Flying Seaplanes with Sarah in Alaska Pt.1 | It's Time!

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i've lived in alaska 10 years but i've never gone for that coveted seaplane rating now i'm going to throw myself a flight instructor back into the flight training environment as a student pilot it's time to become a commercial seaplane pilot so come follow along [Music] summer is in full bloom here in the foothills of denali talkeetna is home to alaska floats and skis a place i'm familiar with as an instructor this is where i bring my flight school students for their check rides all year long but now i'm the student pursuing a rating that all alaskan pilots should have the seaplane rating now you're going to recognize my instructor her name is sarah and she flew with josh flowers from aviation 101 here at alaska floats while he and i were collaborating on his alaska series a few years back i worked behind the scenes filmed and even ran the drone for his popular video with sarah and alaska floats but now i'm in the hot seat once again a student and ready to take this head on so before we go down to the plane and like during this ground i am watching the winds the whole time and that's something that when you start flying floats you just it becomes ingrained that you're just always watching the wind we don't have like obviously formal weather reporting out here we have talkeetna but oftentimes the weather is kind of delayed from there and the weather can be different here too like the winds in particular yeah so that's something that like before you even go down to the plane that's kind of your first like pre-flight item is where the wind's coming from [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow oh man it's been a while since i've had such a nice headset but mostly planes when you're idle taxing you'd want the stick all the way back in your chest in this one it doesn't do anything the reason you do that is to try to keep the nose up out of the water try to reduce the amount of prop erosion in this plane it's so short the tail so it doesn't do anything okay so when we go out we'll be at an idle taxi it's below a thousand rpm okay that's my pet peeve idle taxis below a thousand when people are used to land lanes they feel like the idle taxi's taking forever and they just slowly start creeping in on the throttle but all that's doing is just digging the heels and more creating more drag throwing more water through the prop and not actually making you go that much faster okay if we had any significant wind we would do our run up into the wind to try to reduce the amount of water going into the problem since we don't have any wind we're just gonna go straight ahead okay when we do our run up i'm gonna bring the mixture a little bit more then you're gonna bring the yolk all the way back okay bring it up to 1500 just right straight ahead yep we won't get going that fast because remember we're just digging our heels in bags yep there's a drop that looks good like the both there's a right mag like so here at our idle attitude this is idle or displacement taxi if you come in and land this flat this is not good this is not where you want to be on touchdown go ahead and bring it back up to your run up speed back up to 1500 yoke all the way back like you have it all right 1500 and then look at the sight picture and just let this kind of focus in for a bit whatever that looks like to you you're sitting a little bit better than me okay all right go ahead and bring it back to idle talking airport information delta niner zero zero zulu wind two six zero at five weather better than five thousand five temperature one four two point five altimeter two nine or seven seven flavored runway mountain observation weather reports requested contact talkeetna radio 123.64 traffic advisories his bias on initial contact you have delta we're going to start off with our step taxi going the other direction okay and the reason we start with a step taxi before we do an actual takeoff is because the process is very similar you get non-step the last things you're going to do in this turn are going to be bringing the water waters up so you're going to start the turn right about here water riders up hook them on the dash yolk's coming all the way back and then you're bringing up full power and when you bring it full power you'll get the first rise of the nose about three to four seconds later you'll get the second rise and that second rise indicates to you that you can release the back pressure and let the nose come down okay so go through our before takeoff checklist while we're just holding short yeah so trim we did trim mixture is full rich repeat is pulled uh gas is on both flaps are up we want one notch right not first step taxi we'll just leave it for step taxi and water rudder the water is to go so on this next spin when we get right about here this is when we'll be going right now not on the next one so on the next spin around when we get kind of 180 degrees away that's when we'll start to bring the water rotors up okay and remember we're bringing the yoke all the way back full power you'll see the first try second rise let the nose come down and then reduce it back to about 2000 rpm okay and then we'll just be planing on top of the water we'll see if i remember all that all right right about here water is coming up [Applause] uh that's why you say to grab it yeah go ahead and do another spin go ahead and bring it back down and we'll do another spin it's really easy to fumble with those and you saw we were still spinning even though they were pretty much up so go ahead right about here go ahead and start the process there we go so those are up untangled with the yoke or with the throttle yokes all the way back and we're getting ready to bring it full power right about here slowly bringing that full power there's your first rise that's the second let the nose come down be nice and patient okay there we can start to see other trees a little bit of back pressure and now reduce the power you saw it just for like a second you saw a little bit of purple yeah i saw that yeah so that was just you're bringing the nose down a little bit too much so this is perfect though we go ahead and i want you to push forward on the yoke right now go ahead and let the nose come down you gotta gotta just push a little bit more okay there's your porpoising it's gonna slowly get worse and then just a little bit of back pressure stops it go ahead and bring in a bit more power and a bit more power okay yeah see how the nose is just slowly creeping around yeah go ahead nice gentle left turn when the nose starts to slowly creep up that means you're falling off step and you're not going fast enough this looks about good here but that's what that's telling you if you suddenly all you can see is sky that means you're not going fast enough go ahead and throttle all the way back to idle yoke all the way back you'll feel it kind of slide off step and then once you've settled back onto the water water rudder's coming down i feel like this water runner is going to be my protection hardest part good afternoon radio flip plane 7347 delta taxing christensen lane will be taken off to the north departing to the northwest with delta before takeoff checklist right yep before take off checklist so trim is good we didn't mess with it nope make sure it's full ridge carpet's cold passes on both laps we want one notch hit one not too flat okay one notch and then on the next turn we'll go ahead and get ready to take off but we taxied in right to the middle of that channel when we go out we'll be going right through the middle of the channel but you'll be trying to get on step during that so your visibility won't be super good okay um but you can look out the side on your side i'll be looking at my side making sure we stay right in the middle um it's about two feet of depth through that channel the shallowest part which we only need about six inches when we're on step a foot when we're idle taxing water runner water rudder coming up all right go ahead get that up hooked on perfect much better all right yolks all the way back and then right about here bring it at full power there's your first first second rise let the nose come down nice and patient and then right there is gonna be your take off attitude so now don't let the nose dip anymore start feeding in a little bit of back pressure to keep the nose right there and then you're just waiting to pick up enough speed to lift off right there and then pitch it for 80. perfect just like that coming around this corner we're going to be aiming for the lowest part of the terrain that little saddle right in front of us clean up wow so you're going to wait until we're clear of the obstacles on the far end okay so once we're up and over those trees got it once we're up and over the trees and we can go ahead and clean up okay i climbed at r to 80 right about here we can go ahead and bring the flaps out perfect and once we get we're going to fly over that river there that's the talking river roger you can go ahead and start turning left making sure we're extra vigilant for traffic off christensen lake it's time to head to the world's prettiest practice area and playground in style this is fun finally we're in the air [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] evaluating your landing environment is key as a seaplane pilot that's why sarah has been working on the woods checklist really early and then so it's this light that we're over this the circular one in the middle and then the skinny one at the start just start in the back you might now start thinking about which one you would prefer to land on and why most of the time the ones do not look like that so the thing is is that people see that diagram and they're like all right i look for the glassy portion that's where the winds are coming from and then we go out to our lake and it looks a lot more like this there's a big glassy portion here and then like ripples here and then this whole middle section is glassy and then there's ripples here that is much much more common to get around talkeetna at least the lakes we go to and then people are overflying it they see this glassy portion and they're like all right the winds are coming this way is that because there's like winds going through terrain somewhere here or it could be terrain for sure um usually it just means that the winds are light and variable okay so they're maybe coming from this direction and they maybe hit the water and then they kind of just die out and then for whatever reason they pick up again or maybe these winds go a different direction it's just much much more likely to get light and variable winds here okay i think the middle one's too short resistance yeah i would agree with that having a i still think the one's coming from this way yeah but you disagree um i agree but the winds are shifting a lot on the water there's little different like pockets of burst different directions yeah but the predominant this direction yeah although i mean this is such an interesting day because it's mostly glassy and i was about to launch into that about um if your lake is like this where it's like 50 glassy and a little bit of ripple you don't want to try to mess with that you're just going to end up doing glassy water landings okay so when in doubt if you have any doubt about the surface of the water being unable to see that or anything you're going to end up doing a glassy water landing okay and we're going to be uh landing this way landing to the south the reason we're going to be doing that is we've predominantly got calm winds with little bits of like movement when we're looking at the terrain for a glassy water landing we want to have an approach that's going to be coming in over the lowest terrain this glassy water technique is not necessarily super challenging but it's very challenging to get it into a short distance into a short lake so gas i'm on both water rudder is up mixture is full rich is it full rich or did you yep 80 miles an hour is going to be our speed through this whole pattern okay i'm bringing it back and so here we're right about a beam where our go around point's going to be i was thinking that that clump of trees yeah exactly if we're not on the water by bed we'll just go ahead and go around and come back in and try it again okay and then our last visual reference is going to be our last indication of how high we are above the terrain once we're over the water we we could touch down at any point the kind of this marsh that we're a beam right now is going to be our last visual reference going to land right over the top of it or in the channel there we're going to come right over the top of it because we want like terrain we want grass or something that's going to be really easy to see if we came in over the channel that channel could be glassy too and it could kind of throw up our depth perception okay to turn base here yep okay it's important that we're going to try to come in right over this terrain and we're going to start this transition to our landing attitude soon or like early and then bring it in to about 1900 rpm once that's set all right so once we've cleared the trees go ahead and bring the power back to idle bring the nose up to your landing attitude we're gonna balloon a little bit which is good all the way up okay and then power back in now power real quick 1900 and then we're just holding our landing attitude all the way down if we're making any power adjustments for the wind they're really minor and we're just being real patient real real patient and the wind's kind of blowing us around and ballooning us a little bit keep the nose up keep the nose up right there all right touchdown you'll go all the way back power all the way back awesome [Music] all right so talk to me about that landing what you saw uh yeah i think i have the i think i have the attitude pretty good um at least initially i i could understand what you were saying when i brought it back down yeah if i need it a little higher than i need to adjust my memorized sight picture and anything else we need to do i don't think so we're just gonna idle taxi back um we were getting close to our goal round point when we touched down so i was about to make that decision yeah but i felt pretty good about it yeah uh yeah that was really good and i feel like we came in okay over the terrain i was i'm a little surprised like that you bring it to idle over the terrain like that and then bring the nose up like it's kind of counter-intuitive you think you just fly it on yeah so that was kind of interesting but now i know yeah it's it's a kind of weird maneuver is that like the normal line you're talking about going to idle and then bringing the nose up yeah so that's what we're doing every time yeah pretty much okay yeah so in this case we're getting power yeah we're adding power so i was going to talk about that so first of all uh the reason we didn't touch down sooner is because we had a little bit of wind ballooning us which okay actual glossy water wouldn't happen right you just set the attitude set the power and there shouldn't be any wind because glossy water inherently means there's no wind today because it's like half texture and half glassy that's why we're kind of like battling the winds a little bit but yeah so the reason i said in the air it's the glassy water technique's not that challenging it's challenging getting it into a more confined area because basically during that whole transition you're trying to transition perfectly so that you don't balloon at all you're basically fighting everything you're doing is like a recipe to get the plane to balloon so that's why you're cutting it to idle during that transition because if you have pretty much any power in at all you're just going to balloon maybe a lot higher yeah so you fight really hard to get down low over the terrain but then if you kind of mess up that that transition you're just going to balloon and give up all that altitude that you got really low floor that happened to us a little bit you brought the nose up at idle but then the power came in a little bit aggressively and that's what ballooned a little bit and that also added to why we kind of took a little bit longer to get down to the water which isn't bad that was a really good first glassy water but that's why everything we're doing is trying to get it to not balloon so that's why we bring it to idle nose comes up and the throttle comes in smoothly and firmly but not not quite as aggressive as soon as you start the turn you can be starting to bring the water letters up too and that's unique to this plane we'll talk about that later and right about here i'm going to start adding my power right yoke all the way back and then yep perfect first rise second rise slowly let the pressure off being patient with it now right about there is you take off attitude then be patient don't bring him in too early keep the nose up right about here pop that flap in good really nice yeah whichever low point of the terrain you want to aim for i like this i like it too i actually really do like heading out this way people don't like to get close to the trees but we've got a whole other lake right now yeah the whole length too yeah full wing length with whatever you want to call it yeah hey y'all a real quick message here if you're enjoying this video and doing flight training now or in the near future check out our online ground school pass the written test prepare for flight training and become a safe aviator and you get to support this channel at the same time join today at all right back to the video sarah suggests that i talk more as i'm taking the pacer through its paces it's something i love my students doing so i obliged and end up kind of verbalizing what i'm doing a lot more from here on out so i'm thinking about pattern altitude now is that okay i'm gonna start drawing the power back i'm gonna run through my before landing checklist which is gas is on both water rudder is up mixture is where you like it rp one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand good there collapse there's my first notch i'm gonna be drawing back my power i wanna get to 80 for my entire approach this time i'm going to bring my downline a little bit longer so we can have a longer approach over our final visual point is that the correct terminology all right less visual reference last visual reference so i'll take it out a little bit longer rather than dropping it in and what are the winds done on our lake since we've been here uh like they look calmer yeah they've been slowly fading away diane so we've got pretty much a very much glassy lake now so you can see our trail yeah glassy water our whole your all your ripples will just stay for a long time i'm gonna wait a little bit longer to i could maybe start to descend a little bit right here but just a small power reduction i see my path to where i want to go like that lower part of the trees there drop my power back a little bit more looking out in front of me too for anyone that's better this is perfect yeah fight that thermal a little less power and now i'm coming down through the channel when i've made the water that's when i transition is that right um you want to be set with your power in and your landing attitude before you lose your last visual references okay so i'm going to turn to the left a little bit more before i do that all right so right about here go ahead and start the transition here the power back all the way all the way up to my landing attitude and then i'll roll the power in beautiful right there keep that a little bit more a little too high radio supercruiser seven miles to the north and down with delta a little less power yep i'm aching it out just gradually transition beautiful [Music] so my landing attitude was too high a little bit yeah but i i tried to compensate for that with power i was mushing into it a little bit more than i would have wanted to so yeah i just mushed into it a little bit more but i didn't want to just like draw the power back and let the nose down because we're doing glassy water like i'd rather i'd rather dig the floats a little bit more and have a softer landing than just i'm down is that a correct assessment yeah okay that was perfect that's why i didn't say anything i'd much rather have you be two nose high um and even if you have a firmer landing it's much better than being two nose low and trying to you know make a softer landing nose low cool all right before we take off i want to do um some step turns [Music] now step turns my nemesis we're going to be on the controls together on the first one okay and we're going to do a big figure eight so go ahead and flip around go to the we're gonna go back that way and i want you to get me on step just like normal going back towards that direction uh power up for takeoff yep full power get the first try first drive second rise relieving the pressure gradually patiently it now reduces the power right here's the power there's a purposing too much power perfect yeah we're going to come to the right okay so kind of be a little loose around the controls because i'm going to be on the controls here too all right my flight controls we're going to come way over towards this shoreline all right so we're right here right at the edge of where we want to be 2 000 rpm we're going to look clear the turn turn into it like a car and then start the turn with the rudders as soon as we start the turn we're bringing in a little bit of power and throughout this whole turn we're going to be easing just a little small small amounts of power and through the whole turn i'm watching the nose making sure the nose just tracks straight across the horizon if that nose was starting to come up a little bit that would mean that i was going too slow and starting to fall off step as i'm straightening out of this turn i'm coming back on the power bring the ailerons back to neutral and back to just above 2000 to keep this on step this feels so unnatural all right your flight controllers fly controls you have the controls we're gonna make a right turn so we're doing a big figure eight here in the bigger part of the water right in the bigger part yeah i felt i had to fight these step turns this unnatural feeling that made me feel like we'd catch a float and flip over to the side tucked in tight and yeah go ahead start the right turns we're clearing it visually steering like a car bring that aileron in a little bit more power as soon as you start the turn perfect this feels so weird and just encouraging it with rudder yep you can bring it in a little tighter all right go ahead kick it straight go straight to the shoreline back to idle you'll go all the way back so i can do it tighter than that yeah i just feel like i'm gonna flip over yeah step turns are weird okay so i just need to stop being a wuss no i'm not necessarily this this end of the lake is a little bit tighter so i want you to go back in the other direction and you wanted that end um yeah people tend to get really uncomfortable and it's weird to bring power into a situation that you were already uncomfortable in but that's the main thing is bringing it down you got to be comfortable i'm i'm yeah it's more about the skidding for me like i feel like i'm going to catch a float and go over yeah no these are got plenty of room here the important thing if you're gonna um you can go ahead and start getting non-stop yeah that's my plan okay first rise second rise relaxing relaxing and steering a little bit to the left yep uh do you want to do a left hand or right hand turn left turn so go to the right straight line reduce the power get yourself slower the main thing if we're going to abort a step turn you want to kick it straight and go straight before you um bring it back to idle you don't want to abort in the middle of the turn but get really in tight to this right hand shoreline aggressively and tighter keep the power low though keep the power down a little less power right there keep it right there okay a little more power all right pull left aileron oh left aileron okay i mean as much as you'd get without a little power yeah more power go ahead and oh there we go we're kind of falling off step and we got back on you can see the nose tracking across the horizon that's our wake there go ahead straighten out i'll straighten out of the shoreline is that okay yeah on this side yeah okay so we're kind of halfway falling off step during that turn okay you need a little more power then yeah let's go ahead and reduce it and look again at your attack get it right there right 2 000 and don't mess with it until we start the turn okay so we were already kind of falling off the step when we started the turn so it made the whole rest of the turn a little challenging so get an even tighter onto this left-hand shoreline okay and now as much right aileron feeding power in as soon as you start the turn not quite as much power though it's really really small amounts of power there perfect that's a lot better gosh that feels so weird to me yeah all right go ahead and straighten out get yourself yeah back at idle [Applause] it's a really weird sensation they're they're bizarre crazy yeah that's not all you want to do i want to do some more um we're kind of still falling off steps i'm going to have you on the ailerons and on the rudders and i want to be on the throttle okay if you're comfortable with that that's fine yeah all right so i'll get us up on step and everything yeah okay a second rise slowly bringing her back letting her do her thing and now i'm drawing back to power power's coming back about 2 000 there close to the shoreline over here all right my throttle your throttle all right so really now just focus in on getting close to the terrain over here okay and we're just holding it here right a hair above 2000 rpm just let me know when you're ready to start i'm ready whenever you are all right let's go ahead so as soon as we're starting i'm adding like 50 rpm not a ton of power but just just enough to keep us on step and the tighter the turn you're making with the rudders the more power i'm adding so right here is kind of the max amount of power i'm adding and even then it's just about 250 rpm you're falling off step a little bit right there yeah falling off steps so we're gonna go add a lot of power get it back on stuff and then reduce it okay i want you just a little bit not quite as aggressive on the rudder we kind of sandwich the problem here okay so get it back to like a shallower turn on the runners because if you really try to try to get on the rudders and really get it real tight you need a lot of power to stay on and we don't have enough room to do that all right go ahead and start your right turn perfect this is shallow down just a little bit keep your body straight up shout out right a little bit more that's about the rate of turn you want okay like that right at the edge of where it's starting to be a little bit uncomfortable okay but not like super i mean i don't know your comfort level but for me this is like just at the edge of like a bit of discomfort good all right we're straightening it out reduce the power off just a little bit most of that turn though reviewing this now i so appreciate sarah's teaching style as an instructor she's doing a great job explaining this and i can tell i'm picking it up little by little even though i can also see that i'm missing things here and there it was an issue because you're trying to turn too tight without enough power so just shallow out the turn and then max is like 2300 rpm so we're not having a ton of power i'll do my best for you sarah stop turns are the weirdest thing so i'm starting yup you reduce the power instead of adding power when you started the turn right about there's right right yeah maybe a little tighter this is good so yeah that's good i know i'm behind the power curve a little bit so you you started the turn by reducing the power a little bit and then when you added power you added about 300 rpm so that's real small like you should be just continuously feeding in like micro amounts of throttle to this turn you should never add like 100 rpm 200 rpm at a time it should be just real small like continuously feeding it and making the turn just a gentle you you want to use the whole area of this lake if you're not using the whole area of the lake it probably means you fall off you're falling off step good too much power a little bit but this is good right here a little more rudder yeah so this is this is perfect and then add more power the longer the turn goes on yes much much better beautiful see that nose just tracking across the horizon perfect and then as we'll come up a little bit let me straighten out let's do another one just like that that was beautiful reduce the power the other thing that's going to make your turn radius smaller right above two thousand speed yeah if you enter this right above okay right there perfect that's what it should sound like into the turn too fast you're gonna use up a lot more lake right go ahead and start your left turn later on don't forget the aileron more power just a little bit as soon as you start the turn beautiful all good yeah just a little bit okay more power so straighten out add a bunch of power get yourself back on step when the nose starts to come down then reduce the power and continue the turn there like that in hindsight now i can see so much of what she's saying sometimes in the heat of the moment as a student when your head is full of all these new ideas you just can't hear some of the steps and instructions no matter how simple all right reduce the power right above 2 000 perfect if this next turn goes well we're gonna take off straight that way okay as long as we roll out on the step yep once we roll out we'll go full power focus on just a nice shallow turn try to use up all your lake here perfect i like this rate of turn we're going through a bunch of wakes mixing up in here so we're getting some a little more power perfect looking really nice and behind on it a little bit very good recovery perfect this is how it should be you should use up the whole length of the leg of this like we're on right now and power all the way forward right full power find your take off attitude it's going to be a bit nose higher than perfect just like that you can pop a little bit of extra clap in open those up perfect [Music] since the since the yolk's not on perfectly straight that's why the right wing that's the depth yeah after you lift off a little bit early wait what did you say because the ailerons aren't perfectly like oh okay straight with the yolk if you have the if you have the yolk level the right wing is going to dip when you first get off the water gotcha so perfectly levels like this right how do you have it right now but that's why that keeps happening just so you know it's not what you're doing it's just the controls now we're coming back for another to see if i can put it all together and as you'll see it doesn't go that well okay so gas uh water rudder is up mixture is where you like it carpet one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand flaps first notch right at 80 looking good there this is tight enough yeah this is good so yeah don't come in crazy high but just high enough so you're not worried about i'll just leave a little more power than i'm used to then hey left face looking for traffic i'm just gonna keep it coming around i like kind of like my current power setting just to do what you said and i'll fly it down okay and then i'll transition all right you like this yep okay i'm not gonna change anything else i will straighten up a little bit more toward our landing path okay go ahead start your transition right here and ladding attitude right there power right there a little less power i've got a real slight tailwind right now i feel like we're too high all right let's go ahead and go around around you say that too but that we were too high yeah we were a little bit too high and we had a slight tail left okay so can you talk to me about about when you want me to transition because yeah i felt like i was still gonna wait longer yeah so so i was gonna talk about that so the whole point of your last visual reference is that's the point where any point after that you could touch down and be safe we're gonna come back around and land the other direction this time going through this little channel right here okay there's not like a set point when you start but you just got to be set and established nose up with the power set where you want it to be by the time you're crossing that last visual oh okay so that's that's what i need okay that makes sense and now we gotta get down to that channel otherwise we'll be too high okay you want me to be low through the channel yeah it's not like crazy low but you know yeah exactly and yeah you've been bringing the nose up a little bit too high and then overcompensating with a little bit too much power go ahead right about here let's start the transition so back to idle wait for the balloon to go away nose up and then feed the power in after the sink just kind of barely starts this is good because i wanted you to just kind of like see this approach just be patient holding this the whole way down good power setting a little bit more that's kind of what i feel right about that yeah that's what it should be like if you feel like you're just barely you know barely barely sinking that's a perfect power setting and just hold it all the way down oh a little the wind kind of let's grab a transition all right perfect better better okay i think something that helped me that time is when i reduced the power the weight to bring the nose up until the float was over yeah and that little key piece of information he told me was really helpful okay good now we'll go directly into take off again after a step turn first rise we're gonna do a turn to the right correct second rise relaxing go ahead and reduce that power perfect yep right there if you feel the nose coming up a little bit um maybe just a hair more powers barely any perfect then starting this right turn more power as soon as the turn starts it's not a ton of power but just as soon as it starts it needs a bit more power very nice this is looking really good keep feeding it just a little bit of power through the turn very very nice beautiful yeah i know how to fly just kidding i was losing a little bit there okay full power pickup attitude which is a little bit more nose up aligned with my longest uh waterway reaching down for flaps i feel it's about to oh i just took off myself nevermind and aiming for that little spot getting up to 80. very very nice those are really good stuff cool thanks done for this lesson but this is only the first flight of the day and the first flight of several days where i'll be flying to get my seaplane rating and dang i learned a lot it was just such a blast to be out here finally working on this after all these years then you're gonna give it a full left right about here [Music] between lessons and just hanging around alaska floats in calcutta everyone mingles and makes friends along the way the weather and company couldn't be better and as an aviator it's great to be back learning again so make sure to keep following along on this series of lessons like this video if you liked it and subscribe to see the other lessons and turn on that notification bell so you don't miss out on anything else and until next time throttle on [Music] bye
Channel: Angle of Attack
Views: 105,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flying, seaplanes, alaska, aviation, floatplanes, seaplane landing, seaplane landing and taking off, seaplane takeoff, seaplane blippi, seaplanes landing on water, seaplane rating, seaplane training, float plane landing, floatplane video, float plane takeoff, float plane alaska, floatplane training, learn to fly, seaplanes in alaska, sarah seaplanes, aviation101, josh flowers, CFI, Flight instructor, float plane, float flying, glassy water, sea plane, Bush flying
Id: M3nwXJcEiJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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