Obi-Wan Kenobi Sucked

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the Obi-Wan Kenobi show watching this show was about as much fun as 70s kids probably had when their dad helped them with math homework with the Mandalorian season 3 sputtering into Oblivion and the announcement of that Rey Skywalker Trilogy I felt compelled to re-release my original Obi-Wan Kenobi reviews in this compilation video and do a little retrospective the Obi-Wan show was a missed opportunity to put it lightly but its Legacy is going to be the straw that broke the Star Wars IPS back Star Wars wasn't doing so great by the time Obi-Wan released in late May of 2022 thanks in no small part to the horrible reception of The Last Jedi in Rise of Skywalker Mandalorian season 1 and 2 were relatively well received and was up until recently really the only thing Star Wars had going for it people said absolutely not to the Han Solo movie book of Boba Fett pissed on itself so what better way to bring audiences back than the granddaddy of them all a show about two of the most beloved characters in the entire franchise with the last actors to play the roles and one of the roles being one of the greatest villains in cinema history to save Star Wars Ewan McGregor was signed to reprise his role as the pre-new hope Obi-Wan Kenobi and the even bigger event was the announcement that Darth Vader would play a major role in the show played by a Hayden Christensen once again no less I remember right before the show came out a friend of mine who is a big Star Wars fan said something I won't forget this is it he said they're bringing back the biggest character in the franchise if they [ __ ] up with Vader it's over what can I say the man called it with piss-poor production values horrid writing serious moments that turned out to be laughable and uneven acting almost across the board Obi-Wan Kenobi brought in the viewers at first but ended up being such a stain on the Star Wars IP that it's hard to see how the series will recover just take a look at how the IP has fared since the show Andor while being pretty well received was watched by nobody Mandalorian season 3 The One bright spot for some time when it came to Star Wars has barely registered with viewers and the quality sees the show [ __ ] on itself on Disney plus which I didn't think they'd find Family appropriate but here we are there were other criticisms of the Obi-Wan show the introduction of a new antagonist which was let's face it completely unnecessary and to focus on Leia's relationship with Obi-Wan instead of a story revolving around Obi-Wan protecting Luke with Kenobi's entire life from episode 3 on being about protecting the young Skywalker the very premise of the television show Obi-Wan leaving the planet to rescue Leia is contradictory to everything fundamental about his character so many fan ideas and how the show could have gone were better than what was actually produced and that's normally not the case a golden opportunity to make a small-scale Obi-Wan story in the vein of Unforgiven was completely missed Mandalorian picked up the Western Vibe for much of season one but we're talking about a Jedi living on a desert Planet The Man With No Name come on it was right there one could say it was due to the times we live in why make a story about Obi-Wan when you can just use his name to draw in audiences and bait and switch mid-season and make the show about some new female antagonist no one cares about that's as modern as modern writing gets after all turns out though if you do that [ __ ] you need to make sure it's a compelling story The visuals are on point and the acting is up to Snuff they failed every single one of those requirements and now Star Wars is reaping the rewards a dying franchise and this is usually the case once the show disappeared from public Consciousness and the ruins of an IP were left to Bear the general consensus now that the [ __ ] Defenders have calmed down is the show just wasn't good now to revisit the show with the reviews I released as it originally aired when I put these videos out my channel had like 500 subscribers so it was my first introduction to the toxicity that is brought on by the people who love the show anyone with a dissenting opinion over this crap Fest was called toxic but my personal experience was anyone defending the show wasn't afraid of wishing me dead in the comments section so it's kind of like I'm super tolerant and we're just a Happy fan base unless you disagree with us then I hate you and I hope you die let's go back in time to May 2022. we need to have a serious talk about Obi-Wan Kenobi also known as the most cringed TV show in recent memory I'm talking Battlefield Earth level cringe I honestly can't believe it's this bad I'd rather rub sandpaper on my face do people not see the idiotic plot contrivances the idiotic character decisions the terrible acting oh wait yes they do they just excuse it come up with fan theories to work around them or just ignore it and say whenever you bring them up guys you deserve better than this I'm not even a Star Wars fan and understand how this show messes things up timeline wise just for the sake of pumping out new content for you to consume General Kenobi years ago you served my father in The Clone Wars now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the empire guess you forgot who saved you from captors like nine years ago huh this presents have not felt since this made it seem like he hadn't seen Obi-Wan in a lifetime guess he forgot it was just like nine years ago huh the first two episodes were pretty awful but episode 3 is where it really steered into Keanu Reeves taking a [ __ ] territory you and McGregor must have consumed like 90 of the budget at least that's what the crappy effects make up and recycled sense would suggest but even ignoring that this is some of the most embarrassing directing writing and acting I've ever seen in a big budget project Obi-Wan Kenobi follows the now time-honored tradition of the prequel trilogy with and then storytelling if you've watched any of my videos you know this is probably my biggest pet peeve things not happening due to natural occurrence but happening because the plot needs them to happen this was so egregious that I had to make this video but it stole me away from my Zack Snyder ruin DC Video so I'm going to show you with some select examples to paint a picture for you your honor I'd like to introduce exhibit a into evidence we have a 10 year old child running away from adults in the forest now if you're a good writer you'd probably show us how she outwits them because she obviously wouldn't be able to get more than five feet from them without being captured but nah this sequence is more like in a video game when the guy with a gun has to go find a key to unlock a door instead of just blasting the lock off oh there's a branch in the way God good editing can sometimes cover up bad writing but they couldn't even do that they used shots that went on too long or over the head shots that show just how stupid they choreographed the sequence oh and don't forget that they decided to hire flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers for some [ __ ] reason where is the go you're not getting out of here now let's see how good of an actress the new antagonist is surely she'll at least make up for how bad someone like flee is right they can't cast someone cringe as the lead villain right [Music] it's important tell me where the Jedi is or this man and his family Jesus wept no it's super cool in the next episode after she's done imitating the predator and acting like a poor man's Trinity she does this foreign guess she forgot she could do that any time before this huh go [ __ ] yourself if episode one through three were serial killers episode 3 would be the Night Stalker the most brutal and terrifying of them all we're doing out here that's a long story it's a long way I just wanted to point this one out because of how funny it is that as soon as the conversation's over the Stormtroopers conveniently get out of the transport truck guess it wasn't too long of a ride after all definitely not just shitty editing they know what they're doing there whoa something cool is gonna happen here surely the name Leia will trigger them that this is Princess Leia and that he's the Jedi they're searching for something cool is gonna happen that was her mother's name I get confused what that's what they wrote are you [ __ ] kidding me do I need to elaborate on how dumb this is after this Obi-Wan gets into tussle with another crew of Stormtroopers [Music] all right that was pretty cool [Music] round it now I'll admit it's awesome to see Vader again and obviously that's what Disney's counting on you feeling too I think it's [ __ ] hilarious that Disney kept the theme going of Vader killing kids like what the [ __ ] all right this looks pretty cool right until Obi-Wan does this [Music] so the whole thing turns into a [ __ ] cartoon and then this next part happens [Music] now you you will suffer okay I'm digging it [Music] to me wait what just force grab him [Music] let's put out a fire put this one out what the [ __ ] okay so you're telling me that he started a fire put out the fire and when another one starts he can't put that one out and some three-toed sloth of a Droid has time to pick him up and carry him away what could the reason behind that be other than [ __ ] plot armor well he wants the toy with Obi-Wan first of all wrong otherwise they wouldn't have the Stormtrooper saying [ __ ] like this go [ __ ] yourself this is that walk around the Laser Gate sequence times a hundred this is the dumbest [ __ ] I have ever seen there is no excuse for this it's bad lazy and then storytelling it's atrocious I was going to wait for the whole series to end but I had to make this video after this scene I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing and then seeing people defend this and make up an excuse he'd let Obi-Wan go he enjoys the chase I'm not a huge Star Wars fan but I know a lot of people are you guys seriously deserve better than this it's time you start demanding it instead of making up excuses for dumb [ __ ] like this just because they showed the character you love the most it's member berries to the max if it gets even worse than this which I'm sure it will I'm gonna have an aneurysm oh hey Kenobi episode 4 is here I'm so excited now I gotta say out of the four episodes so far this one's pretty special if you haven't seen it yet don't worry it's just as diarrhea inducing in every phase of filmmaking as the previous three episodes were I learned from the comments in my previous video that discussing the quality of this show with gatekeeper fans means they kind of come up with different answers two plus two Timmy what'd you get Daddy keeps cashing the walls because he doesn't trust Banks what blows my mind is that this apparently was supposed to be an even longer series than it is and then it was chopped down to six episodes yet they somehow managed to still have a filler episode in this short of a series removing the credits and Recaps and you get a barely 30 minute episode where essentially nothing of importance happens story B opportunities are missed and instead we have a 30 minute episode of stuff happening besides the obvious a big issue with this show is the new characters are absolutely terrible and we know nothing can happen to Leia or Obi-Wan so the show has zero tension even if a new character dies which they haven't so far why would I care why would anyone they're not developed they're not three-dimensional in any way shape or form I can't even remember their names besides the lead villain and that's because she's being forced on us like her you must like this character if you're watching this I'm going to assume you've seen the show or just don't care and want to hear someone poop on it so let's go over the low lights shall we at the dick-shaped villainous fortress on Mustafar the two worst actors in the entire series get to share basically the entire episode together it's a true Joy Empire doesn't kindly to Jedi sympathizer Jedi sympathizer first of all she's 10 [ __ ] years old Obi-Wan is dead oh all the comments in my previous video about Leia not knowing Obi-Wan and Ben are the same person so therefore the show doesn't break Canon are wrong what a surprise someone very important to me has been taken I need your help to get her back General I'm sorry but that's not my problem if you want my help you got it what the actual [ __ ] I love me some bad writing I really do nothing happened here to make him change his mind nothing that's natural and not forced he just does I don't see any Shields that's because no one would be stupid enough to attack them thankfully the writers knew they'd have to come up with a clever way to bring the shields down so the dick Fortress just doesn't have any no no it's hand waved away instead who's stupid enough to attack it I don't know looks like you guys do it pretty easily also looks like they're playing the long game with Obi-Wan slowly regaining his Force Powers is that a character Arc they're working toward hmm you think they'll mess that up I'm here with classified intelligence do you know what classified means yes sir next strong female character intimidates acne [ __ ] with [ __ ] dialogue and gets inside despite the fact that even Beyond her not belonging at the station she's also been missing for days but you know no big deal meanwhile Obi-Wan swims to some weird singular open watering hole and gets inside and thankfully he's bone dry after he hops out the sister contest why do you have to make me hate Leia [Music] yeah just keep talking into a [ __ ] comms device next to your enemy next up is the best acting I've ever seen is the word cringe overused while I'm applying it at least one more time to this awful [ __ ] nice try princess I hope you like pain shut up shut the [ __ ] up you guys ready for some member berries so we have a youngling encased in whatever the [ __ ] this is because this is the inquisitor's little Shrine room or trophy room if you will of the Jedi they've killed makes sense yeah but wait this kid's clearly meant to be from episode 3 Revenge of the Sith look at this little goofy ass helmet so you have to assume that this place was built over 10 years ago before order 66. which means this place has existed for years even though it belongs to the inquisitors that were created after Order 66 and Anakin killed this youngling in Revenge of the Sith preserved him became Vader then brought this kid's dead ass body and encased them here or it's just another plot hole created by the writers to give you another one of these how an old man and a little girl escaped an imperial checkpoint on your planet wait what you're accusing her of incompetence he's escaped you like a thousand [ __ ] times already are you [ __ ] serious this character sucks now let's talk about what I hate the absolute most bad terrible no good writing [Music] ignoring the inherent silliness ignoring the shitty editing this is unfucking forgivable have these writers ever heard of the phrase set up and pay off even though it's stupid to [ __ ] Obi-Wan and make him a pussified version of himself for the sake of the story you still did it and set this entire thing up to have a payoff of him regaining his powers a big aha moment a moment that you'd probably think would be triumphant you spent four episodes setting this [ __ ] up and even alluded to it at the beginning of this very episode but as soon as the plot requires him to use his powers he simply can and does no character moment no implied drama of him thinking oh man can I do this nope he just does like he's never had a lapse in power ever regardless of Storytelling medium there are certain ways to write a story that should be obvious to anyone Pro or not and this is [ __ ] terrible next up we have the already Infamous Austin Powers scene foreign oh and Speeders can now hover probably would have been convenient and Empire Strikes Back Then someone no one gives a [ __ ] about dies strong female character Obi cuck and annoying child actress all get away and the episode essentially didn't need to exist or happen I put a tracker on the ship I have underestimated you Vader is also apparently Ultra forgiving if you plan a tracker on someone as if that somehow makes up for your multiple failings in capturing Obi-Wan right hey writers go [ __ ] yourself I'll review the rest of the series because in the end there's some fun to be had making you guys laugh but keep in mind what this show is doing to my health so Riva the third Sister episode 5 is upon us oh wait what's that you thought this show was called Obi-Wan Kenobi I don't think so after this episode's over the Disney bait and switch is finally complete for this series you know the one we all saw coming this is riva's show folks this shouldn't be a surprise we were all just kind of waiting for it to hit its apex and well here it is the embarrassingly bad writing continues don't worry about that Riva episode 5 has that in Spades now some might say this show has such great ideas though yeah and some people thought using VR was a great idea but like I've said a million [ __ ] times it all comes down to execution speaking of execution I wish Vader would execute every character in this shitty series you know some of the plot holes I pointed out in my previous videos well guess what folks they fill in some of them man they sure got me if only the villains didn't make the characters look even more [ __ ] idiotic the plot holes they get filled in create even bigger ones and make the most prominent characters in the show look like walking talking Queen all right the low lights let's just get to it the show starts out with Obi-Wan fighting Anakin in a flashback and I just want to congratulate Anakin on being the first 40 year old looking teenager in history the tracker worked no [ __ ] Grand Inquisitor so she's rewarded for her 80 000th failing because she planted a tracker on someone I'm sure the ending of this episode will have a brilliant twist to explain why I'm foolish for complaining about this I'm sure it'll really put me in my place these writers are so clever that transport I need to get her back to Alderaan yeah no [ __ ] and everybody [ __ ] knows it so why did the tracker matter why does it matter so much to pursue Obi-Wan like this finding Jedi in these four sensitive people doesn't [ __ ] matter it was explicitly said in the previous episode that Obi-Wan is the only thing that matters and since everyone in the [ __ ] Galaxy knows that Leia needs to get back to Alderaan why not just go straight there and wait till you get her back Vader and the Empire knows Obi-Wan's with Leia so that also means no matter what Bale Organa is a [ __ ] traitor and should be executed right how does this not break Star Wars Canon the Hoops people are jumping through to explain this away are putting my brain through a [ __ ] spin cycle ahead baby you're trying to imperial destroyer just arrived in orbit above us she attract us it's not her it's Vader I like that instead of showing actual distress through the idea of impending doom all these characters just give a big Collective oh darn I'm going to need a ladder it's not play time right now princess do what she asks you trust me I trust her what the [ __ ] wait why this kid hasn't done Jack's [ __ ] that should make Obi-Wan trust her and she's 10 [ __ ] years old there shouldn't be any reason to trust her with your lives she's done nothing but put both of your lives in danger this is the writers needing to make Leia important I know he said no community silence worries me if you agreed on no contact why would you have heard from him you [ __ ] idiot if I don't hear from you so you soon Owen will need help with the boy and oh need help with the boy Luke maybe he would have help if you didn't drag Kenobi away to deal with your problem not that the now impotent Kenobi could do [ __ ] to protect Luke but I digress ignoring all that [ __ ] Riva arrives and we're gonna get to what we've all been waiting for the bait and switch tell The Inquisitor I want to talk capturing him is of utmost importance so you'll indulge this why oh right right to plot dump the night of order six you were a youngling that's how you knew you saw him I was taking it and then you [ __ ] said it I was really curious if anyone thought this was actually a Twist or a surprise so I went on an IGN comments section on Facebook and Yep this actually surprised people I'm serious you're not serving him too really she's hunting Vader for killing her friends when she was young well then surely she'll have a clever way of trying to kill him when she gets the chance [Music] uh never mind we'll come back to this though I don't need your help anymore of course you don't it's 20 22 and it's a Disney series you're a strong independent woman God damn it and Shout It louder for the people in the back [Music] [Music] no this death got to me almost as much as Wades right behind you we knew her for at least two and a half episodes we knew her character so intimately how does Star Wars even go on after this it's over I'm going back ah well thank God she killed herself so you could Escape you're gonna die soon you're not pregnant Obi-Wan in His Brilliant supporting role decides to help our real main character the bait and switch is finally complete there are feminists back there are you gonna let him do it again yeah that's right Obi-Wan appeal to her Humanity you know because riva's not a giant piece of [ __ ] for everything she's done randomly chopping off hands even though the other inquisitors didn't even want her to do that murdering innocent people was about to torture and gouge the eyes out of a [ __ ] 10 year old child sounds like she'd really give a flying [ __ ] about awful things happening to your people this looks cool and also creates about a thousand plot holes like maybe he could have at the very least gotten Obi-Wan regardless of that fire at the end of episode three but he loves the chase that's probably my favorite Fanboy excuse I heard regarding the bad writing for the series and I'm never letting that one go [Music] why didn't you just grab the second ship is your [ __ ] Force meter depleted or is this another the fire is too big situation did you just let him go this time too same excuse as before I can hear it now hate it Obi-Wan and the others fly away he really loves the chase [Music] ah this was her big plan all along swinger saber Adam when he's not distracted whatsoever all this planning and this is what you came up with thank you [Music] looks cool but why the [ __ ] would Vader indulge any of this did you really believe I did not see it youngling your rage was useful really really you knew all along so Vader's gone from Captain doesn't [ __ ] around to playing [ __ ] games with his subordinates since when when was he ever characterized like this and what usefulness are you talking about she's been [ __ ] useless to you she's done nothing but burden your search make things more difficult keeping her alive and indulging her [ __ ] doesn't help you in any way no this has been nothing but a plot requirement this is and then storytelling if he's known this all along there's nothing she's done for him that the real grand Inquisitor couldn't have done too in fact he probably would have Kenobi by now if you didn't indulge her [ __ ] and apparently getting stabbed by a lightsaber doesn't mean Jack's [ __ ] now Grand Inquisitor fine riva's [ __ ] fine twice over Qui-Gon is oh oh [ __ ] and of course they're just going to conveniently leave her there instead of just [ __ ] killing her because plot armor the next video will be made from my hospital bed one more episode Kenobi episode 6 has arrived and if you care about good writing just know this is a table of [ __ ] after watching this final episode I realized it was a bad week to a finally caught top gun Maverick it might seem weird to compare because these two pieces of media are vastly different but not when you look under the hood what they share is trying to be Legacy stories that are follow-ups to older successful projects that they hope audiences want to see again using Nostalgia to get you back in front of the screen this has been a theme in Hollywood for seven or eight years now with varying levels of success and Kenobi and top gun Maverick represent the two extremes of the spectrum when the consensus for why top gun's good is because of how emotionally impactful the story is but the consensus for Why episode 6 of Kenobi is good is because oh my God the cameos Vader vs Kenobi he said hello there you have a problem Throwbacks and Nostalgia should add to a great story not be the sole reason you're watching it and Kenobi is nostalgia in meltdown mode the Chernobyl of shiny Keys a [ __ ] super volcano of member berries Kenobi episode 6 should absolutely please fans that just want to see Vader lightsaber duels and hear one-liners remove movies past but don't count on it to be a finale to a coherent story or become invested in any of the characters because of what's going on in front of you no no the writers in Disney will rely on your need for Nostalgia for that and so I bring Top Gun back in it's filled with Nostalgia but it uses Throwbacks callbacks and shiny Keys as the gravy on top of a gripping emotionally charged story Top Gun gets you invested in its characters and events transpiring on the screen so when the member berries drop they're just added goodness to something that's great all on its own meanwhile you have Obi-Wan Kenobi a show that uses Nostalgia strictly as a means for its very existence an assembly line style product that feels cheaply made poorly directed terribly written and just another reason to shove Darth Vader back in your face and get subscribers for a streaming service without any actual care given to nurture and develop a great story there are no real payoffs to setups there are new plot holes created with every episode characters are given unearned endings to their arcs in the finale as epitomize the look at the shiny Keys attitude of the script and from a lot of responses it seems most people are fine with that which is all well and good and if that's your thing cool it's just not mine let's dive into the low lights one last time looks like Vader's caught up to that ship pretty fast but decides to play the spaceship Chase equivalent to the Leia chase scene in episode 1 and stay just out of Arm's Reach play your turn you can have what's left when I'm done riva's fine I guess a lightsaber isn't deadly more just the tummy Acorn part of a Taco Bell she'll come when the Suns go down best we got position now apparently Amber is a brilliant tactician out of nowhere and Owen the poor scrub is along for the ride while Rivas on Tatooine looking to kill Luke Obi-Wan decides to get this story over with and lands on another planet that looks exactly like Tatooine because the budget's so low then you will die after five episodes of setting up this fight where Obi-Wan was essentially unable to use the force just a few episodes ago he can now go full on beast mode against Vader I'm not a fan of the idea of depowering Obi-Wan to build him up again but that's what the writers decided to do what they fail at is the payoff to that setup I mentioned this in my episode 4 review when Obi-Wan could barely move a scrap of metal at the beginning of the episode and then could stop glass from shattering against an ocean of water pressure five seconds later they didn't have proper setup and payoff there either he was just able to do that because the plot needed him to this is that moment gone supersonic there was absolutely no triumphant moment that Obi-Wan was put into where he recognized his powers coming back where he questioned it in the moment of absolute Peril he simply does what the plot needs him to do this is a complete disregard for your character's Arc this moment should feel triumphant but it's completely unearned and things carry more weight when they are earned but hey ignore that just look at the shiny keys look at the lightsabers look at Vader look how cool he is if you can actually see anything in this poorly lit scene your strength has returned yep that's right it just has just like that it's returned without any character moment for him or the audience to appreciate it's here because the plot needs it to be that is why you will always know Vader does a [ __ ] Hulk smash [Music] you have failed master at least Vader's consistent within the series itself instead of pursuing things to the end and killing someone he's been in Desperate pursuit of he just leaves them alone once he has them in his grasp Obi-Wan pulls a Peter Parker and escapes the rebel I guess [Music] Kenobi apparently collected all the chaos emeralds real quick and beats the [ __ ] out of Vader while he stands there and just kind of lets him huh I'm sorry I'm sorry this is some really great acting by you and McGregor honestly what a wasted performance you didn't kill Anakin Skywalker I did the writers of the show are arrogant enough to think they need to fix a perceived plot hole in the original trilogy a young Jedi named Darth Vader who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil he betrayed and murdered your father I guess this television show creating 8 000 new plot holes is worth it I will destroy you and my friends is truly dead okay then just [ __ ] kill him you can do it got it since Vader obviously has to live I question why the writers felt they needed to write themselves into a corner like this why not write the scene differently whatever [Music] the [ __ ] out of here trying to redeem this character she's participated in killing men women and younglings but this time she can't stories are made to manipulate audience emotions but I don't understand how anyone could suspend disbelief in this moment considering her actions before this is absurd clock contrivance counter has reached 8 trillion you're a terrible human being oh well oh you're crying oh well you're forgiven now have I become him no you've chosen not to well yeah actually you've done despicable horrible things you're a piece of [ __ ] sparing one kid while participating in the murder of many people over years doesn't redeem you but what the [ __ ] do I know help from a tired old man and dangerous both plot hole filled is this how they're getting around Leia clearly not personally knowing Obi-Wan in the OT not to mention the entire Empire knows bail Organa Leia and Obi-Wan are all connected so bail and all of them should be known traitors to the Empire but again what the [ __ ] do I know man you want to meet him hello there remember when he says hello there I love that yeah that's fantastic and for the final member Barry Qui-Gon arrives to ask Obi-Wan how the [ __ ] Revo was the one who survived a lightsaber to the gut Kenobi answers truthfully because she's the new strong female character you dumbass and with that the series concludes it's finally over but once more my thoughtful analysis on this show is it's [ __ ] it's a table of [ __ ] GG's only
Channel: The Movie Cynic
Views: 711,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KLO1rdFhxdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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