Worst of Woke Awards

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good evening and welcome to the first annual worst of woke Awards tonight we celebrate the greatest achievements in woke filament Television over the past year and what a year it has been mainstream corporate Studios spawned a slew of unwatchable trash so outstandingly awful that audiences the world over were left in shock at the levels of incompetence degeneracy cultural debasement and creative depravity to which Hollywood has sunk Marvel's creative bankruptcy became official with the total estrogenization of the Marvel superhero stable fully completed and even the most popular black superhero erased and replaced with a 90-pound woman the CW went literally bankrupt audiences finally turned away from Star Wars She-Hulk happened Jennifer Lawrence became the first woman rings of pyre became a synonym for TV series disaster the destruction of once popular franchise has continued with ever increasing Spike and Disney produced more flops than an orgy at an erectile dysfunction sufferers Anonymous mating 2022's major film and streaming releases were dominated by misindry propagandization a deep hatred of the past and a desire to punish the fans of that past culminating in the worst annual box office since 1981 in what has been surely the worst year in film history so tonight we acknowledge the efforts of the anti-cultural elites and their ravenous destruction of our beloved pop culture entertainment and cherished childhood Heroes joining me tonight is the darespot's minion and channel mascot Karen ayathon and unlike our Hollywood moral batters who seem determined to make you bored miserable and joyless we hope you enjoy the show so let's get started our first category for tonight is worst flop screwing the message bear in mind this does not mean the movie that lost the most money that was strange World which lost close to 300 million dollars but rather the movie which was the most humiliating flop the nominees for worst flop are light year Strange World she said and Rose this would have been a Disney Clean Sweep if it hadn't been for the obnoxious anti-street gay rom-com Bros which had a rock hard determination to penetrate the American box office pined its messages into mainstream audiences and bring in a wide load of cash but after an initially very weak entry the movie quickly wilted and ended up limping away with an embarrassingly small fraction of its budget and all this despite a reported massively inflated marketing budget intended to keep the movie erect during its box office performance now to present the award Karen ayathon Rose was a utterly pathetic failure at the box office it's a gay movie and appropriately enough it reminds me of that gay boy for middle-aged homosexual men with erectile dysfunction it was a total flop and nobody came [Laughter] the worst flop goes to Bros our next category tonight is worst tweet twitter has long been a putrid says pool of idiocy and activism one of the great benefits of Twitter is that through it The Wider public has come to understand Beyond any shadow of a doubt that celebrities are complete morons that no one should listen to fortunately many celebrities still think we live in an age in which anyone cares about their opinion and so continue to entertain us with their hot takes so the nominees for worst tweet are Mark Ruffalo as a worldwide Public Square this app should be heavily regulated for misinformation and spamming by hostile interests if Elon can't do that with his company it should be seen as a public utility under governmental supervision this system unregulated will be more deadly yes apparently it's a good idea to hand the reins of the internet over to the same people who lied so they could invade a country and start a conflict that led to the deaths of millions of people Billy Eichner that's just the world we live in unfortunately even with glowing reviews great Rotten Tomatoes scores and a cinema score Etc straight people especially in certain parts of the country just didn't show up for Bros and that's disappointing but it is what it is and finally every tweet that celebrated the death of Robbie Coltrane that we will not repeat here and the award goes to of course the pathetic side of the low-life losers who celebrated Robbie coltrane's death because he had the temerity to have JK rowdings back when the mob came for her rest in peace Robbie Coltrane a truly great actor the legacy of the movies is that my children's generation will show them to their children so you can be watching in 50 years time easy how they'll be here sadly don't you think on it for one minute but I did well yes up next worst CGI the nominees are She-Hulk attorney at law for taking a comic book sex icon and turning her into something that looks like Frankenstein's monster after he had a radioactive sex change operation in honor of she-hulk's achievement in presenting to audiences levels of CGI ugliness not previously thought possible there will be no other nominations in this category and the award goes to She-Hulk my God she Hulk had to be one of the most boring shows I've ever seen I'd rather sleep in Johnny Depp's bed than watch another episode of that up next worst marketing campaign Hollywood have surpassed themselves this year with the spiteful angry fan bearing and plain old fan hearing marketing campaigns not satisfied with sanctimonious moral lectures in their movies and struggle sessions previously known as award ceremonies Hollywood have decided that their marketing campaigns too must be used as a platform to bribe beat the public for their moral inferiority to the people who covered for Harvey Weinstein for decades the nominees for worst marketing campaign are the woman King for expecting to get away with Shameless lies banking on the Black American audience to be stupid enough to believe their historical distortionism and claiming that anyone who didn't watch this piece of garbage was racist rings of pyre for putting diversity higher casting at the Forefront of their marketing campaign and calling anyone who questioned their law breaking ethnography a racist She-Hulk for featuring scenes from She-Hulk She-Hulk was just a big green pile of unwatchable sludge that show had less substance than Jada Pinkett Smith's hairdo I know Jada got upset when Chris Rock made some jokes about her but when I watched it I thought calm down lady it's just a joke don't pull your hair out now this was a close race But ultimately we had to go with I was going to make a joke about Jada Smith's hair but there wasn't much material to work with but you already made a joke about what do Will and Jada Smith have in common oh for Christ's sake they both slap the cheeks of other men the winner of worst marketing campaign had to be the movie that glorified genocidal slavers the woman King the tribe that the woman came glorified the Dahomey sacrificed 500 slaves every year in a ceremony to honor dead to homie Kings it would have really sucked to be one of those slaves but it could have been worse they could have been forced to watch the woman King we now move on to worst adaptation another category in which Hollywood Studios seem to have competed aggressively to bring to the screen the worst possible forms of unwatchable Drac often from the highest quality of sources and the nominees for worst adaptation are Interview with a Vampire based on the gothic novel by Anne Rice this AMC series features gay vampires gayer vampires hot naked gay vampire ass gay vampires having gay vampire sex a gay lead character who met the gay interviewer in a gay nightclub and really good early jazz music which may or may not be gay and that's just in the first episode which I didn't finish rings of pyre based on the silmarillion the rings of pyre skipped over and ignored much of the source material in order to present to the audience characters familiar from The Lord of the Rings movies it also completely invented new characters and most abominably of all the fake Hobbits which were included so the series would be recognizable as a Lord of the Rings product all all this is to say nothing of the fact that Middle Earth and tolkien's characters were updated for a modern audience She-Hulk a series clearly not based on the comic book of the same name but rather based on the writer's desire to insert themselves and their profined hatred of man into a major TV show apparently there won't be a She-Hulk season 2 I have to say I'm disappointed I was looking forward to not watching it Resident Evil I'm not gonna lie I give up on the show at some point during episode two but I do remember thinking that the showrunner's choice to go with boring adolescent girl drama in place of battles with giant zombie beasts was not a good creative choice [Music] Gordon a field attempt at adopting a late night host from a random fat British wanker and the award goes to James Corden say what you want about the garbage shows that were nominated for worst adaptation none of them will ever be as bad as James Corden he played a central role in the crime against humanity that was Katz he has a history of abusing waiting staff and was recently caught plagiarizing jokes from Ricky Gervais congratulations to James Corden on receiving this award probably the last of his career our next category career most damaged by involvement in a woke project we don't usually hold actors responsible for the abysmal films and shows they sometimes fall into they're just doing what they're told after all but sometimes they do go out of their way to make themselves as unlikable as possible when attempting to promote whatever piece of garbage they have recently starred in and this category is our way of recognizing those efforts the nominees for career most damaged by involvement in awoke project are not Mark Ruffalo for his involvement in She-Hulk let's face it his career is literally just plain Hulk and no one likes him anyway so his absurd Twitter rants attempting to defend the historically bad She-Hulk or his General involvement in such a disgustingly awful show don't matter Billy Eichner for Bros bros probably lost around 45 million dollars for whoever was stupid enough to give money to Billy Eichner to make a movie after a failure like that he probably couldn't get a gig filming a gay wedding Viola Davis for the woman King not only did Davis choose to star in a movie that Lupita and jungle walked away from due to its glorification of genocidal slavers who practiced Human Sacrifice she asserted that anyone who didn't see the movie was racist so if you will come see it then you're sending a message that black women cannot leave the box office globally on the beach at Wida is a memorial [Music] it Bears witness to the fate of thousands of prisoners that the warrior women captured by order of the Kings to be sold to Europeans into the transatlantic slave trade thousands of prisoners that the warrior women captured by order of the Kings Amber Heard for leveraging female victimhood and the metoo movement against Johnny Depp in an attempt to boost her career by increasing her victim score I was hitting you it was not punching you babe you're not punched don't tell me what it feels like to be punched you know even a lot of fights been around a long time no yeah you didn't get punched you got hit I'm sorry I hit you like this but I did not punch you I did not [ __ ] deck you I [ __ ] was hitting you I don't know what the promotion of my actual hand was but you're fine I did not hurt you I did not punch you I was hitting you jussie Smollett for the jussie Smollett hit crime hoax please bear in mind that although this incident took place in 2019 Mr smalat did not become eligible for this award until he was found guilty a verdict which was delivered in 2022 I just gotta be left here with with like [Music] so they get to go free and go about their life and possibly attack someone else and I'm here to left with it left with the aftermath of the school that's not cool to me that's not okay so your very name has become an adverb for lying this was a very close category and difficult to judge following his guilty verdict jussie smollett's career is deader than the desire of any normal person to eat a Subway sandwich at 2 am but he was a nobody before the attack basically a hack playing himself in a moderately successful TV show Viola Davis disgraced herself in the eyes of many on both the right and the left but following the libel trial Amber Heard became just about the most despised woman on planet Earth to the point that there was widespread speculation that she was being added out of Aquaman 2. she has recently had to flee the United States she is radioactive to any project she gets within a mile of and needless to say her career is over and she's broke so as deserving as all three of those nominees are the winner of career most damaged by involvement in a woke project is Amber Heard what did Johnny Depp's bed say when Amber Heard walked in you've got to be [ __ ] me thank you congratulations to miss hard up next we have I mean say what you want about Amber heard's marriage to Johnny Depp but she was the only one who gave a [ __ ] in that relationship foreign yes thank you Karen ayathon our next category I've ever had just fired our interior decorator they disagreed about the placement of the stool in the bedroom thank you Karen ayathon next up worst trailer the nominees are The Little Mermaid live-action Abomination disgusting CGI synthetic auto-tuned vocals yet another live-action atrocity advertising the fact that Disney are a creatively bankrupt cabal of Shameless plagiarists looting the work of previous and infinitely greater generations and of course the casting Choice made for very specific reasons this trailer currently has 3.3 million well-deserved dislikes and that's a conservative estimate since YouTube hide the dislike button to protect their political and ideological allies all the rings of Prior trailers rings of pyre was a cataclysmically bad show and had a marketing campaign to match the trailers told us absolutely nothing about the show aside from its already proudly titled diversity casting ninety percent of the important figures in Middle Earth being female now and the fact that it was active trying to rip off the Lord of the Rings movies that said nothing in the trailers could have prepared anyone for how bad the show actually was we can at least say that the trailers didn't give that away The Witcher blood origin this trailer dropped shortly after Henry Cavill quit The Witcher due to his creative differences with people who don't have a shred of genuine creativity as blood Origins clearly demonstrates the opening shot of the trailer is a dumb thuggish looking white man following obediently behind two strong diverse female characters thought about sums up this Unholy mess a hodgepodge of intersectionality driven characters beating killing or bossing around the dumb white man the trailer had a 90 dislike ratio and the show itself has the distinction of being the only show of 2022 to reach a single digit Rotten Tomato audience score Willow just another predictable lucasfilm Mass updated for a modern audience with all the diversity bells and feminist whistles that actual audiences have grown so very tired of only about five people watched Willow and I wasn't one of them here to present the award for worst trailer Steve Martin thank you The Little Mermaid since around 2016 Hollywood has made extensive efforts to destroy great characters from the past by doing so they satisfy their ideological imperative to denigrate male characters they perceive as morally Antiquated and toxic and they punish the fans for liking characters the regime disapproves of our next award recognizes these efforts worst character deconstruction we only have two real nominees in this category because Hollywood have been so rapacious in their pursuit of old male characters to destroy that there simply aren't any left the nominees for worst character deconstruction are Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi was a once Brave intelligent strong and loyal Warrior Disney lucasfilm turned him into a pitiful cowardly recluse who he abandons his mission to see if guard Luke runs away from a fight with Vader runs away from a strong diverse female Sith is unable to catch a small child who runs like a toddler encourages fallow Jedi to bury their weapons and hide is easily fooled by a group of morons led by flea and bafflingly his lightsaber skills have gone from this to this [Music] the only good thing about the utterly wretched Obi-Wan Kenobi show was that it alienated the last remnants of the fanbase and when lucasfilm released their next serving of Star Wars flavored slop and or there was no fan base left to watch it Thor Thor had already been trashed in previous movies when he was turned into a fat lazy loser unwilling to accept responsibility and turning his kingdom over to a strong diverse female character so he could go get high with a random gang of space pirates but in Thor love and thunder he was turned into the butt of every joke and even had his role as Thunder God stripped away from him so it could be handed off to a strong female Natalie Port person all of the men in She-Hulk all male characters in the cosmically terrible She-Hulk weren't even idiots they were caricatures of idiots crude cardboard cutouts inserted into the show to satisfy the selfish desires of the profoundly misinterest showrunners to see man depicted in the worst possible light and the award goes to Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan managed to hide from the empire for 20 years unfortunately he couldn't hide from Disney lucasfilm long enough for that feeling Studio to shudder before they got to him though his sacrifice has helped to speed their decline for which we should be grateful there are precious few franchises that have remained safe from the purges of Hollywood the ruthless destruction of the western entertainment Cannon has been so rapacious and thorough that Reinhardt heydrich would have looked on in admiration Indiana Jones Terminator Rocky Star Trek Doctor Who Star Wars Men In Black Ghostbusters Resident Evil Charlie's Angels James Bond Harry Potter The Witcher all of the MCU character franchises and basically everything that Disney touches even with all the damage that has been done to every popular franchise Hollywood somehow managed to make everything they touched worse in 2022 so we next present the award for MO most damaged franchise the nominees are Disney lucasfilm Star Wars Star Wars has been turned from the biggest movie franchise in the world with a massive Global fan base to a widely hated money sink Obi-Wan merely served to confirm its status as a third-rate franchise and Andor was the signature on the death certificate Disney Marvel the MCU Disney took a franchise that produced an epic story spanning 22 movies culminating an Avengers end game and in Phase 4 the best deconstructed and intersectionalized it the franchise that gave us Thanos Iron Man and Captain America now gives us Ms Marvel the eternals and She-Hulk a state of Rune so complete that Thanos himself would have wept Amazon The Lord of the Rings to think that Lord of the Rings fans would one day long for the time when The Hobbit trilogy was the worst thing to have happened to that franchise rings of pyre truly is an astonishing achievement the winner of most damaged franchise is Amazon The Lord of the Rings the rings of pyre Saga is a modern tragedy the Lord of the Rings had been the Anne Frank of franchises hidden away from the atrocities being carried out by pire drunk fanatical Maniacs hail bent on eradicating every trace of quality from every franchise they could apprehend unfortunately the Lord of the Rings franchise could not elude the clutches of the regime forever and from the moment the first screenshots of Amazon's Vulgar Display of pyre hit the internet we all knew the franchise was doomed worst original character in an entertainment landscape lettered with recalls rip-offs spin-offs and the billionth formulaic superhero movie of the past 20 years original is not a word typically associated with the current year era but new characters must be brought into Old IPS to act as a conduit through which the ideas of the anointed can be propagated I think women can do anything here women can do anything the destruction of the old is in itself insufficient yes we must turn down statues of possibly the greatest leader in World History who freed 4 million human beings from bondage but we must also build monuments for a modern audience to take its place such as statues of tentacle-armed goat-horned demons and monuments depicting the arms of a man proudly showing off that Sunday's morning glory for every look there must be a ray for every actual Lando Calrissian there must be a Charisma vacuum with no screen presence and a loudly tidded sexual perversion masquerading under the name Lando Calrissian for every disease come with me if you want to live a modern audience Demands a cure come with me if you want to live thus Hollywood continues to shed out original characters that are neither original nor really even characters given their utter lack of personality and one-dimensional characterization the nominees for worst original Character Are Riva the lead character of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show a psychotic angry loud erratic maiming torturing lunatic who turned out to be the good guy because her years-long campaign of atrocities and murder was all a ruse to get close to Darth Vader so she could kill him so well done so it falls well and that's our Brandy and Moses Ingram's horrendous acting probably the worst the Star Wars Universe has ever hosted did not help the fake Hobbits from rings of fire a sub race of failed Vermin who pillage whatever Locale they have infested of its every edible resource before moving on to plunder the next area like a swarm of Irish accented locusts the accent serving as a reminder to the viewer that this Mongrel race of Simeon rodents is indeed the lowest form of semi-intelligent life the winner of worst original character is the fake Hobbits quite apart from being utterly detestable the fake Hobbits were undoubtedly the the most boring character of 2022 and I use the singular nine form very deliberately since they were all the exact same character a lighthearted simpleton with no understanding of the world next up worst remake remakes used to be the occasional odd little curiosity but for over 10 years now they have been a depressingly constant fixture old movies and shows have been regurgitated onto audience screens in a putrid vomit form although in furnace to vomit I would rather eat through a pile of whatever was left by the punters outside my local last Friday then watch Ghostbusters 2016. although 2022 was flooded with the usual sewage pointing out of the Remake machine there will be no nominees this year we will only announce the winner because to suggest that anything even comes close to being as bad as this movie would be an insult to the hard work of whatever demonic force was raised from the series of Hell to bring this field abortion of a luciferian monstrosity tea into the world this movie seems to have been designed to utterly demoralize the press and upset anyone unfortunate enough to view it the winner of worst remake is the live action Pinocchio abomination I will never refer to this filth as Pinocchio because it isn't Pinocchio is a beautiful movie that explores and celebrates the love between a father and son teaches us that a boy without a father is too easily LED astray and that a father absent his child is a Broken Man Disney no longer understand any of this the true Pinocchio was made by artists men of vision and talent Disney's live-action plagiarism was yet another cynical soulless caution that didn't even pretend to be anything else this movie is so vile that it doesn't even deserve an award recognizing how bad it is the only thing it deserves is to be physically and digitally shredded out of existence so that it becomes nothing more than a supremely unpleasant fearing memory we now enter the voting categories of the worst of woke Awards all of the awards thus far have been awarded according to the personal dictates of me the despot I invoke the right to unilaterally declare the nominees on winners of these Awards according to my prerogative as a dare spot but from this point forward all of the awards were decided by the subscribers to this channel over 16 000 votes have been cast in total thank you to everyone who voted all accolades from Nye will be awarded according to the will of the people with our next award we honor the contribution made by those who animate the vile creations of the writers directors and shoe Runners that have run the film and media industry into the ground we begin with worst performance in a male identifying role unfortunately for anyone who doesn't like to be bored to death by Cookie Cutter strong female characters that seem to have taken over everything in the past few years male roles aren't what they once were but the strong females need pathetic incompetent trembling racks to look good against so for nigh at least a man does pop up occasionally in mainstream movies and TV except in the MCU which with the replacement of black panther with a tiny female is not entirely meal free or man and fry in the official language of Hollywood the nominees for worst performance in a meal identifying role are Warwick Davis for his portrayal of a board-looking Warwick Davis doing a weak impersonation of Willow in Willow your brother's alive a prisoner of the withered crone who dwells in immemorial city that lies beyond the shattered sea Tom Hanks for perhaps the most phoned in indifferent and I'm just here for the check performance of the year in the live action Pinocchio Abomination [Music] that guy that played gilgallard in rings of pyre for his portrayal of a confused junkie Gil galad lookalike that somehow wandered into the Elven Kingdom convinced everyone he actually was the Elven King and eventually came to believe it himself the undying lands of valinor at last they are going home jussie Smollett for his performance as himself in the 2019 work the Josie small at hit crime hoax this piece also featured two Mega Hut wearing Trump supporters motivated by political racial and homophobic bigotry who just happened to be out for a stroll in downtown Chicago at two in the morning in temperatures well below freezing bear in mind that although Mr smulat's performance was from a 2019 work he only became eligible for this award after the shock verdict in his hate crime hoax trial determining that he did in fact fake the whole thing due to such a disservice when you lie about things like this if the attackers are never found how will you be able to heal [Music] bound I don't know let's just hope that they are [Music] although Jesse smaller did fake an attack on himself in an attempt to feather his career he should at least be given credit for hiring black actors for traditionally white roles and the winner is jussie Smollett I still want to believe with everything that has happened that there's something called Justice because if I stop believing that it wasn't all four Good Morning America free unbonded this sovelty and that police Superman a red hat ski mask and gloves that's not cool to me [Music] and I am innocent we would also like to award the director of the jussie Smollett hit crime hoax jussie Smollett the award for worst casting while we command his efforts in expanding the roles available to actors of color we felt that two Nigerian bodybuilders did not make for very convincing white supremacists and though it is easy to laugh at smalat for his field production we should bear in mind that if if two innocent white men had been arrested and charged with the attack smalat would have played the victim and looked on with a crocodile Smile as they were condemned to prison fortunately this living incarnation of narcissistic slime has the IQ of a poorly made Subway sandwich and his plot was not well conceived enough to result in such collateral damage Hollywood is filled with disgusting individuals who never pay for their crimes and although jussie smollett's political loyalties prevented him from getting the jail time he deserved his career and reputation have been smeared so completely that Johnny Depp's bed sheets look clean in comparison good riddance Chelsea Smollett we now acknowledge the work of the female identifying members of the entertainment Community the nominees for worst performance in a female identifying role are Moses Ingram for her portrayal of Riva the lead character of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series [Music] while it is tempting to laugh at this young woman for her embarrassingly bad performance characterized by absurdisticulations clumsy poses and ham-fisted attempts to appear intimidating by shutting randomly where is he didn't admit you're a spy enough we should bear in mind that this was an inexperienced actress who was not even close to ready for a big role but was nevertheless rushed into the spotlight because of immutable qualifications that had nothing to do with her acting ability the blame for the Riva debacle lies with the Obi-Wan Kenobi showrunners Ginger plank of wood for her portrayal of Ginger plank of wood in Willow another lucasfilm casting decision Amber Heard for her portrayal of the victim in the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard libel trial he with these statements with these these these leaks these comments once again makes me have to speak to the most horrifying things I have lived through torture it's torturous what is Amber heard's morning routine one wake up two eat breakfast three take a [ __ ] full get out of bed five return to bed and take another Megan Markle for her portrayal of the victim in Harry and Megan Americans will understand this we have Medieval Times dinner and tournament it was like that like I curtsied as though I was like [Music] laughs pleasure to meet you your majesty to say that everyone is sick of hearing about this wretched woman and priest Johnny Depp James Franco and Amber Heard walk into a bear the winner of worst actress in a female identifying role is Amber Heard this is Miss hard's second Award of the evening congratulations to Amber Heard on another famous number two the winners of the voting category Awards usually won their award by a large margin but the category we move on to now was much more hotly contested worst director this was the most voted on category with almost 4 000 votes cast and what has been the worst year of the worst ERA this was an extremely competitive category the nominees for worst director are Thor love and Thunder taika waititi She-Hulk powerful female directors katwaro and anuvalia rings of pyre the three rings of pirate directors whose names I couldn't be bothered copying and pasting into this script Obi-Wan Kenobi dabra ciao The Witcher blood origin powerful female directors and the award goes to rings of pyre despite having by far the largest budget in TV history this show was incompetently directed at a fundamental level costumes that looked like a post-halloween Bargain Bin purchase basic editing errors so basically there's nothing there he turns around this to come on shots blocked incorrectly all milk jugs here gets chosen to be one of the artists whose drawings might be used for the casket of course it would help if she were drawing him from the right direction look at the screen she's drawing him facing left but when the camera tilts up to the bedridden King he's facing to the right important sections of tolkien's world being reduced to what felt like static film sets endless scenes of people hanging around and talking boring nonsense that seem designed to put the viewer to sleep laughably bad choreography [Music] bad scaling to take a single example of many three small ships which apparently carried 500 soldiers their horses equipment logistical support supplies and weapons and of course ship crew themselves across an ocean despite the vast sea journey ahead of them this Army magically transported from the sea to the battlefield this magical video game warping around Middle Earth was another characteristic of a show that utterly failed to communicate skill and time casting so incoherent and incompetent that it could only have been done with a broken Bingo machine nine hours of Fantasy war series that contains one battle a single pesant Skirmish fought over a mud Heap Village of no Consequence the absence of time as a dramatic device and plot holes larger than the one left in the wall of helmsdeep by saruman's Army fortunately Amazon have identified the problem with the show's directing and announced that for season 2 rings of pirates directing team will be entirely female truly the age of man is over while we acknowledge individual contributions to the work annihilation of our culture we must bear in mind that fundamentally the undermining and destruction of all that is good and enjoyable in the world is a top-down elitist project theorized in Academia and funded by corporations no Oak production could ever emerge out of Grassroots or independent level because no one would buy the resulting product and because the people that produced this woke refuse have not an iota of creativity and can thus only parasitize the work of true creatives Tolkien said it best and the immortal words repeated in many languages in the comment sections of our enemies trailer videos evil cannot create anything new they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented which brings us neatly on to worst company the nominees for worst company are Amazon for their field attempt to buy tolkien's Legacy Purge the existing Lord of the Rings fan base and replace it with a new politically motivated fan base and of course for making one of the worst series in modern history also for Wheel of Time Netflix for Resident Evil a series that pour no resemblance to the video game franchise and was just another example of woke trash with a legitimate IP name attached to it Harry and Megan three words I hope never to hear again in my life high score a show about the history of video games that contained a dedicated woke section in every episode including one about a crappy 80s mod in which your goal is to beat up a conservative politician and another about some idiot talking ceaselessly about how his bedroom activities and melanin level was somehow relevant to the development of video games in the 90s to see your reflection of myself in games and I'm gay and when you grow up African-American yeah you're taught there's a different set of rules that you're going to always have to play by for marginalized people a lot of energy is devoted to justifying Your Existence and spaces and of course the Witcher a textbook example of why intersectionality focused chill running has obliterated modern entertainment Disney for a Litany of crimes against culture entertainment and families so long we are forced to give you just the highlights turning Obi-Wan Kenobi into a cocked card and incompetent [ __ ] be it and switching what was left of the Star Wars fan base by promising them a show about Obi-Wan Kenobi and delivering a show about some crazy annoying [ __ ] no one cared about then calling the fans racist for not liking it the Obi-Wan Kenobi series itself a shockingly bad show that was pathetic even by lucasfilm standards She-Hulk when She-Hulk showrunner Jessica GAO said there's a little troll that lives in me that just loves to troll the trolls the little the little troll that lives inside of me was utterly delighted that we were able to troll the troll I thought that troll is smart for living inside Jessica GAO there's always plenty to eat in lots of space and you don't have to worry about being intruded on because there's not a chance anyone else would want to get inside her every movie Disney put in theaters every one of them sucked more ass than a barnacle attached to Sperm wheels Innis ruining Thanksgiving weekend for many families by having the homoerotic climate change propaganda movie masquerading as a family animation strange world as well as the feminist anti-white anti-meal and profoundly boring trash Heap wakanda forever in theaters that weekend for making Willow the show about a boring lesbian couple that every Willow fan had so long been waiting for and which was not incidentally probably the worst series of the year for destroying thousands of Acres of pristine Florida wild forest to build their hideously ugly solar farm built to increase their ESG score and to virtually signal their green credentials to the world and finally for promoting the sexual indoctrination of pre-adolescent children in the classroom this category wasn't even close over two-thirds of the 1 000 voters myself included elected to award worst company to Disney let's get straight on to our next category worst writing in a series The paucity of anything resembling even basic writing skill in major Productions this year was and I am not being hyperbolic for dramatic effect truly astonishing the lazy Nostalgia be it one-liners of Obi-Wan Kenobi hello there the creative decision to replace battles against giant monster zombies with wengie teen drama in Netflix's Resident Evil series The mesmerizing boredom of rings of pyre a show whose writers decided that people sitting around having irrelevant forgettable conversations made for bad reviewing than the amazing set piece bottles and nail biting action that the Lord of the Rings franchise is known for this Paragon of bad writing this anti-blue print for script writing was so poorly written that it spawned a YouTube mini genre of videos using ring supplier to demonstrate how not to write this in spite of the fact that they had both the Tolkien blueprint and the Jackson Trilogy blueprint right there in front of them I had a bad bout of insomnia this year so the doctor prescribed rings of power telling me it would put me right to sleep I went back to him the next week and told him doc I need antidepressants when he asked why I answered because watching rings of power every night is making me want to kill myself [Laughter] she-hulk's field attempts at clever fourth wall breaks and Matic humor that just exposed the writers for the failed corporate diversity channel that they are Willow's lazy assemblage of modern and archaic dialogue may they rule wisely and justly and defend our realm till that day when the true Empress Elora Dannon returns okay you to return the opening line of The Witcher blood origin sat a low bar for the show's writing [Music] and things only got considerably worse from there three thousand votes were cast in the worst writing category and the winner by a considerable margin is rings of power unlike the Riders of rings of pyre I'm familiar with the concept of show don't tell so instead of expanding upon the failure of this Show's writers I will simply show you a selection of lines from the show there's a tempest in me [Music] and the sea is always right the dog may Bark at the Moon but he cannot bring it down friend Arts even bigger in our feet because a burden shed May the be halved or doubled depending on the heart that receives it that you have not seen what I've seen I have seen my share you have not seen what I have seen give me the meat give it to me at all I'm good eat your tongue know the award for worst film 2022 was probably the worst year for Cinema in living memory it had the worst box office in 20 years and when adjusted for inflation the worst since 1981 here is a list of the Cinematic crimes committed by Hollywood in 2022 black panther wakanda forever doctor strange and the Multiverse of Madness Jurassic world Dominion Thor love and thunder light year Rose Fantastic Beasts the secrets of Dumbledore morbius Pinocchio live action Abomination the woman King Halloween Ends don't worry darling Strange World she said this is not so much a list of 2022's Cinema releases as it is a tale of Woe and dread the nominees for worst movie are Pinocchio live action abomination strange world wakanda forever grows and the winner is wakanda forever let's face it everyone expected the other nominees to be garbage I don't think anyone who saw the trailer for Bros was jumping to their feet in a feral Panic to pre-order tickets before they sold out the prospect of seeing the live-action Pinocchio Abomination was about as exciting as the idea of sleeping in Johnny Depp's bed and Strange World looked just about as enticing as a Subway sandwich at 2 am so almost no one bothered seeing them and all three bombed rightfully so but wakanda forever committed the unforgivable crime of not only being an awful movie but of being an awful movie that many people were actually looking forward to and of being two hours and 41 minutes of awful movie this movie wasn't so much an attempt to entertain an audience as it was a confused political statement made up from a hodgepodge of feminism black ethno nationalism anti-westernism and a determination to externalize all of the problems of one group of people onto another group of people to say nothing of the fact that the main villain Namor the deckless was literally castrated by Disney is this true yes it's true this man has no dick because testosterone and everything to do with it will no longer be tolerated in the man and Fry space of the MCU who recently replaced their only good blackmail superhero with a woman who weighs less than namor's missing [ __ ] I was really disappointed with the depiction of Namor in wakanda Forever the character was a lot less cocky than he was in the comic books while wakanda forever was not a flop its massive underperformance at the box office was certainly a major disappointment for Disney and we applaud its failure now for our final and most prestigious Award of the evening worst series 2022 was to American TV culture what 1963 was to John F Kennedy's head we can take one positive away from the abyss that was 2022 streaming series they revealed depths of awfulness not previously known to exist and in the process emphasized just how good our entertainment was before the dark times before the woke never in the history of Art and entertainment has so much misery been inflicted on so many by so few it took only a few activist morons show running The Witcher to ruin that franchise for its millions of fans around the world Obi-Wan Kenobi was a textbook woke bait and switch come for the heroic man and instead get an evil strong diverse female character with the night card and broken titular characters safely relegated to a supporting role rings of power was nothing short of an assault on the world of the token created its fandom and its reputation a gaudy trial infant Victory lap in which the anti-cultural elites could parade tolkien's scalp on a pike a scalp that they had so long saw Resident Evil was just another example of a crappy story with worsh characters written by activists whose main concern is the immutable characteristics of those characters being presented to the world with the name of a well-known IP attached to it but otherwise having nothing to do with that IP She-Hulk is what corporate feminism looks like when it grows a big green deck and wanks off to its own reflection and Willow is what happens when Studios have run out of ips to destroy and having scraped the bottom of the barrel dry decide to just break the barrel into small bits serve it with a side of salad and a soy latte and call it a male the nominees for worst series are She-Hulk attorney at law the Resident Evil Netflix Series rings of pyre Willow The Witcher blood origin Obi-Wan Kenobi and the winner of worst show of the worst year of the worst era is Rings of Fire I have said everything I want to say about that show so instead of telling you how bad it is or why it was so bad I will instead end on a positive note I want to thank everyone that pushed back against the cultural vandalism that was rings of fire everyone who posted that wonderful Tolkien quote that we are familiar with by now thanks to Sean Francis who on a Rings of Fire trailer wrote the part where Gandalf pulls out the submachine gun and says to the Orcs was truly breathtaking Tolkien could not have a little bit better and thank you to everyone who wrote a similar comment our Victory against Amazon in the Battle for Middle Earth was a victory not just for Lord of the Rings fans but for all fans everywhere whose beloved IPS and franchises have been Trashed by the people whose efforts this award show is intended to acknowledge congratulations to all of tonight's nominees and winners thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the show [Music] thank you
Channel: Despot of Antrim
Views: 1,685,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: She hulk, Disney, obi wan, reva, amazon, rings of power, rop, velma, star wars, marvel, MCU, woke movies, woke tv, Netflix, bros, the woman king, james corden, amber heard, jonny depp, little mermaid remake, little mermaid trailer, harfoots, Pinocchio, jussie Smollett, wakanda forever, black panther, Hollywood, award show, Oscars, golden globes, Hollywood woke, Netflix woke, amazon woke, Disney woke, resident evil, the witcher, witcher blood origin, willow, review, movie, oscars 2023
Id: v1kSoPd8KaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 27sec (3027 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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