Shield Wall - FORMATA MEETS TABS In This Incredible New Game! - ShieldWall Battle Simulator

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the date was January 19th in the year of our toast 2020 and I asked the question hey what happened to this incredible battle simulator that battle simulator was called for Matta it was an amazing game in terms of its like kind of being able to seamlessly go between RTS in a field commander on the battlefield where you'd command a squad of men you could upgrade your base you could upgrade your soldiers and eventually you'd have to go out and conquer your foes they generally be in fortresses there'd be captured points strewn about the map and I asked the question what happened to it it seemed that it was abandoned but I did notice that the developer nays on productions was working on something else and here it is it's called shield-wall it comes out March 23rd so just what two months later we're finally getting to play it so we're gonna be doing a campaign this is early access obviously this is the Battle of RR this is the global map so you can see that we're fighting in the region or country of Gaul from what I understand the Gauls were a bunch of various tribes but this is Gaul and we need to fight the battle over our here look at that artwork so here we go alright so we have to press the number to hire soldiers you can see I've got a pretty solid fortress here a nice little wooden stockade there looks like there's a capture point over there ok so the first thing we're gonna want to do is hire some men and unfortunately all we have available to us is militia at the moment but if I press tab there's different upgrades I can buy Legionnaires if I wanted to but I think we're gonna have to use these militia so they're starting with these nice little round shields there's not much armor and their swords or their weaponry is pretty basic but you know what follow me gentlemen I will lead you to glorious combat I can't promise any of you gonna survive but you know what the enemy is already taking a point you'll notice that it looks like there's a 3/4 all here and on the upper left you can see the overall points for each of the teams I'm a little behind but the AI is able to process a lot much faster than my simple human mind and these flag points will give us more resources the more men you have in the area the faster you'll capture them feci captain more points you get so hopefully we'll be catching up to the enemy soon so here we go now in the old game I could press there was an ability to chew to see the map whoa whoa whoa charge him boys oh my goodness what just happened to me I should be alive I think I hit this rock I'm trying to flank them look at that we just conquered the Gauls I think I mean we don't have a lot of men left but we did win our first battle all right follow me they must have came from somewhere oh that appears to be the purple village where did the green infantry come from and there's a purple flag right here wait a minute is this Stonehenge and I just realized that someone must have attacked my base they just took my base how did you take my base hopefully I can respawn my men did you charge in I'm gonna try to get around these guys and hire more men oh my god I can't because they've taken it they'd blitzkrieg therefore hey look you can hire defenders so let's hire three defenders here they should protect the base and then the rest will be hired militia I remember that for Mata could be seemingly at times brutally difficult the AI was pretty good and they always seem to attack look at that fortress in the background that is the fortress we need to defend from seizures but I think the defenders should buy us at least a little bit of time we met the green Gauls right here but the purple Gauls went around our base now I don't have the ability to access the map right now to my knowledge and look on cue at least the AI albeit brutally effective they're predictable so they're gonna start taking pilum and we're gonna let them take their shots look at this the a is also a little bit predictable all right gentlemen shields up go get them luckily we fought in the range of our castle oh I don't want to die I generally like to sit on the sides and hit him from both the back all right we did well follow me we've defeated the purple Gauls and Greene took advantage of that and attacked African flag three four all's it's like if you ever played the board game risk who here likes risk what's the best version but let's hire some you know what we can upgrade our men right so let's get some Legionnaires out here I'm sick of this Legionnaires cost 20 and I have a unit cap but where's my gold okay my gold is right there and you can see my unit cap in the Legionnaires you can see how they have armor they got a little bit better kind of like it looks like chainmail their shields are a little bit bigger so let's go out and try to recapture the green flag hopefully green and purple just keep Dugan out but it seems green is winning if you look in the upper middle green holds three flags I have one purple has two but yeah like I was saying if you ever played the board game risk don't you know how like if you play with veterans like three players the most frustrating thing because whenever someone gets ahead the other two kind of like oh wait maybe we should kick out his legs right that's kind of how it feels but I feel like if we keep taking advantage of the situation here eventually we'll have a breakthrough moment and that's really what we're looking for we're looking for like the Battle of cannae where one key battle will drastically alter the rise and fall of our enemy empires here purple had three now Green has three come on boys some of the guy's feathers have fallen over I think that's kind of funny heart where are we going Oh looks like there was a giant battle here so remember we were talking about taking advantage of that we're gonna do just that take this flag right after they fought over it and it looks like purple the purple barbarians are leaving their fort to go fight the greens over there so this will give me three flags now who's the leader so let's see I've got 400 gold and I'm thinking let's increase the limit of the number of units I can have or we could give missiles I'm gonna upgrade them both and then and then just kind of go on patrol Oh God hopefully this isn't the tooten burg forest Teutoburg you know the one where the Gauls ambushed the Romans head on a swivel all right that one seems to be protected we can protect those three pretty easy let's scout out oh we got a little bit of a farm over here and they're fighting you guys keep doing a good job you guys are doing great we'll capture this go get them boys oh god that's a lot of Gauls isn't it Oh God I got knocked over someone hit me in the tokus I can't tell if we're winning or not I can tell if we're winning or not the answer's no oh god they're swinging animations man alright I've got 300 gold I what's the fastest way back to my base alright so we went after that one we lost our army so that wasn't very good no what's this house for can we use it is it a tower just looks like a little piece of scenery see what we should have done is not sent our men into battle we should have let them fight a little more lesson learned the hard way there used to be a place where you could heal up it doesn't appear like that's the case let's hire legionaries and they should be able to fire their weapons their pylons and we've got what 180 something let's go out on patrol now now all of my soldiers are really good and I think V is to fire missiles okay yep it looks like they're attacking this one so what what I mean to do and look at this test dude oh if we need it I don't think we're gonna need it it will throw our pilum first if these guys commit to the fight or if they run away alright boys let's have them form up oh they fired but I think I think I did it too late we should do it when there oh oh you are dead respawn in nine seconds okay so my Army's just out there doing its thing and it looks like the enemy took our other flag point we engaged one army oh they're just going oh okay I can respawn maybe I'll get a few guards here and let's upgrade our men again and it's only appropriate that we have a Roman eagle on our side let's see if any of our Army's still alive oh my God look at that welcome back boys welcome back and they took that flag someone just died over there it's one of our guys leave no Roman behind charge them now I can't tell if they're upgraded to I don't know the garlic the Gaelic oh there we go that guy's got armor and a better shield he's upgraded the rest of these guys were just militia so we'll clear this guy out there we go follow me and we will take the flag and then we have to pivot back I think and get the other one plus get some more numbers it looks like we've only got eight men all right well done gentlemen we have the Eagle it gives a positive or it's kind of like a passive buff we need more men recruit more men that's right form up gentlemen we've been tasked with a great honor to die for Rome because it sure seems like that alright so we 188 greens taking that one I can't tell if anyone's on that so there's a there's the ebb and flow oh and look who it is where we've got our men in missile formation once they start moving come on oh they're in testudo fire I tried to fire it didn't work oh but the defenders are firing they're pilum from over there all right we did well so follow me and gentlemen we'll take this flag oh we lost the other one again my goodness where are these guys coming from they're getting pumped that was that's illegal am i able to buy men on me it doesn't seem like it maybe that's an upgrade but we'll capture this one go back get reinforcements and maintain the patrol all the while we're upgrading our men okay speaking of which for Mata was a little more complex in this game this game seems to be a little bit more accessible in the early game our defender let's see can I upgrade anymore hero respawn time I'm nuts missiles to infantry gets one more missile Ana missile cool down that seems to be good but we need to spend this money on some more men and if we have the money there we go well upgrade that okay good now we got three pilum each which are the Roman throwing spears they were designed with like long pointy ends that were standing it's like that seems not very smart they'll Bend but that was the whole point of them the Romans would throw the pilum and they would stick in enemy's shields and then they would bend and get all weird and wonky and they'd be hard to pull out so the enemy would have to like throw down their shields Oh purple just went on a big blitz over there go for failing us oh this isn't Lord of the Rings now let's see if we can't get some pie lumps V is pulling up missiles and here they are whoo they're on this dangerous point we have them cornered fire oh we took some of them out fire again oh god they got them too Oh okay our men charged in but I hope I'm hoping that this battle goes well for us oh god they're flanking us man how are they pulling men out of that that they're cheating tell me they are they're not cheating white a my respawning Oh something suspicious about their spawning mechanics oh there we go I can I can get pilum or I can go back to sword fortunately we lost a lot of good men there we can replace them pretty quickly we'll get one militia for good measure because we need numbers and remember we got the pilum attack now that I know how to do it and I can fire three times all right well form up here battle formations they'll come through that choke point oh shoot they just freakin snipe me charge all right they got their standard bear in the back here oh he just WWE me there we go that went swimmingly well is it what are they doing how do they just spawn right there I'm not sure is this a bug or a feature cuz this is this is how I lose all my men every time they that's not your base green unless it is oh my god and the purple Gauls are their defenders I'm getting sandwiched this is a Gaelic crunchy sandwich oh my god this is terrible okay fire this pilum I got one oh my god I think I have unlimited pilum I'm single handedly and by single handily I mean I got a lot of friends here there's my standard bearer let's hire some troops there we go that must be the green base that I keep entering I can't rightfully tell maybe the flag points there areas where you can spawn in men that that's my thought okay there's someone still out there hacking away my door isn't there I can't tell well that was a disaster maybe the wooden areas let's see maybe I'm just missing something in the UI and some of your like baron please for the love of all that is toasty and good with extra butter and strawberry jam on top of that dose look at the Teton UI all right can I spawn men in a capture flag first we have to take it and there's the enemy fort greens attacking purple which is great aha you can spawn men in these places yep the toast was extra jammy I can tell now yeah all right that's good to know though oh my god that's the biggest army of purple if they come to attack the fort that could be good how do you repair your walls in four mana there was a way you could buy a unit who was called an engineer and he would repair walls I'd also wish I could see and I might be missing it's definitely possible the limit of units is reached I would like to upgrade the number of limits gate repair time reduces full gate repair time from 150 to 200 seconds okay so it's a passive thing yeah this is a much more simplified version of for mana I can tell all right pylons out boys oh shoot here we go wait for it net excellent all right well we'll have them come to us go get them so they're being speared from above and that should be here we go I'll pile them from the side good work boys I am so freaking proud of you now we'll recoup our dead and with the extra money will upgrade who flag has a healing aura I think that's important we desperately need that and I thought we upgraded to have three pilum maybe there's a recharge rate oh look look at me bottom right there seems to be a countdown on the little three throwing spears right above follow me and I think there's a 30-minute time cap Green is doing well Oh screen just conquered a fort purple ax has lost their base okay all right pylons charge they're trying to throw their pile um oh oh and look at that I can I can hire reinforcements now that I know this the battle should swing in my favor look at that who's got the ambush now gul here's an it here's a quick answer it's me so you really don't want to be caught near the enemy base there okay we'll take advantage of that look at that that was fast okay purple does seem to be somehow still in the game we'll take this flag we desperately green is got almost 5000 points any time we can weaken green we need to take it like they could be seizing my base and I don't know I guess I've got to look through the trees it looks like there's no one at the gate we'll take this Purple's under attack greens distracted by purple I think what we need to try to do is take this fort I think I couldn't I don't know if this needs to be Purple's fort or greens for it alright so what we're gonna do is try to snipe that guy with pilum what how are you alive well where are you guys going oh god there's a frickin army isn't there all right we're treat retreat retreat bravely bravely bravely running back to base I'm gonna use this base of this flag as a Forward Operating Base good how many guys have Spears in their heads and I believe we have a healing aura around our flag but I can double-check that recoup our numbers with the extra money flags protection aura flag recapture speed up 50% yes please oh wait they're coming behind us okay so we want to hold this testudo pilum those rocks are blocking a lot and now do this and then I'll just keep pumping out men as our men die as long as we hold this flag we'll win there's reinforcements coming out of the blue look at how many pilum we're sticking out of my head all right brilliant follow me we're gonna go check the other flag we still have three so I'm assuming it's one of these Purple's clawed their way back into the game a3 for all is like the worst but unfortunately it is the first mission of the campaign there's the garlic bass oh there needs to be some kind of a mechanic in place oh my god they took the flag where this doesn't just keep happening actually pull back pull back out I'm not fighting there we've got to make the right strategic decisions see you think Purple's knocked out this is the problem of 3a3 for all three players free-for-all purple is now beating green purple was pretty much wiped out all right we got to take this flag before those guys get here if we can do that which it looks like we can boys prepare your pylons just to doze now counter fire oh man all those trees there we go it's our flag we're holding under it and we'll get the reinforcements oh wow we should be able to hold it good good good good and replace the number of people cheese it just never stops yeah bring them back to the flag and ambush them maybe this is inverted Teutoburg forest oh I tried to test due to our boys I'm getting attacked from both sides but luckily we have the money to keep our men in the fight I saw an army moving over here but I'd imagine once the game comes out that we'll be able to unlock like scenarios all right once again they're gonna lay siege to us so I want to do it right in front of the walls to Steudle up will absorb their pilum our defenders will start getting some spear kills in right away you see that guy peak is head around the corner and take a spear to the face all right back to testudo get reinforcements and I'll just see him here casually look at how many pile them right in front of us and then they just rebuilt their freaking army I don't know if this battle will ever end this game is beautiful in terms of the squad mechanics but there's no real way like I can upgrade everything possible all right we'll get our Spears out I need to get in a better spot now we'll test doodle up and look there you can see Purple's right behind them I wonder if they're gonna retreat or they're gonna push this charge I think think that's everybody being able to upgrade defenses may be getting scorpions may be getting more soldiers than than just this you got to remember that while this isn't early access and see while we were fighting Green twice purple is like oh that's cool dude good job I'm gonna go conquer the entire map we've got to take this we gotta stall them so Spears slow them down there we go we conquered it so that way I can by reinforcing men here thick this is a turning point this could this be the turning point that we need let's hope so and pretty much everything's upgraded that I can upgrade okay we got to take advantage of this I don't even know what's over here I just know an army came from over here that's their fortress one of theirs they have two forts all right boys testudo ha I've got to keep my eye out we do have the Gatecrasher ability good we've conquered a fort spirit those guys now I think that is the passive gate being repaired that's that sound that's happening so now it's equal it's tied three to three we have two forts they have one for it so I guess maybe advantage us oh let's try to lure them over to one of our forts and dodge the pilum what happens victory we achieve victory okay maybe it was a point thing I'm not sure I guess at the end of those thirty minutes we had two forts in the enemy only had one was that last-ditch effort what it took so we go to campaign we've unlocked unlocked the Battle of vodkas so let's see if in the campaign we've unlocked anything new there's three teams once again in only one point so let's see what's going on over here oh it's king of the hill is what it is that's kind of cool and look at how beautiful the map is and here's my glorious fortress so we'll just have lots of defenders up here cuz I want them to take to the walls and defend this place well guys let me know if you'd like to see more shield wall because the campaign can and should go on this one seems to be a king of the hill here with a three for all does make the battles longer I guess and I love how each of the forts look different that one kind of looks like a village that one's just a very impromptu fort much like our own but ours is square because we're Romans and that one seems to be a little more circular so for Mata is back it's just got a different facelift and some of the things have been changed but you know what I'm enjoying it so if you guys would like to see more let me know and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 432,214
Rating: 4.942337 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, formata, formata 2, shieldwall, games like tabs, games like formata, shield wall, shield wall battle, formation, formation battle, best formations, battle formation, battle, mar20, testudo, testudo formation, testudo shield wall, battle simulator, battle sim, roman testudo, roman legion, rome, roman, shieldwall update
Id: nvAbGDP0ch4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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