Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 28

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hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of every single one of the mods brought to you by our server hosting sponsor Apex hosting who hosts the server that we're playing on if you want to grab a server of your own maybe play some all the mods with your friends or some vanilla Minecraft or whatever floats you go you can check them out via the links in the description of the stream of the YouTube video and use our code so you can get 25 off your first month give them a try thanks to them for sponsoring um hello everybody that we're still kind of doing the all the mods all the episode joke like kind of kind of slightly oh shoot you were supposed to intro oh God you just went off with it quintro this time oh God I guess Tuesday ho hum ah I just had to be fast to jump into it because I'm here with the fastest man in the world oh man first Zen you've been jogging uh no no literally clearly not no Pete is the fastest man in the world I am on the fact check on this one I don't know yesterday's pretty clear eight seconds faster than everybody else in the world uh I see even Usain Bolt definitely okay interesting well how's it going boys what we got on The Chopping Block today I'm asking because I'm slightly dreading because I am going to be taken today to cook up some goods for us in the form of sorry don't let him near my cooking I uh I apologize for that that was uh that was a Grandpa's I guess that makes sense um wow or okay brother I'm 26 admired I'm nearly pulling my back with a sneeze sometimes they've gotten bad they've gotten so bad until the last episode Pete was Pete was that much of a youngin oh yeah he's he's think I'm young he's a spring chicken but that's why he's so fast clearly yeah dude I guess get to our age and I don't know if you're gonna be eight seconds faster than everyone anyway can I have a definition on Spring Chicken I don't think I've heard that one before really am I too young yeah you're too young I guess so yeah that is that is uh that's not an I I don't know the right way to say that's that's not an uncommon term I don't think no it's it's definitely not oh okay well once again water but that's fine you're not a liar I could be if you wanted me to be uh okay lie to me Daddy I don't know I'll just take that offer and put in my back pocket um but yeah I'm starting block carpet not when I block carpentry today uh cooking for Blockheads today so and you're dreading that a little you said only because I've been conditioned to that's fair that's actually really fair so we'll see how bad it is have we I'd mess around with cooking for Blockheads on either of the prior series that we've done one of them had it right I don't recall I I don't think I have ever worked on that one personally okay well next to me you won't have to it doesn't sound familiar off the bottom of my head but um but I I could be wrong just okay I'll humble of you to admit that you could be wrong it's the silence okay I need a blue banded bee and all I keep finding is yellers and uh greens and it was all yellow yeah found that there they Spawn from nests in the forests and it was like Air Force or any kind as far as I'm aware just it just says they can be found in the forest I haven't found one to confirm what type of forest um but I am not seeing any other bees in this type of forest so I'm going to move on to a different type of forest like they should spawn in the same place as yellow and green so if you can see those then you're in kind of the right spot it's just a matter of they seem a lot rarer yeah sure she's resin resin resin the yellow resin I think I need to make multiple dissolutions what's the name multiple four uh I think I just I think I almost need to do the same setup as ragnamod had where we'd have the um you know we have the one with the latex we have one with the pink slime and then we have one another gas you're gonna set up with Ender tanks and all that yep that was why I'd set up that little pig area um oink oink yeah the little piggy area was uh specifically for for that and why I'm uh carving out some of the thing up here and hopefully nobody gets mad at me for breaking the ship I mean I've done terrible things to the ship I've done terrible unspeakable things to this so like I I if anyone's yelling at you uh they they probably need to have a turn yelling at me because uh-huh uh I have disrespected that ship wow one of these days we're gonna make the ship look beautiful it'll happen I mean I think it it began beautiful so is it gonna no we're just gonna restore it back to its prior Beauty okay got it got it got it understandable really before humans came in and ruined everything oh yeah because this was built by aliens right uh I mean I think it was built so I'm in I think it was built by uh those um swoopy guys that we kept killing us this the swoopy guys why can I not Oh you mean the dudes who are on the Venoms Venoms Phantoms yes I kept wanting to say elytra and I was like that's not right that's not right the elytres were killing us yeah that was that was what my brain was telling me as the correcting to say sorry about floating Wings would have to be harrowing I don't want to think about that I'm sure some mod out there has done that there has got to be something wrong there's always a lot of things wrong okay I am finding a ton it's like there's supposed to be three that spawn and I'm finding literally dozens of the yellows and greens but have not seen a single blue and I'm starting to question everything uh-huh okay um all right so we have the pink slime and that has to go into this one right all right I love having the pink slime on Brown and the meat juice on pink juice how did that happen again uh on per by Design interesting by by Design yeah I just like to be uh you know contrarian that's all it's a little different yeah but everybody likes to be a little different sometimes I do appreciate that the ship already has a uh dining hall and kitchen built in so I can just renovate the spot for it and then when you're done with your operation you can bring some meat juice over and we'll serve it to oh do you actually want meat juice because it's just in the it's in Ender tank with a pink stripe in the middle I think I'll help myself to some okay I was gonna say does anyone want meat juice like huh I mean I don't know who are we to judge well I mean you're you oh really you can't argue can you via the reflexive property which I learned in eighth grade geometry that is true always hated it always hated that one in Geometry man we were doing those proofs and you have to be like via the reflexive property a equals a and like do we really do we really need to point this out is this absolutely essential to the whole proof system here guys the answer right uh cite your sources and your proof of work please thank you mm-hmm ah I don't miss that do they still do proofs in geometry in eighth grade these days for kids or they gotten past that were they just like you know what we all have calculators in our pocket and more and you know what we'll just skip we'll just skip that I'm old enough that I remember literally having teachers say you need to learn this because it's not like you're walking around with a with it I I think almost everybody had that even after there were already calculators in people's pockets with phones I had that and you're calling me the young one of the pack so yeah I think that's just a saying that they like to stick to until like it got to the point where they just couldn't keep getting away with it I imagine the narrative has kind of changed to like you know you need to learn this because you're not just going to walk around with a calculator in your pocket and if you are I'm not going to let you use it in my classroom oh yeah so they just like slightly started to adapt it a little bit yeah but I gotta do that before I get like the the tooth implant where the phone just in your mouth and you can access it from your brain you know at that point they can't do anything about taking it away from you so for now it'll work yeah I'm I am um I'm I'm not looking forward to the potential brain implant future I think I got told in sixth grade that that was a thing that was coming around my teacher was like yeah you're gonna have a phone just gonna be like a little uh like molar cap a cap over or molar that's gonna be your Quantum Light oh cool six-year-old me was like man I can't wait for this and yeah that's that's happened don't have a choice well you you do have a choice in the brain implant thing I just need to get to the point where like yes if you are in the workforce at that point but if if I have retired by the time that that becomes widespread then I don't need to be competitive with other humans in an office environment so yeah I can just blissfully live without an implant this conversation is making me think of uh do you guys watch that Black Mirror episode I think it's called a memory of you I don't recall off the top of my head from the episode name it's the episode where uh I don't know if it's like a contact lens or an implant or whatever in your eye but the characters could basically like scroll through memories of their past yes and like see them right yeah yeah would you want something like that like in a future where that becomes a normalized thing to be able to record just from your vision and play it back through your eyes oh yeah uh oh yeah oh yeah so you would oh yeah the way you're saying this makes me really think that there is a particular thing you really really want to relive oh yeah I don't know what I want to know they're they're really into that episode they're they're I've never seen it I've never seen any black mirror but there's never been uh or I mean I guess there's there's there there's a double-edged sword there one of the things that people don't really think about with uh a genuine photographic memory is that you relive you can relive every scary moment in detail like you still feel and and if you have an association with that person with a scary moment even if they've tried to apologize or or whatever you still have that full clear memory of that moment that was scary to you you know getting hit by a car or so you know like um so the if it's the question of just pure photographic memory I'd still take it but it does have that uh negatives but if it's one where you have the ability to replay um you know like moments in Clarity or even relive them then that'd be amazing I would I I've had great moments in my life that it would be wonderful to feel that way again and to experience that again um like the and I guess the question is are you just watching you ha happen are you there experiencing it because like is it on a monitor or is it actually playing through your eyeballs and and or like are you feeling it physically as well too like your whole body is in the experience not just spectating Humanity will become exceedingly unproductive if you can feel the whole experience because you know what people are going to keep reliving um what do you mean what if you record a memory of you getting eight hours of sleep and you play it right at night you just lay it out in bed and you just that's your sleep clock it once and you get perfect sleep for the rest of your life hey well any anything where you can like whatever you are experiencing you also feels sensory wise uh it's not just gonna be memories that are being replayed but you keep giggling what are you talking about uh nothing nothing at all it's just funny the idea of memories are funny uh interesting the concept I think is chosen memories like we choose which ones we want to keep not that like like we wouldn't just store bad memories and replay those unless I mean if if you wanted to that depends how much storage this DVR has deleting memories is a is a very tricky thing that's one of the things that Chad's talking about of being able to because um it obviously there's a lot of initial appeal to that idea but the summation of who you are is based off of your experience is good and bad and uh obviously people have to look up over Facebook it's horrible and I'm not saying that they should but there is a certain amount of consideration to uh understand that the person you became it was it has been shaped partially by those negative experiences whether that be good or bad or whatever and so the idea that oh I can just delete this memory could fundamentally change you of who you are or how you are now yeah of course so I I think that's a that's an interesting one but what like for me what if we could just say you know you you mentioned eight hours of sleep give me the option of the uh recall experience the relive experience sensory and all um but while during my sleep while I'm sleeping so basically my you know lucid dreaming but in a uh in a more slightly oh yeah you want to be able to experience memories while you're sleeping essentially yeah yeah and then and you know obviously you'd have people sleeping in a lot but uh at the end of the day you would uh um you would I I don't know like you you could possibly maintain and not have the impact on your life while still getting to enjoy uh some of those relive things but you know the other interest the other interesting thing though and I I don't know how much this would affect it but I do think that this would be a thing is that uh we romanticize our memory significantly oh yeah so so if you had that actual relive thing for all you know this memory that currently you cherish could actually be a much more negative thing especially if you went into it with full content like you know I know what I know now but I go back to it it's like watching old videos of Sonic Adventure and I'm like oh did it look that bad kind of yeah like uh one of like a perfect example along with those same lines is for me um I loved playing Starcraft brood Wars I played so much of that it was great I had friends I built custom maps we'd give ourselves a bazillion resources and we just sit there and build and build and build and then get carriers and Destroy and it was great I loved it I had a great time uh playing it and I don't know it was like five years ago now I had some amount of time blizzard did a remaster of brood Wars and re-released it so it's a you know available in on Modern computers and I trust me I was first in line signed me up I went plopped down my money picked that up I launched it I played it for about 10 minutes and I closed it and I've never gone back because uh the interface is so bad and so archaic and and so many different things that are were fine then that are now not the the the the quality of life things that I we didn't know we were missing then that have now been introduced were still missing and I wanted to preserve the memory of how it was rather than play it and get frustrated and and tarnish that memory into what it is yeah I get you going back to old games and I think just in general is always interesting because that Bliss of when you were younger definitely holds it in a much greater light most of the time I feel like it's pretty rare to find like a remaster or stuff like that that really holds that you know if you're going back for a nostalgic reason I don't think you can really ever get that back right so anyway Jordan went quiet what are your thoughts oh I'm just I I'm trying to remember the whole withered ether gas setup and I've been having to like look that up and so I've kind of let them cook I had to beat split on the uh conversationality of of stuff but I was hearing what you were you're saying and stuff all right I'm down it's okay I'll go replay a memory of when you were here talking to us in the conversation we'll remember the days when when you cared enough to be part of the conversation dang uh no but if you're going into the like like the uh you know the Jordan giggle phase um what are you talking about what was I giggling about okay okay this is just this is not okay this is not okay guys sorry this is two separate things um the B that I'm trying to get the blue banded B this is me bothering you about the blue Bandit the blue banded um is supposed to come from oh is it only these types chapter one getting started oh no able to make the song oh dear why did this happen why did you and and so servers crash sorry what it reminds me what you made there was a block what was the name of what's the block which one is it good cooking for Blockheads and you need two crafting tables and two diamonds and we were out of the crafting table oh you made a crafting table oh yeah well the server is uh it's gone no make a crafting table I made planks and I shift collected the crafting tables I made a lot more than one wait and oh okay 64 crafting tables just ruined us ruined us all right well we'll be back after these messages good to be back all right no more no more crafting crafting tables well I broke everything actually a long way I need to make sure if I have the coffee tables in the first place right oh but can you have can you have the auto crafting created yes I can uh uh so the speed and then I guess did I not make the pro I don't know where the server dumped out on me um how do I need the processing wow what's up freaking Savannah Biome 400 million miles away apparently I need to go to a Savannah Biome to try and get this bee Well Chad told me but also I did see when when I complained I did see one thing that I missed and and I was like oh and so because I made like a hat like 12 nests and because there's three possible bees that can come out of the nest and I made like 12 of them and just did them and only got the two but um I was thinking that any of the wood type nests would work but it's only Acacia and jungle and uh dark oak and I had made Regular Oaks so I in hindsight that might be the wrong type of milk yeah that might have been what did classic mistake yeah wow okay wait are my pigs not juicing oh I need to do the uh ignore spawner range I forgot about that what is that dragon egg again what is that dragon egg again dragon egg causes spawners to ignore conditions right um who the frick are you yeah and be sure to like um if you have it it's very helpful to uh like use fans or whatever or plates to push them where they need to be but uh and then turn off mob AI um oh yeah what is the what is the mob AI again it's the forest fruit okay course fruit got it I know biome doesn't matter oh we're already I'm loading a couple chunks right now so the server's sluggish can you blame me again myself as well challenge complete brain drain brain drain what have you done disable my baby oh yeah I guess that makes sense I may need to um oh okay oh wait we've oh this is bad we we flagged many things oh God waiting um Pete what have you done I'm standing still I have not traveled more than like 200 blocks okay we're back the namespace better strongholds contains an outdated structured file which can cause World gen lag you don't say so all right picking up a little bit a little bit I still have 1700 blocks to go and all the chunks between here and there I think we should genuinely nether treble to get there I'm just looking for a cow man you're supposed to not just me you oh my God you Frick I have cows on screen right now wait why are you looking for a cat oh I got a cow too we're all good I don't have a cow man I just came across a mansion really I don't it's a it's it's a modded one but it's got a bunch of the bad guys in it the vindicators and pillagers and illusioners and whatnots you always remember how to put a cow in a jar yeah you put a cow down and then uh or you put a jar down you put a cow on top of it and then you drop an anvil on the cow beautiful mechanic I I mean as far as mechanics go I actually think that one's kind of great why did you fill up with liquid me hungry man I'm sorry why why have you done this stop pumping out liquid meat liquid meat should be nowhere never never stop so if I'm understanding right you want to never pump the meat yes Frick the meat ball you fool you fool why do do we even like creative tanks or anything like that no guys the problem is here if I shift on this it has started filling like it started filling this up with liquid meat for some reason and the pink slime is not exporting it's stuck in here instead of like they're both they both have liquid meat it's just completely fricked at the moment so I need to get tanks I don't know why I don't know why like it's not supposed to be an idiot but it is and it's just freaking annoying um put a filter on the pipe what direction you need to go from base let's see uh Northwest which ones are the filters for the pipes mom yeah the double cows just Northwest of the base unreal it's just is it just pipe upgrades basically filter hold on if I were to do this 600 left you still feeling the pain no I'm back at the base now it's not too bad oh my God it just doesn't want it it just doesn't want to do it do you have to go all the way did you go all the way on the upgrades all the way to the advanced these little pricks dude 400. there we go okay uh this morning the uh super heavy booster had its static fire number two what what's up this is super heavy booster uh for the new rocket that SpaceX is trying to do the one that uh they did their first test flight about three and a half months ago uh that's like crazy big um oh they did another one yeah well they're doing they're they're gearing up to do their second one so today was the static fire that's where they basically run the engines for like a couple seconds and uh uh it don't actually have it take off but you know just make sure that all the plumbing works and everything like that oh it's exciting yeah I scheduled a day for takeoff or are they still kind of estimating yes and everything this is they're they're just at the testing phase of this so but they got tested because when they had the uh the big one take off last time um it blew apart the orbital launch area like literally literally destroyed it um in fact in the video you can see chunks of uh like it it's pulled out you can see the spaceship taking off and you can see splashes in the ocean off to the right and that's concrete from the from the launch pad getting blown out uh that far like it nuked the thing so they built a big old water Deluge steel deflector system and so you got to see that go off and so it ran for 2.7 seconds and just rumbled the Earth you're like holy crap oh this this isn't this isn't happening again is it you did it Pete one false alarm no this one's not gonna crash a server okay wait did I pass it that was cool though I'll know to keep an eye out for whenever the second launch attempt comes around oh yeah I I managed to just like wake up and kind of start checking things right when it was like T minus two minutes for the for the fire and I was like oh heck yeah yeah me too I like I had no idea what was going on and I tuned in right when I was about to go I'm like dang I got the most time whenever yep um but it was like they were talking about it uh and they were saying that because it's only a static fire they don't ever fully throttle up the engines um they just kind of enough to do the ink okay we solved it and everything we solved it we saved the day and let's go so big hooray that um that produces more thrust than the Falcon heavy does at Full Throttle and the Falcon heavy is a big boy too so you're just like oh my God this thing is a monster so it I wish I knew a little bit more so I could understand the skill but I'll take your word on it that it's big is big oh you've got to be bugging me I mean yeah I'm happy but yeah I uh first thing I did when I came to this dang biome is encountered one of the blue banded bees heck yeah that's good though I mean I I got it yeah anyone know the uh the add-ons for industrial foregoing machines like is the only one that affects speed speed or just like the processing one also oh what the heck into a bunch of those does the processing one also add speed or anything like that oh they got messed around with the add-ons enough to know um it only lets you add one speed upgrade which is the unfortunate thing between tier one and tier two right yeah I mean there I think you need to add both I think that the tier 2 only works at the tier ones in place if I recall no I put in a speed tier two and an add-on processing tier two and they're both they're both in they're both doing good can you can you put in I guess I could control I haven't tried Auto crafting speed one but yeah I'll try doing a one level um let's see let's see if they can simultaneously okay oh processing allows to work multiple times for operation but it doesn't matter because dissolution chamber only allows one thing per it's unfortunate oh no you can only have one speed thing and it has to be a uh yeah you need to do one tier one or one tier two on the speed you can't do more yo I got 6.9 000 antimatter nice sadly not mechanism anti-matter I noticed casual 6.9 thousand that didn't matter oh no big deal no big deal hey congrats on the piglets prediction all right you can help contribute to the 1.2 million piglet charts we currently I'm looking forward to it I'm looking at the uh neural networks Quest and seeing the 35 or I guess 34 remaining predictions now I'm just thinking I I would honestly like to set up a large system that just has every single one going uh-huh but that's a lot of space that I don't think they should work and support I'm trying to think maybe I could do it on top of the ship like move it out from the basement so that I can work vertically um I spot for this okay so oh god I've been stasis okay so how do we do the stasis chamber again you guys for the winner yeah I mean it was like at the bottom projecting up wasn't it yeah it was I guess I should I usually should move this maybe so that it's like okay witherproof everywhere around it probably just for safety boys what do you think of this concept what if we made a Space Station into like a secondary base like an extension of the base because we already have like the upper area where the Rockets are but what if I took like the space station and just expanded it like crazy I mean whatever you want to do we'll use it as a secondary location if you're looking for the space and stuff the only question there would be as long as you can still access uh uh the refined storage system and also if you need to insert stuff into it like the Ender Stuff links to it via across dimension should be interdimensional right that's all that's all I'm saying is a consideration okay okay um come on man come here oh my God I could finally put the oxygen uh block name the oxygen distributor to use like an enclosed space so we don't have to have suit yay we need more cobbled soulstone do we have a way to make that cobbled Soul Stone or is that just oh we just gotta get it from the nether freaking heck I mean with vein mine I don't think it's probably too difficult but yeah it's gonna be difficult oh I didn't realize I'm sorry oh hey it's right there frick did that go where did that go did that just all fall oh frick get an Enderby and stone nest oh it's right here right here right now that's a song it's true get your boys later I'm going to Mars oh that's awesome dude toodles I'm Marina acting my own spaceship launch count it down uh I'm already up in there oh unlucky awkward that is kind of sad actually hmm so what are you planning on putting in outer space are you trying to grow crops and stuff like that well I wanted to set up a system where we could have every single uh Mob generating through the neural networks because we need all of them for the questing so I figure having it just set it to where they're all running consistently would make it easier uh-huh because we have uh any other way of getting like the stuff from the mobs outside of neural networks I don't think we do right because it's cool other than just um you know doing the normal mob grinding okay wait um frick you okay there mate no one of the planets that I went to I made a space station I brought the dash steel iron and more dish and I'd launched back up and none of them are open they all still say that I need the requirements did it delete the space station one or once I left it I shouldn't I don't think that's how it works well I can't go to them because I don't have the materials without any of the materials when I already built the thing uh the only thing that I could say is either a there's a error or B that it's not right where you thought it was I don't know where else it could be um oh well I'll just get the materials and relaunch Obama oh bother indeed okay so I'm trying to remember how the whole uh wither system even worked um hey uh balls box of Eternal closure oh balls and a half frick did I Frick everything oh God I used my shovel when it's sorry server restarts lose the space station maybe maybe not I don't know like the whole thing uh I think that was speculative I don't think that was yeah I'm just bouncing off speculation but still yeah interesting I'd kind of like to test that I'm out of this solitary bee we're playing it was dish from McGinnis from it was from Marjorie I think I believe it's Mars I believe oh boy oh boy oh boy okay so we got the old stasis chamber you in its thing [Music] some way is it through chorus fruit can't you plant one of them the flower or the fruit or something which one yeah you can uh things to flower if I set up a Wither on top of the stasis chamber like even without having the laser drill on top it will it will chill right yeah okay that looks good I'm sorry if you're looking for me to of the answer I was hoping that you guys would know everything it really was I really is going you just he's just out it's just Audi okay well it is time here we go say that he's solitary but maybe I'll just make him run it up cap he's there he's there is he chilling I think he's chilling I don't see the bar going anywhere so alrighty then now I need to figure out how laser drills work once more um what was the End Stone this I was in you got the message the B yeah yes it's for the Ender B um what should we name the Wither Bill okay what's up Bill I mean bill go way back I tweaked slightly Billy Bob cool all right now I gotta remember how laser drills do oh boy anybody remember how laser drills work not exactly yeah uh you have the the like the focus and then the four that are on the side and they Point into it right between them right something like that and that and frick and that and that's oh did I do it the opposite I made oh I think I opposited it oops I made four bases and one drill I needed four drills yeah yeah that's the other way awesome mistake well now he's gonna make 16 of the other things and then you'll just have four fully operational ones yeah yeah there's a way to assign a b to a hive Heckman or Nest while sneaking oops I only needed to make 3.4 okie dokie yeah I wobbed the laser drill oh God anyway it should be they should be cranking now because we upgraded the speed and the other stuff we good we good we good all right it's pretty cool pretty cool we got that going pretty well and now okay so for these boys they are directional right give them everything you need yeah okay perfect for Healthy Home perfect that are thick though yeah and then we do this and then we put the laser base down there oh balls in the sack oh no is he is Billy Bob interfering oh no is Billy Bob interfering knowing this guy is going to be annoying balls guys I have a slight problem Billy Bob is interfering with my ability to place down the base It's All About That Bass yeah still have to kill him uh oh you can piston okay okay okay it's supposed to be shift and click on a valid Nest wait piston won't work oh do I have to kill Billy Bob and then do this again you might so how are you ever going into the music instructor on it how are you ever going to take out a uh oh that's a good question I wonder if I can let's try Constructor that's so smart wait now but I have to wire the cables all the way over here not worth the compared to just killing Billy Bob right yeah truth be told can't actually kill Billy Bob it Billy Bob is invulnerable right now he'll remember that you tried though know that he lives here he doesn't seem to live here uh anti-salportation man yeah the Enderby can teleport around and it's proving annoying how do I unfreeze Billy Bob no this is bad dude this is real bad break the chamber just go up one block and do a range I don't know okay can do where did he go Museum no complicated problems call for Simple Solutions oh he's in there okay cool that's fine as long as he's somewhere okay enter B with lapis B to create a diamond B okay six six six is this is a dick and then we need a range add on oh I just wonder like what range add-on should I add should I like we could go crazy we could go all the way up to a tier 12 range out on if we wanted to like there's so many options here do it just the flux weird Flex mode should I eat yeah you think I should do it due to flex okay wow he's such a baby oh yeah do I need a particular uh like glass Focus thing for the laser drill when it comes to the Wither anybody remember that I do not remember I don't purple okie dokie and can you add speed upgrades to the thing do we know but how do you know where is the standard laser lens what the frick diamond with slimy and I don't have a slimy oh did I get a slimy I see I think it did I see do I still have it clearly I do where did you come from always I'll be back in a few minutes try not to miss me too much are you getting ready no quite the opposite you're vomiting oh okay well good luck I hope you feel better that was the most nonchalant I'm going to vomit I will be right back well it could be pooping oh you think that okay yeah yeah I got you I got you I mean the nonchalance to me indicates poopage more than vomitage um you know on second thought that does make a great deal of sense yeah can these take multiple speeds says mobile cam because that would be lovely if it freaking could okay then we can do speed I don't see speed tier one can we do that oh no there we go oh there you are there we go there we go here we go see how many bees are homed in maybe that's part of my problem is I just there's too many bees and not enough bodies also what to do what are you missing oh wait oh it's gone yo we're getting ether gas let's go yay it has happened so happy it's not happening very quickly though um oh the base doesn't need power oh okay so can I put speed oh you put speed there okay so I need speed add-ons for that so okie dokie I feel like I need another now we be rooming now we're getting that ether gas oh you want efficiency as well the Vrooman hey what other add-ons are there official okay efficiency2 we would like this apparently that one was good enough um so diamond and slimy right yeah let's go into here here I don't think we're stroking up this much stuff anymore let's take a look it's in a book with Reading Rainbow all right ethergas does not happen super fast but but it it is going so that's pretty cool that is pretty cool anything else anything else to do much to do about nothing more drills mean more speed um I feel like we're probably not necessarily gonna need that but what if we are though yeah okay so now we gotta output Ender tank I suppose um frick I could not put the power directly on top of here I made four laser drill bases while I put them to waste oh you guys are crazy dude you guys are crazy I mean they're not wrong but why are you just summoned four Withers make four enclosures four laser drills all that good stuff dude doesn't that sound like fun um I just feel like we're gonna we'll be okay huh I just feel like we'll be okay you know sounds like Twitter talk to me but you know whatever no way no way dude hello did you enjoy your time away um though oh there are many other things I'd rather be doing than that but okay enjoyment was not the first thing that came to mind see maybe it was thrown up I don't think it was vomiting okay I hope was there speculation on what I meant yeah I said that it was pooping and he said it was vomiting zeen's correct okay sorry to break the bad news cap no I'm I'm glad to hear that actually because I think that that one of those two is more unpleasant than the other um hopefully more than sometimes hopefully like fairly regularly I I like I just try and get it done once a week you know um wait that sounds a little bit infrequent I do think you should get your pipes checked he says digestive track made of steel huh oh I'm dumb I need to dye this thing huh Ender tanks work again there we go yeah we got ether gas going into the dissolution show how many different ether tanks have meat in them now only only the pink one oh okay why would you expect that every every single thing I don't have meat in white white white okay just so that we're clear I would never do such a thing I would never slightly surprised I would never in something like create above and beyond accidentally have lava in white white white really never ever not even once but I'll take your word for it thank you thank you that's great and appreciated okay so all of this was going towards what was my what was my all the mod star goal with the ether gas that's the real question um hmm oh there it goes was it it might be Supreme machine frames Maybe yeah actually I do need this in order to do this that's so cool bro okay okay we can make a Wither Builder what should I do with this guy balls large ones at that yeah [Music] I guess yeah I would I was being informed of what Rocky Mountain Oysters were in a uh prior stream segment and I so I I don't know what those are so now they're balls oh yeah okay at least it removes the ambiguity right yeah no but apparently people eat them what they're yeah they're bull balls and they are consumable huh I know it's pretty interesting actually I Pete sounds familiar with this I'm from the Rocky Mountains I do wonder you know what do they taste like I'm I'm sure it wouldn't be like terribly difficult to find out huh so wait um that's the original B how do I make it recognize that I have the Redstone B do I have to check it oh the honey oh you're gonna double for oh I already put this stuff into that one hey guys we have the ability to make Supreme machine frames now hopefully yes that's pretty hot or not why why did it not go into the never mind I retract my statement oh there it goes uh I was taking a moment the server was taking a moment I think the Redstone is not oh no it had to make the other one first okay ah redstone torch there we go I don't know what you do with a Wither Builder um it tip with the hype chat yeah same base no need to make other wither cases I'm not sure how you add more ahead we're all the same days because it's only got four sides and the bottom goes to the width and top is other stuff so don't know how you add more but it's uh the other day it's totally fine I think what's up mama uh I'm just making Minecraft dirty don't worry monster school is that you oh you never heard of Monster School I have I'm not sure the correlation oh that's probably for the better keep my mind pure please [Music] I think that YouTube actually tried to do a little bit of a cleanup on monster school and like the live stream category I heard that too yeah wait so you are familiar then and it actually well yeah I know of it but that's the extent of it but you know of it like I don't I don't have any further information other than the I wasn't sure what the the dirty correlation was to it oh yeah there's just a lot of like you know questionable animations going on uh uh okay yeah so did that actually ever affect anything like is that dude those just not come around I'm like the streaming uh Pages anymore I think so I think they tried to basically like filter them out because it would if you looked in the Minecraft or even I don't know if it's just specifically Minecraft or even like the gaming category as a whole for live streaming on YouTube uh it would just be like overrun by those videos and uh hmm well that's good they're working on cleaning that up I had yeah I spent like a little bit kind of just looking through them like what what do these videos actually and I I don't know if it was a monster school or something it was it was like a looping five hour animation and it was literally just sound effect after sound effect after sound effect after sound effect do you know what I'm the one that I'm talking about it's just like okay you guys I have no idea but instead of any vocals anybody talking it's just like they're playing a soundboard okay five times a second I was watching this and I'm like this is the equivalent to brainrod yeah I I just like I don't get it's I mean the answer to anything that is like I don't understand this doesn't make any sense the answer to any of that is like four-year-olds two-year-olds and four-year-olds and stuff like that so yeah I don't I don't know man I'll pray for those four-year-olds you know hope I hope they make it out okay are you guys saying that if I can I like if I put more laser like a laser drill here pointing there it will hit the laser base I just don't under I don't understand I don't understand [Music] really it will like if I just do this it will actually hit come on passing so I'm making Withers out of the diamond blocks basically here okay alrighty whatever you say this is uh it is also like completely unnecessary to be doing this but you know here we go why not at the end of the day a little bit of that and then um I guess we'll need some more add-ons eh uh I don't need purple lenses and all these no the purple lens is there oh it really oh it does angle huh it actually does update the graphic I was I was concerned as to how that was gonna go but it's actually working just fine something wrong here on the old laser drill none of them work with each other ain't that uh yeah no I um yep oh frick dog I'm out of latex so Jordan I read a comment yes sir that was one of those you're right and I'm stupid moments oh wait who sorry you who's right and who's stupid the commenter is right and I am stupid oh okay what happened they said take an exporter okay with a crafting upgrade uh and point it into the pattern grid and in the crafting and the Habit export patterns oh and I was like you're right I'm I'm stupid like what yeah that's not the way you phrase them made it sound like you were being contrarian about something and like thinking you had the way to do something and then they came in and were like no you're wrong no versus this is just a helpful tip basically I really should have thought of something like that and I'm bad for not having thought of something like that yeah but it's just a helpful tip you know I should have thought of it very hard on yourself just yeah excuse me bless you I was not nearly as powerful sneeze as I'm used to no you you went hard on that last one I uh yeah that was little different levels you know man why there's no mine faster why this no mine faster that's a good question let's see so so do I have Redstone now now B my processing goes better processing is good I don't know if the drills are worth all this either I'ma be honest with you guys we're generating ether gas just fine man look it's fine the people like you you don't just have to have four laser drills you could have you could have 12 you could have 24. you could make more ether gas more fast oh I just realized there is a whole industrial foregoing section and all I have to do is hit the check mark and then a bunch of things will be complete big yeah how cool is that is the Rocket taking off just makes zero noise on the outside of it I don't hear anything right now it's kind of hilarious were you were you doing something oh yeah I just took off on a rocket I'm like does this actually make a noise yeah sure doesn't is there way to see this guy guess not ah I keep forgetting to hold the things hold things in my hand yeah I gotta hold it I gotta hold your hands man I Wanna Hold On [Music] oh my goodness Redstone what is your problem bad and you make me feel bad at least you could be on about flower block we'll set the bees flower position to that block go here you can bring a bead of water but you can't make him drink man brother how do bees drink do they like do they have like a mouth that goes into the water do they have a little sucker kind of thing I do think they have a mouth but I I don't claim to be an expert in this particular field but I'm pretty sure they have a mouth that they kind of just lean over and go and give you everybody do it we got two diamonds from a b though and that's pretty cool you're making progress let's go well I've put down a white stone at a space station but now I'm terrified that it'll just disappear once the server restart happens yeah you're fine I bet you're fine I really don't think so oh really because like why would it have just finished vanished when I had already built one you know um but it was to be clear like how how close to you building the space station did the whole crashypoo happen not close at all it was oh it wasn't easy oh yeah this was previous episode way way ago oh oh and this particular reset just banished goodbye well I don't know if it was this particular where he said it just wasn't okay at some point got it yeah I have no color one two did you build another one or just like I don't know how to do this yeah no I built another one I was gonna say I might request a server restart when the session is over just so I can see if uh so you can have your heart broken again heartbreak better to know now than continue on oh because you were gonna like keep batting onto it and stuff oh yeah I'm gonna build the neural network stuff here and I'm not gonna set up an entire ordeal if just a server restarts gonna nuke it all it would be kind of not nice yeah hey how do we get to your uh thing by the way do we have a waist down over there uh I'll put down the second waste then yes give me one moment you're the worst I'm working on it man I'm talking to the bees they're working on it so I mean he's pollution eating ish oh yeah I should probably put on the space suit wait do I need the spacesuit or is this place chill uh I don't have uh it's not chill I have not set up the oxygenator or anything okay so he's definitely got his pollen pants on all right where you at that should work uh lovely base yeah I didn't so touch that give me a second I'm waiting just a quick trip into outer space yep yep trying to figure out what I'm missing the booties yo oh there they are oh my God I just freaking smacked a fly first try done gone see ya I just Obama that fly ever done that before Oh my God okay here that was actually kind of sick though all right come on through real quick and whack the other one all right where which one is the oh that one's the other one okay did you did you like uh build this or is this kind of just how it assembles itself just generates Anton oh this is cool looking though oh I was like dang dude you put this together I was I was like for something that might disappear you put some time yeah dang dude I don't know where the uh Dash went in this but um yeah so the way it works is that you pretty much just hang out here and if you fall down into the void it'll take you into the atmosphere whatever Planet you teleport into this one conveniently is above Earth so I'm pretty sure that if you just drop down this should pop us directly back up above or near our base okay let me see where it drops oh yeah it's actually directly on top of our base that's cool I wonder if it drops you basically above your bed because how would it know where to put you in otherwise or oh you know what actually um I don't think it's above the bed maybe it's above the way Stone where you came up no the coordinates seem to match I'm not sure what generates those coordinates in the first place huh but like it dropped me where the coordinates were in the like relative to the space station interesting oh it's probably generated the space station coordinates based off of where you came up with the rocket um I was about 20 blocks off from it so yeah probably around there all right I'm dropping I'm going down oh he dropping where are we dropping boys which turns out we're dropping right on the space station oh I forgot about my windmill still being up there I didn't I appreciate them being there thank you thank you I can't wait to go to the space station and uh forget to put on my spacesuit well when you get there you won't need to because I'll have it all set up with oxygen if it doesn't disappear yeah but I like going outside on the spacewalks it looks really cool wait if you break to a block after the oxygen is set up will there be some like explosive decompression the decompression everyone dies okay oh that'd be cool so if I wanted to get a thumbnail of that I need to do it before it's pressurized so the whole thing doesn't blow up yes got it got it got it okay well hey by the way is there anything else that we wanted to um do before we wound things down for today's episode because we're like 30 minutes over yeah I think I'm good yay I held Redstone why did oh my gosh a lot oh no it gave it to me okay cool um I'm doing okay uh you're doing okay everyone's doing okay so okay uh okay all right so we want to thank our sponsor Apex hosting providing the server we've been playing on if you would like to play with your friends please do us a favor and check out the links in our descriptions you can say 25 off in your first month and uh thank you for to them for sponsoring and thank you for helping support our sponsors uh we do create these live you can see that happen twitch.tv CaptainSparklez twitch.tv Pizza Hut twitch.tv know some follows and come see all the extra stuff and of course if you have enjoyed please hit the like button consider subscribing turn on notifications and leave a comment letting us know what your thoughts are about the whole thing anything for YouTube before we say bye-bye nice to meet Jordan thank you I finally got officially recognized for my meat farewell
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 21,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, modpack, x33n, petezahhutt, atm8, amt 8, all the mods, all the mods 8
Id: Dwja0zg1qGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 8sec (4928 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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