The greatest multi-lingual telephone game in hololive history... I think 【FULL HIGHLIGHTS】

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the special thing about today's language class is that I wanted to you know I wanted to put some I wanted to focus on the beauty of her accents and different languages around the world and we also have you know people from all around the world speaking in their own accents we've got Hajime accent we've got elito accent we've got got Midwest accent we've got indones is it Indonesian accent [Music] that's a yes okay oh let me just squeeze right past you there okay I understand right away oh oh let me just squeeze right past you there yeah oh just let me right just let me squeeze right past you there cool booy Senai are you ready for this oh yeah the phrase is op lemon just squeeze right past you there oh let me just squeeze uh PS right there uh o let me just squeeze right past you there oh let me just squeeze a past right there close enough yeah yeah yeah it's right past right past you there right past you there oh let me just squeeze your paws right there oh let me yeah yeah yeah yeah let me just squeeze your P right there let me squeeze party no party party your best let me just squeeze your best right there your best your party no party party uh let me just sque let let me just sque squeeze UB part no party UB let me just squid oh but finish finish yes let me let let me let me yeah just [Music] sque sque yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh [Music] yeah yeah yeah what did you hear what did okay [Applause] [Music] for [Music] slow [Music] down man mano um uh good luck [Music] uh Kyla you get all that [Music] what yes yes okay [Laughter] [Music] okay no [Music] no [Music] B yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cover can you please tell the class what you heard [Music] yeah [Music] foree [Music] [Laughter] fore for very nice very [Music] nice maybe all maybe [Music] perfect okay yeah nanka color nanka color k k m m yeah yes I'm [Music] ready okay [Music] okay let's go yeah uh Indonesia [Music] go yeah [Music] huh what language is [Music] [Music] this yes okay yes what did you hear he what this was perfect come piy thank you good day mate he haven't had Brey yet so might going to Mac is run soon [Music] myout W yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] yeah [Music] okay yet hav had Bre Bre breing good day good day M good day M haven't had breakfast yet but I think it's British way Haven had Bre Bre breakfast Bre Bre haven't had Brey yet and then yeah and then after that I don't know um good made haven't had bre yet yet what is going on one one yeah something [Music] got one want yeah I got one you got one I got one you got one we got two you know have a hat break yet I don't want you make a make a make it's okay it's fine it's fine good day mate haven't had break yet I got one yet soon wow okay okay good breaking yeah I got one yeah make one my song yeah good day M okay oh good day mate have a nice have a nice have a nice breaking break or Brey Brey Brey yeah I got I got one one yeah I got one yeah make or make or sud sud Sudan sud sud sud my soul my my my soul my soul my my soul okay what I heard is good day mate have a nice braie yeah I got one yeah through my soul good I might haven't had breier so might going to maaz Ron soon Mar out where's Theon you miss It Bae you missed the okay there's no yet there's noon there's no after this the after this there no yeah done after this let's go [Music] continue where's the No No Yeah no my soul
Channel: Reivus ch.
Views: 289,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L8wxIgvMTFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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