Shocking Truth About Evil Nannies! | Dhar Mann

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where's Kimberly oh um sure she's here somewhere where I have looked everywhere Gary I was gone at the ATM for 5 minutes how could you already lose the kid I didn't lose her George come on come on let's keep looking I'm sure she's here somewhere just hey hey excuse me have you seen a little girl she's got like blonde hair she's like no no no no no don't listen to him okay she's wearing a green sweater and her name is Kimberly haven't seen anyone go through here guys yeah we're even looking been on your phone oh really Gary you're one to talk hey I'm not being paid by the hour to watch kids like this guy he needs to be fired uh guys so now you're saying I need to be paying you by the hour after everything that I already do for you that's not what you know that's not what I'm saying at all why do you always want to twist my words to make me the bad guy oh I don't know Gary maybe because you are the bad guy you lost the kid after 5 minutes I would not have even had to go to the ATM if you would have just brought the money like you were supposed to do you know my situation what am I supposed to do guys what is that not her hey it's Kimberly Kimberly oh we were so worried about you yeah don't don't ever disappear like that again yeah no don't worry I am never leaving you alone with him again okay you lucky I'm even here helping you out you know I so lucky Gary Gary Gary what I'm I'm shaming for my interview you were supposed to pay the power bill it says it's past due did did you pay it yeah I I sent in the check unless unless what unless it bounce Gary this is unbelievable I literally pay every single bill this is your only one look I'm I'm trying to find work what do you want me to do I don't know try harder I don't want to be babysitting but I do it because I have to I want to go home can I call my mom I'm sorry sweetie you know that your mom is on a silent Retreat so that means no phone calls unless it's an emergency but I promise that everything is going to be okay all right don't worry don't worry we we we uh we we have a backup generator it should turn on it lasts a couple more hours yeah see it worked our child's gone missing in San berino authorities are still trying to find her her g s where the park out of school when they came to check on her she was nowhere to be found this would have been us if I left Kimberly with you any longer I'm just going to turn it off wait hold on hold up real quick I'm her family set up a GoFundMe to help find the girl the initial goal was $225,000 the Kim support was so strong they've already raised over $100,000 you hear that over 100 Grand hey Kimberly would you give us a second second please thanks all right I know this is going to sound crazy you hear me out what if we had little Kim go missing why would we do that well I could think of 100,000 reasons why are you kidding me absolutely not that is insane you're you're sick for even thinking that you are a sick man hold on hold on hold on not saying we actually have her go missing just saying we pretend just for a little while you know long enough to pay off all our debt at least what about when she magically reappears everyone will want their money back oh see that's the best part we'll make it seem like because of the donations that's how we found her so the donors be the heroes but last thing they want is their money back genius right more like idiotic I mean her mom will find out in a heartbeat show up here then what no no she's away at a silent Retreat for a week we'll just delete everything before she gets back she won't even know look do you really want to just keep living like this we are always behind on bills barely keeping our heads above water I mean look the only reason we have food is cuz you had money from babysitting no no absolutely not we are not doing this who second month in a row you two haven't paid the [Music] rent you've got 3 days to come up with the money are your out of [Music] here three days three it's either this or we can be homeless what's it going to be we have no idea where Kimberly went we were only gone for a minute and when we came back she was gone the cops are here we're going to go talk to them but if any of you would like to help us get our Kimmy back then any donations would be greatly appreciated during this very difficult time thank you and please pray for us hey cut okay come on and Oscar goes to Georgie Higgins yeah well I still don't understand why you're not the one making the video no no no it's way more emotional coming from a girl trust me people going to eat it up I just hope that this idea works unlike your other bad ideas what bad ideas have I ever had all right there's been a couple but come on no no no this one's different I promise promise um I heard a knock oh no it it was no one go go back to uh go back go back to playing with your tablet and make sure make sure you put the hashtag missing child so that'll get more views another kid went missing yeah no it it was no one you know you good you good oh honey do you love it or do you love it I love it I'll take it amazing do you want to get some shoes with that I have these new strappy Dior that are to die for you know what I'm okay thank you though okay um take your time darling and I'll see you up front I don't understand a couple days ago you guys didn't have any money and now you're shopping well that's just because hey yeah what do you think it's pretty slick right how much money did you spend I don't know a few grand as in a few thousand how could you do that before you say anything have you seen where we're at now no 51,000 and Counting yeah we just hit another two grand last 30 minutes what oh I cannot believe this last time I checked we were at like 35 I know he starting to go viral but I told you people are going to love your video excuse me excuse me I will take a look at the Dior perfect I'll bring them right in okay so after this I think we should go to sh okay yeah excuse me hi uh I don't mean to bother you but you're the woman who lost her child's right I saw the video online uh yes yes I am she I'm so sorry I I can't imagine how difficult of a time this must be for you uh those are not mine they are his we just decided to do a little shopping everything's been so stressful you know to ease the Mind quiet the heart uh I see well I hope the police finds your girl soon Kimberly's her name right yes I'll keep an eye out for her and if there's anything I can do to help please let me know yeah well you you can always donate donate to our GoFundMe if you if you [Music] like we almost got caught and you have the audacity to ask her for money we got to milk this as much as we can look her mom's going to be back soon let's get every dollar we can right all right all right I'm going to head over to Chanel don't forget to do all of our online payments for our bills oh yeah and please keep an eye on Kimberly Gary I am serious I got I got this don't worry hey yo what's up bro hey man you trying to hit that Jake Paul Nas fight I'm saying bro we can't miss this all right all right all right make sure you get your T hey hey I gotta go um but yo take buy your tickets all right all right all what's up babe okay I see you did some damage what's up everything okay no I got recognized twice at the Chanel store he this is all getting really stressful okay this has got to stop no we just broke 50,000 come on let like wait a few more days come on what you get where's Kimberly hm oh you have got to be kidding me again well I'm I'm not surprised it's worthless employees Mia no no no the employee is not the problem okay you are the problem you lost a kid twice right after I told you not to what what you have 2 hours to deposit $50,000 into my account if you want your little girl if you don't or you involve the cops I'll tell them about your fake missing child come on $50,000 that's that's all the money we've got but we wouldn't even be in this situation if you had just kept an eye on Kimberly like I asked you to I mean all right let's not point fingers all right this that's there's more pressing matters okay no no no I got it I got it let's just tell the cops we'll tell the cops she's missing they'll help find her everyone already thinks she's missing anyways and then the cops will just show up and ask us why we posted a video days ago and then didn't report her missing until now great idea Mr genius no we have to just give them the money okay it's our only option yeah and give away everything we worked hard for no way oh I'm sorry would you rather go to jail come on we got to return this stuff George well did you text him and tell him you wired him the money yes I just still no response I can't believe this we really give away all our money what the heck what what's wrong the GoFundMe it's deleted did you delete it no I haven't even been on the computer no wait the YouTube video is down too come on that means no more donations man I was really counting on some more money would you forget about the money we need to focus on getting Kimberly back you at least our bills are paid for the next couple months so we should be fine for a while you did pay our bills with the leftover few thousand that we had right Gary I'm sorry I didn't I man I I I spent the money on the fight tickets and not refundable I just thought we'd have more money and it wouldn't be a problem I can't believe you you are completely useless I told you that this was a bad idea now not only are we broke but we're behind on our bills and we're missing Kimberly I don't know why he isn't responding I I did everything that he asked you know what I'm going to call him what the heck hey you called you you you kidnapped Kimberly more like saved her she told me all about your little scheme how you guys set up a fundraiser about a fake missing child not a good idea considering how you treated me the other day I told her I'd love to help her get revenge well you extorted money from us so yeah we created a fake missing child report that doesn't mean you're some innocent Angel no we want that money money back how about that it's actually Kimberly's idea she's very smart she wanted to get the money back to the victims so we repaid them that's what I did for deleting your campaign and video oh why don't don't yeah you should probably listen to her which makes me think there was this notice on your door it's an eviction notice apparently uh you have to be out of here by 5:00 p.m. today but I'm sure that's the least of your problems considering that wait no no no you can't leave no you you broke into our house I'm going to call the comps on you no need they're already here they just wanted me to get a confession from you guys no come on wa no genius idea come on let's go this is your idea you good luck great work we got to talk to your mom about what kind of babysitter should she for you um well she'll be here soon so you can tell her yourself let's do this good stuff well I've been reading your resume and reviews Alex must say we're impressed I mean lots of experience and your ratings on the website are great five stars all around thank you I've had some amazing experiences just wonderful families and your little one is so cute how old is she oh she is 9 months old and she is already giving us a run for our money sit you down for a [Music] minute she's finally calmed down I know she was so fussy to so uh Alex do you have any kids of your own um no I find that I'm better at taking care of other other people's children well I think I've heard enough when can you start really great I can start tomorrow actually um just a sec Walter can I talk to you for a minute first sure do you mind keeping an eye on the baby of course consider it like your test run okay all right mommy will be right back don't you think we're moving a bit too fast with Alex what's the problem now Raina she seems great and has Perfect reviews I don't know something seems off with her hun you said that about the last five people we interviewed too look I know this is hard but you're going back to work next week there's no more time let's let's just hire her okay this isn't a small decision Walter she's our baby and I just want to make sure that we're making the right not again what's going on oh I got her to stop crying I hope that's okay welcome to the family Alex thanks I know this must be hard on you guys finding someone to trust but don't worry I'll treat her like she's my own child you'll see right baby okay so her diapers and her wipes are going to be at her changing station in her room but I did bring out some extra supplies just in case you run out and need them is that a nanny cam oh yes we have one in every room well except our bedroom helps us sleep at night I know it seems a little excessive but oh speaking of sleeping when L goes down for a nap we would prefer that you do not hold her when she sleeps you either put her in her bassinet or better yet her crib smart safer that way well if I'm being honest I also have a little bit of a fear that she's going to get too attached to somebody else Walter thinks I'm being silly but I don't know maybe it's a mom thing you'll understand one day if you ever have kids so um any questions about any of this is this formula over here oh yes thank you okay so this is a hypoallergenic formula this is the only one she can take she gets sick from all the other kinds you don't breastfeed well um unfortunately I am I'm unable to so formula it is probably explains my U attachment issues oh it's my job I got to take this one minute oh look at this isn't this so much better than what your mommy puts you in I love the Roses [Music] Rose I think I'll call you that Rose let's take some selfies is it time for some milk Rose [Music] yeah one second he beula here you go my love oh I know you probably want the real thing [Music] right okay baby are you ready for the real thing my love there there it's okay baby mommy's here now [Music] there you go my rose no more of that nasty formula that mommy gives [Applause] you hi Alex is everything okay you seem a bit stressed oh everything's fine I was just startled I didn't expect you both to be back home so soon has she slept yet oh she was just falling asleep that's why I was rushing over to put her in the bassinet I want to follow all of your rules is Lana wearing a New Dress oh yeah I uh I saw it and I immediately thought of her it was just too cute not to get don't you think I do I think you look adorable my sweet pee I appreciate the gesture but in the future could you please refrain from buying her clothes you didn't mention anything about that and your rules so I thought it was a nice gesture I'm just starting out I understand it's just don't you think that's something you'd want to run by a parent first absolutely you're right oh I almost forgot I got a gift for my little precious girl here you go look at L bracelet with your name on a that's really pretty bracelet well I think I am going to take her to the nursery oh come here I got you thank you for all your help Alex appreciate it of course I did you have a good time yeah did Lana eat yet oh yes she did she'll be it for a little while then how come the bottle's still full that I uh I actually filled up a second bottle Rose just drank the first bottle so quickly poor thing she must have been really hungry Rose sorry the dress I I met Lana did she drink the whole bottle well you know she's only supposed to have 8 oz and you can't leave the bottles out because the formula goes bad I know it was only out for just an hour definitely not more than two me check the N9 cam why is the camera unplugged you know I uh I don't know that's uh it maybe it fell out or when I was moving things around I might have accidentally unplugged it accidentally unplugged it yeah I um you know I it's getting really late I think I should probably head out um I'm so sorry again about everything this is oh Alex before I forget your check will be deposited tomorrow perfect thank you so much I will see you guys tomorrow have a good night night Walter I don't want to hear it Raina something going on with her and I don't like it you're doing it again she says she fed Lana but the bottle is still full then she's calling her Rose and now the nanny cam is unplugged things are just not adding up honey I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for everything you're just overanalyzing things again or maybe you're being naive honey you got to learn to trust people okay we can't be with Lanta every second of every day we have our own lives too yeah but not everybody turns out to be who they seem so you have to be careful who you trust especially when it comes to our daughter we have to protect her at all costs I understand that I do but Alex is great she has perfect reviews please don't run her away okay it's time Mark tomorrow's the night sure it's not too soon are we really ready we don't have a choice the mom's on to me we have to pull the trigger before she fires me okay I'll set everything up you remember the plan right of course I remember the plan I made the [Music] plan it's time for our family to be complete again hey are you sure you want to do this rain 1,000% we need to confront her and then fire her she is done hey Alex we're home Alex Alex Alex [Music] the number you dialed is not in service the number you dialed is not in service oh no oh no it says her numbers is not in service anymore Walter where's my baby I'm going to call I'm going to call the police okay just double check the house and check the backyard okay yeah I need to report my baby missing look I don't know she's not here she's with our Nanny and our Nanny's not answering her phone look I don't care about all that just send someone in here get your keys what we have to wait for the police look how would they even know where to go you're finally with your parents Rose where you belong say hello to the new Mr and Mrs Roger Frederick I think has a nice ring to it and her name Rosemary Frederick perfect let's go little Rose oh don't worry we'll get you a new bracelet with your correct name do you think that we should get dinner before we get going are all the lights on upstairs in that head of yours the cops are going to be coming after us soon Mark we have to get out of here now okay let's go baby let's go it's time to go home give me my baby is she okay yeah she looks okay oh thank God Mr and Mrs Smith I've been trying to call you for hours I had a family emergency at home and had to bring Lana with me I'll cut the act Alex act you're making a mistake Raina the only mistake I made is not trusting my gut in hiring you I've been on to you for a while but now I have proof there you go being all paranoid again I told you I'm having a family emergency you've read my reviews oh yeah I did a little digging on that turns out all your reviews are on the same day I thought that was a little suspicious so I looked at each profile and every profile was created on the same day also that's because I had asked the clients I was working with to create profiles and write reviews about me on that site so you were nannying for five babies at the same time I know you haven't been feeding Lana her formula after you unplugged the nanny cam I installed more that you didn't know about you have been breasted feeding my daughter what is wrong with you okay you got me there but that is not a crime yeah well kidnapping our baby is I told you I wasn't kidnapping I'm having a family emergency then why are your bags packed and passports on the counter the only thing I can't figure out is if you're breastfeeding you don't know what it's like what are you talking about you don't know what it's like to lose a child you see a few months ago everything was perfect after years of trying Mark and I were finally going to be parents we couldn't be happier but then something happened a pain I had never felt before when we got to the hospital the doctor told told us some troubling news there were some complications with my pregnancy and our baby was trying to come early too early and there was no stopping her our baby girl must have been even more excited than we were to see us because she came prematurely 28 weeks the nurses tried everything they could to save her but they couldn't so you see 2 hours that's as long as my sweet baby girl lived 2 hours I'm sorry for your lord no you're not sorry you don't even know what it's like why do you get to be a mom and I don't huh all right we should go you don't deserve Rose she needs someone who can stay at home and care for her someone who can dress her up in pretty clothes someone who can feed her from her own body not give her formula you don't deserve her you don't deserve her Alex I know you're hurting you don't just Hur you guys all right yeah we are now get the bracelet oh let's get you out of here I get your statements in the parking lot okay wait how did you find me I told you I was on to you for a while this wasn't just a name bracelet it had GPS oh my sweetiee GL you're okay you ready to go home sweetheart we ever going to tell me about the bracelet well you were right not everyone is who they seem to be you really do have to be careful who you trust out there I think I'm going to get a job working from home I can't trust anyone to watch Atlanta especially after this well maybe we should see if the FBI tyen make a pretty great investigator Lea what do you think you're doing ow Jesse you're hurting me stop your whining you have coloring books for this why would you make a mess let go let go that is it you are getting a Spanky I won so you got to take me on okay okay I got you we're home what's wrong toia she was trying to hit me she was that can't be true what actually happened tiia was upset because I wouldn't let her have a cookie so she threw a fit and she Drew all over the wall I've just been trying to calm her down these past couple minutes honey you know you can't have sweets before bed she's lying she grabbed my it's not nice to make up stories about people but uh-uh not another word jesse here you go thank you for helping out as always why don't you tuck in Miss hopp in bed I'll be in there in a minute [Music] okay good night to Leah and good night Daniel Mora thank you you too good [Music] night good night Miss hoppy are you okay you seem upset earlier just know that you can always talk to me okay okay now get some rest and tell Jesse to keep this window shut it's not [Music] safe are you installing a nanny cam yeah no morea we've known Jesse since CIA was in Pampers she's like family we can't make her feel uncomfortable by installing a camera she's going to feel like we don't trust her well do we I I hate to say this but people aren't always the way they seem you should be careful who you trust Daniel I just want to make sure our daughter is safe and according to Tia Jesse has been trying to hit her I'm sure she was just being dramatic or throwing attention no it didn't look like a tantrum it looked like she was scared I'm not about to keep talking about this we're not installing this yes we are we're returning it no we're not yes we are you're being ridiculous no you are you need to wake up okay sorry to interrupt is that a um you know what must have came to the wrong address I'm going to return on my way to work right and just a reminder we have mac and cheese in the fridge for lunch I don't want her eating any red meat and her gummy vitamins on the counter for too take today of course not a problem all right well we should get going running late uh before you leave I was actually wondering if I could ask you something something what's up I really hate to ask but could I get in advance I didn't know what you're going to ask um yeah let me see what I got what do you need about $100 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 that's a that's that's a lot of money um I'm I'm sure Jesse wouldn't ask unless it was an emergency right let's let's talk about it when we get back from work all right thanks yeah thanks uhhuh by oh um one more thing you forgot the wrong package oh yes yeah oops yeah sorry okay we not riding together uh no I actually need to make a quick pit stop okay I see you at to work [Music] yeah Tia Tia honey there you are sweetheart you hungry good I made my special meatloaf for you I thought Mom said we were having mac and cheese oh no no no you're having this and trust me you're going to like it so much more [Music] oh please take some vitamins for me but I don't like these ones I like the other ones uh- uh uh no these are much much better for you okay trust me do you trust me good CU you're my sweet little princess and I will always take care of you okay all right go take some of these by the couch and I'm going to go warm this up for you SE oopsies oopsies you are the clumsiest little girl in the world I'm sorry Jesse do you know what little brats like you get they get spanked what do you think you're doing Mora this is not what it looks like cut the ACT I saw everything you'll step away from my daughter get out of my house you're fired you can't do that I practically raised to no it's okay it's okay I got you I got you I need you back home [Applause] now and you should be all good thank you here you go how you holding up I just can't believe we let her into our our home then we find out that she's been hitting tah I knew something wasn't right about her I'm sorry I should have listened now we have to change the Wi-Fi passwords and our pins and she had access to everything I agree honestly I don't feel right hiring another n no me neither I can check with my job and see if I can work from home or take her to work with me for now we can alternate taking her to work until one of us can see okay to work from you okay speaking of toia is she asleep right now I'm not sure she has been awfully quiet she was in her [Music] room Daniel what is it it's where is she where it's Jesse what what is it what does it say she said she wants the $10,000 but we'll never see our little girlriend she has an address and she says we have until midnight and not to call the cops we're not playing these games I I'm going to call the cops and I'm sending them to this address no what do you mean no we're going to send them somewhere else what are you talking about come on let's go come on let's go do you have the 10 grand you're not getting a dime you realize no money means no tiia right I can't believe you would do this you practically raised tiia and this is how you treat her over some money what do you even need 10 grand for anyway it's son of your business you take our daughter for Ransom is none of our business let me guess shoes clothes a handbag a vacation are you kidding me no no I would never do that for that then what is [Music] it I want to have a baby that's what the money's for you see before I started working for you too I was married and I wanted nothing more than to be a mom and we tried for years but I just I couldn't get pregnant so we went to the doctor and they said that it was my fault I was the reason I couldn't get pregnant but the doctor said that there was a possibility if we used IVF and we were so excited till we found out how much it cost was way too much husband didn't take that very well well and he left me so since I couldn't have my own kid I figured I could at least be close to one that's when I decided to be a nanny over time I started growing attached to tiia in a way that I didn't anticipate she felt less like some kid I was nannying and more like my [Music] own that's why it drove me so crazy whenever you guys would try to tell me how to parent her so you see that's why I need the $10,000 not for handbags or shoes or vacations to fulfill my lifelong dream to become a mom I'm sorry you had to go through all of that Jesse I really am but kidnapping our daughter it was your daughter she's more my daughter than she is yours you are just her nanny we're her nanny but that's it I am more than that so I suggest you give me the $10,000 so that I can have a baby of my own or you will never see toia again mommy daddy freeze put your hands in the air oh baby oh I'm so glad you're okay we love you so much much I don't understand how did you if you know anything about tiia said Miss hopp is her absolute favorite toy and I wanted to make sure she never loses it so I put a tracker in her bunny and luckily when you kidnapped her she took her bunny along for the ride while you were trying to get money from us we were just stalling into the cops could get to Leah how could you do this she's my family not anymore I've come to realize people aren't always what they seem so you should be careful who you trust after we put it in the car we'll come back and get the [Music] statements are you ready to go home I make you some mac and [Music] cheese so are you sure everything's okay Emily you you seem stressed I'm fine I'm just a little tired that's all maybe try some meditating I can send you the app that I use we're we are so grateful to have found you I mean we were just about to give up on having a family until we met you so it's it was just really hard to find a surrogate that we could trust so so thank you for carrying our baby yeah you're welcome I'm just glad I could [Music] help and that's my ride I got to go thank you for that hey we're almost at the Finish Line all right so just hang in there okay and if there's anything that we can do to help you um actually do you think I could get another Advance I'm just not working right now cuz I'm on bed rest so things are a little bit tight uh didn't we just give you an advance last month look it's okay it's okay you know if if you stress the baby stresses and we do not want that okay so Sandra um so H how much do you need 5,000 um um that's the the remainder of the balance yeah um okay uh 5,000 now this is everything you'll be getting so make sure it lasts here you go oh thank you so so much um I'll walk you out bye Mr vega see you oh the baby stuff came found that one on is um is that your uh boy boyfriend yeah mhm um I'll see you in the shower on Sunday uh-huh okay so did you get it that looks nice perfect you know seeing the ring on that lady's finger we should have charged more absolutely not I've already taken in love from those people I really just I don't want to abuse hey I'll decide when it's enough [Music] okay we came here for money give me back before you do something down what are you doing well let just say it's no coincidence that I just happened to know aate attorney right technically I'm a bartender you how legitimate you can make Leal credentials look have friends mommy hey Lizzy poo what are you doing out of bed huh where's Daddy I don't know sweetheart but as soon as he gets in he's going to come and tuck you into bed okay but I want Daddy I know honey hopefully he'll be home soon okay Daddy hey sweetheart I missed my little princess but why isn't mommy put you to bed yet because I was waiting for you oh I why don't you go back to your bed I will come to wish you a good night in a sec okay I've been texting you for hours where were you hello are you going to answer me I uh I lost all our money what I went all in on pocket kings and Chaz all he had was an ace high but then another Ace just landed around around the river unbelievable Seth are you telling me that you have just lost all of our money enough enough enough with this questioning already I got a splitting headache and you're just adding to the stress that money was supposed to go towards rent towards groceries and ask for more I can't they've already paid me in full there's nothing left for me to get I didn't even want to do this cusy thing I did it for our family not so that you could gamble it all away what are we supposed to do now well they won't give you any more money they just going to have to take something else from them Daddy coming my love that a great house huh hurry up get yourself up to the bedroom no Seth I already told you I'm not I'm not going to go this again do what I say there will be consequences hi Emily welcome oh here I have this for you great how are you how are you feeling yeah yeah hey I'm Pierce and that's my wife Sandra hi right it's just nice to meet you likewise uh Emily's told me a lot about you both she really likes you too we love her too where is this really you know happy it's all working out hey is she doing all right it seems like she's a little stressed out oh she's fine she's fine I I help her out around the house and I make sure she's relaxed you know what they say happy wife happy life yeah right if there's anything we can do just you know make you more comfortable let me know that's very very kind of you not that you mention it U em has been saying that she's feeling a little tired lately and maybe she needs to lay down oh of course um come inside we we have some guesting with us but you can use our bed yeah hey it's a little messy you know just a bit but that's just because we've been setting up the crib so it' be nice and quiet in there I don't want to be a burden I can tough it out no you are not a burden and if you're tired you should rest come on yeah go on him go on hey I know you're her boyfriend but uh any plans proposing maybe just looking for that perfect ring smart come on in make yourself comfortable I'll uh I'll come back and check on you in a little bit thank you so much mhm [Music] take you almost gave me a heart attack you find anything no I can't do this to these people they've been way too good to me I there's got to be another way well there isn't any other way what do you want Lizzy and all of us to be homeless we don't have any other choice Jack that's it right there that is beautiful look at that that's great that's beautiful too look at that nice oo that's going to be great you give me a person no yes no give it to me now now do you really think she's not going to notice that her jewelry is stolen they're taking it all what do you think I'm an idiot sure Pierce is going to convince her that she misplaced something or better yet convinced that someone else stole it what seriously what do you think they're going to do huh call the police on the person that's going to have birth they baby come on no chance em just a [Music] minute come in hey I hope I didn't wake you um I just wanted to give you something before I forgot um Pierce and I were talking and we think that it would be a good idea for you to have a credit card just in case of emergency before the birth you know just in case you didn't have to do that what I you have been so good to us and we just want to do whatever we can to help lower your stress thank you so much Sandra you know I had this exact purse I wore it every day until beer got his new job oh oh I'm so sorry no no no get rest you don't need to be bending over um there we go I'm so sorry um well there's your purse and you have your card um but let me let you actually rest thank you Sandra hey hey what are you doing hey what do you think you're doing putting it back you're not putting it back people have done too much for me I'm not doing this to them I don't care give me the purse no give it to me no give me this purse or I will take that entire jewelry box jarem me H and if I get caught you know what I'm going to do I'm going to tell the cops that it was both of our ideas and you know what happens to Lizzie she goes into a foster home with neither of her parents is that what she want huh that's what I thought this I'm doing this for the both of us and $10,000 here you go amazing thank you youy know you can pay a whole year's rent with that rent yeah sure [Music] hi Sandra how are you I'm good good I'm just um calling a check in see how you're doing I mean we're we're getting so close mhm yeah I'm fine uh thank you for asking I know we haven't really known each other for long but we do have this this special connection and you know you can talk to me about anything right if I'm being honest I'm just a little bit emotional today just a little bit overwhelmed yeah I can imagine um did you did you try some meditation Emily is is Seth treating you all right um I'm sorry cindra I'm going to have to call you back you were supposed to be home hours ago I was one card away from hitting that straight flush one card don't tell me you gambl all of our money wig Seth talk to me there's got to be something else we can take from these people right oh my God you did lose it all I can't believe this what's worth more than money and jewelry and Crystal oh babbe that's it that is it what are you doing there's nothing worth more than the baby right I'll bet we can get what half a million out of these people huh huh you and me got it yeah have you completely lost your mind absolutely not this isn't stealing jewelry we're talking about a real human being do you want to spend the rest of your life in jail jail it's only they find us which they won't think about it all we got to do is get tickets okay you me Lizzie to go on a plane to Mexico you're have the baby in Mexico okay and we can even put the tickets on your nice little credit card that your friends guys all right just get ready we'll leave tonight and uh it'll be great we'll find our wait what are you doing I'm calling the police I won't be a part of this no give it back no give it back no I will not give it back because if you turn on me now I will tell the police that you stole that jewelry they're never going to believe you yeah who is sleeping in their bedroom huh no one's ever going to believe you what's going on Lizzy sweetheart I'm going to need you to help me pack up all your stuff okay we're all going on a little trip remember how daddy always told you that one day is going to take you on an airplane well today is that day go get your things go okay I'm not going to let you get away with this and I won't let you take our daughter I'm trying to be nice here like you don't want to cooperate so this isn't going to end well for you hello hello how may I help you yes I would love to purchase three tickets to Tiana [Music] please you know what instead of the 500k we should ask for the full million they can afford it right what do you think that money is going to go a long way in Mexico Emily Matthews Seth plunt come with us what's this about he hey well should we take our luggage or something we're coming back right don't worry where you two are going you're not going to need any luggage hey hey come with me man watch your head officers there must be some more pressing matters than this we we have a flight to catch here Pi here what's going on you got to explain to them this is all one big misunderstanding is it is it santra discovered someone heard jewelry missing last person in the room was Emily yeah you know what we were going to confront her on it too then got a little message on our phone says you two are buying two plane tickets to Mexico with the card we gave you you woring come on beers how many people were in your backyard at that baby shower huh how do you know one of them didn't steal your your jewelry it certainly wasn't us as far as the tickets go we were just going to go on a little vacation we were just going to go and come back really quick and I I had no idea that we were using your card I mean why don't you tell me that vacation huh well how do you explain this I I have no idea what this is you know I think that's actually Emily's laptop I truly thought we were just going on vacation but maybe she had other ideas I mean you should really just let me go clearly you have to question her just stop lying Mr fer you have to believe me please he forced me to go on that plane he's been making me do things I didn't want to do for years you really expect me to believe that like really like okay let's just say it was true then why would you still be with him it's for one reason we have a daughter Lizzy you see a few years ago everything was perfect we were happy and in love we had just had our baby girl and life was good but then one day I made a huge mistake I introduced Seth to [Music] Poker I never could have guessed how much damage it would [Music] cause Seth quickly developed a major gambling problem he'd be in poker games every night and as time went on it just got worse and [Music] worse before I knew it we were behind on bills really behind I did my best and worked two jobs while he watched Lizzie during the day but as soon as I'd get my paycheck he'd take it from me and go right back to the [Music] tables I thought about leaving him so many times but every time I wanted to I thought about my baby girl and her growing up without a father so that's why I stayed C see he's been making me do a lot of things that I didn't want to do including the iy I did it to help us pay bills and to keep our family together but he crossed the line when he said that I had to had to steal your guys' jewelry I had to run away with our baby I said no you forced me to anyways no no no don't listen to one word that this woman said she is a complete liar this was all her idea the real victims here are me and my daughter in this her I don't I don't know what to believe now even if she is telling the truth she has no evidence we'll take them both to the station wait wait no you need to let her go she's innocent Sandra what are you doing here okay I just I have had this awful feeling in my stomach about this okay and just the look on Emily's face over the last few months I knew something was off and then I remembered I installed that Nanny cam in the crib and so I went and looked back at the footage and and look what I found give me the purse I will take this entire jewelry box you hear me I don't care about your CS no I'll do I will lie and tell them that it was both of our ideas and then you know what happens to Lizzy she goes into a foster home with neither of her parents is that what you want huh she has been forced to do everything and now we know why she has been so stressed she was telling the truth yes let her go no no don't believe this madness I didn't force her to do anything it's all her God Lizzie I'll be here for you li please I have rights I have rights I'm sorry we didn't believe you it's okay just reliev that he's gone I don't know what I'm going to tell Lizzy though well I mean let me ask you this would you want your daughter dating such an abusive man kidding me no exactly so neither should you okay no one should ever ever be in a relationship that they wouldn't want their own child to be in I hadn't thought about it that way and one day she's going to see the hero that her mom really is and she'll have a she'll have a best friend soon enough was that was that a kick yeah this one's going to be a little soccer player I don't think I've seen you here before are you new or a travel nurse oh I'm not from here but I'm here you can check my credentials here go ahead front and back oh that's fine I didn't say I didn't believe you can I can I hold my baby now oh sorry not just yet I have to get her cleaned up I'll be right back but but I thought babies need skin to skin contact after they're born oh no that's just in the movies I'll be right back sorry wait wait but that was rude where's she going with our baby Daryl I'm sure she's just following procedure everything's going to be fine sweetheart don't worry okay so uh have you figured out what you're going to name her oh no and it's [Music] time how do you get this thing to start stop crying just hurry up and take it already going as fast as I [Music] can all right okay all right give her to me okay get in keep your head down and be quiet where's your wristband you trying to get us caught we know it's got to match the babies are they're not going to let out of here right sorry excuse me nurse yes uh the other nurse who was with you she hasn't brought back her girl yet what do you mean she hasn't come back with our baby as in she took her from the room that that's odd she's not supposed to do that let me go find out where she is I'll be right back okay just just try not to stress Linda um just just know that everything's going to work out okay something doesn't feel right I'm getting really worried Hy office we acquired a new company today and so we have to I don't want to hear about work right now darl I want to know where my baby is Mr and Mrs Parker where is my baby unfortunately we can't seem to find her we've looked in the nursery in the niccu what but how is this even possible well we're really sorry we have contacted security they're looking no I'm going to go look for oh my God so what about the new nurse because no one want to seen her either what you nurse there there is no one [Music] new code's over I repeat code pink infant abduction we need a controlled lockdown stats we're almost there excuse me can I help you I just wanted to say congratulations babies are such a blessing thanks whoa is everything okay we're on lockdown don't let anyone interrupt mhm I'm sorry but you can't leave right now Hospital protocol she said she was going to come back with my baby and then she didn't come back with my baby she had fake credentials we've already put out an amber alert and we've started our investigation we're actively reviewing surveillance I'm really sorry that this has happened to you but I promise you we're going to get your baby girl back why would so many do this to us my guess is money somebody knows how successful you both are and they've targeted you at some point you're going to get a phone call answer it and put it on speaker hello listen close because I'm not going to repeat myself I have your baby girl and she's safe for now no don't Hur her what do you want want I'm doing the talking here here's what I want you're going to give me $1 million in unmarked bills to a specific location million dollar a million doar how do you expect to get that don't play dumb according to Google your net worth is $150 million now you're going to get a bullseye brand duffel bag in Black you're going to put the money in it and drop it off at the skyrose mall right in front of the jewelry store don't you even think of involving any cops or else you're not going to get away with this your actions always have a way of coming back to you yeah and so will yours if you don't do exactly what I say now if you ever want to see your baby again 12:00 p.m. tomorrow $1 million do we have a deal or not fine fine you'll get your money but if there's even a scratch on her head I well now we know that there's at least two people involved in this now what do we do don't worry we know exactly what to do in these situations first we got to get to a [Music] bank [Music] are you sure this is safe I mean we have cops everywhere all right keep your eyes peeled whoever takes that bag don't let them get away anything yet not yet but what happens if they don't give us back our daughter I have no choice if they want to see the light of day again after a while they all turn nothing yet as soon as we see something we'll hold on hold on 12:00 suspicious people coming that must be them remember wait till they pick up the bag to make the arrest who are those people oh don't no it's a diversion I repeat it's a diversion stop them now they're trying to steal the cash everybody freeze someone took the money shut down all the assits the diversions have fake money we have to find who took the real money who do you work for work for I found this gig on Craigslist this is for a TV show right no no don't let them get away with the money where's my baby don't let the BMWs you leave the lot you stay here don't worry we're not going to let them get away hey just just keep fa baby please just we're going to get our baby girl back I promise put your hands on the wheel well at least we got the money back I don't care about the money I want to know where my baby is I understand ma'am I'm very sorry whoever this person is is a real professional so what did the woman in the car tell you something quite shocking in actually I just spoke with the officer who interrogated her and it turns out [Music] that hello you messed up big time I told you not to get the police involved is my baby okay please don't hurt her you may never hear her again if you pull any more stunts and since you can't be trusted now you'll have to give me the money in Bitcoin within the next 2 hours 2 hours what that's not even possible we figure it out I'll send you the address over text and it's not 1 million this time for not following my instructions you'll have to pay 2 million now keep it on don't you understand how much pain you're causing us obviously you're not a parent who are you what's your name everything you need to know has been left behind what's that supposed to mean she hung up just before we traced her the guy must be timing her the guy yeah turns out what we've discovered this what was that huh I'm I'm sorry I I didn't know what to say I don't trust you just pack your stuff we're going to the Border no you said you'd let us go when I called well that was before you went off script once we get to Mexico I'll let you guys go Mexico but how are we supposed to give Dell Linda their baby back once they pay the money we said anything about giving their baby back come on get up get up how long for the drive be quiet and get in someone freeze did you tell them where we were how I've been with you the whole time please I was forced to do this I swear where's the girl in the car hold on there's two kids in here my baby oh my God I miss you so much it's not safe for you guys out here until we get him captured please take your baby to the car mom mom whose kid is this he's fine he's the whole reason I got tied up into this mess you see a few days ago I was coming home from the grocery store and I let go of my son's hand for just a second and before I knew it that man came and kidnapped him and I chased him down to try to get my kid back but he ended up throwing me in the car too and taking both of us I woke up a tied to a chair and sat up his apartment and he had my son on FaceTime and told me the only way I would ever see him again I did exactly what he said and since he knew I was a nurse he had me sneak into a new hospital and wear bugs so he could listen to me and well you already know what happened next so you see I was just trying to get my son back that evil man right there is behind us all I haven't tried my best to leave you guys clues why aren't you handcuffing her she she stole the baby arrest her you should have listened on the phone your actions always have a way of coming back to you you're going to go down for a very long time she she stole the kid she stole the kid not me she's the one who did it it's okay we know you're innocent we didn't know why you were doing everything before you told us but we knew you were being forced and then when we spoke to the nurse she told us she thought it was odd that you asked her to look at your credentials both front and back well that's when we realized it was a cry for help and then after the phone call when you said everything we needed to know was left behind we knew you were trying to tell us something so we searched through all the fake money and well found an address thankfully we discovered it just in time thank you for trying to help us first I thought it was you but even the woman trying to steal the money at the mall vouched for you can't believe he blackmailed her too we found out where more kids are being healed more cops are on the way thank God is it okay if I of course I'm really sorry for what I put you through I truly am we forgive you I finally figured out what her name should be [Music] Faith this is so boring Britney can we please just go to park can you please stop being so annoying seriously Carla I can't take you anywhere I'm sorry it was just an accident you shouldn't have been touching any of this just wait outside play on your iPad before you break the entire store but I I go she's the worst anyway do you think Chad will like this scent oh my gosh to die for he'll love that I'm surprised your dad's letting you go on a date yeah well I just told him if he trust me to watch Carla then he should trust me to go out with the guy right well how did you convince him to let you babysit your sister again I mean after the last time you lost her I thought he'd never ladies finding everything okay actually I have a few questions so I have my first date and I was hoping to you know change my look well very exciting have you tried live Glam okay they have an amazing formula plus they're cruelty-free vegan and inexpensive come on follow me um hey we should probably be quick since your sister's waiting by herself she'll be fine I so jealous you got the last live Glam lip gloss well I'm the one going on a date so uh where's Carla hm Brit where's your sister what do you mean she was sitting right over oh no not again Carla Carla Carla Carla Carla Carla excuse me have you seen a little girl and she's really annoying or what's going on there you are where were you I had to use the bathroom why didn't you tell me you told me I couldn't come inside the store give me your iPad [Music] why I should have done sooner what are you doing do you remember my dad pulled that prank and convinced me Carla was kidnapped yes well let's just say I'm being a little more cautious this time here can we go to the park now fine but no more disappearing okay I'm [Music] serious check it out so cute and it's on sale yep I was thinking of getting it for date night okay I knew you liked him but I'm starting to think that you're in love if he wants to be my future husband I won't say no to a ring okay well slow down you still need to get through 10th grade first um who's your sister talking to Carla you can't talk to strangers didn't you hear me stay away from strangers but he's not a stranger just because they introduce themselves doesn't mean they're suddenly not a creeper no offense kind of don't none taken I'm just glad Carla's older sister is looking out for her you know what I'm sorry I should introduce uce myself I'm Mr Phillips caros my teacher oh so not a creeper no more just a teacher you're so funny Mr Phillips right well I'm going to see you in class Carla sorry for the scare but nice meeting you see you later don't talk to anyone or else we're going home everything okay yeah it was just one of our teachers aning it's Chad Amber uh hey Bri what are you guys doing here oh we're just babysitting we're just hanging out you know getting some fresh air red uh you want to see me do a trick yes you [Music] do oh that's so cool hey sis what Carla leave me alone but there's an ice cream check can I please just have $5 no please I promise I'll leave you alone if you give it to me fine here let go sorry about that just my little sister no it's it's cool so you guys know any other tricks hey there little girl hi do you have the teenage mut Ninja Turtle ice cream with the gumball eyes I'm not sure why don't you why don't you have in the back and help us look huh yeah sure come on yeah sure um excuse me hi we should probably get going but I'll see you on Friday yes can't wait me neither um yo come on bro that was too cute I know OMG and can you prove that he's an aquarius I download this app that like does astrology matches wait um Britney where's Carla oh she wanted to go get ice cream right over what the Carla Carla Carla it's probably just my dad pulling another prank on us again exactly why I'm tracking her gotcha let's [Music] go this should be it I don't like this okay we need to call 911 Britney this is totally something my dad would do to make me think it's not him he dump all your sister's things out including her iPad he probably knows I'm tracking her she probably told him no Britney we have to call 911 what if it's real this time okay and remember what your dad said last time it's important to take your responsibility seriously we're not going to call the cops Britney I knew it see my dad's company he sent an employee to scare me again it's all a setup okay well we still need to find carlaa what do we do did you hear that the ice cream Tru let's go it sounds close what are you doing do you think I'm going to leave my bag and $200 worth with makeup in the car you know sometimes I think you care more about clothes and makeup than your own sister let's go here it is look what I found directions my dad must P are not very smart guy to kidnap Carlo this time okay well don't you think that's like a little too easy like what if it's a set up that's kind of the whole point of this isn't it a little does he know I'm one step ahead of him this time I can't wait to see the look on my dad's face and I [Music] like it's my dad he did this last time well are you going to answer it no I'm going to find Carla it's only a few blocks away you coming uh you know I think I'm just going to wait in the car seriously fine I'll find her without you what are you a gorilla leave her alone hey man well she's got stuff in her hair and don't touch her well and girls don't like having stuff in their hair Dave that's common sense what else is common sense don't use my real name okay well it's not my fault the bald eagle is a weird name for you you have a lot of hair man it doesn't make sense you know you should have chose a better Alias well and yours is B so much better bearclaw what are you a donut no hey I actually really happen to like the name bearclaw okay I think it really suits me better than skip stop saying your real name hey wow my dad had you guys really go out huh I mean a rope and the duct tape nice touch truly who are you and why are you clapping I don't know seriously if she with she's not okay oh so so we're playing dumb okay so next time try not to leave the directions in the ice cream truck bearclaw what were you thinking huh bear claw what were you thinking that's my name got it right I'm sorry I just write things down to remember them I didn't know I left thing stop talking okay so can we cut the action untie my sister s ah you're the big sister now it's all coming back you know it's better than one Ransom bear claw yes I do what is it Dave I don't know what did I say about using my name oh you said don't use your name just go okay what is in there lamb number five bruh oh it hurts something done right got do it yourself this is really confusing why did Dad go so overboard this time well could you have taken off to duct tape first sorry I was enjoying the silence while it lasted this isn't a joke Bry they're real kid Let Her Go Let Her Go let going anywhere get your hands up right now oh my God are you girls okay hey hey hey so you're telling me all of this isn't fake Dave skip don't you ever come near my daughter's again I got the idea you boss this ain't over hear me idea that was so scary I know that just happened can you please tell me what's going on those were two ex employees of mine I fired them a few weeks ago and well they weren't too happy about it clearly so all this was real you think I'd have your sister tied up in a chair in an abandoned warehouse for fun I'd do it you're lucky Amber called me and told me everything otherwise who knows what would have happened yeah yeah I'm I'm glad she listened to me and called you you know what we're all safe here and you know what that's what matters not so fast how in the world did you lose Carla again and why didn't you call me sooner you see this is all kind of your fault so like if you hadn't pranked me I totally would have don't try to turn this around on me what do I always tell you you need to take your responsibilities seriously and once again you didn't I know so does this mean I can't go on my date is that even a question absolutely not well to be fair it was it's my idea to go the ice cream truck I know I'm sorry and Britney did just kind of saved my life she's right so please I I guess I guess I'll think about it but for now let's go home yeah oh and you want to know what the worst part was H I never even got my ice cream actually I've got an idea that'll make you both both happy nice job you're welcome honey this ice cream is really good we should definitely come back are you asking me on a second date already am I uh yeah I'll have to check my schedule well I I want to come too yeah yeah no your sister and pops are real cool hey hey I like this guy yeah that sounds like the perfect second date my sister and Dad tagging along how could it get any better oh I know what if I showed you my new 720 swirl we door to the park and I just no uh let's stick to ice cream instead [Music] okay Anita I didn't mean to startle you oh I'm sorry Sor it's okay I I I just I didn't think you'd be back so early yeah we're running so behind Alan had to bring me back because I think I left my earrings have you seen them I don't think so what do they look like they're diamond earrings and I could have sworn I left them on the couch excuse me Sirus yeah I don't mean to impose but if we don't leave soon we'll hit traffic on the bridge oh you're right okay let me run upstairs and find another pair of earrings okay if you find them you'll let me know right of course okay what were you doing on the floor pardon me I saw you when I walked in what were you doing on the floor uh I thought I saw a stain but looks like I was wrong okay let's go have a good day [Music] Anita hey honey how was work could you find a job yet Jose no luck today nobody's hiring construction workers right now it's been 6 months I am tired of taking care of everything myself around here bet you could get around 500 for them at the pawn shop but it still isn't enough we got to move to plan B you sure about that yeah I'm sure it's not like I can count on you for anything so I'm just going to have to take care of everything myself where's rafie he's in there Raphael come out here [Music] please hi honey did you make the stuff I asked you for yeah it's all right here Mom why are we doing this again don't worry son nothing bad's going to happen to you this is just something I need for my job hey trust me on this okay I can't believe this I'm always so thorough when it comes to vetting my staff it's okay you can't catch everything I saw this when I was helping my husband find jobs thank you for bringing this to my attention I'm just so shocked right now to be honest I can't say I'm too surprised I think I smelled alcohol on him the other day drinking on the job yeah I can't believe I never noticed I guess I trusted him too much I don't know what I'm going to do how am I going to find another driver on such short notice well my husband drove a cab for many years I know it's not the same of course but it could be something until to you find somebody else really Anita yeah oh my god do you think he can start ASAP oh of course why don't I bring him over tomorrow so you can meet him yes that would work oh my God you're such a lifesaver he Mama hi sweetheart how was the first week of soccer practice she's off to a great start amazing and thank you so much we'll get you paid by the end of the week okay by Miss Jessica bye um Anita take Hazel oneide please I need to handle something Mom what's going on not now Hazel what is wrong with you drinking and driving what are you kidding me I didn't do anything what you're not doing anything no more because you're fired what this is not okay I don't want to hear anything else I I didn't do anything resume looks great Mr Diaz says here you drove for Sherman Oak's taxi for 9 years I did I did yes okay perfect how does $5,000 a month sound oh that sounds amazing miss Iris thank you I uh I can't wait to start working excuse me listen Miss sis I don't know who gave you that article but it's not real someone's trying to set me up please just just hand me out please Anita's husband Jose is now taking over what he drove for Sherman taxi for almost a decade listen please you got to hear me sry things did not work out please M Iris I don't think there's anything more to be said on that note No thank you wow I didn't think I'd feel so guilty about letting Allan go do you think I made the right decision yes I do you know my mom used to say when people show you their true colors believe them the first time your mom sounds like a wise woman maybe he's the reason why my earrings are missing Mr Diaz I'm excited to have you drive for [Music] me that better not be Allan again yeah she doesn't give up does he oh Jesse I totally forgot about soccer practice today come in I'll get hazel for okay is it okay if I set my bag down I got to run to the trunk and get a few things before I set up outside yeah no problem I wonder how much Iris pays Jesse Raph played soccer in middle school no Anita don't even think about it stab with the earrings right they're in the car I didn't take them to the pawn shop yet go get him I don't want to Mom first you made me Photoshop that fake article and now this that was different Ralph this is a great opportunity money can change everything for us a new house new car but everyone has to be on board I don't even like soccer that's why I quit it but you were good at it just come with me and meet miss Iris why are you being so difficult Jose aren't you going to say something look I don't want to pretend to be a soccer coach Mom I don't want to lie you don't have to lie you know how to play the game it's easy [Music] money maybe this isn't a good idea he's just a kid he doesn't need to be a part of this and besides between the two of us we're making 10 grand a month it's more than enough we're still in debt Raphael needs to do this it's not an [Music] option what you stole more jewelry this isn't for me me this is all part of my plan just [Music] watch okay let's stop there for today okay okay looking good out there she's a natural I'm glad I'm getting my money for speaking of which I need to pay you do you have changed for 100 let me check my bag is that my necklace yes it is I don't know how that got there I've never seen that before um [Music] Iris I've been looking for these for days now and you're the one who took them no I didn't take anything I I I wouldn't do anything like that I I swear so they just magically appeared in your bag mom coach Jessica would never do such a thing she is not like that until can give me a valid reason as to why my missing earrings and now my necklace are in her bag she's no longer your coach that's not fair I I I can't believe this um what are we going to do about my payments payment little girl you are lucky I'm not calling the cops get out not payment I am so sorry Miss Ira yeah me too first Allan and now Jesse it's like you can't trust anybody nowadays the worst part Hazel has soccer playoffs at the end of the month and now she has no coach you know my son used to play uh soccer it's been a while for him but he could help Hazel if you'd like really gosh it's like the universe sent you and your family to me you guys have been such a blessing can he start tomorrow I think he can make that work anything for you miss [Music] cus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] good morning miss Iris is Hazel ready for her soccer practice with Rafael there's been a slight change in plans but come in please Hazel's cousin Beth is in town for the summer and she offered to train Hazel she's a great player thanks I'm going to grab a quick shower mhm Rafael I'd really love for you to continue training Hazel after Beth goes back to school in Fall oh okay sure uh no problem I'll just leave then wait so you're just letting him go on such short notice um I understand how about I give you something extra to hold you over in case something else comes up thanks Jose do you mind giving F right home no of course that's fine guys I'll be right back okay I got to check on what are we going to do we need that money do we we paid off all of our bills we' got a new place that was the goal right you think you get a life like Iris has by settling I don't think so look there's nothing you can do at this point it really sounds like miss Iris is set on her decision yeah it does don't hang up your soccer cleat Just sh come [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] hi girl ready for soccer practice ready is H upy oh it's hot out let me get you some water [Music] there you go have fun oh now you Ki get back to me oh my gosh Mr Beth are are you are you feeling okay what's wrong I don't know she just was acting really weird why don't you run inside and get your mom okay did I do Mom B's in trouble [Music] so Anita Beth what's wrong with her I don't know why I just came out and found her like this you know I haven't seen anyone like this oh no I know I'm sure Beth is a good girl she wouldn't she wouldn't what it's just the last time I saw anyone like this it was Allan and he wasn't exactly sober are you kidding me and around my daughter did she just pass out Beth can you hear me come on she probably just needs to sleep at off I'm sure it's not drugs or anything if it were we'd have a problem well are you sure I mean maybe we should call an ambulance Ju Ju Just in case you know and then they can run some blood tests and confirm what it is it it's worth knowing especially if she's going to be around your daughter this summer huh [Music] yeah nah that's all right I was in college once she's fine it's fine but you know with how much she took I what do you mean how much she took um but I was I was just assuming that she you know took something oh I don't think that's true Anita do you think that's true [Music] Beth what you're okay but I thought what's going on it what is this some kind of some kind of joke ah uh you guys got me good yeah I think the joke's on you yeah when I got fired I thought it was a little bit odd that your husband got my old job I didn't think anything of it it is until I came back a few weeks ago to pick up my last check you came back yep and I ran into Hazel and she was really upset about everybody being fired and may mention that it was your family members that kept replacing us that's when I knew I had to do a lot of digging that news article that you gave Iris was a fake here's the real one I already told you this doesn't mean anything okay well how about this I have a friend that works at Sherman taxi pull a list of all the drivers over the past several years to verify if your husband work for them or not and it turns out they never heard of can explain that one uh Jose is his nickname it was on the driver's license that he gave me when he was hired when Allan and Hazel came to me about all of this I didn't know what to believe so Allan came up with the idea of catching you in the act so we had Beth take Raphael's job just to see what she would do we planted Nanny camps all over the house and lo and [Music] behold the camera hidden in the plant on the kitchen counter had a gold mine of footage you set me up you can't do that I can because it's my house although you acted like it was yours I wouldn't be surprised if the police found my jewelry in your new house either police hold on a second uh ma'am I'm going to need you to place your hands behind your back um this is outrageous I want to see my husband oh don't worry about him we talked to him on the way over here he had a lot of interesting things to say about you like how this was all your idea and he tried to stop you seems like him and your son want nothing to do with this let's go what what please miss Iris don't don't don't do this this is all this is all a big Miss understanding you know the old me may have been willing to hear you out but as I've come to learn when people show you their true colors believe them the first time take her away pleas come on I just need to call my husband I get one phone call wait a minute Alan's back yes I am back I'm back Bo I miss you two guys so much oh yeah and by the way I spoke to Jesse and she'll be here tomorrow morning to continue train yay great and if you know any housekeepers with experience let me know come on so you see your honor I should be granted full custody of my daughter my ex-husband Rob is an addict he does nothing but lay around all day and he's just a downright deadbeat father that's not true Genesis I've always been a good father to Cameron well she also said that you're addicted to Pills and that you lay around all day is that true he can't even deny it your honor I wasn't always like this your honor last year I was running my own business I was supporting my family it seemed like everything was perfect but then one day everything changed you see I can't see you dad you can't here now you're way too close sorry I'm just not very good at this technology stuff it's okay I got to get to school anyway love you love you too sweetheart can't wait to see you later bye hey Mike hey Ben hey Bon hey we need your help with something yeah what's going on side note Let's uh let's put a double top plate here and add a cron top it'll give more stability to everything oh yeah you're right Engineers should have caught that but then again you're always catching the engineers mistakes well that's what I originally wanted to be but everything became so computerized you know no well we'll go ahead and add some beams to that uh did you want me to go ahead and uh build a change order to the client nah that's all right Ben I'll just take care of the cost I don't like billing my clients extra you know anyway so yeah what's the issue uh well the workers don't have enough whoa whoa careful careful sorry go ahead yeah so the workers we don't have enough flooring for the main entrance so we might need to go ahead and add more Flor Sorry boss you guys all right come on here no you have a bad B let me help oh come on Mike I'm old but I'm not that old are you're all [Music] right you really shouldn't be lifting anything it could have been a lot worse I understand so do you think I could be back at work tomorrow we're in the middle of this big project and tomorrow yeah Rob I really don't think you're taking this seriously enough I you need to be resting for a few weeks maybe longer and definitely not at a construction site but if he's not working how is he supposed to be making money what's more important money or your health uhhuh I'm sure there's something I can do to get back out there I mean I could prescribe painkillers but I really don't recommend that because a lot of people become addicted he'll take them what all right I'll be right back with your prescription [Music] mhm he's a doctor Genesis you know I hate taking pills one of my uncles became addicted to them and his whole life just went downhill what choice do we have downgrade our lifestyle that is not happening I want this [Music] one yeah I got to take a look at these drawings again Ben I have a feeling this engineer oh God sit it down Sit it down what are you doing you know you're not supposed to be lifting anything why didn't you stop him ah it's just a spasm it'll be all right all right come on let's try again no no I am not going to let you God told you you all right yeah give me a sec okay oh God I don't know man like what are those they're pain pills but I haven't started taking them yet and this is a good way to find out if they really work or not I've seen a lot of people ruin their lives with those maybe just start with half yeah thanks Mike you're right that's why you're my right-hand man of course right you go home get a little rest I'll take over from here appreciate it man Ben we'll see you later dang Mom I'm hungry can you make me something can't you see I'm busy I ordered Uber Eats it should be in soon dad I missed you oh I missed it too sweetie ow careful with my back remember oops sorry Dad it's okay honey oh whoa whoa what is this your new project I ordered a new TV for our bedroom so you can put the existing one in Cam's room but he said his back hurts it's fine it's it's not that heavy it's all right I'll try after dinner I'm going to go up and take a hot shower see if that helps my no the new season of The Real Housewives starts tonight and I don't want to miss it do it now it's not a good idea dad you should rest shush Cameron have you been taking your painkillers yeah I took half of one a couple hours ago half well that's your problem you need to take a whole one or two and you'll be fine [Music] oh come on if the delivery men can bring it in here you surely can bring it up to our bedroom these pills aren't exactly instant Genesis you know maybe you should try helping me come on and risk smearing my nail polish not a chance I'll help you Dad thank you sweetie all right here let's just slide it that way who whoa whoa whoa wo you're going to scratch the floor put a towel under it or a blanket you're going to use that one okay fine just get it done all right honey okay sweetie I'm going to lift it and then you can slide the blanket underneath okay one dad are you okay God oh don't be such a drama queen honey give me a pack of ice so you see your honor after I hurt my back again I had no choice but to stay home and then everything just went downhill I lost my business I lost my income and then I just became addicted to paint pills but I promise you your honor I am not a bad father I love my family with all my heart your honor I'm sorry you had to go through all that Mr Gutierrez but the purpose of this hearing is to determine if you're fit to take care of your daughter so let me ask you are you still on the pills and you have no income my disability a few hundred measly dollars like that does anything well it's not like you have a job either no but I'm with someone who makes just as much money as you used to if not more you met someone Well you're dating someone else K while I do have great sympathy for you Mr Gutierrez with you being addicted to Pills and you not having a job I just don't see how you'll be able to provide for Cameron that's why I'm granting full custody of your daughter Cameron to Genesis Garcia yes what no please don't take my baby away from me me your honor I promise I'll do anything since Miss Garcia will have full custody I am going to allow her to stay in the home and you will have to pay her half of your disability income we'll see where we are in a year and we can revisit no Daddy I don't want to be without you come on Cameron let's go home come on Rob I'm sorry I'm so sorry thank you you can stay here as long as you need thanks Mike you're the only person I have left my wife's left me I lost my daughter even even my employees are gone poor guys man they're probably all still out there looking for work um what okay I didn't want to tell you this but Ben has started his own company and he took all of your employees with him no not just that uh he also took all of your clients what that double Crosser how could he do that to me you know I taught him everything he knows that's it man my life's over just everything's [Music] over whoa four isn't the max that you're supposed to take two I need this man I'm in too much pain are you taking these pills because of the pain in your back or because of the pain in your heart it's so hard to see you like this right now rob you do not need to make it worse give me those pills come on you can get over this it's not too late your life is not over well it feels like it is things were bad enough and now Ben this feels like a like a knockout punch well it's a good thing you don't lose when you get knocked down you lose when you don't get up and right now my friend you are not staying down and what am I supposed to do I can't start another construction company with my back there's no way man you said you always wanted to be an engineer maybe you can start that I can't do technology I don't know how to use a computer yeah well lucky for you your right-hand man does I will teach you everything you need to know whatever it takes we are going to get you back on your feet but it starts here give me those [Music] pills from that moment forward Rob decides to turn his life around he starts learning how to use a computer he he's slow at first but Mike encourages him to keep going his addiction to pills isn't easy to overcome at times he almost relapses but remembering Mike's words he stays strong and makes the right decision over time he finally gets the hang of how to use technology he's even able to do engineering drawings on his own [Music] soon he's back on his feet and starts meeting with all the clients he used to have he not only offers Engineering Services but also construction services with his new business partner Mike the clients are thrilled to have them back Life Starts to turn around for Rob everything is falling into place again except for one one thing I must say Mr Gutierrez I'm impressed seems like you've really turned your life around yes your honor I have I have started an even bigger company with my new partner my health is back to normal and I'm very proud to say that I haven't taken a single pill in over a year that's incredible you know the last time I saw you you looked so knock down may I ask what changed well as a good friend reminded me you don't lose when you get knocked down you lose when you don't get up and well your honor I had to learn to get myself back up again and the only thing missing in my life right now your honor this my baby girl that's all I need now I'm not trying to take her away from her mom but if I can get 50/50 your honor that would mean the world to me can I say something your honor I am so sorry how things ended Rob I really miss how it used to be and I was thinking if you're open to it we can try again what about your boyfriend oh he is no longer in the P Genesis please don't do this things are starting to turn around for me I promise just don't leave me wait you've been dating my ex-employee Ben wow I told you not to come here we are finished there is nothing you can do about that but I lost my business my workers I can't lose you too that is why you lost me now leave you're ruining this for me leave can you take care of this please well Mr Gutierrez would you be in interested in a Reconciliation absolutely not your honor you I don't usually do this but Cameron you seem like a very smart young girl do you have a preference as to who you would want to stay with my dad very well I hereby Grant Mr Gutierrez full custody Ms Garcia you will now be responsible for paying him child support case dismissed your honor I missed you so much I missed you too sweetie I'm not hurting you am I no sweetheart there's no more pain all this is ridiculous ulous I am not paying you one dime well that's just fine because everything I need is right here it's ridiculous we're home mom why are you drinking it's noon come on it's Saturday and besides it's 5:00 somewhere that uh where are the kids oh the kids uh yeah they were here just a while ago you were supposed to be watching them I was the entire time Kayla Berkeley Kayla Berkeley where are you oh my gosh Kayla you got chocolate everywhere even on your Apple watch Mom how much chocolate did you let Kayla have I know where is Berkeley uh you know what never mind clearly you were of no help Berkeley oh my gosh give me [Music] that do you see this I told you not to show up un announced hey I was watching that Berkeley had this do you realize how bad it would have been if she took these so you're overreaction we are supposed to leave for 3 Days how can we trust you with the kids when you can't even watch them for 3 hours I even convinced Brad to give you a key to the house and this is how can I talk to you for a [Laughter] second I thought you said she quit drinking yeah well I guess she picked it back up again look I don't feel comfortable letting her watch the kids while we're gone I'm going to call my mom and see if she can do it instead your mom she just got to see the kids last week my mom hasn't gotten to see the kids at all well not to be rude but can you blame me it is just not fair that your mom gets to see the kids all the time and my mom barely gets to be around them I'm sorry but it is not happening please don't stop my mom from seeing the kids when all she's ever been is loving to everybody look we we don't have a lot of time I'm just going to give her a call no what well who's going to watch the kids what would have happened if Berkeley had gotten into that prescription honestly at this point I would rather just not even go on our vacation you can't be serious right now does it look like I'm joking [Music] pror use your claw and dance them off um why don't you two go get cleaned up you have got ice cream all over your faces hi Mom oh I just don't understand why I can't see the kids I what am I supposed to do just spend the rest of the my years alone until I die I hardly see the kids as it is but we tried to let you see them and you weren't even watching them you were drinking again we can't let you be in charge of the kids when you can't even look after yourself please sweetheart I'll do better what are you going to do about this trip you could um you could leave it them with me and I will watch them here I'm sorry Mom I can't do this right now we'll talk about it later okay don't hello dear how have you been great um what are you doing here Mary well I saw that Brad called and I've been trying to call him back and is going straight to voicemail so I just want to make sure everything was okay oh everything's fine I think his phone just isn't working but I'll let him know that you stop by oh hold it can I see my grandkids oh they they're um they're actually taking a nap right now so it's not really good time oh okay well you know I just love them so much and I made their favorite bread pudding so if you give that to them oh and uh please tell my son that I've been trying to reach him of course who was that oh uh just someone trying to sell us something what are you doing with those we canel our trip we have no one to watch the kids we can just drop them off at my mom's place it'll be fine we already talked about this besides she's probably not even available on such short notice come on my mom not available to see your grandkid she would drop anything to see them it is not happening Brad your mom shouldn't get to see the kids more than my mom does cancel the trip our tickets are not refundable and I can't move my time off the office is already scheduled around it we'll stay here then look I already talked to the kids they don't want us to leave if they find out they're staying at Mary's house they're going to flip out we're staying at Grandma Mary's house yes she makes the best red pudding no no you're not going to Grandma Mary's [Music] house come on honey there's no other option actually there [Music] is okay oh jeez thanks again for coming on such short notice it's not a problem please make sure the kids stay out of the medicine cabinet no more than one chocolate per day and no drinking while babysitting please has the babysitter actually done that before you be [Music] surprised is that my Mom calling you that's weird she never calls you she always calls me it's probably just a but dial okay well come on we are already running late we don't want to miss our [Music] plane wow we're here finally thought we never make it on the plane my mom is so mad at me for not letting her watch the kids G I should have just left my phone at home hello what uh no um hey what's going on it's interesting that she can't find the kids what do you mean I don't oh my gosh I knew we should just drop them off with my mom that was not the time Brad um okay uh call the police we're getting off the plane right now uh excuse me we need to get off the plane now is everything all right can me please just get off the [Music] plane come on all right it's Cassandra she says the cops just got there I can't believe this is happening I know I'm so worried them I keep hoping that maybe they just went to the park or something doesn't Kayla have an Apple Watch oh yeah oh my gosh I can't believe [Music] this come on in dad oh girls can you two give us a minute you can eat in the bedroom okay sure yeah [Music] I'm so sorry for worrying you both I I didn't mean to ruin your trip or Scare You Well then why would you do this I can explain you see I get so lonely living here all by myself the only thing I think about are my grandkids I call them almost every day hoping to see them or even just talk to them but lately all my phone calls have been going to voicemail or getting rejected when I came by to see the kids yesterday it broke my heart even more that I couldn't see them I sat inside my car and cried for a long time I have no other purpose in life outside of Kayla and Berkeley they're my joy and all I want to do is be a part of their lives otherwise I just end up in bed all day so you see the only reason I picked them up was because I didn't know if I could see them again and and I was going to bring them back right after they ate wait mom you said you came over yesterday I had no idea didn't Amy tell you I brought bread pudding for the girls no she didn't I didn't want to just show up and I've been trying to call you many times and it just goes to voicemail wait you hold on a second I don't have a single call from you why wouldn't that have gone so it's my fault I uh I I blocked her phone number in your phone you did what I just didn't want her getting to spend so much time with the kids when my mom isn't able to but I see now that your Mom's done nothing wrong she's done nothing but show us all so much love I I think I was just so upset with my situation with my own mom that I took it out on you and Mary and I'm so sorry but I I realize now that a mother-in-law can be the mom you always wanted but never had I love you so much just like you my own daughter I'll go get the girls so you can take actually I have a better [Music] idea okay I am so ready to get away for a few days me too guys will be all right I'm sure they'll be fine they're in good hands hi Mom is everything okay no the remote won't work where are the extra batteries they're in the mom are you drinking again where are the kids will you relax everything is fine look hi oh hi have a safe flight thank you you know I feel so much better knowing you're there oh we got to go okay love you [Music] moms oh you're hurting me you could be a little more gentle save it for the judge you've got 30 seconds she it's part of my sentence it's my job to inform you guys that right now is your last chance to take advantage of darman's Black Friday for Merch everything on the website is 20 to 50% off so go to DAR or click the link in the description lots of styles and sizes have already sold out so don't wait and if you feel like bailing me out all right it's enough molini it's m roone let's go hey hey hey no no no no back come on little lady never come on sweet Anna uh yes um Josephine the soup is cool now but I don't have a spoon oh sorry and after you're done eating I will get you your pills as well okay okay here it is thank you got it uh-huh great would you be a dear and get me a Diet Coke please to yeah of [Music] course [Music] right let me show you right there is that good thank you great you are a saint you know when Gerald was here before he passed he used to do everything for me but now all I have is you well I'm all you'll ever need Josephine because I will stay by your side forever now I'll go get those pills [Music] sweet Anna yes Josephine are you sure this is Diet Coke it tastes sweet you keep asking me that remember it's a new formula it tastes just like regular but no sugar right because my doctor said none and all since my tests were in 200s that's right zero sugar I don't know how they invent such stuff tastes [Music] good oh thank you very much Anna sure can you do me another favor could you check the mail for me not a problem is there anything there from Olivia I'm still looking through I don't know yet Mom I'm reaching out because I'm starting to get worried you haven't been answering my calls anymore so I wanted to write to you last time we spoke you told me your sugar's high and your eyesight wasn't as good as it used to be but I hope you're still able to see this photo of Emily she's getting so big now I know we've had her ups and downs but I just want you to know I miss you I hope you're able to read this letter please write back to me if you can love ladybug will anything n just junk mail and uh credit card scams just same old stuff you know when she was a little girl she used to write me letters all the time and even though we lived in the same house she would put the letters in the mailbox and then the postman would hand them right back to me I used to cry every time I was reading those letters oh I miss those days very much Josephine breaks my heart to hear you so sad wish I could do something to cheer you up maybe we could try calling Olivia again we can but I just hate that whenever we try she doesn't answer and it just makes you even more sad you know she wanted to talk to you she would call please just call just this one time I've been praying that she reaches out to me and I know God will answer my prayers never mind I'll call her no no no no no I I'll I'll dial the number for you just just relax [Music] [Music] your call has been forwarded to sorry same thing but hey let's take your meds see your hand you're going to feel better after this and there's your diet [Music] coke good girl you know Anna you're an absolute angel I'm sure your mother must have loved you so much and I'm so lucky that you in my life otherwise I'd be all alone the feeling is mutual Josephine I uh I get such joy out of taking care of you and I want you to know that no matter what happens I'll always be here for you oh I I I keep forgetting to tell you I met a great attorney the other day are are you still looking for someone to help you with your will thank you yes what is it mom a letter from Grandma sweetie oh finally what does it say please stop contacting me I cannot forgive you for what you did it hurts too much I no longer want to be in communication with you so please leave me in peace why is she saying [Music] that hey girls I am back woohoo how's it going how's it going hi uh what's wrong I finally heard back from my mom oh is she still upset about h [Music] well you're at 120 really good really I've been feeling so dizzy I feel like my sugar is so high oh goodness I haven't heard that in AES oh please go answer that Anna it could be Olivia CL yes I'll get it for you Josephine mom is that you I can hear you breathing hello Mom I know that's you you did this the last time too well if you aren't going to talk at least listen please please stop being mad at me I miss you so much Emily wants to meet her grandmother mom if you don't um sounds like a really nice offer but we're actually happy with our internet service so thank you very much goodbye well I'm guessing that isn't my daughter no T marketer I had to hang up on them uh they're always targeting the elderly yes well I'm grateful that you're looking out for me yeah well somebody's got to protect you I was so hoping that was Olivia you know I can't believe that I haven't heard from her we've had our differences but I thought that she would be reaching out by now especially [Music] considering considering I I I may not have much time left oh Josephine don't say that got a lot of life left to live [Music] here have some more diet soda this will help clear your cough got it [Music] good here you are helping me and my own daughter she will have nothing to do with me and I always thought blood is thicker than water yeah not always you know go ahead call that attorney you told me about the one that can help me with my will whatever you think is best Josephine you almost done I don't get why I have to make a website and a business card she's blind she can't even see it it's not for her genius it's for anyone who starts snooping around after the wheel's finalized it's got to look legit can't have anybody be suspicious at all can you do that I made your phony caretaker application work didn't I darn I knew I should have taken some food from her house today no what you should have done was robbed her like we agreed in the first place this whole will idea is taking too long how many times do I have to tell you she does doesn't keep any money in the house but don't worry we're getting there she's completely cut off from her family so no one can stop us now and then what after we update the will when do we get paid patience yeah we still got to wait for her to kick the bucket but uh don't worry because I have been working on that pretty [Music] sweet and this time after the old lady kicks the bucket finally going to get what I deserve not like what happened last time not like the situation with well hey uh let's go get you a new suit so that her her neighbors won't be suspicious who dresses you [Music] anyway I'm sorry Douglas I I haven't been feeling very well lately that's quite all right you know it's like the more medication I take and the more sugar I stay away from the worse it gets I it's so strange you're going to be okay Josephine and no matter what else happens I'll always be be with you I know your vision impaired so Anna can review anything that you need her to as we discussed over the phone 100% of what you leave behind will now be going to her Anna Sophia Porter you know I already said this Josephine but this really isn't necessary I mean the reason I'm here is is out of the goodness of my heart and for no other reason who else am I going to leave it too I know my husband's gone my only daughter is not answering my calls I talked it through with Doug and he was really helpful to help me make up my mind on the phone and I trust his judgment especially hearing that he's now uh attending the church that I used to go to wow so all you need to do is sign I'll take care of the notorized away here we go and here's the line I'll just show you here the straight line so you could start right there Joseph okay uh you know I've never really done any of this kind of legal stuff before Gerald always took care of it God bless his soul yeah rest in peace okay you ready [Music] oh is that the doorbell I didn't I didn't hear anything did you hear anything Doug nope oh yes it is the door would you would you please go and and answer that of course huh I don't know who that would be sorry kid wrong house um okay excuse me I'm looking for my grandmother Josephine grandmother um sorry uh your grandmother told me that if you or your mother ever come to visit not to let you in and uh as a matter of fact I have a message for your mommy from Grandma she told me she doesn't want to talk to her never again she doesn't want to see her or hear from her so no texts no emails no letters Olivia Olivia who she said that's right she told me the two of you mean nothing to her but but we're family yeah right not anymore [Music] kid who was it dear oh no one one is uh wrong house oh you ready to go finish the will all right okay Grandma doesn't want to see us oh I'm so sorry sweetheart I had a feeling this might happen I knew this was a bad idea I just don't understand why she's so mad at you what happened well baby I grew up in a very religious household and my parents wanted me to marry someone of the same faith and have a traditional wedding but I fell in love with your father and his family didn't want him to get married in the church so we thought to not upset anybody that we would have a courthouse wedding that sounds nice thank you sweetheart but my parents didn't think so my dad stopped talking to me completely and even when he was dying he didn't want to see me and Grandma my mom and I would talk sometimes but it was just never the same and I think after my dad passed away she held it against me because I basically never heard from her again do you regret it regret what sweetheart regret marrying dad oh um honestly sometimes in the beginning but it was only because I miss my parents so much but once I had you I never looked back all right let's get out of here since grandma said she doesn't want to see us grandma didn't say that what it was just some random [Music] lady perfect we are all set here congratulations oh thank you very much oh I really think it was very helpful of you and tell pastor Daniels hello for me who Pastor Daniels at the church oh right yes I certainly will all right well it was a pleasure assisting you Josephine well we can walk you out yes my k thank you [Music] go oh Josephine that Clough is sounding worse I'll get your meds after this and we'll put you to bed a little early okay thanks Doug bom later B is that you yeah Mom it's me can you not see us at all right now oh Olivia my baby you're really here I've missed you so much I miss you too grandma and who might this be it's me Emily goodness little Emily is so big oh my prayers have been answered not a goes by that I don't think of you both but Mom I don't understand I thought you were mad at us we've been trying to contact you sorry you interrupt this reunion but Josephine really needs to go to bed take her meds and get some rest thank you I'm sorry who are you this is Anna she's my caretaker she is so kind and loyal and trustworthy and you are I'm Doug I'm your mother's is a state attorney and a friend of honors and we've been going over my will and documents and things like that this is my necklace sorry no it's mine which one is it my ladybug necklace the one that you gave me when I was a kid Anna is wearing it right now no that can't be because yours a safe in a drawer near my bed I got this at a swap meet they're pretty popular you know a lot of people have them so if I were to look at my mother's dresser right now the necklace would still be there of course come on [Music] in all right I've had enough of this family time is over oh my God Mom he's got a gun G behind me Douglas why would attorney have a gun I don't know Mom I don't think he's a real attorney we came here for money and we ain't leaving until we get it give me that before you do something dumb an what are you doing do you know all about this mom please tell me you did not add her to your will I did oh my God now I get it it all makes sense you have been trying to separate me from my mom why over money I never got what I deserved so you don't deserve to get anything either got it what are you talking about I was a good daughter much better than you and all I got for it was nothing you see a few years ago my mom got very sick I did everything I could to take care of her I fed her gave her medicine bathed her and never left her side she went from staying at home to staying in the hospital not too long after she got there she passed away it was one of the hardest days of my life when I went to go meet with her attorney to go over her will do you know what I found instead of leaving everything to me the only person who stayed by her side through everything she gave it all to charity I couldn't believe it so you see I was there for my mom just like I've been for your mom unlike you Olivia but this time I'm not going to make a mistake this time I'm going to get what I deserve it's a good thing it seems my plan is working plan H what have you been doing to my mother oh she thinks I've been giving her medicine but really I've been giving her sugar pills and instead of Diet Coke I've been giving her regular Coke so she thinks her Sugar's going down but really it's Sky High oh goodness I don't feel very well and I oh my pain in my chest mom I told you she was so close Douglas just in time go get me a towel back off let me check her pulse [Music] don't you move you on the ground too over [Music] here Emily honey go call the police stop pushing me move it how's she doing your mom is one tough lady she's going to be completely fine just no more sugary drinks yeah no trust me she will be in much better hands from here on out glad to hear it oh honey hi oh my gosh are you girls okay it was scary but grandma saved us oh I couldn't have done it without you two girls oh I'm I'm glad you're okay too Josephine we all have been worried about you oh thank you Rie it's been a long time and I I just want to say I'm sorry whether you are married in a church or a temple or a courthouse it doesn't matter God is God he protects us all and we should have supported you I love you so much Mom oh I love you too honey and you know something I I never told you is that your dad in his final moments he regretted everything he wanted you there and he was so sorry that he wasn't talking with you and and I don't want to have that same regret so please don't ever stop talking to me are you kidding I don't want to ever leave your side again we are family it's like you always used to say blood is thicker than water excuse me um I believe this is for you guys thank you what is it oh it's the ladybug necklace and uh your will oh give me the will there's going to be another will honestly Mom I don't need anything from you I just want you to be in our lives again oh and who says I'm going to give you anything I am leaving everything to my Emily wow Grandma yes can you live with us please oh I would love to if it's okay with your parents yeah [Music] [Music] yeah
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,041,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: IFpxUFcChkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 25sec (10285 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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