Shawn Bolz | Jesus Culture Encounter Conference 2018

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thanks you guys sit down sit down you're awesome I didn't get to hear my introduction so I can't let it go into my identity to do anything wrong which is good you can't hear backstage at all but I'm glad to be here it's one of my favorite groups in the world was Jesus Culture I have some really fun relationships long-term history with some of the worship teams and and of course with banning and the crew and I just I love that we get together today and under this umbrella and actually ask God to move us forward and transforming the earth with His goodness is glory which is cool hey I have a eCourse in a book called God secrets that just came out a few months ago and I want to share it with you real fast for video so because I'm from Los Angeles I can do a commercial that's the rule if you're in Los Angeles you have to have a commercial or real or you're not really from there so here's mine when God gives us thoughts to us many times he tells us with real-world things about people and places and industries and country's geography he tells us things that we would have never known if he for this we couldn't research him and if we can get the information we still wouldn't get the heart behind it if we did research words of knowledge are God's divine intelligence that he gives those who draw close to him will become his friends I believe that God will take us on a journey where he'll develop our faith develop our character develop our love and as he does that am devout not only the message of the gospel but the power of the gospel within us is there a kitty or Kenneth ray and a Patricia Lou who came together is one two anything like January 2nd anniversary yes Jesus [Applause] is there anybody who connects to us it could be a dog it could be a person like I don't know like food see bugs [Music] [Applause] what does this mean my nickname is Bootsy my last name is bug no is May 2nd or 3rd something late thirds my birthday come on are you a junior and they messed up my bed yeah I feel like God it just he's showing me your father and his his love for all the family in Oklahoma and and all the prayer that's still going on because he's he's with Jesus and yeah there's so much prayer food safer for your life to come into its full success that I the full measure that you're called to the full measure that even very misunderstood in your life at different points and God is saying heaven understands you join me Sean Bulls on an epic journey to learn about God's secrets oh I love what happens when you hear from God because it changes all the options like we have our human options and there's the God option that comes on and I'm gonna talk about that a little bit today but I just wanted to tell you two other things one is that we have our new exploring the prophetic devotional this is based on our podcast if you haven't heard of podcast beheadings on it when I recorded banning we had to have the most editing we've ever had because his dogs decided to act up and his world decided to act up behind him it was great no we had a great time that was so awesome incredible message and I exported prophetic I want to encourage you to go on to that 90-day challenge and this is a 90 day devotional my publisher said 90 day challenge will scare people from the prophetic so we just did devotional cuz it's sweet and it's nice and it's kind so is there anybody that's your birthday today anybody have a birthday birthday birthday there's one come up here she's right there happy birthday to you see you have presents you know not on this is perfect grow it'll be awesome thanks so much and then we have our eCourse the god secret to eCourse that you can also do you don't need to read the book for it and it's based on the workbook and the workbook has different concept of the book because we wanted to flesh it out and break it down so the book is gonna take you on a philosophical and also spiritual biblical journey on words of knowledge did you know there's over 60 times in the bible and the old and new testament that words of knowledge appear and so it's one of the main gifts in the bible revelatory gifts that helps us to feel known by God that he has an agenda and a purpose so we have the eCourse this particular package we don't have here available at the conference because this comes with the workbook and we just had this printed but my assistant had one with him and I said let me give that away he pulled those bag so I'm gonna give this to somebody who's leading in your prayer ministry teams or a prophetic team or something and you want that there you go take your team to it you guys are gonna have a blast there you go and that's it's an eight-week course that comes with a workbook but you don't need the workbook to do it you guys are awesome now how short is the person who made this table I mean bana you're pretty tall guy this is really it's funny because you know when you come to places like Jesus culture you have to pick on your host a little bit and one of things I realized is when I open my gift bag somebody from the Jesus culture team bought me some sunglasses and I figured I didn't have enough swag and so they were trying to help me be a la pastor and have inside sunglasses and so I don't think I could wear these because that's already dark in here and I can't see you anyways on a prophetic I need to see a little bit but I mean thank you thank you these are man II didn't know somebody bought him for me from his team and was like he was like those are nice sunglasses like you bought him for me he's like I didn't buy it someone bought him for you so I actually love these this was the best gift of my since Christmas okay I was gonna try and be on the Jesus culture live worship experience that they're taping right now because anytime there's a silent moment one of us has to scream I heard the Jesus whoever you are god bless you since they haven't initiated me on their worship team yet I was gonna be the guy but you stole you stole my thunder and that didn't help me at all but you get to be on the recording now because you scream Jesus at the right moment when I got quiet I'm not rebuking you at all I'm having fun okay so I'm gonna talk to you guys today I come from Los Angeles and I want to talk to you about engaging culture with how you hear God because most of the time when we think about prophecy and hearing God's voice we get several branded images in our head we either get somebody who was a really good experience for us but they were still other than us or we get somebody who's really crazy and scary and has big hair and big pointy fingers or whatever or we get somebody who got kicked out of their church probably they should have been because they were weird or you get the homeless street guy who's that God's totally something for you and you run away you know like you get there's branded images in our head for hearing God's voice yeah we don't see ourselves always as the one who's supposed to engage having this way and we see it as a subset gifting that's just like something that some people do I remember when I was growing up like we were trying to figure out what what we're called too you know so when I was a teenager here in Sacramento I grew up for a couple years here in Sacramento my teenage years I remember we're trying to figure out like what gift do you have we take the spiritual gift test and the whole thing and and if you didn't have it on your list you didn't have to do it it was great you know like it was awesome I wasn't a healer I didn't have to pray for everybody who walked by who had healing needs thank God I'm a little bit of an introvert I was like thank Jesus but I got prophetic on my gift chest I was like no those are the weird ones I'm like how do I hide this from everybody and they're like Sean Sean got prophet you know like Tsonga and who even knows what the test was I don't even think it was relevant but it was you know one of those tests you do when you're little but I remember just growing up in life realizing that when I heard from God it was in very normal ways and I'm very cerebral I'm not I mean I've had some incredible God experiences or beyond a mental experience but but most of the time I hear from God it's an impression or a thought that's just one step past my own voice of my own consciousness you and God share the same headspace and he lives in you so you're one and if you're married you really understand a little bit of this because when you're married you have the voice of your spouse as conscious talking to you at all times so if you're gonna buy something you probably shouldn't buy your spouse's voice will come in your head and be like no no and depending on how healed they are it's really aggressive or really nice you know just kidding but but you you share a head space with your friends and the people you know the most you know the culture of their lives you know how they would make decisions like it would offend you if your best friend was sitting around with you at a campfire on a fun friend retreat and starts to tell things that you've never heard that are epic moments in their life that they never shared with you and they're called your best friend you'd be like what how could you keep this from a you jerk like I'm your bestie I'm the one who knows that you know like you know they're your best friend when somebody else goes oh you know so-and-so they're my best friend and you're like yeah right that's a nice delusion you have because you know when you own somebody you claimed somebody whose best friend you're like they're my bestie for real like I know everything about them that's what you're claiming and you know how their culture works their mind works or heart works and with God it's the same thing like we know how this culture of his head works has mine but it's beyond just having you know his thoughts in the sense of you know I know what my wife would think I know what my best friends would think it's way different because he lives inside of you it says in 1st Corinthians 2 the last verse we have the mind of Christ it's one of the most profound statements in the Bible I want to take you through a process this morning to prove to you how you're supposed to walk with God that you have an inherent right to hear from God and not only do you have an inherent right to hear from God as an everyday believer we need you to hear from God or world issues are gonna carry us to the wrong places and I you know for me I'm a justice guy I do a lot in the stuff in the world of Justice and missions and not just missions but also social justice and that can be controversial in the church because a lot of times you see the humanism we run away from it but we have to do things with the organizations that have power money and influence as well and we can influence their and sometimes do top-down missions which means mentoring leaders and nations on how to do policy and procedure over anti human trafficking or over you know how to handle prisoners or how to do so there's there's efforts that we're involved with to look at the earth the way it's supposed to be and not look at the big issues and go oh my gosh it's too big or we'll never solve this in our lifetime if God shows up we can solve it all in our lifetime if God shows that we can see resolutions for things that took generations to get undone as a matter of fact it took billions of people making bad choices to get us where we are today but what would happen if billions of Christians there's over two billion people on the earth who claim to be Christian start making great decisions based on what they're hearing from God how quickly can we resolve billions of bad decisions because one really power and power decision from heaven literally changes the government of a situation in a moment it may have taken thousands of bad decisions to tear something down but it takes one good decision to build it up again and so I was thinking about this I'm praying I'm really asking God even about the prophetic because one of my one of my hot-button topics in my heart is racism I grew up and white privilege I grew up middle class white kid my dad's a colonel and I grew up around all of the races because we were in the military I was like most of my friends were every other color but white and I thought I was a black rapper for a while I was really didn't work I couldn't not only I couldn't rap but I was so you forget I when I tried to dance I was like it was not good but but I you know I try it on all kinds of other races and whatever and I realized how to celebrate them without trying to be them and what's something you need to get the hand but I'm just kidding oh we have a guy that I'm friends with who's a white rapper but he thinks he's black and that's like you can be a white rapper but you can't think you're black when you're doing it it just doesn't work but anyways off that bandwagon I I was praying into just asking God like how do we resolve issues like you speak and it changes our options and it only has to be in the moment it doesn't now I don't have to come and address racism over America That's not me in my lifetime I can go after that issue but if I go off as a primary right now what it's not my assignment you know as to focus all my energy on it I'm actually gonna burn myself out but if I just carry justice over that issue in my life I can make resolutions all the time this is Black History Month I bring that up because we're in a season where it's important to look at different races and and and make a contribution and love in a right way so I'm up in New Jersey I'm sitting there I've been praying for three days going God how can you solve racism in America and he kept telling me Sean just open your mouth a love well that's that's all we would tell me that means sometimes to engage conversations that means whatever but I said how can the prophetic resolve son of God can you show me how hearing from you can resolve something there's this little mave there's never resolved anything by a prophetic word for racism in my life said how can this you know what does this gift make a difference to the world or is it just something that blesses the church can we see real transformation through hearing your voice because you had an original plan and design that we've delineated so how does a word restore us to your original plan and design so I'm in New Jersey I go to this meeting it's a partner's meeting for a ministry that I don't know very well and I said is there somebody who knows and I'm just gonna do a false name just because I don't I don't wanna tell their story and get people chasing them but Douglass there's somebody who's Douglass I think he's like 32 years old and I said and here's the striking part is that he was abused by corrupt cops and this woman starts crying there's not that many people there so it's either gonna be really on or really off this woman starts crying she said that's my son and I said and it didn't just happen but he was like in his 20s it happened there's a teenager as well and because of that he's lived with purpose depression because he's he's had his authority stripped from him by the way they treated him and he didn't have a father figure in his life and so that was really hard for him and she's crying her friends are crying and I'm like where's this going gone I literally had I didn't have the next words I'm like great I just defined a really bad situation and I hear the Lord say the reason why it stripped him of his authority and purpose is because in his heart he knows he's supposed to be a man of authority and he knows he was supposed to be some sort of legal officer like either a policeman or a fireman or something but he doesn't trust him because his model was corrupt but God wants him to know these men are not my representation of this industry and this thing and that these men are a lesser a lesser vision or view of what it was supposed to be and you've been abused by them because anybody's trying to destroy your authority and you go home and tell them that see if it changes anything so she goes home and tells her son who's not really walking with God this story that this prophet called him out by name and told the two stories and she let him listen to it and he starts weeping within three weeks he applied the police academy and got accepted because his dream from the time he was a child was to be a police officer but it had been stolen from him and I thought now here's a here's a radical way to just carry your spirit you know you're your god life your God journey what if all of us were doing that all the time bringing resolution to spiritually undone issues the United Nations is great but it doesn't address spirit it doesn't address why there's countries like Syria right now that are being devastated do you know there's biblical prophecies over Syria right now that have been unfulfilled still in the Old Testament there's things that will still happen in Syria Syria is being marked right now for I mean just a genocide of people it's just a crazy militant demonic spirit that's against it and we could close our eyes to it because that's sometimes easier sometimes we just ignore it or we get desensitized you know we don't have a lot of the Syrians coming over here it's Europe or we can we can look at it and go God just take out the enemy there or we can say God what was your redemptive purpose over Syria in the first place because I started to look at Israel and I started to look at South Korea and I think of like Israel if we didn't have Israel right now on the map we would be light years behind in cancer research and medical science and lots of different forms and security industry we'd be light years at behind in security I mean like we would be having like worldwide hacks like the movies they'd be crazy right now if Israel didn't exist as a nation which something would not exist that is blessing and benefiting all of us right now South Korea's the same way and one generation it goes from a developing nation to a fully developed nation that's bringing technologies to the table and I remember asking at Seoul University which is their Ivy League school asking the professor the main professor of technology what would have happened if South Korea hadn't been developed for the world and he said well you know your smartphone's you'd be in generation 1 as of right now your smart technologies would be 7 to 15 years behind water agriculture which really affects other parts of the world not as much America would be up to 20 years behind and developing which is some of the long-term food sources that we're gonna need to sustain us on the earth and we would be 20 years behind so when you have these like conspiracists are like we're running out of everything no God has a plan for everything but we have a job to restore all things so that we can manage at all with God's heart so we can have a sustainable world until he returns and we can't do that if we don't hear from God and I want to put some responsibility on you today and I want to read a couple scriptures one of them is Roman 8 Romans 8 25 and it says God knew what he was doing from the very beginning he decided from the outset to shape our lives of those who loved him along the same lines of the life of His Son Jesus Jesus stands first in the line of humanity he restored we see the original and intended shape there in Jesus why do we see the original intended shape in Jesus when we look at Jesus what is restored from when Adam and Eve delineated and then we see Jesus and we see a full restoration what's restored because when Jesus was on the earth he cut he possibly had one of most unsuccessful ministries of anybody alive in three years he had 125 people or so follow him and they all denied him and then they didn't believe in him until he raised from the dead so like why are we looking at Jesus and going you're our model because he had John 17 he had connection and oneness with a father where he knew how the father thought he knew the affections of the father he had full faith in the Father's plan for Humanity he could see because we see what's delineated but we don't always focus on what was original God's original thoughts never changed so when God created America when God created the oceans when God created certain animals his thoughts about what they were for and why he brought them have never changed since he created them and Jesus came to restore all things but to do that he was doing that in partnership to us to restore all things so we need to know what's in the Father's heart now what's interesting is when you look at solomon someone's one of my favorite people in the bible I just think Salman's so cool he's so he's so interesting like his life because I've watched a lot of modern people in these days go through a Solomon season where they've had the highs and lows they've had a lot of God and they've had a lot of rebellion you know I've seen that good have you seen that with any of your friends or Friendship Circle but it's helped me to look at that but first Kings three nine we had this quoted in so many different ways you know some people say Solomon with the Lord asked him you could have anything some of them what would you want for me some people think it's wisdom some people say it's just sermon I want to be able to discern your heart God but the word here and I love this word it's Shema it's the Hebrew word and I remember asking ask three rabbis what this word Shema means because I was so confused by it because there's different interpretations and but they were for Christians but the rabbi is all said the same thing Sean this is a word that's only in Hebrew culture out of all cultures in the world and what it means is he was asking for the very processor to have the mind the way that God thinks some would process it as if he was leading that that's how Solomon's mind and spirit would operate now think about this we pay millions of dollars to figure out people's process billions of dollars to figure out people's process if you're successful in something you can start a whole organization that teaches others to be successful in that I mean you all have signed up for something at some point probably when it's like some sort of success or betterment life betterment life coaching whatever it is we you know maybe a ministry thing whatever but somebody reaches a pinnacle of success in some area and they could be marketed in that genre and we want to know what do we want to know their process how did you get to where you are are you just extremely gifted and awesome or is there a way that I can imitate your process so I can get a similar result how many of you can relate to that is there anything in your life you're looking at and go I want I want to know their process like what some of you like to sit down today with Bill Gates or Oprah not just for evangelism but like to actually go tell me your process I don't know about you but I look at certain people and I'm like I really want to know what's going on in their head I want to know what's going on their heart I wanna know why they make their decisions what Solomon asked for you guys is the process of God and he was the first one in history to ask it in a blast God's heart so much so he's like I can't believe you asked this I've waited my whole existence for someone to ask me this and because you asked for this I'm gonna give you Fame and wealth beyond your wildest dreams he's like wow I just I just knew I couldn't do it in a human way I just wanted to have your process and I get all that too you know well when it says in first Corinthians 14 that we have the mind of God it's talking about we have the processor of God now we see how this processor effected Daniel his crew cuz in Daniel I think it's in 127 so these four youth God gave them knowledge and skill yeah go get the knowledge and skill and this word for knowledge is Mada and this word for Matta means divine intelligence how many you want some divine intelligence so when we're dealing with the word prophetic it's not just a gift we come at the front you go I need a word of encouragement it's a gift that changes the government of your life when God speaks to you you plus that word equals a different result in life when you speak to somebody from God you're not like here to tell them like we've had such an imbalance of what the prophetic sign this is what God's not doing and this is where the enemy is who cares who cares enemies who cares what God's not doing who cares what man's doing wrong when you show up with God's processor he's helping you to understand yes you discern what's wrong but you start to understand how it could become right again Jesus was so counterculture because he heard God's processor he was in process it's oneness with God oneness with the father's intentions that he would show up into situations like he's standing at the well with the woman who's going you know oh my gosh there's a Jewish guy here should I wait or so draw my water what should I do and he looks at it he goes can I have a drink it's illegal for Jesus to talk to this woman and John for the Jewish people did not talk to Samaritans picture that level of racism he's dealing with racism he's dealing with man-woman issue he's dealing what cuz it's considered unclean to be with a woman who's like this kind of woman he's dealing with so many issues in this one story in John four and he looks at her and he just invest this time any reveals to this woman before all of his disciples I am the son of God the Messiah he doesn't tell the Jews he tells a Samaritan woman who's illegal to talk to his disciples show up on the scene and they're like um Jesus they come like revival bouncers they're gonna be as sure so squirt him away someone got through our line you know like someone got through someone got through protect Jesus all cost she might talk to him that's what I was saying with the revival security it's like I'm like I've only had a knife like a woman with a knife run after you one time in a meeting and the knife wasn't as big as a fingernail clippers knife her file she's like running after you I kill you sob oh she's from Asia I wouldn't marry her so she was gonna kill me true story but most of us when they're security it's just helping people to be in their lanes of boundaries well the disciples were Jesus is the security team and they were not protecting him well because they show up on the scene you're like oh no a Samaritan woman and he's talking to her he must not really understand he fully understood what he was doing and he speaks her any addresses or with words of knowledge but he gives kindness to her and as he's spending time even spending time with her was prophetic a lot of us think that the prophetic his words prophetic his culture we are culture eyes by God's heart and mind in the way we treat people and we the way we treat the world we treat the world as though it's not going to hell but it's worthy to be saved and be brought into redemption for Jesus and you can't you can't hear God and not start to be filled with hope and hope journey the people who are like prophets that scare me are the people who know about reptilian people and Nephilim and security if you don't know about those just start youtubing christian conspiracy you'll be like oh my lord and if you are like some of these guys you will go down a rabbit hole that are so demonic and sensual because it feels empowering to have hidden knowledge but the thing about Jesus is that he actually says I have secrets for you here let me tell you all of them we're like not a cult society where we hide everything everything God's ever told me he's like I have a secret for you I have something really important to tell you and I'm like this is a treasure and he's like now go tell that crowd I'm like I don't want to tell the crowd like this is mine I love this I want to be in the know I don't want them to know I want to hold something you know that's human nature to have a leaders and to have you know have our special abilities you know whatever and Jesus is like I've come to shout from the rooftops what it has been kept in secret he has such the disclosure do not tell Jesus good news he will tell everybody do you have that friend who's like my you know my friend's pregnant don't tell anybody they're like okay I won't tell anybody and also you like on social media going no not really Jesus was that friend he loves to tell all the good things he tells on you I can't tell you how many times I've been in a meeting I was with these pastors and they they were pregnant and they just found out the birth that she didn't look like she was even showing then told people she was pregnant yet and because she was like one of those little pregnancy unicorns that doesn't look pregnant were there months pregnant and it was in England and I looked at I'm gonna go I said have you told everybody about your baby yet and then told me and they're like this is publicly and they're like and I go he's gonna be a great boy he's gonna be a Silas and they're like I told the name that they were hiding from their family I told that they were pregnant and in front of the whole church I mean the whole thing and there was just like whoa I was like it's not me it's Jesus he told me to tell you like he loves to tell these things as there's good news he's gonna tell somebody I was shocked you know like I didn't know these guys were given divine intelligence and what that intelligence did for them is it changed and shaped the Babylonian culture which they were not in charge of a lot of Christians we think about even though you've been taught maybe the seven fold mountaintop influencing movement whatever which is all good but at the same time a lot of times we're not taught that we're actually coming as a servants of all we're coming to serve the world and help develop the Polaroid picture that's in God's heart over the world and we're the ones who are paying and going oh you're beautiful I can see part of your face I can see your dress I can see you know in the world's going I'm not that beautiful we're like no you have no idea what you look like to him and that's your truth God wants to give us his secrets he wants to tell us his process but he has to be able to trust the integrity of our hearts he has to be able to trust our relational process what's the most attacked thing in America right now it's not our biggest enemies are not abortion and sexual problems and whatever our biggest enemies are the breakdown of relationship and family and every gift of God goes to the nucleus of identity which family is a core identity that we all have in common and heals and brings restoration and fullness to those areas and most people when they get the tool set of the gifts of the Holy Spirit they bypass and even sometimes violate family and just think I'll just build significance out of this this gift or this thing it makes me feel and they're not applying it at home like my parents when I was growing up they would I mean they were so they would just say what's God showing you I'd be going through a hard time with my friends and they would ask me let's prep my mom let's pray together like let's find out why they're going through that from God's heart and then what we can do about it I'm like 11 years old going yeah you're right and I feel like there's abuse in their house I feel like there's emotional abuse mom's like they're probably so how can you hold their heart differently knowing that that's why they're responding this way to you okay I'm gonna pray okay this is the one so I have one thing like this is the one thing I do she goes then focus on doing that in love love well when you have people in the nucleus of home that are teaching use the tools out of a relational perspective and heals family which is really if we can heal a family we don't even need politics to make our wise decisions for us so many people are so political on Facebook do you have your friends that are like Sao Paulo political like I had to tell one of my friends recently like I have to unfollow you cuz my girl sometimes when I'm scrolling through Instagram see all your stuff and you're awesome and I think you're amazing but there are three and four so they can't see all that stuff and so I want to Instagram to be really safe but I love you there's on a stage we can see it so if you see I've unfollowed you I care about you but you are in a place that I can't share what you're sharing you know and I'm like and I love that heart I love the passion and zeal for politics and we have to have that too but there's a time where it's like do you know that these things are spiritually rooted even before natural so we have to advocate in the natural but ma'am we have to find in the spirit the keys are going to bring breakthrough our generation we're not powerless we don't just have to March we don't just have to hold up signs we don't just have to pose repost and repost Facebook we can actually hear God in our generation and see transition I've been around some great people in our generation and I love them because they're actually really normal like Lou Engel he's not normal but he's I mean Lou and I started out when I was 19 and we were in a ministry called rock donations he was in his 30s and I remember just going like this guy's gonna change the world but he's so normal he reminded me of my high school football coach he was just like a coach you know he's just like Shawn we have to play but he said I'm like oh my gosh I feel like I've never prayed before I got to pray right now for for a long time I have to pray right now and we shared a room a couple times on some of our trips and the budget for you ministry wasn't very high so we had to share rooms a lot so I only share a room with Lou twice because he would come into the room and this is 20 whatever years ago he come in the room with you and he'd like get on his knees are you gonna pray with me and I'm like yes I wanted to turn on the TV and relax and chill and he's like we're gonna pray for the youth of this generation and I'm like I just wanted to eat order room service maybe here you know so that part was very driven but there's another side that was just a normal guy and it looked at him and gave me great courage because I'm like god you're raising people like Lou Engel up you're raising people who are actually very normal they're not the most extremely gifted or talented people including myself and God chooses to raise you and I up because we put on display his wisdom Daniel and his friends didn't inherently have the intelligence over the issues that they manifested intelligence in themselves but they had an access to God so when the Babylonians looked at them they're like you were not just different like it's not when people come and go you're different that's not a good different they were like going how are you getting this access and they would tell him over and over and over were the Jews were the people of God we're the ones that God loves I mean the Queen of Sheba comes to Solomon and she looks at how he's ruling and reigning and she looks at all his wealth and she says oh my gosh how much does God love your people to raise you up so she doesn't say you're so awesome cuz she's a co-leader she knows what it's like to lead a nation and she's falling short in all kinds of areas and she's missing it and she's probably dealing with secret shame and she doesn't know how to lead her people she's doing the best she can with her parents skillsets to him pointed her she's doing the best she can with her past visions of leadership her own ambitions and then she sees Solomon who's raised up by God who loves his people and he's processing in his courts like in the way that a God would not a man would and she gets saved by watching God's favor to love his people through Solomon see when we hear God's voice and we start to hear his thoughts and we start to hear the culture of his heart people get saved because our process is different because the one we're processing with they start to see through how we make our decisions they start to see them through how we live our life God's inviting you on this journey and I feel like so many people are like stuck at the simple place of like I don't get words from God I don't hear from God just try I was sitting with a celebrity in Korea she brought me into her little celebrity secret van and we were at a film convention if she heard there's a prophet there everyone someone I call I'm called a prophet usually gets in my way but she heard there's a prophet there she was intrigued so she sits me in a van with her two security guys that her in the back seat who aren't saved and then they all speak English so and she's next to me and I'm in South Korean Busan and then there's one person the fan she goes do you have a word from God for me and I'm like no now some people are really good they're like on-demand like they're great I've never been that person I wish I could I'm not that gifted I know people where they gift in they scare me in a good way excuse me but I'm just not that person who's like if you run up something after speaking you're like I know you have a word for me he'll laugh and I'll be like I know I don't I just don't like I have words for what I have words for I don't know how it happens I'm just trying to pray for you but I'll engage engage God's love for you but I don't know if it's gonna mean that you know and so she's a goo of the word for me you have to have a word for me go now but I said let's pray Taylor I said have you ever heard from God she's like well no he wouldn't speak to me and I said well that's where you're wrong we're gonna pray together and we're gonna do listening so I want you to clear your mind and stop don't strive in your head and be like - what do you think about this girl but do you think about this guy we're gonna ask three simple questions and God might answer one of them I don't know so the first question is I said God you you says to God what do you love the most about me so she says that out loud this is the most famous woman in history has 18 hit albums in in Korea and has you know most most the actor or musicians don't become actors well she's become like the Jennifer Lopez or like the Madonna she's she's become a award-winning actress in Korea and she's sitting in the car asking about the question what do you love most about me totally insecure doesn't feel like her performance is very good doesn't know how she got raised up feels inadequate and she asked God what do you what do you love the most about me and she hears she doesn't hear what she's just hears God say for the first time in her life I love you and you're enough she heard that I didn't tell if I told her it'd be cheesy it'd be like that's super generic thanks a lot god bless you too she hears the God of all the universe answer a significant issue in her life and she can't deny that God too spoke to her it was a different voice in her head she knew it was God internally and she starts weeping and I said what she goes he really does love me and I'm like I could have told you that but it wouldn't work and then I said I want you to ask God about your current career I want you to ask God what do you love about my career this is a woman who's not doing a Christian entertainment or educate men she's not doing any of that she's in the secular arena believes in Jesus but not totally there yet and so a lot of you to be like well he doesn't love anything about our career you have to see what God's doing not just what he's not doing what do you love what does God love about your career she goes oh my gosh he made me for creativity he's a creator he made me for creativity he made like a dancer another significance issue she's always felt like because she started young that people just put her into it and it wasn't really her her platform so the third thing I said what does God want to do with you in the future and she goes he wants to teach me how to love the way he loves so I gave her like the Gospels you know I gave her a Bible and I just start praying with her well she ends up getting cancer in her throat and she's like completely undone but we give her like Bethel and she's listening to Kim Walker and just Jesus culture music and Bethel teachings from bill and she's like listening to all this letting go into their spirit and so she says I'm gonna make a pilgrimage none of my fans know that I have throat cancer because it'll ruin my career nice and I'm gonna encourage you to take your fans on the spiritual journey and be vulnerable with them because she has like millions of people on Twitter and I said take them on a journey so she tweets out it's it's sad thing to have to tell you but I have throat cancer and I can no longer talk or sing but I believe as a Christian that God wants to heal me so I'm on a journey spiritual journey to see what will happen and if fans like wow this is like Justin Bieber fans who are like look at his life right now go ahead what is he saying why is there scripture like every sixth tweet I don't understand what's going on you know like they're like yeah I believe no weapon formed against me will prosper either what does that mean they're like they're not Christian saying it with God there's just like no weapon formed against me will prosper yeah im a champion we the champions my friend you know like they don't know but she starts to tweet out the spiritual journey and she gets more and more people following pretty soon her millions double and when she comes out to California bill who was that during a Thanksgiving break built pastor bill was at the church and I texted him and Benny and said hey you guys one of my friends is a pretty important entertainer in Korea's coming I know it's during the holiday so if you could have time to pray but can I arrange prayer for her he goes I actually he always pray that if I send people pray for him but he was its holiday so he's like I don't think I'll be able to do it well they happen to be at the service and he wasn't thinking but there was a whole line of people that worship up front they're the ones who are either like crazy or they're like super hungry so I was both and I I'm one of them I like the front and I'm not sure which one I am either so it's fine but uh but she was over here pastor bill I was in the same seat there's a revival bouncers around him so she was over here and and she wasn't gonna turn around be like I am the one that Sean sent to you but she's like you know and I don't need to make something happen but she's desperate because now it states three so she's super desperate but she's like I'm not gonna make it happen god you're big enough there's all these people who pray for healing here at God I'm just I'm just gonna try to be available to you and bill not knowing and I didn't tell him what kind of cancer she had it goes I need to pray for that lady and walks over and worship and lays hands without asking her on her neck now if you know pastor bill he's a man to protocol he doesn't lay hands on strange women without asking and he doesn't and he wouldn't just the next kind of sensitive if you lay hands on my neck I'm gonna slap you my sister had the umbilical cord around her neck when she was born so like if you even touch her neck she growls like a demon she's like you know and we think it's because of that like we've had she's super healthy so we're like asking psychologists what do you think it is it's like her hot button cuz she can't fix it so it should feel like she's gagging if you do it and he's like oh Gordon so I'm almost that bad so like she he comes over in lay his hands on her neck and rebuked sickness over her body and she's instantaneously healed the tumors go away this was the most successful prophetic ministry ever did and I didn't prophesy the reason why I say that is because so many of us think that hearing God and having a gift on our life or whatever if God's gonna part prophesy to me and this is part of what I have to do it's a lot of performance I literally had zero performance I asked her in the car to pray just a prayer like let's see what God will say to you God speak to her God what do you think about this she hears from God I wasn't the hero of the story God was I have never prophesied to her ever she gets radically healed by going on her own God journey tweets it out starts tweeting and significance issues of how she used to be a cutter and all these things and how God healed her and she has hundreds of thousands of people through Twitter who are getting saved that they had a started ministry to deal with it all now I say this because we're not asking for just a nice tool like you know we look at the gift of prophecy like a guitar we play or something like it some of us play guitar some of us down I don't I hope I get to give to prophesy tonight and I can play guitar you know no it's not that it's it's literally part of your operation of how you learn how to love and manifest the heavenly supernatural love of God on the earth and your invitation as a Christian is that God wants to speak to you in ways that not only give you other options in the world other options but begin to transform the world according to his original plan and desire in the first place I know it's kind of heavy we got to transform the earth by his love and I get brought into situations a lot where people there's been some bad prophetic words over lands AG Los Angeles if you look up google prophetic words los angeles that's all about how we're gonna be the ocean soon and there's timed words that have not happened prior by major prophetic voices and even some of my friends who've missed use the prophetic gift over their land of los angeles and so there's people who are having there's not just a stigma in the church against prophecy there's a stigma in the world against prophecy because at least if you go to a psychic or a medium they're nice they won't tell you the day you're gonna die unless they're witch or something you know like they're gonna be like oh you're gonna have a boyfriend soon oh you have a boyfriend well you have another one I mean they might be dysfunctional but but Christians we're not always nice because we're looking for what to how to correct the injustice and we look at the natural person in front of us and we're trying to correct the enemy's injustice with them and gods saying this person is actually part of what's gonna transform the injustice so I want you to focus on who they are and me who they get to be in me and not who they're not because the moment you see who they are not you you won't line your faith up with me for who they are so the prophetic gift inherently as a gift where you train yourself to not discern what's evil the world but you train yourself to see what God is doing and who people are according to his original plan and when you treat people out of God's heart for who they truly are in his original desire for them they manifest it have you ever seen a coach take on people who aren't that skilled and all of a sudden they be amazing cuz that coach is really good at pulling out the gifting in them that's who you are you're supposed to live as somebody who says this is who you are and people will know you for belief and you'll leave a legacy people are like I'm more because of you you believed in me at this time of my life let me go I know it's up here I went to Miami and I loved you get have you guys ever been to Miami Miami's a trip people dress real fancy in Miami and I went to a conference it's like the biggest multicultural Church in America and I went to a conference I was dressed like this and they bought me an Italian suit because I wasn't I wasn't hit that for their crowd like I'm from California you go to like a business meeting and you have more than jeans on and they're like oh you must be from New York you know I mean I'll go to like exactly me is the entertainment street people behind the scenes and if they're if someone's from out of town they dress up if someone's not from out of town its board shorts and flip-flops even with executives it's just how it is I went to Miami and they dressed me up but on the way there I I was sitting next to it was a red-eye flight my sister was mean to me and got me a red-eye flight I'm just kidding Ryan it was my choice and uh and I'm on the flight I was finding this sleep but it was like a really old plane that doesn't work very well and there's a man next to me who happened to be Asian so he smelled like he was Korean and he was he like kimchi and garlic a lot and so he smelled like that and he snored and it inhaled necks out here air the whole time through that mouth that had a lot of garlic and kimchi all day long so and he was facing me the whole time so I was pretty much in in my version of white people hell and so I went up to the front and the flight attendant was like I'm so sorry that you know like that that guy's really loud and everyone's complaining about him even complained yet but I can tell it's hard but I you know wresting terrible man face and uh and I'm just scenario you know I'm trying to use this time I'm going to a conference I'm trying to just try to really pray for real things I believe that prayer brings real resolution is anything you need prayer for in so you got okay I pray for my family and I said how about your son do you have a son she goes I do have a son and I said does he have a girlfriend right now she's like he does have a girlfriend right now and she gets really worried and I said I think the girlfriend has she's been really dividing her family right he's like not your little son anymore right now she's like gets tears in her eyes and she's like how do you know this I said I told you I'm a Christian like God knows your situation and he's sharing with me a little bit so that I can have compassion and pray for real because he wants to bring real resolution for you and she's like I said this girl has like been a bad influence I was Harpo by the time we land the plane as a scientist that God's heard your prayers about this they're gonna be broken up and you're gonna have your son's heart back and she starts crying she's like I just prayed that I don't ever pray and I prayed that and I was like in the worst moment like I wasn't a good version of me I wasn't like the happy like Heidi Baker like I love everybody I was like I hate the man next to me with my whole heart but I choose love and I hate Korean food right now which I love Korean food but I hated Korean food on the plane for a minute but I was choosing love out of an action of my will but I did not I was not being loved by my emotions and so in that moment where I didn't feel spiritual I made one little choice as I walked through the bathroom to get away from him I'm gonna use this time to pray because there's nothing else that's good in the world so out of that this woman gets radically safe she texts me right when she gets home they're broken up do you think it's gonna last and I said what did God say to you and she said that I get my son's heart back I said then plan to have your heart sons heart back you should take him to church she said I'll totally take him to church so they go to the Church of Miami because that's where they're from and they they're going that church now it's their church I'm as crazy they go to the church but I just know like me plus me equals just a whole lot of being mad at Korean men who are sitting next to me with kimchi breasts but me plus God equals like I have different options I can see the world change even if I'm not in a great place in my mental frame if I'm in a great place to my spirit it doesn't matter where my emotions are how tired I am and the culture of what God wants to bring you into isn't reliant on what you like or what you don't like how you feel today well you don't feel today it's reliant on the biblical truth that God so loved the world that He sent His only Son Zakir zacchaeus and I'm gonna pray for you guys in just a minute there's my last story Zacchaeus in Luke 19 I love how he's this little stubby tax-collector guy that everybody hates and the crowd got so big around Jesus he plan to go meet with him that day and the crowd got so big around Jesus that he had to climb into a tree now I'm tall so I can't relate whoever built this but it's first that kiss and and he gets up in the tree and he's looking at Jesus pity it says he's far away and Jesus out of all the people that are qualified the good spiritual leaders the people who've been really sowing into their time and their ministry feeding them helping them he looks up at the tax collector who everybody hates and says Zacchaeus come down from the tree he knows his name he's never met him and it's a word of knowledge it's a prophetic word and he and he comes down from the tree I'm sure he's like running like you know he's he's like a high school football player who's running out to a song or something you know I don't know and he gets out and he's like Here I am Lord Here I am and Jesus says go prepare your house I'm gonna eat with you and the good people who are his advisers Jesus advisers say this guy's a dirtbag we have some other people will listen to me with their VIPs we have here we have a whole list that's great and he goes and Zacchaeus then defends himself and says but I try to do good right I give to the poor I'm gonna do some good things again I feel like I'm basically a good human that's what this whole world feels like and usually at this point the church goes bad the normals are Christianity's Jesus would say you aren't good that's how you gonna come to me you think you're good and they would shame him that's how the image of most people's Jesus is but Jesus looks at him regardless of what he says and says by it by one simple statement go prepare your house I still want to eat with you he's saying I value you you were made in original sin but you were also made an original goodness and I want to spend time with that goodness and draw it out of you I believe in you the father has plans for you you can reevaluate your whole life based on this moment now and to all the religious leaders he's looking at them going I'm kicking Satan's butt right now by doing this because you've had a wrong image and you're not willing to see what God sees and because of that you're missing out on some of the greatest fruit there is and these guys were not happy when he went off to Zacchaeus this house just like they weren't happy when he went to the party they're like how dare you go to this guy's house we told you who he was why are you doing this because Jesus didn't come to serve what man thinks and a lot of us are doing that because we're not activated in the prophetic we're not thinking God's thoughts we're thinking according to what our spiritual ideas in our theology would dictate through our emotions but we have a spirit that's called God's Spirit and he teaches us and trains us to think like God I love first John 2:20 and 227 if you look at those it says you don't need any man to teach you but the Spirit who lives in you will teach you all things this doesn't mean you don't need discipleship it doesn't mean you don't need you know community it means that you have God living in you and so there's times and you'll feel inadequate there's times when you won't know what to think there's times when you won't know what to do and you can go Holy Spirit this is one of those moments I need you and he's like yes I've been here all the time I couldn't wait for you to ask let's do this together if you feel like you don't have this kind of relationship with God I don't know what to say other than try it started doing listening prayer instead of devotional prayer that's all based on you and what you need you know like I had to like fast from devotional prayer for a while and be like used to pray like you know my auntie God and help the Africa orphans were supporting and God I pray and Jesus is up and heaven looking at everything with perfect prayer and plan and he's our constant intercessor and I'm thinking he's mad at me if I don't make my list today I think I've already thought of this list and I have eternity sealed in this list already I love that you're praying for it but what do you want to know my heart so I mean maybe fast this year 2018 or for a portion a year from praying what you think you have to and coming I think God trained me let me see the way you see show me what you want to show me show me how to read the Bible the way you want me to read the Bible these kinds of things instead of being so you know smart I read a statistic in Christianity today from two years ago and it said 90 percent of Christian leaders Christian pastors think that they're in the top 10% of all leaders in the world so 90 percent of Christian pastors think they're in the top 10% of leaders of all the world the same guy he's a psychologist quotes a therapist statistic that either studying at college and they studied experts people who are experts in their field and found that they declined in learning up to 90 percent after they weren't entitled the word expert so in that area that were they stop learning up to 90 percent so the church is being led by a bunch of people who have now stopped learning so my challenge to us is and I'm a church leader and I found myself in those like when I read that statistic I wasn't like oh dang the church is messed up I was like oh my gosh I'm such a mess god I owned it too so I was like I'm gonna be the most childlike version of myself god I don't know anything I don't know how to be with the next person I'm supposed to be with and have a divine appointment I don't know I'm an introvert I don't like to talk to strangers I don't want to talk to I mean so many were like oh you got to go here and be here like my last year I got to go to NBA all-star game I got to go to several film premieres major film premieres I gotta go to all the electronic video game shows and it was awesome and till I had to talk to people and when God showed up in for divine appointments it causes an anxiety that I'm like God do you know I'm not made for this kind of anxiety is like but I am oh yeah this isn't limited to my personality my type my emotions my desires I've asked you to live in me and take ownership of me that means that I'm not limited to my personality type or my statistics or my goals or my love language or whatever I am literally limited to heaven and I give that to you because some of you have had some excuses on why you won't do it and why you won't allow this to evolve inside of you because you let's take on all the fear of triggers let's take out all of the excuses of what you're not and look at who God is and say the God of all the universe wants to speak to you to transform Nations the God of all the universe wants to speak through you to transform your city the God of all the universe wants to speak to you to transform industries so I want you to stand I want you to put a hand on your heart and a hand on your mind and the Holy Spirit we ask you to fill us with the Jewish words the Matta and the Shama we want your process we want to process the way you process God if it pleased you so much that Solomon asked that we know it pleases you when your freely giving us your mind Lord activate your mind inside of us give us the mind of Christ so that all wisdom and all knowledge are hidden in Christ Lord give us what's hidden in you for our life God for our family for our church for our business for our whatever we're working on God for our creativity for our city we asked Lord that you would apply your prophetic process to us now if we have it thank you that there's upgrades that you multiplied you're better than Apple you come with updates that we don't have to wait for you're more like Microsoft thank you God just see if you're paying attention you love the poor just like Microsoft God thank you I pray over you that you really would start to see visions and have encounters I pray thee would carry a prophetic culture we were looking at what God is doing and not what he's not doing I pray if you've been exposed to wrong conspiracy that would break out of you right now and there's any demonic trappings and cyclical thoughts of our conspiracy breaking God in Jesus name any oppression of our dreams any oppression of her fear any oppression or nighttime we break it right now we pray that that place I was occupied by fear and anxiety would be filled with Encounters of God the enemy loves to bring anxiety because if we can trap you there you won't look forward to who God gets to be in those moments we pray right now God that you had substitute where the enemies come in that you would now fill that space with the fullness of your glory and I just pray that when you walk out of this room that you would just hear him more and be more aware than ever of his thoughts just like you know what your spouse to your best friend would be thinking today I pray you and just know what God's thinking that you would feel what he was thinking that you would own what he's thinking that you would own the culture of his heart with him because he lives in you and Jesus we want to see you get your full reward in this generation so we pray God that she would just maximize everything that's inside of us so we can give you everything that you deserve amen okay so now I'm gonna process over a few people maybe God is good I am more conversational in my prophecy I get accused of a lot of things but one of them is that I make it more practical and I like that accusation so I'm hoping I worked but I don't really know if these people are here I pray in advance for a list I don't research I don't look you up on Facebook cuz I have no idea who's gonna be here or what's going to happen but I pray and I ask God for words of knowledge just like he had Zacchaeus his name from the tree I knew about Zacchaeus I pray and ask God to let me know some people here and I do this in life all the time like the flight attendant like it's literally like sometimes a daily occurrence for me sometimes I've had about two months off where I haven't had any I've been fasting prophecy I think for two months that's been great but I'm just kidding that was a joke you wouldn't get it because when you prophesy a lot it you want to fast it sometimes but I do want to find out is there somebody I think your name is Melissa Kay and you used to or you live at turquoise Road or Drive so it makes sense over here is that you can you stand out okay I need my glasses so I can see you I mean like this is this makes the prophetic way cooler so if you don't like my prophetic words you could just be like that guy's got cool glasses okay so I thought I have a couple little indicators but I'm praying through with Jesus right now just to see the phoneless but what do you live on turquoise driver was that somewhere used to live is a drive turquoise road or turquoise drive was that right okay it is Melissa Kay is that your last name middle name okay and is there somebody I'm just like seeing a John is there somebody whose name is John Daniel John is your ex-husbands middle name this is good there's a lot of resolution coming to this word a little awkward but it's good I love the spirit of awkward in public she said jehan let's are ex-presidents husband's middle name and daniels her new husband's first name and i just feel like it's daniel very musical and very creative as daniel here okay okay oh good so he's yeah that's awesome so daniel is involved with music in their church I just feel like God showing me he's bringing resolution to old things and old seasons like turquoise right represents a redemptive color to bring you revelation on your past and I thought God showing me like he's gonna bring like almost all the stones in the Bible where it's either green or turquoise we just put rubies and diamonds and stuff because we like those later in the English version but but they're actually all of these usually when when you speak of turquoise the Bible if you look at the 12 or 15 places it comes and it's always a redemptive revelation of the past and also history and I thought God saying I'm gonna redeem your past and your history in this new season and he's touching Daniel to succeed and have some some sort of monetary increase or change and what he's doing as an occupation I feel like the Lord's saying like there's a new level of technology or creativity that's on his life that's gonna help you guys to come into a new season financially and he's really God I just thought God so pleased with your heart that he's saying that the prayers that you've been praying are so powerful you've been willing to believe with full faith again for your destiny and I feel like he's saying as you have full faith he has full provision and release and as the two of you start to walk into some towards more of your calling you're gonna see exponential growth for some of things you were believing a long time ago that never came to pass the Lord saying I could recreate destiny so it can happen and fullness now so there's a now season over your life and I fly God's just so pleased with you does it make sense last year another address that I saw today which I thought if this is real to be really cool if it's not we all try it together I'm including you is there anybody who ever lived or lives on a glass slipper drive or way is this real like how did you live at Disneyland how cute is that like you guys what city are you in Citrus Heights now we all know where you live please make cookies afterwards and we're all coming over I just felt like when I when I if this was true that God is gonna give you an anointing to be the joy to people who need redemption of relationship and you're gonna have words and prayers and encouragement you're gonna find a group of your friends comes into a marriage season of Cinderella it's a marriage season and I felt like the Lord of this thing is gonna make your joy complete and then I saw Connie is that your name that's her name he knows your name I this is awesome she says she's been following my ministry and begging the Lord for a word well he heard you obviously but it's because you have a prophetic anointing and gift on your life that you're gonna bring breakthrough for many other people so your breaks there's imminent but your breaks are as many people's breakthrough and it's all over these relational dynamics so bless you Connie God's got you your joy will be complete amen last year oh wait what is it sorry I didn't know that joy is her middle name your joy will be complete means something more is there a cat or Katherine Alan and Erik Michael does that make sense to somebody is that you you and your husband I'd you go buy like cat or something what do you go by what's your name Kate I wasn't cat Catherine and Ellen and Eric Michael that's your names how many of you how many people know her like raise your hand if you know her did you know her husband and her middle name how many you neither middle names raise your hand I did you think you're friends with her but Jesus knows her better than you do I just felt like God was showing me that that's all I had written down but I just felt like God was showing me that your husband I'm seeing like this ball of fire it's a pair of all I pictured I'm trying to interpret it but I will just say that picture because I think that he's had an importation from God to give him a unique passion to be an advisor and not just for maybe he just finances or something did you some yes finances I did to a visor but also I see him sitting on the board and on trust committees of important Kingdom projects throughout his lifetime and I feel like God showed me like not only is this advising gift monetizable more ways than he has it monetize now long-term but it's also gonna provide for your future family and it's such a powerful way and I don't know do you you don't have children yet baby in the belly yes God this isn't God good to speak to you about your family like that you're having right now and there's things that aren't your child and maybe children's lives that will will need to be monetized will need to be financed and a resource and God just wants to give you and your husband confidence that as you've made this decision to line yourself up to both ministry whatever you're doing with ministry than whatever you're doing with he whatever he does in the financial world that God has a full provision for your family to come through doors that you would have never gone through if you hadn't been so sold out in your passion and these areas and it's gonna affect your children and their children you're gonna live both live just say you'll live long lives and God wants to give you courage and actually really give him courage it's words as much for him or even more for him than for you that what's on him isn't just its its significance and and it's not just just that he has good skill and he's good with numbers but he has significance to be an influencer and then to influence influencers out of this role of advising and he's gonna be brought to the table for wisdom and revelation many times even if it's not called that last year Wow thank you God you're gonna be a great mom it'd be great mom Lisa Bevere I I know where are you there you are where are you did she have to owe you there you are I couldn't find you I can't sir so isn't Lisa like the best so I've been praying for you since that night we were texting and they were on their anniversary trip and and randomly texted which is fine I didn't initiate this I'm not to blame for it's their anniversary trip I didn't initiate I didn't text you wouldn't bug you but but that night I started to pray for you guys and I feel like God just wanted to make a little deposit today I didn't know you're gonna be here I just I just knew next time I saw you that I was supposed to pray for you I was gonna do it privately but I felt to do something publicly today which is to say in this kind of a crowd that there's about to be you're going from a place of contribution and influencing to content creating and establishing a platform for many people's voices you and John are going to go into a place and it reminds me of again this I hate comparisons because they could they can ditch us or lock us into an idea but it reminds me of like an Oprah Winfrey where she has on our website all the different people's e-courses and it's not really Oprah anymore even though this is Oprah it's actually a way of thinking in a culture has been imparted through her life as a platform and I feel like God showed me that your life's a platform and it's not just about you and John and your kids but it's about their kids and then I saw is there an Asscher by chance your grandson and I felt like the Lord is saying there's other grandkids I know but I don't I've never known their names or heard their names from you or anybody else but I saw specifically on Asscher like I saw when I saw I saw this back when I saw the first word for John I saw her husband John Paul and I saw John Paul Jackson and the Pope and and then I said it's his job just palming somebody said it's my middle name and so that was how we kind of initiated her conversation with that but but I felt like what's on Asher's life well John's been a role he'll be a role model to and because because Asher is called to be like a statesman and influence like I feel like John Maxwell went into the world of business and created a place for the gospel and the kingdom to go to people who would never go to church well Asher and Samir grandkids are gonna go into places of entertainment influence and political influence in places that the church would never have influenced that they didn't go and I feel like a platform that you and John are building now will be inherited not only by your children but your grandchildren and their legacy and I feel like there's a lot of media and the media attention that you're gonna have an increase of this year will blow you away because there'll be such big opportunities that won't just be in the church but you'll start to get called upon by some people way outside the church not just outside the church that you're gonna find yourself and not necessary partnership to but sponsoring or being sponsored by that's gonna give you the faith to for 2019 and Beyond for the next even 10 or 15 years to create the platform to educate people how to be real influencers this is make sense so I bless this journey I bless your family thank you God that John and lisas legacy is already playing out in their children and their children's children and Jesus name Amen bless you Wow I'm past my time to have like one more minute he's okay I feel look at the boss he's when I bought my sunglasses this was my honorarium I'm enjoying it is there an an Alex and a Kate who work at like housing or something Alex and Kate does that make sense to somebody why are you out there you are are you Kate Katie you don't want to be Kate at all that's good who's Alex alex is your husband and what are you doing housing oh you flip houses do you do design at all you do I was seeing like I know this is super cheesy again in comparison that could either be really helpful and empowering or can limit you but I kept seeing when I saw your name's chip and Joanna Gaines and I just felt like there was design on your life but I felt like there's a media attention to come to the design and I felt like God was showing me like your kids and how passionate you are as a mom and are you like a mom of like some medium age kids does it make sense three kids two more than three three two girls and a boy there we go and you're one of them and I felt like I felt like the reason why you were being highlighted today was because because your heart has become a fragrance to heaven where God's attentions on you especially over your issue it's not even the primary thing you do but your issue where you love a people group that God loves most which is orphans there's something you're doing with orphans or foster care right you have two adopted kids and I felt like there's something like God loves us all he loves what we're all doing but you have what you and your husband committed to has so touch the heart of God that there's a book that's gonna come out of it and there's gonna be influencing people who are can build in those areas and there's gonna be your he's gonna use your testimony but it somehow can also synergize some of the stuff you're doing in housing and some of the media attention for your business and I saw the Lord touching with a key to heavens economy touching your family so that your kids could actually have bigger dreams than they have even now I felt like the Lord was saying through you and your husband I'm gonna give you guys the ability to allow these kids to dream bigger dreams because you've loved my kids so well I'm gonna love your kids so well and you've taken some of my kids in so all three of these kids are gonna have different opportunities are you gonna watch this opportunity grow this this year some yeah wow so there's some identity Wow I put he wants to touch that this is gonna be really cheesy how I saw this but and I don't think it's exactly but have you ever seen the office so there was the Schrute family is there something like this Schrute or something like that is that something the shot was your maiden name so is there still a lot of family there then I felt like the Lord saying I'm gonna touch the extended family is a sign as well it's not just immediate family it's the extended family as well bless you Wow okay let me pause for a second and say we've just heard a lot of names and addresses and adoption things and whatever we've seen things that that are coming through this is how God wants you to be naturally supernatural in everyday life where people feel known it says in 1st Corinthians 14 that people who aren't saved will come in and the secrets of the heart the crypto switch means stuff that you wouldn't normally know about them will be revealed to the crowd around them and they'll feel known I don't cause them to fear God like he knows me he really knows me so when I'm sitting at a table the waiter comes up and let's October 13th that's my birthday it's never not cool like how do you know my birthday God just showed me you were made for something yes you know it's never like even atheists have told me I don't believe in this but thank you like they're like they're like serving us extra special you know because they I got the birthday from God or whatever it's never not cool to get words of knowledge unless you're weird and so I want to encourage you to go after prophetic words and words of notes because a lot of times the prophecy staff is like I see three angels and two birds flying over them in two wings and uh and the person so confuse like you can't give that away to the world but when you add words of knowledge to it which Jesus said over and over and over like I saw you nicotine is sitting under a tree or whatever like when you add a word of knowledge to it causes people to be it calls them to attention in the moment to know that God's speaking the other stuff does it make sense so I just want to encourage you to ask God for words of knowledge it feels like you know a lofty gift but if I can do it literally anybody can do it my little my little daughter who was three just a minute ago she she was like someone sent us a gift from actually up in Redding since he gift for our daughters and and they're like little mermaid blankets and my daughter immediately goes I have to send my two favorite stuffed animals back to him because they have a daughter and I think her name is I came Ella and so I texted because I don't know anything about them I was like hey do you guys have kids like I said you have a daughter who's like my daughter's age yes that's me me Ella well her name's Noelle we call her Ella I'm like my little girl who we've never trained harassed or talked about this to her it's like I think they have a daughter out to cinemas cuz she needs some things to love and I have to send this to her I'm like who are you so I just say that because I want to encourage you guys to go after the prophetic in real ways ask God to speak to you for real and try and it's okay to have trial and error moments because you won't get stoned because we don't live in the Old Testament so so you're gonna trial I miss it sometimes on certain details today I batted pretty good average sometimes I'm like three or four people in a row and nothing's happening and I'm like there's really no John here at all in this entire room the most common John Smith you know it's like one more than we go through somebody named Jason who I think is a pastor in California of a newer church would that make sense that there could be more than one by two though Jason hi Jason I are you like down south somewhere Oh Bakersfield I know a guy named Tony who's a pastor down there do you know Tony Tony Kim yeah I'm Renaissance Church so you're a pastor in Bakersfield that's awesome and now I have nothing else Jesus okay I might have somewhere okay I'd let her got nervous I'm like fingers film I don't know what else to say I feel like when you stood up and I had the awkward moment with you I feel like you and your wife and maybe three kids three kids and so he's saying yes you could wave so that people know that you've you've accepted an impossible mission and I don't know if it's the people group you're trying to reach out to here what but I just thought it's a harder mission than most people would take on in this church and is it less than two years old or a year old four years old okay I was off on time so you have is off I accept responsibility but I felt like the Lord is saying like he you're about to hit your stride and you're gonna have things happen that normally take 15 or 20 years to happen in a church and there's people who are disillusioned with a spirit of religion in your region they're looking for what true religion looks like in Isaiah 58 says this is what true religion looks like and there's something about the way you've positioned your heart towards the inner cities or poor or something that's touch God's heart so much that he has people who are high net-worth and influential who are gonna start to align with you guys because they want to see real religion true religion and I feel like the Lord saying I have put upon you a message of how to raise that modern-day saints and I feel like the Lord is showing me like you're gonna you're gonna cause inspiration to happen amongst athletes amongst business owners and business leaders and among marks college crowd type people that you're gonna start to feel like a Pied Piper because they're all gonna start coming because the Lord is saying I'm pleased with this and he was allowing some things to gel in the culture of your church before he released this but there's people who've been waiting their whole life to be a part of a church like yours and they're about to find you God's gonna show them how to find you I just want to encourage you because I think it's probably been hard because this is an impossible mission but God speaking to you and he's gonna do something different than what it's normally done through a church and there's a right when I said that I saw that Veronica has a key who's Veronica that's your wife yes so Veronica your your key part of this whole partnership with God and I just I know you know that already but man you guys are partnering together and it's gonna set a new model of how husband-and-wife teams flow and I don't know what Church moving here and or whatever but I felt like Veronica you whatever you're in make sure to not limit your power as a woman because you have all power you're you're scary powerful so like just be powerful and don't allow yourself to be limited because I saw you and your husband partnering over this whole thing and it's gonna raise up a model for at least you have at least one daughter so true two daughters and so I felt like you're gonna set Veronica model of powerful women and your husband will set a model of how to release women and into their power without any control and you're gonna be a model in your region of healthy family and healthy women empowerment so bless you guys okay let me just say this because I was invited in I just want to encourage Jesus culture I gave banding some private words recently and I hope they were epic I hope they were a blueprint for your home industry forever I'm just kidding but I do feel that as we're this crowd right here which I love there's a lot of mature people here not all of you mature all of you are wonderful there's a lot of mature people except for those ones I feel banning in leadership team of Jesus culture both internationally and nationally that that 2018 is a new it's a crossing over to a new season and it's the the old is done and the new has come and even this conference that there's going to be some spectacles that God puts his nature on display and he's gonna heal some people and do some things today that anybody done some last night that are gonna be kind of new fruit for you guys cuz they're gonna be things that can be talked about quite a bit and he's gonna he wants to use both the the cerebral beautiful mind of Christ with the supernatural mystic side of God and marry those movements and Jesus was going to have a place and doing that and I feel like this is the year he gives you wisdom and strategy for next 10 15 20 years you're gonna be shocked at how much blueprints and plans come and remember me when you come to the fullness of your Kingdom because I want more than sunglasses I'm just kidding last year guys thanks for letting me come
Channel: Jesus Culture
Views: 29,357
Rating: 4.6999998 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Culture, Jesus Culture Music, Love Has A Name, Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Chris McClarney, Derek Johnson
Id: m3PuGSe697E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 42sec (4842 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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