All the Mods 8: Episode 1 - The Journey Begins

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hello everyone my name is boruto ponitz and welcome to all the mods 8. I wanted to play a little bit of this mod pack as I've been experimenting with different modded including Vault Hunters recently and I figured why not bring you guys along for the journey I'm not necessarily planning to make this a long-running series it might just be a mini series or something like that but I do want to preface this by saying that I'm not really looking to explain the mods that I'm doing I'm not looking to build Mega bases I'm more thinking of playing this a little bit more Nomad a little bit more my off content style if that makes sense where I just run around and play and create chess monsters and and all that jazz so with that being said we're going to jump into a world and we're going to start working through this I have played a couple of hours of this in another world but we're going to start fresh and see what we can do now that I've got a little bit of a better understanding of what's going on so let's create a brand new world we'll come up with a random name something like L Syrian l ol Fantasy names hey Elsa Zin elsazin sure we're going to set it too hard and we're going to go survival plus I'm going to allow cheats just in case experimental features we know the drill now one thing that I will say before we get into here is I have added one mod I've added easy villagers to this pack because I love it for starters and also done that villager trick many many times and just adding a little bit of speed and a little bit of ease to working with those villagers is pretty much the whole goal there so we do have easy villagers that means I'm going to be able to pick some up and also cycle trades and all that fun stuff other than that pretty much the standard mod I do have a free cam just for having a look around and content reasons but we should be good to go all right we have oh we have spawned near something straight away but welcome to all the mods now like I said I have played oh hello is that a loot chest straight away okay I have played a little bit of this so I do have an idea what I'm looking for I know how to activate my vein Miner and such grab myself a few bits and pieces right off the bat but I haven't explored too far into many of the different modes and that's kind of what I plan to do with this little mini series is uh go into the quests here all the months it gives us a welcome 188 offers a curated modded experience for those who like kitchen sink style mod packs so this is very different to uh oh let's just take all those this might be very new to you if the only modded you've experienced is My Vault Hunters series but uh yeah it's a lot easier to get yourself set up in this one and really keep yourself out with a bunch of gear so we've been given this Quest book and that just allows us to open up into here where we can see a bunch of quests to go through all sorts of different mods storage getting started with bits and pieces and each one of these as we complete them for example getting started we get a reward and just like that I've got myself uh 16 steak at starter food not too shabby from there things like collecting wood which I've already done and any form of planks who've completed another Quest now we get some sticks and a little bit of experience you probably get the idea go through complete a Quest Craft some tools get some rewards craft some stuff get a little bit going for you backpacks you get upgrades so I'm going to be making my way through these as a way to just really speed up how quickly I can progress and get started with everything so let's craft a table put that down craft ourselves a wooden pickaxe that gives us some XP there now let's gather some Stone and the beauty of this is right off the bat we have fully fledged vein Miner so I hold my vein miter button break the pickaxe but just like that we've used the 59 durability from the pickaxe in one Fell Swoop yeah uh the start of this pack is very much achievement heavy so craft two more of these a shovel and an ax that gives us some torches and it starts to unlock some extra things we can craft up a chest of any sort but apparently not out of this archwood so simply fixed a chest and for that we get a chest and some experience next thing I want to do is craft up a backpack so I need some leather and some string that's going to be my goal is to go through gather what I need nice and quickly I'm actually going to turn that into a standard chest and see if I can get myself set up so that I don't really have to put down chests in this episode I can probably survive just off using backpacks for the time being so let's grab this and I'm not gonna forget actually now that I've got this pickaxe we're going to go back over here and have a look at this essentially every single chest you will find in this pack is like a uh a loot chest so I'm going to quickly break that spider spawner don't worry there are so many spawners in this pack once I get some touch I'm going to be able to find them everywhere so I'm not too worried about destroying one or two but perfect start we got ourselves some iron boots that have a few extra goodies on it a little bit of speed boost some extra health all right goodness me that's loud we got a guardian gem which adds 4.5 armor if something happened to have oh it's interrupted me every time if something happened to have a uh a slot available for gems we've got some slime which is Handy gold and these two as well but yes I said that I wasn't really going to go about explaining everything but I think a little bit of an introduction is nice essentially this is a Adventure Pack this is going around finding loot in all sorts of different places and allowing ourselves to uh yeah sort of expand upon things and our abilities nice and quickly break break break break break break break perfect have something over there that we could Adventure into and look at but first things first I want to get myself some leather and some string I might be able to get my string just what is that just by finding myself some flax hidden around this is interesting oh a mine shaft straight off the bat okay huh very interesting oh this goes down a long way may not be the smartest move but at the same time a little quick Adventure into here could get us some iron perfect and maybe a chest or two if we're careful some coal look at us there we go that's what I'm after some free loot nice so a supply Camp what can I get rid of goodness we're gonna put that armor straight on a bundle is fantastic for keeping track and hold of all of these sorts of uh smaller things saplings and bits and pieces perfect some free iron food oh my yeah all right this is a good start and Amethyst okay now he shouldn't harm me but uh oh boy this does give us a chance to find our first diamond extremely quickly though and is that a potential little dungeon over there we do have to keep in mind that I don't have many torches it's not all right let's be smart about this for starters what I'm going to do is craft up a bunch of torches just so that I can be a little bit more spam happy with them oh that is not a bat that is a baddie next thing I might do is jump up in here and just quickly go through my quests that I've just unlocked a bunch of stuff for so all the modium we can grab those things was that it was it just a bunch of achievements it must have been oh so far damn near everything is important every single thing that you can find in this pack has a use in one mod or another so we're gonna try and keep as much as we can oh perfect oh and a few extra bits and pieces too nice very quickly though running out of space ah and health okay uh let's do a thing make a furnace we break down all of this into tiny coal and Tiny coal will smelt one item each so I can get that iron going I'm just gonna throw away these bows because they're pretty useless for now iron pickaxe throw away the stone and our first diamonds we're like 17 minutes into this recording 17 minutes I've been playing this game and I've got diamonds already that's delicious now I'm not gonna bother opening this one yet just because I don't have room for the extra goodies so we're just going to continue on as we were I've got some iron and gold see if I can block this off and continue past but so far so good yeah this is uh this is dangerous oh gold would be nice too 26 blocks of it oh my perfect that is not a pleasant sound nope I don't like that [Music] but I do like a helmet what is how did you get this retrieving a fixed item from a random monster nice so that one has a plus 10 to my movement speed we're starting to stack those up which is nice oh this could be good this could be bad this could be very bad uh uh it's fine it's fine come on survive the reason I say this could be good is because this can get a string so I'm just going to craft up a sword just in case because it will make this a little bit faster and I'm actually going to remove that I don't care about the spawner more interested in the string whoa okay never mind I got what I needed anyway that's what I was aiming to craft I wanted the string and some leather to craft myself a backpack but now I can do this backpack completed and now we can actually head over to um basic storage and get more rewards in this one first things first I might have enough do I have enough I don't have enough we need two more iron let's throw away some things in the backpack itself just to keep some room perfect because what else have we got in here lapis is great this blood's probably worthwhile a Vengeance spirit I don't know what that is not gonna bother with that stuff just yet because it's for future mods and by the looks of things probably not that hard to make I will on the other hand take this armor and a few of the crops perfect that was quite successful I don't know about all of these sounds that I'm hearing though so I'm gonna move a little bit on oh something interesting down here okay there's nothing in that but I found Barrel booty what about this one that's more like it oh that's the iron that I need to upgrade my backpack perfect and a really nice Jim so I'm gonna go like this cook up the three of that and I didn't bring my little crafting table so we'll just grab some of this oh look at that another Quest complete gets us some free coal and some more iron look at us so what I can do now is just grab this backpack surround it with the iron there and we've got ourselves an extra basically a full chest worth of storage if I go back into the basic storage I get an upgrade here and we might be able to go yes with these two pieces of gold we get ourselves a gold backpack right off the bat one of these one of these now we're talking so with that I can actually store away everything or basically everything a stone sword which I probably won't use furnace keep these things on me just in case and now the backpack can go onto my back slot yeah look at us perfect all thanks to this tiny little area that I decided to go down into now basic storage girl backpack we get ourselves a little bit more and I'm not quite ready to go up to the diamond yet what I might be ready to do though is craft up some tools that's one two three four five six ah ah not quite there that's okay let's do a little bit more exploring see whether we can find a few more diamonds or another loot chest or two be very careful of things like that oh very nice just like that we are well and truly able to continue on this path and the thing is will I be able to find my way out maybe all right let's uh let's make our wave down here back to the original line oh thankfully we grabbed a few extra bits of armor walking around like we did just then so a couple of shots isn't so bad but this is a mess oh iron delicious oh sure why not just in case oh I see another chest and some creepers looks like another one of those little rooms and I can actually grab a bed as well what is that a pocket piston increases knockback dealt by the wearer huh found an artifact apparently nice this can go in the hand slot okay I've got a piston on my hand what else did we get in there some gold some goodies and some armors anything better than what I've got absolutely okay well at least this one had something oh stone sword of slaying on hit I gained speed my attack steel 3 damage to nearby enemies ignores some durability damage and it has pretty decent attack and attack speed plus an additional 1.5 coal damage very nice that's our new weapon and some more coal now I might take this with me because why not um what happened to my pickaxe oh there it is weird well that definitely does do knock back not bad alright let's not spend any more time down here there's probably other places to go but in general I think I'm pretty good I'm gonna grab that Redstone just cause and maybe a couple extra pieces of this uh amethyst that have grown while I've been walking around in here and now let's make the ridiculously large climb back out yeah oh it's night time luckily I brought a bird so barely moving I guess like 20 30 blocks from where we spawned we've managed to get ourselves a full set of gear a really nice backpack and a bunch of bits and pieces to uh to get us started so I'm gonna put that stuff away too and maybe we'll head over oh to a village a drip Stone cave and whatever that is delicious a monstrous drip Stone cave oh my and a lot of coal red zigorum ore definitely from a mod that I am not aware of tin I think we need 10. so if we're looking at basic ingots yes tin is one of those and that's going to be part of our our whole getting started stuff here so I'm gonna grab that thank you that's a block of coal in fact this is a lot of good stuff in this lots and lots what do we have in here add Astra anything in the middle 64 blocks of coal don't mind if I do that is so much coal okay let's craft another pick and uh yeah I'll I'll take all of that Cole that's so much oh some lapis delicious so uh cold situation sorted more diamonds more loot moon sand hey very interesting a good find well keep an eye out for those uh style of meteorites when we explore around there's so much coal I don't need anymore I've got nearly okay maybe we'll go to four Stacks ah thank you that is so much Carl all right this is not part of okay this is not part of the village that I saw this is something different a wishing well find a wishing well I think it might be worthwhile grabbing this jellyfish ah it said jump do I want to jump thank you no I did not want to jump I do not want to jump it lied to me what is that business I feel deceived okay lots of interesting things to discover uh okay be in an area with enough Aura to cause positive imbalance effects interesting there's a lot going on here oh we got a beat for killing skeletons and something to do with mystical agriculture now that I have the backpack I can probably grab these and get them started huh where did I get that explosive damage taken is reduced by 14. this ignores 11 of durability it has luck and health and a slot okay now that slot can be used to add stuff like this or this one I think it probably requires a handful and some people might cringe at me for this but I think I'm just going to put it on there straight away no that's not how it works okay apotheosis maybe we'll need to discover how to work with that is there an instruction booklet for that maybe not fine we'll still wear it for the lock levels what was that noise is this a bider cave uh discover a spider cave it is indeed I don't know if I like that and I'm out of torches just to back out slowly if you've made it this far and you are a little overwhelmed I understand this is a lot to take in and the point of this series is really not to uh help you understand is more to just enjoy the random nature of all the things that we can find take that gold nugget as well as just adventure and have a little bit of fun oh oh my there's a lot going on here a lot a lot a lot what is that down there interesting okay we've got all sorts of buildings around this area all sorts of things to explore is this this has spawned by the looks of things half inside a vanilla Style hey but yeah half inside a vanilla Village and uh and it's turned it into whatever this is and whatever this is very nice doesn't necessarily have the best Loot and from what I understand the loot sort of scales to the location that you find it so uh if you happen to find the loot in say for example a uh a village like this just in the Overworld doesn't really do much for you but if you find it deep deep in a dungeon somewhere it's a little bit more substantial so this one's just sort of standard loot very interesting I'm gonna take those bookshelves cool this is uh this is a pretty decent sized area oh okay I'll take those books off your hand as well now what I could also start doing is taking these because I did add the easy Villages I'm just going to take those guys and use them a little later maybe we'll set up a slight little uh base somewhere we'll see but for now it'd be nice to have a couple in stock in stock sounds terrible you probably don't need that just yet that on the other hand I would love oh yes oh an empty villager that's nice empty unemployed is the word I was looking for now I have started to get myself more than one stack of a particular type of item and what I think I'm gonna do with that is actually craft up a stack upgrade not yet but soon I didn't realize how much that cost we need some more iron but when I get myself enough iron oh some books that's nice I'll create a stack upgrade for my backpack which will allow me to Close Quarters eh Soul bound is nice curse of breaking I don't know whether I want that but I'll keep it just in case and I'll take these two but I'll be able to add that stack upgrade so that in one slot here I can store all of these books together that's the idea anyway thank you thank you delicious and what are we looking at here we need some more iron and some tin smelted to get ourselves through that one we'll get to those soon enough oh I love the bird sounds those two are also just plain old villagers so I'm actually going to get rid of the two armors that I picked up there you go there you go on your way purely because that way I don't have to worry about them accidentally picking up something that I don't want them to oh this is part of mine colonies so we've got three different types of villages all together a vanilla one this one here which is part of mine colonies which allows me to set up a colony using uh that particular mod and then uh whatever this one's from which I'm not sure it seems to be mostly made out of vanilla like stuff yeah who knows and one last little one what is this mine colonies maybe this was part of the mine Colony setup I just didn't realize either way that that probably even that but I'm not going to bother just yet because they're pretty cheap and I've already got one of those but those are pretty good to take this is nice too more chests now one last little look at these things over here which may be separate again black wool ventium or interesting let's put away a few more things but we are running a little bit low on Space don't know what that is but smelt raw ventium interesting probably worth it Maple from Blue Skies so this is obviously once again an entirely different setup a different mod on top of all of these others and I believe just over there I don't actually have a zoom mod on this but I believe that uh that's a dungeon an adventurous guide I have a book I'll take that oh in the inventory tab Emma Brighton ever Dawn worlds are these different uh entrance to the everbrite dimension the portal is made of turquoise stone bricks and can be wet with a Zeal lighter seems the everybody is constantly day but it's somehow always brittle and cold the world is home to lots of large thick coated fauna plenty of snow and spirit-like enemies can be found there during the snow more enemies like to show their face as they much prefer the Colder Weather and I assume the ever Dawn is something similar always hot and humid gotcha well um you also have these Zeal lighters and I've got some emeralds I'm just going to take one of those just in case okay Moonstone Shard that's good and we found an under we are going through the achievements folks what do we get here it has a bit more armor and health bits and pieces that's pretty good it does lower out speed a little bit but I'm not too worried about that okay it's once again night time so we can sleep look at all of this stuff but with the morning upon us I think now I'd like to go across and have a look at that large structure that one it looks a little bit like a woodland Mansion but I don't think it quite is now that being said um we filled up on items pretty quickly so what we might do is actually just commandeer this house break that uh you must sneak while doing so okay because I don't necessarily want that in the house thank you and we might break that so that uh whoever lived here no longer does and there is one questline in this oh basic storage done but if we come over here there is sophisticated storage now this follows the same line as the sophisticated backpacks and we also have this functional storage that works like draws but I'm going to aim for this just now so a vanilla chest should be easy enough to get and as a reward we get ourselves a few bits and pieces so if we put down a chest and then grab this basic upgrade it is now a sophisticated chest now what I want to do is craft it into an iron one so I should have I do uh crafting table perfect if I pick that up and surrounded by iron we have an iron chest which is basically doubling the size adding an extra layer but we can go one further with that I could put that in there and turn it into a gold chest yeah and this gives us three chests worth of storage as well as an extra slot here four adding in a chest version of the backpack upgrades so things like stack upgrades pickup upgrades all of that stuff now because we did that we got an iron upgrade and a gold upgrade and that should mean that I'm able to put down a secondary chest and upgrade it to that and shift and upgrade it to that I don't know why it's opening at the same time but that's fine uh hello so now I have these two set up which are the same size as this backpack I'm going to do a little bit of sorting put some stuff away that I don't need and get ourselves prepared for going over to that but I've just passed an hour of recording and I think while I was walking around I've decided that what I'm going to do is just record an hour at a time rather than trying to meet an end goal because this is just a bit of a fun series and something that I wanted to do and maybe am able to get out nicer quickly I'm going to record an hour at a time and whatever it edits up to it edits up to so with that I would like to thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this little episode of all the mods eight we've got ourselves pretty set up with a bunch of stuff and ready to go on in the next episode to that thing so I would like to say thank you very much to my patrons for your support and to everyone for watching you guys are amazing hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one bye everyone uh whoop foreign
Channel: BottleTopHornet
Views: 291,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Lets Play, Bottletophornet, modded minecraft series, ATM8, All the mods 8, ATM8 lets play, ATM8 playthrough, ATM8 episode 1, All the mods 8 episode 1, All the mods 8 playthrough, All the mods 8 lets play, Modded minecraft, modded minecraft episode 1, New all the mods playthrough, The journey begins minecraft, All the Mods 8 the journey begins, Starting all the mods 8, Starting ATM8, New to modded minecraft, How to play ATM8, how to play all the mods 8
Id: hFxvW86aUXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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