Leonidas 300 SPARTANS vs Rome in Shield Wall New Update! Shieldwall Battle Simulator

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all right I have an idea we're gonna try to wipe them out welcome back to shield walls so we've had an update and you may look in the background and see hey that man in white and red with that Roman looking armor and those golden and red leaves and I said that must be Caesar Augustus or Julius Caesar one of the many many many many many Caesars but the update has added the custom battle but now we have something totally crazy we've got a new faction Greece and you may be thinking that's pretty cool right we'll check this out because I'm gonna be the Greek say look at this we can change our hero so he can be layin itis Achilles or Alexander the Great so I'm obviously gonna be layin itis because I want to leave the seat of the Caesars leave the Spartans into war but look check this we could have Mark Antony and maybe Cleopatra when the Egyptians are at it you know those two paired up quite nicely and ruined a bunch of stuff including their lives and all of them look different now what we don't know yet is whether or not there's like statistical differences between the units but check this out so these are my Spartans all right so let's go I'm hoping that as we upgrade my men cuz those are kind of like Roman hats to me oh but look at that we've got our Xiphos swords we've got the like the nice hot blonde the hoplite looking shields so this is a gold per minute of zero at the moment that GPM right next to the letter it shows how much gold we get now is this a gold producing flag or not it is 120 gold so let's increase the limit of units that we have and recruit a bunch of militia all right number of units is reach let's see did they just it just took my castle she you guys just took my castle that's rude what the heck fine I'm gonna take your castle you stay there let's see if this works rally to me let's let's take this super quick and then get out of here oh look he's got a gladiator gladiator helmet on all right we got a we got a dip dip potato chips straight out of here though we are a king without a castle at the moment we're gonna bravely bravely bravely run away Oh sons of biscuits all right we need them to fight oh they're throwing pile them already usually you guys should really fight each other where's blue and you need him Lu sons of biscuits all right so at this point I think what I'm gonna try to do is be a little bit cheeky and do Gatecrasher upgrades I don't know I'm gonna try to blitz it in here and take this fork good darn it this is a very very weird situation being a king without a crown a king without a castle is like a king without his crown now hopefully there's no one there oh wait I think they're still repairing the doors so they are vulnerable at this moment is oh they okay that works for me we got our castle back we've pretty much avoided combat in order like this game is very tricky and if you lose a battle early you will be punished for it so let's go ahead and upgrade I'm thinking we actually might want to get the standard out early oh my god it is customized so we can have the lambda for less demon which is like I believe I don't know if I'm pronouncing it probably less Dave unless the demon was actually what Sparta was called back in the day so that's why it's a lambda lock of melee so this is exactly how I thought it'd be this will be better we're gonna be a little more defensive in nature because we are Greek hoplites in Spartans so is there an opportunity to attack this castle all right boys shields up and look we we move slower and I think we'll take less damage all right go knock that maybe they'll they'll go after me if I continue moving come on boys hack that wall down we upgraded the gate Crashers there we go there we go we're in we are inside the fort I need everybody to take to come with me and capture this flag first off so they're taking Bravo which is not my castle so once we take this we'll get a gold rate of 120 there's good good good good all right now with this amazing amount of gold missiles I do want missiles and then I want my higher swordsman who the heck is throwing that Spears oh there's a dude there all right let's go out and take B or maybe just maybe we'll go take blue sport oh is that an army that's an army it's a small one missiles okay we're throwing spears we this is the Roman gladiator King and then all casualties that fall are gonna be replaced with swordsmen so unfortunately we don't have proper hoplites with shields getting a decent amount of gold so let's go ahead upgrade my standard oh this is cool so cosmetically it looks different too oh they're taking my castle okay it's green taking in all right well with 582 gold it's time to upgrade our men gate repair time missiles to is usually pretty good and missile cooldown is a nice compliment Leonidas king of the ever vagabonding vagabond army all right so we're gonna have to have another dangerous castle siege here but if there's only one guard then all right but we got them well what do you mean there's no enemies there's a gate attack the gate I like for Mata cuz you could you could command multiple armies oh maybe because there's no guys behind the gate alright we'll upgrade our horn it'd be nice on the on the mini-map if we had like a flag showing where my army was and maybe even a direction of where I'm facing that would be a nice reference point or like if you could have upgrades where you could like hire Scouts or something to have greater awareness of what's going on in the map alright so that castle we just took is Charlie blue is our rival in terms of overall points it's a very tug-of-war style game I wonder if you couldn't make it almost like dota you know what I mean or if you could buy seized equipment like battering rams you know or even equip your men with them alright we took that and look at this it's my original fort and we're getting ahead in the points okay good let's go stand in respawn time flag healing or would be good and hero respawn time we're gonna we're gonna force the issue we're gonna have a battle because I think we've avoided we've had one skirmish with the Romans normally we get into all kinds of scraps I don't know if there was an AI update or maybe I'm just playing a little more defensively even though on the Spartan so here we go get them boys we're gonna take the flag so we're gonna get the reinforcements hahaha there we go we finally got some xp for my standard all right nice this is block chance so we got block well upgrade the block I guess and be cool if you could change the cosmetics of your soldiers you know alright can we take an army out let's see we're gonna have one pilum Oh blue is attacking hold on hold on heads up boys watch out for those Spears alright if we can leave green over here in blue and green fight we could mop some stuff up yeah we're gonna let them fight and then imma join in check this out okay they're fighting good it's the great ambush in the forest oh God blue is just gonna get reinforcements because they have the flag we shouldn't have killed green we should have killed blue dang it and let them fight I think cuz if they fight away from their flag this is gonna be interesting very interesting battle normally we like knock an enemy out look I've got every upgrade there is I want to be able to upgrade my soldiers specifically like in for mana you could needless to say it's fun a lot of work that still needs to be done I think there he is Spartacus yeah look at him heat look at his armor he's a freakin gladiator okay how many Spears do we have we've got two ready all right you guys go fight them I got a spirit of the head I need to go recruit more soldiers wait what what oh god that that's an annoying thing I should have I should have the ability to like you know like hey let's open the door let's close the door I don't want them to close it they're like wait you're going inside boss I want to go with you look at that all those dead Romans it's the battle royale of the ancient world ladies and gentlemen all right they're taking Bravo the Bravo ski and they're taking Charlie yeah we really need to kill blue 3,600 points well just madly upgrade blocking yeah so there's a lot of things that I wish there kind of was going on in this game but the exciting part is since it's in early access and the developer has shown that he's updating it relatively frequently we're getting missions now we've got custom battles and I believe it's a solo developer team I'm gonna go take that for it ah blue boys wait wait we got to kill them before they're able to take the flag it's not happening yeah I want my Greeks to wait a second now hopefully blue doesn't come in from the rear they are hey I am layin itís okay come on boys let's go get some reinforcements we'll get some more soldiers here green and blue go clash please we're gonna go behind here wait a second okay if we stick them at the gates look in there and they're in testudo by default spear him in the back charge look at this we got our little Thermopylae all right oh yeah see he's like right in my way so I can't really see where I'm throwing my Spears at whoa whoa whoa yeah good job standard-bearer he just killed that guy all right so we wiped out the blue army all right open the gates I need reinforcements I wonder if there could be like a more advanced economy system in the game now that actually got us I think that did a fair amount of work there blue lost their flag Green's just been capping all the blue stuff fortunately for us we're 18 minutes into this puppy and maybe if there were different flags like you know like coz in some of the other maps we played there's gold per minute rates very 6120 what are you doing you moonwalking all right so we can oh wow we can upgrade boom-boom-boom all blocks all the time all right an army out of position yes please and then we will use the standard-bearer attack mechanic I am a general and my men are destroying the enemy good job boys good job let's see if there's a flag that we can take nice and easy like the farm should be that oh god there oh god I hate three frawls so much well if they're over there and then there's always an opportunity if if you're ready to look for it more soldiers more soldiers and I can't upgrade anything else what else can we do with their gold we need more things to be able to do with our gold I feel like you know here we go guys what would you do to increase the replayability of this game and the overall experience of the game cuz it's still very early days oh man I'm just barely missing his head there's a headshot and and since you have a unit cap that is so low I'm disinclined to ever build defenders oops I accidentally build militia you know cuz I want everyone in my army maybe if like you could upgrade the weapons of your soldiers like from shield like if you want to give you guys shields if you just want them to be cheap units I think we should be able to ninja around oh no I still hold the fort Green's pretty much wiped out we have like a 5,000 point difference over our enemies which is good if you're us maybe if we could wipe out green blues doing something over there so we'll take the blue flag and take them down a peg or two if they come honest this is a pretty easily defendable spot mm all right he is being taken II is the castle across the river must be being taken by green actually you're so far behind green and you're so annoying give up Green is eliminated we didn't get a seat unfortunately all right I have an idea we're gonna try to wipe them out okay hurry audience assemble all right now I'll just keep respawning men and throw my Spears from the side like a great general would go I got that guy in the shield all right your head oh ah yes all right we did we did good we did really good now which Castle is he gonna be respawning at I hope it's this one I hope when he comes out of these gates we're just gonna oh my god he's already capping something else yeah but if you could get battering rams fire arrows stuff like that dude that's that would be fun all right all right yeah we've seized this fortress again we've seized all of them I feel like maybe seizing forts could be something like maybe there's castles mode he has three castles well make that one now to two to one that's that's how math works guys the gates are being auto repaired instead of having to buy a repairman like in the old game of four matza you could have water physics really break a dam and a waterfall flows out wipes out an army interactive maps I mean a man can dream but yeah you can definitely tell agree instead be is being taken yeah but now it's just like my gold is what do I use my gold for if three thousand gold yeah I can just keep rebuilding army and that's actually part of the problem I think all right we're gonna fight them here this is where we fight this is where they die wait a minute come on blue let the boys play all right boys let's go run down that scurvy little goal in kill him we just go kill him you don't mean an order the farm maybe I can attract them into a battle over here aha Spartacus you old swine dog a testudo oh you messed up son go get them boys and I'll throw Spears of their sides oh they're the generals dead that's one thing you can do see look now they'll just immediately rebuild their army so like fundamentally there needs to be some kind of change to maybe the speed at which you can rebuild an army or in the gold production rate okay they wandered off so that's fine with me because you know what that means boys are they're doing that we're gonna take this last castle whoa maybe I can distract them shoot at me oh man there needs to be a little aiming indicator oh I'm like overthrowing or under throwing but not none of the the right amount okay there we go blues coming blues clubbing blues coming Blue's Clues come in alright so what we need to do is kill everybody but their general and then go cap that flag we got 27 minutes I guess there's a possibility here there we go alright are they gonna throw theirs yeah Oh some more men died I guess I'll just buy new ones because I can do that there we go there's a Thermopylae and I'll throw Spears from here dude imagine having archers and crossbowmen Chuco news stuff like that dude maybe it may be a Chinese faction you know or Mongolians Genghis Khan cavalry catapults ballistas all right well we need them to fight us in front of a flag but we're definitely in lead we're 2,000 in like 400 points ahead of them and there's a minute left so it's like if at this point like there's no chance that blue could catch a score was because it's kind of a score based mode maybe if there are other modes look at this are we winning are we winning boys oh I think I speared my own guy and then they rebuilt their army over there and they're going to siege so in the last 20 seconds can we take this flag yes we can take this flag so there's a lot of new commanders Leonidas Spartacus Alexander the Great's there's the three new generals I think it's just cosmetics and I think there's slight differences so look actually we took all the flags they're right near at the end Wow so we achieve victory thank goodness but I'm looking forward to more missions but I'm also looking not only just two more missions in custom battles modes but maybe I think the best thing that could happen in terms of updates would be a new unit something other than just swordsmen upgraded swordsmen and being able to throw spears so anyway guys thank you for watching another episode of shield wall let me know which faction you'd like to see me show off next and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 641,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, shieldwall, shield wall, shieldwall gameplay, shieldwall baron, shieldwall update, 300, spartans, sparta, leonidas, rome, romans, roman testudo, testudo vs phalanx, phalanx, shield wall greek, shield wall greece, caesar, roman army, spartan army, hoplite, shield, wall, siege, battle sim, battle simulator, shieldwall battle sim, leonidas sparta, shield wall gameplay, shield wall new update, shieldwall new update, roman legion, legion vs phalanx, mar20
Id: 91z__SKOZls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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