The First Steps - Minecraft 1.20 Hardcore Ep. 1

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hello everybody and welcome to Minecraft 1.20 hardcore vanilla other than having you know replay mod and shaders and stuff like that let's create a new world called definitely the first try on stream unstress I definitely didn't create a new world accidentally forget to set it to hardcore and have to redo this intro that never happened definitely not so the goal here in this series is it's a bit like Trinity Island actually for those who remember back to that but more like uh quadridity land mass our goal is to beat the dragon the Wither the Elder Guardian and for the first time in a hardcore vanilla series of my own the warden so we'll see how this goes I don't I don't know man here's the thing if I die really early on I'm Gonna Keep it going but I don't know if later on I'm gonna get to the point where it's like Omega high stakes you know we're 10 episodes in or something we've beaten the dragon we've beaten the guardian you know we've done some of the the man's but then I die right I don't know if at that point we'll just say well I failed the test right I failed the test anyway all right let's get rolling into things here I should probably go and grab myself a little bit of stone we gotta do the bear the bear Basics and stuff like that so make sure to like the video for a new series help us get to our Target goal of one like for the new series one like equals one prayer for me to actually be successful although I do want to say can you imagine if I actually managed to make this all the way through to full success of beating I assume the warden will probably end up being our final thing here but can you imagine if I did it all the way through in the first world in this world can you imagine if I epic gamered up that hard bro it'll also be good training if we ever have more uh sessions with me and Tom doing the little um trying to Speed Run the game in server hardcore so you know it's good training it's good practice I was thinking about how can I get better for that then I was like you know what why don't we just do new new version 1.20 we're hyped why am I not doing a series on this I've never actually gone and done the warden in hardcore seems like a a good time to do it it also seems like a great time for me to find a cherry forest biome and make a super kawaii house much like what I did in the snapshot video speaking of snapshot videos I'm like 99 sure that I'm gonna just like completely forget most of the new things with 1.20 you know we got armor trims we got camels we got bamboo rafts and um and Cherry forest and I'm like you know that's that we're chilling we're good it'll be a good idea in hardcore probably a good idea if we go and I can't get some wolves we can have a bed for the first night so that we can just not have to worry about the gigantic conundrum that we'll be trying to deal with skeletons before I've gotten a decent setup of like iron and having a shield at the very least and stuff like that so that's possibly worth doing I'm also trying to conserve my food a little bit gonna be playing like a little more cautious than I normally would be right if we were doing like just normal mode Speed Run doing random blue drops or something like that I'm gonna I'm gonna I wanna take extra precautions to try to actually survive right like I might actually try to get full diamond armor before I even go fight the dragon as overly cautious as that seems so it's just I don't wanna I wanna lose this and get set back like five episodes or more uh skeletons give bones so you can get a dog ah yes that's a good reason for me to face skeletons before I've gotten any sort of protection whatsoever so that I can get a dog that will go throw itself in front of a skeleton and immediately no longer be with hey that's a good start let's go my man's all right I hope you guys got some good Goods here pretty slick dude pretty sweet you guys you just want to have a dog for my hardcore series that definitely doesn't last anyone like five minutes you just want to go through the Heartbreak is it really what you want to do oh hey we have a bed here at the very least I I should probably set my respawn Point that'd be important no I'm just kidding I'm just gonna take the bed Get Wrecked whoever lives here um I don't know why I'm checking furnaces yo let's go hey a leather boots dude your boy ain't gonna be falling in the powdered snow in this series no he isn't dude I'm gonna be safe can you imagine if my hardcore series ended falling into snow I better get the smithing table right because I'm obviously gonna get some armor trims real early on and make my leather armor just look epic as frick epic is Frick dude Nice Kicks thank you thank you so so very much I mean I could like hang around this area maybe and just treat it like my home basically is what's up guys my village now I'm glad you guys have kept it in a nice nice shape for me um and now I will I'll be here I'll be here all week possibly actually maybe by you know if I wanted to say plant some potatoes perhaps do something like that what if I did want to plant some potatoes what if I did want to plant some potatoes well I guess actually let me leave this here because I'm gonna need to get like I could uh well once I get some coal and stuff I don't get a Torque it'll be all it'll be all super duper cool and beetroot soup dude heck yeah I might as well take that you know let me also have some blue ice so I can get a Basalt generator if I'm gonna be chilling here for a bit if we're not speed running I'll leave the Golem be because I am I have kindness in my heart as opposed to Peter's a hut who sees a Golem and it's just like that thing must it must be slain his blood bloodlust the second that a Golem comes into his sight he's like this this must cease to be it can't it can't be here it's not okay I'm not gonna break the Golem as much as it would be nice to have a bucket or a shield or an iron pickaxe or pretty much anything really I'm gonna not because I have empathy although I will take these chords into account in case we want to come back here later but is this a little cave that I see hmm Mary Pippen they give you the Twitter bits time for philzer to send a baby zombie after the captain in this hardcore world philzo would never do that I saw Phil's briefly um at the twitch VidCon dinner thingamadonger and felsa told me specifically that he would never send a baby zombie to kill me and so that felt like uh that felt like a good sign for me to do something like this so um auberoni thank you for gifting a sub very much appreciated Grill night Monty 29 months heyo King haven't been to many stream lately but hope you have been doing awesome it's been pretty high dude can't complain a Minecraft Queen thank you for the uh 13 months pretty cool pretty slick you saw me eating on Twitter I did actually eat I ate food oh wait you're gonna get I've actually just made a terrible mistake by I just nonchalantly walked by a mother polar bear who is not amused by this uh wouldn't that be something that was my first death I just destroyed by polar bear that would that would be a new one hmm do I destroy a sheep no I'll leave you guys be because like maybe I want to breed you for food and stuff like that um and then I hey at least you know what if the polar bear slayed me at least my Coca-Cola sponsorship would still be intact okay this is freaked up though the fact that there's like all the caves that I'm finding here they're all freaking watery which Pete would be a fan of but I'm not Pete otherwise that Golem would be dead I'm nice how can you just put water in my caves like this let me do this um because we're gonna actually potentially gonna need some torches here so we're just I'm just trying to like lead things in in a very very mellow very safe it's all about safety okay now I'm not wearing a helmet yet but ideally if you want to be safe you got to wear a helmet everywhere you go even inside of like the grocery store you never know when a shopping cart is just gonna run out of nowhere go off a launch ramp and hit you in the head and then all of a sudden it's just like not good right and you wouldn't want that some of the hazards dude some of the hazards of existing in real life or if you're my height a shopping cart hits you and runs you over you know you wouldn't want that either presumably um what grocery store am I going to the extreme Grocers Inc sorry bud I just you never know when you're gonna eat a bit of food I was thinking of grocery stores and stuff like that um yo is this actually something surely nothing bad would happen if I went down here without already having a shield on me surely there will simply be Iron available right here that I can get and use in order to holy frick that's triple zambies I got this boys I got this boys I got this boys he's freaking done he's freaking done dude they're freaking done they don't know how to hang okay there we go bro see see I deal with zombies e oh it is tempting it is tempting to do this what if I actually want some like XP or something like that you know or just middle Mouse click to try to sort my inventory out turns out not the play um I would like to see what's in the other chest s are a little bit low yeah we were we were sound it up for the dragon actually like for my safety probably a good idea to make sure sounds are like on well because otherwise I might get surprised in a bad way to where I get pooped on real badly I get a bow let's go oh no other side boys that's kind of that's kind of big sad dude it's kind of big sad 13 is is definitely no other side iron horse armor you know we could actually put a horse to use in this since we're not going for like you know the Rando Ludo and stuff do I really need the rotten flesh I don't I don't think so name tag for the dog yeah we got cat as a disc so like I don't think we need I think we need to get a dog if we've gotten cats that's just my thoughts on this situation okay what's uh ridiculous here though is that there's no iron in this cave you know what we're gonna do we're gonna Dig Down until we find iron in order to get ourselves sorted before we start hitting the open caves because if I hit open caves and I don't have some armor and I don't have like a shield um it will be the end of our heroes story and we don't want that for ourselves no we do not oh you think I should dig straight down dude I'm actually tempted about this I am actually tempted but here's my play instead of digging straight down what if I don't do that What If instead I just dig a staircase then that would be epic plays dude I was thinking about when when in when like in the shower and thinking about should I start at 1.20 hardcore series I'm like are people gonna is someone gonna make a Reddit post about how jardon has like way too many series again is this going to be what happens they're going to be like oh Mister he talks about he doesn't have too many series and he goes and starts up a Minecraft 1.20 hardcore dang yeah these are my shower thoughts how are people gonna judge me on the internet that's that's what I think about on a very regular basis that's my PR brain in action over analyzing every word that comes out of my mouth is this gonna present a problem because I said this word hmm hopefully not um anyway but yeah I was like no but at the same time right we've got terraria's over now dawncraft just about winding down so it felt like you know if we're dropping not dropping if we have two series that are winding down to replace them with one seems okay you know that seems all right and then people are gonna be like yeah but you just started Medieval Minecraft on the main Channel and be like well that's different channels so it doesn't count because it's not this channel right it only counts if it's the same channel clearly oh you know what I've just realized though I actually can't stick around that Village I can't stick around that Village because if I did it would mean that I'm not making a kawaii house in a cherry Forest fund so you know that actually wouldn't be okay dang it dude dang it um well yeah there's the here's the thing I don't really the the thing with Tom I don't necessarily consider a series in that you could watch any episode on its own without having watched the others and that's kind of the difference there so that's kind of like it's a format I think I've said that before um so if something isn't contingent on prior episodes then I don't kind of put it in the same bucket if that makes any sense hey we got some iron I've never been so happy to see you before in my life um but yeah that said I a little behind the scenes uh talk here just I you never I don't know how consistent the series will be um because I think I've mentioned before I was really surprised that Tom even brought up the idea because he doesn't regularly sit down at his computer for extended periods of time and so I was really surprised they like wanted to do something granted I was happy to do it but it's very much like gonna be based around his schedule which um changes from like hour to hour so uh yeah anyway I'm doing I'll do what I can but ultimately it's very much at the mercy of what he's doing and so um it's just you know there may be a few weeks stretch of nothing and then maybe a few episodes will come out like pretty regularly and then maybe it'll be a bit of nothing again I don't know I'm just gonna play out and stuff but what I do know is that now we're gonna be so safe to be able to head into open caves and nothing is going to be able to stop us now because man we are freaking popping off now dude absolutely geared up as Frick Azure thank you for the 22 months I did not realize my sub was still going in here haven't been able to catch a stream in a while well it's summer now so you can catch like every stream every day every time ever dude you know what okay an idea an idea speaking of like you know lots of content and stuff like that I was kind of thinking because like I've I've historically like usually I publish everything video wise on YouTube between like 10 A.M and 5 PM Pacific time but I'm thinking you know like because if I have a short go up on the reaction channel two stream vods going up on the VOD channel in a main Channel video going up that day like what if I were to take advantage of overnight what if I like released shorts at freaking uh let me make a should I make an iron pickaxe or should I do iron ax for hmm or should I do an iron sword what should I do what would be the best thing to stay alive here oh I guess we could do iron pickaxe just to have in case we run into diamonds or something like that but anyway yeah so I accidentally scheduled a main Channel short like uh a week or two ago I instead of doing PM I did am and that short ended up being like one of ten on on the recent videos I was like initially I wake up in the morning I'm a Frick I messed it up and then I look and I'm like wait a second is this just it's probably just like coincidental and it's like one thing didn't cause the other but like it's one out of ten and I did it in the middle of the night like does that mean it would have been Mega one out of ten if I did it during the day or does it mean that like because I did it in the middle of the night it's just like this a strategy here um so anyway yeah I'm I'm thinking I should try to experiment this more often I don't know if it's like if it would be different for like a video versus a short but I'm like hmm maybe I should maybe I should spread things out more like I don't know even when it comes to freaking uh stream Vlogs or something like that I mean I could in theory just instead of doing the 10 a.m 5 p.m thing which I thought was pretty spread out what if I even like gnarly here what if I just spread even more what if I just what if we went 24 hours bro what if we just had 24 hour schedule yeah we love deep slate cold this is definitely worth getting like stacks on stacks on stacks um the rarest block is the rarest block because you just can't see it it's impossible to actually spot unless you're like right against it in a freaking cave um yeah dude uh but anyway no it's it's um I mean I do YouTube does tell you in analytics like what time your audience is on the site and you know definitely like 3am 4 AM is though that's the low times it's when the audience is not really on the site but um regardless it could be like a strat though cause like what if what if you're just you're making the content when like you're putting it out there when other people aren't putting it out there that means other people probably thought about that because people thought of everything at this point you know posting YouTube videos basically like it's like trading stocks you've freaking people with billions of dollars trying to strategize like the best way to Optimal way to optimize stuff like that and you're like holy frick I'm out of my depth here um but anyway hey we are gonna need some lapis for some trade ski Doodles for sure for sure you think 6 a.m and 6 p.m is best um [Music] thoughts the strategies the the I don't know dude I don't know but then YouTube also like they they outright say the time of day that you upload your content has no bearing on the performance of the video and like they're very adamant about that and so also you're like going off of that but I don't know if that's just like they say it because they don't want to create an environment where you know you feel like you could game the system or you have to figure out ways to game the system and they try to steer away from that so yeah I don't know things do be crazy bro things do be crazy I shouldn't be wasting the whole of my iron pickaxe in case I don't find any more iron why are we not finding more iron this is this is wacky dude this is wacky hello Raider people oh my gosh thanks for coming by there's more iron let's go um yeah also by the way did I mention I don't think I mentioned at the beginning of the video after the you know liking that you should subscribe to captainsparkles too so that you can stay tuned for video posts that I don't know if we'll change the schedule of odds on this channel I feel like seven hours apart is probably a good amount of spacing there but as far as other things on other channels because this channel is like the most consistent with when uploads go up so um I don't know but uh if you want to stay tuned for more episodes of this series as well as an Ever evolving upload schedule make sure that you're subscribed and also follow cabin Sparkles to watch me potentially die live on stream for everybody to see and laugh at and say we knew it give us our egg coins because we bet lots of money on this I was I was waiting for you to die so I could get my million egg coin payouts oh yeah maybe you'll get a twitch moment badge for it that would be something dude that would be something all right boom when are we getting Captain's AI articles for 24 7. Kevin Sparkles AI generated stream yeah I just don't I don't think that'd be uh you know really uh I don't know that'd be a real watch to be honest um I uh I actually I I got a message the other day or not it was like the other week or something I never actually ended up responding to it because I was kind of like I don't think there's a guy I don't know I was gonna do it he's like what I how would I actually use this and they were like we're trying to do AI uh representations of streamers and stuff that you can use in your content I'm like how how would I use that though I don't know like people are gonna watch if it's not actually me they're not gonna be like oh yeah this this fake Captain Sparkles sure is fun to to watch and stuff like that I was like ah it's gonna be kind of weird um so I never ended up replying but you know people are trying to do that and I guarantee you there is going to be some big streamer person I gotta clear my inventory bro there's gonna be some big way why did I I dump that I can just do that there's gonna be some big streamer person who ends up doing something like that with you know like making themselves AI this could be interesting to see what the response of that looks like kind of depends if they do it as like a funny gimmick for like one video like I made myself an AI and this is what happened and it's like ah cool okay so it's just like you try to you try this thing out for Content once but you know there will eventually be someone who like tries it as this is going to be a Content format and I'm like I don't know how well that's gonna work you know it'll be a little weird and unsettling and stuff like that um no it'll obviously like is a funny concept for just like I talked to my own AI self you know this is what they said creeper ah man creeper ah man actually that'd be the tryhard ninja AI voice thing uh where are we sir negative 23 still have not run into a big cave still have not run into a big vein of iron I don't know like what level should I just start to actually like strip mine hmm hmm I don't know tough call everybody it's a real tough call I I would I would like to if possible find a cave now just so I can spot more iron because the oars they are all glowy with complementary shaders which is very pretty the Rogue thank you for the 32 months of savage much appreciated should look at e-counts e-count for cave or you can look for like something generation cave count um I don't know dude there's wait hold on I see oh wait hold on six there's six E's over there I saw some E's the E's were picking up in this direction I'm gonna go here I'm going here for the ease diagonal digging is always the most productive okie dokie surely we can get there I'm seeing that I'm seeing a Big E count real Big E count or should I just dig straight down It's usually the best way to like start a series is to dig straight down and see if you can just you know dig straight into um a mine cart that has like diamonds and stuff like that um it does seem like the E the E's are they're taking up over here dude they're ticking up oh yeah oh there wait wait wait wait wait yeah oh yeah it's in this direction 16 17 yeah 100 100 we're on to something here dude this is an E with a this is an E with a capital e or alternatively it's just my blocks on the ground that's also possible because definitely my blocks on the ground are over there but um come on dude we gotta find something this is ridiculous if I went into spectator mode I feel like I'm just in a spot where there's zero caves there's just no caves either that or I'm perfectly managing to thread my way between every open gave everywhere and it takes so long to mine because it's freaking all just slave maybe at this point you know what maybe this point is just abandoned ship go back up keep exploring because I do need to find a uh I do need to go and find myself a cherry forest biome at some point so this and we'll find some you know what inevitably while we're trying to find the Cherry forest biome I will end up finding some big gigantic opening into the abyss below and then we'll be able to utilize that heck yeah dude heck yeah do I need more coal I don't think so do I need to sleep so that I can exit when it's daytime instead of getting uh fricked up it's night time so we're good okey dokey and we move and we move where's all the mods ate um well you see what happened we went through all eight mods and that was it like every every one of the eight mods got got eaten up and then there was nothing more no more mods um so we had to go and that was that was that at the end of the day like what can you do right what can you do so because the last episode we recorded was eight and so I was like ah game over dude see you later bye-bye it was fun it was a fun series though while it lasted you know we found those eight mods and now you know what okay here's the freaking deal I'm gonna do it I'm gonna I'm gonna I feel terrible about this I truly feel terrible but it will allow me to have a chest plate God dang am I Really Gonna Channel my inner inner Peter's a Hut here after I just said how unethical his behavior is it feels bad man it feels bad dude okay hold on you know what we'll let democracy decide that's the ethical thing to do what do uh to Gollum slay not slay there we go the poll is beginning cast your Democratic vote let your voice be heard as a Bastion of democracy I let my chat let their voices be heard in everything that needs hearing all right what is it looking oh boy slay is looking like a pretty pretty big dub at the moment here it's not looking good for our neighborhood Golem um where is it oh boy yeah Gollum is uh he's taking some L's here in the in the pole um it's gonna be about night time he's hoping he can get saved by the night time here but it's liking it's um even though the poll is not concluded it is looking like things are probably not going to be working in favor of our I was a little bit concerned for one second that he was going to One Hit kaomi Upon getting onto the roof of that house would have been potentially a deserving end to our first world but instead we only got three I only have three freaking ingots from that my bed now how much damage does a Golem deal in hardcore too many that's the that's the answer too many well you know what I'm gonna do instead of getting a bucket I'm gonna do a chest plate watch I'm gonna end up getting lit on fire and I'll be like should have made a bucket should have made a bucket that would have been the way to go but here we are instead all right at least we got bad the big question is am I gonna bed the Dragon I think the answer is probably not because with my luck I would end up exploding myself and that would that would be not ideal it wouldn't be the idealist of of ideals of all time I would have to I would have to say hey guys how you doing gonna just get a little bit extra you know food skis over here remember the cows everybody remember them remember them or they laid their lives down for us in a in a quest to get to the Cherry Forest of our dreams [Music] thank you for your kind and generous generosity Here We Salute You All a moment of silence for the cows frick foreign and we continue if only we had a saddle then we would be able to uh ride a horse and not have to worry about our food situation it's a bit of a ravine there but is it is it much of a ravine oh oh maybe maybe maybe maybe hold on this is where I could have used um a bucket a bucket would have helped here but what we're gonna do is we're definitely gonna go down here we're gonna find some iron you know peeking out of the abyss and then we're going to use that iron in order to make said buckets this is definitely a good idea oh this does not go down as deep as I thought it would definitely encounter our first skeleton probably yeah yeah okay wait wait wait shy should I take out an Indian mission I should take out an indie band because what if he has a pearl like that would be convenient for us hello mate I will not screw this up I swear I will not screw this up I'll not screw this up was he freaking just stuck over there oh hmm well here comes the zombie okay Enderman uh do not teleport okay don't teleport that would be ideal please do not teleport otherwise I will be in big pain it will be quite peaceful yes he didn't throw at the ender pearl what the frick dude oh but he's led me to a large cave oh baby that's a big cave ski right there dude that is a big cave ski doodle right there all right here we go here we go oh this little Frick dude this little Frick no I don't think so bud knotted no I don't think so bud no I don't think so but no I don't think so but do you think you can handle this you can't handle the truth all right this is where I could use some shulker boxes man uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm just not gonna worry about all this I'm gonna just get rid of uh that that um I should make a bow but that would be extra inventory slots anyway all right let's get this smelting up here maybe even split it in half I feel like we don't need to conserve our coal too much at the moment I hear a Skelly I hear Skelly Maury skellies are our most uh scary mans they are the most scary man man's out here dude I'm also going to end up picking up the stuff that I just threw off here for sure okay a little quick look around where's our most accessible iron a lot of accessible iron right over there in the midst of everybody everybody is protecting the iron it's a freaking huge load of copper that I don't need uh more copper copper it's just copper copper copper copper powder and iron okay well I'll be able to make some pants though here we go here we go here we go big plays big plays big pants for days there we go okay I am a little hey you know what while we still have some of this you get our gold boots ready for the nether whenever I'm not worried about you guys not worried about you at all I freaking picked up the egg again watch that spawn a chicken it didn't okay do I just like okay it seems like there's some movement over here am I just YOLO I YOLO up the Skelly no hold on any blocks there that there I'm gonna make some more uh torches real quick don't need this sorry Gollum R.I.P in pieces ow Elegance he's Beauty he's Grace okay it's just behind the wall there all right we gotta be careful we don't want anyone to flank us flanks would be bad we're chilling okay so he's just on the other side of the wall so we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling good good good good good good good okay there is is there any more iron like oh there's some more iron over there okay do we just I think we YOLO through this we encounter our first skeleton here we go Frick he hit me autumn he's done he didn't stand a chance he got wrecked all right be careful of that creeper that creeper just sneaks up on me I know the shield reflexes we're gonna have a bad time oh there is a good bit of iron over there yeah yeah it is there a good bit uh it's more skellies hold on but that's like isolated and and yeah we can deal with that oh that's a lot of skeletons never mind I don't I don't want that many I do not want that many actually it's like a little bit too many a little bit too many for my taste actually um there's like four in a in a group well we're baiting them out or baiting him out okay that's fine if we're splitting him from the group then we got this oh you little freak foreign oh he's not gonna die oh he would not die he would never they can't see see I'm stealth stealth like I said they got they got nothing on me they got nothing we about to have a full set of iron armor and then then I can bring the pain nobody has ever died in hardcore once they gotten a full set of iron armor let me tell you you're Invincible at that point basically foreign Perfect Dude all right maybe Zone would like a word well no because Phil was clearly wearing um he was wearing leather armor when that happened so that's why that was the issue like clearly if he wasn't wearing leather armor then everything would have been fine so that's the real thing is is you just got to make sure that you are not wearing leather you know what in the interest of time let's go make ourselves a couple more furnaces here and then we can get food going we can get the rest of the gold going and we can have great success all around also should eat the beetroot quick here we go okay all right here we go as much as I've been loving our leather boots I think we are gonna go full iron here and then if we ever do run into pow pow snow then at that point we can swap on back to him we'd always try to keep him on us and then uh over here we're gonna get ourselves a big sword action going there we go there we go that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about we can just get upgrades all around here and then you know maybe even an ax for good measure perfect huge plays all right um actually why did I do that no I should just stick the rest of the coal or uh the beef over to here get that spelling quicker okay nice very nice very nice all right dude I'm gonna conquer this cave now I'm gonna actually conquer the heck out of this thing and survive and live and Thrive and never run alive okay where were you there was some uh some iron over there we want that we want that let's go let's go let's room we gonna get this we gonna get this we gonna get this here we go here we go we ready oh miss me with that miss me with that miss me with that miss me with that he's done he's gone can't hang let's go red book in inventory i it's just from another it's from another thing for random blue drops that we're not using here but it's just using the same instance there we go um but it has it doesn't like actually impact anything it just tracks randomly drop tables and stuff like that when we're using it so um yeah I just I can't be bothered to create a new instance um in order to not have it like I can't be bothered to have one instance of fabric and all the same other mods and stuff like that um and then not have the random loot drops and then do another instance and just have although I could probably just duplicate an instance in multi-mc to be fair I could just probably duplicate an instance yeah yeah I could do that hmm I'm now starting to think about it all of a sudden um now all of a sudden born Norton the mod author is like yeah why haven't you done this you idiot you could have done this ages ago you only now just thought about duplicating the instance in little DMC you fooled not today buddy I am potentially one of these times gonna uh do that with a creeper and not deploy my shield in time and then that will spell the end of that particular world but not today okay I do want to potentially here let me take care of these mans here God it's a train dude take care of these mans and then we're gonna try to go for the ending man as well ow he touched me now I'm gonna turn into a zombie that's a new 1.20 feature zombie touch you you turned into zombie oh God another one's coming I was about to deal with the Enderman don't do it I'm telling you know everything is good I was I kept it under control there was no cause for concern there no cause for concern at all everything is fine I I have it totally totally under control it is all every single one of the controls is underneath because I am I've got it under control that is me I've fully got the control of every control that's ever existed all the controls yes sir all your controls are belonging to me all right you think I should vote the Endy man is the end the Endy man is still over there yeah yeah yeah there we go I did it on I I it was planned I had to create some um dramatic effects in order to keep people thinking there's a chance that they might get their egg coins right otherwise they wouldn't get their egg coins and they would be upset about the whole situation ah frick you guys just trying to stop me from freaking getting to the freaking Enderman and I've had enough oh God that was a lot of creepers that just spawned over there hey mate let's get let's get you in the not me not not I didn't mean to get in the boat I want you to get in the boat you you get in the vote stop me getting in the boat you get in the boat you know there we go perfect that's what we're looking for okay the only issue is uh if that skeleton shoots over here and breaks the butt I'm gonna have a pain on my hands he is about to shoot over here though that's for sure this little freak dude all right I'm moving nope nope nope I did see some more iron over there but um but uh but I'm just but we're good we're good we're good everything is good leave me alone man mom's just like keep spawning up here what gives got mad levels though got mad levels 22 more iron I think I think we're good for this I think we're good for this cave unless we want to go like keep exploring try to find diamonds or something like pretty early on but uh no honestly I'm thinking let's let's keep it rolling let's keep it moving keep it grooving and see if we can find ourselves a cherry wood biome um but we can't make a bow yo guess who didn't make a wob this guy ah God I'm good at video games oh yeah bucket's not a terrible idea you're right about that one cool I can even grab this right here uh you little freaking ball sack okay whatever I'm gonna go just get water up on the surface or from right here that's what I thought buddy that's what I thought okay um yeah let's just go back up it was good that was productive a little trip down Underground um everything went flawlessly with absolutely no cause for any concern anywhere so you'll love to see it you really do cool my inventory is filling up though it's a little annoying but it's no big deal oh this freaking guy really you're gonna try to like trap me down here good luck bud good luck others have tried they've all failed you're concerned for your egg coin you're concerned for your egg coin because I'm absolutely popping off and shredding this right now with absolutely no risk of Doom that's why you're concerned for your egg coin I'm assuming right [Music] sorry cows it was necessary for my survival let's freaking go let's freaking go or if I alternatively find another Village and has a bunch of hay bales that'd be pretty cool not having to worry about food for a little bit would be very very nice am I still missing the cows from trollcraft yes Edgar and Steve I miss them every single night I think about them that's all I can think about I have a hard time getting to sleep because all I can think about is what happened with Edgar and Steve it's one of my one of my biggest regrets in life truly truly is dude all right this seems like a really nice peaceful biome though like definitely a place where a village would spawn and have a productive Society right or more cows I'm gonna sustain myself with cows here this is a non-vegan Minecraft playthrough apparently Frank Frick that wasn't at the goal it's supposed to be quick sorry sorry I did see an article that the very first lab-grown meat was approved in the U.S I think there's a company that's doing uh lab-grown chicken I think which is kind of that's kind of cool oh oh this is a big old cave right here bro is a big old cave that's also water logged but oh my God I kind of want to just check it out because it's like a chunky thing oh it goes oh it goes it's a little it's it's probably a little bit scary because of it being a very long dark tube with skeletons that have Enchanted bows on them you know on second thought Mr enchanted bow over there is making me a little bit nervous so I'm gonna just keep boating for a little bit here and um we're gonna prioritize the Cherry because can you imagine if I wasn't able to make it to a cherry biome and I died before that can you imagine if I didn't live to see a cherry biome and I never got to see one again because now I'm dead that would be sad that would be very sad it seems like a a good time to explore oh hello major Giggles with 37 months hardcore the gentleman's way to play Minecraft Wine Time it is it is the the gentleman's way to play the video games that's for sure why does it feel like my fog is really short one sec much better much better there we go all right it was looking it was looking like exceptionally foggy there now we might have sacrificed our performance just a little bit but we get we get to see more visible you just tried to uh adjust past me uh or skip past me adjusting settings yeah you know you try to do that you can try to do that if you uh have the ability to like move into the future that's really cool and you should let me know how it works because I want a time machine too that those time machines sound awesome bro they really sound super awesome um is this a pink shirt yeah dude I'm wearing my pink shirt because I want to find the Cherry biome bro this is my it's my good luck pink Cherry biome shirts obviously black Umbra thank you for the three months what a good way to relax Hardcore Minecraft indeed [Music] yeah you should you should set the speed of this live stream to two times and then um you'll get to go into the future it's the little known like time machine hack that if you just set the light oh man this cave is so cool if you just set the live stream to 2x speed you go to the Future um I don't know why nobody figured that out other than me but I'm kind of spoiling big big secrets right now Big Industry secrets and my inventory is just full which is a little bit because I can just throw out the Stone Hill like do I really need it probably not um but oh boy vertigo yeah some vertigo down there let me just check let me just check this thing it's cool though and what if there's uh doesn't go super deep for diamonds and I'm not seeing a lot of oh but I just I just got an Enderman angry from down there frick not today bud not today he's somewhere he's somewhere where is he [Music] [Music] so this little Frick is about to knock me into the Ravine I swear uh God dang it this guy is gonna show up it like once I've gotten comfortable he's gonna chase me to the ends of the Earth that's the only way that this happens it's gonna yeah it's gonna be like the Iron Golem in all the mods man okay Frick that cave Frick that cave we got an angry Enderman on loose it is not worth my Biome I told you the shirt look wait look hold on do a color color comparison color comparison right here look at that look look at the trees look at me's look at the trees and then look at at the knee exactly exactly Perfect Color Harmony exactly oh my God wait is it a freaking like floating Cherry Island donger oh no I thought it was fully floating I was gonna be like I'm gonna make the fully floating Cherry Island my home but I think it's attached over there but anyway exactly you can't even tell where the shirt starts it's color coordination at its finest did you know there's a new quality content drop on June 29th at quality oh my God there's a Pillager Outpost in the Cherry Forest oh frick uh okay oh we're gonna have a challenge on our hands here also I gotta cross This I Gotta cross this in order to make it over I gotta cross the Grand Canyon I'm about to make a suspension bridge I am about to make a suspension bridge over to my Cherry Forest because I'm not I'm not going down and then back up bro we use technology and modern engineering and not using slabs I should have used slabs why didn't I use slabs that was dumb hold on let me convert everything I should hold on to more Cobblestone but yeah hey oh frick my inventory is full what do I not need uh what I don't need is this because I could do that and smelt it up and then everything is good oh God this is going to be the Enderman comes back but it's fine I'll fall into water right right I'm gonna fall into gonna fall into water definitely definitely gonna fall into water by the time I'm done with this bridge clearly it's going to have been faster to just you know um jump down and then go across but this way I can I can go back and forth pre-alytra um and it'll be super cool and look look at what we're doing we're even like angling the bridge up you know I didn't mean to put that there right I didn't mean to do that because we're gonna do this right and then we just like staircase the bridge yeah dude and this is architecture bro this is freaking architecture at its finest nope and then probably just like connect out from here connect down from here frick false and then here we go heck yeah and then we're bed down bed down bed down wonderful build 11 out of 10. thank you oh yeah and then I go but I have to Cherry Wood it up now that I've gotten to the Cherry what I suppose I do look at my beautiful Bridge though man I will need to add cherry and accent and all that stuff and fanciness but anyway anyway we don't have the cherry wood yet we need to get the cherry wood in order to do that I'm gonna get so much Cherry Wood but then I'm gonna re-rack my trees because this is very it's very important that we re-wrack our trees here in the Cherry biome ah it's gonna be beautiful and we'll have this Pillager outpost on the horizon that we're going to be able to conquer and come oh my God look at the look at the Cherry leaves just falling down it's peaceful it's so peaceful okay this one's kind of like a straggler that's far out so we're gonna chop one we'll do it over here so we're not like taking things down like in the middle of the forest then we can replant don't worry we can replant and stuff like that all right go George Washington on those trees yes that is exactly what I will do as we all know that is a very very big historical fact that George Washington had a a strong like dislike it was really weird no one actually knew why he disliked cherry trees so much but if he saw one he was just filled with a gigantic um unending rage until the tree was vanquished like that was George Washington's Nemesis not not any of the the British soldiers no no no no no it was cherry trees he simply he simply it was like a bowl staring at a red cape and they had to be destroyed otherwise he would not he would not cease his rage he would not be able to make presidential decisions until all cherry trees were removed from the vicinity um but he had to be the one to do it right he had to be the one to remove them from existence so anyway he would be proud of me but also like kind of seething with rage seeing this for us so he wouldn't want to live here uh at all because it'd be like holy frick dude there's too much Cherry happening here anyway we're re-racking our trees yes exactly I'm participating in the American education system by teaching everybody big big history a real big history going on here you best believe it hello rabbit oh my goodness dude oh this is you know what this is a this is a house location if I've ever seen one like right here on this little this little plateau we're gonna we're gonna flatten this little Plateau out here and then we're gonna have the view of the Pillager outpost on like one side and then we're gonna have like we're gonna probably have to chop down that tree and stuff like that but man this is a place this is a place to be you know what I can't die now it's actually illegal to achieve this serenity and then die so I gotta this is my this is my house this is my world I'm gonna have to like I'm gonna have to go and re-watch my Snapshot video on the introduction of the Cherry Forest farm so I can remember what I did with the house because it was a nice house I kind of want to remake it here it's very small so I'm gonna have to like make it a little bit bigger but it was it was a it's a pretty slick little looking house you know all right let's yeah we just seal that up spray I don't know if that's actually a cave that leads anywhere probably not probably not but maybe it does like spirals around and then goes this is the craziest cave does it actually go somewhere no it doesn't oh man windy staircase naturally generated by the way all right well you know what on this note this is a good time for me to wind down because it gives me an opportunity to go and refresh my memory on um what I did for that house and then in the next episode we will be able to resume with a beautiful home location I swear to god dude if I build the house and then just immediately go and die the Pillager Outpost oh God that'll be funny that would be really funny at least people have gotten a building tutorial um but anyway all right thanks everybody for tuning in to episode one of Minecraft 1.20 hardcore quadrinity land mass um subscribe to stay tuned for more and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 154,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, 1.20, trails and tails, minecraft 1.20, minecraft update
Id: 8dTjchVtwGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 48sec (3828 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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