Shop Talk With Adam: Grandaddy's Toolbox Part 1

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hey guys welcome back to the shop my name is Adam and episode my shop Talk series and today I decided to maybe go ahead and do a little tour my granddad's toolbox back there and I I've had some people ask me about going through some of my toolboxes and I've showed you a little bit and my granddad's box and my dad's box both been on my list to do and just I'll have a whole lot going on right now and thought I'd be a good opportunity at Saturday night choose the one I like try to do some of my filming the Saturday nights out here kind of got got the night to myself to get my work done and show some stuff on video but uh this past week I really haven't had any good jobs to that I wanted to share on camera it's just more of the routine stuff some stuff I've already showed you a couple of little small jobs here and there and I've been out here all day trying to get some of that stuff done and decided I just will go ahead and I'll show you my granddad's toolbox I thought it'd be pretty fun and pretty interesting it's always it's always fun going through the mold tool boxes and looking and you know seeing all the little things that's in there and all the tools that all that old stuff and honestly I don't remember everything that's in that toolbox I know most of what's in there but there's a lot of stuff that I don't remember that's in there and it's not a box that I go to very often there's that there's a few specific things that I do go to granddad's toolbox for but all the other stuff in there is just things that that we have and I rarely I rarely use them so we'll go through it now and I'll show you what's all in that box I think you guys might like that so I've got a couple things here on the bench that actually belong to my granddad also that already had out I had another Mike in this box here that I thought I'd show you the the first thing the first thing that I was going to show you we've got we've got to hike gauges and I've had them sitting up here because I was going clean them up and I really didn't get to them the way I want but this is the first height gauge right here this was my granddad's and this is an old starett and I got I got the bean and the base here pretty well cleaned up in oil and I never did get to this you can see it still got a little bit of fine surface rust on it but uh I put some of my stared oil to help keep it from rusting me more until I can get to it I want to I want to finish getting it cleaned up here real soon but it's a it's so it's it's still in good shape and we we really we hardly ever use height gauges and it's actually something that uh using these kind of tools on on inspection play or you know like a granite surface plate I've got a lot of the consoles that you do use on inspection plate or a layout table it's just not a practice that we were ever we didn't do it a whole lot we really didn't have a whole lot of needs a lot of our stuff was just kind of laid out on the on the workbench or on the welding table what-have-you in and I've lost a lot I watch all the Tom's videos and Tom's got that really nice granite plate and he's got a lot of really nice inspection tools and layout tools and that's that's really that's really got me wanting to start using some more that stuff some of the older school techniques and being able to use these height gauges to set your height and using the scribe lines across parts I want to be able to do some of that stuff and I've got a plan I've got a I've got a small trying to remember one timer what's going it's not a granted surface play I've got it I've got a small cast iron surface plate and it's not very big it's right behind it there but I've got a bunch of stuff sitting on it so I don't want to mess with it right now I'll show that later in another video but we do have a small it's it's about that long so wide and it's still in good shape it's got a cover over the top of and I keep it old so eventually when I get this this workman it's cleaned off more to I want more organization done I want to have that set up where I can use it that's ready to go anytime and I can make use of tools like this it's height gauge and I've got some other tools that I can use with it also so I wanted to share that this is my granddad's height gauge this is a stereo and I've got one more here that belonged to him and this is a nice one too this is this is a little bit heavier than the steer this is a Lufkin and it's it's been sitting in that toolbox for so long that when I finally pulled it out not too long ago this right here is frozen up this piece and the bottom the bottom piece moves but this piece right here is completely frozen up on there and I can't get it to move I've been I've been trying to pull on it I've been soaking it with penetrant trying to get it to break loose so I'm just I've got it just set in the side I keep oil on it hopefully that that oil will help get this broke loose but I'm going to I'm going to get to this eventually too but I want to share it out net with granddad's and this is a 12-inch Lufkin and this is a also this is the this is the case that that it goes in this is the original case and I think you can if I get the glare out of you can see it right here love control company Saginaw Michigan and it's a nice case it's got that velvet velvet lining in there and it's a little dirty but sits in there like so so that's a another one of my granddad's treasures there that I wanted to show you pretty neat seeing all these old these old cases and no telling how long he's had that how long this thing's been around or how old the tool is here's another neat little tool that that was my granddad's that uh I had it in another box because that every now and then I'd use it but it's a little half-inch micrometer and I've got it pretty well cleaned up and it's still it's still in good shape and it goes right back to zero it says us on the bottom right there I can't make out what what's there but this one right here is a blues it it's a JT Slocum it's a JT Slocum half-inch Mike and I I had polished this up probably a couple years ago and put it back in the box there so that's that's another neat little Mike that uh oh I don't really use it but it's it's in good shape and it's a one of my granddad's oh cool that's the old original little wooden box that it come in right there so I was going to show you that what I was going to tell you is you know about about granddad's boxes a lot of his tools that were in that box are not in that box anymore they've been taken out they've been they were used all over the shop they were put back in other other boxes so all of the main most of the the main machinist tools that that we use that that were my granddad's a lot of them have ended up in other places in other boxes I've got a lot of men granddad or my dad's toolbox right here I've got some of them over here in my toolboxes so not not everything is is in there anymore because we we just you know it just got shuffled around there's still a lot of stuff in there and I'll show you and his uh like I said his toolbox I rarely I really go to it there is certain things that I go to it for I got a drawer full is out I got a drawer full of big taps that I keep in there and there's a drawer with hair tools and things like that so what we'll do is we'll go over there I've gotten a light set up I think you can see it I hooked up a little spotlight so that I try to get plenty of light in there so everybody can see keep mine I'm using the GoPro so I don't have a zoom and if I get too close with it it gets a little blurry and you can't see it so I'm gonna try my best and I've got a new trick here that I'm going to share with everybody that I'm going to try out I bought me a head strap for the GoPro so what I'm going to what I want to try to do is uh you know I'm going to put this on and the camera mounts right here and you can position it how you want you can tilt it so what I want to try to do is use this so I can stand there and go through the drawers and look at things and show you what's in there and maybe get a pretty cool point of view perspective you know from from me so camera will be sitting right here so we're going to give that a shot and if you guys are seeing this video that means that it turned out okay and and I think it was good enough to use you know when I do all this film I'm going to check it out and if it looks good we'll I'll make it so I wanted i've been want to add this and it's not something that I want to use all the time I don't want to wear it all the time but I think there's some some times that I might be able to you you you ttle eyes wearing this head strap where I'm running the lathe I've had guys asked me about different things little a threading stuff like that and maybe I can use the head strap and get some cool shots to kind of mix it up a little bit so we're going to give it a shot and just kind of be like Tesla video and see how it works so yeah there's some more accessories to that I want to get to go to the camera I've got some more things I'm going to get keep fenders got one of them Joby Joby camera mounts it looks like a little tripod deal that's got little magnetic feet I've been looking at those online I'm thinking about getting one of those and trying those out too so we'll see my wife decided to go ahead and buy me another GoPro camera for Christmas and she's already got it but I've got to wait til Christmas to get it but she she thought it'd be nice if I had another one that way I've got two cameras out here so I'll have to go pros here pretty soon and they've got a case that you can buy that holds both of the cameras in there and you can you can film 3d video with it so that might be another thing that I dabble with here in the future is maybe trying to make a 3d video so we'll just see I've got to do a little research and my my editing software can make a 3d video but I've got to learn how to do it so anyway I'm going to stop rambling on about stuff and I'm going to get strapped up hook the camera up and we're going to go down to granddad's toolbox and we'll go through there and I'll show you what's in it okay alright guys here we go I'm going to I'm going to use my little app right here and make sure I'm getting I'm getting a shot that I'm looking for make sure you guys are going to see all this so I'm gonna have this going - all right so here's granddad's box this is it I guess what I'll do is I'll start with the top and I'll just work my way down so all right let's see get you in here all right I think you guys can see this so here's this top box there's his initials J a booth Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers a cool little sticker there off the side right here here's the indicator hold up already I've already showed you in another video here's another one like it too so I've already already touched on those so I won't really go into detail I guess I'll just go ahead and start with the top box here I'm going to adjust this a little bit so that I'm making sure that it's that it's looking down trying some stuff who drawing some new stuff out so y'all just bear with me alright I'll pull this out a little bit so I can open it up alright well looks like a lot of paperwork up here got some books let's see there's an old brown and sharp decimal chart tap chart there's going to be some other stuff in here we'll get that in a second first thing I want to point out that I'm looking at right here is a burp machine company I forgot that this was up here just like I told you I forgot a lot of this stuff peak machine was where my granddad started his machinist career and it's got his names on it right there James boot shop foreman and this place this was a really old machine shop I've heard a lot of cool stories about this place and it's not in existence anymore it's gone but my granddad started his career years ago a long time ago a peak machine company and this is also where my where my dad started his career whenever he was 18 he got a job at peak machine so that's pretty cool that's a that's definitely a neat little business card that I'm just going to keep in his box right here and looks like he's got some other paperwork and stuff that he had saved civil civilian personnel department let me just pull one out and we'll up I don't even really know what this stuff is I I don't know if I've ever looked in here or not hopefully it ain't some personal information that I'm that I'm a giving away to you guys it's 1970 right there notice of rating under the Navy merit promotion program so I don't know if I want to go through this stuff right here but that's uh that's pretty neat that back I'm just going to leave that alone and put his business card right there and pretty neat little book there Pratt & Whitney aeronautical vest pocket handbook looks like it's got a lot of needy info in there there's a certification from kena metal from my granddad James booth at the u.s. Naval Air Station Pensacola Florida that's completed the implant training course conducted by kena metal incorporated November 19 1969 wow that's pretty cool just all kind of different paperwork that it was all his he he kept all his stuff in his box some more chart some more personal paperwork of his so I don't I don't necessarily want to go through all this stuff right here but you get a gist of what's up here there's where it worked Naval Air rework facility also known as narf and I've got a plaque that they gave him whenever he retired I'm making sure you guys got this in shot on just some neat books to read through there's an old set of brown and sharp calipers right here and they're broken yep ain't broken I mean ain't working there they're broke I look at that Tampa nugget match box set still got matches in it so just looks like mostly a lot of paperwork stare a transfer micrometer so some starett wrenches up here this is a this looks like a very old indicator holder right here something like you'd use for a last word or a test indicator so I think that I think we're just going to kind of leave we're just going to kind of leave this alone I don't really want to mess with this stuff too much right here Luther this is an old prescription bottle that belong to that belong to him that's from 1969 from Goodwin's pharmacy price two dollars and 80 cent it still sounds a little high for back then no telling what what it was nice nice box it's got the got the velvet lining and you know if n you guys are looking at this and can recognize this box I'd really like to know what kind of box it is because I it has no more markings on it looks like there was something right here at one time but it's but it's long gone so I don't know if this is a Kennedy box or another brand I suspect it might be a different brand but I really don't know but alright so that's the top section there's a mirror right there on the letters so I'm just going to go ahead and close that back up and keep that sealed up and all right I'm going to let me tilt you down a little bit more let's see let's see how this is going to work out okay I think that might work right there all right well I messed up there okay first drawer now I will point out this this is something cool right here this is an old LS starett decimal equivalent chart these are always real neat got the little wheels on it I this is from narf I don't know what it is it might be like a sticker or something that he had put in there never used another old decimal chart this one's actually metal piece of aluminum toy oseco company huh from Japan all right you see there's no really not a whole lot in here some old property of US government there's a counter born tool some drill bits not too exciting in this drawer there's an old center drill the Bell Bell style style drew a center drill alright I'm going to go over to this drawer now this is one that that we we do use a lot this is where all of these outs migrated into this drawer right here so all of our easy outs are right here and whenever I need one I just come over here and I'll pull this drawer out take it over to the welding table I keep one of my small tap wrenches in here mainly just all these outs there is some there's a carbide router burr there are some drills in here a couple end mills but basically this is just all this is all just ease outs right here alright next drawer down got a bunch of small drills some more of the square style ease outs what brand is this right here I don't know I don't know what brand that is I don't recognize it there's one of them in Mills that's got the straight flutes on carbide straight flutes got some carbody in the mills right here a little end of a boring bar it's another end mill more carbide end mills there's a pin vise another thread pitch gates it's an old stereo pitch gauge number four hey there's one of those you guys know what this is this goes in the end of a machinist square square but that's the scriber that goes into the end of them that's pretty cool I didn't know that was up there off to might have to find the square but that went all right so that was a second drawer down all right third drawer down this right side there's a bunch of tool bits but if you'll notice we got to Acme threat gauge here and all of these tool bits right here are all ground for the Acme threading and you see that that's all those are all ground for cutting Acme thread and and the whole time that I worked in our shop always knowing you go to this drawer whenever you want to find a tool bit to cut acting thread and this is where we kept the the stearic pitch gauge for the Acme thread and there is some other various tool bits that my granddad had made in here this looks like that might have been a threading tool that he had made and some other various tool bits just much different tools all right next drawer now I'll see what we got we've got some more mics in here that's the air compressor kicking on well ruler they wrote on our booth machine shop the the edges is starting to come out of there the little brass little brass piece of flat hairs coming out I don't know what this is it's a steering all right you guys watching this and know what this stuff is if I don't know what it is let me know so I'm not sure what this is right here but it is a spirit so you guys can let me know if you know maybe Tom all right there's another starett mic right here that's a zero to one narf US Navy I think this is a Tamiko see yep shear Tamiko 0 to 1 inch mic all right here's another starett that's another stair 0 to 1 mic this is my well actually this was my dad's right here Jonny he's got Jonny booth on the back of it so that was my granddad's mic I mean I'm sorry my was my dad's mine I don't know why it ended up in that box but like I said a lot of these tools just got mixed up throughout the shop there's a last word indicator it's missing the the end little contact to the level some some feeler gauges looks like some tea nuts that went to maybe a machine tool accessory here's a neat decimal equivalent chart made by starett and it's uh it's metal that's pretty neat it's got all your tap drill sizes on it your decimal equivalent on the other side so just the you know a little bit of this a little bit of that some random stuff this looks like this was a leather leather sleeve for a 6-inch scale look at that all right so that's about it for this drawer right here some more skills in here and that's a tick one right there that's a 9 inch scale how often do you see a 9 inch scale the fish tail thread gauge alright we're going to go down one more it gets a little bit more interesting right here alright so here's my Grandad's veneer calipers and I really I really like these and believe it or not I do use these things sometimes alright so this is the stearic this is the what goes to 7 inches I believe this considered a 6 inch and you can see it's got my granddad's initials in it J a B we've got on that side too J a B and he's also got the 12 inch and and this is one that I had actually used a lot growing up in the shop because it's got the longer jaws so whenever I needed a caliper to measure a larger diameter shaft I would I would use this his open air right here you can see his name scribe right there booth he's got he's got booth up there too and this one right here I've cleaned up a few times I try to keep these and good good work in shape when I want to use them see it's got a lot of oil on it I was trying to keep these from from trying to rust on me but I still work good and like I said I do grab these every now and then mainly this one whenever I want to use it to measure some larger diameter because you know a six-inch caliber doesn't have a very wide jaw on it so I'll come over here and grab this I'm going to set these up here out of the way oh I forgot to forgot to show these I'll show that in a second all right this is an indicator holder that jr. made whenever he worked at our shop he made all of this right here and and this was a indicator that was in our shop he used all the pieces off another one I know the screw and the nuts here that he had dropped off of a starett and used that to hold this and I and I remember seeing him machined out he made the he may be in there but and he said it works but what he had used what he had made it for he could clamp this on the tool post and reach way up in a board like a pump a pump housing they had a bearing way up inside of it and he would he could use this to reach in there and indicate the the bearing journal so that that's a pretty neat thing and and we've always kept it in this box right here there's her some stare at Center finders nice set right there I don't I don't ever use these things either I've got a few of these things in the shop another notebook there's some more tool bits some more parts for indicators some snugs rods there's small pouches down here from drill bits and they're trying to fall out on me Chicago Latrobe some old drill packages there's some more down in there this looks like a Morse yeah there's an old Morse 1/8 drill I don't even think I remember hearing that brand huh all right so there's some tool bits I'm going to set these back over here here's a here's a Lufkin with some radius gauges right here yeah ooh not too good a shape either I guess there's something I need to get to I need to I need to get these out of here and get them cleaned up and get them all on them that's the set of Lufkin radius gauges here's some dyes for a geometric dye head that's 180 180 mm PT some Auden and stuff right here there's a nice set of v blocks stare at V blocks and he's got his name on there booth these are these are real nice you can still buy these from stare and I use them a few times over on the mill and then the mill vise to hold some small stuff it's got that rod on there keeps them keeps them in line and I like to finish on these whenever they whenever they harden them it's got that really pretty coloring to it but I keep these in in his box because that's where they've always been so I keep them in here now and I remember those are in there there's some more Clint there's another clamp for a another V block there's another clamp here alright and you see there's some various tubes of cutters in here some drills there's a 60-degree countersink tool never been used right they're made by Morris there's another one there that's a 90 degree that one has been used some more tool bits tool bits hey it looks like a drill like Tom just bought it's a 5/32 that's probably a number one more stay per all right so you see about what's in here and that's about it just different things all right so that's the top box oh let me up I'm going to put the the old veneers back in here and this this right here something that's proof that's really neat I've got two of these that that belong to him this is the that was the top of the it went up on the top of the cover here when you flip it open and it's sitting inside because it's all deteriorated and coming apart alright let me just set it right here I these are some thread triangles made by Montgomery Tool Company and you've got you've got some triangles here alright and then you've got a chart this is the chart to come with it here's the UC Montgomery and company New York City USA and this chart right here tells you how to determine your this is this is used for your refining your thread pitch but all you do is take whatever your nominal OD is say you've got a one inch fourteen that's your cutting and you need them you don't have nothing to check it with so you know your thread is one-inch and you come down here and you look at fourteen that says point two nine one eight you add that to one inch and then you use your triangles you stick your triangles on your thread and you mic over both of them and that's what you're going to measure and I've got another set of these that I took to my other job that's in a little better shape than this right here and I and I use them quite often and it works really good this is a nice tool right here and I'll have my buddy Gil look this and he says that this is they actually use an old eyeglass case so this is this is really cool I like and I do use these every now and then it's just a shame that it's all falling apart like this so I'm going to stick them back up in here you
Channel: Abom79
Views: 29,585
Rating: 4.9248824 out of 5
Keywords: machinist tool box, machinist box, machinist tools, machine shop tools, grandaddy's tools, grandaddy's tool box, grandaddy's machinist tools, tool box tour, machine shop, abom79, shop talk with adam, heigth gages, micrometers, Adam, Toolbox, shop talk
Id: z4lnaMF6gZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2013
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