Ship City - Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Ep. 8

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Minecraft 1.20 hardcore last time around we were able to successfully demolish the dragon and now I have 65 levels worth of stuff that we can use to enchant which is very exciting I do need to do a little bit of inventory sorting real quick though okie dokie everybody so we're good to go there I I want to check like a few enchants really quick to see if there's anything compelling having on Breaky on this would be good oh hey what do you know all right come on dude please be oh you know what I could do though I could actually just manually apply silk touch since I have a silk touchbook I could make this silk touch pickaxe I will have to repair it at some point but if we get on break E3 then I could turn this into silk touch and then I can if I need to fetch any ores I can just still touch them and then I can break them with this it could work it could work well actually let's give it a go you know what I'm actually down efficiency 4 unbreaky 3 silk touch will do a repair um we won't do yet we won't do it yet that would be it would be very very bad actually to do that while we have level 62 do any hand and villain would be a mistake and billing would be a big mistake oh I kind of I'm kind of gonna do it I'm kind of gonna do it yeah why no good name thank you for the 200 bits for the Capcom yeah everybody in case you're confused it is Capcom right now um Capcom is a wonderful convention see everybody else there at twitchcon we don't do that we don't do that we do Capcom it's a much better improved convention because you don't have to leave your house all right you ain't gotta even leave your house for it I'm gonna keep this should I apply this to the chat I feel like it's wasteful to just apply this to the chess play once I've already got prop 3 so maybe I'll do it to another piece of gear and I actually just store the book out there but let me go grab some um sugar cane real quick we'll be able to get some more paper going make some of the fireworks maybe make some more books that we can keep on cycling for stuff and things and then we'll head back to the um head back to the end and start looking for some end cities hopefully we'll be able to get an elytra out here and it'll be all all good news this hasn't grown nearly as much as I would like for it to have grown I might just I'm gonna take back a few of these over here just because I need to make fireworks and also make books so we'll just grab a few of these I know there's going to be more comments once again from people saying Frick the rain just arrived God dang it dude there's gonna be more comments from people who you're gonna be like yo you should really put slabs on that you should water log some stuff so that the stuff doesn't fall into the water okay why do you keep postponing it the answer is I'm just terrible you know just kind of a terrible person at the end of the day anyway there we go some fireworks so we can get back home once we do find some stuff an end City or something like that where did I put the why did I put that in misk then that is not misc why am I misorganizing things God that's terrible that's just terrible for me to do you are a mob drop you I can do a little bit more paper sure we can do that well you can get one more book out here very good cool and boom and there we gotta be four book skis and what am I gonna do with the paper I don't know I'll put it in the book's chest or something like that um or I could just here we go one more set of fireworks perfect that'll be good I hope that we can use looting three to get some good shulky boxes going that's why I'm gonna bring some planks to the end um yeah but anyway so uh yeah Capcom better iteration of twitchcon who needs to travel when you stay home and watch Capcom because you know all those other people they've abandoned you okay look at the rainbow again this is so cool you don't get to see rainbows at twitchcon all right you only get to see rainbows at Capcom why am I going this way I need to be going to the enchantment table so stick around it's Mr Stelio viewers out here right now uh all right what do we got oh yeah loyalty three in this kind of whatever you got an Infinity no God dang it I don't want to be doing one level Cycles but it may actually come down to that point you know what why would you get an enchants on the ax while we're at it um unless there's any you know what no no we'll just we'll just enchant the ax we'll get some Unbreaking really just Unbreaking three that's it that's all I get pal four and then I could oh it's already at pal five this kind of frict that's kind of frict um gosh dang it I might actually have to do one little cycle God I hate doing one level cycle but it's like what can you do or alternatively I can just wait until I have some more diamonds from the end cities and then just check if there's anything good for us to get maybe I'll do that maybe I'll do that instead all right so I'm gonna leave this stuff in here it'll be great it'll be awesome and then everything else I think we're pretty much ready to take a little trip ski into the end enchant The Shield oh you think I should get some Unbreaking on this um do I wanna oh wait I can't I can't even put that in the uh enchantment table I forgot that's only a modded thing I have to do it with books I totally forgot that doesn't actually work so you know what's really cool the portal here and the portal for our end portal is 70 blocks apart I can't repair this pickaxe I don't have more diamonds so yeah oh you think I should have a spare iron pickaxe just for for safety I could do but now that we have Unbreaking three it's got a lot more durability but um but I'll do it just just for some safety yeah okay cool also though wait no no no no no it's fine it's fine I have I'm bringing iron with me and I'm bringing wood with me so we'll be good I'm glad you like I'm glad you guys are liking the area this is really it's a really cool place to live it's a very Kawaii pretty place um and we probably we probably will find more pickaxes in the um but I could I could just join a little bit another act so he can oh God my man oh to the freaking rescue thanks bud that was actually really nice so uh coordinates wise we need to just head to negative 73 comma 152. wait so it is wait negative 73 comma 150 so it's just like right over there I guess um y level equals 30. so I should just kind of outline the way the only in the lanes is going to be these little Fricks thank you oh God I don't want to accidentally hit him Get Wrecked bye bye I don't really need this right now stop I swear to do oh my God he could actually ruin my life there with just one little tap he could have ruined my life and here's where I'm like I should have brought the hoe and I could just grabbed a bunch of blocks that I could have used super easily I thought that this would actually be just a painful area to Traverse to get to where my portal is located you're not coming over you're not coming over here you little you little frick okay once we get once we figure out where this thing is it'll be easy although it is even lower it was y equals 35 and then it was 152. it's just like right down here God once we get the elytra it is going to be infinitely easier to do this is it right down like here or something negative 73 it's probably right down here yep there it is okay yeah that's gonna be just super super duper easy to get to once we're a light training out here that is so convenient though that is so incredibly convenient in its location all right guys um we made it back to the stronghold sick okay Eric Chester thinking about 37 months mint blue jay with 31 months guess what I forgot to do I forgot to bring extra wood to make the trapdoor but whatever it's fine we're a gay we are all good um okie dokie are we still doing Minecraft on a racing simulator it's titled old I'm assuming you have a refresh the page because I definitely updated the title I don't know man I don't know this would be pretty impressive work if I was doing Minecraft on a racing simulator dual 360 YY no scope into the uh end maybe I just got really good since yesterday you know let's just dig on up here alrighty guys Max TTV thank you for the 28 months very much appreciated where is the Gateway where are you at where is it to be of God dang it's right where it came from good I like carumba it's running in the wrong direction get the egg what if I just like make it so everybody is just hoping that I get the egg for the whole series and I never get the egg wouldn't that be kind of funny it would be kind of funny let's be honest okay next time I am here I am going to have an elytra so I don't I don't need to make a staircase I don't need to make a staircase don't get the egg you see if I don't get the egg then then maybe eventually it'll hatch again and the Ender Dragon species will be able to propagate itself and Ender Dragon kind will all live happily Ever After and we'll all be happy yo look at us look at us pink during the end that's kind of sick that's kind of sick and then we have a perfect three chests left over worth of wood that we can use to make three shulkies which should be able to store anything that we're gonna need here right thingies crossed alrighty so we are at I'm like hoping we aren't actually gonna have to use any cords here um but just in case we have a hard time finding a Gateway we'll be able to come back just um general direction we're going to be heading in is East hey right everybody oh Roy see then why don't we start putting some of these ND pearls to use cool or you know what I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm going to destroy our processing power come on come on show me the money show me the money where is it where is it I want to crash my FPS I want to destroy my GPU am I using shaders no they just made Minecraft look a lot prettier recently it's uh it's a pretty cool update am I actually gonna like try I'm gonna travel and be using shaders with this oh boy oh boy I have a 30 90. who told you this information no but also honestly my PCS kind of fricked I don't know why my GPU and like just everything does not agree with with anything it's really messed up my PC uh hard hard restarted itself earlier today when Photoshop was just open in the background it's it's been happening recently when I'm using Photoshop doing some selection tool stuff and then it stopped for a bit after I turned off Photoshop utilizing GPU and then today and then today it was just like um nope let's bring that back when you're not even in Photoshop just open in the background I'm it's it's time to Thanos snap your operating system farewell so I'm like oh just slowly but surely we're getting we're getting worse and worse to the point where I'm gonna have to consider a uh new pc pretty cool come on ship City ship City ship City please please please ship City ship City first try so close oh my God that's looking big that's looking beefy that better be a ship city right there if that's not a ship City there's the beefiest beefiest non-shipper that I've seen in my life oh my God it's actually not looking like a ship City how how could it Poss it's a ship City let's go that was so fast that makes up for Dawn craft d-a-e remembered on Craft holy frick I had to go like 15 000 blocks in dawncraft okay bro this is massive I can uh we can turn this down a wee bit actually you know I'll be honest FPS held up like pretty decently well there it was pretty impressive that was pretty impressive anyway all right yep we would not have caught that if we did not do big render distance huge all right let's get some uh let's get some recording action going on in here oh my God that was that's got to be actually one of the fastest uh ship City finds I've ever done and it's a big boy at that bro we're gonna be able to hit up so much of the loot in there and then we can fly to another one I don't know man oh but oh I'm gonna need that it's it's gonna be it's gonna be village Village getting time isn't it yeah it's going to be Village getting time I can never remember can you throw it I don't like like dude I get so so crossed up when it comes to mods versus vanilla can you put an elytra into an enchantment table and get unbreaky it has to be books right I'm pretty sure it has to be books you know but I just threw the shield in and I'm like oh yep no that's mods that's mods can't do the shield directly in the enchantment table it's anvils only with books yeah just books I thought I thought so oh but oh my wires get crossed way too much dude they get crossed way too much by the way make sure that you are following here on the old on the old YouTube skis you know okay so I'm gonna I guess I can just go one One Direction at a time make sure you follow Eric subscribed on YouTube following on Twitch you know all that good stuff all that good so wait can I do yeah just do this for now and then no I'm I'm I'm just fingers hard on shift fingers hard on shift do not I should honestly like it would be God I should probably just freaking like I should do toggle shift here man I should like just for this reason because what if I I'm so nervous that like what if I what if I do the wrong thing what if I lift my pinky off of the shift key and then we just rip the series just like that that would be highly highly embarrassing I'm just going to take a little slower I don't fully trust myself not to not to do that should I do an ender pearl YOLO bro I mean we never need to like come back this way I'm gonna do an ender pearl yellow that's gonna make it right that's gonna make it right that made it no stress no stress we got this all right everybody all right here we freaking go this is gonna be this is gonna be gnarbuckle this is going to be a little bit gnarbuckle a little bit scary if we oof are water bucketing and the shulkers are shooting us I should try to if I can go under the ship so that I float up into the bottom of it if possible but we'll see Unbreaking working wonders here let me guess it's over the void right it's always over the void actually should I try to hit up the uh should I try to see if looting can get me a shulky box really quick might not be the worst idea let me just like hit up the shelves over here see if I can pull a quick shulky quick shulky boy Eve you done do we get it yeah oh no okay it's fine it's fine it's fine we're good that's a quick little shell key for us right there you'll love to see it man I wish we could get Kawaii chess you know that'd be awesome I didn't bring any dies with us this is gonna get a little bit filled up probably um but anyway oh yeah I do why am I doing that there we go gold boots get those get those out of there I'm not gonna be sleeping here not gonna be using that fireworks will be happening extra food can go in there flint and steel you love to see it heck yeah dude a Mulk bucket um [Music] oh boy here we go everybody should I do I'm gonna get a few more here I'm just gonna build I'm gonna build out so I can I can go directly underneath I just feel like it's safer to be underneath so we have a we we can hit our head on the bottom and then you know wait for the stuff to expire and then just drop on down that's my my Approach here we'll see like okay okay do not move my pinky do not move my pinky not there yet oh balls I'm actually a little scared that if I move my mouse down I'm gonna I move my mouse down I'm going to look at an Enderman and that would be not the best thing to have happen it should be enough blocks to make it up yeah yeah okay here we go all right everybody um there's no way that this freaks up no way this freaks up we got this easy peasy easy peasy we get the Levee we just we just float right into the underside of the ship and then we have the water bucket we can place it down and uh make ourselves safe right don't run out of blocks don't run out of blocks don't run out of blocks there we go easy peasy safe and sound safe and sound we make it oh no problemo sorry bud I'm gonna need many of those shelter shells thank you mate only one what the frick we got it okay and then everyone's gonna don't forget the dragon head come on you know what I'm good I'm good curse of binding what uh like oh wait no no but what if I netherite oh God what if I netherite prop three men dude this is actually sick double Mendes double Mendes sharp four and Breaky holy frick this is huge oh my god dude this is some freaking pickups brought three prop four three oh yeah shift snake shift snake you're right if I curse a bind they are not coming off they're not coming off so yeah what I can do let me put this on you know hit up the Mendy and then yeah you're right you're so right about that efficiency there yeah okay here we go man I'd love to be able to apply it but but I can wait I can wait we could wait until maybe we can nether item and then once they're nether-ited prop form 90 then it's like yeah you put them on you put them on what else are you gonna do what else are you gonna know keep that out just in case all right we got that um oh yeah grab a chest and just we'll have that ready to go sure thing why is it lagging it's like lagging when I grab the chest also I could grab the item frame we could start doing an item frame naming system for our stuff um well I'll keep that out there okay we should probably I would assume at this point I don't need to be roots for that nobody cares about your beetroots nobody cares about the purple pillars it's going to clash with my pink or maybe it won't clash maybe look nice I don't know anyway all right dude we're gonna be able to combine this with this sharp five loot E3 Unbreak E3 huge massive we'll be able to just grind the uh we'll be able to grind the the wither skeletons forever basically you know all right anyways I'm gonna take this off can you imagine if I got a cursive binding chest plate you know prop four and I was like oh yeah we should put that on dude easy easy make sure to put that on and then I was like oh what have I done what have I done uh okay guys I'll get the dragon head just just because you know everyone's like get the dragon head if you don't get the dragon head it's gonna be terrible just think of everything that you can use the dragon head full there's so many uses for it in in Minecraft vanilla why when I'm breaking the thing is it being weird it's like breaking it but then like not actually breaking it it's bizarre it's like a lag it's like lag breaking okay okay what do we got do we got loot loot loot okay triple loot at least triple loot skis at least oh you Frick you're done you're done oh this freaking guy dude this freaking guy oh my God bro you gotta like actually chill out for a second hold on this guy is just tossing oh oh is there oh there's another one on the back I was like there's no way that you were throwing that many out here it's just not oh God this freaking dude did we get any more from that ah it's just still same old same old anyway uh let's do a little bit of that get another one get another one good to go um we could take a brewing stand sure yeah why not why not I ain't gotta I ain't got enough blaze rods back at home no way let's take it bro let's take it alrighty so do firework up do we firework up and we'll use one firework here and Get on Up unfortunately okay that's loot loot it's quad loot loot loot not bad melting Lynn don't worry guys we're gonna get melding soon for sure okay please okay you guys do have to remind me to quit put the oh I turn back on otherwise if I forget it's gonna be bad news for me I'm just gonna do this actually here do that and do that dude we're looting The Vault Hunters way we're looting The Vault Hunters way that's what I'm talking about okay elytra back on what did we get a wait did I already have these in my I got seven diamonds this is good I can repair my pickaxe but also wait did I just get another I didn't just get enough what the frick what the f what the frick what are we doing huh how do I get the same thing the heck all right all right hold on um yo let me now that we have that out there I can do this and I can continue to loot The Vault Hunters Way right yeah cool how's it gonna do that to me normally I'd be kind of stoked but instead I could use like the no okay Electro's on um we will hit you next all right swap it out swap it out loot The Vault Hunter's Way [Applause] cool and we go yikes I just honestly don't want to be dealing with like 50 million shelter shots if I can avoid it hey there we go there we go there you go another six diamonds too pretty good pretty good very nice very schnoise forget it can make an anvil and combine I don't want to combine gear until I have gone through my levels it is unfortunately there are no XP tomes in vanilla Minecraft so I've got to be strategic about my level usage it would be good to get some more um what should we call it some more shulkies though because we are filling these pretty quick but okay so we got that and we got that one I know we got two we got two other big loot boys okay a lighter's on I know their XP Farms man all right I could that is just terrible man what are we doing here wait a minute I did I do a silk touch on me I could just grab it under I could just deal with the under Chester they quickly hold on um there was a silky boy in here right right nope nope nope it was in the other one God dang it uh silky silky there it is just grab this really quick don't do it don't do it don't do it God it takes so long it's like mining up for you little ball sack gosh dang it mean mean I can't believe that they would treat me this way all right there we go that was that was like the worst loot I've ever seen in my entire life inside of an end City chest just a few just a few little gold that's it that's all you get nothing more stop complaining okay you're so entitled jardon take what you can get jeez okay here we go there is it this one are we good here is this it yes I mean at least there's diamonds at least there's Diamond Windows um okay do I do it again do I do it again so I can get another another thing it doesn't have efficiency it's so bad it's so bad it's so bad it's really not cool what are you doing where did I went down it went down another floor oh my God oh my God nope I said no I said no I said we're not we're not playing this game okay so what we can do though switch that back on and uh let me just get a few more shulkeys real quick and um it will probably be pretty good too good I don't even know if we do we need to do we want to hit up another end City just like using some fireworks um we'll see we'll see I'm I'm debating I'm I'm debating if that's worth doing or not okay we got any more mans in here hello anybody home housekeeping I really know nobody oh okay cool you guys are making me go up more for this fine you guys are gonna make me do the freaking parkour yeah I figured there would be some down here but there aren't no rip this is embarrassing it's really embarrassing guys can you imagine if I died from messing up the uh the Parkour in here I know that I've got an ender pearl okay I know but here we are all right here we go here we go here we go got him oh frick that's actually a lot of G s bud imagine thinking that I would be able to easily pick up the drop imagine me thinking that I could just pick it up okay I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna get this guy I just want to get a few more if I can you know here we go hey bud foreign get this man no oh god oh geez okay you're being annoyed you're being annoying you're being annoying you're being annoying thank you how many we had three one more maybe I feel like four shokes is probably a good amount for future posterity's sake all right here we go got him okay that's probably good oh okay okay we're good to go we're good to go there's no worries here everything's fine everything's fine um my question is holy frick that could hurt that could have hurt that could have been bad um yeah it was probably at home so we get some Unbreaking on the elytra not the worst idea in the world I didn't like that very much yeah we can get back here really really easily come on uh so it was over in this direction I think basically heading west I think it's over here I think it was over here yeah there we go all right can you thread it can he thread it can he thread it can he thread it oh look at him go look at him go that was sick plays huge cool Randy forever thank you for the nine months I am having uh random withdrawals when are you gonna do another randomizer sorry if you already answered just joined nobody tell him nobody tell him all right bro we should um probably dye these a little bit just so that they are easier to differentiate you know um have we got anything that we can use for dye other than the bone meal I suppose is actually is that all we got that might be all we got um all pink I don't have any poppies so hey one of these we are going to make white and then I don't know about the others oh yes lapis that's a good idea good idea right there okay we can do a couple of those then we can make one light blue and one blue and then one purple and then we'll have enough for just a bunch of different variety man I love being able to make different dies different colors there we go and we can do this and that there we go now we have a whole wide variety of shulkeys oh the petals you know you're so right about that why do I always why do I always forget that I just have stacks and Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks of pink dye I don't know why I forget that anyway I can here we go here we go there we go how about that how about that that good that good we have a whole Suite of colors H2 Wells that you were gifting a sub and Black Hawk with a 32 months how time flies it doesn't no I know I've used the pink petals before and then I forget it's a 1.20 feature okay man okay like it's a 1.20 feature all right anyway so um what we do not yet have here is we don't have a diamundo helmet and we have to wait until these are nether rights to fully apply so we've got to we also need to do some book skis hopefully we can get an Unbreaking book and the other thing is mending is going to be a it's gonna be tricky I suppose we have to find a village but um once we have unbreaky at least is good all right so we're gonna get that that'll be nice that'll be nice to have um and then we know what are we gonna end up using at some point we're definitely gonna end comboing that one um this we're going to end up comboing with our currents we get prop form mending but we want to wait until we've dropped our level a little bit and then everything else is pretty doing video game I know we're and we'll repair the pick once our levels are low too again for now our goal is just to get good enchants on stuff at level 30. so three I also God frostwalker is going to be annoying isn't it Ross Walker is going to be annoying am I gonna want maybe maybe some boots maybe some boots as well because I know Frost Walker is going to end up being really annoying so we'll see what we can get and see what we can get uh frostwalker is sick do all pink shulkers I love not being able to tell the difference I love defeating the purpose of the dies um or just oh or just grinds but so the reason I don't want to grindstone is because I don't I don't have mending yet that's the reason why I don't necessarily Eric I don't necessarily want to grindstone because they have mending which is nice and I don't necessarily want to lose that I'm torn I'm real torn on that whatever let me just let's just try for like helmets and bows and stuff like that you know um I can do oh if I do a depth starter it'll cancel okay it's tempting it's tempting to do that you know if you could just give me like an Infinity man that would be so cool um yeah I'm gonna you know what I will do yeah I'm just gonna I'll just do more boots it's fine it's fine we'll still have tons of diamonds left over for the pick repair and um it'll be it'll be good it'll be good it'll be good here we go um unbreaky do I do I YOLO and see if maybe it gives me something good because nothing else is looking tempting we could do a one level cycle or I could um knots or I could grindstone the ax and I don't know YOLO it yolo it okay here we go here we go you know what not bad not bad at all we take that and then if these go down we could you know switch over to the Mendy boys or something like that and uh it'd be good or we can do something else we love prop 4 though we don't love fire prop four it's kind of poopy infinity infinity frick oh wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute if I apply depth starter 3 to these or or the or the current ones and then combined and we might be able to override that's so you're telling me there's a chance okay so that's cool that's very cool infinity infinity there's just one Infinity man it shouldn't be this hard why is it so hard to find Infinity YOLO I could keep it I could keep it prop 3 on break E3 is not terrible infinity infinity why does it want to give me Infinity why doesn't it want to give Infinity [Music] it's messed up dude it's real real messed up hmm well well hmm you don't think the series will last long enough for me to need Mindy Infinity would be good regardless but maybe we'll do a one level cycle now I might do a one level cycle make another Hackman nah I don't want to make another Diamond heck man I feel or I could alternatively I could grindstone it and go for a pro four if we're not okay with this if this isn't like good enough for us or something I don't know but we'll see hmm actually here let me grindstone this and if I see a prop four no see it's another prop three I don't really want to do a combine so I'll do a one level recycle okay um um if I see a pro oh I do see a prop four there the problem is if I do a grindstone on my current helmet it might but the diamond does sometimes show less on breaking three I don't think is worth as much of a YOLO pal forward I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go for it I'm just gonna go for it and worst case scenario I get a prop 3 no unbreakie I like that I like that dude that's nice um I mean obviously it would be nice to have on Breaky but not bad Infinity just doesn't want to exist for us at all I don't know why I don't know why um it'd be right if I could find an unbreaky book though for the elytra and then people saying I'm not going to need mending I have an elytra bro that's that's why I need mending right so I may need to go for a villager trade at some point um all right we gotta do a one level YOLO or a one level recycle here okay God dang it um unbreaky unbreaky unbreaky would be good do I YOLO the bow I I feel like it's really rare for Infinity to actually show up as the headliner like it's usually part of something else so maybe I'll just try a bow YOLO come on man come on man what are you doing to me bro what are you doing with this um dude what are you doing to me um I mean you know what I could also do is I could make another pickaxe and then you know what yeah I'm gonna make another pickaxe and this gives me something else to to try here because I need to use diamonds to repair anyway but this way if I just make a new pickaxe instead then I can simply like maybe I'll find a fortune or something or maybe I'll find something that's cool or I can get efficiency five out of it uh instead so let's do that let's do that see I could just get an efficiency 4 here and then not the worst thing in the world let me just double check yeah it's all poopy it's all kind of poopy here we go I mean I guess this is a vision survive at least and then we were gonna silk touch anyway so it works it works unbreaky unbreaky it loves giving us power forward loves giving his power for man yeah honestly putting silk touch on this not bad we'll just use our silk touchbook once I get below level 30. okay I could do one more I'm gonna do one more cycle here one more one level cycle and then we'll have a 36 a 33 and a 30 that we can do foreign why is infinity so hard to find I don't get it I don't get it at all it's terrible let's try it as a throwback to my night bro unreal unreal dude oh my God oh my god dude what are we doing here what even is this this is the worst thing I've ever seen yeah Unbreak E3 I mean we could YOLO and Unbreak E3 see what we get uh sweeping Android I don't I don't know if we knew we I don't think we need sweeping Edge so God dang it dude God dang it this is our last one this is terrible let me go check another bow I just want to see and maybe Infinity will show up on the last one yeah we love lure lure is so cool dude it's the best just the best I know that I have another bow at least I could get unbreaky on my power bow even though our limiting factories are arrows not not the not the durability of the bow at the moment I don't know Frick freaking heck dude nope you know what you can I think get flame Infinity on a bow though so we do a YOLO here we go everybody that's the it's all she wrote That's All She Wrote good God all right so we use our remaining levels to do some combinations yeah all right so first things first we'd like to do this wait that's gonna be six how much is this is gonna be expensive wait oh no that's bad that's bad that's expensive oh we don't need to do that yet we don't need to do that yet it's lower priority lower priority this is also lower priority here because we don't like need The Mending right we could use the depth Strider I'm curious though if I had the depth spreader on here uh that's only okay that's gonna be six that's good now this ah see the depth starter overrides that's sick we could get mending so that's really nice like if we want to do that um and then we might want to do we probably wanted the pickaxe combine but how much is that gonna pick X combine is not gonna be expensive right seven or eleven seven eleven we can just do that and then we do this for six or ten let's do it for six prop four Mendy we'd love to see that and then eight there so we're not gonna be able to do that yet um I'm not gonna be able to do the sword combined but that's fine and then the boot skis can we do bootsky combined 10 versus 14. nope can't do it yet okay uh oh can we do a bow combine we can all right there we have it everybody there we have it very nice I'm gonna save some of that stuff for being able to uh check future enchants and things like that but yeah all in all pretty good pretty good right monster thank you for the 16 months good luck and MC next week gonna be crazy good vibes yeah dude MCC is July 15th which is Saturday 12 p.m Pacific 3 P.M Eastern 8 PM UK and um 9pm CET jump in be here gonna be a good time gonna be a great time I've been in MCC in a couple months dude it's been a while been a while you gotta both be the same I could apply Swift sneak and then just like go for it and be like it's never gonna be another oh but then I never get cover me in debris that would be kind of sad can you imagine never getting that anyway I need to find a village now I need to go find a village so if we were to go find a village let me bring some additional shell keys with me I don't think I need the gear shell keys but I could do this I can just throw some extra stuff into there I'm definitely going to want to keep that it's going to want to keep that stuff um I don't know do you want to keep the lapis probably don't need it we'll come back here for any enchanting stuff I can bring the Diamonds the emeralds we don't have any other emeralds on us and MOB drops we don't know anything there I'll bring some more paper though just in case I don't know if anything has grown but we'll see grind oh you're so right wait no if I grindstone it's not going to get rid of the curse so yeah don't don't curses uh last through grindstoneage which is just kind of unfortunate truly the worst timeline that we're in I feel like if you're giving up something like prop 4 it should let you get rid of the curse when your grind's done because it's like look I am getting rid of something very good all right let me just get something out of it let me have some benefit to doing this it's like no no no no you don't get to win here you know you don't get to win I'm sorry you thought that you got to win you're out of your mind you don't get that foreign what are you guys gonna put the right click in order to harvest feature I've struggled with this for so long I just want to be able to Quick Harvest things man come on I know you I know you want to help me out here I know you want to help me out here I'll do half an ounce potatoes and uh they say the meat and potatoes what they mean to say is the wheat and potatoes you know a lot uh Lord Lobster bird thanks for eight months dude much appreciated then mine the potatoes bro I am so sorry that I have forgotten to use the vein line dude I forgot to use the mainline feature all these years in vanilla Minecraft I could have been using the vein line feature but instead I have it and that's really a major massive oversight on my part that's just dumb that's really dumb of me I'm I'm sorry guys you'll have to forgive me for for that one um okay anyway I think we're good with double shulkies we got this we're gonna have to um you know what would have been good you know it would have been good it would have been good if I got some efficiency on this thing oh it's too late now too late now God dang it that was really dumb I was really dumb oh yeah I need my fortune just in case for reasons yeah oh it's in here somewhere right it's in here somewhere um oh that's the worst part though too is that you can't even um you can't even get axes from the end cities you're just straight up out of luck hmm uh oh wait a minute wait wait wait I need to I need to bring a lectern or two I totally forgot I need to actually you actually make some more books and get a lecture um or I could just grab some from the uh I could just grab some from the freaking place and then save these for item frames what if I just yeah yo I I just want to actually test how quickly how quickly can I get back right now how quickly can I get back to the uh stronghold and then just go and snag myself some book skis slash other oh yeah wait why I wanted to grab the silk touch real quick let's that's cool excuse me um okay so I believe that it was right over here right you just write down over in here and we get here quick don't follow me down Skelly freaking guy I'm waiting the fool and now see I'm trying to find the library real quick maybe if possible um hopefully it'll be reasonably easy I can't remember did I run into the library when I was oh I could actually check the oh dude what if we get a freaking good enchantment inside of the library ah that was that was silly dude we could 100 get some good stuff in here maybe um okay I gotta like I got a mark Civics so that I can get back [Music] um where is where is the library mates I would like some knowledge can somebody please point me to the library I know that there was one earlier um but apparently it's not here frick did I already I already have been in here that's mine shaft Okay so this place is due to we don't want to go there uh where's the library mates surely it's this way right some iron I'll take it yeah make some gambles out of that perhaps nope I don't want to do it on the other way back Library hello now this is going to be like a freaking it's gonna be a reverse portal room situation where like now now it's gonna be like I was able how many consecutive staircases what the frick is this yeah triple staircase to the library oh my God I have never seen so many I've never seen a triple staircase like that before that was crazy uh do I still Touch This they're gave her a little silky oh I don't even have my silk touch on me if so whatever we'll just do this it's fine oh we got an armor trim we got books yo let's go that's pretty cool actually let's check the uh upper one should I should I armor trim now uh brought through oh wow that would have been I've been kind of nice like I could just apply that to my prop 3 on break E3 helmet and then anyway oh well is what it is another one another one they're expensive if we want to actually you know bring them up a level but wait for another right okay what if we don't get netherrite to be fair I haven't even found a Bastion yet so I'm sure there is one just chilling waiting but all right I've ever seen a stronghold hit into a deep dark I have not but it sounds like it'd be cool now if you lost some 32 months krakel 28 months I went camping in an area that had no cell service and I was happy to have downloaded some of your videos to watch let's go we love entertaining the people even when there is no data to go around that's so cool um because I can kind of just throw all that stuff in there okey dokey pretty cool so now let's find um library number two or this is the craziest like multi-staircase and it's at least easy to just like block off the only thing down here is the library unless there's another Library leading off the library that we were just in hopefully that is not the case um let me try this way hold on we came through here right Mark it off mark it off hey that was quick I know is there a correlation between wooden doors and finding libraries or is that just me making an association that doesn't actually exist but I feel like there's some kind I feel like oftentimes we see wouldn't do other libraries nearby but I may just be crazy dang look at that you know what actually I could with all these prop 3s I could grindstone no but it's The Mending that I would be missing yeah it's the meaning of I would be missing on the uh oh yeah also even if I grindstone the pants the curse is going to stay on it so it doesn't really help yeah just kidding just kidding just kidding I'm crazy making things up cool cool cool head nerd thank you for the 30 months I'm so excited about your Hardcore Minecraft series that is a lot of enchanted books that we've got wow okay sharp three loyalty three not really anything like super good but that is quad eye armor trims so you know if we wanted to get ourselves a full set of Smith armor there we have it but no Infinity no Infinity what the frick guys why is it like this this is just terrible just the worst man all right well hey cleared that out yeah we're gonna have to go find a village and maybe we do both mending and infinity or Unbreaking threes oh God wait gosh dang don't we I came this way right I'm pretty sure came this way came down bro wait is double staircase here it's one staircase and then another staircase and there was three more staircases to get to the library the stronghold has more verticality than Shaquille O'Neal and I think it was this way back right and then over here I am an impeccable sense of direction just add Aqua if it aquafinity is a good one to add yep you can't do Infinity on breaking you sure about that one are you is that your final answer anyway okay so what's really cool is if I want to head home now I can just go back through here instead and then we'll get home now Jester 4050 thank you for a uh sub gift very very generous very generous very slick very cool you didn't hear what I you didn't hear what I said I heard the the comment that I read was you can't apply mending and I'm breaking on the on the bow and then you guys Auto filled in you guys Auto filled in what you thought I was saying I read the comment I read it verbatim um Okay cool so now God dang it dude I have so much stuff I can't really apply anything yet right the only thing I'm waiting to apply is the silky but everything else I can kind of just put into [Music] um I'm just gonna put it into books for now even though I could put it next to the uh other stuff later ye okay here we go so uh I'll worry about sorting this one out later maybe we should take that in case I go to the nether have the gold boots but yeah all right cool only 33 fireworks but don't worry we can if we want to we can find more creepers right and then we can combine with all this paper that I'm bringing along and stuff like that the only thing that we're missing wait wait wait wait oh I did get an efficiency book didn't I this way I don't have to wait till level 30 and I can actually apply efficiency to my yeah wait okay efficient wait wait oh of course you would put it on there we go there we go I'm like of course we put it on something where I I could use sweeping Edge maybe on my sword or something like that it'd be kind of nice or I could use prop 3 but I could bring what would I be more inclined to use probably sweeping Edge over prop 3. so I'll bring these along with me like just in case I want to build up my um ax so that we can Harvest wood for emeralds more quickly and uh yeah okay let's go find a village everybody let's go see what we can do here I should bring him that shouldn't I God dang it hold on that would be good too there we go bring Anvil yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're probably gonna have to make a new one too but anyway there we go bring in the Anvil and um we are on our way I'm worried that we are gonna go through the dura on the elytra I'm a little scared I'm a little scared do I so right now we are at 1400. I could probably just head back to our starting Village pretty quickly and use that one so our starting Village is at um negative 172 304 so that's like really yeah that's gonna be the safest so that we do not uh break our elytra we can just cruise over there it is like a thousand blocks away and we'll be good easy peasy and we can reprogram a couple of the Villager mans give us a an infinity and The Mending and then we will be popping off super duper nicely oh I'm hold on oh I've just overshot completely I'm at negative 400 already I forget how fast we travel with a light trip and bro we're gonna be there in a jiffy did I track my cords for I think I retract my chords for home it was at negative 1500 it was at zero negative 1500 right I think home is yeah yeah like zero negative 1500 okay sorry here we go and we made it I'm sorry that I uh slayed your Golem guys really sorry about that one uh I I didn't really intend any harm but oh yeah you guys are right what is my um what is my Emerald Source well it would be a Fletching table but you see what I did is I I forgot to bring over the gravel so I'm gonna have to find some of that but it's gonna be wood it's going to be wood to get a few levels to apply efficiency to this God dang it the one the one thing is that it's in the middle of a snowy Tiger Biome and so it's freaking like no I have to I have to go away a wee bit away in order to be able to get lots of wood to be able to convert into sticks and do some trades and so whoa evil wolf just wrecking the Sheep dude zala Bhutan with uh 200 bits imagine if you went close to the Sun and your elytra disappeared like what happened to Icarus monka s imagine if Greek mythology Minecraft that would be crazy dude imagine if you you know like what was it what did Prometheus do like disobey the gods or something like that and then like he wasn't supposed to play with fire I think or something and then he was like but I'ma play with fire and then the gods are like no you don't that was a bad idea um so imagine like if you light something on fire in Minecraft then you end up like you're freaking you're in a Perpetual Loop of of prometheusing and then that would be a bummer dude imagine if that happened that'd just be crazy um I'm glad I remembered that because I was about to if I if I misspoke on that one I was about to look like a fool um oh man thank goodness I remember back to seventh grade a little bit you know all right we getting we getting lots and lots here we get lots and lots everyone's gonna be like rereck your trees mate I'm gonna try I'm gonna try Medusa in a Minecraft mod no no one's ever done that before someone should do that someone should probably do that it might be a big hit speaking of Icarus thank you Icarus 97 for the 200 bits he's like now is my chance you want me to be added into Minecraft this is so exciting 200 bits let's go dude let's go I love being added into Minecraft I can't believe that we didn't get an unbreaky three book from the stronghold it's kind of messed up I'm Breaky three would be good Mendy unbreaky three and all Infinity we'd pop off we had we'd have good times everybody we'd have great times let me see okay so a decent amount of wood to start off with here let me see if I can find a bit of gravel real quick and all right here we go I'm tree racking I'm tree racking everybody my only tree rack actually I should bring these closer to the village in case we want them like know better better Supply better source but that Series be called all the gods dang that's a good one dude because it's like all the mods but it's all the gods bro man that's pretty cool pretty cool what's up there you go see close by trees let's go there's got to be some gravel probably right around here right right there's got to be some gravel there's some gravel okay fine what if I did this you're gonna get you give it to me you give me that Flint there we go thank you I need one more sometimes you gotta resort to uh drastic measures aqua affinity would have been a nice ad here we have it on one of the books didn't really think of getting it before now you feel like all the gods is just Maya not or Maya Knight either it could be my knight too all right did I even bring anything table oops oops oh well it's no big deal let this do a little bit of uh this we're gonna get lots of sticky poos there we go Fletching table action and then all the sticks all the sticks we get everyone all right who wants to be the local Fletcher huh who's gonna do it who's gonna do it oh my God there's so many people ready to take on employment so many people ready to take on employment oh my goodness let's freaking go let's freaking go dude what oh God why did I do that what am I doing it's made up here have some buttons guys that was the dumbest thing I've done what an idiot what an idiot dude anyway where no oh they're leaving me where did he go God dang it I needed to watch you guys are playing Shell Games with me where did the Fletcher could no that's my bad thank goodness there's no rep here dude Lost Boy think of the seven months enjoying the quality content cap thank you very much appreciate you there you are there you are all right all right let's get levels two levels two you know what we can do yeah let's do let's do some uh let's do some of the combinations what do we want to do right now we want to do probably the silk touch perhaps get the silky touch going yes there we are oh five levels perfect oh very good though what else can we do um we could combine efficiency three with our ax which is gonna cost three easy enough to get hey Mr Fletcher Manor thank you thank you oh wait are you out of stunk but this should speed us up a little bit and we don't care about depth spider too um at least not at the moment though and this if you want to get another level we could do that okay that brings us up to 20 emeralds we could do some cycling we could do some cycling Maybe possibly if we wanted to well hold on let me just do this really quick I could also get another Fletcher if I wanted to do that yeah let's do some cycling because I wouldn't want to pay over 20 emeralds for any of these books anyway right so uh I should have combined books for efficiency and then we're not a like worst case we're ever adding one more book it's not really that big of a deal and yeah um what do we want to do we want to make hey oh good I had two I had a crafting table already uh any wood any wood ones either what if I do this why did I I'm sorry guys I have to break down your one of your only trades in here but I'll replant it I swear I'm a good guy I'm a good guy that's what they say every village I go to I am revered for being a good guy huh cool who says this oh the people they all do thanks mate thanks mate um oh do I cycle or do I get more emeralds do I cycle or do I get more animals psycho get more I'm hold on oh wait wait wait uh is there anything else I can do right now as far as combining goes I don't think so let me let me do some cycling real well hmm you know what actually maybe perhaps maybe perhaps we we are hitting time here let's see we get a lucky first poll here you know you want it come on where are you going where are you going I'm giving you a job I'm giving you a job that's actually not a bad deal but now we're looking for it I was thinking like oh man wouldn't it be crazy if oh wait hold on I need to have a book on hand but uh yeah you know what maybe this is the point where we will leave things off for the time being um but you know what yo we're planting trees we're leaving this Village better than when we arrive with so much agriculture is happening here um make sure to like the video subscribe to CaptainSparklez too to stay tuned for will he manage to get mending anytime soon only time will tell only time will tell but it's not this guy well at least not on that one do I pick up all the buttons I picked up all the buttons oh wait I didn't mean to I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that that's my bad that's my bad I didn't know you guys got to be really careful stop like all congregating where you're gonna I'm gonna punch you and then you're gonna hate me and everyone in the village is Gonna Hate Me all right anyway well now they're gonna be yelling whatever we'll get mending next time see you then
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 26,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, 1.20, trails and tails, minecraft 1.20, minecraft update
Id: UwQla681QDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 48sec (4608 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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