Netflix’s Cleopatra is so Much Worse Than You Think

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over the course of the past year I have subjected myself to a lot of movies and TV shows that are among the worst audio visual media ever produced by humanity and having suffered through all four episodes of Netflix's historical distortionist propaganda docudrama Queen Cleopatra I can say with confidence that this show is without doubt the most disgusting disgraceful evil intentioned vicious thing that I have ever seen it is not just historically inaccurate it is an all-out assault on history that knowingly lies about Roman Egyptian African and European history distorts it black washes it then accuses every historian ever to have studied Cleopatra of committing the very crime it has just spent nearly four Ires engaged in she was an African queen and that's a fact that's been buried erased whitewashed the shamelessness of this Show's hypocrisy is astounding even by the non-standards of woke Hollywood the producers of this show push Cleopatra's story through the twisted and trails of the modern political machine turning it into a monster they believe will be useful to them on the battlefield of the culture War Netflix's Queen Cleopatra has quickly become the most hated pace of media in recent history in my lifetime I have never seen a show series documentary video game book or album as universally despised as this clumsy hateful work of distortionist political propaganda it has a two percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes from over 5 000 ratings one out of 10 on IMDb from 64 000 ratings the lowest possible score and 0.1 on Metacritic the lowest score possible on that site the show is so unpopular that professional critics are staying away from it altogether usually they defend historical distortionist works that serve regime narratives they they did after all give 94 percent to the woman King a film which claims the abolition of slavery as a cause that originated in Africa according to the critics that brutally mediocre slog is as good as the Dark Knight but only 13 critics raided Queen Cleopatra on Rotten Tomatoes they know they can't defend this however much they might like to they cannot risk what is left of their credibility by siding with this trash against the entire internet the country of Egypt and thousands of years of History I cannot in good conscience refer to this show under the name it has appropriated for itself Queen Cleopatra and will instead be referring to it as afro Queen firstly because a big bushy afro is the only hairstyle that this reimagining of Cleopatra has throughout the entire show the purpose of this hairstyle being to constantly remind the audience of her Blackness just in case they forget during the near four hour run time of this utter shite queen of Kings secondly because afro Queen's main purpose is to africanize a Greek historical figure and use her as a weapon in the modern West's ongoing culture War be Cleopatra could be turned Cleopatra would become a powerful Ally yes Cleopatra would be a great asset the controversy surrounding afro Queen is by now well known to anyone with access to the internet but just High historically inaccurate is it and that aside is it compelling to watch in any way spoiler warning very and no Netflix have created a huge brand damaging public humiliation for themselves with afro Queen not only by collaborating with extreme far left afro-centrist historical distortionists to make this tripe but also just because of the sheer ferocious incompetence of the production Netflix have thoroughly disgraced themselves with afro queen and I think I can speak for at least the subscribers to this Channel and wishing Egyptian lawyer Mahmoud al-samari success in his lawsuit against Netflix I hereby bestow upon Mahmoud the honorary title of Caesar Augustus Mahmoud Alpha Chad Magnus now before I get laid into queen I am pleased to announce a new sponsor for this channel the despot will be entering NTA partnership with Netflix to inaugurate this collaboration Netflix have decided to debut the trailer for their upcoming docudrama on this channel in this video enjoy foreign score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that Nation or any Nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure and that government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the Earth the first tactic afro Queen deploys to set up the lie that Cleopatra was black is obfuscation they paint a false picture of a highly multi-racial Egypt with a vast range of skin color it is immediately apparent that not just Cleopatra has been race swapped the entire country of Egypt has been rear swapped in my last video I portrayed a race swapped Scotland as part of a Disney remake of Braveheart and yet already here we are Netflix have race swapped an entire country woke media is literally Beyond parody at this point there were three primary populations in Egypt as a whole native Egyptians and Native Egyptians and Native Egyptians ancient Egyptians would have had a variety of different complexions skin color ranged from black to kale Brown native Egyptians this is nonsense ancient Egypt was not modern Brazil by the time Cleopatra was born the ancient pyramids were already runes the Egyptians had lived in that land a very long long time and had long since bred themselves into an ethnically homogeneous people by the time period afro Queen is satin sub-Saharan Africans did not form part of the Native Egyptian population African kingdoms such as Kush did exist far to the South but Egypt was not an African Kingdom in the way this show wants you to believe having created a false and biologically impossible Narrative of New York City levels of diversity they have created the setting in which African blood can enter the Greek ptolemaic Dynasty into which Cleopatra was born they then further confused the issue by stating we don't know her exact racial Heritage we don't know who Cleopatra's mother was it's also uncertain who Cleopatra's grandmother was we don't know who all of Cleopatra's parents and Grandparents were so one of them must have been black despite the fact that she was a Ptolemy and they didn't marry native Egyptians and the Egyptians themselves weren't black but that's okay because we changed history to make ancient Egyptians black that is at best a historical fantasy set in a fictional alternative history and yet it is presented as fact that is the level of respect Netflix and Jada Pinkett Smith have for their viewers intelligence they thought that by lying about the demography of ancient Egypt and deliberately confusing the issue of Cleopatra's descent they could manipulate people into discarding thousands of years of history and accepting the new Cleopatra updated for a modern audience [Music] God do not disrespect me and this kind of slimy deliberate obfuscation goes on throughout the show here's an example of semantic wordplay to try to confuse the viewer she was an African queen well technically yes she was born and raised on the continent of Africa but is that what the talking head means or does she mean African in an ethnic sense of the word the answer is neither this is an intentional sleeked conflation of geography and ethnography for political purposes also bear in mind that by suggesting the native Egyptian population was black this show is labeling the Arabs who conquered Egypt suggesting they committed genocide on a vast scale the only black population native to Egypt today are the Nubians who live in the country's Deep South they are a tiny minority the rest are mostly Arabs and some cops so what happened to all the black people you know the native Egyptians well the obvious inference is that they were terminated by the Arabs it's estimated that the Egyptian population was around 5 million at the time of the Arab Conquest today the black population native to Egypt is considerably less than 1 million so according to afroquin the Arab genocide of native African Egyptians was so brutal that it killed nearly 100 percent of them the Germans couldn't even do that in the 40s they only managed to exterminate two-thirds of Europe's Jews but afro queen wants you to believe that the Egyptian Arabs and presumably their Coptic collaborators massacred almost all of Egypt's 5 million native black inhabitants afro Queen is not just an attack on History it is a blood libel against Egypt all hail Caesar Augustus Mahmoud Al Alpha chard Magnus May the gods march with you on your righteous Crusade against Netflix the shoe next asserts quite falsely that Cleopatra's image is subjective to whoever is being affecting her and thus changeable in an impressive display of historiographical illiteracy one of the show's skintile actuals says the following the appeal of Cleopatra is that we imagine everyone can imagine her in their own way no you do not imagine history you discover history through extensive careful research the parts of History you don't have enough information to know about for sure you fill in with inference and best guess from evidence that surrounds the part you are filling in and in any case we don't need to imagine what Cleopatra looked like we have contemporary images of her including coins sculptures reliefs frescos and a first century portrait of her from Herculaneum dated to the First Century A.D but shockingly these images of Cleopatra were not mentioned in afro Queen I imagine her to have curly hair like me and a similar skin color a similar skin color a similar skin color a similar skin color a similar skin color a similar skin color reflection of myself the omission of these alone is enough to condemn this show as worthless pseudo-historical filth with an obvious political agenda and no interest whatsoever in examining Real History the fact that afro Queen is a work of political activism and not a historical documentary is made clear by the academics Jada Pinkett Smith the producer of this bald-faced lie has chosen to include in the panel of Talking Heads she has gone out of her way to exclude white men from the panel despite the fact that almost all of the best and most prominent Roman historians are white men Mary beard being a notable Exception by the way anyone interested in actual room in history should watch Mary beards documentaries the panel in afro Queen is made up of mostly skintile actuals intellectuals whose main qualification is their skin color this is not the first time Netflix has done this card heart was included on the expert panel for a show called crack in which he talked about the socio-political history of crack in the United States this despite not being an expert in that area but he has dark skin and Rastafari in her so I guess that qualifies him for a Netflix documentary afro Queen has two very obviously politically motivated skintile actuals Deborah heard a PhD candidate from the University of Nebraska Omaha here is a picture of her proudly sporting a 50 years of black studies t-shirt and here is the home page of the University of Nebraska Omaha black studies Department let's just read the opening paragraph of their welcome message dear campus and Community Family there is a deep rooted concert in this country called white supremacy which thrives on Black slash Prime inferiority so it targets Black slash Brian people the entire welcome page is written in that vein and it gets much much worse there's a link to the page in the description if you're feeling unusually masochistic today Shelley Healey the Cleopatra was black woman is according to her Wikipedia page and an expert in applying black feminist and critical race approaches to the study and teaching of classics she is a professional historical distortionist afro Queen is not paneled by legitimate well-qualified and experienced historians I resisted Cleopatra for a really long time in my scholarly life I said I am not going to study you I'm not going to study you it is paneled by political extremists the next historical inaccuracy I noticed in the show is when it asserts that Rome is the emerging power no it isn't Roman 40 BC was the unchallenged master of the Mediterranean by 50 BC Caesar had conquered all of Gaul the only Power that could offer any challenge to the Romans was the parthian Empire which had very different geopolitical interests to Rome and was not regarded as a long-term threat though the empires did occasionally war with and cause minor problems for one another to describe Rome as the emerging Empire demonstrates an ignorance of the basic history of the period when the show mentions the Nile which had to flood every year in order to produce crops has not flooded at the same level for several years now this isn't Cleopatra's fault it feels to point out that ancient Egyptians would have regarded a weak Nile flood as a sign that the gods were unhappy with the ruler Egyptians paid taxes to a class of priests to worship and make sacrifices to the Gods on their behalf if the Nile wasn't flooding Egyptians would have felt that their taxes were being wasted and the Pharaoh was likely to blame but none of this is mentioned afro Queen is very short on detail it has an agenda if the details can be twisted to serve that agenda they will be it's also uncertain who Cleopatra's grandmother was if they can't they will be discarded reflection myself distortionist gives us our next historical anachronism when she states so there's a civil war going on in Rome once again it's about power it's two men of course two men women didn't have armies or political power in ancient Rome her choice of the word man suggests that a woman might have challenged for power in ancient Rome and even if this was just a poor word choice it really does emphasize just how much of a hack this woman is she doesn't say Patrician or general or successful military leader she says it's two men no Detail no historical or political context at all that is this Show's panel in a nutshell lazy and articulate no real expertise in the subject they are discussing we see reimagined Cleopatra training with the sword when she is an exile in Syria because this 21st century version of Cleopatra is a Mary Sue yes girl Boss [ __ ] slay queen queen of excuse me slay queen of Kings strong diverse female character not being content merely to be a historiographical disgrace with a production quality that would shame a film study student this show insists on shoehorning in every modern woke movie Trope possible Mary Sue Boss [ __ ] Warrior emotionally incontinent man I said do not this evil white man evil racist white man I'm going to enjoy dragging you through the streets and those bastard half breeds of yours Mary Sue Boss [ __ ] attacking evil white man [Music] idiot white man looking to strong diverse female character for guidance men in proximity to Mary Sue turned into morons to make mirisu look even more powerful by comparison Allegiance is to the general you will do well to remember what I bring to the table oh you did talk to me the if you disagree with any of this you're a racist fourth wall break she was an African queen and that's a fact that's been buried erased whitewashed as much as afro Queen is afro-centrist bilge it's also a feminist pyre fantasy much as the woman King was a feminist pyre fantasy see this scene of a 56 year old Viola Davis holding her own against a guy who looks like a heavyweight boxer the only thing missing from reimagined Cleopatra's Warrior slay Queen scene is a lightsaber lesson from Mary Sue Palpatine there is not a single scene in this docu series that features only men speaking with one another this is the ancient Roman World 8 Egypt was a client state of Rome Marc Anthony and Octavian were the two most powerful men in the Roman triumvirate which divided the empire into jurisdictions ruled over by Octavian in the west and Anthony in the East and lepidus in West North Africa but he was a minor player the two main triumvers Anthony and Octavian met regularly and hailed peace conferences to extend the triumvirate as an alternative to Civil War Cleopatra was politically invested in all of this and would have had spies in both Octavian and Anthony's camps and almost certainly acted as a political adviser to Anthony as she was more politically astute than he was but none of this is even mentioned in afro Queen none of it serves the show's purpose of deifying Cleopatra as a feminist Messiah and African Queen version of the Mary Sue character that infests so much of modern media and let's just speak plainly here the show's producers Pinkett Smith and whoever else she managed to break out of hell to make this show with her are anti-white racists history be damned they aren't going to have scenes featuring white men talking to each other in their show the most offensive historical inaccuracy for me personally was the fact that Caesar was heart swapped he was given a full head of her this is one of the great bald men of history and there's a bald man myself I needed him to be bald so that I could see a reflection of myself reflected back at myself when I look at Jada Pinkett Smith I can see a reflection of myself reflection myself but when they are swapped Caesar they took away my ability to see myself in afro Queen for that reason I will be referring to the Caesar caricature in the show as not my Caesar there is also no mention of the fact that Caesar saved Cleopatra Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy the 13th raised an army of almost 30 000 Egyptians and mercenaries and besieged Caesar and 4 000 Roman soldiers inside an area of Alexandria this Siege lasted six months in the end Caesar managed to get reinforcements to Egypt which forced Ptolemy to abandon the sea age Caesar then joined the reinforcements with his own Army and crushed ptolemy's much larger Army neither The Siege nor Caesar's Victory is mentioned in afro Queen the show describes this war as if it was an entirely Egyptian Affair that was won by Cleopatra and Cleopatra alone it does this by describing the war briefly and in extremely vague terms afro Queen appropriates Caesar's Victory and gives it to their updated Cleopatra because it does not want to mention Male Achievement any achievement in this show must be attributed to reimagined Cleopatra another very important reason afro Queen refuses to mention Caesar's Rescue of Cleopatra is that in modern content a woman can never be saved by a man and if history disobeys this current year era rule then history will have to be updated for a modern audience afro Queen suggests that Cleopatra was a sovereign ruler of an independent state that was in a voluntary alliance with Rome when in reality Cleopatra sure was a puppet Queen placed in pyre by Caesar following his destruction of her internal political and Military enemies but even before Cleopatra was born Egypt was already under Roman control and only nominally independent Rome didn't Annex Egypt as a province because they would have had to kill the entire ptolemaic Dynasty to do so which they didn't want to do because the ptolemys owed Rome a massive amount of money the Romans also didn't want to have to deal with an uprising in Egypt that would inevitably follow the abolition of the Egyptian royal family and being pragmatists the Romans knew that if it's not broken don't fix it Egypt was immensely wealthy and Rome was profiting from this wealth there was no good political or economic reason for Rome to turn Egypt into a province which is why they instead chose to retain it as a puppet Kingdom but afro Queen unsurprisingly mentions none of this in the alternate slay Queen version of history that afro Queen inhabits Cleopatra was the powerful ruler of an independent African Kingdom and the mighty woman king bow to no man and if history says otherwise then [ __ ] history the regime decides history now not the historical sources not 100 million Egyptian racists the regime will tell Egypt what their history is the Erasure of achievement in reimagined Cleopatra's male contemporaries is not limited to not my seizure we see the same treatment with Mr Cleopatra this Show's version of Marc Anthony and marktavian neither Mr Cleopatra Octavian get him out of it now are intended as honest attempts to portray historical figures like reimagined Cleopatra Mr Cleopatra and Mark tavin are caricaturist inserts the reimagined Cleopatra character is intended to portray the historical figure as an African queen of deific Genius whose downfall was entirely the result of the male and competence she was surrounded by not my Caesar Mr Cleopatra and moctivian are intended as mockeries and diminutions of the historical figures under whose name they are marinated around the set of this diabolical Abomination just as there is no mention of Caesar's conquest of Egypt Anthony's military achievements are also omitted when discussing Anthony's invasion of Parthia afro-queen describes it thus the parthians defeats Marc Anthony it's a disastrous campaign from Mark Anthony he loses thousands of men there is no mention of the fact that Anthony led a very difficult and successful Retreat from Parthia holding his army together when it could easily have fallen apart from desertion and Attack under a lesser leader a general who was able to keep his cool under severe pressure hold his army together and carry out a successful retreat in the face of constant enemy harassment is swapped out and replaced with this I said do not disturb me nothing is working the hairless little prick is Trump in my every move all of them nor is there any Mansion of Anthony's conquest of Armenia in the aftermath of the campaign during which he captured the Armenian King who had betrayed him this was followed by Anthony's Triumph in Alexandria but making the viewer aware of any of this entails the danger of a line Anthony to look good of depicting him for what he was a very capable General and strong leader instead afro Queen decides to depict Anthony as just another white male incompetent buzzing uselessly around the immaculate African queen and mentioning that Anthony returned to Alexandria in Triumph literally would deprive the shoe of inserting this fictional scene into history act like you know what you are what's unlikely about you what am I you are a warrior the defeated emotionally incontinent useless drunken idiot white man must be held together by the strong powerful African queen and apparently the man who conquered Gaul alongside Julius Caesar then vanquished Caesar's assassins in another War needs to be reminded by a melanated sister in the words of Afro Queen's director of his martial abilities you are a warrior this reimagined version of history is much more suited to Modern audiences and fits nicely with this Show's approach to history discarding all facts that have no political utility in a scene showing reimagined giving birth Jada Pinkett Smith's voice asserts the following women must face dangers no man ever will yeah never mind the twenty thousand Roman men who fought and risked death to see if Cleopatra's life and Throne or the thirty thousand men who were just annihilated on the other side of that political dispute the only people facing any real danger in this world are the women also is this documentary suggesting that man can't give birth birthing persons must face dangers no man ever will that's better by the way the Julian calendar is black now Julius Caesar also adjusts the Roman Calendar the ancient Egyptians were consummate astronomers and they had created a very effective solar-based calendar the origin of our calendar and the one that Julius Caesar adopts when Cleopatra visits Rome here is a brief explanation of why we was the Julian calendar is in fact another afro-centrist invention manufactured by this show the Julian calendar had nothing to do with Cleopatra Caesar Enlisted the help of a Greek so sygenese of Alexandria the subsequent Julian calendar they came up with was based on the Greek 365-day calendar but altered some months were given 31 days at February's expense because February was the month dedicated to the worship of Underworld gods and February was given an additional day every four years it wasn't a copy of the Egyptian calendar which had 12 months of 30 days and five others to be added manually but afro Queen has decided that none of that happened through the Julian calendar can be African also bear in mind that there is not a trace of historical evidence that Caesar consulted clear apatra during the formation of the Julian calendar this is simply a lie spun from Whole cloth by the creators of this show the show does mention the donations of Alexandria in which Anthony gifted Roman lands to Cleopatra which were given at Anthony's Triumph in Alexandria but manages to omit the Triumph itself this is how octavian's reaction to the donations is described in the show you know that emoji where the head explodes the tactavian when he hears about the donations of Alexandria no Octavian was a word that a civil war between him and Anthony was inevitable the donations were practically irrelevant to him because he had no access to Anthony's triumviral lands and the Roman senate rejected the new nations asserting Roman sovereignty over those lands what the donations of Alexandria did give Octavian was a massive boost to his propaganda campaign against Anthony and a casus ballet to declare war Octavian would have been delighted when he heard about the donations of Alexandria but an accurate depiction of octavian's political genius would interfere with this Show's determination to depict every white meal as a [ __ ] incapable of controlling himself who do you think you are Cleopatra who did this following octavian's declaration of war we get this scene oh Damian's mistake is how much he underestimates us this exchange suggests that Anthony and Cleopatra were underdogs when in fact Octavian was the underdog the eastern empire particularly the roman-clined Kingdom of Egypt was considerably more wealthy than the West Anthony had a massive Army and Navy and the money to pay for it Octavian had blared the Roman people dry through taxation to pay for his Army and Navy which made him unpopular and had caused massive riots he was in enormous debt to his soldiers had a smaller and less experienced Army than Anthony and by his own admission was not a good General the odds favored Anthony not Octavian but this shoe needs an excuse for why the powerful African queen of Kings lost to a clueless white man so they falsely portray her as the underdog afro Queen's description of the bottle of actium is not so much historically inaccurate as it is a holocaust of Truth this show has a narrative that Cleopatra was an unassailably brilliant African queen and so it has brutally Twisted the Battle of actium to fit that narrative they begin with this in 31 BCE Cleopatra and Mark Anthony go head to head in all out Naval Warfare with Octavian the reality is that the Battle of actim was the final desperate act probably a breakout attempt by Anthony following a series of smaller bottles and defactions during the actium war all of which Octavian and Agrippa had won by the way Agrippa octavian's brilliant Admiral and the architect of octavian's victory over Anthony was not mentioned in this show but an all-light battle allies this show to avoid mentioning Agrippa because white male achievement bad and more importantly to avoid explaining why this Sublime African Queen's Navy was repeatedly defeated by Agrippa prior to it being blockaded at actium afro Queen also asserts that this doesn't sit well with all of Anthony's generals some of whom don't want to take orders from a woman This Is A Lie plain and simple simple Cleopatra was not giving commands during the war of actim the Roman generals are depicted as morons who allow their fragile male egos to get in the way of military Affairs in reality the Roman generals didn't want Cleopatra there because they felt it would demoralize the Roman soldiers in their army and encourage them to defect to Octavian which is exactly what happened Cleopatra's presence also allowed Octavian to portray the war not as a Roman Civil War but as an Eastern Invasion which would make the Roman people much more willing to tolerate the heavy taxation that had been imposed on them by Octavian to pay for the war the main reason Cleopatra was there is because she was paying for Anthony's war and most of the troops in Anthony's Army were easterners not Romans and her presence was a strong moral boost for them but all things considered and with the benefit of hindsight Anthony would probably have been better off if he had left Cleopatra in Egypt so as it turned out the Roman generals that didn't want Cleopatra there were probably right however you you will be shocked to learn that afro Queen does not see fit to mention any of this by the way when Mr Cleopatra steps in to put these out of control sexist Generals in their place what I think you meant to say was thank you Isis for providing us with the world's most Invincible naval fleet afro Queen reminds us that reimagined Cleopatra didn't need no man thank you but I had it you got this [ __ ] Bro once the battle begins what do you mean once the battle begins the war of actium was already lost by this stage this was a breakout attempt not a decisive battle and how exactly did Anthony and Cleopatra's Navy end up in this extremely unfavorable position bottled up in Port with their enemies impeding their exit this shoe doesn't see fit to relate that information next we learn about Cleopatra and Marc Anthony both made a series of problematic battle decisions firstly this is orwellian language she can't say military blunders because reimagined Cleopatra is in command here and she doesn't make military blunders but there could be some problematic battle decisions happening around her also Anthony find himself in this position not due to battle decisions he made Anthony hadn't fought a battle at this stage his Admirals had been defeated several times at Sea and Agrippa had defeated a Garrison at mathoni an important port of logistical supply for Anthony but Anthony had not himself been present during any of these defeats the reason Anthony and Cleopatra find themselves in this position is because of strategic blunders they made they arrived in Greece with a massive Army that depended on a long Supply Route Octavian avoided battle with the Army and the gripper destroyed the Supply route and bases of logistical support with his Navy it was not problematic battle decisions that landed Anthony and Cleopatra in this mess it was bad strategy the breakout which is mischaracterized by afro queen as a single decisive battle was reasonably successful both Anthony and Cleopatra escaped along with their War chest and perhaps a third of their warships this was a decent result given that before the breakout they were in danger of total defeat during the breakout attempt we are treated to guard boss reimagined shodding orders at her rulers this is a particularly stupid lie a woman the size of reimagined would not be audible in the midst of this level of noise The only voice that would carry would be that of a big Burly angry Viking and I don't care that Vikings did not exist at this point in history a Berserker shotting orders on this ruined ship would still be more historically accurate than this the shoe asserts that Cleopatra fled the battle in order to protect what is mine and characterize it thus it might have actually been the best decision even for Mark Anthony it was the right decision I did what I had to do I did what I had to do to protect what is mine Cleopatra is thinking about herself and her own power she's putting herself and her family first I made a decision and I stand by it our primary goal remains the safety of her own kingdom the safety of Egypt she has no choice while Anthony's Retreat is described as an act of quietus Anthony knowing the battle is all but lost flees and manages to catch up to Cleopatra's Fleet the powerful African queen did what I had to do to protect what is mine while the Cowardly white man flees this in spite of the fact that they both did the exact same thing retreated from a bottle they could not win according to this show Cleopatra made the unilateral decision to retreat to Egypt and Anthony fled after her like a dog running after its Master wait for me sir let's just consult the Wikipedia page on the bottle before it too is updated for a modern audience Karen iPhone if you would seeing that the battle was going against Anthony Cleopatra decided to follow Anthony's original orders and took her Squadron of ships and tried to penetrate Octavian Center as a gap opened in agrippa's blockade she funneled through Anthony then issued orders for his entire fleet to break through octane avians lines Anthony led the Breakthrough and his spearhead was able to penetrate Octavian Center however shortly after Anthony's breakthrough Agrippa ordered his flanks to attack the rest of Anthony ships from both sides Anthony and Cleopatra could only watch on helplessly as their Fleet once the largest in Roman history was destroyed the couple was forced to take their remaining 90 ships and Retreat to Alexandria but describing the battle as it actually happened interferes with the narrative much better to have Mr Cleopatra argue petulantly with the real head of the family and you should have asked me first I'm the general not you how dare you how dare you to cut me out if Anthony had a ship for every historical inaccuracy in afro Queen's description of the war of actium he would have won the war up to this point afro Queen has taken a wrecking ball approach to history but with its treatment of Augustus the first Roman Emperor who at the time of Afro Queen's satin was known only by his given Octavian the show takes what can only be described as a torture chamber approach to history the depiction of Octavian is nothing short of character assassination before I get into afro Queen's treatment of Octavian here are just some of that great man's achievements he brought Rome's period of Civil Wars to an end and transformed a decaying Republic into a thriving Empire he finded the Paxil Manor a period of relative peace which lasted 200 years he repaired and rebuilt temples throughout the Empire lifting the morale of the people and Reviving The Spirit of Rome he ended arbitrary taxation which had caused resentment among taxpayers and encouraged riots and even revolts Augustus imposed consistent direct taxation on the provinces of the Empire this financial system was far more effective than any implemented before this fur consistent and predictable taxation greatly increased Rome's net revenue and helped to pacify the Empire's populace and stabilize the economy he abolished tax farming that is he made it illegal for the Roman government to sell taxation rights to private individuals who would then often brutally abuse those rights for personal enrichment the taxpayers were replaced with a salaried Civil Service he improved the reliability and quality of Rome's currency which led to a huge increase in trade enriching the Empire at all levels of the socio-economic hierarchy he expanded Rome's Road Network built aqueducts including the aqua Julio and the aqua Virgo and overseen the construction of the Temple of Caesar Temple of Apollo palatnus the form of Augustus the Temple of Mars iltur battles of Agrippa arch of Augustus and the arapasus an altar dedicated to Pax the Roman goddess of peace he secured order enrollment with the introduction of a police force and a firefighting service he significantly expanded the territory of the Roman Empire annexing Egypt as a province and conquering or subjugating Northern Spain North Africa Asia Minor threes Central Europe the holy lands and the Black Sea Coast Augustus is regarded as perhaps the greatest of Roman emperors and one of the great leaders of History this is how Caesar Augustus finder of the Pax Romana and first emperor of the Roman Empire is depicted in afro Queen looks like your African sorcery failed you this time Pharaoh you're witchcraft must be very strong to turn two Great sons of Rome against their own what are you smiling about which you're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be your children look just like you especially your eldest dragging you through the streets and those bastard half breeds of yours they're gonna watch get about it now they chose an ugly little man to play marktavian He Is short-tempered emotionally incontinent squeaky voiced prickly evil racist sadistic angry and pathetic and just in case the audience doesn't get the message that Mark Tavian is a wretched Wicked little creature to be scoffed that reimagined reminds us with this line you're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be despite the fact that this line makes no sense Cleopatra would have known exactly how tall Octavian was from descriptions she would have heard and read of him and may even have met him in person during one of her trips to Rome and also is this show suggesting that short stature is something to be laughed at should we all just be laughing at dwarves because they're so small they're trying to depict Cleopatra as Noble and clever here but she just comes off sounding like a juvenile pathetic bully afro Queen's character assassination of Octavian is entirely politically motivated white man evil strong powerful defiant girl boss African queen good she doesn't crumple at that point and how exactly do you know what her emotional state was at this point I remember my grandmother saying to me forget it of Egypt and impoverished it I I [ __ ] can't even Man car and iPhone help me out here please for the first century following the Roman Conquest Egypt functioned in the Mediterranean world as an active and prosperous Roman province the value of Egypt to the Romans was considerable as revenues from the country were almost equal to those from Gaul and more than 12 times those from Judea its wealth was largely agricultural Egyptian grain supplied the city of Rome the country also produced Papyrus glass and various finely crafted minor Arts that were exported to the rest of the Roman Empire trade with central Africa the Arabian Peninsula and India flourished along the Nile desert roots and sea routes from the Red Sea port of berenike goods and cultural influences flowed from Egypt to Rome through Alexandria which diodorus of Sicily described as the first city of the Civilized world in the 1st Century BC its great library and community of writers philosophers and scientists were known throughout the ancient world and impoverished it Egypt functioned in the Mediterranean world as an active and prosperous Roman province impoverished it this show has a current year political narrative to push evil white colonizers oppressing the native African inhabitants of this African country and brutally exploiting them and if history says otherwise then history can go impoverished it they even show an image of the Rune of the Sphinx when one of the Talking Heads is relating the impoverishment of Egypt the Sphinx and the pyramids were already ruins when Alexander conquered Egypt 300 years before that is how profoundly old they are but afro Queen chooses to anachronistically shoehorn in an image of the desiccated Sphinx as if to suggest that it was Roman exploitation that led to its demise disgusting and deliberate vandalization of history for political purposes Cleopatra is framed as this great seductress as a temptra strong witch it's misogynistic and it's xenophobic this coming from an unqualified idiot who collaborates with afrocentrist extremists to manufacture a lie about an ancient Greek Queen's life and identity in order to turn her into a tool of modern political propaganda because white people bad oh and 100 million Egyptians are so bad they're xenophobic but they're an afterthought when it comes to my people we seem to be erased xenophobic misogynistic xenophobic misogynistic xenophobic and idiot's criticism is anachronistic you cannot deploy slurs that were invented five minutes ago for usage in a contemporary information War as libels against ancient people who lived in a profoundly different world with a profoundly different understanding of morality religion and Society calling ancient Romans xenophobic would be like calling Jesus demonophobic for expelling Legion from the man they inhabited I use them as my pronouns we next get some girl boss moments from reimagined she sends them off to the next battle apparently Cleopatra was the Supreme military commander of Anthony's forces and Anthony's was hers to command this isn't true but to hell with truth I suppose because garpower she sends him off to the next battle by the way this is wrong Anthony won a small engagement close to Alexandria the next battle was the siege of Alexandria itself regarding Anthony's suicide Marc Anthony has attempted to commit suicide after receiving a note from Cleopatra we don't know what was in that note Shakespeare would have us believe Cleopatra fabricated her own suicide ah yes Shakespeare that white male hack author of such trash as Macbeth King Lear The Tempest and Hamlet we shouldn't believe anything he wrote we should believe the professional distortionist author of such great and renowned works as black feminist thought and Classics remembering reclaiming re-empowering Be not Afraid of the Dark critical race Theory and classical studies science scientific racism representing reality provincial women as tools of Roman social reproduction and when I enter disrupting the white heteronormative Narrative of librarianship truly Timeless works that would have caused Cicero himself to weep With Envy at last someone who has bested Cicero by the way distortionist how is it that you know the exact details of Anthony's death my grandmother forget I asked let's just move on Cleopatra is probably feeling defiant how do you know this she killed herself days later so it's fair to assume that she was at the very least feeling somewhat despondent I am loathed to ask but what source did you consult that related Cleopatra's behavioral comportment at this time my grandma we are next informed of the brilliant complex Byzantine plot hatched by Cleopatra she has a plan Cleopatra always has a plan killing yourself is isn't a plan plan suggests difficult and complex prior organization suicide does not require these things suicide is a final Act not a game of 40 interdimensional chess she decides how she's going to die no she chooses from a very limited range of options limited due to the fact that she has been utterly vanquished by Octavian undergripper she is in control no she isn't that's the point that's why she's killing herself because she has lost all control her kingdom has been conquered by Octavian Anthony is dead her children's lives and her life are in the hands of Octavian she has less control over her own life than a common peasant her granddaughter marries into the Roman Imperial family we miss the Roman emperors also we was the pyramids the Sphinx the Egyptians Cleopatra and the Julian calendar she has become an icon that statement is the only part of This calamity that is true but not in the way the talking head intends reimagined Cleopatra the one-dimensional feminist Messiah character of this show has become an icon a symbol of Hollywood's intellectual depravity cultural imperialism historical revisionism vicious racialization of everything of their anti-western anti-white agenda and their complete disdain for anyone that opposes them be it what they would term a toxic fandom or a nation of over 100 million people when in the near future real swaps have become unfashionable and are looked upon with universal disgust afro Queen will be an iconic symbol of that dark period of American cultural history I resisted Cleopatra for a really long time I said I am not going to study you I'm not gonna study you yes your ignorance of Cleopatra has been made clear throughout the course of this historiographical apocalypse she was an African queen that's a fact it's been buried erased whitewashed buried erased by bars now if that isn't the activist hack skintelectual calling the Greek Queen black afro Queen has absolutely bombed it peaked at number four on Netflix and fell out of the top 10 within five days of its release which is an utterly pathetic performance and although its failure is financially meaningless the production budget could not possibly have exceeded 200 it is a well-deserved humiliation for Netflix and for Jada Pinkett Smith the creators of Afro Queen have spat upon the story of Cleopatra by reducing her to a black washed prop in a culture War they declared war on History determined to turn Egyptian history into an afro-centrist colony and they lost they lost so supremely that even the critics the same establishment punks that rallied around the woman King didn't come out for afro Queen because they knew that it was a lost cause it is not an exaggeration to say that the rejection of Netflix's cultural Distortion has been Universal it has been met with to use the official metric of mad Metacritic overwhelming dislike and that's putting it very mildly watching Jada Pinkett Smith and Netflix being publicly humiliated for their assault on History has been a true pleasure to watch if ever a show deserved to feel it was afro Queen glory to everyone who rejected afro Queen glory to Rome and glory to Caesar Augustus Mahmoud Alpha chard Magnus thanks for listening subscribe and don't forget to blackwash the like button [Music]
Channel: Despot of Antrim
Views: 335,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleopatra, Netflix Cleopatra, Queen Cleopatra, was Cleopatra black, Cleopatra was black, Cleopatra documentary, Elizabeth taylor Cleopatra, African queens, afrocentrism, Roman Egypt, ancient Egypt, roman empire, Cleopatra is a lie, Cleopatra was not black, jada pinkett Smith, blackwashing, Egypt suing Netflix, Netflix woke, Cleopatra woke, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Roman empire documentary, ancient Egypt documentary, Cleopatra review, Cleopatra trailer, Cleopatra reaction, kada
Id: sj-iCoPQN78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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