Shocking High School PROM STORIES **MUST SEE!** | Dhar Mann

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hey darmian fam I'm gonna be reacting to some of our top videos think after school we should go shopping five six seven [Music] well you do me the honors of going to prom with me it's a good one [Music] I cannot believe he thought he actually had a chance of you I thought it was kind of sweet Amber please don't date jesters the day Kings good morning Wildcats and happy Thursday for your weekly update 769 in overtime last Friday a huge congrats to the basketball team in other news with on a week away I'm pleased to announce your official candidates for hong King and Queen this is it ladies for prom King we have Chase McDaniels Jake Ferrero and Nick McCloskey and for prom queen well no surprise here we have Reina Delgado once again oh I guess since Becky dropped out last year and Jamie's sister the year before everyone is finally figured out not to run again looks like we have one more candidate for prom queen Peyton Adams the winners will be announced their promise be sure to cast your bowl and have fun okay who is Peyton Adams do you know that's Peyton Adams oh yeah that's that new girl she just transferred here from here well obviously she doesn't know who the queen is around here [Music] when she finds out I'm sure she'll drop out oh you're not worried Amber please now I'm gonna go snag me at prom King how do I look amazing yeah foreign [Music] guys I I don't get it I did the bend and snap perfect form solid execution I mean even our wood strikes out sometimes no no no no it's supposed to work every time always what else is supposed to get a guy's attention quicker uh I think I know I don't know it's just not screaming Prom Queen to me what about the blue one no I need something flashier with sparkles something that will make Chase eat his heart out and put that new girl in her place uh something like that excuse me do you have the inner thigh small I think we have one more on the mannequin up front perfect wait that's mine excuse me I was gonna buy that oh I'm sorry uh someone already put it on hold in personal phone what hell hi you I should have known I'm so sorry do we know each other I'm Reina Reina Delgado the girl you're running against for prom queen oh right oh gosh is it so nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you it's cute look I know you're new so I'll cut you some slack but I've been John Adams High prom queen for the last two years so why don't you just give me the dress save us all some trouble oh this dress actually isn't for prom it's just for a date you're welcome to it when I'm done my friends sprayed my closet all the time well what date what are you talking about oh actually you might know him Chase Daniels we're going out tomorrow night Miss are you ready I believe that girl who do you think she is why does she feel like she can just walk in here and take everything that I've worked so hard for my whole entire High School career look we will find you a better dress and another guy that is so not the point I wanted that guy and that dress if she can take those things away from me she can steal my tiara too and we cannot let that happen Okay well I don't think there's like a whole lot that we can do here yeah unless we like rig the election oh my gosh Amber why didn't I think of that it's always worked before that's exactly what we're gonna do Marina I was just joking you can't rig the votes well maybe not but we can influence them the vote for prom queen it's a popularity contest to be popular you need three things good looks good fashion sense and [Music] the cutest guy in school all of this seems a little superficial shouldn't winning be about how you are on the inside and not what you have on the outside I totally thought you were serious for a second right it's almost as funny as when Jason thought I'd go to prom with him okay well if votes did come down to these things you have the looks the style and you can get any guy in school that you want well almost any guy it's not about what I have it's about taking away what Peyton has if we remove those things from her the threat has been neutralized I am the last girl standing guaranteed to win Reina this is totally your best idea yet thanks Michelle no we can't do that it's unethical you'd be violating the student code of conduct and you'd be under stoppable [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign do you think she's going to show her face well she can't stay in the girls bathroom all day after what we did girl I would I don't know maybe the princess needs a little push what are you doing also it's an accident you can move out of my way no you can't do that oh my God oh my God you guys look foreign this worked out a lot better than I ever would have imagined and with prom being a couple days away she will never show her face look how embarrassing this is I feel so bad for you guys shouldn't have done that you took it too far Amber you gotta go far for results you want and I'm about to play three for three watch and learn ladies hey Peyton I am so devastated please don't look at me right now are you okay what happened I don't know first someone stole my clothes when I was in PE and then my skin just started turning orange all of a sudden and the settings on my curling iron got all messed up and now my hair is just just a mess and I just I look hideous don't say that but it's true look if you want to cancel our date completely understand yeah actually we can't hang out like we planned but I had something even better in mind open your locker are you serious yeah I can't believe you're asking me when I look like this look I'm being honest and always my favorite princess so you say of course like you know two for three is still like really good no it's not get ready ladies she may have won the chase but I'm gonna win the war let's go to Urban ladies it wasn't love at first sight not at all oh my God are you watching videos I promise sorry darling we're supposed to do this new video and it's so funny thanks for voting have a great rest of your night let's see who this is for another one for Peyton let's just make this one disappear I'm in charge of votes thank you remind me why we're friends again all right ladies show time what did you just do you'll see [Music] the two lovers in the house Chase Daniels Peyton Adams this one's for you may have this dance definitely [Music] that's your big plan thank you Mina [Music] all right Peyton Adams looks like you can pull off Orange see if you can pull off the blue thank you oh my gosh my hair my dress what in the world pan what happened are you all right a balloon popped and got paint all over me I feel like I'm cursed someone must have thrown this rock but I don't know how that paint got up there that sucks you probably don't want to stay here looking like that if you need me to I can take you home maybe I should just go please stay I don't want you to leave okay let me at least try and get this washed out here let's go [Music] hey thank you so much for helping me I don't know what is going on lately tell me about it mind if I use your phone real quick uh sure this is wake up hey [Music] good evening everyone boats are in and we will be announcing this year's winner for from King and prom queen the winner for prom King is Chase Daniels from Queen [Music] Peyton Adams uh Peyton are you here unfortunately Peyton was feeling a little blue so she went home and dropped out of the race well I guess you win by default Marina Delgado and Chase Daniels congratulations [Applause] [Music] let's have the prime king and queen out on the Dance Floor [Music] sorry I'm just worried about Peyton you know maybe I should leave and you know she'll be fine she's a big girl let's not talk about her let's focus on what's really important like Chase and Reina Peyton I thought you left Reyna said you went home went home no she locked me in a closet what no no no I don't know what she's talking about the paint fumes have really gotten to her head no no I'm not crazy she trapped me in there it sounds like someone's really regretting dropping out of the race I didn't drop out oh really and who here can corroborate this little story of yours the person who let me out tell them Amber was there not a chair locking me in [Music] exactly no one here to back you up don't be bitter Peyton just be better you should really just now it all makes sense the reason I had a Dropout last year when you accidentally let me fall during cheer practice and I broke my arm it happened right before prom it wasn't an accident was it are you serious Becky you're accusing me of breaking hold on hold on my sister's hair got ruined two years ago from chlorine right before prom so she had to drop out why not also won that year wow and I take it you were the one behind all of this too you're unbelievable Reyna is this true you really sabotaged everyone so you could win prom queen one big that I'm so look what I found sticking out of reina's purse slingshot so you were behind The Rock you know what that's it I'm taking your Tiara this belongs to Peyton oh no it's okay I don't care about that you see winning to me isn't about a crown or a tiara it's about what's on the inside not the outside you know how she wants it so bad she can have it that's really big of you Reina you and I are going to have a little chat at the principal's office the rest of you continue on Amber Michelle let's go no I think I'll stay since you don't know why you're friends with me anyways [Applause] [Music] hey Reina uh now that chase and Peyton are dating do you want to go out sometime or not [Music] I hope you loved that video now let's go ahead and play the next one all day check this out this kid was getting evicted so Darman paid his family's rent for a whole year that's really sweet and so did you see my post no I must have missed it Jerry yes we do the prom no way he just came up to you and asked yeah in front of the whole school oh how cute I'm so happy for you thanks and don't worry I already told him you're coming with us and he's completely cool with it I don't know Kim I don't think I want to go anymore because Jerry's going I can tell him no I'll just text him right now no it has nothing to do with that and to just look at me I'm a complete disaster hey don't say that you look amazing faith yeah right I'm bald for crying out loud that's all right everyone at school knows what you're going through and they're all really supportive I don't have a dress I don't have a wig I probably won't even have energy to put my makeup on you can just borrow one of my dresses and I'm sure we can find a hair stylist and a makeup artist good idea let me just call Kylie's Glam Squad over to come and help me get ready ah no I don't have any money listen I really appreciate you trying to help but you should just go without me gracias they know that hey do you remember the promise we made our freshman year then no matter what we go to prom together I remember well I'm gonna keep that promise and I don't care if I have to carry out of here myself patient gown and all I'm taking you to prom thanks Kim you're a great friend but I cannot go looking like this and there's no way I'd ever fit into any of your dresses can you ask your mom for help she's working three jobs just to keep up with my medical bills I feel bad even asking her to buy me a ticket well there has to be someone who can help let's ask Darwin what why would he help me are you kidding you're exactly the type of person he wants to help if we could just tell him your situation I'm sure he'd want to do something okay so how would we even get a hold of him last I checked we don't have his number [Music] what are you doing just trust me I'm gonna post this photo explain everything in the caption and let the internet do the rest yeah right like that'll never happen sometimes you just need to have a little Vape thank you I'm so glad you got to go out today just in time for prom I already told you I'm not going I hate the way that I look actually you won't have to worry about that anymore because what this is oh my gosh I know who you guys are you guys work with so many celebrities and we're about to have you looking like one too yes I am so excited but how did you saw the post they DM you on Instagram a couple days ago what what this is crazy I'll tell you more about it later but right now we gotta get you ready okay thanks [Music] how's it going in there good I'm just about ready but I still have no idea what I'm going to wear wow thank you [Music] hey Jerry just texted me meet us outside when you're ready okay it's a pretty nice ride I know wish I could say it was mine okay Faye should be here any minute so we have to go oh mg well how do I look like a goddess I mean seriously you look like an angel's just Fallen to Earth and all things okay would you mind taking a picture of us of course not [Applause] all right oh my gosh beautiful amazing love it boom there you go oh so cute do you want me to take a photo of the two of you sure that'd be amazing this looks so good Charlie's Angels ah YouTube looks so cute together point it watch it I wish hey what's wrong I just wish I had a date that's all but I doubt anyone would want to go to prom with me that's where you're wrong you see hey Faith No Darman what are you doing here I'm actually here to take you to prom well that is if you want to go with me is that even a serious question I would love that amazing hop in this is insane everyone at school is gonna freak I can't believe you made this happen thank you sometimes you just have to have a little faith hey Darman fam I hope you loved that video now let's go ahead and start the next one [Applause] mom you will not believe it I just got the perfect dress want to see it oh I you know what how about you show it to me later Kayla okay bye later this is like a big deal Kayla isn't gonna look like what look like for what [Music] tell him I'm so sorry honey I was gonna tell you after dinner a promise coming up what are you talking about she's she's just a sophomore yeah and a senior asked her to be his date what no way my little girl is not going to the prom [Music] but my best friend Angela's going and besides already got the dress well then return it dad that's not fair I mean I don't understand what the big deal is it's just wrong you're too young for prom you're not going to the prom I said no the worst [Music] chain don't you think you're being a little hard on her what no I'm trying to protect her do you know how many bad things can happen to prom yeah you need to start trusting Kayla okay she's a good kid I know but it's you know what please she's really looking forward to this and you saw how excited she was about that dress come on honey we cannot baby her forever okay but on one condition Kayla Kayla what you can go to the dance really yeah just okay yes but only if I chaperone no please don't do that Dad it's that or you can't go well you know what honey it's a good compromise it's better than not going to the dance all right deal you better not do anything to embarrass me okay I'm gonna go on Pinterest and look for some cute hair ideas the sun would have been a lot easier just don't treat her date like the last boy that came to the house why not it worked right you don't see him around her anymore do you Shane don't worry I'm not gonna do anything too crazy [Music] uh hi um I'm Jeremy it's a pleasure to meet you come in [Music] have a seat watch out for the knife though oh my yeah yeah where would you like me to put [Music] uh [Music] that that is a lovely weapon you have this I have collection it's just one of many wow that's really interesting yeah I'm a big hunter you hunt Jeremiah oh sorry it's it's Jeremy I I do not know yeah I'm an avid Hunter me and my dad we go out in the woods every fall in the biggest bucks one time didn't even use our guns uh all right oh oh that's funny does it look like I'm joking absolutely not yeah me and my pops went out in the woods found the biggest buck I'd ever seen big antlers layering nostrils real Beast that sells it's terrifying nothing terrifies me see him right there oh my God I killed it with my own bare hands wow and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same if someone tried to hurt my little bud what their way wow um you um you you look great you look amazing thank you thank you sorry for being late you know how particular mom is with my hair okay I had to it's prom I got you a little corsage results [Music] thank you okay yeah [Music] buster [Music] I've got a daughter you didn't want to come to huh yeah there's gonna be a lot more dads here I guess it's early I don't know I'm a teacher comes with a jab see I got it what's up babe hey I'm just calling to make sure you didn't kill Kayla's date yet not yet just don't be so hard on her she's just trying to have a good night oh my gosh what what's going on it's pouring alcohol I don't think so that doesn't sound like Kayla she would never do anything like that it's not my first rodeo I know what I say hey I'll call you back later all right don't do anything Tim [Music] chips for me these kids have eaten everything already and this old lady can't reach the Shelf where the chips are thank you I don't know is there a problem see that they're just dancing right it's how it starts I'm gonna put it into this hey hey buddy change the song already hey change the song all right well Bear's going in oh dance with me not really yes oh okay look I'm sorry this is great but I really I have to all right there's enough dancing for now what are you talking about you were dancing way too close to this boy what do you expect this to be like arm lengths away yes dad you're embarrassing me why are you doing this hey I've got to go to the bathroom you know ladies can never go alone come with me [Music] they're the ones dancing too close and I'm the bad guy for Karen honestly I wouldn't worry about it I've been teaching here for over 10 years and I've never seen anything bad happen at one of these dances well except for last year what happened last year a few of the girls got caught doing drugs in the bathroom in the bathroom yeah got expelled lost their scholarships whole nine yards like another teacher recently saw one of them begging for change on the street drugs can really ruin a person you know [Music] it's not the men's room right I don't it's uh [Music] I don't know about this Angela come on Kayla don't be such a baby there's just two little bills you know I'm just not sure if I should take that what's the big deal [Music] I need you to trust me okay these will make you feel a million times better what the heck why not it's not like anything else could ruin this name no and the pills will make it just all Melt Away stop dad Mr Lewis dad what are you doing in here this is the girl's bathroom I don't care what bathroom it is Kayla I'm not gonna stand by and watch you ruin your life ruin your life you okay no no Kayla I'm not okay all right first I see you out there drinking alcohol and I was gonna say something but I let it slide then then I see how you're dancing with Jeremiah his name is Jeremy dad and now you're doing drugs not on my watch Kayla wow see you out there sure let me know if you need anything so disappointed in you okay that that's all you got to say that's all you gotta say for yourself young lady you know what I have to say you're wrong I'm wrong yeah I'm wrong about alcohol what alcohol I saw your flash Kayla oh my gosh you mean this this is an energy drink dad I brought it because I thought we're gonna be dancing all night you know believe me here keep yourself go ahead [Music] you can't blame me for this all right it's a flask for crying out loud I don't know that lasts are cool I guess I'll never drink in my whole life why would I start thinking you should have just asked me no no don't turn this around me look I saw you with that boy out there who knows what would have happened if I wasn't here Jeremy yeah excuse me dad you have nothing to worry about me and Jeremy yeah why is that because he's out so thank you so much for the lip gloss seriously I don't know what I do without you [Music] still there's no excuse for the pills you're about to take you mean these look closer it's Excedrin okay Angela brought it for me because I had a headache because of what you've been doing tonight no dad you have to trust me okay I'm a person thanks for ruining prom for me [Music] come on Kayla please just come dance with us yeah seriously it's Prague oh guys happy around tonight who am I supposed to dance with then I know I'm sorry world's worst prom date yeah that's not what we're saying we just feel bad you guys should go and go have fun okay just think I just need to be alone for a world that's okay I'll be over there okay okay can we talk [Music] do you want to lecture me about now [Music] I'm sorry I didn't know dad you can't just show up and apologize and everything's just magically gonna be better because it's not okay I was really excited about tonight I know I didn't think I was going to be like this as a dad but you're my daughter and ever since the first time I helped you in my arms I knew you were the most precious person in the world to me and I made a promise right there that I would never let anything happen to you and then prompt him and I realized you were growing up that someone else is going to be there for you and hold you when you cry and then I'm not going to be the only man in your life anymore I know what I did was wrong [Music] and this is not an excuse you're right you're right about everything [Music] I just need you to know where I'm coming from because I love you I need to trust you and I can't pay you forever Todd no one is ever going to replace you I mean no matter how many times you drive me crazy you're still my dad and I love you too I mean clearly tried to ruin the prom for me I did did I foreign [Music] yeah of course thank you I'll send it to Mom later [Music] hey Darman fam I appreciate you watching and I hope you loved that video please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives I'll see you in the next video [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 708,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: eDpaBrHcQn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 8sec (2408 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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