Drinker's Chasers - She-Hulk: It's Anti-Fun

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this is what they're doing to these characters man like they're expecting you to root for people that are genuinely horrible human beings um speaking of which she-hulk oh god i knew it was coming we've had we're good we're doing the good the bad and the ugly tonight and so we've we've done the bads with rings of power now it's time to talk about the ugly christ for a second there i thought you could say the good i was like drinking don't you dare no no we've got house of the dragon that's good but this [ __ ] hell man this is genuine pain watching this show like it's not even like i object to the the source material or anything like that it's just it's not even got the bare bones of entertainment it's about as funny as a [ __ ] terminal cancer diagnosis none of the characters are likable um every situation they put them in is ridiculous and it's such a horrible waste of great actors like you've got benedict guang who's awesome but like god they just use and abuse that character man yeah honestly well get us started because there's so many they don't really the um the reality is i don't know if you knew about this but they were they were originally the origin of her powers and how she learned to understand them quote unquote with in episode one that we saw that was originally gonna be episode eight that's this from what i've heard anyway but they decided late in the game uh-oh people aren't going to want to watch this show if they don't understand how she got these powers and that's hence hence her lying about that it's meta the fourth wall break in the first episode she's like you're not going to focus on the cool law show if you don't see how it comes out so they moved it that's indicative of how they would have made this show uh sorry couple that with the information that they said they were going to have a full-on trial of three episodes with blonsky or something but they decided to cut it because they don't have to write law you all this put together they're [ __ ] moving all these episodes around they don't know exactly how they're structuring it all this sort of stuff they're not really connected these episodes either the fact that you can move them around means that there's no real through line they're just making episodes and hoping you don't really notice that there's no threads and i didn't see anything to illustrate this better than episode the previous episode wong is told you're a fugitive you've kidnapped someone you took them out of prison you know you've got to face uh the results of that it's like oh [ __ ] and he runs away it's like all right so that going forward in the mcu wong is now a criminal well on the run the american government will want to hunt him down it's like that's crazy but okay yeah sure next episode he's literally in court and he's dealing with a case and they've completely forgotten that he's a fugitive i like [ __ ] like this blows my mind i'm like you you don't even know what happened in the other episode when you made this one do you who knows which one was written first i have no idea i i just oh the defense i've seen the one defense i've seen of this show and it's a qualified defense as well and it's also one that i don't particularly agree with but the one defense i've seen which makes any kind of sense is that well okay yeah it has all of these faults that you've mentioned but it's not supposed to be a narrative comedy it's supposed to be a sitcom is the defense that i've heard mentioned um and i can see why people might think that because it's clearly borrowed cues from sitcom style productions the problem is it doesn't think it's a sitcom so it is actually introducing narrative elements that then do create these massive inconsistencies and that do require you to remember what happened in the previous episode uh when you come to write the next one so it's one of those things that i think it just doesn't know what it is is it supposed to be a sketch show well there are sketchup elements in it sure is it supposed to be a sitcom well you know there are some elements of that in as well is it supposed to be a narrative comedy that actually fits within the broader world of the mcu well yeah it's making attention to that as well but you can't do all three of these things at once you do have to pick one and run with it and the fact that it's tried to run with all three at the same time it's just created this massive mess of nonsense and also the fact that they don't know how to write any of it so everyone knows the interview where she said well we didn't know how to write chord scenes but you can find another interview where she says well we didn't know how to write with cgi either and i'm sure you can find another one where she'll say well i didn't know how to write action scenes like literally the worst possible person to do an action legal comedy drama is someone who doesn't know what comedy is doesn't know what action is doesn't know what legal drama is and has never used cgi before in her life it's fantastic work all around the the cgi is legit some of the worst that i've seen in the past 10 years like any scene where she-hulk has to walk through an office it's like watching a ps1 character move around it's so jerky it's so unnatural and you know i know that like they don't have 100 million dollars budget to play with but holy [ __ ] man it's marvel you've got to they were the ones that decided to do that you know it's it's like we didn't we didn't have the money to buy the whole planet it's like so why are you trying to what are you doing is that there was an interview again with i mean jessica gowers basically admitted that they didn't know what they were doing there is another interview where she says so i went to kevin feige and i said look we're doing a show about she-hulk so we're going to need some cgi what kind of money can we spend and apparently he gave her a blank check he said if you're doing a show about she-hulk then we want to see she-hulk she said well that gave me the indication it was a blank check so then i went and wrote the thing started filming and then somebody else from lower down in disney and marvel comes along and says uh money's a bit tight now actually guys can you cut some more of these of these scenes and could you make she-hulk jen in a few more scenes so i genuinely don't know that they knew how much money they had to spend i think the impression was given when they pitched it that they would have a lot more money to spend than they did have to spend so they had to really downgrade and rush and do all the rest of it and it's hard to know whether you put much blame on the writers and directors in that case if it is just the case that you know kevin feige has just completely abandoned the steering wheel much like i mean actually yeah i mean i can blame anyone behind the scenes in terms of budget for the the cgi looking terrible but like the the writers have to take um all the blame for just how generally [ __ ] the show is like yes but there's not a single gag in this entire show thus far that has made me even smile you know and that's that's it's just painful to watch uh and it's it's sad as well that they've got good actors involved in this like i said before like they've got benedict wong in for some reason and he just looks like he wants to die um you've got tim roth and i want to show you guys something actually because i've come to the conclusion that he's slowly morphing into timothy's ball uh let me just uh really think about a lot of weight recently he really has yeah uh so right hold on let me just bring it in so you can see it that that's timothy spoiled that just looks like tim roth in this [ __ ] show yeah he's sitting there he honestly looks like he's been brought in off the street um you know told that you're going to be in this show he had no time to prep or anything he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's just going to sit there in his chair and just say his lines and then get the [ __ ] out of there and man like again you know hulk was so long ago that most people have even forgotten who abomination was yeah but like they brought him back and they made him the subject of an entire episode okay fine yeah sure and then they were killing time with that obviously they're killing time with everything this is the show is about killing time because they have no story it's like they came to them 10 minutes before they started shooting and said uh right cool you've got your budget uh go make a show [ __ ] we don't have a script all right just think of something all right that's what they did with [ __ ] of madness but then the the abomination stuff is is the example of where it is trying to sort of do narrative comedy in the sense that this is an ongoing through line that they have to cover but they can't even write in the independent individual scenes properly with that the court scene when he's in the prison and she's representing him we did a review over this uh drinky i think you know mr brown mr brown alliance we were reviewing that over on his channel someone it might have been me or somebody else i can't remember pointed out that they have the scene where the abomination is um is called to give evidence and she's playing for time because she wants wong to turn if he hasn't arrived yet so she encourages abomination to go on a long spiel and then when he goes on for a little bit too long she decides no no stop it now stop it you're getting you're going away from the point but that's one scene that they haven't managed to hold together the whole point was to play for time and now you're stopping him playing for time and it's i i think they were trying to make a joke out of it but one of the so one of the defining features of this show is that you sort of think they might be trying to make it funny occasionally but you're not even sure if they're trying to tell a joke because it's that's unfunny i think yeah when it's everything is unfunny like you never know and this signifies where we're at with marvel i mean we finally get the abomination looking like the fracking abomination and it's a joke because marvel's chill you know and they're like well you know shih is different it's a sitcom it's not different from everything else we've watched in stage four it's it's gag after i mean pointless gag after pointless gag to either in the films it's to get away from an emotional moment as fast as possible and as drinker said it's just to fill time i think it's partially the bob chapic effect maybe if they're pulling some funding because he did that with the parks too i know he's meant to save everything but he's not going to that we're going to get so much more of this and disney just doesn't care disney marvel knows the marvel stand will show up and they can just put out whatever they want they'll get defended for the first couple of episodes and they'll lose interest i mean this pattern has now repeated six times when are people gonna wake up to it wait you know oh the first episode not so bad i didn't feel that way but some people felt that way and then nobody talks about it by the time it gets to the last episode and when daredevil shows up i'm gonna lose it that's what i'm going to do isn't even like the next episode so many people are afraid of what they're going to do now it's like they should be episodes have got it's gotten worse to people so now they're so afraid they're like oh no they weren't almost like that daredevil was coming but now they're afraid of what they're gonna do when he shows up my my rationale when i watch these shows or at least i learn about them is like oh oh my god which characters are they going to butcher in this one and so it's like you almost look for the guest appearances like oh christ they're going to kill their devil or they're going to like annihilate him as a character um and that that's what you do it like you operate on dread it's like what are they going to ruin next that's all that's all it comes down to they make they get wong is like incredibly stupid and petty um and it was really weird this episode i don't know if you uh because gary was saying you dropped out of it at a certain point right but like the there's a point where a bunch of demons are released on earth that just casually happens in this episode where's doctor strange shouldn't he be here helping out yeah well wong's great but strange is like on another level as we've seen he's like why wouldn't you bring him in why when and he's so casual about like how i can handle a bunch of demons invading earth yeah sure i just need she-hulk she hulk's the one that i need to help me how busy she can't even do anything like what is her strength here she's slightly stronger than a normal person and for anybody who hasn't seen it right there's a bunch of demons flying around in a big room so he opens up a portal to a place where he wants to throw them all in uh first he uses like a magical whip to grab one at a time to throw them in while she's picking them up and throwing them in and it's like one one one bear in mind there's like 50 in the room so like this is going to take a while and then at the end of the scene [ __ ] is just like all right i'm going to turn it into a giant tornado-y thing it sucks all of them in yeah oh man with that in future yeah why do you even need she-hulk and then the seat ends with her grabbing the last one before we send it back she shows it to the guy they were in a court case with and she's like sign the um the like the the seasoned assist uh you know you you better sign it but she basically is saying if you don't sign it i'll release the demon onto you and i was just like did did the lawyer just threaten someone's life unless they sign a contract yeah does she know how this she's one of the worst [ __ ] lawyers i've ever it's okay molar you don't understand it's okay because she's threatening a man so it doesn't matter when you do that to them this is like every every [ __ ] dude in this show is either a [ __ ] or an idiot or evil or a shallow narcissistic [ __ ] like that's all the categories they fall into there's nothing out that falls like say that she should be disbarred that's true it's it's so interesting how the writers perceive the world and like like one half of the human race it's just it's conceived entirely out of spite and hatred single 30 year old women uh about two hours into drinking box wine that's that's the the writer's room for this show gary don't you criticize the box white it's very official gary can we can we really just that that what you just said so what did we see happen in this episode right we saw a woman in a presumably is she mid-thirties i i [ __ ] you not man tatiana maslany looks about mid-40s like there's some close-ups so she's definitely we'll so we'll just we'll stay there she goes on a little dating app not getting much luck and uh then she decides to use her she hulkness to bait a man in that she actually wants 36. then she gets him beds him in the morning turns back into her actual self at least that's how she feels about it and he uh kind of feels catfished yeah and the show doesn't realize what it's done again again before they did it again and she's annoyed she's like i think the show actually thinks that she's in the right like oh how unfortunate that he only likes you for your she-hulkness and not your personality on a literal like one they hook up overnight like this is what humans do but they're not allowed to lie to each other about this sort of thing so it's really bad it's really unethical and she's just like ugh only liking me for my she-hulkness which she used to bait him yeah i couldn't believe what i was saying i was like did do they know what they've just written that's the thing they don't care and like they never think to like interrogate their own like logical process on this one it's literally just yeah like uh men are just shallow and they they want a hot woman and that's all that matters what's she you wanted she just wants a bad guy she even says oh yeah you know looks don't really matter but they do yeah but they do exactly but imagine if a dude had said a sincere attempt to expand his audience because the first video i didn't say well who's this for it's obviously it's just upper middle class at least very professional single women in the 30s in in metropolitan areas i'm kind of wondering maybe whether this entire episode is not just to expand the audience to men who secretly like the idea of being pegged by a big green woman and then maybe that's like broadening the audience a little bit and then you know that already describes part of the audience so someone said um in chat everyone knows janet she hulk how is that a catfish he didn't know did you see the guy's reaction he didn't know yeah to the point where he is that's the thing it's one thing to say uh you know he should know but he doesn't you gotta let people [ __ ] know uh you got love as well like you know when he's just killing time because she's gone away from like through a portal with wong she might have been gone for hours who knows and he's just like stayed in the exact same place on her couch and he's reading like bad feminist by some [ __ ] like the awful person that no one cares about but like that's that's how the the writers want to establish him that he's a good guy because he reads feminist literature what a [ __ ] dude in his right mind he's going to read a book like that in his spare time on his phone just like uh i should have complained about cat calling and then for her to do that like jeez seriously got one flashback so i was like oh yeah i said this i said this about the mcu their slogan just needs to be it's okay when women do it yep that's pretty much what it comes down to from the studio that brought you a woman enslaving men women and children where they couldn't even go to the bathroom we bring you rape nice i almost wonder if it is some part of it is intentional because if i'm trying to impute motive to them that the only one i can think of is they want you to complain about it because if you complain about it when a woman does it to a man that means you should therefore see why it's bad when a man does it to a woman but the problem is that like i don't think they're that intelligent and they don't frame with it just comes across like it is just the most tone-deaf inconsistent production i got the distinct impression that the show's idea is like isn't it sad that the world wants it for she-hulk and not her character not a personality isn't that sad when it's like well she used that she did she's she's just as part of the problem as perceiving the world's problem with it remember in the previous episode where she was like man people are going to think i was hired for she-hulk and not for my expertise like you were hired not for your expertise that's how it happened an interesting character arc for her be that like you know she she takes on the persona of seahawk she becomes a little bit drunk with power and she you know becomes arrogant she maybe even becomes like aggressive and violent towards people and eventually realizes that the error of her ways and realizes with a great power comes great responsibility you know you can't just shirk that responsibility character journey is a shocking suggestion isn't that what happens in the comics though because doesn't she get drunk and get sacked because she becomes a bit of an alcoholic well she sits on the photocopier and you know like that immediately makes us such a better character because you know the show tried to butcher when she got sacked and then the next shot you see her in this massively swanky apartment and you realize there's actually no material consequence for it being sacked and she gets rehired within five minutes anyway but you can't really sympathize with her position because she's so clearly not suffering from it whereas if you get a sacked because she's actually done something wrong and it's actually a result of some deep character flaw like you know falling to alcoholism for a bit that she needs to redeem herself from it doesn't matter if she lives in a mansion she's still got the character floor and that's something you can invest in and watch her grow from and you can still do that in the context of a comedy um and hell they haven't exactly made this one a comedy so you can't say well that would be too serious your fundamental journey there is like taking a person who's powerless or like at least physically powerless suddenly given them immense power and strength and watching what they do with that and inevitably they're going to have a period of adjustment where they misuse it and they get a little bit you know full of themselves whatever it might be they have to learn how to temper that that's a character journey right there but they'll never do that because that would imply that she's got something to learn you know that she's flawed in some way and that they'll they won't do it it's like they're just gonna keep it like really simplistic she's awesome she's right about everything it's just the rest of the world that has to adjust to her dude i remember when people when they were first talking about episode one they were like don't worry in the next few episodes they're gonna they're gonna have a learn that she was wrong about what she said to bruce we haven't addressed bruce at all we've been doing her own thing for ages yeah i love that i think what happened well when she breaks the fourth wall and she's like oh don't worry this isn't gonna be one of those shows that just relies on cameos to sell itself it's like and then they tried to make a joke out of it and it's like well apart from bruce and wong and and emilio polonsky and you know but it's like you are literally doing that that is the only reason people are watching this garbage that's the thing man i think we should give them uh less credit for like it's not witty dialogue it's just the truth they are right when she said having wong in here will give us immunity to twitter like criticism for weeks like that's probably true people like wong it's good enough but she's also correct and that it'll only last a week eventually people will be like man shield was [ __ ] they'd be like yeah shield was [ __ ]
Channel: Critical Drinker After Hours
Views: 548,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8wQEcxbM_pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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