Tired Franchises Hollywood Refuses To Let Die

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okay let's talk so last month we found out in the most random announcement of all time that the Harry Potter Saga is being rebooted on HBO Max this time in the form of a 10 season TV series that will cover all seven books something that everybody asked for I'm sure the film series ended in 2011 which wasn't that long ago and that's not all because just a few days after that announcement it was officially announced that Lionsgate is also in the process of rebooting the Twilight Saga into a TV show as well that coming just 11 years after the end of the movie franchise what the [ __ ] look it's no secret that Hollywood is currently in a state of franchise monarchy I think everyone has been hyper conscious of that especially in the last couple of years every studio in Hollywood is trying to desperately secure themselves some billion dollar franchise to rival with the likes of Disney and it's difficult not to notice the tryhard aspect of it we are constantly being exposed to it feels like every week I've come across some complaints about Hollywood's Relentless pushing of reboots sequels remakes and adaptations were constantly exposed to the never-ending and exhausting conversation about superhero fatigue and the frustration over the Revival of old franchises Evil Dead just had a reboot come out in theaters a few weeks ago Indiana Jones has a fifth movie coming out this year 41 years after the first movie Bad Boys 4 is reportedly in the works Beetlejuice 2 we're getting a Spy Kids reboot there's a pair apparently an exorcist sequel coming out this Halloween we had Halloween last Halloween and even with TV Hollywood tries to capitalize on iconic names all the time now we just got that 90s Show on Netflix How I Met Your Father on Hulu Zoey 101 is apparently getting her reboot Starsky and Hutch The 1975 buddy cop show is getting a reboot RoboCop is getting a reboot Legally Blonde Fuller house is a thing that existed not too long ago and in what I think is the dumbest most corporately bankrupt move in recent Hollywood history we are getting an American TV adaptation of parasite oh for the love of God and it feels tiring right after a certain point it all feels very empty especially because a lot of these revivals or adaptations of beloved franchises don't really work out anybody remembers that 2017 Power Rangers reboot That was supposed to become the next big thing I don't know if you knew but this was meant to be the first of seven announced movies and that idea was canceled real quick because the movie tanked real hard and on TV it's even worse fade the wing Saga was canceled two seasons in we just talked about the Gossip Girl reboot being dumb as [ __ ] A bunch of reboots of iconic movies and shows from the 80s 90s and 2000s are being canceled left and right there was a 24 sequel series that disappeared real fast the True Lies TV adaptation just got canceled like it's been an app absolute mess and you know there's only more of it coming so with this complete Insanity and while I finish working on a certain video about a certain show with vampires that everyone has been harassing me about I decided to make a list about a bunch of franchises that Hollywood just refuses to Let Die those franchises that we've known forever and it seems like no matter how badly they're failing we just can't escape them coming back every few years and yes I could go on and on about Star Wars or the MCU but that's too easy I want to talk about other franchises that have been bugging me for a while now I picked nine of them and we're gonna break them down right now so here you have nine franchises that Hollywood just won't let die starting with number nine Men In Black this feels like the perfect start to the list the first two men in black movies were massive hits that undeniably solidified their place in pop culture through the years the odd pairing that were Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones worked really well Against All Odds and is genuinely created a franchise that was unlike anything we had seen before it was weird and funny and wacky and it just clicked right with audiences but then in 2012 we got Men in Black 3 and it became quite obvious that Sony and Colombia were kind of pushing their luck despite being successful at the box office there was a general consensus amongst fans and critics that the movie was an absolute disappointment far from the quality of the first two films I personally remember seeing this one in theaters and being bored out of my mind the whole time okay I don't even know who you are anyways long story short it was very clear that by 2012 the franchise was a bit outdated and would probably be better off being left as a thing of the past but Sony a studio that is constantly desperate to establish massive franchises was not ready to let that one go they were determined to find a way to revitalize the franchise and the ideas they came up with were kind of insane I don't know if you know this but just a few years ago Sony was planning on making a Men In Black sequel that would also be a crossover movie with 21 Jump Street the [ __ ] I know it sounds like I just made that up but I swear to you that's the truth it's a very well documented project you can look it up Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill were both slated to come back in their roles for the movie it was going to be directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller the directors of the true jump stream films as well as the writers of Spider-Man into the spider-verse and there actually was a lot of buzz in Hollywood about this movie A lot of people had their eyes on it however the project got stuck in development hell and completely fell apart after years of back and forth after which Sony Pictures opted to shift the franchise's direction altogether abandoning the crossover idea for a straight reboot see they believe the quickest and most effective way to reinvigorate the franchise was to take the exact same concept as the original movie and then replace Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones with two actors who are currently very popular with audiences and so a couple years later in 2019 we got Men In Black International a brand new take on the franchise featuring a new set of MIB agents this time played by Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson who were both just coming out of the very popular Thor Ragnarok Men In Black International was meant to be the starting point point of a new Men In Black Trilogy except the movie sucked ass and it kind of bombed at the box office causing future plans to be halted by Sony in their development stage in any sequel they were envisioning was immediately canceled the movie came out four years ago and as of right now there are no plans for new Men In Black movies moving forward but it is only a matter of time before a new reboot arises it's been kind of a mess behind the scenes in 2021 a new Men In Black 5 was reportedly in development Will Smith was set to return but then that project died then in 2022 it was reportedly a Men In Black TV series that was in development but that also seems to have gone away and you know what good Let It Die Men In Black was a product of its time its camp and its absurdity were clearly made for the 90s and very early 2000s I don't know if that concept works when you try right to quote modernize it it's like trying to use more CGI to revitalize Jurassic Park and speaking of which number eight Jurassic Park Okay look I'll admit I might be a bit biased with this one because I personally do not like any of the Jurassic movies past the first one the original Jurassic Park is a [ __ ] classic and one hell of an impressive feat for Cinema and I love it very dearly I guess the first Jurassic world is okay I've only ever seen it once when it came out in 2015 and I remember thinking it was fine but overall I strongly believe that the first Jurassic Park is the only genuinely great movie in the franchise and I personally think the sequels should have never been made Jurassic Park 2 and 3 are quite forgettable in my opinion even if two has its moments I cannot stand Jurassic world Fallen Kingdom I think it's one of the worst major Blockbusters to come out in the last 10 years and I can't even comment on Jurassic world Dominion because I never finished it I tapped out halfway through the movie because I was just that bored these movies should not exist I mean hell I'm not crazy because Colin trevorrow the guy who directed all three of the Jurassic World movies admitted last year in an interview that he thinks Jurassic Park should have never had any sequels I'm not making that [ __ ] up he thinks his own movies should not exist none of the Jurassic world Trilogy is over I'm sure the studio is trying to figure out how to move forward with this franchise I think there's an actor from Dominion who kind of hinted at that but I don't know how that's gonna work out for them Jurassic Park was super impressive because at the time we had never really seen dinosaurs like that on screen you had maybe like one or two Godzilla movies and that was it like that [ __ ] back then was [ __ ] impressive but like now look at what we have there's the Meg 2 coming out and the trailer starts with a CG dinosaur like it's not impressive anymore it's not the same we get huge massive monsters on screen all the time always constantly it's not gonna hit the same anyways I don't have much more to say about this so I'll close it with this clip of Amanda the Jedi just speaking straight facts about why Jurassic Park should never be remade what's a movie that should never be remade Jurassic Park yeah that one benefits so much from the time and the combination of like CG and animatronics at any attempt to remake it will look terrible we'll fail miserably you don't need to do it just leave the [ __ ] alone I think most movies don't need to be remade if I'm being completely honest if it's a good movie leave it alone people need to get more in the mindset of remaking movies that had good Concepts were executed terribly yeah yeah I agree like stop taking good things and remaking them it's dumb and there you go check the words right out of my mouth number seven Charlie's Angels I know this seems weirdly out of place when talking about big Hollywood franchises but hear me out I don't think most people realize the insane Obsession Hollywood has with Charlie's Angels it's like a Relentless one-sided simp love story that's been persevering for almost 50 years but okay let me go back for the quick backstory Charlie's Angels is a franchise that was kick-started with an insanely popular TV show that aired on ABC for Five Seasons from 1976 to 1981. the original name Angels were played by Jacqueline Smith Kate Jackson and the most popular sex symbol of the 70s Farrah Fawcett the show was an instant success that took the World by storm mainly because the whole idea of the show was to sexualize women in what were typical male-centric action movie tropes and ABC had a genuine hit on their hands it was a real pop culture moment Farrah Fawcett famously left the show after only one season which resulted in a highly publicized lawsuit against her because she was sued by ABC as a result but throughout the Five Seasons a number of women played the roles of the angels as previous ones left it became kind of a tradition that would see a new entry in every season quickly after that though sensing the obsession over their show Growing ABC attempted to Kickstart a spin-off of the show called Tony's boys in 1980. the spin-off revolved around a wealthy woman named Antonia or Tony who runs a private detective agency where three top-tier agents Tony's boys solve crimes and go on various missions and if that sounds familiar it's because it's literally the exact same premise as Charlie's Angels but gender swapped the only idea behind this show was to sexualize handsome men in the exact same premise hoping that it would recreate the success of the original series but after a backdoor pilot was integrated in season 4 of Charlie's Angels ABC changed their minds and decided not to pick up the spin-off and so the Tony's boys project died shortly after and Charlie's Angels ended its run just a year after that okay now you have the backstory let's get to the stupid [ __ ] while it started as a popular TV series back in 1976 Hollywood only realized a true potential behind the franchise in the year 2000 when it was successfully rebooted into an over-the-top action flick starring Drew Barrymore Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz it is the most 2000 thing I have ever seen it's so camp and out there but I loved it as a kid it is just dumb fun unfortunately though that potential was very short-lived Charlie's Angels 2000s was successful but after a failed sequel in 2003 that crashed and burned at the box office the studio quickly canceled the third and fourth movies that were in the works the franchise went dead and Hollywood has miserably been trying to revive it for the last 20 years at first there was a proposed Charlie's Angels animated film that I believe got stuck and died in development hell around 2007 after which ABC took the big step and decided to reboot Charlie's Angels in the form of a new TV series in 2009 30 years after the end of the original show they made this reboot a big deal they were super serious about it they even brought in Miles Miller and Alfred go to be the showrunners of the new series now I realize these names probably don't mean anything to you but these guys are the real deal they were the creators and producers of Smallville they wrote the story of Sam raimi's Spider-Man 2 which is still considered to be one of the greatest comic book movies of all time Pizza time they wrote Shanghai Nights and more recently they teamed up with Tim Burton to create Wednesday yeah needless to say these guys know what they're doing Miller and go developed the [ __ ] out of this reboot they even cast Minka Kelly in one of the lead roles and after a long two years of build up the Charlie's Angels reboot series finally arrived on the very symbolic September 22nd 2011 date of the 35th anniversary of the original series and it flopped immediately if you don't know Charlie's Angels 2011 is notorious in Hollywood for being one of the greatest failures in television history most people have forgotten about it now like to the point where most people don't even know this show existed but those who know about it have heard about it for a reason the show crashed and burned so hard and so fast that it was canceled by ABC after only four episodes due to historically bad ratings they never even got to finish shooting the first season which was supposed to only be 13 episodes long and ABC only agreed to air 7 of the eight finished episodes before swiping Charlie's Angels 2011 under the rug effectively making it one of the worst performing television shows in history things got really silent afterwards and for a while it looked like the Charlie's Angels Universe was finally put to rest but Hollywood wasn't done refusing to accept the fact that audiences have not been interested in this franchise since 2000 Sony Pictures tripled down on their desperate efforts and delivered the historic box office failure that was 2019's Charlie's Angels a dull and uninspired reboot sequel of the original series directed by Elizabeth Banks and starring Kristen Stewart the movie Very famously bombed with critics and audiences grossing only 8 million dollars in its opening weekend against an estimated production and marketing budget of 97 million that's just a disaster and prompting the inevitable and immediate cancellation of its planned sequels this thing came and went so fast that I still have trouble believing it actually happened well let's hope that this time the message was clear Charlie's Angels as a franchise is like this stubborn tantrum for all the old folks that run Hollywood who desperately want another version of that show they liked in the 70s but it's not gonna work just like men in black Charlie's Angels is a product of its time you can't recapture the very specific Vibe and tone of these shows from the 70s and 80s you're never gonna get that I mean Star Wars has been trying for 46 years because the reason why it feels the way it feels is because it exists in your memory stop trying to replicate it it's never gonna work Charlie's Angels is a product of its time let it die number six James Bond okay I might get crucified for this but am I the only one who's really over James Bond I mean don't get me wrong I don't hate James Bond I do enjoy some of the movies in the franchise but I'm just kind of over it I don't know it just doesn't feel like what it used to be and I can't even blame it for it James Bond has been around for a while now the character was created in 1953 I think in a series of novels created by British author Ian Fleming and he was brought to the screen for his first adaptation just nine years later in 1962. it was an immediate success and the franchise became a staple of British Cinema one that took over the world very quickly at a time of making this video Bonn has now been played by seven different actors across 27 films the rest as they say is history I mean I don't like that saying but it is true in 2023 there has been a grand total of 25 Bond films in the main series the two remaining ones being technically unofficial entries in the franchise but we are far from The Glory Days of the bond Saga where each movie would be a banger after Banger that made people go crazy Dr No From Russia with Love and Goldfinger were the last movies in the series that came out in a row and were all universally and critically acclaimed bangers one after the other and to tell you how long ago that was these three films are the first ones they're literally the first three James Bond movies they came out respectively in 1962 1963 and 1964 which means we haven't had a solid three film streak in almost 60 years and since then the bond franchise has been extremely hit or miss and if you ask me it's had more misses than hits and we don't need to look too far for that if we just look at the last two bone eras the writing is kind of on the wall here in the last 28 years there has been a grand total of nine Bond movies four with Pierce Brosnan in the role at five with Daniel Craig out of those nine movies that came out between 1995 and 2021 only three of them are good GoldenEye Casino Royale and Skyfall the six other movies range from kind of mid half-assed and forgettable to flat out terrible I still think Casino Royale is the best James Bond movie ever made I know some people will pick Skyfall but even then Casino Royale came out 17 years ago and Skyfall came out in 2012 11 years ago I can't remember the last time a James Bond movie came out and genuinely got people hyped it's not that the movies aren't successful they are they make money every time but like they just kind of come and go most of them are forgotten and never talked about again anybody remembers Quantum of Solace Specter even no time to die is already fading away and it came out a year and a half ago it just feels like The Saga isn't serving the way it used to all the Thrills of high octane action with secret agents betraying each other Etc it's just not the best at it anymore if anything I feel like the John wake franchise took that spot John Wick now has the hype James Bond used to have decades ago that is the fun secret agent action movie series that gets people really excited because it does [ __ ] we've never really seen before James Bond now is just kind of there but it feels tired you can tell it's lost its thing a little bit it just doesn't have the same impact on pop culture which is like fine because this series is so old now it makes sense that it doesn't have the same pole but I'm just saying no time to die was Daniel Craig's final outing as Bond and apparently the studio is actively looking for the next actor to take on the role but honestly if they just decided to stop it there and end the series with no time to die I'd be totally fine with that and I think people would get over it really fast but yeah I don't think that's ever gonna happen they're never gonna let James Bond die I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to cast a younger Bond and made the next era a bit more like John Wick to try and Revitalize and modernize the franchise which I would be really surprised to see how that goes I've seen some people online say they'd like to see a crossover where James Bond and John Wick go head to head and so I asked you guys on Instagram who would win a fight between the two which by the way follow me on Instagram 4 000 people voted and John Wick won the vote with a staggering 72 percent sorry James it looks like you're not coming out of this one alive either way James Bond is not going anywhere anytime soon he was around before my parents were even born and I think he will be here long after I'm gone anyways let's move on number five Fast and Furious this one is a bit of a doozy for me I think I've mentioned it before in a video or two but the Fast and Furious franchise has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years now just like it has been for like millions of people these movies are so dumb they're stupid beyond anything you can imagine but God they're just so much fun because yeah make no mistake these movies know what they are they know what they're here for and they embrace the silliness to the fullest extent of their capabilities it's so funny they're not all bangers though but when they are the Fast and Furious movies are a good time okay quick rundown for everyone who's gonna ask one is whatever two is so stupid that I find it hilarious I don't remember a single thing about three four is a mess five six seven and eight are a [ __ ] blast that will destroy your brain cells one by one but I love them for it they're incredibly entertaining nine is genuinely one of the worst movies I've seen in the last decade you can skip it I hate this movie with the passion and the Hobbs and Shaw spin-off is just really forgettable but I'll give it a point because Idris Elba referring to himself as black Superman is [ __ ] iconic I know a lot of people adore these movies like it's a real popcorn Blockbuster series that only demands of you to leave your brain at the door when you go watch it and as I just said I like it too fast and furious is fun and I will die on that hill but even as somebody who finds some enjoyment in that kind of brain Rod I gotta admit this has been going on for too long Universal is ready to do anything to keep this thing going even though I'd like to quickly remind you that this franchise started 22 years ago and I feel like that's not gonna keep working out for them they just refuse to let it end and it's gonna turn against them I think it's kind of already started and I know I know what you're gonna say but Dylan they said fast 10 was gonna be the last one yeah um don't hold your breath around the time fast 8 was starting to roll around it was indeed confirmed that fast 10 would be the final movie in the franchise it was the end of the line and people accepted that I mean sure okay it's gotta end somewhere 10 movies sounds perfectly fine you had a great run then around the time fast 9 was released in theaters news started to come out but fast 10 would be split into two parts meaning we weren't getting one more movie but two okay it sounds like you're trying to stretch it because you don't really want to end it but I let it slide I'm in a good mood today I'll pretend didn't see it but then just recently Vin Diesel apparently hinted at the fact that fast X might actually be the first movie of the three-part story they added another one that means that the quote-unquote final movie in the franchise is actually just a new Trilogy are you [ __ ] kidding me just end it there's no such thing as a three-part movie you're [ __ ] lying this is just fast 10 11 and 12. you guys just don't want to look like [ __ ] for walking back your announcement about fast 10 being the final movie especially because let's not forget that right before the pandemic it was confirmed that another spin-off was in the works this time to focus on the female characters of the franchise and while it looks like Hobbs and Shot 2 is very unlikely to happen the fact that Kevin Hart and Ryan Reynolds were introduced in that movie makes it that I wouldn't really be surprised if they got their own spin-off somewhere down the line and you know what that's not even all of it oh no it is not did you guys know that there is a Netflix original animated spin-off of Fast and Furious called Fast and Furious spy Racers oh no I'm not kidding this is real it is a TV show about Tony Toretto Dominic toretto's little cousin who is played by Tyler Posey yes Scott McCall from Teen Wolf I was born to win I'm a Toretto they even got Vin Diesel to voice Dom in a bunch of episodes being a toretto's got nothing to do with what you do in that car being a Toretto is about family and the roll out of this thing is just insane they [ __ ] churned the [ __ ] out of this project in two years years they released six seasons of this show and it ended its run in 2021. let me repeat that for you six seasons in two years Universal is as greedy as ever with the Fast and Furious franchise they're so desperate they don't want this thing to end but stop it if fast nine was any indication of where things are headed you better quit now while people still kinda like you because I've been seeing reviews of Fast Tax and it's not looking good for you so please don't be stupid end it okay next number four the Disney Live Action remakes okay I know this is a weird one and I'm cheating a little bit but I guess we could consider this series of movies a franchise right right no just me okay whatever let's just consider it is for this video I don't think I've ever talked about this before but the Disney Live Action remakes are a personal pet peeve of mine that just refuses to go away I feel like we all hate them and yet they just keep happening because despite the fact that everybody hates them these movies somehow keep making a [ __ ] load of money at the box office so Disney just keeps making them the live action remake series I would say started with the Cinderella remake that came out in 2015. this movie's fine I remember liking it and honestly I'll watch Lily James in anything except for Pam and Tommy [ __ ] this show it was a fun little venture everybody thought it was a one-time thing nobody bad at an eye a year later though in 2016 we got the jungle book remake and I'm not even gonna lie this movie [ __ ] slaps I liked it a lot it was visually very impressive Idris Elba as Shere Khan was the [ __ ] and overall it was just a good time and it made Disney a shitload of money another year later in 2017 we got the live action Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson a movie that I never finished I watched it at home and I don't know what happened I tuned out right before the ball scene and never went back to it I thought it was whatever but that said though the movie was incredibly successful it's probably the one that had the most hype it also made a shitload of money and this is when Disney kind of started to lose its [ __ ] see Jungle Book made almost a billion dollars at the box office Beauty and the Beast made over a billion dollars at the box office so they started to have dollar signs in their eyes and they got Grady how greedy you ask well in 2019 Disney released not one not two not three but four live action remakes in nine months we got the live-action Dumbo by Tim Burton which sucked ass two months later we got guy Richie's Aladdin which sucked ass less than two months after that we got The Lion King remake which sucked ass although it was visually Gorgeous I'll give it that and then in November we got the Lady and the [ __ ] remake for the launch of Disney plus and I've actually never seen that one but I hear it's not glorious it's so much worse that is just an insane rollout and the worst part is it worked yes Dumbo notoriously flopped really hard at the box office but despite the fact that everybody hated Aladdin it still made a billion dollars at the box office and The Lion King made an outstanding 1.6 billion dollars at the box office and it is currently the seventh highest grossing movie of all time it's just it cannot be understated just how much money these movies make Disney they were slowed down by the pandemic obviously but they weren't gonna stop no after all of that they just decided to remake everything literally everything in 2020 we got the Mulan remake which in my opinion is the worst out of all of them then we got the Dreadful Tom Hanks Pinocchio remake which was one of the worst movie these I saw last year and just a few weeks ago we got Peter Pan and Wendy which is just so painfully Bland I tapped Out 45 minutes in and I don't think I'm ever gonna finish it oh and you thought I was done I know I know you thought you were safe because I caught up in 2023 yeah okay there's no more oh well you're wrong you thought Disney was stopping there despite the fact that none of these remakes have been universally liked since 2016. well think again because the little mermaid is coming out like now we're getting a live-action Snow White in 2024 there's a sequel to The Lion King on the way Lilo and Stitch are getting a live action remake for some reason Hercules is happening the Hunchback of Notre Dame is in the works Bambi The Aristocats and the most egregious of them all we are getting a live-action Moana a remake of a movie that's not even 10 years old yet it came out in 2016. Moana that's right what are we doing I can't even be mad at them for doing it because these movies are ridiculously profitable like I get it but jeez there's a part of me that's eternally sad that Disney's entire business model has become why have original ideas when you can just not they really are the world champions of creative recycling I mean at least they still have Pixar like that's still original just in the last couple of years they've gave us Coco turning red and soul which is probably my favorite Pixar movie of all time so you know at least I'm glad we still have that they don't just aimlessly continue to churn out unnecessary sequels that never really have a psych I [ __ ] lie number three Toy Story for the love of God can we stop already why are we doing this why do you keep going going I don't know if you guys are aware but a couple weeks ago it was confirmed that Toy Story 5 is currently in the works and I only have one question what in the flashpoint Paradox are you guys [ __ ] doing why why would you do this you guys made what I would genuinely consider to be one of the greatest trilogies in the history of Cinema Toy Story 1 2 and 3 are all great three is an almost perfect movie this whole trilogy is [ __ ] lit it's so good and all you had to do all you had to do for it to remain this legendary accomplishment in pop culture was let it be you just had to let it be do not take the risk to ruin that I understand it goes against your business model but it's the one Trilogy Where I would say you have a [ __ ] duty to show some Artistic integrity and let it be this great piece of art that exists still at one point in time without touching it why are you still going you think I gave a [ __ ] about Forkey my guy you think I care look at him I don't care I don't care about 4K look at him What's it gonna be huh are we just gonna keep making them is that the plan are we just gonna be making Toy Story six seven and eight huh are we doing Toy Story Tokyo Drift Toy Story vs Superman dawn of Justice stop it stop it's done you made it you already achieved the greatness Let It Be you're just gonna ruin it stop taking things that are precious to make it a cash cow you can keep milking until people can't stand it anymore there are certain things that are sacred my guy you already fumble the bag with the Buzz Lightyear movie not even a year ago that should have been your hint your [ __ ] Disney you have so many things that make you so much money why can't you let go of that one cherish thing I'm so done I don't want to do this anymore I don't [ __ ] care I don't want to do this anymore I don't care I don't want to do this anymore number two alien all right this one is just kind of annoying I feel like I just have to get through it look Ridley Scott's alien is to this day one of the greatest horror Sci-Fi movies ever made James Cameron's aliens the 1986 sequel is one of the greatest action Sci-Fi movies ever made these are just facts nobody's gonna argue with that these two movies [ __ ] slap both gave us something strong special unique like one of the most iconic heroes in cinema history Ellen Ripley and villains that are quite impossible to forget it was fantastic and then it just kept going after the disappointing Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection crashed and burned in the 90s the 2000s saw Studio shamelessly attempting to turn the Alien series into an undeserving Blockbuster franchise with a terrible crossover event that was Alien versus Predator in 2004 which was followed by Alien vs Predator Requiem in 2007. these films completely drained the franchise of its Soul losing the audience's interest entirely and completely panicked 20th Century Fox quickly decided to shift gears and things became very messy they got so desperate for this franchise to work that they ended up causing a creative nightmare behind the scenes for a very long time in 2012 original director Ridley Scott came back to the franchise after 33 years to direct a prequel to his first film titled Prometheus it was a wildly different take on the franchise that gave a new breath to the alien Universe which should have been exciting but the movie quickly proved to be extremely divisive amongst fans often criticized for being boring and pretentious with its themes but also praise for its direction and more philosophical approach to the universe even to this day half of the fans think Prometheus is a masterpiece and half think it's a boring and Bloated mess with no real Merit aside from glorious visuals overall the movie did okay it made money at the box office but still underperformed when it came to the Studio's expectations a sequel to the movie then became unsure and Prometheus quickly fell into Oblivion four years later though in 2015 Neil Bloom comp director of the critically acclaimed District 9 and chappy but we don't talk about chappie was brought in to write and direct a new alien film that would be taking place right after the events of alien 2 and disregard all of its sequels it was meant to be a soft reboot of the franchise and people were actually kind of excited for it it was even confirmed that Sigourney Weaver would be coming back as Ellen Ripley to give her character a proper ending it was all incredibly promising and quite exciting and then the movie never came out Neil bloomcom's alien was abandoned by the studio in its pre-production stage in a move that left everyone so [ __ ] confused until we found out almost immediately after that the project was axed because Ridley Scott wanted to make his Prometheus sequel instead he pulled a Lannister he literally hijacked Bloom comp's movie to make something entirely different I mean after all Ridley Scott is Iconic he's very powerful in Hollywood so the studio caved greenlit the movie and Bloom comp was booted and so in 2017 Ridley Scott released alien Covenant the official direct sequel to Prometheus which was a disjointed disappointment of a movie that left both critics and audiences cold and bored seriously this movie had so much hype only to be met with a resounding meh from the entire world I know it has its fans now but when it came out it really went away fast nobody really cared about it not only was the movie incredibly underwhelming it also severely underperformed at the box office and suddenly the studio got incredibly hesitant at the idea of giving it a sequel and this is where things got [ __ ] unhinged for the next six years 20th Century Fox and Disney have been on a never-ending ping pong match of announcing and canceling an alien Covenant sequel in 20 17 Fox said they would move forward with the Covenant sequel it was an active development Ridley Scott was teasing the story and building hype but then just a few days later the project was canceled a month after that though it was back on the table and Ridley Scott was even giving very specific details about the plot of the movie this thing was taking shape it was actively being worked on but then no news came for an entire year which is not a good sign usually and it was reported that the project might have been quietly canceled but just a month after that report there were more details about this story coming out meaning the project had maybe not been canceled then at cinemacon 2019 another year later Disney announced that the new alien project was not a movie but a TV show that seemingly had nothing to do with Covenant they made a massive announcement about how that was the future of the franchise but just a month after through that announcement variety reported that the movie directed by Ridley Scott was gonna happen anyway like aside from the show but it was unclear if that movie was going to be a covenant Sequel and then a year later in September of 2020 Ridley Scott himself confirmed that his movie was still in development but in 2021 another year later reports started coming out saying that Ridley Scott's movie was up in the air and nobody actually knew if it was gonna happen for real this thing was a [ __ ] show and it went on for so long and finally it's in March of 2023 just a couple months ago that 20th century Studios confirmed after six long years that Ridley Scott's new alien movie had started shooting oh and they also announced that there is another alien movie called alien Romulus that is completely disconnected from the rest of the franchise that's also in production and will be released on Hulu oh my God in case you haven't noticed the timeline of this [ __ ] mess leads us to this year 2023 which means Studios have been trying to figure this franchise out for 31 years now and they still haven't done that this thing has been a mess since 1992 when Alien 3 flopped and Studios have been in panic mode ever since this franchise now has eight movies with two more on the way and the last genuinely great one was the second one which came out in 1986 37 years ago I'm sorry that is way too long to try and convince people this franchise is good so for the love of God let it die and now let's move on to number one Terminator oh God where do we even start with this one it's almost crazy to think that the last good Terminator movie came out 32 years ago especially when we know there have been four movies released since then after director James Cameron brought us the Terminator in 1984 and Terminator 2 Judgment Day in 1991 which is still considered to be one of the greatest action films of all time Studios decided to carry on with the franchise without its creator and to this day none have been able to accomplish that successfully following the underwhelming T3 rise of the Machines in 2003 Studio execs opted to take a different approach and the franchise was rebooted by director McGee in 2009 with the universally despised Terminator Salvation which drifted away from its original cast and took a heavy science fiction spin with the storyline with the movie taking place in a post-apocalyptic future salvation was one of the most expensive movies ever made at the time but it completely failed to interest audiences it flopped at the box office and the Planned sequels were canceled a few months after the film's release but skydance and Paramount Pictures refused to back down and in 2015 they rebooted the franchise once again with Terminator janae's eyes why do you spell it like that Terminator Genesis the first installment of an announced Trilogy which famously marked the return of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the iconic T800 after a 12-year Hiatus unfortunately it quickly proved to be another Miss because the Blind and repetitive movie was plagued with negative reviews and brutally failed to meet expectations at the box office saying fans were utterly disappointed with Genesis is like a crazy understate meant mainly due to the film's ultimate plot twist being unceremoniously spoiled in the trailer like months ahead of the release and obviously the planned Trilogy for this new Incarnation was quietly scrapped by the studio and then because the message wasn't clear enough Paramount teamed up with 20th Century Fox to attempt yet another reboot of the series just four years later oh my God Terminator dark fate came out in 2019 racing the four previous films from the franchise's timeline and claiming to be the one true sequel to 1991's judgment day but despite building some mild hype with a decent first trailer which teased the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor dark fate crashed and burned at the box office in the most spectacular way it's reported that it lost the studio around 130 million dollars which is just wow it became one of the most disliked entries in the series making audiences realize that the Terminator franchise has been trying to tell the exact same story over and over again for the past 30 years All In A desperate attempt to recapture the magic of the second movie but this thing is so dead even Mackenzie Davis who played one of the main characters in dark fate seems down doubtful that the plan sequels will ever be made she said in an interview with enemy that at this point quote thinking there would be a demand for a seventh film is quite insane and you know what I agree I think somewhere along the way they forgot that the first Terminator movie was not a massive apocalyptic world ending sci-fi Mega Blockbuster filled with CGI all over your face it was just a very small scale and intimate horror slasher it's just that instead of in Michael Myers the slasher was an Unstoppable killing robot from the future they added some interesting lore to it which made it different enough to stand out and it worked maybe that's what they should have gone back to to reboot the thing but instead Hollywood did a very Hollywood thing and they believe that bigger always equals better so every time they reboot Terminator they just try to make it even bigger fail than the last one because they're convinced it needs to be this insane spectacle of sci-fi with [ __ ] spaceships and explosions and people just don't give a [ __ ] I think most people are now agreeing that Terminators should have never been a blockbuster franchise in the first place it should have only been those two movies even Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted like a week ago that the sequels were not well written including the ones he was in like it's done the thing is dead the moment has passed nobody cares anymore and yet James Cameron recently confirmed that a complete reboot of the Terminator franchise is currently being discussed [ __ ] that and there you have it nine major franchises that just refuse to Die thanks for watching I really needed to get that out of my system and now I'm gonna go back to work on my originals video that should be coming out really soon thanks for your patience I know this one has taken a while let me know in the comments down below what you think about my nine picks if you have a franchise that you also think should just die by now just let me know as well I'm gonna have a lot of fun going through them thanks again for watching guys and I will see you oh so soon [Music]
Channel: Friendly Space Ninja
Views: 2,029,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0T0nDZqujVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 23sec (3083 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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