She-Hulk Is The Worst Show Ever Made

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watching She-Hulk is as big a risk to your brain as a knight with Jeffrey Dahmer I told you we're gonna hang out watch a movie or take some pictures actually come to think of it I'd rather take my chances with that guy at least he's interesting my contrary something's really fun I reviewed episode one of this drek a couple months ago and swore up and down that it was the only video I'd be doing for this Abomination there were clear issues in the writing and the messaging in the very first episode that told me there were fundamental flaws that wouldn't and couldn't be improved upon as the series went on so I was happy to write it off but after nearly two months of hearing how terrible it had gotten I sat and binged eight straight episodes of she her Hulk it was on the level of an alcoholic relapse enough booze to put the critical Drinker to shame no it'll be fine and after a trip to the ER some saline and a blood transfusion I returned to make my report what did I Come Away with for an opinion it's [ __ ] it is a table of [ __ ] to wit this show is quite possibly the worst television program I've ever watched in my [ __ ] life it's demeaning regressive and has on the nose messaging completely missing its target audience in favor of trying to Pander to people who aren't even watching the show it's hard to even know where to begin when discussing what's wrong with this series because issues are plentiful and awfulness abound whether it's the writing pacing character presentation the special effects or meta commentary there's not a single redeeming quality about this absolute pile of dog [ __ ] strap on and strap in because I'm not just reviewing each episode I got some [ __ ] to say first I'm not just going over the individual episodes first let's break down the show's messaging and commentary and near the end attempt to fix the writing of this piece of [ __ ] every problem I brought up in my first She-Hulk review unsurprisingly carried over to the remaining episodes in reality I could have just released that video as a wrap up to the show and nothing would have been different the She-Hulk CGI looks like [ __ ] Gumby walking around it's astoundingly embarrassing and I feel horrible for the special effects artists forced to work on this [ __ ] the pacing and overall writing of this show is a bigger travesty than the rings of power and uh that's saying something emphasizing the fact that it's She-Hulk attorney at law writing the title you'd think the show would have at least some sort of grasp on the legal system but the fact that the writers of the show admitted to not being able to do courtroom drama or even understand basic fundamentals of the law is not only glaringly obvious it gets worse as the show progresses it lets us know the studio took a look and said it's the purest form of the now iconic line from red letter media don't ask questions just consume product and then get excited for next product the writing style is the tried and true if we point out how dumb the story plot or situation is the audience will interpret it as clever also known as uncreative [ __ ] each episode jumps from boring shallow situation to boring shallow situation barely stretching a bland scenario to 20 minutes each time on one particular occasion the show even goes so far as to unironically Glad hand itself for using basic writing techniques connecting the A and B story nice as if to point out its own cleverness completely ignoring the fact it doesn't even have an overarching storyline but I'll get to that because where to really start breaking things down how about first the messaging when I decided to review this show I convinced my girlfriend to watch each episode with me so I could get a female perspective she's a wonderful woman who has her master's degree in counseling psychology and is starting her doctorate program in counseling she's currently a school counselor and yeah her [ __ ] boyfriend reviews movies and draws and writes comic books for a living so we make for an odd but awesome pair she isn't hyper aware of the cultural discussion of agendas being shoehorned in everyday media by choice AKA she's not a dumbass like myself who literally makes a living talking about it so her agreeing to watch the show and give her own feedback not only allowed for a female perspective but a perspective of someone outside the entertainment sphere what's fascinating is her conclusions were very similar to mine and I'll go into detail as they come up when discussing each episode but one conclusion we both agreed on its messaging is not only regressive but damaging this show epitomizes everything that modern popular culture creators like to steer into identity politics pick your oppressed person empowerment messaging and the constant and incessant need to promote an agenda over good story while simultaneously using that agenda as a shield against any legitimate criticism whatsoever what is unignorable and inescapable when it comes to she her Hulk is the identity politics and not only plays up but shoves directly into your face like sandpaper She-Hulk isn't just a female empowerment show it's a boss [ __ ] show starring the most Giga boss [ __ ] ever digitized do I wanna talk about this absolutely [ __ ] not but it's what this show is about there's no way around discussing it whether it's straight from the marketing itself or from life-sucking shills the estrogen is strong with this one I think what's the most despicable and simultaneously the most fascinating aspect of this show is its proper application of gaslighting when it comes to its audience what do you mean by that cynic well let me break it down in no one certain terms the show simplifies and breaks down every male character into a stereotypical buffoon [ __ ] chauvinistic pig or a combination of all three while while propping up its female characters whose self-delusion makes them think and as the writer's hope makes the audience think that they have no discernible flaws or shortcomings whatsoever despite the fact that our lead is narcissistic vapid and devoid of any Charisma or real personality besides the daily struggles of being a rich middle-aged wine drinking Californian female whose only personality traits are dripped in vanity booze and trying to one-up and fret over every man she comes into contact with all the while trying to figure out why she's single it's not some thematic undertone it's literally what the entire show is about I mean [ __ ] the main antagonist of the show is men in general but we'll get to that on the nose idiocy later and as mentioned it's written all over the marketing for the show too conveniently though the showrunners and creators use any criticism of the show whatsoever to attack its own fan base in the real world just as it does with its own meta commentary you just don't think the show is funny wow you must be fun at parties you [ __ ] massage and massage and massage it's circular logic that trumps any and all criticism a perfect Shield using a catch-all term to block ignore deflect or invalidate any legitimate criticism whatsoever it's on the nose meta commentary if talked about positively makes you a great person but if you have a dissenting opinion you only think negatively about it because you hate women a perfect example of this idiotic style of Defense inaction happened to moist critical who's one of the best voices on YouTube the guy is typically right down the middle and he discusses social and cultural topics but is as level-headed as it gets when he dare to even touch on the new Velma TV show with a simple question of why are they attacking their own audience he was pounced on immediately man this screams like a show made by people that hate the audience that they're borrowing the IP from what what is the point like why not just make your own original one why immediately antagonize people who just want Scooby-Doo why why is everyone who works in the industry so angry all the time why do you just keep saying white guy take what is that bait or a joke the the literal opening line to this is just immediately [ __ ] on legitimately everyone that would have cared about Scooby-Doo it's meta in the worst way what's the point you made a show that immediately shits on people that like the property why why use the property then just make your own why do you think are you are you are you being serious I can't who is in this chat right now why do you think caring about Scooby-Doo entails keeping a character white then I haven't said anything about her skin color this is the most Twitter [ __ ] of all time Charlie AKA moist critical is someone I would consider outside the sphere of culture wars so as a regular Joe taking a look at something and questioning in such a manner it speaks to the fact that there's something seriously wrong in the way modern films and TV shows are being written and marketed you can't even attempt to critique anything in modern culture without having vitriol hurled at you like this it's gaslighting at its finest we're having true feminist representation a bunch of other movies have done it better why aren't you why does it matter what we do it's not even for you ratings are plummeting why isn't anyone watching our show this photo's been circling around the internet for a couple weeks now and it still makes me laugh every time I see it these people live in a [ __ ] bubble and somehow think the world revolves around them it's incredible now I know the name of this channel is movie cynic but I'll clue you as of this writing I've previously published 24 videos 17 of which are reviews of a movie or TV show the others are video essays or general commentary and of the 17 reviews nine are positive with more than half of those five out of nine starring a woman this year alone the film everything everywhere all at once is simply one of the best movies I've ever seen social messaging in and of itself isn't bad far from it as always it's completely in the execution whether it's good or bad I understand the show is supposed to be a comedy a more light-hearted Affair and that's all well and good but it doesn't excuse it from being written so [ __ ] lazily shows that are light-hearted or meant to be comedic are allowed to also have heart characters you give a [ __ ] about and messages that hit home just because I'm not a woman doesn't mean I I can't connect or understand or empathize with a woman's difficult situation just because your skin is a certain pigmentation doesn't mean you can't connect and identify with another person's plight there's an underlying human element that connects us all themes and personal stories that we can all relate to it's when a movie show or book shines a light on the humanity we all relate to that storytelling is at its absolute best something that everything everywhere all at once does that Felicity Jones's character gin erso in Rogue one has in that film's best moments the ability to make a psychopath somehow relatable and even manage to extract sympathy from the audience that the absolutely brilliant Mia goth gets out of us in the film Pearl and no it doesn't have to be an Oscar bait style film or an Emmy seeking TV show to do that so no social messaging isn't bad what is bad is the backward thinking regressive on the nose commentary that belittles and denigrates in order to prop up a plight She-Hulk is the worst defender of this I've ever seen on screen and it doesn't just insult its primary audience it clumsily stupidly and inadvertently regresses the feminist agenda it's a [ __ ] joke but we're most certainly not laughing with it alright let's move the [ __ ] on shall we this topic obviously won't be going away since it's literally the essence of the show but let's get to reviewing the last video fully dissected the problems with episode 1 but as mentioned those problems persisted and the plot of each episode is pretty [ __ ] generic and to the point so this won't take nearly as long She-Hulk episode 2. this one starts off with Jen being fired from her firm because of the we need to reveal Jen as She-Hulk to the masses plot device of the previous episode then she immediately gets hired by another firm to represent the abomination in an attempt to tie up a loose end from the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie and that's it that's the [ __ ] episode and then storytelling at its finest here I sat there wondering is there any particular reason they let Abomination have parole they go over how dangerous it is to even get close to him do not touch the glass separating you and the Prisoner Abomination do you accept these conditions yes sign here in the event of injury or death please indicate who we should notify it's not bad huh then I remembered oh yeah it's what the writers want to happen so [ __ ] logic just do it well I'm a completely different person now literally ah yes addressing the actor change from Edward Norton to Mark Ruffalo you know this didn't work in Iron Man 2. look it's me I'm here deal with it let's move on I just I drop it and it doesn't work here either hey here's a character that must represent most men to the writers take a laugh Dennis there's a hot chick over there I'm gonna go talk to it from Hulk episode three in this absolute Banger of an episode Jen convinces the parole board to let Blonsky out on parole oh and this is the classic episode Where She Hulk twerks I know you can't wait to see long I get it I just want to make sure that you don't think this is one of those Cameo every week type of shows it's not just remember whose show this actually is wow it's almost as if the showrunners knew they had a complete disaster on their hands and decided to shoe horn in as many cameos as possible to try and entice people to watch it way to acknowledge the fact that you have a bland annoying protagonist that can't draw an audience on her own at least that can compliment you for that manhood wings but then they gave it to a woman yeah have you seen this Insanity I don't care what anybody says about me continuing The Meta jokes Jen points out the backlash they knew they'd get as if pointing out the inherent flaw in the show's concept somehow makes it no longer a flaw brilliant it's almost as if the writers live in such a weird bubble that it didn't even pass through their minds they could possibly create something bad the only possible reason for such villainous criticism misogynists are also in the Superhuman lot of it yeah no I can't talk to a 10 about embarrassing man's stuff she could be my next fiance you've seriously got to be [ __ ] kidding me this show infantilizes women and gaslights men this is a pretty solid example of what I meant when I said the show is regressive in every respect it's straightforwardly criticizes criticism of the show while also mocking the primary audience for comic book projects males at this point my girlfriend paused the episode and commented it feels like the only way they think they can portray a strong woman is if they make the man incompetent Tim Roth is essentially phoning in his performance as the Abomination whose character is in this show because of his connection to the Hulk unfortunately for the lazy ass writers Abomination was last seen in xiangxi duking it out in underbelly fights so how do the writers get around this when they want Jen to [ __ ] represent him for a parole hearing well they simply parade Wong in to explain that it wasn't Blonsky himself that left Wong actually removed him from prison why did he do it who the [ __ ] knows because instead of coming up with a logical reason why Wong begins his explanation have you ever heard of a kumate um I'd like to move for dismissal of all charges against my client then they cut away to something else then cut back after Wong's wrapped it up already regard to Mr Blonsky forgetting his cell I gave him no choice but it was absolutely his choice to return it's the equivalent of that scene from Thank You for Smoking when Aaron eckhart's character asks how people could be smoking cigarettes in a spaceship without it blowing up Sony has a futuristic sci-fi movie they're looking to make so cigarettes in space It's the final frontier Nick but wouldn't they blow up in an all-oxygen environment probably it's an easy fix one line of dialogue thank God we invented the you know whatever device now we get to everyone's favorite iconic She-Hulk scene the one that will live in infamy the twerking and if I hear Megan the stallion one more time I might off myself although that might come off as a win to activists everywhere in this episode Jen represents Wong in an inconsequential cease and desist case and then she goes on a date then the episode's over from a legal situations the greatest importance after Wong admitted to Breaking Abomination out of prison shouldn't he be a wanted criminal you realize that you've just admitted to facilitating a prisoner escape which is a crime [Music] as a lawyer Jen should know this right it's going to have bearing on the story right ah [ __ ] it that's not what we need to happen in the story Move Along excuse me ladies I hate to see two stunning women sitting all alone can I buy you sexy ladies round of drinks okay sir we're clearly in the middle of work here when you change your mind I'll be at the bar my girlfriend then sighed and rolled her eyes again at this I turned and asked her why and she explained it thusly all these things that are happening to Jen and her friends in the show do happen to women but there's a caveat to that she said not every man acts this way yet every single interaction Jen has with a man in the show has portrayed them as weak incompetent or the guy's a complete pig as if all these things somehow exist in a vacuum like Jen only runs into every horrible misogynistic stereotype imaginable and only that kind of person that's why I'm an entrepreneur in what field TBD foreign we should do this again there's an idea okay this is Alan I think she's like a six God you're just so powerful what a specimen did you just call me a specimen is hey can somebody take an order oh no do you remember that date I went on with the guy uh The Fetish I know her of course yeah creepy and disgusting oh my you mean specifically putting yourself out there as She-Hulk attracted people who are attracted to She-Hulk how [ __ ] bizarre I get [ __ ] pissed when I get what I want too Jen I feel you even pug the one decent guy in the show somehow oddly gets thrown into the mix too as if the writers couldn't find another way to air out their grievance I love harassing women in the workplace it's my kick baby not cool I don't you guys know me it's this oddly mean-spirited bubble living therapy session for the writers like they're using Jen as a stand-in for every microaggression they've ever faced and are just constantly [ __ ] put upon who are you uh Jen just not in hog form just Jen um yeah I'm gonna go and uh don't worry about the sweater even the one nice guy who Jenna masculates then gets upset because she hates that he didn't like getting catfished by her has the writers awkwardly trying to manipulate the audience into feeling bad for Jen for [ __ ] lying to the guy and him not liking it see they Hulk episode five but yeah anyway so Titania trademarked the name She-Hulk which Jen didn't think to do because she's terrible at her job and uh Jen gets a new costume what a special episode one of our previous dates is even a client of our firm which means she encounters another farcical misogynistic situation we should um yeah we should reconnect soon okay as is now the standard our protagonist sits around with a friend and complains about men Halloween could never have gone through that he's never had to prove his value to a parade of underwhelming men oh the narcissistic personality this character has is surely realistic there are surely people like this but it's also disgusting to have it in a main character that the writers want you to like Jen having no redeeming qualities whatsoever once again appears to be a stand-in for the writer's grievances in a make-believe therapy session for Despicable people written as a scene in a TV show it's as if Jen is sitting there suggesting that her constant drinking work obsessed yet not actually good at her job put upon lifestyle is already good enough and that someone needs to meet her undefinable standards to be her partner and how dare they not already be here in front of her surely Jen doesn't need to do anything to be a desirable partner for anyone she's already fantastic think about everything that She-Hulk brings to the table and those guys were my best option see what a perfect way to reinforce the narcissism in their desired audience of 30-something single wine drinkers seeking a partner without any introspection as to why they don't have one reinforcing their narcissism and setting a great example for young girls and young women who as we discussed over the twerking scene is clearly one of the few folks actually watching this Trek they them Hulk episode 6. the intelligence of this episode gives Stephen Hawking a run for his money this time we get a filler episode where Jen goes to a wedding exciting in a TV show where one third of its run time is a recap of the previous episode and end credits and the show was somehow shortened to Nine episodes from 12. they still managed to need a filler incredible I'm Immortal so I can't die I'm sorry and you think that this woman who has a law degree doesn't know what immortal how funny is it that you had to point out she's a woman with a law degree as if either of those things have any bearing on her knowing what a [ __ ] word means that has a nothing to do with their gender and B nothing to do with her area of expertise lawyers were supposed to not be judgmental no they're just they just have to represent you I'm obviously ending a relationship that is so messed up after any of the answers Christ died off myself too in this situation my friend sent me a link to a video posted on that site intelligencia the one for hateful man babies yep that's the one ah yes the thing for hateful man babies I'm surprised they didn't use words like toxic problematic or some IST or ISM thrown in for good measure because she was 30. okay I just copy and pasted what a bunch of of guys have actually said to me on the internet Mr Immortal is once again another man in the show who's a complete piece of [ __ ] because obviously what what is this Mal how do we kill Shield this is dark now it gets even deeper all men are apparently there is a nice guy in this episode who fawns over Jen after speaking at least six whole sentences to her she of course wounds over him because he speaks to her inner narcissist by telling her she's great despite volleying a total of two entire topics with her oh wait a minute he's actually a bad guy well obviously he's a man see her Hulk episode seven can you believe yet that I binged this [ __ ] show I did this for you remember that three episodes to go let's get to it in this episode Jen realizes she's a piece of [ __ ] then it doesn't matter because she acts the same anyway the end are you going down a rabbit hole on that intelligencia site what no I don't care what a bunch of losers say about me online maybe you don't but the writers really really do instructions [Music] the desperation of this character makes me want to vomit for who he is tell me they previously owned him no I don't care we're doing it again um previously on this guy yeah let's back it up this speaks so much about the writing of this show maybe they're not talentless hacks and this was done at the last minute yet another if we point out the stupid it's no longer stupid wishful thinking style of writing at this point it's beyond pathetic Gumby Hulk episode eight [ __ ] here it is the Daredevil episode The One they've tried to hook people with because like we discussed She-Hulk isn't an actual draw unfortunately for them it's a dude who's the draw bring nature of Mr Jacobson's line of work making suits exclusively for superheroes necessitates anonymity may I remind you that the sokovia courts have been repealed so something that rocked the foundations of the MCU and set up thanos's victory in Infinity War since Tony and cap were split apart is addressed and dismissed with a single line of throwaway dialogue ouch stealth's the way to go okay trust me I've done this a million times remind me again how many times you've broken into a warehouse full of goods Daredevil says to use stealth and then promptly doesn't use Stealth at all [Music] what I can say at the least is they didn't make him an incompetent fool which is surprising since the MCU appears to not have any problems so far tearing down or sidelining their far more popular characters in order to make their shitty b-list Heroes look better he outwitted Jen in every way both in the courtroom and when superheroing interestingly though the Walk of Shame they made him do does bring him down a peg because they can't let him get away without humiliating him in some way what's it like being a female lawyer so special and empowering I love it twice the work half the recognition and you're constantly being asked what it's like being a female lawyer the fact that the line we get half the recognition was uttered during the same year the most famous and lauded lawyer was a woman Miss Camille Vasquez who represented Johnny Depp in the greatest setback for the metoo movement since its Inception is hilarious to me this is the truth does not deserve your attention she does not deserve your praise don't do it basically anyone who dares criticized the show is the enemy it's really fascinating stuff she Shrek episode nine [Music] come at me bro none of these storylines make any sense working for you hey kind of stupid finale is this we thought it'd be really cool and like unexpected like fun and kind of a kind of a Twist a Twist the Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for its big spectacles and high stakes plot lines when I was learning to be both Jen and She-Hulk those are my steaks Kevin I have someone here that I'd like you all to meet this is my son scar [Music] the level of meta in this episode is so out of sync with what they've done in all previous eight it was just so jarring just in general if you were going for fourth wall breaks like this is just so out of left field it's not compatible with anything they've done before yeah easily the worst out of all nine this is the best episode of all because the show is [ __ ] over the show concludes and absolutely won't be picked up for a second season the end [ __ ] it okay so now that we've reviewed every [ __ ] episode let's try and fix this theming pile of [ __ ] the first thing I do is never Greenlight this show to begin with but since that's not the point of this exercise what is a basic thing we could do to fix this Abomination well for starters we could give Jen a character Arc wouldn't that be something and if we were to do that how would we do it let's stick with the idea that the writers wanted Jen to be an unlikable character characters with shitty personality traits are usually the best but we typically call them villains or antagonists our hero or protagonist or as Mr plinkett calls it can have [ __ ] traits too but since there are hero and main focus it would be wise to give them at least some redeeming personality trait or something that tells us they're going to find redemption or better themselves as the story progresses you have to give the audience a reason to root for your hero since this is a comedy let's take a look at Michael Scott from the office what a [ __ ] disaster of a character he is and as a protagonist and our main character he's written masterfully he's constantly [ __ ] up saying horrible [ __ ] or doing the wrong thing oh God busy work oh get away cretan um but you need to have them signed by then or much earlier spam stop payment Messing like that uh dwarf from Lord of the Rings Gimli nerd that is why you're not on the team but the show was smart enough to make us feel bad for Michael when it's right or finds the right moments to remind us that he has a good heart that he generally means well and really loves his employees and Friends Pam Caso sorry I'm late I had to race across town you did these freehand yep look at this one wow you nailed it how much what do you mean I don't see uh price you want to buy it well yeah I'm really proud of you as far as Jen goes on the show she's simply a narcissistic alcoholic with let's face it zero redeeming qualities there's absolutely nothing about Jen that any reasonable audience member would like other than the fact that she's the main character so we're supposed to giving her any sort of positive character trait to remind us of her humanity is necessary regardless of whether or not this is meant to be a lighthearted comedy show second The Narrative of this [ __ ] thing is all over the place there's no overarching story instead it bounces from Scenario to scenario each episode representing a new fluff court case in situation virgin to be in for 20 minutes of screen time I still find it hilarious that the show patted itself on the back for its writing connecting the A and B story nice what would correct this is having an overarching storyline something that plays throughout the series up to the finale what would have worked best was having the Emil blonski Abomination case be that storyline since one it's a show about a lawyer and the law and two he's the most interesting case she had because of her personal connection to him and despite the fact that Tim Roth is not giving a [ __ ] imagine intertwining Jen's personal character Arc with the overarching storyline of abomination's parole case perhaps Jen is narcissistic and is representing who she considers a villain but seeing his change helps her along the way realize her own personality flaws and makes her want to improve they mildly attempt that in passive fashion with him popping up in all of two episodes before it regresses the character back to her shitty status quo and this is easily something they could have done and done well then again I guess you actually need to hire someone who knows anything about the law to write an intriguing court case you could even go another route where Jen's paralegal could be her voice of reason a great example of this is the film A Few Good Men starring Tom Cruise and Demi Moore Tom Cruise plays the Hotshot young lawyer who's never seen the inside of a courtroom and Demi convinces him to take on a high profile case that could possibly put his career in the [ __ ] if he pursues the truth ultimately Demi Moore's character helps push Crews becoming wiser more mature and essentially help him get his head out of his ass and actually kicking ass instead handle the truth I did the job goddamn right I did superhero films get a free pass to sample other genres and even other films so there's no reason they couldn't have taken a cue from that movie they could have had a male paralegal play second filled to Jen you know possibly a male character who wasn't a [ __ ] idiot but hell we know that isn't possible for this show so you could still have her female paralegal be that voice of reason for her it would give her a character Arc real progress and we might actually like her as far as the comedy goes I don't know what to [ __ ] tell you there this show is about as funny as a colonoscopy and the best I can do is tell you maybe hire a writer who's actually [ __ ] funny all in all She-Hulk is by far the worst television show I've ever seen in my life it's a vain sloppy therapy session for the writers using its characters to represent whatever wrongs they felt they dealt with in their lives it's a show that has a target audience who doesn't actually watch it nestled in a universe beloved by people the writers absolutely despise I don't know how this pile of [ __ ] was greenlit but here it is in all its Unholy anti-glory in the end no lessons will be learned here the writers will most likely get an even bigger gig and then complain that they work twice as hard and get paid half as much and no one will be better for any of this but like the actress who plays Titania said at least I got paid Jews
Channel: The Movie Cynic
Views: 1,006,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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