10 Shop Do's & Don'ts

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to the shop my name is Adam and today I want to talk to you about something that I'm pretty passionate about and I want to talk to you about 10 things to make you a better machinist make you a better person make you a better employee you know just somebody more enjoyable to work around I consider this sort of like the unspoken rules shop etiquette that kind of thing you can also consider some of these things my pet peeves if you will these are things that you can do to better yourself to not piss people off you know especially if you're if you're having to borrow tools from somebody if you're using you know the company tools if you're using tools that people have to share as a group you know there's a there's a few of you working in the shop you got ten guys having to use the same stuff you know these are things that you can do to make you a better worker make you a better employee even even for you guys out there that are working for yourself you know this dis applies to anybody out there so I got 10 things that I picked out this it's no specific order we're just going to run through a list I jotted some stuff down you know and I wanted to talk to you about it so we're going to go ahead and get started on all right first one I'm pretty passionate about this too is don't interrupt somebody whenever they're machine alright if a man is standing over at the lathe and he's busy when you walk over that lathe and you see that man is over there then he's got his hand on those controls and he's looking at it cut he might be threading it he might be cutting the groove something you know if he's busy don't interrupt them wait for that person to stop what they're doing let them acknowledge you just come up and stand there and just be patient and wait for them to acknowledge you so that they can stop what they're doing and turn the Machine off and then then turn to you you know and talk to you and ask you what you need so that's something that I don't like I've had to talk to people at work you know it's pretty well known down there now we have to talk to new guys whenever they start about it because you know you'll be over there threading something and all of a sudden they're over here in your ear you know talking to you and asking you questions and stuff it's like hold on dude let me finish what I'm doing you know so just be polite don't interrupt people whenever they're machining something stand there so that they can see that you're there and just wait for them to acknowledge you all right so another thing will go into number two is don't make wild crashing noises that aren't necessary okay I don't have one around here right now but a pallet is a really good example if you've got a big pallet that you're going to set on the floor to put parts on I know this is probably common CNC shops right it's common a lot of shops you you put a pallet in there so you can stack your parts on it whatnot there's a lot of people in there that's paying attention and focusing on what they're doing and they're not used to or they're not ready for some kind of loud crashing bang so don't take a pallet over there where you're at and then walk away from it and let it drop and slam to the floor that startles people that scares people and I know that might sound funny but it's a serious thing if somebody's over there threatened and you know they're coming up next to a soldier and all of a sudden right behind they hear this loud crash they're going to get startled and you know they're going to jump so be mindful of other people you know don't drop things unnecessarily you know if you're if you got a pallet that you need to set there take it and set it down you know don't don't let it slam down it's not just a pallet to be anything just don't let stuff slam to the ground and make a bunch of noise number three if you're using an articulating arm type of indicator holder such as a Noga whenever you're through doing you're indicating loosen it up stand it straight up like that and then set it over here or wherever you set it on your toolbox or whatever okay stand it up dan is upright if you have it sitting over here on the ways let's use the house set mine that's how I'm used to doing it sometimes it's up here on the carriage but usually it's like that you get done indicating that and you grab it like this and you come over here and you set it look at that see where the indicator is at you're going to be over here knocking your indicators around okay but here's the worst part of it if you leave it like that depending on how tight this is that still moves right some people are a little bit weak in the wrist whenever they're tightening stuff up and that thing has a tendency to vibrate if if you got like a table or work table over here that you set this thing on you go there and you set that over like that and it's laying down sideways and you got a 250 pound gorilla down there beating on the vise this thing is going to vibrate it's going to fall and it's going to follow the floor and you're going to mess up an indicator you know these are precision tools and you should treat them with respect so let's remember that when you get done indicating with your indicator holder just real quick look how fast this is just like that stand it straight up number four divert all your parts whether it be machines or flame cut plasma cut whatever always keep air all your parts so if you got a little part a little widget you know that that even a piece of drop material that you're done like this is a piece of drop you would take and put under the bench deeper right you know you got tools like these Noga bbear tools right here that you can use to deburr you can use tool bits in the lathe to break those sharp edges if you've got big pieces of material that you're getting on part something off park the use of tool bit on the inside the outside to break those sharp edges so that it doesn't cut your hands when you're trying to handle that material and also it doesn't cut your straps that you're using to pick that stuff up with okay but if you're working with small parts you know the burn tools if you don't want to swing the money for no goes you know in this these kind of divert tools right here this is a full set with different type of deburring tools they have other ones that don't cost a lot of money this is what me and dad used for years around our shop I've got a few of these I've even I want it work that I that I use these are just simple scrapers these are also used for for real scraping but they can be used for deburring parts you know you're getting in there and you burn parts just like that alright these are cheap imported they don't cost that much if you want to make your own you can take you a file and grind one yourself and put it into a little a file handle and make a handle you know so that's that's a good little shop project right there and make a little deburring tool so you know virtually no money involved in something like that this parts around the shop you can also use you know we've got these little beaver tools like that for doing little holes you can also make me one out of a chamfering tool like this and just stick it into any kind of handle this is a file handle you know put in that so you got a part that you just want to quickly deburr you can do just like that and just ebert so that's a handy little tool there as well you can make yourself number five whenever you're through using a tool always put it back in its proper location wherever that may be at a toolbox I spit a specific location on a bench or a work table or something like that if you got it hang on a wall you're done using a tool go back to the drawer where it goes or wherever that place is put it back there okay and not just for machinist tools I'm talking about wrenches sockets grinders any kind of tool that has a specific spot when you through with it put it back in there so that you know where it's at whenever you need to find it and others around you that have to use those tools whenever they go over there to grab that tool and use it if you're not using it they go to look for it it's not there there's a bunch of time wasted walk around the shop trying to find that tool so you through the tool put it back to this location number six take your tools out of the tool post and put them up whenever you're done whenever you're through with an op whether it be parting facing usually a parting office sort of like the last stop right you know you part a tool off or a part of a piece of material off you get it and then you're done well whenever you're done parting that off and you'll see me do this is I usually stop the machine and I'll move it back away from the part a little bit you know the parting tool all right and then I set my material down that I just parted off and then whenever you're done I take it out of the machine and I put it over here where it's supposed to go don't walk off after you after you through parting something off and leave the tools right up against the material like that right up against the chuck that's very easily you know susceptible to come by and bump this carriage and break an insert or tear something up right there just common practice to take your tool out of the toolbox and put it in its proper location whenever you do I'm using it number seven when you're through using a lathe tool turning tool parting tool whatever threading any of them clean the tool off before you take it out and put it up where it's supposed to go don't leave it full of chips and stuff pile up on top of that go ahead and just clean it off okay clean the chips off and then take it out and put it up where it's supposed to go that way whenever you or the next guy goes over to use this machine and you go to grab that tool you can look at it instantly and see whether the tool is good or if it's chipped or whatever you know you got a bunch of chips on there blocking it so you have to go over and clean it yourself clean up after yourself clean your tools off and then put them away number eight clean the machine off whenever you're through using it don't leave it for the next guy to come over here and have a machine just slap full of chips and curlicues all piled up everywhere for him that to clean up whenever it's your responsibility you use the machine so when you're through using it take a couple minutes it usually does not take very long I know you're in a hurry and you want to go to the next thing and you know take your lunch break and all that kind of stuff but clean the Machine off you use these little chip brushes like this you can use a rag preferably put your gloves on you know to protect your hands and clean it off alright number nine whenever you're through cleaning all the chips off of the machine take your rag and go ahead and wipe the waves down with the rag to get all of the little fine grit and chips off of them down in here in the little valleys between the waves you know give everything a nice wipe down and then whenever you get through clean them off take you I like to use way off so take some way oh this is a couple ways that I do it I've got it oiler right here in eagle oiler and I go in there and I put a little bit old on it with that okay you can use that I've also got this method here this little oil container right there I keep way ole on that you can use that as well you know real cheap this is like rear-end gear lube container that I've had forever that you can also buy hydraulic oil and this so these little containers like this are great to keep for doing things like this you know oil you can also take a rag and just oil the rag really heavily alright and it's go around and just dab in and white the ways so that's really important keep your ways clean and keep them oiled and you'll have a lot better operating and smooth acting machine especially your you know your carriage here for your for your lathe it'll it'll slide back and forth a lot better so just keep them clean and keep them oiled number ten and this one's pretty important to put your drill bits back where they're supposed to go you most likely have a drill index of some sort that your drill bits go in put them back where they're supposed to go all of your drill indexes are always marked so it lets you know where the drill is supposed to go there always in sequence okay so if you come over here and you use a thirty five sixty four so what I pulled right there alright and then you got to come over here and you got to grab a 4364 drill bit whenever you come back to your drill index pay attention to where you put them you know don't just drop them in there just randomly because chances are I'm going to have to come over here and I'm looking for a thirty five sixty fourth drill bit right so I'm looking at the index and I see thirty five sixty four so that's the right drill bit I'm gonna grab that I'm going to go I'm going to drill apart and then and I find find out that I drilled it oversize why because I grabbed the wrong drill now who's the blame they're both both people are playing their first you put it in the wrong spot and - you didn't verify it so that's another important aspect of whenever you grab a drill bit out of an index is always verify that you grab the right drill bit okay because I've made that mistake by grabbing one out of here and just in a hurry and thinking okay there's a drill bit that's that's what I need I go over there and drill something and then I screw up and I should have checked it - come on over here and check it to make sure I had the right one so it's really important to help yourself and help your co-workers and everybody around you that you put the tools back in the proper location now don't just put them back put them back in the proper spot all right you're going to save yourself a lot of grief in the long run and I screw up parts by keeping your tools organized like they're supposed to be so there you go there's ten things you can do to help make you a better machinist and a better employee you know if you're working for somebody and you're having to share tools with somebody else you know it's just it's very important things this proper shop etiquette and it's just better to be organized and clean you know clean your tools all cleaning machines put them back where they're supposed to go you know that kind of stuff so share it with your friends here with your co-workers and hopefully you enjoy it you know I'm not I'm definitely not trying to pick anybody apart because I'm not perfect by no means you know I make a lot of mistakes and I'm I try to be organized but I have a lot of work to do myself you know but I I try to have things where they need to be you know and I'm pretty good about remembering most things of where I put them but it's especially important whenever you work with a group of guys and you're all having to share those tools that everybody works together and helps each other and you know you put those tools back so that the next person can find their you know or you clean that machine after you're done using it so the guy come in there behind you to use it doesn't have to clean up after your mess you know nobody likes cleaning up after other people so be considerate of others and everybody's going to enjoy the workplace a whole lot more all right so I hope you enjoy let me know if you if you'd like me to do another video like this I have some other some other ideas you know wrote down same kind of stuff you know just pet peeve type type things and maybe we can do another video but thanks for tuning in I hope you enjoyed and we'll see you real soon [Music]
Channel: Abom79
Views: 343,865
Rating: 4.9117737 out of 5
Keywords: abom79, shop talk, dos and donts, machine shop, machine tools, shop, shop cleaning, shop organization, tool organization, dial indicator, carbide tools, organization, tool box
Id: ugIu1QzfZ5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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