We Survived 100 Days In Medieval Minecraft.. Here's What Happened..

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today I'm going to try and survive 100 days in medieval Minecraft this mod pack features 300 different mods which includes new bosses and same looking structures six New Dimensions and magic and I'm gonna be doing all of this side by side with my friend Killa with three goals of first visiting every single Dimension seconds entering the end and defeating the Ender Dragon which isn't going to be easy because to light the portal we need 12 unique Eyes hidden all around the world and last but not least try our best to survive before I started to add a pick an origin and to be completely honest there was way too many to choose so I went with the first one that caught my eye which was the show apparently it gives me more protection which sounds nice considering wouldn't be finding a lot of mobs and bosses I never thought before now on day one I started off with the Minecraft Basics I killed some animals for food I got some wood to make my first pickaxe and then some Cobblestone to make my first stone tools and I found out there's a quest book that gives you rewards for completing certain tasks so I claimed my first reward I didn't explore it too much since color was having technical issues and I didn't want to do too many things without him anyways now that it was getting dark I needed to gather a bit more wood and some food while waiting for his game to start working and not too long after he got on and we immediately ran into a new mob called a revenants and I'm not gonna lie I was a bit scared at first because they look kind of strong and I didn't want to die already but fortunately they were actually pretty weak besides crawling though [Music] after finishing them off we ran into an orc and I thought this guy was going to do a lot of damage but after looking at his HP I realized he was pretty weak so I was able to take them down really quickly we killed a few mobs and one of them actually dropped an item that we never seen before and it looked kind of like a golden ring so I checked my inventory to see what it was and found out it's actually a relic a legendary one too the boss on it seemed really good especially since we literally just started playing so I immediately put it on on day two it was finally time to go out and explore so of course I had to go to the structure that was on top of the mountain that I've been eyeing since the start once I got up there I ran into a couple Strays that were really easy to take out I mine under the statue to see if there's a chest but I didn't find any so I left to look for more structures but little did I know I actually did miss a chess back there but I didn't realize it for a while on the other side of the mountain I found two more structures one kind of looked like an observatory and the other one is just some ruins I went to the ruins first since it was the closest and I only really found a little bit of food there so I got that and I went to the observatory and his place actually has some more useful stuff there are a few big shelves that I broke some beds and some meat that I crafted into some yummy bread in the middle of all that I found out that there's attributes and with this I'm pretty much able to level up and gain skill points using my XP to then level up stuff like my luck my regeneration my health and my strength which is going to help us a lot later on for now I use all of my points on the Constitution because if you think about it my origin already makes me kind of tanky so having more hearts on top of that I'm pretty much unkillable or a store I thought I started running North until I ran into a big house that kind of looked abandoned but before I got there I found some kind of ice chest and inside of it had a lot of stuff but I didn't think I need most of it so I just only took the inner Pro and a bit of iron that I had now getting closer to the house I started affecting the outside of it making sure I don't miss anything and out of nowhere a witch appeared and started attacking me oh my God it's a witch that scared me [Music] I quickly took her down and ran to the other side of the house where I found a big Village that had little tiny villager soldiers defending it and since it was getting dark I thought it would be a good idea to stay around this area but I was caught off guard once again by a second witch I didn't really know what to do here to be honest because I had poison I had slowness I was low on thirst I I couldn't really do anything so I tried my best to get out of here but oh no unfortunately the poison drained my health and she hit me with a lucky install damage potion and that officially was my first death kind of embarrassing because of how early it happened but it's okay since I didn't really run too far away I was able to get my stuff back quickly and finally went inside the house inside I found an anvil to steal some bread and an iron sword that I was about to pick up but then I realized that my bronze sword actually does slightly more damage which was kind of odd or maybe I'm just dumb but anyways in another room I found an enchantment table which I thought was kind of insane since we could already enchant our stuff soon and then looking at the quest again I was able to claim another reward which is an item called a charm of Life which actually works the same way a totem works so that's pretty nice to get I ended off the day going into the village and Joint a bunch of berries from a chest I found I continued looting the village and found this book called A spell tomb I wasn't really sure what it was until I right clicked and apparently I learned a new spell so I assumed that I'm gonna have to find a bunch of these if I'm gonna use magic weapons this Village also had a waste Stone which I'm actually glad this mod pack has these because it makes traveling so much easier and right behind that there was some sort of Tower and it looked like there was a villager actually trapped inside of it so I might then to save him and also find a zombie spawner inside I'm kind of surprised if it literature wasn't getting attacked though anyways I mined the spawner and it dropped an item I picked it up it is called a conjuration Essence and I checked to see if I could craft anything with it but all I found was the soul weaving thing and I had no idea what it was so I described it just in case inside the chest I found Enchantment books a fire wand a quiver and a bomb the water protection book wasn't really something I needed because when I was looking at the different Origins I actually remember that some of them make you take damage in the water and since I was a shook I don't really have that problem I checked to see if you can craft anything with the bomb but I didn't really find anything and now it started to get dark again and I saw a new spooky mob in a distance what is that that looks ugly nightmare I ran into a villager house to sleep so it would despawn and I think it did I found another one of those structures from the start and I actually saw the chest this time so ignoring all of the Strays I built up opened the chest and got myself an iron pickaxe which is an upgrade to the still one I had not too far away from the village I found some kind of Rune in the ground and upon getting closer I found two double chests inside of it that had straying across crossbow a bunch of arrows a bit of iron and some armor and you already know I had to grab all of that and put the armor on and then I ran back to the Village to start cooking a bit of food that I had so we can start exploring some more after that was done we started running Northwest in hopes to run into more cool structures but only about 100 blocks away from the village we found a new one at first I thought it was some kind of Christmas tree so I got a little closer and then realized it was some kind of small mushroom Village that had mushroom people and until it's actually one of my favorite characters for Mario but since he poisoned me I had to take them all I went inside one of the mushrooms to find out that there's actually a trap inside so then I used my big brain and my two little while exposing the dispenser and inside that had an insane amount of arrows that came in clutch because I just got a quiver and a crossbow we didn't really find anything else so we left the area and ran into another one of those structures we found at the very beginning but Killa ended up stealing all of the loot for it and then further down we had our eyes set on his Pillager out clothes but right before we got there we ran into this strange portal like structure called prisoners quarters and as of right now we had no idea what this was or how to use it but later on we find out how we actually needed this to travel somewhere in Portland we went to the top of the Outpost and there wasn't really anything good but not too far had was there was a huge tower that caught our attentions and so we immediately made our way there arriving and going up the tower we ran into a few vindicators that responded from spawners that are inside the walls so I mined the spawners and killed The Vindicator that I saw I ran back down since Killa wasn't with me yet and I didn't want to risk dying again once he caught up he started taking damage out of nowhere until he realized that he was actually freezing his desk are you thirsty or something I'm freezing oh oh you're here I I had to eat an apple I had to eat a golden apple if not I would have died I'm still dying though here's such a spawn point s [Music] yeah so he ended up losing a gavel a totem and died I thought a place in a campfire would help but I guess not after he spawned back in we ran to the top of the tower and while all the moths were distracted on him I looted the chest I was in the middle and got myself some diamond boots since all the mods were focused on him he had to go back down and I had to fight the Lassie Volker who didn't drop the totem after being defeated which technically makes this my second totem he then left the tower and continued to head Northwest until we ran into this small house in the middle of nowhere we wanted to see what's inside but this happened oh my God there's a guy [Music] probably one he wants at me and as you saw Killa got one tapped and I almost died if it weren't for my origin I would have been dead there killer spawn all the way back at the Taurus so while he was making his way back I decided it was time to put my crossbow to use since I was Far Away enough for the evoker or whatever that thing is to not see me I got a freak on him and then I ran up to see if he dropped the totem but unfortunately all he dropped was blue eyes and after killer riots we continue our journey and someone across another small house but there wasn't really anything good in it so we just kept going and once again not too far away we found a shipwreck in another small house I honestly have no idea what was happening because we've been just running into random structures non-stop so far and inside the chest I found a leather cap with protected 4 and a leather tunic with a new enchantment called the life Mandy this Jam has pretty much many but instead of it using your XP it uses your health which is definitely not worth it and then literally like 10 blocks away we found a ruined portal and inside of Chess I saw a cool looking bow and snatched it as fast as I could the bow had an enchantment called wild rage and to be honest I didn't know what it was all I knew was that the bow looked pretty cool so I made a dumb decision of dropping my crossbow that does way more damage for him back a weird prisoner's quarter structure to try to figure out what it does and really couldn't find anything so we decided to go to sleep so it got dark again once it became morning we began exploring again making our way through the snow still we found a seal and we murdered it sounded like an orphan we then found a really big house owned by a single Pillager which we killed and then proceeded to raid the house but unfortunately it had absolutely nothing inside I kind of wish this house spun in a better biome because we could have easily made this our home a couple more hundred blocks out we found another house but this time once we got close to it rain actually got triggered oh oh started I was a bit confused at first because it said one remaining but before entering the house I got attacked from behind and once I turned around I realized what was happening we got out of there pretty fast it came across more mushroom houses so we stole all the arrows from the dispensers not too far ahead we arrived at a village and the first thing that caught my eye was this new building that had item frames with different types of runes in it come in here come here come in here come here there's there's more stuff and now that we finally have runes we can actually use our wands oh I used it idiot after shooting my first one I realized that we're probably gonna need a crazy amount of rooms to actually use these Wands on the other side of the village I found another way Stone so of course I had to activate it I also found this cool garden house thing but anyways there wasn't really anything in the village for us so we made our way out to find more stuff and as the sun was Rising I came across this small structure that kind of looked like a well so of course I'd investigating once you made it down at first we thought this was some kind of dungeon and after looting a couple chests we ran into these strange looking iron golems and we weren't actually sure they were friendly or not so we ended up just killing them and in another room there was a bunch of emerald blocks behind some iron bars so we grabbed those I just picked up the emerald block and I became extremely heavy uh oh [Music] bro going down a long Corridor we didn't realize that this was some kind of underground Village when she started seeing a bunch of villagers around so uh we killed three innocent iron goals that were just doing their jobs but anyway since we got most of the loot at the beginning there wasn't really much else so we decided to head back to the surface at this point we are so tired of being in the snow biome I felt like it was the only bomb in the game but after running around for a bit we found two more Villages and one of them had a cool looking a cauldron thing I had like some sort of like XP effect whenever you right clicked on it it was pretty cool and then right behind it you won't believe it but we actually found some land we're free seeing land for the first time after three hours was so refreshing there wasn't much land here though since there was an ocean so we made a boat and satsu we found a random ship in the water and inside was a villager and a lot of cod it was also a cool looking fishing rod but I didn't really plan on doing any fishing so I just left it there we rode over to more land and there was another mushroom house but I didn't really need any arrows so I didn't bother going there we then were walking up this big hill until killer called me to come look at something and this is what we saw uh Jose what come here what look at him no I have no idea what this was but apparently there's some kind of quest and I got like a reward for it I have no idea we then found someone's grave and respectfully looted damn someone's engraved no I would never [Music] damn yo why'd this one have good things and this cool looking like flower if you go to biome type thing there's also like some kind of Honey Farm and we actually need this for the future so I'm glad we found it now we found another flower biome and bro these flowers were insane I had to walk around the F5 to actually see because they're so tall and there's so many of them but now I thought it was getting dark we thought it was a good time to go to sleep yo you put your bed right next to mine until this morning we continue to running Northwest until we stumbled across our first ruined portal and opening it I found a frost one that I'm probably never gonna use but I took it anyways and this new item called the greater orb of regret and it does exactly what the description says it refunds all of your attribute points just in case you wanted to change it up or you made a mistake but after that I looked at the portal and it kind of looks different it's actually made out of this new block called a blue obsidian I didn't know if this was like a some sort of new portal that's going to take us somewhere else or if it was just a regular another portal so I try to mix water and lava to finish it up but all that did was make regular obsidian and apparently you can't mix the two so we can see it forward and spotted two poser outposts right next to each other so we swam over there to take them out ridiculous have you seen mines I'm like I wear it on my necklace is my necklace foreign [Music] [Music] after putting them in their place we realized that we're running out of inventory space fast so color suggested that we make backpacks and has the man in the relationship I made him craft both of them and all I needed to do was to grab some wool and since there's already a bunch of sheep here it was an easy job for me and after getting enough wool I handed it over to him and he finished crafting the backpacks for us I've never really used backpack mods before so I was surprised to see the insane amount of storage this thing has like you can literally craft in it you can have two slots you can store liquids so I immediately filled it up with water and put in stuff that I didn't need at the moment and now that that's over with we made our way to the tower in the water that I've been eyeing since we got here and upon entering inside and checking all of the chests there wasn't really anything that we needed apart from a wavestone that I found on the top chest and so we kept moving forward but we ended up splitting up because killer had a dolphin and left me behind so I swam to Shore and headed west and so I found this huge village and as always all I did was steal their food and then I just loved it then there was more ocean so I had to make a bow and then I just headed north and then I ended up running into where color was at and now this part is kind of funny because when I was at the Village said this what I found the massive Castle you found it yes actually no oh my God yeah are we playing mod Jose no yeah so you can't see my POV I can't so I don't know what you found you found something and while I was approaching him I came across this jungle temple and um yeah just just listen to this oh I see what you found what a temple the jungle temple maybe you wanna know something what I 100 did not just see the temple and I'm 100 not heading to a ring what you're lying yeah so I don't know how you didn't see it but now that he said that we raced over to the temple and of course he made it there first because he had the Head Start and once I entered I carelessly ran around trying to get the loop before he did and doing so almost got me killed it's because it's a fake chest it's a bait but then we ended up finding the secret room that had two double chests and after opening them lava started pointing down from above and I grabbed what I could I mined away from the lava and imported my water to get rid of it I continued looting and I grabbed two items that I've never seen before but before I looked at what I got I wanted to move somewhere safer so I went up a little higher until I started talking about his new item the fire orb that he just got I also had the same items so we equipped it and tried to download some mobs and unfortunately it was kind of weak compared to our weapons that we already had and I don't know if we were supposed to upgrade it or it's for something else but I just put it away after getting to the surface Killah was showing off his new fire sword that he also got and that lets him do this insane looking rotating Inferno and then looking at the other item I got I realized it's an eye and it's not just any eye it's one of the 12 eyes that we actually need to activate the end portal so I'm glad we already got our hands on one we didn't continue North and didn't find anything close by so we decided it was finally in time to make a house but we weren't gonna make just any regular house we made it a competition to see who can make the best Castle but before that we needed to get some materials I first started chopping down this huge tree and this mod pack has some kind of Timber Mod where I only had to mine One log a couple times and then the entire thing comes down which saves me a lot of time oh it's down oh my God I broke it all I also got a bunch of cobblestone and before we started the killer wanted to show me something and um this happened okay down there present top you see this what what was that I don't know what the heck he just did but that nearly killed me anyways now it's actually time to build it also keep in mind color has a ton of experience compared to me so I don't know what I'm gonna be going for but I'm gonna just yellow it I decided I wanted to make the towers for each Corner out of wood and the wall is Cobblestone and then just repeat this on every side but before I actually finish building I went underground to get more Cobblestone where I ended up getting curious and finding this massive cave so of course even though I couldn't see anything I had to go investigate and doing so I found this new ore called morkai and I checked to see what I could make with it and I didn't really find much but I took it regardless because it was so dark in here I decided to head back up to the surface and finish the castle I built the rest of the walls and towers and added some spiral staircases inside of each Tower as well as a platform on top of each one of them so you can actually move around when you go on top I then added some finishing touches and boom that's the castle done kinda this took longer than expected and I didn't really want to spend too much more time building the interior since there's a lot more stuff to do and fun so I told the killer about the massive cave I found and we decided to head down to get some ore so we can get some better gear and after making it down we found this new ore called mithril and we couldn't mind it because our pickaxes were too weak but luckily killer had enough diamonds to make the diamond pickaxe so then he mined it and then handed it over to me and I checked to see if you can make anything good with it and there's actually a lot of stuff there's like a bunch of tipped arrows armors and tools we kept searching around and found out that this cave is actually a lot bigger than we first thought it was and not too far deeper we found a mine shaft but before we explore that Killa found some new type of ore called Moonstone with that war and another or called verglass we're able to make a pickaxe that's actually better than diamonds so we set out to find some more Moonstone and hopefully some wear glass as well but while searching for more we soon stumbled across a Sinister presence lurking in the shadows look to the left oh no we're right to your right what you don't see that thing look to your right behind the pillar right there too right that no on the left you don't see that black man oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I was looking at the Revenant I don't know what that is and without a second thought we ran away from that thing as we did not want to stick around and find out what it was and while we headed to another part of the cave I found some more Moonstone as well as some other ores that weren't too important but exploring this part of the cave and ended up leading us back to the mine shaft we saw earlier so since we are now here we thought it was a good idea to start exploring it now and heading inside we quickly realized this Mineshaft was a lot bigger than the usual one so we then quickly started looting some of the chests which led us to a trap door in the ground and entering it we found a lot of cobwebs and a spider spawner as well as a chest in the far corner so making my way through the cobwebs I made it to the chest and upon opening it I was glad to see that we actually discovered the Allah which now meant we needed 10 more eyes to activate the end portal so we didn't explore the rest of the mine shaft where we couldn't really find anything else that was useful apart from the second lost eye which I took because if these eyes worked the same way eyes of enders dude that means there's a chance of them breaking when tossed so it wouldn't hurt to have extras after leaving The Mineshaft we stumbled across some kind of dungeon structure that was inside of the wall so we made our way up and as expected it was a skeleton dungeon I immediately took him out and blocked myself inside of the first room where I found a chest that contained a bow with a new chairman called Phantom's Mark which makes targets glow so I decided to replace my current bow without and further into the dungeon I found enchanted books and this specific book called rushdown caught my attention as it gives me speed that Stacks whenever I get a go but then I realized there was also another level to this dungeon so making my way up I found a chest with another enchantment book and this one had freezing 3 which slows down targets which would be very useful for some of the bosses in the future another chest not too far contain an enchantment book with Tempo theft 3 and this steals Target speed while slowing them down and with all these books that I got I could practically become the flash whenever I get into a fight we then left the dungeon and as we ventured deeper into the cave we came across a red glance and at first we mistook it for being Redstone but then once we mined it we realized that it's actually gleaming ore and little did we know at the time finding this ore would be a huge game changer so we then descended deeper into the Decay and after what felt like an eternity searching we finally found verglassor the key ingredient we needed to craft the Moonstone pickaxe but our journey was far from over as we ventured further down we stumbled upon a lava pool and renewed was finally time to head to the nether so while color was making the portal I crafted the pickaxe and I kind of regret it because it came out as a common Moonstone pickaxe that has a lot of negative effects I also made a new sword called a blue moon great sword because once you combined it with another item that certain boss drops you can upgrade it into a stronger sword but because my leg is so bad it also came with terrible stats and to make matters worse our inventory was full of junk so I placed my waist down here so we can head back home don't bother our stuff and prepare to exit another so on the surface I smelted the ores that I got and I found out that I picked up an item that lets me spawn in my own Iron Golems to protect me which could be useful in the future I then checked out what items I can craft using Moonstone and I found this bow that gives me speed 4 every time I shoot it which piqued my interest but the issue is to craft it you need an item called the lord soul and you can only get it by killing certain bosses so this was something I would have to wait till later to make if you guys remember earlier I was talking about how the gleaming ore was a game changer well I found out there's a trinket that grants permanent night vision which would be extremely helpful when traveling anywhere and the cool part is that it's super easy to make so I grabbed all the stuff that I needed and I crafted it and this is what it looked like nah you don't understand how nice this is oh wow yeah this is this this fixes a lot of problems I then made a double chest to dump in all the stuff that I didn't need I haven't dumped anything no but now as we're about to make our way to the nether portal we realize that we're low on food so we split up to find some I went North where I immediately found a village but instead of looting anything I went to this huge statue in the distance that caught my eye and once I got close to it looked like a Steve holding a sword and making my way up I found a room inside of the head where I was greeted with two chests that had Diamond gear which was an upgrades from the iron armor that I had I then used a wavestone at the Village to teleport to the nether portal and reunited with killer and it was now time to enter the nether so we went through the portal and I don't know what's wrong with my luck but we got the worst spawn possible probably bridge over to that platform yeah we made a bridge over to land and drop down but little did we know we were not prepared for another year we both started overheating and running out of thirst way too quickly and my vision instantly became blurry so we decided to just head back yo I don't think we're ready for this and once you made it through the portal we broke the portal so we can build it next to our castle and as we made it to the surface I ran into a structure that leads back on the ground so I had to go investigate I found out that this was some sort of zombie dungeon exploring it I ran into a ton of zombie spawners and some chests but I didn't really find any good loot in them but then I came across this amethyst thing that we actually need to access one of the dimensions so I grabbed a couple blocks and made my way out of there and back to the house and once killer arrived we thought since we couldn't explode another yet we might as well shout out to another dimension and the first I mentioned on the list was the Twilight Force the portal was actually pretty simple to build all we needed to do was make a 2x2 with water surround it with flowers and toss a diamond in the water we then jumped in and upon arriving we checked our Quest and it actually gave us a map so we can find all of the bosses and looking at the map we realized that we spawned right next to the first boss that we need to fight Naga so we headed to the arena which kind of looks like a garden and once we got on top of the walls Naga immediately spawned in we stayed on top of the wall I was taking shots at it until this dude launched right at killer oh and after missing a couple shots I decided to head down and start using my sword on him and surprisingly he did like no damage to us but he did have a lot of hosts so I caught in my iron golems to help speed up the process and eventually he ended up breaking all of my armor but it didn't matter because my origin let's be tickets without even good armor and after a few minutes of just whacking him around I got the final blow on him and since I was a bit familiar with this Dimension I knew that it just spawns in the middle after you kill a boss so I quickly made my way there and I got some Naga skills that I crashes into a really nice shot split so now that we've defeated Naga the next boss to Twilight Lich was finally unlocked which means that we needed to use the map that we got and honestly I didn't know what the boss icon looks like so we kind of ran across the entire map searching for it and about 15 minutes later I turned up my rental distance and I saw the tower oh found it we made our way all the way up to the top where the Lich was already waiting for us and for his first stage we couldn't attack him because he had Shields surrounding him but we figured out that his clones can shoot him which it makes him take damage and loses a shield and after taking out the final Shield this happened oh I just took five hours oh oh my God it's popped my totem bro you have no armor I don't know if you guys saw that but not only did I pop my totem but I lost all 16 of my golden apples I don't know why or how this happened but it made the fight a lot harder because we both had zero armor but I did have a lot of iron so I quickly made a new set and I climbed back up to face the Lich I'm confused about that I had like 10 golden apples and it just died don't worry I'll I'll distract the minions you fight him I fight him it's on you now yeah I'm distracting the minions what do you mean I fight him hey oh my Lord he's coming he's coming for you run oh he's stuck he's coming yo you're idiot towards me oh he's just locked on to you he's not paying attention to me at all it hit him [Music] look at this and after easily defeating him we raced to steal all the loot he gave us and I stole the trophy and then I got the staff that lets me spotted some zombie minions so after that we made our way to the Dark Forest and I mined into this dungeon I was sticking out of the ground and I wasn't aware of it at the time but we ended up skipping two bosses so it wasn't letting us break any blocks or kill any mobs in here because the way this Dimension works you have to fight the bosses in order and if you try to skip any it simply won't let you so then realizing that we started making our way to the swamp and once we finally found the structure we made our way down facing new mobs and I don't know about you guys but they look kind of disturbing to me but anyways the structure seemed to be a maze so it was going to be quite difficult to get around but on the bright side I did find out that there's loot here but some of them are kind of Trapped but you know who who falls for traps anymore whoa and venturing a bit more I ended up finding some kind of chest room that had a new type of armor called Ironwood which is literally nine times better than my iron chest play which is crazy I also found some steel leaf that can be used to create new and better armor he then continued looking for the boss room when we suddenly got attacked by a bunch of mobs and I I honestly couldn't stand looking at these guys bro they triggered my tripophobia but finally after taking them out me color went a separate ways until Kila found a hole leading to the second floor we then spent 10 minutes running around cluelessly and so killer told me that he found the boss room and I try to make my way to him when I got jumped by every mom in the game I got pinched there's like 50 guys here bro Beatles after getting released from this ugly looking thing I don't even know what what this is to be honest I ran around the corner and I actually found the boss room there but I was getting chased so I had to block myself away from the Beatles until Kila came to back me up where's right here behind you damn why are they all here there's so many you're not gonna help me fight them I was alone oh my armor broke and once we were ready I placed my iron golem inside and really didn't have to do anything else because the ministry was focused on the Iron Golem and it was actually getting destroyed so while that was happening I started looting the chest it is enough oh I lied it it opens yeah I'm just looking inside of it I'm not even fighting Mazel offer was uh yeah I have a bunch of those right are these food or the boss was killed and I opened the chest and I stole the Minotaur ax and this was probably the best weapon in the game bro like so you guys remember the plan about upgrading the moon sword yeah forget about that this ax is insane on top of that I Enchanted it to make it even better but now that that's over with it's time to get out of here earlier till I mentioned that you can blow up walls so I used the TNT that I got from the chest and made our way out of this place and after making it back to the surface we made our way towards the fire swamps where the next boss is the Hydra and running around this hill we finally found him and we didn't know how to find him at first so we kind of got up close and this happened um so I decided to watch a quick YouTube video and learned that we just need to shoot him in the head and whenever he shoots Fireballs just hit it back into him so we kept doing that until we finally took out one of the heads but all that did was make him grow two more so now he had five and again we took out another head and now he had six and then another head and now he had seven but after that we kept taking out heads and he kept growing them but some seemed to be the limit so we continued shooting the heads and the Fireballs back and I'm kind of surprised he couldn't move or do any more attacks after 20 minutes of shooting Fireballs back at him we finally got him low and of course I got the final blow on him no way you stole it from me and once the chest bonding I open it and got some Hydro chops and these were actually very useful for one of the future bosses because not only is it food it also gives us regeneration so we then made our way all the way back to the Dark Forest and entered the huge Towers to fight the yoga so we didn't realize we made another mistake and skipped another boss and the next boss was actually supposed to be the Phantom Knights which is located in the dungeons on the ground that we accidentally went into earlier so we made our way there we came across the real entrance to this dungeon and to enter we needed to place one of our trophies so I did that and once we were inside we ran around and exploring different rooms until we spotted this one room that was behind two iron fences and entering it spawned in a bunch of night fandoms which then we realized it was actually the boss room and this was actually kind of surprising because the dungeon has three floors so the chances of it spawning on the first floor is pretty rare finding these guys was a lot easier than we thought it would be even though there was a bunch of them they only had about 150 health and since I had an opx we were able to take them out super quickly one of the bags one shot there we go oh what so now it was time to take on the air gas so we ventured back to the tower structure and as we ascended the tower we stumbled upon chess filled with valuable resources in a delicious cake just for you we didn't capture the puzzle room but instead of spending a lot of time trying to figure it out we just simply built up and reaching the top I found another chest with even more valuables which is very useful but in this same room with four different directions we can go in and one of them had to lock doors so we figured that we had to go into the other three directions to find keys to open the door so as we began searching for these Keys we discovered a ton of Loot and then one of the chest I found a key that we needed and now only needing three more I checked the other Tower and found yet again another key while at the same time Killa found his two keys we then met up at the locked door and used the keys to unlock it but continuing up the tower we found another one of those puzzle rooms from the start so we kind of cheated again and just built up and not too far up we ran into this new mob called The Blaze Guardian which is actually a mob that I was supposed to kill in another and upon killing it it dropped absolutely nothing so we just kept going up until we ran into another one of those four-way rooms with a locked door so we again split up and found two keys each letting us unlock the door and we then came across another one of those puzzle rooms so we just built all the way up once again but then reaching the next floor we found item frames with a crafting table is showing us some kind of a crafting recipe and following the recipe gave us some managing blocks which means we could make one of those cool looking doors there's also some kind of redstone Contraption and activating it something interesting happened oh what's this I don't know whoa where'd you do I don't know and I was confused what just happened we continue to forward where we found another recipe and wrestle contraption I already made wait this is something new hard car minute permits I got carbon it's [Music] I ain't gonna flip the lover we didn't continue up the stairs where we reached the final floor where your gas was waiting for us but luckily I was compared for this boss fight on this top floor there are tires on each side that has gas trap the way it works once they start ringing you can actually activate it and it's gonna pull the your gas closer to us so that we can start attacking it with our weapons foreign but the only way to charge up the gas traps is by killing the baby gas that randomly spawned there and if we end up not killing the baby gas then the ear gas will absorb them which heals him I know he just absorbed it all also my ex is about to break it's not six percent you're about to be honest yeah yeah there's a whole bunch of small gas on me I'm not activated he's coming to me what's up my ex is about a break it's about a break yeah oh and uh he's coming he's coming uh here here he sucked all the one they all have so many you might have to split up here no he's on this one no he's like the other one no I almost got hit off he just parked up all the one over here I'm about to die I popped a totem no way [Music] he's coming to me now there's a bunch on me now you coming I'm coming [Music] pulling it I'm here I'm here come running okay yeah yeah okay yeah [Music] oh no I didn't get him I didn't get him I didn't get him he's on me oh wait I pulled him oh wait he was just on me yeah he like switched he saw me he's on me as I ran out of food we finally got him to have health but as I ran over to help kill it out my life flash before my eyes and then oh my God I fell off like I clutched I popped the totem yeah oh my God I got stuck here and with a 1000 IQ and the pro I made it back to the top surviving with only four Hearts to spare and then I ran over to Killa where he dropped me a bit of food so we can continue the battle come on hit it wait it's not working hello okay there like I was taking the button and nothing was happening it might be coming to me soon he's I think he's coming to me he's coming to me I got him he's going to me now he's coming to me I got him [Music] are we shooting from here and kill him I don't know I am my last I.E my last button he's right here [Applause] W and after defeating that spawned in the chest I had an item called carmenites and with this we could make even more Vanishing blocks reappearing blocks and other cool stuff but now as our journey was far from over the next boss on the list was the yeti so we used our maps to locate him and upon arriving we were matched with a ton of wolves and baby yetis but they were practically harmless but right in the middle lied to spawner for the yeti so once we were ready we got close to spawn them in and we immediately noticed that this guy is immune to arrows so we had to fight this guy up close after getting close to him we found out that one of his attacks created some sort of snow aura that damages you so we had a backup and wait for him to stop having a tantrum however after he stopped having a tantrum I got close to him but this time he grabbed me already tossed me away pick me up all right watch out when he does that he's like he's like an aura we can't hit him and about three minutes they're just slapping him around and we finished him off hit him he's won and inside of the chest I spawned with some Alpha Yeti fur which could be used to craft some good armor but now that we took him out that meant our time in this Dimension was almost over as we only had to fight with my boss to snow queen and luckily she was very close by so we didn't have to travel far at all but the structure she was located in was insanely tall so making our way up the tower I made the dumb decision of splitting up and I went my own way which led me right into a dead end and now I was lost but why I was trying to find my way back Killa made it all the way to the top making the Snow Queen spawn in so he had a fighter on his own ah and by the time I found the correct the way up the killer had already taken her out bro so I kind of missed out on all of the Lou which was kind of unfortunate but I did deserve it since I was stealing all of the loot from the earlier bosses and that marks the end of our journey in this Dimension so we took the cool way out of this place by jumping out of the window found out portal and returned back home so now that's one out of The Six Dimensions visited and the next one that we plan on going to is the present Dimension which contains very deadly boss that dropped one of the best weapons in the game but before that we had some stuff to do first I cracked this block called a forge controller and with this it lets us smell a bunch of oars and mix them to create different ingots allowing us to make even more armor for backup because in this mod pack armor breaks very fast we then decided to head back to another to see if we couldn't even get anywhere but after going through the portal since it wasn't too far from the wrestle remade we got an even worse spawn oh my God we spawned right in the sky surrounded by deadly gas so then Killa panicked and he fell down but as he tried to get back up he started getting attacked by a bunch of skeletons so that he was forced to run away and mine into a wall and he actually ended up being trapped there because he was alone Health had zero food and his thirst was going down at a really fast array so it became my job to go save him I bridged over to the trees and dropped down trying to find him but at the same time being attacked by a bunch of mobs however it didn't take long to find him since he made a hole in the wall for me to go inside ah you let him in no close store you then place a cauldron so I can place my water and since I was also running out of thirst we had to share it but this dude literally stole it all so I got even more water for my bag and he kept stealing it I got even more he kept stealing it thank you so then I started dying and I had no other choice but to run all the way back to the portal and after going through it I immediately jumped into a pool of water so I guess that means we aren't ready for the nether yet and we weren't entirely sure how to prepare for that but we'll worry about that later as we had another problem to deal with food and neither of us had any food so we then again split up looking for some and remembering about that Village I saw earlier I headed back there and I got a bunch of hay bales which is going to last me quite a bit since I was already back here I might as well keep looking around for more stuff but not too far I found out that we're actually on an island and jumping into the water I saw some sort of creature in the distance and upon getting close to it I noticed his name Giant nudibrant and it seemed pretty friendly so out of curiosity I right clicked it and I could actually tame it so I did that and riding this guy was actually insane because it was really fast on land and I later find out how I can travel even faster speeds in the Water by spam jumping but as I was making my way back to the house to show killer he told me that he located the portal to head to the Mind cells Dimension which was perfect timing since we were already planning to head there so using the way Stone I teleported to where he was at which happens to be right next to the spawn which is kind of funny and to activate it all we needed was to have a single diamond in our inventory which we already had so we made our way in entering the main room we found some interesting looking models but luckily they weren't much of a certain [Music] these guys are weak we gotta find another portal that leads us to the boss and going down this big Corridor had even more corridors to the left and right with some chests so we looted some of those and in one of them I got this Assassin's dagger thing that does 12 damage plus five and you strike from behind which is almost as good as my ax which is pretty cool and after making it to the end of the corridor it was a hole in the ground leading to another floor but going down we realized that this floor is almost exactly the same as the above one another long Corridor with more on the sides with chest and this time instead of another dagger I got this Blood sword that does 11.5 damage and applies bleed to enemies which makes this a pretty unique weapon and on top of that has a stagger enchantment which slows down Target so this is something that would be useful during a lot of fights and at the end of this Corridor it was another hole in the ground so we went down and this floor again was nearly the same as the top ones and a set of a blood sword I got a katana this time it had a cool charge ability as well as an enchantment that heals you when you collect XP but with only dealing 7 damage it wasn't really worth it and after reaching the end we finally found the portal that's supposed to take us to the boss room so I placed the bed thinking we could just set a respawn here just in case but oh so uh we just gotta hopefully not die we went through the portal and spawned inside of this room with an elevator and writing it down the boss was chained up waiting for us to free him and the way to fight this guy is by simply attacking it with our weapons and bows until he brings out his tentacles which the Embraced one of his chains but what makes his boss hard is how much he moves like this dude literally a headbutts you and runs away so you're only able to hit one or two hits before he backs up so we're kind of forced to use a lot of our arrows for this but this is also where the blood sword comes in handy because even though you're only going to be able to hit him once or twice when he headbutts you with the blood sword he'll just keep taking damage because there's a bleed so after slapping him around for a bit we got him low enough to activate his first set of technicals as tentacles and he has weakness foreign and now he has this new attack where he kind of just like cries oh he's peeing on you and honestly bro this guy's attack is so annoying to deal with and my armor broke like a million times I had so many ingots in my bag and I ran out and I ran out of arrows too and even food like Claire had to start giving me some of his rotten flesh so I don't die but luckily it didn't take too much longer to take him down and finally clean him dropped the sword that I was talking about earlier he's dead bro you took the curse word oh oh the cursed sword this thing does 43 damage but the downside of using it is that it places a curse on you that ends up killing you not too long after wielding it this other sweater was alright but it wasn't anything crazy so I didn't really see myself ever using it but now that we're done here we went back to the Overworld and killer wanted to test out the sword deep slate in Blackstone what what the hell I literally fled leave so you get your oh what I want tap you yeah so as you can see he died just from having it out but he also killed me in one shot and keep in mind I'm supposed to be taken because of my Origins so apart from the death thing this sword was broken before we started making plans to venture to another dimension and we started smelting some of the extra ores that we had to make new armor pieces and this Karma chess play is probably the best piece I've ever crafted because it has plus eight armor on top of that plus five Karma shield and plus two max out so imagine having the entire set I'd be on a killable at that point but the only problem is that kyber is pretty rare so I only had enough for the chest plate and since arm is break so fast it wouldn't be worth spending a lot of time just to get armored to have a break with one boss fight but yeah since we just been fighting boss at their boss we decided to just chill and explore for a bit since there's probably a lot more that we haven't seen yet and it was I right about that probably not so far east I found another one of those Pillager towers and went on top killed the evoker that was holding the totem however while I was on top of the tower I spotted a huge Monument right behind of a small hill so me and Killa immediately headed over there and upon arriving I noticed that this was actually one of the new Ocean Monuments and I'm not really sure why I spawned on land but we just went inside anyways and we immediately went to the top floor and collected an insane amount of emerald blocks I was hiding behind some walls and since this structure didn't spawn underwater there weren't any Elder Guardians to kill which is something we need to do for one of the eyes to go to the end so as there was nothing else to do here we ended up leaving I later then ran into the honey farm that we saw at the very beginning which made me remember that the eating ring portal requires wax copper so since I was already here I collected the Honeycombs while Killa was already getting the copper so we can almost head to the eating ring with Dimension and apart from the copper we also needed amethyst blocks and clusters and I did get the blocks earlier but it doesn't even matter because I didn't get any clusters so we had to go back to the caves looking for them but after some time went by we were kind of struggling trying to find this thing until I opened my map and I realized that I can actually see it on the map and then the exact chords to it so I directed killer and he found the Clusters so arriving back to the surface it was time to build the portal I don't okay and immediately after going through it we noticed that this was some kind of like space Dimension and we spawned on this really small island so we built over to one of these orb looking thingies and then to this huge floating island but I did end up doing research about this Dimension and although it does have a lot of different kinds of blocks and biomes there wasn't really any type of bosses or items that could help us progress or help us when facing new and harder enemies and since the goal was to only visit that I mentioned we decided to head back to the Overworld however the next dimension on the list was the Bumble Zone and the way you enter is actually super easy all you needed to do was Pro into a beehive and we already had both of those so we immediately traveled there but after arriving we realized that exploring this is going to be really hard since we are like walking in Honey and moves really slow nonetheless we are still gonna try to see what was here collecting the rewards for traveling here we got a compass that supposedly leads us to a cell maze so we assume that that's where we have to go and eventually we spotted some sort of being a structure in a distance and getting close to me and killer got an effect called the wrath of the hive and as of right now I wasn't entirely sure what it was but what I did know was that Aries single V was after killer so we quickly checked this place out and at the top were cocoons that were actually chess with honey shards inside however with these the only useful item was a shield that I couldn't really use because of my origin so we decided to just get out of there because Chloe's getting overwhelmed with all these bees and while getting away we ended up running into another building that looked like some kind of Castle and entering it was a lot of decorations but what we wanted was some op Lou we built all the way up to see if there was anything up there and there happened to be something but it was just more cocoons with Honeycombs and bolts inside so we then also left that structure and searched for the bee queen and eventually I came across some sort of Castle or Fortress and I wasn't sure if this is where the B Queen was at but I broke a single block and I was full of regret look at this look at all these bees I'm gonna actually die here no you won't because I'm here I don't I might I couldn't hit you on that I also ran out of food so I had no choice but to leave back to the Overworld however when I spawned at the house killer actually spawned back where the world spawns at and he decided to try out the ocean for a bit where he found a pirate ship in the ocean Monument so since the ocean Monument is something that we actually need to get an eye I headed over there to place a wasteland for later and at some point I just started running in one direction for like 20 minutes until I found this like Pillager Village and I saw evokers inside of it so I had to try to get the totems thank you I then spotted one more so I think that was worth it and not too far from the village was a pirate ship so I hopped on and killed all the pillagers and in one of the chest was a treasure map so of course I had to follow the map I was then at the location and fighting the buried treasured I found the black eye which makes that our third eye awesome it's now day 55 which means we're more than halfway done but I still had two more Dimensions to go to so the next one I wanted to go to was the Aether which I'm assuming a lot of you guys know what that is so for this I would have to go to another but we did have a problem with instantly becoming dehydrated once we entered the nether so I made a big boy decision of getting rid of it so I didn't hop right in grab some glowstone and built the portal but then I had another issue since I just entered the nether there's also a temperature mod and it makes my vision blurry and I was legit waiting like 10 minutes so I just I just had to get rid of that too but anyways you guys might be wondering what I'm even doing here so I'm here to get a set of armor there's an order called gravitai and I wanted to get some more armor since soon we're gonna be heading to the nether which is probably gonna be chaotic and I had no luck strip mining so I mined all the way to the end of the island and I found some sticking out of the island across from me so of course I had a bridge over the void and I built up to get those oars and then further up was another vein so I suppose super high up to get those and so then now I was finally able to make the full size I was then ready to head back but then I tried to mine down and this happened oh my God bro oh my heart is dropped that right there could have been the end of it all I'm so glad that the Slime decided to not knock me off but anyways I made it back to the four-door and into the Overworld safely so now that we didn't have to worry about thirst or overheating that means we can now enter another adventure and going through we fearlessly took on all the skeletons that were waiting for us I have to clean them I remember seeing an item caught a moonstone compass and with this it points towards a boss and another that drops a very important item used to craft op weapons however before we made our way there we wanted to find a fortress first to grab some blaze rods and some Loot and after traveling through the different biomes I ran into a lava ocean where I then spotted two different structures The Fortress and then some sort of Coliseum so we entered the Fortress first but only after wandering around for a bit I read through some sort of structure that looked like a regular jungle temple and inside I located two chests that contained loads of swords that had multiple enchantments these swords were actually really good but unfortunately since there were only Stone swords they weren't as good as my ACT damage wise and heading back to the Fortress I came across the castle structure that seemed to be connected to the Fortress and answering it had to wither at you I also realized that there's another floor to this place so I went up the stairs and I found some barrels but the loot wasn't really good so we decided to just leave but immediately right after we left we found a couple blades that were shooting at us so we assumed spawner was in that same direction and yep it was so we found a little bit of blaze rods just in case we ever needed for anything after we got a couple we decided to head out and check out the Coliseum now however after getting up and into the structures we were met by a bunch of blazes and there was this big one called wildfire and I thought this guy was going to be a boss at first but surprisingly he was just a regular mob so we're easily able to take him out but we soon realized there was another floor after mining down and this time we were met by a bunch of Wither skullies but they're easy to take out as well because they couldn't reach us and inside the barrows were a bunch of iron so we collected those and left in search for a Bastion because one of the eyes that we need spawns there but literally as we were leaving I found a ship and it looked just like an end ship and entering it opening the chest I find netherway boots and like this was kind of nice but the only downside is that it had cursive binding so I was gonna just save it for later after that we continued our journey looking for the Bastion and that surprisingly didn't even take too long as it was only a few hundred blocks out and entering I didn't know what type of Bastion this was but we checked the chest at the top and we didn't find an eye so that meant we had to go look for another so I decided to just run in One Direction and hopefully find one and doing so I came across this cool looking biome and then this ugly one right next to it as well as another Fortress but I ignored it and I just kept running forward and so I finally came across the Bastion and thank God this one was the treasure Bastion I immediately ran to the middle and dropped down and as expected opening the chest I obtained the cursed eye which now means we only need eight more to go which is almost halfway done as there was nothing else to do in here I made my way out and decided it was time to follow the compass to fight the boss but while I was making my way out I actually ran into a piglet Village I also had a waist on here which is pretty cool so I activated just in case I ever needed to travel here and continue my way looking for this balls and finally about an hour of searching the Boss Bar finally appeared on my screen meaning he was right in front of us I found him the boss yes oh my God 4K blocks I ran but since I was in Sebastian I first thought he was under us but after using my eyes I finally found the structure the compass was literally pointing at so we headed over there and before we actually went and saw it I used my extra obsidian to make a portal so we can set our spawn point just in case we were to die and we went back in and now it was time to face of the cane King foreign I fell straight into the lava nah oh no no it says a week and after defeating it it dropped his sword as well as the Lord's soul and that killer picked up and this sword lets me do some kind of Slam attack but the damage wasn't nearly as close as my axes however on Killer's side since he got the Lord's Soul he was now able to craft a special weapon with abilities and after thinking about it for a bit he ended up crafting the mjolnir which is actually a pretty good choice considering all of the abilities that it has oh sorry I got I got mad jeez and so we did want to try killing the Wither for another eye since we already had the schools for it but to play it safe we decided to spawn it extremely far away from the house and this is how it went I don't know oh my God I'm done oh wait let me know [Music] I died stay there I get it he hit me so I have a stack of 70 dirt so we decided that we're just gonna have to miss out on getting that eye since that one seems really hard to get however we do have one last Dimension that we actually had to visit so we decided to do that next but the thing is we can't make the portal it's actually located in an ancient city and finding one would be quite difficult and will most likely take up too much time and I personally didn't want to go mining for potentially hours so we just used a size locate command just this once and I was right the closest one was about 10 000 blocks away so to make our journey a tad bit shorter we teleported to spawn and started heading towards the ancient city from there but traveling that kind of distance anyone's bound to run into different kinds of structures and yeah I came across a few about a thousand blocks now not only did I run into one of those Tower structures with the evokers but also some kind of mushroom Village right below it cutting off the bottom of the Tower and as I was about to enter the large mushroom in the center this Mushroom Man started charging at me so I turned around and headed for the tower but since there was no stairs for the towers I had to go up the classic way using my water bucket and once I made it up I got my totem and it went back down the same way I went up but while I was up on the tower I did spot some kind of ruins in the distance so I decided to investigate and upon getting closer it seemed to be some sort of spider dungeon and exploring it I found no chest so I kind of just left but to be honest I'm probably just blind and missed them however I did notice that there was a witch hide in my inventory that I got from the tower and combining it with an Eye of Ender I was able to create their witch eye which now meant that we needed seven more eyes to go but literally right after I told Killa that I got The Witcher he then dropped another eye that he's been carrying since we visited the Nether and it was the nether eye that he got from The Fortress so he didn't give it to me which now meant that we only needed six more to go so we're halfway done and that's Tower numero dos give me that bye-bye and I think we're here oh this is so big that's what she said so to enter this new dimension we actually need to kill the warden and then it should drop a heart that we can use on the massive portal in the middle but before doing all that we wanted to loot first you know the wording isn't real and everything was going well until this happened he spawned and it wasn't just one I spotted another one soon I spawned in another one not two I spawned him again I haven't spawned him once but three wardens so I ran towards the portals thinking I was safe but apparently not okay oh my God oh my God I got hit for me why are we right next to each other oh he smacked me oh I'm gonna die [Music] no I see you down there I'm about I'm out I'm out of there and as I thought I got away another one you spawned another one and it was I was even moving that time another one another one got me ready oh my God oh my God you just hit me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm actually dead I'm dead oh my totem I'm dead he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me don't worry if I see you die I'll go pick up your grave I'm done stop talking doctor see where you are I'm not crouching I'm running you're on your own buddy actually dead it's gonna be on your own he's on me I'm dead I'm wondering I'll find another one foreign that's crazy no no you you brought him towards me we just barely got away but it wasn't too long until they found us again so we built all the way up until they couldn't hit us and while Killa started throwing his mjolnir I started placing that drip Stone so we can finally kill at least the one and after we finally got a killer drop down to pick up the heart and he flew away to Go activate the portal so I didn't carefully made my way there I'm done yeah I'm gone bro I'm bringing him you bringing him to me nah that's crazy and we went through the portal and on the other side no pun intended we seem to have a permanent Darkness until I realized that we had to craft Warden helmets to actually see so we had to go back to the portal and made a way to head back home but before heading back we wanted to make one more lap around the city to make sure we weren't missing anything but something interesting happened what the heck is that there's a boss what it's like a mini boss here a boss working that's like a it's got a it's called a stalker I just killed it I wasn't sure what that was at first but apparently it was some kind of mini boss that we were supposed to defeat but yeah that was unexpected but cool we then put it back home to craft the helmet with all the items that we got from the city and the netherway Ingot that I got earlier in another and uh to be honest I could have crafted it there at the dimension but we don't talk about it we didn't tell her put it back and headed into the portal and now we can actually sing but immediately we realized that the ground was made out of skull so we started farming a bit of XP and unfortunately I had a slow ho so I couldn't Farm as much as I wanted to but we didn't start adventuring around this Wasteland seeing no signs of structures or mobs until we reach this other biome where we then found out how infected this place is fandoms and weird centipede things and we weren't entirely sure what there is here or what to even do so we checked the quest but finding that there's just a few mobs that we can kill and one that we can actually tame and I was immediately interested in the one that could be tame so and for it to actually spawned we first need to fight infested school and it took quite a while but we finally found some which then spawn the shriek Worm but not only did they spawn that it also spawned in the Smoke Snappers which is the ones that actually get tamed but the only problem was that we need to feed it in enchanted netherade chest blade but she wasn't that big of a deal because we just barely had enough materials to make it so now being able to tame it I right click them with the chest plate and he was now mine but my game froze what happened saving world the server is disguard the server crashed and while booting it back up I did some research on the Snapper and apparently it randomly drops enchanted books which would be really good but as I was trying to get back on the server it kept crashing and I think the dimension got corrupted somehow so I had to TP myself back to the Overworld and once I did the server stopped crashing but since I tv'd myself I lost the Snapper bro so I literally just lost another red chest plate for nothing and although we lost something possibly op this element that our goal of visiting other dimensions was now complete which also means that we now need to find the last cup of eyes so we can enter the end and fight the End Dragon but we had to choose what to go for next there is a cold eye Fountain and glues corrupted eye fought in Pillager Outpost the evil eye bought from a master cleric the exotic eye crafted with aquatic items the guardian eye dropped by Elder guardians or or the old eye found in desert pyramids we decided to go looking for the desert pyramid since that one seems to be the hardest one because deserts are so rare to find for some reason but luckily I did craft this Nature's Compass earlier and with this I can locate any biom I want so selecting the desert apparently the closest one was only 500 blocks away which was surprising so I headed over there but this doesn't really look like a desert if you guys can look at this is the desert right here foreign and we really didn't have a choice but to just keep heading in One Direction until the compass can scan for another desert so I got another one of those water boys and headed east but not even too far I ran into an actual volcano and on the other side of this thing it was a village but before I went to the Village I spotted this pirate guy and killing him dropped the chest and then dropped a bunch of gold and to be honest I wasn't bothered enough to loot The Village because we had to find that desert as we were running out of days and a few thousand blocks later I refreshed the compass and we are only 5 000 blocks away let's go on my way there I encountered some kind of Castle structure and answering it I saw this big statue with an altar right in front of him and the structure also had chests in every single Corner however I had to search up what this altar does and I found out that I had to right click it with the lost soul that I got from the chest all right you ready boom oh well it's not ready here and place the Waypoint down just in case we die yo he deflected that uh wait there's a guy behind him I think he's healing him oh then um where am I what [Music] okay hello I couldn't hit him can't hit him this dark sorcerer is hitting me and I can't hit him oh I caught him [Music] damn this is weak I know he's weaker I'm just super strong he looks like he would be strong but he's like oh there's a another thank you and killing them dropped the Lord sword that killer once again picked up and then his weapon and uh this weapon is actually pretty useful because of the resistance and absorption when you shift clicked oh yeah that was pretty cool I wonder if there's more bosses where I'll come across soon and uh yeah there's actually more as I was looking at the quest book it came to my attention that there's a boss that can track with the Moonstone Compass I actually found that that killer already took out the boss when he came across it on his own but there is still another boss called the Fallen icon that can be spawned at another altar using an item that killer got from the compass boss so hoping we find another one on our way we continue desert hunting but literally not too long after starting the hunt again I came across the Woodland mansion and I almost rode past it because I wasn't looking at my screen so of course I had to go inside to get the totems oh oh wooden Woodland mansion oh okay golden apples the one getting back into the ocean towards the desert I wasn't paying attention to the distance and I didn't realize how close I actually was I found a village and this desert seemed really promising so I kept moving forward until see another Village too foreign wait wait I found it I found the temple [Music] there's two temples there's like a city what is happening there's like three temples six four wait what what am I no idea what I'm looking at the chances of this all spawning right next to each other is insanely low and we actually deserve this for traveling so far and right now it's out of my render distance but we find something bigger than all of this combined but let's check out the temple first answering from the top we soon realized that this wasn't any ordinary Tempo this one has puzzles that we had to complete and we couldn't just cheat because we had Mighty fatigue but I'm Lindo and don't care so I broke one of the pieces of the wall and used my water bucket to go right through oh I see the TNT okay oh we're gonna reach that far also use this way because hold on there's a struts that I saw people use before [Music] um I hope it doesn't explode I just let me crawl [Music] wait there's no way in break the Piston I'll break this piston over here wait the Piston oh yeah [Music] all right now we go back yep and then we drop to the second floor and it seemed to be full of different kinds of rooms that we have to go through trying to find something that opens the next floor oh a chance to grow an apple bruh w ow Orange I don't need four arrows whoa I'm so dumb I literally went in a circle yo there's a parkour yeah I went I went across it you get the chest yeah you're just golden carrots scaffolding oh another parkour eventually we found this throne room and going inside of it got rid of our money fatigue a spawners another Enchanted going Apple yo and going back to the second floor entrance it seemed like entering the store room also opened the chest room bit at the bottom so opening the chest I then found the old eye so that means we need five more to go and after looting the rest of their stuff we made our way out of the temple and we ran towards this tiny temple with some kind of settlement next to it inside of the buildings where a few chests diluted but going to the top I found something that was unexpected what is that I got an eye what I got a corrupted eye okay apparently this counts as a villager Outpost which is good killed two birds with one stone entering this tiny Temple I noticed that it was amazed with traps and I'm assuming at the end it was a chest but of course killer in his luck he just randomly dug into a corner and found the chest without having to do anything and now before entering the regular desert temple I did say that there was something else that we find but we didn't see at the time well now is that time oh oh oh it's the thing I saw in the screenshot it's the screenshot thing some context as to what I'm talking about I made another world to get some cinematics and stuff and I spawned on top of this massive structure and I thought this was it but before we headed over there we first checked out the regular desert temple [Music] why I destroyed the professor maybe it was a trap chest now it's time to go to this huge City thing going up the stairs we found a few chests as well as a couple spawners but the real deal happens once we reach the target foreign stuff that's that's double my damage it says it seemed like the best loot only spawned on top of these buildings we decide to just go for those he jumped down ain't no way he's looking at me only all right okay all right all the way to the top oh it's yummy some good stuff wait chill got the right Arcane one there's a good stuff up here I was kind of forced to use my ender pearl so killer doesn't get all the loot and during these chests I then realized that I could be taking all of these armor pieces so I wouldn't have to keep making new sets in the middle of fights because they break so fast by the way I'm not the tallest Towers no ways oh hey how'd you get up here I see her end of her at you I have to use my under Pros you want liquor yeah yeah drop me some liquor that's right arcade one I'll take that I grabbed a couple more sets of armor until we finally finished looting and headed back East to check if there was anything else that we have missed and actually there was a sky village I see another Castle another uh does the night Castle we just bought uh South we decided to check out the village first take the water bro I didn't have a budget a video about you I fought the totem no way Anna once he finally got on top we then realized that there's not really anything here so all right uh I'm not there yet so I'm entering it we immediately spawned in the boss using the essence item that Kayla got for killing an earlier boss so why is he stronger this time yeah this is a a better form his second evolution I guess there I don't know he's almost dead why is he Awkward on me I don't know yo oh he just he regened he's on his second form I guess second stage yo why is he harder don't worry you just strike that I'm just gonna slap him it's only locked on to you [Music] kill him got him [Music] I didn't get a single thing killing him dropped the moon sword a lord soul and essence of illuminescence so if all of this new Loop we teleported back to the house and started chicken out what weapons we can craft with these things I ended up crafting the sword of Frey which works the exact same way as the terror Prisma from Terraria as well as the pure moonlight great sword that lets me do this cool attack when I right click we then decided to head back to the nether because there are still two more bosses to fight there and the first one is the nether Gauntlet now this guy took very long to find so his jobs better be worth it oh this box I thought it was like a smaller box it's actually pretty big and then we had a mind this eye right here and you should spawn in I don't have a bow oh oh he gets up close to you [Music] [Music] bro it's accurate on you oh he's going to you now it was a joke nine [Music] don't hurt to me Oh I thought you died it killed my sword I don't know my sword had HP [Music] I think I found him [Music] got hit up with my bleed but it moves so much there we go my bleed oh I've been hitting him with that all the time [Music] I'm stuck in the hole what is this all right solo [Music] is like hitting me down he wants to keep it down yeah wait the fire [Music] killing him spawned in a couple ancient debris and looking in the quest book we got the materials we needed to spawn in the next boss so without any hesitation I collected the ancient debris and I wanted to fight this boss at the Village because it had a big flat area so we made our way there and now all we needed to do was make the arena place the shards and then he should spawn in oh what just happened yeah I was confused too I thought it didn't work for a second [Music] is he oh what is he doing always alive he's not broken just like go away [Music] oh my God they're all in the way bro I'm calling my sword back my sword keeps hitting them don't worry he's not going on you I got this bruh you just hit a bomb at me oh no it's a mini back boom yo do you have mad HP too I'm about to die I'm about to die um I couldn't run oh my God he sent you flying good thing there's a roof like right above broke out weakness too what a loser a loser I'd have to give people a weakness if you don't die yeah he just threw a block at me I'm blind oh he changed forms oh he's faster I think give me slowness hunger and Mining fatigue yo I got mine and fifteen three call him hit you I have a potion but I don't know where it's at beer never mind beer is terrible it gives weakness for it hmm yeah he's about to fall off like what does he do I almost healed him and just threw me off he's trying to fall off at this point I don't know what he's doing he's shaking he's dancing where's he going my action came back oh like who made this kid so stupid oh he's gonna walk off he's so close he's on the edge he's on the edge he's on the edge what is wrong with this guy he knocked me off I don't know what was wrong with him but the rest of the fight he just stood there that's crazy killing him dropped his heart which he can replace yours with it giving you two entire hearts and the rewards for the quest gave me Gilda and netherite fragments a god Apple a crate and some food and the crazy thing about this netherite fragment is that I can actually make armor that's better than netherray so immediately that's exactly what I did I went back to the house and turned all of my diamond armor into netherrite and then upgraded my netherrite with the fragments and apart from the entrance I was kind of op however we now had less than 10 days to collect the remaining eyes so we immediately teleported to a village where Killa started maxing out the clear until he unlocked the evil eye Comics now we need three more and now I wanted to kill two birds with one stone so I went for the guardian eye but at the same time I'm going to be trying to get the Exotica the exotic eye needs two conduits which means we need 16 shells two hearts of the Seas and also we need four core of fans and that sounds like a lot but you'll see later how crazy my luck is anyways I went to the ocean monument that I placed away stone at earlier and entered a located Guardian number one [Music] and he didn't drop the eye so I had to look for the second Guardian now [Music] and he didn't drop it either so now I had to find another Monument but right after leaving I found some kind of underground loot thing and in the chess had five shows but I only picked up three because I'm dumb and I didn't see the other so now I knew that I just needed to find these structures to get a bunch of those I then found a shipwreck that had a map which means I need one more harder to see since you're guaranteed one for every buried chest but before I headed there I ran into another ocean Monument so I had to go inside and killing the first Guardian didn't drop it but after fighting the second one this happened oh there he is [Music] come on no really no he did he dropped it so now we only need two more eyes we have seven days left so I then continued following the map until I found the buried treasure but apparently the heart of the sea isn't guaranteed with this mod pack so I then went up the lighthouse that was right next to me and at the very top had a chest with one show so I then went back show hunting and so I found another buried treasure map and while traveling I found another one of those loot things which gave me six but it wasn't over yet I found another one that had five which now meant that I had enough even more I don't need more but let's go but then I found another one like I don't know if I hit the jackpack or something because I found another one boom you're more even more is always when you don't need something that you find it the most but finally I made it to the island with the buried chest blowing it up I finally had the two hearts of seas that I needed yes so now I use the way Stone to get back to the house and I remember that there's a coral reef near the house so I ran over there and used my silk touch pick to get the corals and then finish crafting the Exotic art yes let's go we now only needed one more eye with less than five days left so I thought surely we had more than enough time for this and was I right I literally ended up finding it a few minutes after we started looking for it so now we went back home and started getting ready to head to the stronghold and killer the generous man he is gave me his extra Lord Soul so I can craft the gale force that I mentioned at the very beginning and before heading out I just wanted to add a few more enchantments to my stuff and I'm gonna just pause it here so you guys can see this sharpness for Unbreaking three efficiency three freezing three gravity three and stunning two I told you guys this was the best weapon in the game probably and after enchanting my bow we finally started our adventure to the stronghold but going to buy foot was gonna take too long so we grabbed two water boys and continued our journey and on our way there we saw something weird on a map we saw a village but there wasn't actually one there and at the same time there was outlines of the houses so I don't know what was going on here the next day I threw my eye and it turned around so that meant that it was directly under us suffocating was that you oh oh what happened you place gravel above me oh bro that's feedback for current water there's water down here no I don't trust that no there is there's there's a fountain and this jogger was a lot bigger than the usual one so finding the part that was gonna take us a bit but as we were running around searching for it something interesting happened what happened oh my God anyways not too long later we found the end portal and it was now time to enter the end all right now for the moment of truth that's what we've been waiting for kodai exotic eye no you put it anywhere old eye corrupted eye either eye black eye another way which I real guy lost eye and the cursor this would have been so much better for his day 99 and we just went in this I just went straight into the lot I'm in the void oh my God I'm falling what's happening hello yeah I'm falling I'm falling oh oh we're pretty far from it I have zero blocks here you should probably uh oh already targeting me walking around the island we found loads of new oars but that's not what we're here for it was now finally time to use my bow all right I got one and I don't know why but this guy had a crazy amount of health so but huh fine start right oh [Music] you think it's for both of us let me flying again I need to lay on my waterfall [Music] someone's dying yeah I'm hitting yo oh what happened every time I hit him I get hit oh I got set flying [Music] it's crouching again what he just instantly left is dead oh he sent me like 500 blocks in the air the end of it was in my way of my water so I kind of just took fall damage authorized noise for you [Music] look how high he is I can barely see him now [Music] let's go and we finally did it we finally made it to the end and killed the Ender Dragon which now means our objective is now completed so if you enjoyed this video and want more I recommend subscribing as 99 of you guys aren't and every sub counts and helps a lot it's also free foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Lindough
Views: 343,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days, i survived 100 days in minecraft, i survived 100 days in medieval minecraft, minecraft 100 days modded, minecraft medieval, minecraft medieval minecraft, 100 days medieval mc, mine craft, minecraft challenge, hardcore, minecraft funny, We Survived 100 Days In Medieval Minecraft.. Here's What Happened.., medieval minecraft, medieval mc, mc medieval, medieval, mc, we survived 100 days, we survived 100 days in minecraft
Id: XILP0SM65v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 15sec (5235 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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