She went Dumpster Diving at 5 Big Corporate Stores

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this is looking good oh yeah taking that i don't know what that is did every item get ruined oh yeah blackout okay i don't want to get paint on anything sprayed this looks okay some of these might be okay i don't want to get paint on anything this is comforter done it's not bad i'm gonna take this i'm gonna grab that i can clean that off no problem oh that's cool [Music] [Music] those are in there a weighted blanket okay i don't think that they oh they did spray paint that darn it sucks dead cotton he said we're gonna go yeah their particular paint the red paint is like a greasy paint and it's really hard to get off i can get off hard surfaces but those fabrics it's just too much work for me i can't sit there and clean them all day and then by the time i'm done it doesn't look nice anymore it doesn't look new anymore so it's not worth it red spray paint comes off onto everything if you don't get it off once it dries it still gets on everything it gets everything red like amanda's gotten it um on stuff like we've given her dogs um stuff to put in the dog candles and stuff or like outside dog you know like the dog house and stuff and they'll get paint on them from it so i i'm not comfortable with it with kids or pets or anything so we just haven't been grabbing it if it's too much fabric because it's just too much to get off so it's a shame but that's what's happening but i'll try to salvage some of these materials because some of them i could make masks out of um and some of them i could do other stuff with them like recover parts of things or um use them you know if a corner just has red on it then the rest of it maybe i could do something with so some of them i took so that's good i'm glad got some on to the next come on let's have some hair dry for something fun oh i got some of these curlers again i never did try these wanted to and then i lost them i don't know where they went cool he's got the hook this time too cool yay i found those at another sally photo face matte foundation and it feels full i'm rubbing it anyway i found those curlers at a different sally beauty and then they put him somewhere never found them again might have just donated them an accident or they're somewhere in the garage or something or i stashed them away for later and i haven't found them i hate it when that happens okay so that's the styling hooks it's the same bag i just got oh i'm gonna need that let me make sure i didn't leave one in here now oh that's new there's nothing behind there it really doesn't matter but [Music] you all know marcus is a scum slime bag thieving bastard and i want what he took out of my purse man well okay so it's missing the back but it's still fine otherwise i'm taking that for sure this is tj maxx by the way let's see what oh that is so cute oh my gosh amanda would love this didn't have the glass she still might love it i'm gonna take it that plate is adorable back there but it's cracked like a big chip [Music] i'm gonna have to jump so another one of these i'll just refill my soap containers at home and fine heavy to pick up can i get it coconut and beeswax cardboard back here take a quick little look-see nice shelves i've got an eagle eye for dumpsters temperatures gorgeous some aren't broken cup broken around the diffuser that'll probably work it's in there this is an air vent clip all right see the screen protector is [Music] my friend's a teacher led light fun okay okay look at the whole one in here it's way down here i think i see the car we need the steering wheel remote [Music] hopefully that works these usually work just fine when i test them at home great i mean they're not like great quality or anything but broken what's this remote go to better take it might go to that led light aroma oh essential oil cool let's go inside of a diffuser we didn't come yesterday and we probably could have gotten messed up [Music] okay it's really rusty [Music] it's kind of a cool bucket it's so crusty though i think that'd be a good one to scrap these are kind of interesting once again someone's dumping their personal stuff [Applause] it's just totally rusted somebody's just been dumping their stuff here steve's opinion about whether we should take this bucket or not it's definitely somebody's personal stuff that they threw away in here but look at that bucket it's steel it is steel yeah it's nice but it is filled with wraps onto the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 250,533
Rating: 4.8707514 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 2fq0P0T5Cio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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