She Abandoned YEARS OF TREASURES.. I Bought Her Storage Locker

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I bought another storage unit what's up guys let's go here we gogy your favorite um I'm a professional now you guys can't see it but I got a stand for the GoPro so no more shaking okay um but here's the storage unit are you excited I'm excited guys um kind of a sad story here actually I found out that she probably passed away this lady passed away probably but we have old dolls everything looks just old Yep this is cabbage P old cabbage patch and this stuff has been here for many years so kind of an older unit uh we're going to see what's in here I'm really curious to see what's in the trunk um I'm thinking here probably an old sewing machine yeah we find a lot of those don't we um it's going to be an interesting storage unit guys so paid $510 for everything look at the painting down there it's cute yeah so hopefully we find some good stuff we're going to see we're going to um we got the truck the truck is half full of Garbage Guys I got to go to the dump but in the meantime we're going to film the unit so let me par park the truck over here get the table and uh a GoPro set up and we're going to start going Box by box baby we're back we're back and uh in 10 days I'm going to be gone again cuz we're going on a cruise to Mexico so we're going to be gone for 7 days so I bought four storage units so when we're gone you guys can watch Wade's Ventures guys all right you ready ready all right go go back the truck up H uh in the meantime what is going on here this thing is old looking uh Grandma Adventures is watching the kids right now she will be in some other videos but she would know what this is all right here we go back in the truck yep yep yep yep yep okay that's good all right let me get this set up we have a new GoPro stand so both of us can be we can all right let's open up oh man oh W this is bigger than I thought it would I know it oh my Lord it is that's cool that's pretty wow look at that guys this it looks in great shape yeah holy moly wow let me see this thing oh yeah there you go very nice looks like it's hand painted too right that's nice put your Kool-Aid in that okay let's just let's start with another Bo let's do this box right here okay let's see you want to go for the thing don't you I what this yeah ooh is there stuff in it yeah this is actually um Pearl or is it Pearl I forgot what it was oh it's there is stuff in here I don't like to show photo phot but um these are black and white photos so I I'm okay with showing black and white photos guys but my Lord oh Disney this is old Disney oh cute oh there stamps this is old Disney stamps in here cute they're really old actually so you got Walt Disney oh that's the ink are these old Disney stamps or not let's see oh they are this is Mickey Mouse I don't see a date on here cute these are really old Disney stamps wow the Box though is is nice it's a nice box all right not bad not bad wow 1975 is that Christmas yeah this is old stuff look at this shirt that's in here what the heck oh it's a record Bill cos it's a bill Cosby record guys okay they were really protecting this Bill Cosby record there's some vintage poker chips vintage poker chips okay I'm going have to figure this out I'm just trying to uh oh it's all in there too yeah they look like they haven't been used plastic poker chips washable huh white and blue okay so we got red and white white and blue looks like they belong to a golf club yeah the Phoenix Lake not sure what that is got some books papers oh my Lord actual boots and it's a lamp Okay I don't have any place to put things oh my I've never seen this before it is a lamp 1954 have you ever seen this before guys look at this holy moly and it's got Felts on the bottom wow I've never seen this before have you I haven't with their shoes I've seen the brass shoes but like on its own this man that's interesting out of all the units I've never SE what do you suppose these are uh I have no idea what those are are they ornaments I I don't know let me know in the in the chat guys if you guys know what it is maybe for doors or something weird wow this is a 1972 yearbook 1972 yearbook oh this is uh wow oh it's signed yeah they back then they you know how in yearbooks you get your friend's signature wait yeah but look his signed Joseph um oh yeah it's from the counselor like oh yeah when you're a senior you go to your teachers and your classmates and have them sign yeah yeah that makes complete sense okay what else we got in here let see looks like their office kind of see this is kind of personal okay they wrote it let's see some planners in here notebooks a bunch of these what are these I don't know I'm confused Bel buckles maybe could be huh some vintage cards those are nice are they unuse yeah I think so cuz there's happy holiday gra card okay what what's in there uh I'm going to guess calculator some of these old calculators can be worth a lot of money though wow look at that oh yeah you got to look up these hey can you answer your phone answer your phone some of these old calculators can be uh P22 there's another one right there okay let's put this back up real quick all right guys let me know how you guys like the Go Pro stand okay is there any money in here no old money sometimes there is you got to look through all this this is a really cool old um no I don't see anybody huh here's an old Bible this is a 750 I don't know what that goes to interesting they carved it oh there space wow carved a cork it's a cork what are those oo says oh well I I don't think anything's in there but you can check nope old cigar box or cigarettes maybe my grandma still uses one of these to Cracker [Laughter] nuts what are those old vintage cards like what do they say though wishing you the joy the love the beauty that is Christmas oh wow and Christmas is coming so Christmas is coming that's about it out there okay salt paper that's paperwork personal all right let's put all this away real quick and we shall be back anything else Cool N okay all right second fragile fragile we love fragile boxes John Kennedy wow uh that's cool that is really cool I I actually follow his uh his son I think Junior yeah Junior he's got he's got a kind of a scratchy voice but really really cool okay what do we got here his son die in the plane crash no maybe it's his nephew or something I don't know anyway I don't know Mor Mindy that's Robin Williams Oh rest in peace a that's I just saw um a show with him in it is there anything in there no but it's nice I mean it's in great condition wow look at all these that says it's broken but it says JFK the voice of JFK The Voice this is probably a lot of history in here those that's the Beetles oh yeah there's money in paper yeah there is money and paper time an old time but this is the be this is uh the movie Teen oh Elvis yeah cuz I saw him on the back they actually just sold his plane to somebody did they really wow so he had a he had a plane that they he sold this person definitely loved the older life look at this life let me see that's cool wow wonder how much that chair cost quite a bit the the detective okay who's old enough to remember let me know in the chat guys if you used to use maps I did let me know if you guys used to use them my very first driving here oh let's go what is that wow what is it it's an drawing set like wow let me show that let me show the cover again cuz he didn't show it uh Mickey Mouse Club electric drawing set I really wow okay that who let me this is cool let me know if anybody wants to buy this wow this is old this is really old here let so they can see it okay well don't break it okay you're not showing things okay oh they've got a ton of them in here that's awesome oh my gosh we started Pinocchio yeah that's about it I bet you can still buy these online and this is the projector projector so you put it I think you put it underneath somehow that's cool is that going into somebody's home or you keeping that no I'm just joking guys it's a very I'm all about our here's a bicycle tube of getting property so what is this oh we got soap okay that's it in there oh this is cool oh I might keep Charlie Brown that was so cute we got to be careful it doesn't get wet though cuz it is raining today welcome back to Oregon it is raining today all right let's put all this back real quick we won't take a commercial break then we'll move on to the next box here all right that is really cool what else we got over here what is in here this is fragile oh no I don't have my knife 's your man hand my man hand okay oh this backwards oh what is going on here here's a ice pack oh it's chains we got to check though just to make sure it's actually in there oh my gosh yeah I can see oh is it in there yeah oh it is yeah this is a cooler what is this old B oh it's an old bag it's nice actually yeah it's very cool MIT MIT no I just that's what it says I don't know and we have some coolers people love these oh yeah those are nice iglo yep that looks a nice shape that looks like looks new brand new an old Vint vintage Igloo this one's nice too oh even the inside looks good y Dam okay that's not what I expected in that box especially when okay let's see this out here gra that okay let's see let's go this is made in Italy but it's heavy oh these are cards they're all stamps Yep they're all cards okay interesting all cards oh this is cute worlds of Wonder teachers the teachers wow that's vintage too that's cool yeah that's an old one so you got a pan oh okay they paid five bucks for it brand new oh that's it's another pan with a cover yeah never seen that before I think these are H yeah TRS o they look to be some of these look to be in good shape who do we have the air this one's brand new good wonderful people oh this one's sealed never been used this is uh Country Music top 14 look at his style man man that guy that guy had a head of hair didn't he his mustache Grandma Adventures would know some of these I don't know camp meeting Heritage Singers reunion okay that's a live one Ministry okay I think these are church church uh bands no I you're right part it's just Tupperware old Tupperware o that well that that Tupperware itself is worth money it's not even that bad it needs to be cleaned off a little bit yeah this this o is so this is tupperware we might find more in here yeah but this green Tupperware is actually see right there nice we could auction this off huh that's nice all they don't make Tupperware like they used to no no they don't let's try the they want to we got Cabbage Patch stalls can you grab those they how do you know they want I don't I didn't hear anyone talk let's move this right they want to see the Cabbage Patch dolls you're deciding for them excuse me guys all right that's what they [Laughter] said no no pull the whole the whole thing out if you can the whole box yeah there see well oh there's Redan is that Redan Redan oh nice nice this one's Cabbage Patch she said they rented here for many years wow this is like the original Cabbage Patch she just needs look on her neck see see how old she is is there anything on her neck oh there it is right there what's the date 1990 oh 1990 I thought it'd be older than that how old is Cabbage Patch I don't know actually okay okay I had one when I was a baby oh my Lord oh that's creepy here check the neck of that one you got to check the neck check the neck of that one does it say ear no it's Horsemen dolls ink the number 15 Horsemen oh you are right Horsemen dolls Inc number 15 nothing up there says something up there I don't it says that's just a number oh she needs a little cleany okay there's some creepy dolls in here okay let's put let's pass on these dolls what's in the bag here what is this one okay what number is that 993 guys can you turn it down a little bit just turn it down now this is just a doll it's not cabbage B okay all right anything cool some shell oh what's that okay all right well let's put these dolls away real quick we'll take a commercial break we'll be right back next box says men's ties and is men's ties W those are holy crap those are nice nice there is some serious men's TI oh they're made in Italy cool let's go I don't really nice I don't know a lot about these there's probably over a 100 ties here actually all made in Italy made in Italy I I could auction these off as one big group yeah just to see I mean there is a ton here what do you think should I auction all these I would yeah as like one massive group of Italy ties yep and they're in great shape huh those are nice dang let's go look at all those ties that's actually a good find all right which box a Christmas one too is there they have they have one for every occasion yeah okay oh grab that we need the Poo box I want to let's see what's in there cool I've never seen a box I've never seen a wi poo box before is it heavy yeah is it book books no do you need help uh oh says fragile dishes I've never seen a winie the Poo box before okay what's in there okay this is going to be a big box all right let's move it over as far as we can on this table and then we'll start showing them okay you ready oh they're all different are they teacups so oh it's Royal Stafford made in England tups oh they're all different maybe she collected China oh look at this one a okay let me move this over here oh that's nice so this is all the China then she put in here I wonder if there's cups to match oh no that's just what those does say never seen that before huh this is what what year is the newspaper on this where's the year normally uh probably on the bottom3 2013 so this stuff has at least been been here for 10 years yeah 10 years but at least I mean I don't the the rest of it's there interesting what's this big old yeah what's that see what that is O that's a big boy right there what's the brand on it vintage find China made in Japan that's nice though huh interesting well remember all the China is sold on Grandma Ventures so you guys can go to Grandma Ventures on YouTube oh my Lord are like collector's plates are they how many is there in there they're they're different oh they you're right that's pretty so they collected collector plates oo this is cute look at that one oh wow 198 1980 before we were born yeah my heart's desire 1980 as well says Valentine's Day maybe something happened 1980 I don't know maybe they had a they could have had a child born in 1980 they got married in 1980 my Valentine is there more [Music] China there's a lot oh this probably matches one of the plates yeah we're going to have to mix and match dang no wonder this box was Heavy yeah oh look at that that's pretty that is that's a that's a really cool shell no chips on this stuff box you know what or is it Fire King you know I'm not sure it's actually pink it's like a light pink I've never seen it before you got another one here white no I see like a reddish color to it or a pinkish color look closely it's a little bit pink still no no no no it's got a pinkish color to it guys let me know in chat okay oh wait here look it's got a pinkish color o can you tell me that is white that is not pink that is beautiful though oh my Lord you know those go together right you know that right yeah that set put the put those on here oh look there's more yeah put the put the glass on there let's you see what it looks like just grab a cup thr there yeah see I bet we find more of them yeah you think so we probably find more of these these ones I've never seen this before huh here you go y there's a whole set of them right here you going to grab them let's see what they look like I want to unwrap them you want me to oh there is take one more out let's just see I want to see if there's any chips oh you're right oh my Lord somebody's going to want this they'll go on Grandma Ventures auction guys so these are really cool no chips wow there you go honey I put that over there wonder what else is in there more of those cups we went through so far yeah we don't care about that okay they're not as cool this is different hold on it's a gravy boat it's a um isn't that yeah that is a really cool gravy boat oh wow look at that uh Turkey Day is coming up soon yeah all right let me know guys are you ham or are you turkey people I'm ham you're a ham person I'm see I'm a turkey person look at that let's go oh it's got a uh oh it's made in Hong Kong actually this me in Hong Kong we pack this really nicely yeah there's zero chips on this stuff I think be get this all by there are zero chips you might want to keep this box I mean I've never seen oh it's tape it's not the box it's tape you know what it you know what probably was wallpaper y yep what is this oh these are all the same you can just pull one of those out and just see what they look like those are all the same it matches something those are beautiful this is probably what they used Flor Floral Expressions main Japan it's probably what they used for um dinner all right we're going to put all this away real quick hopefully is good or better than what she did prob I don't know all right changed the battery let's go let's see what else we got this didn't have a box it's cute it looks brand new um and it looks like a Christmas item but we also have this in here [Music] which model 79 yeah I don't think they ever used it it probably just needs a new battery I mean it looks in great shape beautiful so somebody likes the old watches they got a brand new watch here model 79 all right there's that we also have this didn't have a box but it's the Bears for Christmas tree is it Christmas oh yeah this christmase they have a Christmas tree and they have presents there's the Christmas tree tree very cute so Christmas is coming up somebody's going to want this I think it's a music box oh yeah probably sings Yeah so we'll we'll sell this if anybody's interested we'll sell her all right we also have this I haven't looked inside actually Tada kind of for jewelry what's in the there's a door here do you want me to open it yeah oh nothing no no just some cards in the back it's a nice I've never seen one like this it's solid wood wut it looks like it's a walnut it's made out of Walnut guys says Captain's desk have you ever seen one like this before oh it's beautiful a captain's [Music] desk it's pretty cool though oop oh I dropped it the bottom part nobody was harmed nobody was harmed I promise so good okay there you go wood is solid all right and purses you know what I I found so many purses in our day I know but here's the one I don't know what brand it is we also have looks like CL something Classics they seem to be in really good shape actually they are so maybe we'll auction some of these off o this one is nice holy moly wow this one is nice Bella Rose oo this is Bella Rose I've never heard of that's beautiful I mean it's in great shape is there any money in here is there any money huh money money money no money but she's in great shape wow that's beautiful also comes with the little cell phone area here looks like there's some paper in there but so you can put your cell phone in there that's a nice that's a nice person Liz I think that's a common one yeah here is a 1987 I'm not sure the brand on that one never heard of it before I haven't either it looks like an old one there then we have what's the white one another Liz it's still nice beautiful condition you can always tell the purse is conditioned by the the backs of them so there's that it's AR bad and then we have looks like they took Southwest Air Lines that's a old tag yeah that's an old tag uh you guys heard what happened in Southwest I guess oh that was Alaska sorry sorry Southwest it wasn't there was like some Rogue P pilot that tried to take uh I know he was he was an off duty pilot off duty pilot trying to take down a plane sitting behind the other Pilots cuz they're allowed to do that yeah that is that is scary that that happened a couple days ago the bumper book yeah this is my favorite Cinderella old that's a really old Cinderella oh is this the Cinderella book oh this is Little People Big no I don't know what this is it's just a it's a music book music all right what else are we going to check out guys what else are we going to check out okay open open open I think this is books is it oh no it's all wait oh another watch in here this so you always got to go through this one doesn't have the it appears to be your auto personal that one doesn't have that's broken that's too bad let's see I think this possibly is mostly turn to do with one hand but oh nothing in that tin yeah nothing in there see what is this Weck is there a lipstick in there no I I think it's for lipstick that's why there's a mirror in there okay cassettes o what is this pull that out pull that out what keep going dig dig dig dig dig what is that thing don't break it it's a b oh there's some here take the top part out there's other stuff in there it's not just uh it's a lot of stuff yeah that right there what is that hold on that's cool is it like a water picture uh maybe it's a oh wait wait uh did they hand make it no there's something inside oh yeah looks like this is a handmade piece interesting that's pretty what else they got in here glass piece the oh yeah that's just a basic one it's cool though there's another one in here here's another one cool liquor bottle SK yeah that oh that's a brand new one by the way that used to be one of my favorite games skippo what's in there I thought this is all going to be old and paper some weird stuff in these boxes okay all right interesting stuff all right let's take a quick commercial break I got a bid on the storage units live right now and then I'll we'll open up someting on this storage unit right now while we are uh filming why we are filming I'm not it's 2: p.m. and it ends in 4 minutes guys so wish me luck right now I'm the high bit on it so want to see if we win it it's a kind of a cheaper unit but I like it with all the boxes plus it's close to the house so we'll see if we win in I'll let you guys know no all right what else we got well you show them why you bit on this okay oh this is a brand new God hears even the smallest voices oh this this is a nice box oh that's cute look at that perfect for Christmas time coming up oh yeah people put candy in tins my Grandma does it she put candy ints silver and gold silver and gold or underwear or underwear is it a brand new one though at least it looks like it it looks like it's brand new old ladies old lady okay I'll make silver and gold that's nice it's empty it's glass seen better days but it is a butterfly that's Green Glass actually yeah this needs to be washed what is this a for little girls little girls oh it's a little um it's like a bathroom set or something I think this is for your soap huh although this does have this is for your tooth toothbrushes but it has a chip on it that's cute cute and and a little Night Lights it's been an interesting unit so far oh there's nothing in this it's empty yep it's empty yep you got to check cuz you never know but okay all right we'll put this away real quick all right we're back back uh this is the next day guys um so yesterday we tried to unload the truck a lot of the boxes in here are magazines and books and books but mostly magazines a lot of magazines like who pays 12 years on magazines I don't know but um I made actually a little table here in the corner we're going to continue to go through some of these boxes uh hopefully we find some stuff that's not magazines and hang tight guys let's go ahead and get this first box we won't take as many commercials that's this says done inside done inside done inside okay it's a vacuum box is it in there it's the vacuum in there it's hard to get out you like the fact that they're like I now have a tripod for the camera so works great you this is in there I think that's brand new yeah it is wow yeah so somebody's getting the brand new vacuum that's awesome we're accessories we're going to auction this thing off by the way so if anybody wants a vacuum a Shark vacuum Christmas is coming you need to clean your place for your your guests your family yep all right okay next box I opened the top for yet but I don't know what's that taller box I was expecting it's an old old one a lot of their boxes are old I've noticed yeah oh it looks like one of the those other ones that we found but it looks brand new what is it the canister thing oh really yeah yeah take it out let's see what this thing looks like this might be difficult we're going to have to dump is the uh it's going to be a mess p P there we oh man that's a bigger one that's awesome whoa it's brand new oh sorry sing new wow and this is a vintage piece I think let's see oh yeah this is brand new wow it's huge you that this back in WoW who likes to get peanut s their packages cuz they're coming yeah this is going to be in your package okay this is nice yeah it's bigger even the other one look brand new as well so that thing is huge yeah this is twice as big I've never seen one that big before that's a big piece yeah well nice nice I'll put it over here for now somebody's going to be putting some tea in there okay this was not in a box but look what we found he's so cute he's cute he's huge he's very big can you find a date on him I'm just curious to see he looks like he's from the 90s it doesn't have a date age of three is all it says age of three okay huh I thought he was a little older than that but no like I think it's like indicating 3 years of age kids oh gotcha okay now we do have a bunch of these boxes guys what are they those speakers yeah and they're all in there that's nice they look brand new huh they look brand new oh yeah oh yeah all right next box you ready yeah I already opened this guys to save time we thought it was something else but look look at all trolls I thought it was magazines trolls so that's awesome we're going to take a quick break and we're going to put them all on the table and show you guys cuz there is a ton of trolls here that's a huge fun cuz these trolls are actually going to be worth some money so we'll put them all on the table if you know anything about trolls please let us know he's this is my favorite I think they're like 30 years old or something we'll have to check but all right let's put them all on the table real quick you know there's a new trolls movie coming out right yeah oh yeah it is the oh look at this I I've never found one in the Box before I have either this is uh interesting I I found some trolls before but never in the Box aren't you supposed to like make a wish and rub their belly you rub their belly uh I think that's a Buddha I don't know I could be wrong or rub their Jewels for a wish this one's got its uh tag on it I like these skateboard ones so we looked at some of the dates on these and they're from the 80s and 90s like this one's from 1993 so a lot of these trolls are like 30 to 40 years old U Mo majority of them are over 30 years old um some of these are from the couple from the 70s too some older trolls so we got a ton of them here you know some of these trolls are like 30 40 bucks each um some of these older from the I think it's from the' 60s I don't know I I have it's been a while since I found some trolls like this one's made in Korea but some of these are pretty old so this I think this right here is over $200 wor the trolls I think this paid for a good portion of the storage unit right here just these trolls look at this one right here my God so we're going to auction all these off guys probably if you're interested in these trolls if you're a troll lover uh let me know and maybe we can make a deal but uh there's a ton of them it looks like it's from Russ is the company for most of these trolls so look at this one oh it's a baby a little baby troll I think this he's cool I like him yeah he's like a surfer dude with his pants down Main Korea but yeah there you go that was a pleasant surprise we thought it was magazines yeah and it was trolls cuz every other box was magazines it was trolls all right next box next box are you ready for the next one I'm ready okay all right uh first of all this had this was in there yeah it's in it's an original box it's called a funsaver camera Kodak projector department stores and that's the number but it's in there you want to show them that it's it's pretty sweet actually I mean it's in there guys it rarely do you find them in their actual box is there accessories with it I don't know what this is oh it's another Kodak oh really the camera yeah oh wow and it's got its original box instant 414 camera huh yeah so normally you don't find those in the Box pretty cool nice box pretty cool pretty cool all right let's do the next box here oo my favorite what's your favorite oh Christmas but these are um what the heck uh what do you call them they're the dolls are they the Russian dolls yes weird I've never seen them oh wow they're old I don't want to mess up the paint oh wow oh yeah they are and this this guy see what is he oh he's the same thing where does he go oh my gosh that's old though oh see the paints you got to be careful he needs old TLC he needs a little TLC and then there's a red one you know this actually could be worth some money actually they're pretty old let let us know in the comments guys if you've ever seen these before they're I'm never seen I've never seen that before oh yeah on this one here part of him is in here I mean look at that yeah I've never seen that before okay what else do we have okay it feels light though like nothing's in there oh nope something's in there oh wow I think this is um this is probably costume yeah this is costume but still that's nice I'll have to get it tested just in case but there you go it's always nice to see some jewelry I think it's I think it's costume what is that oh it's a church house and here's the base there light to yeah here's the base oh it's got It's a music box interesting oh yeah oh so it just goes like down oh so did they make that I don't know but this tree needs to be glued back on well Christmas time almost yeah it is Christmas time and then a Rubik's Cube in its original box okay can you do Rubik's Cube I can never get it so these were also we also found these um these were also out of a box guys but this is a um calculator and it's actually in here guys in the origal box some of these calculators can be worth some money you have to check but we have a calculator that's in the box and then this one here is pretty interesting ready what is that huh it's it is a wow that's so nice Mother's book or something glorious mother Samuel Francis well like it's hard to hear what the okay here we go that looks old yeah I've never seen one of these before leather look at the oh it's black and white oh my gosh doctor mother before it's too late my wish for my baby mother's love oh so these are all a mother's own needs huh to my mother this is a weird it's like a mother's book interesting let let us know if you guys ever seen one of these before before I've never I've never seen a mother's book before is there another rushing doll here it oh yeah I mean how many of these they have maybe they're Russian I don't know my grandma gave you some of those plus we have these sorry it's hard to show what this new stand we have let uh oh that's iron oh this is an old iron hit the Thumbs Up Button guys we're going be buying a lost of storage units make sure you're subscribing too oo my mom had one of these when I was growing up it's a little angel is it it's a glass angel hold a light a w does it move oh it does a little bit yeah it's supposed to open up huh I think it needs to be carefully done you put a teal light behind it and then it shines oh interesting old brush okay what is this that's about it is there anything in there nope looks like a big locket style it is cool though yeah that is cool interesting okay let's go ahead and see what else we have see what else we have all right open that stuff [Music] up oh this is cool it's patch those look like a tiger patch yeah what is this are these candles what I have no idea they look like look like candles they're probably candles for church when they walk down the aisles oh you're right during holidays or whatever looks like they're made in not sure where they're made oh that's nice that's real nice we're going to going to put a lot of this glass on Grandma Venture site guys so if you're interested in any of this glass it'll be on Grandma Venture sight so this holds a tap uh uh tall can tapering there's a mug is it a bunch of glass in there yeah oh wait why is there a bottom oh nope that does not definitely not go together oh there's a tail hold on that does not go together I think there's more pieces there we go oh my gosh oh wow she's cute cute who somebody's going to want her is it a cat it's a cat right a cat hold on I think there's is there another one wow this is old there's another piece look at that I don't see any chips on this thing either interesting oh man I think you must have the other piece somewhere else that's crazy that's cool yeah that is cool little raindrop the rest are just mugs that's the old chipped just mugs the three are chipped mugs yeah all right next next box next box what do we got in there perect for Christmas oh man this is coming up great timing yeah okay so we have a ton of lace right isn't it ribbon a ribbon wired ribbon yeah ribbon red wired ribbon there's a ton of it guys holy moly it's all this is brand new CS you know some gra some grap you want some grapes uh who used to decorate with grapes I think my grandpa had some this is 10 yards huh there a lot of ribbon in there and it just keeps on coming okay let's make a wall here See's in here what else is in there oh greeting cards okay Christmas cards these are actually brand new these are too dang and then could use always use tissue paper yeah it I I ship a lot of stuff in that stuff fine all right so there's all the ribbon guys so we could auction all this off yeah especially for Christmas that's awesome I find a lot of crafts and storage in this for some reason I don't know why you know I used to be the type of person that would want to do fancy wrapping and ribbon and I got some and then I just got lazy and just did a quick cuz the kids just tear it up anyway yeah so maybe maybe one year okay try next this is this you didn't read the books what this is Mike's Angels well I see some angels that's for sure okay that one is really nice I'll probably give a lot of these glass stuff for Grandma to sell oh that's pretty ooh that's like a Santa or a lady Santa's another one oh what's that Olympic symbols oh isn't that for Olympics yeah it is actually you're right not sure what this is made out of but this one this one looks like an old angel okay not sure what's going on there but oh that's nice oh is there candy in there candle oh candle this is my favorite that is huge is there any chips on it there's no chips it's a professional got felt on the bottom I think you put a candle on this yeah I mean really you can put whatever you want yeah you put a candle on there think oh oo are those glass man no I think they hand did that 1987 yeah that that's our music box is still going here's another one oh jeez there's a lot of them what is this right here oh that's sweet that's a music box none of these have chips guys pretty insane this is old number 16 what the heck what are they playing they must be playing in some game or something Chinese checkers maybe yeah it could be all right unfortunately the baby head oh yeah yeah the baby said didn't make it okay I still think the cat that we found was pretty sick I know this is an awesome piece look at that okay next next next next another Angel we'll probably find two of them because they look like they hold candles oh she broke she broke okay we have another [Music] snowman this looks like that one brand I can't remember what the name was but surprised she's impact yeah she's glass yeah she's got no chips this holds a c got a felt bottom to it wow oh broken special yeah she looks old too this probably looks like from the ' 70s or ' 80s it was probably from the 70s or ' 80s she's broken this the mangery oh they got a uh oh here's another one of these now we have two of them two of those oh yeah yep these are old too you can see probably from the 70s or 80s maybe you would think and this is made in Hong Kong oh we have meth three of these we have three of these little girls look at that three of them oh these look super old yeah that does I mean probably from the 50s maybe I don't know you guys let me know this one looks this one looks like the oldest one we have another angel with the dog angel with the dogs oh this one's still got a tag on it huh anybody know anything about these angels let me know that's it mhm okay hey bear and that all right anybody know about these angels let me know so we have we have a whole Host this is what we found guys this is what we found right here let me know what you guys think what your favorite one is I think that big candle thing is pretty cool yeah that's my favorite all right we got to put all this stuff away until we see you in the next box all right I'm SW I'm swapping I'm in the camera now uh next box next folks next folks okay we got a bunch of uh thread thread nice nice so anybody wants to make anything red gets really expensive okay there's nothing in here there you go uh let's see money no money uh it's got leather in here it's older yeah this is older looks like they got a few of them in here does anybody still use these purses let me know great for date nights date nights here's oh this one's nice this is an older one here very detailed let's see oh wow it's it's old you can see that they probably had their glasses in there maybe what the heck is this what is this it's an apple holder what you hold your apples what do you mean you hold your apples yeah you just see it's the shape of an apple hold on I've never seen this before I think my grandma used to have one uh let's see there you go oh there we go oh my God wow that cool this is really cool or fruit holder it's solid wood and I guess great condition huh great condition that is that is really cool it's nice you can fold it up when you don't need it can you guys believe like holding your apples in this thing this this thing is sick that is awesome we're going to put that down there uh we got a bunch of random stuff in here what is this Arizona petrified wood wow so we got some petrified wood from Arizona uh some old something I think they're golf cleaner golf cleaner this is the maker that engraves no you engrave yeah oh cool it's an old engra golf engraver cool wow so I guess you engrave golf oh wow you put you can put your signature stuff like that on there awesome and what the heck is this scissors there scissors in there yep okay okay that's interesting could always use scissors okay I think this is silver guys I think that is silver pretty we'll have to see though I'll test it when I get back that is really pretty so there you go beautiful okay that's that is okay we have an ashtray people collect ashtrays yeah and see what's in here oh it's a recorder recorder it could be a tape recorder no it's a a FM AM radio radio old radio yeah it's brand new that's nice people still buy the crap out of these old radios and what the heck are these I don't even know I don't know never seen these before let's open this up I got there's a bunch of them in here see never seen these before oh they're magnets maybe you get two of themus one for the road this twin pack let me know what this is guys I've never seen these before they're little magnets anyway we got a bunch of them so if you guys want any these for free just let me know so confused all right pretty crazy but this right here is the star yes I mean that is really cool I don't know the golf carting balls it's pretty cool plus we have this too I forgot to show this it's like an old glass jar it's in good shape too okay next we have a callar ID I used to have one of these looks like a kids today would be so confused tapestry P can you imagine they' be like what I wonder if people are still using this I wonder if I wonder how old you have to be to remember what the Pedro looks like yeah that was kind of like right I watched this Tik Tok thing today where it t these kids said how old do you think is makes you old and some kids were like yeah if you're born after 2000 like after before 2000s I like okay that that's that doesn't seem that old okay so we got a bunch of Hawaiian shirts in here guys cloth oh this is nice they used paint yeah they did that themselves that that's actually a vintage you can see the tag they made this themselves they did it's pretty cool that was popular back in the 80s all right so we have a bunch of shirts let's do the big box see what's on there yep yep don't knock over my drink where's your drink okay okay keep going oh what is this I don't know it's lot of stuff okay okay I'm just going to leave it over here and we'll pop it over okay okay we got a Pendleton baby let's go that's nice penton's expensive this is a vintage penlon this is probably 4050 bucks right here guys $40 $50 online very pretty wool Pendleton what's in there that's cool look at that box Oh I thought it'd be I thought it'd be jewelry guys it is not looks like It's Made in India this is a beautiful old wood box here's another one let's see oh stamps stamps I was expecting jewelry but no no jewelry we've have been finding a lot of jewelry lately this is silver right here so this is is a silver proba silver plate but still really cool what the heck what the heck so pretty it look off and there's no chips is this McCoy Prett looks like a McCoy Pottery but there is no chips on this somebody's going to want that no chips there we have not sure like a fruit plate thing this is nice look at this that okay let's see ready you want to show them put that camera back and I'll there you go guys hold it higher okay they want to see it higher no they want they want you to go higher that's size I get all right next oh that's cool yeah I think this is made in England actually made England I don't know maybe put to go to England yeah that' be fun shut up anybody from England in chats that's nice I like the feet on that we have a golf ball I think we have a golf ball lot oh that'd be nice yeah we could put a golf ball lot together all right oh those are cool yeah these are Made in India wow I think these are silver yeah Silver Plate you got one two made India those are kind of cool this is really cool wow wow look that you can hold your papers important notes not sure what's going on here to be honest it's like a little flower on the back end of it that's cool maybe this goes on a lamp I'm not sure me weird still really really cool probably it probably goes on the lamp oh I like that your and we have this is like by the way not I'm undecided if that's creepy or not we're pulling this out of a big old box over here so you guys know is that creepy looking or no nah it's just old it's got It's got this is a oldfashioned wood photo here so you got that one and then this one right here it's like old fashion wood okay what is in here oh Matrix it's all eight tracks does anybody does anybody collect the eight tracks by the way the Four Tops I'm curious if any oh we got um chatsy Klein and then we got Bobby let's see who else we have here Mr Brown W brown Star Wars let's go oh that's awesome this could be this could be a special one right here actually let's see I see a barber St one yeah those aren't cool let's see this barber St I can't believe we was a Star Wars one a super man lucky lady a Star Wars one sick there's Barbara pretty our lady Barbara there's the me nobody knows yep and we have snowman is Christmas blanket oh it is okay hold it high you're upside down there you go Christmas is right around the corner guys what is going on here oh my Lord that's cute like what is going on with this thing why is it why is the feet out like that and what what's the r mean maybe it's an initial huh I thought it was a bow at first weird looks like an oil oil C thing I like those vintage style yeah oh this is cool oh cool Bugs Bunny Warner Brothers it's the old Bugs Bunny tin it's actually in good shape this is like a weird box it's all kind of mix match stuff in here you know M I say wow boomerang a boomerang I like the card details let's not try it are you sure you don't throw it the other way I'm not sure probably could be right here's a old glass that is really cool extremely detailed oh hand wash only it's from sweet antiques oh manufactured in Spain wow that's awesome or it says it's from the Spain wow that's a that's a really cool find actually okay and then we got a bunch of random stuff in here oh that's cool this is wood it's like a wood plate I love these plates what is that this is It's [Music] peeter but it's a rosary oh that's nice I might I might give that away guys yeah as a free gift yeah oh whoa what is that it's from Scottish it's like a Scottish thing I don't know weird huh let us know if you know what that is I'm not sure it look Indian some sort of Scottish it's weird oh here's another blanket oh that matches smaller blanket yeah with the other item here we have a pineapple oh this is monkey pod wood this is expensive stuff guys this old wood like this this um uh monkey pod wood is pretty spendy so there you go that's what that was that's nice I was wondering uh did find a some sort of Angel thing we can give that away yeah and we have oh there's no money in it but still some people collect beaded little that takes a lot of hours yeah yeah that that's okay we have a random like vacuum interesting all right that's pretty much it guys besides some books oh I do have this guy he's cool yeah he's really cool we have that guy okay we do have some books in there and that's about it so let me go and put this stuff away real quick in the truck and we will be right back all right this this is a small unit um really small unit there wasn't a lot in here I mean that that was it guys a really small unit U by the way we did find this really cool like I think it's like a kids chair yeah it could be from like a school maybe too yeah and this thing is just old um I might put this thing online cuz somebody's going to want it it's just a really old chair and it's got wood on it too so that's woodwood M be be like repaint or something really cool piece of History though but and there's poo in the back um we did find this too I'm I'm definitely not going to throw this away I want to um I want to see if I can sell it or donate it but it's just a really cool piece um and it's an old bed basically so you got a lot of people take these and will'll make like a bench out of it or they'll refurbish it cuz this is kind of a I think it's a twin yeah uh but it's just a really cool old piece of history and it's got some um nice wood to it so that was a pretty cool piece that we found out of here but that's it not a lot to this unit I I bid on another unit today it cancelled which sucked cuz it was such a good unit and then um I bid on two units in Portland which canel so it's weird to have this many units cancel on me but we're going to be buying a lot more storage units um the end of this year and beginning of next year I'm going to really ramp up my social media guys so really appreciate all the support the thumbs up the likes and to everybody who leaves comments and grandma adventur is going to be in a lot of videos soon as well yes yes it's starting to get call though yeah she she likes Grandma Ventures likes the units that are close to the house and lately lately there hasn't been very many she's a primadana okay she just wants to be com no I'm joking um yeah she's uh so we're looking we're looking at getting some uh hopefully some units closer to the house but there you go hopefully you guys like this until the next adventure we'll see you guys and if you want any of this stuff remember set put uh put comments in the comments comments in the comments and I'll get back to you guys all right there you go
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 149,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage locker, storage wars, storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage, storage unit buying, treasure hunting, auction hunters, storage lockers, treasure hunt, storage treasures, how to make money, how to save money, making money online, make money online 2023, make money online, self storage, live auction videos, storage locker videos, live auctions, storage auctions, storage hunters
Id: iTyoFOag140
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 16sec (4336 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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