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like three of them they're actually know that yeah okay we are at Ulta and I just open the door came back and grabbed the camera there's something in here that is pretty cool Timmy's supposed to be the trash face what swear that there's trash is that like a big suitcase or something on wheels there empty Wheelz it like where trade shows but I'm taking it here it was actually sell pretty well at our nerd sales for some empty there's a little in the corner you should be in the recycle side so when your boobs don't right recycle recycle cycle recycle okay ooh somebody's soup or something chicken noodle soup so they clean out the fridge Tupperware got a shaker bottle this one's cool hide your flask like it he's having liquids this one has a liquid in it this one to us as well let me see if there's water stinks okay well these I'm going to leave in this bag and I'm just going to take the whole bag and then I'll clean it at home trash some do we use them we could donate them if nothing else tester yeah I didn't know all tahat coupons looks like they do I should sign up record get a coupon use my gift cards and buy stuff okay I actually really like this this is perfect the line inside the boxes oh it's actually kind of a clean breaker we're in a van Steve's gonna say we have too much foam as it is this is actually good fun this is a cute should I take this good done perfect her makeup and stuff love it there's nothing in here it's just a tester let's take him just in case I mean I've been in a but I don't mind having an extra press so I'm gonna take this bag and pull if do you brush that's cute take that what do we have over here got a banner this should be on the other side I'm going to take this rag I like to take the rags and wash them and they work great and then if I they're never gross so here's my home bunch of bottles that arose made me watch this weird thing corn eek almost empty fabric looks like the same is every time we come okay so did you see that bag that I pulled out of Ulta no you did but that correct yeah then and tall what was interesting as it looked when you were holding it just looked like a like a clothed like I just yeah it does look like one but it'd be really white big clothing I think it's for like a trade show like you put your art that clean artwork work in it or whatever in you rule it I really don't know what to sell it that would make it lighter yeah like three of them there actually yeah so there's I'll make sure oh I see it hole in one stuff for sure but this one doesn't look like it has a hole in it that one definitely has a hole right there that one's fine the big purple one definitely has a hole and the blue one might not well that blue one's fine there's another blue one I think he would get in it now he might oh my goodness somebody threw a shopping cart in here what it's a crack somebody threw a shopping cart in here these boxes go on this side oh wait no I guess not my bad my bad car carrier backpack that would have been nice are we taking these too guess you already took one here did you already put one in the band I say we leave this for somebody else that's a big one Jerry can use it too you know what this box is here I was hoping that the thing would be in here somebody might have grabbed it look it has that part with it it could be that somebody put it in their car immediately yeah it was probably cut getting warm real quick ya think you use this for something just a strap yeah it's a lookout car seat Oh is a car seat for dog they probably bought a puppy in there where pets oh by the way I sort of been fun to find they would have slashed it but you know I could have maybe fixed it okay on to the next one
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 399,201
Rating: 4.7452288 out of 5
Id: qQyv8OY3xTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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