Unleashing the Secret ROMAN SUPER WEAPON in Shield Wall! (ShieldWall Battle Simulator)

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gentlemen join the Roman army travel across the land see exotic locales kill Germanic barbarians to seize them kick the wagon I heard there's cheeseburgers in there welcome back to shield wall now you guys have really been enjoying shield well the views in the last couple videos it's just skyrocketed so while some of you guys may be stuck at home at least we can entertain you and guess what we've got something amazing today there's been an update that introduced a new map this is the Battle of sabes now what we're gonna be doing though is using a super weapon a Roman super weapon that not many people knew about they didn't know it was a super weapon and also this campaign mode this mission is gonna be so much different than the ones we've seen in the past so we're gonna rally our forces now what's gonna be tough is look in the top middle you'll notice that there are four factions myself the Romans is red there's pink orange and green and they're all Germanic barbarian factions but you see that right there that is the wagon it's a supply train now the enemy's gonna be fighting over it and I'm just gonna let all three of them Duke it out and then we're gonna come in and you can see that green and pink are fighting for it orange is moving in the flag just doesn't know who to serve but it should serve me and my men so what we're gonna do is wait for the right opportunity to strike which appears to be now when they're not really looking at me and you know what I'll switch over to my throne spear hello friends you want a spear of the face Oh brilliant okay now let's capture this and there's one last guy now what what I'm gonna try to do is bring this back so it's a moving objective and also you'll notice I cannot hire more soldiers can't hire on this flag did you see that normally you can do that now we got a guy jerking out over there that that does not look good but one of the things I want to do is bring in that super weapon is early as possible oh my god if I can bring this in right away but here we go this is the standard it spawns the unit with a positive aura and then we can also do this the standard main sign which allows us to upgrade our soldiers and we're almost to the standard main sign but I think what we're gonna need to do is hire some men they're trying to take our flag so I'm gonna throw my pylons from the side because I'm a brave general haha but I'm assisting my men so that's gonna count for something and then I'm gonna take the flag here because the when you hold multiple objective points you get more gold if you look at the points in the upper left those points are directly corresponding to gold oh my god where are my men Oh my men are dead Oh God oh no no no not like this where's my men oh hey hey orange help me out bro orange fight these guys thank you oh my god now I just got to kill this guy and my gates gonna open up so fire there we go someone open these gates now we're almost now where's my standard I should have won did he die maybe he needs to respawn okay I think that's probably the case so we're winning but just by a hair's breadth hello general I wish there was a little bit of an aiming indicator for the pilum my throwing spears good we held that now we go and reinforce there's the standard-bearer there he is okay so now what we can do is hire some more men and then we gotta save up to 200 so we're gonna see what happens here actually we should just charge in during the chaos that guy jumped up and I just speared him but it's gonna be absolute chaos for a while until we can implement the super weapon which is our standard bearer he just upgraded right there so that's good so one of the things we can do is once we get the standard main sign now I can upgrade so I'm thinking one of the things I want to do is plus 20% gold per minute for the flag we're holding two flags at the moment I'm trying to throw over my men but I'm not sure how well it's working all right we got a pullback oh my god my gates closed and then and then these guys just wreck us uh you know what I think this is bad I don't understand that uh I would like to at least I'll bring these guys into a battle with each other there we go now at least pink orange and green are all fighting again and we've got enough upgrades I think to allow myself there we go let's let's go ahead and respawn will summon our men some of the electric counts and we need to contest the objective because it looks like Green has it no where's there for let's in this stupid guy you get down from there there we go you got down I just had to eliminate him so we'll go ahead and throw some pointy sticks at their backs get them boys now our goal is at 120 we're almost there where's my standard-bearer he needs to come back out here aha there is a super weapon look at that man it's just beautiful and we can upgrade so we need to do here is I'm thinking that we want to get gold so we can increase damage but I feel like gold in the early game is huge so plus increased gold per minute and CST is what higher cost oh my god yes so let's get we want this one and to do that we need two castles which increases the gold per minute so we will boost that with the one experience point we have and we're gonna have to just wait but over time I think we will just be able to solve our problems with money and use our beautiful test Udo's when necessary so let's go ahead and increase the number of units that I can have and hires many militias we can get and let's go out there and Duke it out take advantage of this situation on the battlefield when we're able conquer our foes it looks like the flag points contested so if I can be cheeky we can do the little ambush in the forest again while they're fighting we'll wait for all three armies to just eliminate themselves and I'll casually throw my spear Oh orange took it get out of my way bush all roads lead to Rome boys and I'm gonna prove it bring the wagon back to our side I love how the wagon won't go in the fortress one of the things that I'd love to see the developer do is mod support I don't know when it will when it might even be possible but it's something I would love to see in this game because I'd love to see what the modding community can come up with and I think we have a good opportunity and do we have any XP we have one XP so now we have zero skill points okay battle will probably you know bring me battle some of the electric cows let's see where I'm going this modern idea boys Oh what are you doing at my base get away from my walls kill him oh okay all right on me boys we gotta we gotta go back and get it attack and slaughter them and I'll do this and I'll blow the horn of the eagle our standard boom Spears to the back of the heads what are you gonna do about it and we'll try to retake the flag if there's an opportunity if there's like one German left up hey we'll pull back to the base look at this battlefield that's what it looks like strewn around it so at 436 gold do we have any points yes we do so it's time to get gold so by doing two gold per minutes it will also decrease the cost of units so let's see how much units are now malicious fifteen now and let's get let's get Legionnaires because they're the much better soldiers now look at look at greens just sitting there they're gonna try to escort it back to their base but I think those early upgrades by getting the eagle a veritable Romans super weapon it'll allow us to really come back in the game yeah you guys fight well uh we'll take the we'll take this good stuff oh I'm trying to stay ahead of them and then we'll blow the horn throw some Spears in some dudes head point-blank that's awesome alright we did pretty good here there's a spirit in one of my guy's head so I think I did that look at this this is wild Oh he blocked it and I'm missing there we go I killed him single-handedly look at that the bravest Centurion in the world so let's get pilum upgrade one which allows us to throw Spears which is my absolute favorite thing even over the Roman eagle and we don't have any experience points at the moment that we can use someone have to use this brave army gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen we can fire our pylons oh they're detest doodling and now I think that I think we'll we might just be able to snowball soon all right pull back let them fight let them fight will summon more troops and while they're doing that sandwich I love the charge I would love different units archers cavalry equities tree REI I mean there's so many that you can do and orange is taking it but the flag point is pretty centrally located right now but yeah having a moving flag point and one that you can't really take I just have to take the flag to move it back and then retreat before Green gets here this could be a very precarious spot Oh God get out of there pink as pink is looking a sandwich there you go green and pink oh now we'll kill these guys on the bridge and maybe the opportunities still here we'll take the flag and as green moves in we move back orange and green you Duke it out I feel like I like our chances do we have any HP yes we do we got two XP points so here we go how about a little bit more gold a will get boom boom now we have two x's which are gold per minute is up 40% and our cost per units should be down by 10% which is pretty huge we're basically printing money out here it's free real estate the real estate is all the other countries neighboring the Roman Republic throw pilum charge will blow the horn the Horn of Gondor oh yeah all right are we winning I don't know there's the general over there how about a spear in your face general Oh God Oh run now I can't run back to base oh god I'm I'm trapped in a bush you know what then I guess what we need to do is a little bit of a hero respawn time upgrade look at that immediately gentlemen join the Roman army travel across the lands exotic locales kill Germanic barbarians to seize them kick the wagon I heard there's cheeseburgers in there and while they're fighting watch this we're gonna capture the flag and this Army's gonna be like hey bro we're winning it's ours now and we're gonna throw pylons in your faces ah now retreat a little bit oh that was a sniper shot let's go get some reinforcements here our standard bearer is back now just remember capture the flag we're up on the enemy by like 400 points so why they're fighting I'll just go get reinforcements as we lose them and then I'm thinking the next upgrade we have one extra point I really like this gold bonus man look at this man having to fight four armies you definitely have to be smart man we're doing a decent job on it yeah we need reinforcements our Gold's getting out of hand and I love it it still says our units I guess Allegiant Air is 20 and I think they used to be 25 whoa who invited you guys to the battlefield not me I love throwing spears well my army got wiped out so we're gonna have to bait two armies into fighting each other to give us enough time there we go it finally worked haha get away from my door Oh God really oh I can't tell who I'm spearing anymore all right boys open the gate up please oh my god I just glitched that dude in a wall he just mentioned it into my base there's a green and a pink eye in my base unbelievable and look at that two more experience points boom boom gold gold baby gold pink one in a battle against orange greens coming in fresh though and orange is just being able to resupply much faster good let's retreat to the force let them let them do their thing let them do their thing we're leading in points now in the middle of the jungle here look at my brave army gentlemen it's time to throw pilum b l'm belie oh that was brutal if greens got the flag it'll start moving this way so I don't need to commit you to the fray we'll be able to get it on the run we'll use them to do our job for us dude this game would be so fresh with more units there's our standard bearer Oh Pink's here oh that wagon just blocked all the pilum that was a bad idea well I think I'm gonna die but I get a respawn soon we unfortunately lost that entire army I guess we'll just have to use Roman gold and build a new one it's definitely less than ideal though to lose an army you know we could do greens away I think this is what we have to do attack the fort you attack the fort I'll take the flag we'll all divide and conquer yeah good job bill yeah you you take that flag whoa whoa whoa I said attack there are no enemies oh we took a bunch of speech to the heads all right we'll reduce the missile cooldown and we'll get as many Legionnaires as we can afford the walls are closed that's not good that means barbarians approach the gates we'll wait wait for it hold hold the line fire haha I love it what you doing back there general you want to on a spear Oh all right so we've got 200 again what should we upgrade probably a standard respawn time because he's pretty crucial orange has three flag points they conquered somebody Great Scott well they can't defend everything at once so let's try to take them down a peg I guess purple got eliminated and we got pilum so what I should be able to do is spear the defenders and attack oh the gates are open no freakin way oh hopefully this works well blow the horn if we can take this flag that we can spawn on it I'm trying to shoot the general in the back while not getting shot in the back myself there we go spawn men spawn man yes it's our fort so taking the fort's is always good I wish it up I wish it up the amount of men that you could spawn cuz that would be huge how do we do how do we do we've got one spawn you know what Margot let's go check on the home base make sure it's not under attack Green has two points orange have three and they went down purple is eliminated from the game as far as I can tell and look at this these guys are gonna be attacking the gates we've got 2 Spears available I think they are they they're onto us they heard us their scouts have heard us in the force come on over here boys we've got something nice for you it's called lots of a pointy Spears hold the line hold fire don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes even though they've got black pupils and fire general die haha brilliant I thought I killed him I guess we just knocked him over I wish I could have a command to open the gate because being locked outside your own fortress it kind of sucks all right we've got a lot of money now so I think what we should do is flags healing or Flags protection aura and let's go let's get back into the fray if we can take the wagon - Oh incoming frickin yeah give them givin us few Spears back they through brilliantly look how many Spears that guy absorb we'll blow our Harding they're blown there's oh I think I think I hit my own guy yeah I did good yep all gold all the time we've got nine experience I think it caps out at they might cap out of ten I'm not entirely sure we need our standard bearer though around us so we'll wait for him to respawn anything and let's go with Gatecrasher that way we can attack the enemy bases so orange is over there and they've taken the middle flag and the base but I owe the game just ended and I think we took sweet sweet victory yes we did ladies and gentlemen victory goes to the good guys now that was kind of fun because the objective kept moving around and we got a nice blitzie attack in which I'm very excited for so we're gonna be waiting to see how this game updates and what they reveal next but we know that there's two more missions coming in the campaign here and then there'll be custom battles which allow us to play as other nations like maybe the Spartans maybe the Athenians maybe Persians maybe the barbarians so let me know if you guys would like to see more shield-wall or if you have any challenges for it and I'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 376,536
Rating: 4.9472175 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, shield wall, shieldwall, shieldwall gameplay, shield wall tetudo, rome, roman, roman shield wall, roman testudo, testudo, battle simulator, battle sim, formata, formata 2, formata 2 gameplay, formata update, shieldwall update, roman eagle, roman standard, roman eagle standard, roman battles, roman legion, shield wall campaign, shieldwall campaign
Id: zvQsKVG9eWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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