Epic ZOMBIE SIEGE in This Huge New Update for Colony Survival 0.7 Multiplayer!

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all right everybody bear in here and welcome back to a game that we played a while back colony survival it just had a massive update it's been over a year in the making but it's been about I don't know more than that since we've played it but if you like minecraft but you also like kingdoms and castles and you want the hybrid of both and you want the multiplayer experience that you can't get in kingdoms and castles this is an amazing game to achieve that idea that feeling of building a city and then building colonies and in so doing building an empire so they've added so much to this game like and look at this these kinds of fortresses and towns in the background or what we aspire to do I'm gonna be joined by my buddy blitz we're gonna go at this together so look at that that rooftop fortress I want something like that but they've also added gliders in a way to like quickly fly around the map and that looks pretty incredible that's gonna be a really good way to like get to other colonies that you've set up but anyway we're gonna get right into it but if you guys have it bites and tips on how blitz and I should kind of build and expand our empire please do because we are all ears and this is gonna be an exciting series if you want to see more you know what to do watch it give it a like let us know and you know what guys let's jump right into it what look like you were creepily hiding behind that tree first I can blitz like oh welcome back to colonies survival it's been a while play it's been on years man it's nice to see years it's a huge huge update it adds colonies for your colony so we can make a colony which then has colonies it's like calling inception going on here yo dawg i heard you like dog rod dank memes man alright so right now we've gotta figure out where do we want to go right I don't even know why we're doing minecraft things we're cutting down trees I don't need to write this game is in minecraft oh it's low it is not even related to minecraft others yeah it doesn't even look like it not even a little bit not even okay whatever oh now what do we do Joey we need to find a place to make the colony do we want to go up on that mountain do we want to build into a mountain do we want to build a castle horde out here and they'd be like dwarves that would be cool maybe we all right let's make a castle here but kind of close to the mountain so then we can build a dwarf colony as their second one now that they've added colonies I figure it's time to plant our flag right plant the flag for blitz copia right what just right here yeah do it right here collect all these BB colony BB created it make you your a colony owner whoa I just got a different shade of green in my life that was weird Oh okay so this red box is like the extent of our current realm oh look when you're on the banner one wow so we need four oh now we can store stuff in the crafting and stockpile when we're in the zone all right so what are we gonna need we're gonna need people doing good stuff yeah we need like farms right we go for I'm gonna make if we need how do we do that okay food berry farmer so I'm noticing that the Sun setting blitz that means the bad guys are coming bad guys that's not good we got I'll make three Forester tunes three by eleven I wonder if that'll be big enough not arable what is arable mean is it because of you and the way did you get out of the way thank you not I'm an arable person oh you're talking to somebody else I'm definitely arable so arable right now oh there's a zombie dude here's the first zombie dude look look look he's coming over here oh I'm gonna watch him I'm gonna observe him okay we can live in peace together me and song you're making plague since it was funny yeah there's actually a lot now I see three of them in the base Bow Wow nice I murdered what all right do you take care of all of those and I'll build on beautiful wall hey four night girl me we don't have any guards oh we're going three high around here are we ha think we're supposed to write alright so that's the that's the extent of castle blitz topia or Farren topia the the B team the BB yeah we made a name for the Empire pretty much I mean you know it can't be you know barons Brigade it can't be bliss Toby we need something bad it could be blitzed oh yeah I mean it could but it also could not mmm it splits dope yeah all right we need a gate to funnel the zombies through right we need to get them to come in one way oh they're coming okay yeah okay okay okay okay don't panic man don't panic all right we're gonna go through the nighttime guards nighttime slingers now we need the beds oh god oh god who got panicked who were we can't make any more beds but I don't know why we're on the same resource Oh probably out of mining materials oh we need a mind they call it that we need it they did they really did alright we've recruited to fill all jobs we should alright don't kill the zombie we gotta teach them if you give me to finish round a fish science scream like a baby treats a diaper yes what does that mean spot to have a min I think here we go here's the stairs so if I put him up here alright nighttime slinger guard but do you think he'll be able to shoot them okay so then if I get rid of this one he got up there what are those stairs there's Sons of Guns that's amazing I know they haven't do a game alright so now he's up here on an elevated position he's got a nice command of the surrounding battlefield yeah guard tower we have a fort oh we did the fort blitz topia miss you and your blitz topia propaganda man we're gonna have to create a prison and throw you in it every time you see too many times in a minute okay I think we need we need to make another bed but how do we do that okay we need copper nails oh I think a guy got in he was trying to go with you yeah he died right here look at the base of the stairs oh okay okay uh I made another I made some copper nails I'm pretty proud of our our fort right now you know what we also need to build like a barracks for our nighttime guards okay come down here they're gonna go to sleep oh my God look there's a freaking zombie that walked right in here oh the line of sight issues here yeah I think you'll be okay though I think they'll make we're gonna we'll come up with better defenses as we go oh yeah I need to go recruit to dude duh and we're still in the white for calories per day dude I don't know I love this idea of like expanding and building a fort and I don't like networking words yes but how do we build colonies Wow those aren't zombies for good they look like zombies though don't they all right so we flattened the world we have--we've terraformed mars well i feel asleep put like a pig pen over here like take it run around kit are there pigs I don't know there should be yeah have you ever go up on the mountain there be pigs all right we can make miners for source food guards there's flax nerves construction far-east fart what is that EPA so if you if you do the command tool for the units the bottom row Far East New World and tropics so those are what Fareed those goals whoa requires tropics colony to be unlocked first dude we're gonna be able to build colonies I know it man all right boys oh my god dude there's a lot of zombies coming are there there's a I mean a fair amount [Music] I think the magic numbers tour slingers maybe yay we made a little mime stairs super stairs we need to recruit men to fall look at that that looks cool we need to make like a face and a doorway here they come down oh this is so cool fill all jobs not enough free beds ok we must make more we need to make a house down for them yeah they they just you know what as soon as it rains they're all gonna get pneumonia and can diabetes and it's not bad I would not recommend getting pneumonia Vitas everybody's waking up and going back to the job some building a house finally oh you got the house going I built it Center Square to check that out Oh new den house looks awesome I like that center square well it's more circles that you can't circle in boxes yeah no you can't but now we can have this little wait are we gonna have to just the gatehouse to make it three wide maybe I'll do it maybe this with the four main roads from the square should be three wide or one yeah this is what I was thinking and then you imagine with other things Oh science madness devil's anvil we do know he made an anvil nice we completed a Broadway small step for man so now we can do flax farming which dear little flex I all I know is it's in healthy smoothies so I assume we need bread production really bed required water let's get that going get that oh yeah we sweet we can still requires bread production requires water gathering Martha she does this stuff oh man you better you better get going on it cuz you know we're we're starting forward our food is going down big calories per day 30,000 total calories read I don't know I feel like we may have stemming the tide with how many more berries we've got going oh don't worry we're doing more berries we're gonna be the berry but not more this is berry town be cool if like if we can expand more colonies and this actually just becomes a regular colony it's like an agricultural place is all just surrounding farming for days yes would you like red berries Oh red because there's no other berries in the game just red berries alright more berry farm land more farmland for berries I'm the best berry farmer ever I three months you're definitely the best berry farmer in the sunroom he also one of the only berry farmers ever believe that so it's definitely the case and now I will not be dying of starvation poisoning yeah I think we're we're hauling pretty strong at the front gate though there's I think so ya know if Sam B's coming in we good yeah most of the guys on the top are taking them out but we got the two reserved cards because eventually it's gonna get crazy my berry farmer has a first name it's BL itz what's going on right here oh did you get the man thrown no they're just it was like are you sure you're an engineer by trade cuz your berries are messed up what I'm very jump beautiful you're very farmer and I'm a berry jumper I have created a colony to make berries yeah everyone's just so excited about berries right now so what have we done we've established dominance on the funniest fireman we've monopolized and cornered the buried treasure on this continent we built a fort it seems to mostly be just berries right now but you know what we also have a little bit of a mind if they did call it what we're they call neuro science going yeah we got some science we really want to see her myself we're almost ready on the water gathering that would allow us to gather bread pretty soon okay wait how does that work if we gather water leaders be keep water gather yeah you love bees a bees are cool man evolution bees wait so bread production do we not even get wheat olive farming what I know we can make olive oil Molotov okay so unlocks the wheat wheat Finley and I get that sound in there what do you say at home maybe we need stone bricks for our roads that's what we need hey you know what I found one time what straw hay III we had some in the inventory I just didn't want to use it because it's cynical we use it in making beds so if we've never did we yeah okay it's a valuable resource that strong what we need for the roof is taiga leaves tiger lilies do I have any we got 52 in the inventory okay I'll use those I'm gonna build the biggest tree farm the world's ever known to large all right three by 33 is supposed to be the magic number oh it just popped up Oh God wait three by 33 is the magic huh that's what the the tutorial robot said at the beginning tutorial robot hello my name is tutorial robot alright 3 by 33 it is big dog yay ok now there's one big tree farm outside the walls science water gathering you got completed - yes we've entered the water age we are now allowed to drink water Dunga lark lark Oh water pump raise the banner radius when we get more people to go bread production is ready to complete oh please dude we need to plan some week I need to have my toast man science bread production scientific bread it tastes so much better than regular bread we need to expand man we need to get 50 people I know we here put some wheat farms outside the walls like they did in medieval times nope oh yeah well not do it well I refuse it's against the law no it's not we make the law it's the law in the law thou'rt let's don't be it was kicked out about four generations ago for not expanding the wheat cuz us bear Knights we need our toast and we don't have it we will revolt that's revolting you're right I'll build I'll build a thing I don't want very far so you want food and then wait for it wait I guess I gotta see this sweet oh it's a zombie doing a live I told you that you don't want to do outside lands cuz there's zombies outta here dude what is he doing out here he's mate because he not dead it's daytime there there's a ha wait farm alright so now we need day time cards do what the what is going on I think you've just always been doubled over I'll hire the people this better be a big wheat farm like as big as the as Dixie as big as I can make it okay cool I like it what area size is that 7 by 13 oh I got an idea I have a weird idea kid we make like tiered farms yeah dude I'm gonna build a moat around it yeah I thought of that too but you're gonna feel doubly well I built a little bridge right here okay that way it'll be protected oh wow this wheat farm is I didn't realize that we're gonna plant things in between them like that's solid plants like this is kind of cool-looking you look through here you got the big mountain in the background you got guards all stationed up you got a big weight field going on got a little creep field oh you got a little something in your throat yeah it's creep pins oh you got all right we've got oh I almost fell in the hole all right so yeah they're like they're like protected farms kind of yeah a little bit I mean they get so many here but I think it'll just take a longer nice job slingers look at all the armors are waking up Oh are they I gotta watch this yes go by Barry minions I think three days to grow wheat does it I think so it takes like a matter of seconds to make millions of berries yeah but at least we'll have bread we're gonna bury bread I think we'd probably have to build some of the other things but that might be for another video right yeah I mean we go we go and we got the fort we got the houses look he's planting a new wheat field yeah we got to make thing like an oven a grindstone and a bread crate we're gonna have to do the bakery okay yeah nice it's still the bakery building I think an assist look at those berries though man I know it's like one quarter of all of our walled off area is devoted to berries but we almost have 200,000 so it seems worth it to me and now we should just be able to pop out a ton of people too oh yeah oh yeah oh we're not even researching anything right now oh no the Flex bar means ready completed what was that explosion did you hear something I think it was I don't know we could get more people Taylor oh there's beekeeping Oh gotta get the beekeeping flex I'm gonna start that because I don't know why actually I'm gonna go with the Taylor because that makes linen we need our 50 people so maybe we should do that quick do we maybe get some more miners going we have enough dude we can build a water pump can we yeah in the science barley farming Taylor I think we should get the water pump unlocks water papa loi water to be gathered anywhere at a slower rate I see I was thinking to come with me for a quick trip I was could try to like find a mountain pond and then and make a bucket how do you gather the water yeah like have it flow downhill or something I know we could have like a little link in our house what did we cool if you could build an aqueduct from a mountain lake that's exactly what I was thinking about that would be glorious city oh I love this view someone didn't we ran out of leaves the thatch the third roof but it still increased ruk close to us isn't there looks like all right guy what there's a light by us where to the right of the cast of Berry Farm maybe you need to come higher got a little higher I see it I don't know if that's a lake oh yeah it could be sand but I hope it's a lake wow we are not anywhere close to water unless look at that oh there we ever compass where are you I'm up the mountain further I see you there's a river over there oh whoa speaking of rivers Oh is there a mountain river just come and look over here oh this is gonna be dwarf town is gonna be warps I don't have bridges going across it man man I really wanted to see you oh we got that other biome this is weird Oh oh my oh my I feel like I've almost fallen to my death like the top of the world yeah I think we could bury town we'll end up being a colony yeah and and if the main city will be like in this mountain face or you can find a different mountain face because that's really close to the same one now we could upgrade it and this can still be part of it Oh see so what is this this is like this is our roof material right here oh yeah you're right this would be yeah oh you can see another biome oh wait we're in the other bottom suite are we on the border of three biomes the mountain I'm not sure what you're looking at like the grass if you look down there's kind of like use of the grass oh yeah the mountain is did you see the river over that way though where is that way over that way you know there's a little ready oh yeah there's a lake it's gonna be very fascinating man dude it looks so beautiful from up here it did didn't it it was awesome I'm gonna go check out this little pond to see if it's actually a pond if it's a pond we can get fishers and we can get water yes and it looks like it's only sand it's a it's a no wait well maybe if we could pump water down there if I dig no it's still just sand well I mean like like via aqueducts or rice or something right that's too bad but we've seen a lot of rivers and stuff so I think we've made a lot of really good progress I agree it was fun we got to the wheat age let us know what we should build next and if we should play more and we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 1,527,902
Rating: 4.9220462 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, colony survival, colony survival update, colony survival 0.7, colony survival multiplayer, colony survival zombie, colony survival zombie siege, colony survival new update, zombie siege, zombie invasion, zombie defense, zombie attack, building a fort, fort building, fortress, fortress vs zombies, colony vs zombies, aug19
Id: GqQDtn9iBFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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