special website called the econ king deals that way that when you shop the apps i've used like luke's reviews you'll either get an extended free trial or you'll get a discount so make sure you check it out if you want the best discounts or the best extended free trials so now i've completed the website and i've got my video ads back i need to now create the ad copies and the ad headlines for my facebook ad now i know this is probably the hardest part people struggle with when it comes to actually content creation which is the copyright inside and i struggle with this too now the best thing that i do to actually find success doing this is i actually go on the ad library and search for competitors and look to see how they've constructed theirs and i also like to just take little bits from it and reconstruct it into my underway and i also like to use my product descriptions and implement those into my ad copies and i like to make short medium and long versions of it to see which does well and i like to create five ad headlines and three different ad copies one being again short medium and long so i just got the video ads back from launch vids and what i'm gonna be doing for you guys i'm gonna be playing them on the screen right now so you can check them out oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] family [Music] as you guys saw you've just seen the video ads now first things first my favorite one must be the butterfly makeup video that one was done pretty cool i love the butterfly animations and things like that now the other ones are pretty basic which is what i asked for and i also asked them to put on the call to action at the end of the video this is a perfect gift for somebody to buy for somebody and it will also tie in with my website branding now i did pay over 200 to get 10 video ads made but i only had four made so far which means i've got six ready to go if i need to retest creatives because with facebook ads you need to be testing loads of different creatives so it lets me have a lot on standby just in case now there's loads of other websites out there that do video ads as well but they're all roughly around about the same price and i don't mind paying money especially because it saves me a lot of time and a lot of hassle now some good alternatives if you don't want to pay that premium for a better service and a better quality and sometimes fiverr can give you just as good as well but the service and delivery might not be as fast and so you can get around about 30 reduction going on five and i did actually make a video about me building a whole website through fiverr and launching the facebook ads and getting videos created and it wasn't really that bad of an experience now the reason why i got the video ads outsourced was because i haven't got the time to be doing them myself so i need them done for me now during q4 because you have to test so rapid loads of different products sometimes it's better to get it all outsourced because it's gonna save you so much time so let's say it's gonna take you six hours a day to make those types of videos then you're gonna be saving six hours and spending it tests and products which is more important [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so just after an hour i was able to create my ad copies and my ad headlines for the four products i'm gonna be using on the facebook ads now i'm gonna be showing you exactly how i made them so you can try out as well so before i actually start reading out my ad copies and my ad headlines let me just quickly show you how i was able to create them so like i said before i do around about five to six ad headlines and these should be three to six words uh long in terms of the short description of what will be in the short caption of your facebook ad and then i create three different ad copies one short one medium and one long now in terms of where i get the ideas from is i actually go to the facebook ad library and you want to change the locations to all you want to change the ad categories to all and then you want to search for keywords related to what you're selling so i'm going to type in women's fashion sneakers now realistically i'm going to want to try and find the exact facebook ad being ran for the product that i'm actually going to try and sell so as you guys can see here you can see some drop shipping websites and you can also see some actual e-commerce brands so what i actually do is i go through here and i try and find some ideas these are all drop shipping by the way i go through these and try and find some ideas of what they've written to inspire me to put in mine and i also do that for the actual ad copy as well now another thing that i actually do is i actually go back to peekster because for each product they give you an example of an ad copy and an ad headline which you can actually use which gives you like one for free now the thing that i actually use the most of which i find most effective is actually going to my product pages so if i go back to my products i'm gonna grab this part here we are happy to offer you a comfortable pair of sneakers so i'll copy that and then what i'll do is i'll paste it so you can see if i scroll down you can see i've actually copied and pasted that there and then what i do is i write and i'll write this myself i'll write the perfect gift for christmas or birthdays to let people know that this is also a gift product and then i put shop here for an exclusive 30 off because that's how much i'm giving them off then i convert the link into a bitly link to shorten it and then they go there and then for the medium copy i'll repeat the exact start again but this time i'll go back to the product page again and i take another little bit out and i put it back into the copy and then i'll copy and paste that blast but again and then for the long copy i do the exact same thing again but for this time what i actually do is i actually put on the end the same stuff again and i only add an extra little bit out from my description now you don't have to do it this way i just find it's just quicker doing it this way and it actually is more fluent and the reason why you want to test long medium and short is because you don't know what will work well and because i'm going to be running image ads for this product i want to see if the long copy works better because people want to find out more information that they can't get from a video so now i've taught you guys exactly how i'm able to create my ad copies and add headlines let me go through them so for the fashion sneaker my ad headline says gifts for xmas and again you would keep them short it tells them exactly what this is for 30 off ends 24 hours this is a scarcity tactic uh a so that should be actually a w so autumn winter 21 and then she says casual fashion sneakers for those that are fashion they'll understand what that means then i've got the kardashian look so for those that are obsessed with kardashians which they are a lot of women are then that will grab them then the instagram look people want to keep up to date with the looks that are on instagram this will keep them on there then my ad copy says we are happy to offer a comfortable pair of shoes that will complete your whole week look introducing the women's sw21 they should be aw by the way casual fashion sneakers the perfect gift for christmas or birthdays shop here for exclusive three percent off then the medium is the exact same but this and i'll talk about the suitability of occasions talking about how you can use it for the gym walking and for work and then i've got the same call to action again then the long one again but then at the end i'll talk about the premium quality the anti-slip and then again the posture correction that can be important and then it's the same actual call to action these are my ad headlines for my butterfly makeup now i've used a few of my emojis for this one to see how it works and you can see this one says the best gift for xmas with a santa emoji then i've got the emergency light saying 10 off for 24 hours then i've got unique makeup looks then i've got premium makeup palette and then i've got butterfly makeup palette now what i might actually do is i might change this to beginner friendly because i know that's something that's important about this product so i might change one to say beginner friendly and as i think it's important then you guys can see as the actual ad copy says are you looking for eye shadow palette for beginners which can be used without pro techniques but look professional dennis is here now introducing the butterfly eyeshadow palette for beginners the perfect gift for christmas or birthdays the same thing again now the medium one does the exact same thing again but this time it talks about the six different colors and the shades and how the shades look and how it can work even if you're a beginner long one just goes into how it can blend into your makeup and the skin tones and how it actually works and then it talks about how you can actually use the makeup in terms of how to apply it should it be thin or should it be thick so these are the ad copies and add headlines for the yoga mat same again gifts for xmas the same discount headline and then it says used by professionals the yoga mat of 2021 relieves stress and anxiety now the short copy now i didn't actually get this off my product page i actually found an ad being run that had a very similar um description as this and this is just an example of me using the ad library tactic now this is actually a customer talking as if they've bought the product to build some trust and it says again speech marks i get bad eggs from sitting all day so i ordered at home acupuncture yoga mat meaning the product that was selling to try the tension in my back was gone after using the mat it truly is a lifesaver and then it's saying it's come from a woman called martha then it says here shop here for exclusive 20 off the medium ad copy says the exact same quotation but then it talks about our yoga mat and what it does for them in terms of aches improves blood flows and reduces numbness and then it talks about how you can and get get the aches out of your legs now the long ad copy is quite important because this one actually goes into again the same quotation of the result but now it actually gives you some free value talking about how you can get rid of um basically blood getting your blood going in your body how to get rid of headaches so this is good for products like these um medical ones giving people value free telling them how they can get rid of headaches and how they can get rid of pins and needles and things like that for free without even selling them on the product so that's what this um ad copy long ad copy goes over the results then some free value and then obviously a call to action for the product now this is the ad copies and add headlines for the necklace same again the first two gifts of christmas and a discount i love you in 100 language for your loved ones show him how much you love him and then it says a short copy this is how you say i love you in 100 different languages the perfect gift for christmas or birthdays shop here for an exclusive 20 off then the medium copy just goes into basically how the actual necklace works and how it hides the different languages and then the long one then goes into a bit more of an emotional tactic saying look this is the best way to show somebody you love them with this 100 different languages necklace so now i've actually done the website i've done my ad copies and ad headlines and i've got my video ads i can now move on to launching the facebook campaigns and i'm going to be starting off with an campaign which stands for ad set budget optimization and that's what i like to test with i don't like testing with cb i like testing with now my plan is to do four campaigns one campaign per product and i want to be doing 10 ad sets per campaign with one ad under each ad set so each ad set will have one ad and i'll be testing things like carousels videos and single image ads now for each ad set i'm looking to spend around about five pounds which again in the us would be equivalent to five dollars although the conversion rate's higher be like six or seven dollars you would still do the exact same so the reason why i'm actually spending more money per each ad set is because it's q4 and the ad spend will be a lot more higher because of the competition so i'm giving myself an extra two dollars per ad set to actually give myself room just in case of those q4 advertising costs now if none of this is making sense do not worry because i will be showing you my actual cell once i've set them up so you guys can completely understand what i'm talking about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i've just finished doing the facebook ads for the four different products that i'm going to be using in the challenge now what i'm going to be doing is i'm going to be going through the different campaigns i've set up so you guys know exactly what i've done to start testing these products for quarter four so as you guys can see in the ads manager i've got four different campaigns turned on two in review and two active fingers crossed i don't have any issues with any ad rejections like thumbnails or videos because facebook is super sensitive but if i have any issues i will keep you guys up to date it's only fair now if we break down the first campaign which is the necklace testing campaign obviously this is for the necklace product that i'm going to be using we're going to jump into the campaign you can see we've got an campaign cell which is ad budget optimization i like to test with not cbo and then i've got 10 different ad sets within the campaign and the reason why i got 10 ad sets is what can test 10 different interests because interest are the key to success on facebook even with the ios 14 update interests are king at the moment so i want to be trusting as many interests as i can so if we take a look at the actual ad set breakdown you can see i've called it the actual interest name 2165 e packet test and broad facebook and instagram feeds and you can see i've got the budget at five pounds or five dollars however you want to put it and the locations are the e packet countries minus italy and mexico and then we've got 2165 women we've got bracelet as this interest we're excluding amazon and drop shipping and then you can see here what the language is english all and then manual placement facebook and instagram feeds and you can see the potential reach out around about 8.4 million and i want my potential reach between 5 and 300 million so 5 million to 300 million then the first ad we've got in here is a video so i'm doing video carousel and single image ads by the way i'm doing that for all my products that i'm going to be doing and you can see this one's actually a video and if we if we open this one in the expand so i can show you guys exactly how it looks you can see that the thumbnail is is there and then we have the video playing and then we have the ad copy i'm not going to show you the video because you've already seen it then if we go into the next one it's literally the only difference in each ad set is i've got a different interest one was for bracelet one was for in a relationship and what i like to do is within those 10 ad sets i've got 10 interest i like to try a few different interests in certain industries and a few different interests in a few other certain industries so i can find out which industry of interest do the best whether it be things like bracelets whether it be things about to do a relationship anything like that then if we take a look at the next video so you've got v3 v1 v2 meaning the version version one version two version three you can see i've got a different the only difference here is the thumbnail again the only difference here is the ad copy the only difference here is the thumbnail again and then if i actually show you the carousel i do actually have a carousel running here as well so let me expand that expand that sorry so i can show you so i'm testing loads of different creatives you can see that was the carousel so i'm testing lots of different imagery and lots of different videography now the key to success with facebook ads is just variations giving facebook a load of stuff to do and see how it goes especially in the testing phase which is what i'm in right now i don't know what's going to do better photos videos or carousels so i've got to give facebook all this information to then tell me exactly what's working well so i can start narrowing it down now if i show you another campaign i'm going to be showing you the makeup campaign the butterfly makeup one you can see again the same format just different interest target and i'm doing a lot of makeup brands here l'oreal mac maybelline and stuff like that now on the makeup one i'm running a lot of videos i've got one single image adhere which is with that really nice image and i've got one carousel as well and then the rest of them are image ads so i'm going to show you this carousel quickly so you can see what i've done i've got the two photos that look very similar you can see they're very similar photos and then i finished it off with the actual product photography as well now what i do want to show you actually would be the yoga mat maybe i'm just going to show you a quick insight on all of them but again i've got acupuncture attention headache physical therapy sports world gym again the same formation again and this one has got so again this one sorry's got all videos that's what i wanted to show you every single um ad has a video there's no picture or anything it's just video ads for this one and the only difference is the thumbnail so if you look at the thumbnail they see the thumbnail or the ad copy that's different you can see in that one it was the photo that one is the photo of the thumbnail being different but the video is exactly the same now if i quickly show you the fashion sneaker one you can see that i've done things like fashion accessory kim kardashian shoes adidas women's fashion and i've done quite a lot of carousels on this one and i i know you guys watched the time lapse of this one so i'm not going to show you too much but i've just strategically doing certain things depending on the products i find products i have got a video i had made for this one but i've not used it if this does well as of all the three of all the four different products that i'm doing if this does really really well i'll run a video and to scale with it but i just know with fashionable products images do a lot better so i'm just going to try this out and see how it goes oh so it's been an incredibly long day i've had to do the website i've had to look at the ads about to create the ad copies the ad headlines i've had to launch the facebook ads with you guys it's been around about nine hours of just solid graph and it's it's made me very tired and giving me a headache now what i'm gonna be doing from here on then is i'm gonna be updating you on the results from the facebook ads i'm gonna be showing you how i tweak my ad so if you guys are intrigued to see how i manage my ads when i test the product this is a great way to see how i'm doing it um and i'm just gonna be showing you the raw of what happens after the ads have been launched and we're gonna be giving it another i think two or three days to make it completely fair and to spend the full budget now i'm gonna be going to bed i don't know what time it is where you guys are but um yeah i'm flat out [Music] so it's day three of the challenge and it's been roughly just under 24 hours since i launched the facebook ads yesterday and i would say it's been around about 15 hours here or there now as you guys can see on the shopify screen right here on my phone we have done just over a hundred and sixty nine dollars three orders now those are three big orders people ordering multiple versions of the product and that really does tie in with the topic of this challenge which i'll be covering a little bit later so so far it's going really really well better than i actually anticipated especially under 24 hours that's actually pretty pretty good now what i'm gonna be doing and what i'm gonna be doing for the next few days when i give you guys updates is i'm gonna be showing you the ads manager showing you what i've done to the ads manager how i've changed campaigns what i've turned on how i've optimized everything i'm going to be going over the oberlo orders you guys know that all of these orders are real and legit i'm also going to be showing you guys the profit margins on a daily basis and obviously the whole round profit at the end of the challenge just so you guys can see roughly the kind of margins we're working with am i in a loss or am i in a profit now i believe that this is probably the most important part of the challenge for you guys to learn from because you're going to be learning how i optimize things how i mentally look at things during this process and to see how i deal with any current challenges so as you guys can see i'm in my oberlo dashboard and i'm going to refresh the screen so you know this is completely real and you can see we've had these three orders and i fulfilled all three orders now i'm obviously going to blur out the names of the customers for privacy reasons i'll leave the flag of the countries that they bought from but you can see that we had two orders for the fashion sneaker the red version and the pink version and remember these were only image ads we've had one yoga acupuncture mat and we've also had two two orders for the butterfly makeup one for two different colors which is really really good which was hoping for now you can see that there's these countries that we bought from so i'm going to show you the actual shopify analytics you can see 169 and i'm also going to refresh this as well so you guys know this is completely real you can see we've had over just 221 online store visitors these are the sales and you can see the conversion rate right here and you can see the top products now if we actually take a look at the online store sessions by location you're going to notice that these countries are going to get you by surprise we've had orders from hong kong australia and i think we've had one from malaysia so it shows you guys that it's important to do a packet because you don't want to miss out on these little gems that actually buy the product and obviously shopify do their own fraudulent risk assessment to see if these orders are fraudulent or not and all of these have come back low risk meaning that there's no issues with the orders so as you guys can see i'm currently in the ads manager and before we actually get on with the ads manager i just want to say that the reason why people are buying multiple versions of the products is because they're buying it for christmas or they're buying it for themselves so this is the big thing with queue for if you look at all my other challenge videos i've done on the channel you'll see that on my first day i normally get an order but only one order for one product but people are ordering multiple versions of the product that's because they're probably buying them as gifts for people so this is reason why people are ordering more than one and the average order values gone through the roof meaning that i'm gonna be more profitable so you can see straight away within the first 24 hours even less than 24 hours that your actual order man your average order value is a lot higher during q4 now as you guys can see i've actually turned off the necklace campaign so the actual necklace with the languages in it i've actually turned this campaign off because i had a lot of issues with a lot of the ads getting rejected and i just thought it was a lot of hassle so i just thought i'd turn it off and the results in terms of the cpms and the ctr was actually really bad so i'm going to show you that right now because these are the metrics i actually look for and at the end of the day i want to try and get myself to be as profitable as possible and i knew when i was testing these four different products that i'd end up turning off between two and three campaigns and only have one running and the whole point of q4 is testing as many products as possible and trying to see which ones work the work best and then go straight into them and try and scale one thing at one time so as you guys can see the cpms are really high on this it's very very high and also the um the add to cart ratio was pretty low as well there wasn't any so as you guys can see the ctr is another important factor that i really do look for which is click through rate and you can see it's the lowest one on here and you can see the cpc is also the highest one so this to me is way too expensive to advertise right now so i decided to turn it off now as you guys can also see the yoga mat is very expensive to advertise it's probably coming in as the most exciting most expensive so i'm going to keep a very fine eye on this product because i've only had one order and it is being it's very expensive to advertise right now so i feel like if i'm not getting any orders today or tomorrow i'm gonna have to cut this one out because it's just being way too expensive and the profit margins on this product at the moment ain't that good so let me just quickly break into each campaign and show you exactly what i've done with the ad sets so if you look here this is going to be the actual fashion sneakers to give you some context now i turned off two ad sets so these two ad sets are turned off and the reason why i turn these two ad sets off is i'm going to show you quickly is the ctr was under my industry standard so i always look in the first at ctrs and i also look at um cpc so the ctr here was under one percent so you can see this one was at 0.45 which is horrendous you want your ctrs to be around about two and above anything under that is actually really bad now this one came in at two percent just over two percent now the reason why i turned this one was off was because of my cpcs my cpcs on that were very high and also my cpms you can look at the cpms right there they are very very high now cpms are important but i prefer my cpcs and you can see the cpc here is it one pound 96 which is absolutely ridiculous this one isn't too bad but it wasn't doing the best now in terms of what i've actually done to replace those two ad sets is i actually duplicated pink because at the time of when i actually changed these pink was performing the best obviously it's been changed now and i also want to say that the actual data shown is not accurate because of the ios 14 update so the data is a lot more inaccurate than normal so you have to take it with a pinch of salt and i've made a video about making this more accurate but i haven't actually done it for this challenge because it takes up a lot of time and for a store that i'm only going to be running for the next few days obviously it doesn't make sense to do it but i've got a video about how to make this more accurate now what i did was i duplicated pink because that was the best performing ad set at the time i duplicated it twice and i found things that were very similar to it so i basically got two pinks running and then i found one that was called cuteness which was the suggested interest to pink and then i obviously kept those two off now i want to keep 10 ad sets running that every time of the day and i don't want anything lower than that because in the day i've got to try and test as many interests as possible to see which ones are winners and which ones are not winners now moving into the yoga campaign i'm going to show you what i did with this one now i did turn off uh four ad sets sorry i turned off five ad sets my bad and because they were performing really really badly if you look again at the ctr and the cpms these were really high especially the ctr they were quite low these ones but you can see these were really really bad 0.8 percent and the cpcs as well were very high on those as well if you look at the stats you can see the cpc are very high so i turned off all of these because they were no good and then what i did is i duplicated the winning one which was physical therapy i believe maybe it's not visible very yeah sorry it was physical therapy that was the one that was doing the best so i duplicated it and i basically found physical fitness i kept physical therapy and then i've got vertebral um column here so i've basically got these three running and replacing that so that's what i basically done here and i've got a few of us here i've got yoga and physical for exercise and physical therapy again so i've just replaced those five different uh ad sets with some new ones or some new interest as well and sometimes what i do is i actually duplicate the winning ad set and just keep the exact same one running i've just basically duplicated it to try and scale sideways um instead of vertically so that's something that i also do as well with my campaigns now taking a look at the butterfly makeup campaign you can see here i had to turn off six ad sets because um these were performing horribly i'm not going to show you all the stuff again but in terms of the actual metrics they were just performing really bad and if you actually take a look at it so a lot of these big brands a lot of l'oreal mac urban but makeup sephora these are really expensive to actually uh use to advertise because they're big and big brands and a lot of big uh businesses are trying to target these ones so that's becoming very expensive but the one that did really well for me was makeup artists make a part has performed very very well for me so i duplicated it six times and i kept one makeup artist i've got beauty salons a permanent makeup foundation i've just tried to find ones that are similar to makeup artists so my objective with the rest of the campaign for the next days i want to be turning off another campaign hopefully depending on how it performs because obviously the ad cost is quite high right now because i've got three campaigns running so i've got to turn off one today and i should have only two products left because i want to be focused on the ones are doing really really well and i want to try and scale them as aggressively as possible to try and get this thing going as fast as possible so to give you guys some real big golden nuggets what i do is because i'm going to be turning off another campaign today that means i've only got two products running out of the four products what i would normally do is i'll actually replace those two other campaigns with two other new products because i although the butterfly makeup is doing really well and the fashion sneakers doing well it doesn't mean that they'll do well for the next couple of days so i've got to keep testing keep testing until i find something that's really going to blow everything out of the park and once you find a winner you'll really know because it's getting ridiculous sales every single day so guys as promised i'm going to be showing you the profit margin for today because it's very important i keep you guys up to date with actual profit because that's what actually matters now i'm using an app called be profit it's the app that i always use for all my stores it just makes tracking the profit so easy and just so nice to actually see the data now there is a link in the description for this it's not a sponsored video i generally use this product so that's why i love it now as you guys can see um it shows me the ad spend it shows me the total cautious and the order amount and shows me the gross profit you can see actually at the moment we're actually negative by 81 and a lot of you guys are gonna be like that's not successful that's not great you're obviously in a loss what's the point of even doing it well i'll explain that in a minute so this feature here called most profitable tells me which products right now are making me the most profit which is what the most important thing is so if the yoga mat is selling a lot but isn't profitable and i try and increase the price and it still doesn't work then i might have to cut this out as a whole because i'm looking for profit not just revenue so to address the big problem in the room which is my profit margin being negative by a hundred dollars and that is accurate and the reason why that's gone from 80 to 100 because my ad spends obviously increased since then and the reason why i mean i lost is because this is what happens when you test products on the first day it's very unlikely you're going to be in profit and that's just the straight up truth answer now even on a weekly basis the chance of you being profitable are pretty slim i don't really see profit in my products until around about the third or fourth week and the reason for that is because i've got a test audiences i've got test products i've got a test creatives and then once i've done all that and i've got all the important information then i can start to chop off the fatty bits and then get profitable so the most likelihood of you actually seeing profit in the first few weeks the first few days is very unlikely and this can actually discourage people from actually carrying on but you just have to see through the long term and understand that you've got to cut off the fatty bits to get to the good parts which is basically understanding what works well and what doesn't because end of the day my biggest problem is my ad spend now obviously i've turned one campaign off so that's completely reduced the cam and the ads been by around about 60 to 70 now if i'm turning off another campaign at the end of the day that's going to reduce it by another 60 70 dollars so this overall will decrease as long as my sales are increasing so as you guys will know my profit margins will should technically over the next few days increase because i'm turning off things that are just not working [Music] so it's day four of the challenge and good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you're watching this from whichever time you're watching this from and basically not much has changed since yesterday guys we've actually had zero sales since yesterday so the performance has actually dropped off and obviously the spends gone up so the short answer is we're in more of a loss than we were even yesterday and i'll be showing you the loss that we're on in a minute and i'll be talking about it in a minute but i have made quite a lot of changes to the facebook ads which is the most important part and hopefully these changes that i've made will hopefully tomorrow show in results and sales and hopefully will keep us closer to actually breaking even and not being in a loss so as you guys can see i'm in the shopify dashboard i want to be showing you these stats you can see from the 12th to the 14th we're still on 169 we've gone up to 707 sales we have this massive spike of volume and then it's dropped off and you can see the online store conversion is actually terrible right now like that is really really bad um so that's actually led me to actually make changes to the website so i want to show you that quickly so on the fashion sneakers i've actually added this little review and you can see here it's from obviously this is made up but we've added like a little review at the top to see if that improves the trust and hopefully improves the customer conversion rate now the reason why i've made a change to that is because if you actually look at the top landing pages the one that's getting the most attention right now is the fashion sneaker and there's no difference in in really the spending compared to the other two campaigns so at the end of the day um i'm trying to go with that as much as possible because that's what's actually getting the most attention right now now if we take a look at the ads manager i want to show you the changes that i've actually made now i've only actually made changes to the fashion sneaker because i believe the butterfly and the yoga mat the changes that i made yesterday were significant enough to actually not needed to be changed again just yet but i think i might have to change these either really late tonight or early in the morning tomorrow so these are the exact same but what i do want to show you um is the stats right now for those two campaigns so i'm going to mark the two campaigns i want to show you because it's really important now if we actually take a look at how expensive these are right now we're going to be heading over to the cpm now the cpm's i like now to be honest with you these cpms ain't even that bad we always say between 10 and 20 dollars is pretty decent and this is somewhere in the middle you know so it's not actually that bad and if we take a look at the ctr which is more of people being interested you can see that the yoga mat has actually got really good ctr so it's actually above industry standards now the fashion sneaker and the butterfly is actually just under industry standard industry standards around about two percent now if we take a look at the cpc i like to keep this uh below um a dollar or below 1.50 it just depends what type of product i'm selling and you can see they're roughly in that ratio there so if you actually take a look at the stats they're not actually that bad they're actually pretty good in terms of how they're running so it's quite annoying because facebook i think yesterday gave me that casino effect where as soon as you launch campaigns on facebook the first light day they give you good results because it gets your emotions high and it makes you spend more money which obviously i have and in return i've had no results so it's this facebook casino mindset they have man it's crazy how they do it but this is literally what they do to you because if you look if like i've had a few other people look at these stats and they're telling me that they're not that bad of stats you know they warrant more results but it's just one of those things that facebook do to you now let me just quickly show you the actual changes that i've made to the fashion sneaker because that's the only one that i've actually made changes to you can see date last edited wasn't the 14th which is today now if we take a look at the ad sets i've actually restructured all of these ad sets to new interests you can see streetwear sneakers adidas i've gone for bigger interest so more well-known more stronger interest to see if the quality of the traffic will go up because the other day i've had a lot of site visits but i've not had conversions which either is low quality traffic or the landing page isn't good enough and obviously i've made a change to that now so that's what i've gone for now because i've basically gone for more stronger um interests more well-known ones i'll have to increase the budget from five to ten to see if that will help out as well to get better conversion rates so i'll only know in the next 24 hours if this has actually made any difference now i also want to show you the changes that we've made in the ad structure so for each ad set now instead of just running one and i'm actually running two ads a single picture ad and a kara salad now this is the single picture ad that performed the best so this is the one that had the most ctr the best cpc so this is actually the winning ad right now for this product so i've got that there and i've also got the carousel within it to see if this helps because sometimes running multiple ads under one ad set can really help out with the ad set performance now if we actually take a look at the stats of this campaign to see how well it's performing we're gonna first take a look at the cpm the cpm is actually very good on this product it's only one pound and 48 which is around about three dollars so that's actually very very impressive in terms of cpm now if we take a look at the cpc that is also incredibly impressive it's just sitting on around about just just over 20 cents which is pretty crazy and the biggest pitfall to this is the ctr the ctr is the worst but the other stats are great so again if you're looking at this and you know a little bit about ads it's not actually that bad the biggest problem we've got is we're just not getting sales and that's why we've had to try new things out because at the end of the day i'm still within my first three days you can't expect loads of stuff from facebook you've just got to keep testing this facebook algorithm out and see which one will give you the gold mine it's like searching for gold if you miss a patch you could mr gold so i've just got to keep going now based on the metrics that i'm getting i'm quite confident with this fashion sneaker and because i've had one cell with two people ordering the same product but in different colors i'm actually confident that this product could do pretty well now the other two campaigns like the butterfly makeup and the yoga mat i think tomorrow i'll make a solid decision whether i want to keep them two campaigns on or i want to turn them off and go all in with the fashion sneaker now if i give you guys an update on the profit margins you can see i'm actually in a net loss of 329 so that has drastically gone down in terms of how much i've spent in terms of the actual net profit being in a negative now i typically say to people i tend to throw the towel in on each product now remember this net loss is spread around four products wow roughly around about four products now i tend to throw the towel in once i've spent five hundred dollars on one product and i've not got the results that i'm looking for so as soon as i do that then i throw this out and i move on to the next product so it's between 250 and 500 dollars so i'm nowhere near that that number just yet so i can't be throwing the towel in but like i said before i am looking to go all in with just the one product i don't know which one it will be just yet i'll find out tomorrow now a lot of guys that will see this will panic and say oh my god i've lost 329 what am i gonna do you just gotta learn not to panic and think long term and because i've been in this game for so long now i've seen us lose thousands and thousands of dollars and still carried on i actually had one product before where i actually lost four grand on it on ads and then as soon as the foreground was lost straight away it was really weird a week after the thing just blew up and we made a decent amount of money so that's why you've got to be careful about throwing the towel in you've got to really know what you're doing and look at the metrics and focus on the metrics and not think emotional now this brings me on to the next point it's really important if you're going to be starting an online business or a side business like drop shipping you've got to keep yourself with some actual cash flow whether it be working a job doing a side hustle like freelancer work you've got to get that cash flow coming through every day so you can fund this business because if you just quit your job and you put in all your life savings into this you could lose it so that's why you got to have cash flow coming in and there's nothing wrong with working a job a job is amazing it gives you cash flow it looks after you it protects you but you want to be putting that money into something that can then leverage and go even further than your job so it's day five of the challenge it's currently friday and as you can see we've had one sale since yesterday which is not amazing because that's definitely not what the performance i was looking for i was hoping that yesterday we'd actually get quite a lot of sales and try and get rid of that loss that we're currently in now we have made a lot of changes since yesterday that we did today that i'm hoping could potentially put us on to a good point tomorrow morning so as you guys can see i'm in the shopify dashboard and i'm going to refresh the screen so you know all these stats are legit and you can see that we've had that one cell yesterday for 39.99 which just took us now to 209 and you can see the online store conversion rates actually dropped even lower but what i'm happy about is we've actually had more add to carts than usual and you can see the fashion sneakers really leading the way right now now i want to quickly update you on the changes that we've made to the website so this is a bit obvious we've gone all in with the fashion sneakers you can see we've actually done a small rebrand and we've called it sneaker pit and you can see it's called sneakerpit.com so we've actually gone for a total rebrand we've made it now a one product store so there's no longer any other products on here but the fashion sneakers so we've had around about three to four orders i think with this one's product so this is in my opinion out before the winning product so i'm hoping we can go all in with it and making it a one product store and rebranding it could potentially increase that conversion rate we've added a little giphy here to hopefully help out as well and apart from that there's not much that's completely changed so if i quickly walk through the ads manager with you guys as well you can see they've turned off the yoga mat we've turned off the butterfly makeup as well now we did make a um campaign yesterday that i didn't update you guys once i did it after which was the yoga mat top four so we actually tried the yoga mat again but in the top four countries and we just ran a few other ads underneath each ad set we didn't do that much of a change with it and the reason why we made another campaign for the yoga mat was because that was the second best product and we thought maybe doing the top four countries would increase the quality of the traffic hopefully given us some good results and in the end it gave us absolutely nothing so we did actually add another campaign for the butterfly makeup and this one was just a more broad ad set level interest targeting so instead of going for more niched interest we tried broader ones like mac cosmetics and things like that but it didn't turn out very well either so as you guys can see we've actually turned off the old campaign for the sneakers which was done yesterday and we've actually made a brand new one right now it's called sneakers one product store and i'm gonna quickly break this down to you guys you can see that we've got the 10 ad sets in here and again we've kept them very broad in terms of the actual interest targeting and if i actually go into the actual campaign itself so i can show you the actual ad structure you can see now we're running the video and the image so we've got rid of the carousel and we're running one video and we're running one single image out as well so we have a split test to see which one does better because we never was running the video before we were only running a carousel and an image ad so we're now testing to see if the video can improve the quality as well and hopefully bring up the campaign now i actually want to show you some of the metrics for the last five campaigns that we ran most recently just to show you how expensive they were to run so you can see here the top four for the yoga mat as soon as we change the top four countries check this out the cpms went crazy it went down it went over 30 which is absolutely nuts and you can see now for the sneakers as well because we're doing more broader interest more expensive interest the cpms have gone crazy as well now if we take a look at the cpcs that will also show on there as well you can see the cpcs went a bit crazy as well it went way over two dollars on the yoga mat and then here it's not too bad but the ctr was still very good on there and the ctr and the fashion sneakers also doing a lot better than it was on the original campaign so that was just a quick update on what we're doing inside of the ads manager we're still not seeing any crazy results right now so we're gonna have to be a bit more patient and see what we can do and again remember what i said to you guys yesterday as soon as i spent between 250 and 500 just on one product then i will throw the towel in depending on the metric so we are getting close i think tomorrow will be just shy of that 500 on just a fashion sneaker then i can decide whether i'm gonna be throwing the towel in or not at the end of the day i am not upset i am not angry i am not in any disbelief this is just part of the process i've just got to go again get a new store going try some more products again and just keep going until i find that one that will just rocket ship to give you guys an update on our profit margins we're now in a 666 net loss which is not good and that is a lot of money to be in a loss in but this is a business businesses you make money you lose money it's natural it happens we are getting very close to spending that thousand dollars that i said at the start of the video i would spend which would be around about a thousand dollars but we should be there by tomorrow morning and we are getting very very close so yeah there's nothing much really tight then we're just in a bigger loss than we were in yesterday but it is a business it happens not every product unit test is going to make you loads of money you are going to fail now the funny thing with q4 is because this is a q4 challenge prime time challenge it goes from one extreme to the other now you've got to test products quicker which means that you're going to find more products that do worse which means you actually lose more money but then on the other hand if you find products that do really really well you make even more money so from my short conclusion from day five is either way it goes if you're gonna do really well during q4 you're going to make a lot more money than you would in the other months but if you don't do well in q4 then you're going to lose a lot more money than you would in the previous months because avatars and costs go up your testing more products and all those other things but like i promised at the end of this challenge i will show you a few stores that were running that are absolutely killing it [Music] so this is the day that you guys have been waiting for it's the result day of the challenge and i did say at the start of the video that i would be giving away this thought if i felt like it was a good store for one of you guys and i do feel like this store's got huge potential for the next few months now if you want to know how to enter that giveaway to win this store then just make sure you keep watching the video till the end so what i'm going to be doing now is i'm going to be concluding the challenge with you guys showing you the shopify analytics for the whole week duration of the challenge i'm also going to be showing you the ads manager to show you the stats and what's happened and then i'm also going to be showing you the profits and losses and everything like that so you guys can get a good clear picture of how this challenge went so as you guys can see i'm in the shopify dashboard and if you look at the dates it's from the 12th to the 16th and those were the days that we actually ran the facebook ads for so that is the most accurate number and if you refresh the screen you're going to see that these will stay the exact same and as you guys can see um we didn't get any sales since yesterday since we made the changes since we started spending more money on the actual um stuff so it it's not been the best of things but i will be moving on to the reasons why i feel like this didn't perform very well in the next few moments i don't think it's an issue to do with myself um i think there's an issue on the advertising side which is out of my control as well but i'll move on to that when i get into the ads manager so as you guys can see i'm inside of the ads manager if we take a look at the dates from the 12th to the 16th and those are the days that we did start running the ads and you can see that this campaign i'm highlighting here was the campaign that we actually created yesterday designed for the one product store change that we did make and you can see the campaign spent 90 pounds we actually spent more money than all the other campaigns that were running for actually longer because we ended up spending more on that campaign to see if we could increase the results and as you guys know we didn't get any results from in terms of actual sales if we take a look at the stats you can see we've got a decent amount of link clicks you can see the ads cards we've got four again which isn't too bad either but if we look at the actual ctr it's actually pretty good it's just over industry standards the cpc as well is pretty good it's under a dollar which is what i look for you can see the cpm is roughly around about ten dollars again which is pretty good especially during this time of the year now i want to make it very clear to you guys that we actually didn't change any of the ad sets inside of this campaign we just let them all run for one day and we wanted to see how they went now in terms of which ad set performed the best inside of this campaign based on that to carts as puma and deal of the day those two perform pretty well now based on ctr as well which is also very important you're looking again around this one here and this one here so again there's mixed mixed results based on the metrics in here but just to let you guys know we didn't actually change anything with it inside the actual campaign we let it run completely for one day we didn't touch anything we wanted to see how it went now i did want to speak to you guys about why i think the results was pretty bad during this challenge on the ad account and again i believe that it's out of my control and the reason why i'm saying that is because i believe that for some reason facebook have these periods where everybody just gets really bad results for like a few days now we have just come from facebook's white paper where basically somebody came out and said that facebook's doing this and now i'm sure you guys heard about it recently and that damaged facebook stock that damaged facebook as a company and the day after because facebook went down for a whole day um and people started still running they weren't spending but the ads were performing for other stores not this one because this one wasn't even around by then but all the other stores the ads were just really performing really really well it was like a way of facebook saying sorry for being down for a day we're going to give you loads of sales on this day and it was really good now a lot of people and do bear in mind i'm recording this on the 16th of october now from the 16th to from the 13th to the 16th um maybe the 14th to the 16th the results have just been terrible on fb right now now i don't know if you guys have had the same issues let me know in the comment section below but for all the other stores that we're running and all the people that i know that are doing facebook ads they're all telling me that at the moment they're just not performing well at all so i do feel like that's really affected the challenge this time and obviously it's not very good and it is sad to hear that but again i don't want to make any excuses if you've watched other challenge videos that i've made i never make excuses but i do feel like the algorithm was really against us in this video so get the drum rolls rolling because this is the bit that you guys wanted to know which is the profit and loss basically this app will calculate everything for me any additional cost outside of what i've done so things like the shopify plan but that doesn't count so it's a 30-day free trial so technically don't have to pay for it so that has been taken out anything else on top of like ad costs product cost has been added into this app so it is as accurate as possible and you can see that we're in a net loss of 790 dollars which is quite a lot of money but it is very normal during this time of the year especially if you're getting issues with the facebook algorithm and you're getting issues with it and things just are against you this stuff is very normal but as promised i said i was going to show you a few of the stores that we've been running for q4 recently that i've been doing really really well and this is one of them right here and this is quite a new store by the way um and you can see here i'm going to refresh the screen in the last 90 days we've done over 60 thousand dollars not nothing crazy no crazy numbers but it's been very consistent and that's something that i always tell people consistency is everything with drop shipping if you can't get consistency there's no point drop shipping and you can see that this has been very nice and consistent and the conversion rate has also been really well now the reason why these results are better are because we're actually doing tick tock ads instead of facebook ads and we're finding that tick tock ads are way more consistent and way more better than facebook ads right now so if you want to see a challenge video where i use tick tock ads let me know in the comment section below so this is another store that i wanted to show you and on the 12th of september this year we did over 30 000 in just one single day which is absolutely nuts um and this wasn't through facebook ads this was through actual influencer marketing and so you can see that this is crazy and i'm going to refresh the screen so you can see this is completely real so as you guys can see during q4 because this whole challenge video is about q4 drop shipping it makes a massive difference because look to hit 20 over 30k in one day you can't really do those kind of numbers outside of q4 it's quite hard unless you've got a real big brand um and i just want you guys to understand that q4 is very powerful if done properly um and if you're in the right industry you know this is also a fashion store by the way it's fashion clothing just to let you guys know so it's in the same industry as the as the shoe that i was selling here's another store that we've done over 30k in one day in during september another q4 day and you can see we've done over 30k so it just proves again to you if you've got a good product during q4 you can do some insane numbers and these profit margins are around about 45 which is crazy as well so my overall conclusion for this challenge is i don't think it was a massive fail or a massive issue yes we didn't make money and we were unprofitable but that's the kind of thing that you go through during q4 you've got to test loads of products and when you find a product that you're quite confident in you still have to keep testing new audiences new things out to see what works and what doesn't work now you never know in four weeks time if we're still testing the same product we could then become profitable and scale it quite aggressively who knows we wouldn't know until unless we actually try it now as i keep telling you guys you've got to be very careful during q4 because if you're somebody that's a beginner it can be very heavy on you because like i said it can go from one extreme to the other so you have to be very careful with that the whole purpose of this challenge was to see if q4 makes a difference and i want to make sure you guys understand that q4 does make a massive difference and if you look on my youtube channel look at some of the case studies we've made like doing 500k in 30 days that was all because of q4 doing over 200k in one day was because of q4 trust me for something that's been doing q4 drop shipping for the last few years it makes a massive difference you're not always going to see these crazy numbers people can do during q4 you never know your q4 could be a complete fail somebody else's could be a complete success so just bear that in mind and the other thing that you need to take away from this challenge is you need a decent amount of money for q4 drop shipping don't be fooled by those people that think you can do it with barely any money you need a decent amount of money to keep going through q4 now like i said as i promised i will be giving away this store and how you can enter this giveaway is you need to hit 5 000 likes on this video you need to leave a comment on the reason why you want to win the store and why you want it and as soon as we've hit 5000 likes i will go through the comments section see whose comments the best and then i will be picking a winner i hope you guys have enjoyed this challenge video i hope you guys have learned something from this video today i hope that you found it entertaining let me know what you guys thought in the comment section below and i'll be catching you guys on the next video and the next challenge video [Music]
Views: 45,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, ecommerce, ecom, shopify2019, dropshipping 2019, Nate Schmidt, shopify winning products, product research, shopify store, shopify dropshipping strategy, one product Shopify dropshipping, Shopify training, How To Create Dropshipping Facebook Ads, make money online, how to start dropshipping, jordan welch, Davie Fogarty, I Tried Shopify Dropshipping With $1000 (72 HOUR CHALLENGE), dropshipping challenge, i tried dropshipping for a week
Id: po6hqIOWbvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 46sec (4426 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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