Rebekah Lyons - Saturday | Jesus Culture Encounter Conference 2018

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[Applause] I mean angela is on fire right Wow when you start talking about death versus life there is nothing that matters more to the heart of God and so I'm just I'm already coming out here with just this expectation to fight death with life right let's fight death with wife let's fight fear with faith right because if we don't have life the Zoe resurrection life in us that Jesus calls us to in the New Covenant when he says I've come that you can have life and that you would have it abundantly when he says life it's Zoe z OE and what that means is divine eternal resurrection divine eternal resurrection life is what jesus promises us and while we live in a day and age where the Prince of the earth Satan himself still dwell still rain still wreaks havoc and chaos we are carriers of life divine eternal resurrection power and life in us amen amen okay um so we're gonna start with a little picture of my family and yes thanks Lisa the back of the head okay this is this is the crew Manning mentioned Gabe he's 64 so that means that Kate and I are basically the shrimp's of our family now so I have Cade who's 17 Pierce 15 Kennedy is 12 we have a picture next of just cave right he turned 17 two days ago I birthed Tim that means I'm old okay yes and if he were here right now he would find all the pretty ladies single or not and he would lean in and he would linger you'd hug and he kind of linger and we go okay Kay that's good that's good that's enough he's a flirt he has as you could tell down syndrome gnosis and which just means basically that he gets to go to two proms every year they have night to shine with Tim Tebow that's coming up next weekends yes has anybody been a part of that it's incredible and so he has a date to that and then the following weekend he has another problem called best buddies has anybody familiar with best buddies it's basically this buddy program in the public schools across the country and he had two dates one on each arm last year two best buddies so Gabe was like hey you know don't knock it so that's Kate and then the next one is Pierce fifteen-year-old Pierce he just turned 15 last week I have three boys in our family and all their birthdays is within 10 days so this is birthday mode right now he turned 15 last week and when he was 8 years old we put a guitar in his hands we lived in Manhattan in the Upper East Side of New York City and you know it's when Bieber was kind of blowing up initially and in a good way that that party beaver and and so he started writing music and flaming it for tips in Central Park at nine years old he got a dollar a minute and I said you better not get used to this dude because you're gonna work at chick-fil-a one day and you're gonna get about eight bucks an hour so that's Pearce and now we're in Nashville anybody been to Nashville Franklin any southern people so we went to Music City three years ago we moved from Manhattan to Music City and now he plays on the streets of Franklin and they're still very generous generous to him but he's recording some now and it's just been really fun to watch him kind of blossom as a young man and then finally my daughter Kennedy it's 12 look at her right she's the youngest and she's the boss of all of us pretty much gets whatever she wants we live in the rolling hills of Tennessee we just moved actually three days ago so I got to skip out with like a house full of boxes hey babe sorry see ya but our neighbors apparently have like baby donkeys and I'm not sure what that's about but they are the cutest things and yet their donkeys I think when everything's micro it just makes it really cute right when we were in the upper east side of New York the first two years we rented a townhouse like one of the floors that was just kind of renovated for use and in the span of two years we killed 62 mice six that's a 6 and a 2 we would like hide mousetraps when people would come over and at some point like favor babies like so babies and then us or while our kids were like oh they're kind of cute because they were micro and everything small is cute and that's when I knew it was time to move I was like no that's actually not cute we're gonna we're gonna find another apartment without like an infestation and then finally this last picture is my husband and I isn't he cute he is cute and he's not micro he's 6 4 we just celebrated 20 years three weeks ago so praise God praise God for that you know marriage is hard I will never forget the first year where we were living on like a pancakes for dinner budget right you know rice and beans and we got in a fight it was probably month eight and we were in apartment complex and I'm pretty sure I chucked one of those pancakes at him and and then stomped you know in dramatic fashion out the door down the stairs and circled the parking lot and had it like a come to Jesus meeting with God I was like I don't know what's happening this is not the same person that I said yes to you're gonna have to get in the middle of this right now and of course God just you know said you know this is for your sanctification and there is nothing that has been more refining in my life amen than being married for 20 years or being a mother for 17 anyone else right there is nothing that will bring you to your knees more quickly that make you like pry buckets of Tears that will make you come to your kids ago I'm sorry I just like how to be out of body experience I don't really know where that came from or who she is but your mom is back and she's in charge that's what's happening so praise God for family you know what the health of a nation is contingent on the health of a family the health of a society is contingent on the health of a marriage which is contingent on the health of children which is contingent on the health of a family and where we live in a moment right now where family is is crippled it is broken less people are married then or not less kids have two parents in the same home than or not so so we're sitting in the moment culturally where we're wondering why it is not healthy it's because it has got to begin with the family I have a sign on my wall in Franklin it's four feet by eight feet just in case I miss it you know it like stares me in the face every week when I step foot on a plane and I walk out the door for 24 hours and I say Lord bring me back safe because this is where I belong and it's by Mother Teresa and she says if you want to bring happiness to the whole world go home and love your family go home and love your family everything begins there and if I were to shut up and stop right now and go home I would have said what is it the center of my heart is that God is rebuilding and restoring old ruins and he's reestablishing the home amen he's going to star in the revival of restoration in relationship the estranged child the separated husband and wife he's gonna reconcile he's gonna redeem he's gonna bring us back because he knows at the center of God his heart is family he established his covenant as family he said to Abraham how to make you a father a father of many nation's because family is the center of where I'm going and in the New Covenant he's like I'm gonna adopt any one that wasn't in this lineage into this family because family is everything to me because when we are a son and a daughter we don't operate from an orphan spirit anymore we operate from abundance abundance in November one night at three in the morning the Lord grips me often I don't know why he chooses three four or five a.m. I'm not typically a morning person never have been but for the past five years it seems to be like his favorite time of day and I'm like well here we are again what's up God you know there's something about a quiet house when everyone's asleep and you light a candle and you go sit out in the living room and the windows are open and you're hoping nobody's looking in kind of creepy put my robe on and maybe another blanket and like hi neighbor hope you don't see me right now but there's there's a it's almost like this open portal to heaven and I just say Lord what is it what do you want what what do you want to reveal what do I need to confess and in November in particular was something really hard I was walking through it was like pain that like hits right in the center and he said just pray it out and I'd been kind of holding it in and keeping it together and just stirring a little bit in my mind over and over but I was like Lord this is too great for me to carry this is some only you can deal with and so I began I began to confess with my mouth and I began to go on and on it every phrase would end in Jesus name in Jesus name I come I declare this in Jesus name and this in Jesus name and then I'll send I'm just getting loud I mean I'm wide awake now I'm like and then I declare the 2018 would be a year of abundance in Jesus name and my words startled me because I've never considered myself quite worthy enough to declare abundance over my family over the walls of my home over my city over my friendships over my ministry I've never quite feel worthy enough of that but the Spirit of God came upon me and he said I want you to keep pressing in in Jesus name because there are things and promises that I've given you that you're sitting in the middle of circumstances that would directly contradict the promise guess what the promise has nothing to do with the circumstance nothing everything about the promise requires faith faith and you know what the enemy wants more than anything from God's holy people it's their faith he'll use a lot of strategies to steal it to kill it to destroy it he will us he will make make us anxious and fearful and depressed and addicted and enslaved and every kind of form of bondage but all of it is just a strategy and a tactic to destroy faith well I'm here to tell you that God did not pick the wrong girl for ministry Satan picked the wrong girl to mess with okay because I'm a firstborn type a control freak and I may not be from Sicilia and brought you the Mafia but my ancestors are from the Midwest and we brought you car and I'm not sure that's awesome but there's a lot of corn in the world and then I grew up in Florida and we brought you Disney World so whatever right there's something that the spirit gives us and he gives us what we need and the moment we most desperately need it we move this week I'm not sure if that was lost on you I was insane three days ago like in same at 12:00 midnight going where does this cookie cutter go in this new house what should I do with this rolling pin do I even never use a rolling pin why did we pack this rolling pin we should just take this rolling pin to Goodwill I'm never gonna make a homemade crust but anyways I'm having this dialogue three nights ago and folia go to bed and I'm like Manning's like what's the name of your talk I'm like ha ha ha Fannie that's like three days from now and he's like yeah I know I figured he's like I hate it when people ask me the name of my talk to you and I was like I'm trusting the Lord will give me something I mean we did we burchett ate some stuff but it would be nice to have a fresh word and so like God does at 4:00 a.m. he wakes me and he says Rebecca not by might not by power but by my spirit I was like that for me like is that for them is that for all of us and then Kim last night the end of her song send up I might not by power but by your spirit so we're gonna jump into that passage because I think the Lord's you know he's made it very very clear we're gonna jump in one of my favorite Psalms and I know I say this about like 85 Psalms this is really really a special one and I mean it Psalm 126 when the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem it was like a dream we were filled with laughter and we sang for joy the others nation said what amazing things the Lord has done for them yes the Lord has done amazing things for us what joy restore our fortunes Lord as streams renew the desert those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy they weep as they go to plant their seed but they sing they sing as they return with the harvest three years ago I had a dream I'm sorry just weird girl prophetic wat wacky doodle cookie pants I had a dream that I was standing in a room that was dimly lit and I could see straight back and I sell faces but then it just kept going and it faded out and I began to speak as normal and instead of words coming out it was an extemporaneous refrain I just started to sing and I this is this is the alto girl I've never been a solo girl I'm always back up right so for me to be alone on a stage like lalalalala but I did and then all of a sudden behind me I hear a single guitar player going I'm like huh and then I kept going and then he kept going and then I kept going and I sang a whole song extemporaneously in the spirit over this room and he says he's just tracking with me and finally I look around and he goes I go I don't even know what I just said and he goes I got it all right here right here because I first extemporaneous songs in you well the crazy thing is I wake up and I go for a walk and then I'm sorry a couple days later I'd go for a walk and I listened to the sermon I I've not met Bill Johnson but I listen to him on podcasts and and what he did that same Sunday morning that I had this dream he did a message called freedom and he talked about how we see in songs and hymns and spiritual songs and when the spirits not by might not by power but the Spirit comes upon us there's an extemporaneous expression that we put out into the world and he said bill said this on podcast three days later this thing that he spoke the same day that this dream how he says it's time to sing your freedom song it's time to put it out into the atmosphere because God is doing a new thing he's bringing the exiles that have been in the wilderness for 17 years he is bringing them home he's bringing them home why because he's promises are faithful they are yes and amen and so this refrain in Psalm 126 I've studied the chronological Bible because a conte I'm a context junkie I want to know what happened before that I wanna know what happened after that why is this person acting so mad what are they upset about I backed the up a few chapters well this particular song is moved from the rest of the Psalms and is stuck right here in the return of the Israelites back to their homeland and it continues here and it jumps to Psalm 147 it says praise the Lord how good to sing praises to our God how delightful and how fitting the Lord is rebuilding Jerusalem amen he's bringing the exiles back to Israel he heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds and counts the stars and calls them by name how great is our Lord his understanding is beyond comprehension he supports the humble it brings the wicked down into the dust seeing your thanks to the Lord sing praises to our God with a harp he covers the heavens with clouds provides rain for the earth and makes the grass grow in mountain pastures he takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or a human might no the Lord delights in those who fear him meaning those who honor him those who put their hope or their trust in his unfailing love the question Cod keeps asking me hey Rebecca do you trust me I have given you words I've given you phrases I've given you dreams and I've given you visions and yet what you see right now it's not evidence of that promise but do you trust me Danny got me into this whole cure of all ills but like four years ago on revival and I read it like and like inhaling this promise of us like a third Great Awakening could you even possibly imagine what it would be like for us to see this extended exposed arm of God like just come out over his people and so then I read dad and I'm reading I'm in the day of thy power these last six months and just really seen like the foundations of the preparedness that is so required required of God's people to be even ready for a moment where God does a full frontal assault on the weapons of Satan on the enemy of Satan and deploys God's people and says no more no more and so I'm reading all this and I'm thinking man what would that be like I can't even possibly fathom God's like I'm doing it even now I'm preparing you even now are you thirsty are you thirsty enough because if you come to me you will drink and you'll never be thirsty again because a wellspring will come up within you and I'll give you everything you need to push back the dark it's crazy it's crazy some of you might be familiar a little bit with my story I'm not gonna go into all of it again the nutshell is have three babies married 20 years that's a good part of it we moved to New York in 2010 three months in I developed panic disorder I think I'm going to the city looking for meaning turns out I find surrender instead God says give up the life you've been living if you want to live a life of meaning so you surrender it and you lay it down I was like okay I mean I obviously have no other choice and I'm so glad that I didn't because my empower is human effort might empower is our best efforts to wield weapons like flailing arms like I hope we're getting somewhere with this thing and we're trying to take on the strategies of the devil with might and power are you kidding no the world has a lot of conversations about it culture and governments have a lot of things to say about how they're gonna address the strategies of the devil with their mites and with their power well guess what God's saying even back in the Old Covenant when they built the temple again when this song was happening and exiles were returning the reason they were so excited the reason why they could not wait to come home 50,000 people come on that first return there's three three sections of people who come back into this promised land and so the first the first return was over fifty thousand people and it talks about how the role of the revell the the leader was to rebuild the temple this was like a huge assignment a huge privilege because they're like the first thing we're gonna do when we come home is worship God we are going to thank him for how amazing he is that even after 70 years of exile we get to come back in his presence and we're gonna throw offerings and parties and we're gonna rejoice and in the Old Covenant they didn't just like have a bread and a cracker and a wafer and take the cup no it was like eight days of feasting and celebration around the goodness and provision and reservoir like the rescue of God so they didn't this wasn't casual to them this was everything to them and so they began to build this temple and in fact they were began to rebuild the temple that had been destroyed that Solomon had built prior there was ornate and beautiful and big and lavish as you know it was just a snow spit expense was spared on the original on this temple that they were now going to have to rebuild on those ruins but they did and they began and it was feeble and it was meek and it was slow and then and then they would get criticism and rejection and like mom's not really as cool as the other temple and and I mean there was starting to be these naysayers to kind of wanted to interrupt the work of a god it very clear said no no I'm gonna return you to your land and you're gonna rebuild my temple and then what happens in Ezra and his account of this he gets discouraged he's like I think we're gonna take a take a pause on this in the temple sack even after we turn but then Zechariah who's a prophet at the time he and Hagee are said by god to encourage the Rebbe a bell like no no God told you to do a job he called you to something he gave you a promise there's um there's naysayers and there's interruptions and you see visions and signs and hopes and dreams of something but you have stalled out if God says Jude zerubabbel at that time like do you trust me he's like I'm not so sure so fortunately he had friends like Haggai and Zechariah that get in his face and Zechariah has a vision and in the chapter 4 he says then the angel will talk to me and he said I saw a solid gold lamp stam with a bowl of oil and around the bowl or seven lamps I saw two olive trees on each side of the bowl and then I asked the Lord what are these what do they mean and God said don't you know no my lord then he said this is what the Lord says to zerubabbel this is the promise regardless of the circumstance this is the promise it is not by might nor by strength but by my spirit it does not matter what is coming against you right now because your efforts are not going to accomplish this task it is my spirit in you that it's gonna accomplish this task nothing nothing buses not even a mighty mountain will stand in the rubber bell's way it will become a level plane before him and when the rubber ball sets the final stone on the temple in place the people will shouts may God bless it may God bless it then another message came to me from the Lord Zechariah says the Robel is the one who laid in the foundation of this temple and he will complete it then you will know then you will know that the Lord of heavens armies has sent me do not despise these small beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin to see the plumb line in the rubble Belle's hand then I asked the angel what are these two olive trees on each side of the lampstand and what are the two olive branches that pour out golden oil through the tubes don't you know he said no my lord then he said they represent two heavenly beings who stand in the court of Lord of all the earth the thing that we need to learn from this is that there are moments in our lives that God would put a promise he'll put a vision he'll put a hope in a dream and for so many of us it's to encounter God in a way that it looks corporate it looks like it would roll across America that it was like go to the other nations that it was just that we would see a move of God is like beyond something we could ever comprehend and so we've held that tight and I think some of us we received promises of whatever that could look like um perhaps we're in a season of waiting and we're trying to wonder like you I think this is what you put on my heart this is a burden that you gave me and I went through this and and someone told me when we moved to Franklin um she said um perhaps God has called you to something and he's holding it off for a reason he's holding it off for a reason tears begin streaming down my face what is the reason and as I finished my coffee and pondered her question and the answer came you cannot see the unknown until you release the known you cannot live with meaning until you surrender you cannot walk by faith until you let go of what you see you cannot see the future that is beyond compare if you are still holding on to the ways of the past and I wonder in the church today is there a power and might strategy that we have subconsciously picked up because it works ten years ago or five years ago or two years ago is there something that we have just decided as our way of doing things our mode of operations because it worked and it brought God near oh no no God transcends time and space he never does the same thing twice the whole point of God is the mystery and the surprise the interruption of what we typically think he will do he's like you think I'm going this way I'm going this way you think I want to elevate him no the first is last I'm elevating her you think I'm gonna give power over here to the oppressor no I'm gonna raise up the oppressed because in my kingdom everything is upside down than the way you see it actually my kingdom is right-side up your kingdom is upside down and we we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven dwelling in the kingdom of men we are royal ambassadors we are on assignment so we better operate and think in the ways of the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven says no no no no no you go and you run to the fledgling the overlooked the abandoned the outcasts they become the priests this is gospel because in God's army only this the strong and Spirit and the weak and flesh will stand in God's army and I want to know I want to go God don't you tell us Jesus into Beatitudes but the poor in spirit inherit the kingdom that the pure in heart see God there's an auto correcting happening right now I don't know if you're aware of this I mean obviously you can't even turn on the news and I see this hold me to thing and like cockroaches like like whatever is hidden is coming into the light you cannot heal when it's hidden church secrets lose power when they exit the dark because Satan uses the secret of shame condemnation and bondage but he brings it into the light because God's like I'm doing a new thing I'm gonna heal you because we carry light shining in our hearts were these fragile clay jars it's talks about in Corinthians and we're pressed and were crushed but we're not destroyed because we carry his life we have his light shining in us and I look at cultures response to me - and all of a sudden it's like well then let's just elevate the daughter guess what God's not gonna elevate the daughter to suppress the son no no no no justice will have its way but we are sons and daughters co-heirs and there's a healing there is there's a mighty healing that's that's underway and I just pray that the church will just be at the forefront of it because we've got sin in our churches we've got shame and we've got guilt and we've got condemnation and the problem is because we're in the church we have to hide it because we can we can't keep our jobs if we reveal it or we can't feel like there's a safe place to go to to confess it because we might be rejected by our own but God's like I the very nature of me is Jehovah Rapha I'm the healer and I'm Elroy I'm the God who sees so not only do I see you in your sin I am here to resurrect you to new Zoey life and I will kill you I will heal you I will bring you back to life that's what revival actually means it's to take something that was once a lie that has grown dormant and it's to bring it back to life and I wonder what it would be like if we just got real honest with Lord we're just like what was the hidden me when we lived in Manhattan I served in a pregnancy center Midtown Pregnancy Center it was the only Protestant pregnancy center in New York and the abortion rate there was double the national average forty percent and I remember just feeling so burdened for it and because you know I have a son with Down syndrome and 92% of diagnosis for Down syndrome in utero are terminated it's like you have a son with Down syndrome here's where you can go to have that taken care of and so as you can imagine it's very tender to me and so I was feeling this is burden for for this because if God is the author of life and the enemy is is the author of death trying everything in his power to oppose this life then then I want to just be a power whatever God wants to do to bring to be a carrier of life just to be a carrier of life however that looks and a few years go by and I remember just really um when I had this panic disorder the Lord a year in he healed me I'm just gonna say it he healed me I it was wacky and amazing and I'm a Baptist girl so I had no idea what was even happening because I didn't know that you could actually the spirit come upon you and like like the panic stopped and it was done it was done it was it was crazy and um and I started to just like press into this healing like well maybe there's more for this it's like I know you guys are like rolling your eyes like duh yes but I mean for me in my upbringing this was not something that I heard so any of my friends left the church in their 20s when they left home and it wasn't because it wasn't well intended hearts is because they never experienced a god of power the God of rescue a God of deliverance and it took me thirty years after I called myself a Christian thirty years after I accepted Christ to know the fullness of what rescue and deliverance men and I'm like wow unlike the blind man at the pool like I don't know guys I once was blind and now I see like maybe it's the son of God like this thing is for real and so as you can imagine on the pranic oversharer so god gave me a soul I couldn't shut up about and I would go out and I would just tell people like you know I think I don't think God gave you that a agoraphobia actually I think that that's the enemy trying to take you out because God has a destiny that he put on you in the womb and he's gonna use this pain for his glory let's just pray that and so I did it turned into this healing thing and I started like sheepishly getting on stages and going like if anyone wants prayer for a mental illness we can meet up front I'm not promising anything but let's give it a go and before you know it it's like two hours of women just lined up backing around and it's for all kinds of stuff it's for cancer it's for an infertility it's for basically anything any addiction any separation and one girl came to me a year later I was in her same City she came out to me she goes you're not gonna remember me but you prayed for me because I had a brain tumor and she goes and three weeks later in the middle of chemo my hair started growing back out and she's like and I'm cancer-free I just want to make sure you knew that the Lord shows us these stories and sometimes he's like you don't need to know that your head's gonna get a little big so let's just keep this between us but God says like like they said last night if the enemy is bound by two things it's Christ's blood and our testimony and that they did not live love their lives more than death which means that we do not care what our reputation looks like if we perish we perish but as long as we have breath we would proclaim that the Casal vation message of the gospel frees us from the yoke of sin and whatever it looks like it doesn't even matter nothing is beyond the cross and the resurrection nothing not gender confusion not same-sex attraction not addiction not pornography not divorce not abuse like nothing is beyond the saving power of Christ [Applause] and so I want to know when this healing thing can't let's read this book by Agnes Sanford and I was just like green-green like I was like where's Bethel I need to listen to something I don't even know what I'm doing what's a prophetess seriously and I listen to Priss peloton and then bill and I was just like man where if I've been under a rock in Florida apparently and I just like the spirit himself and just some of these mentors who would just thankfully there's like digital media now and you can listen to teachers from all around the world and it was like it was like it was like an IV drip of the spirit from heaven just revealing himself to me and I read this book by Agnes and ferd who was a faith healer in the 40s and she would go these cancer wards with kids and she would lay hands to pray for all kinds of healing and then one day it just dried up like what's that about and she said she heard the word confess she's like what do I need to confess I mean my whole life is given over to like praying for healing and miracles and so she just got quiet that weekend and God began to show her some things where she had taken just some it's like confidence you know this is what the enemy does he can't create but he can pervert and so he can take confidence and make it arrogance he can make humility and it can make itself a be nation where you deny the actual gifts you have you could pervert and twist all he can twist and twist with God creates you can't create anything but confusion and chaos so anyways she said okay I need to find a confession booth so she's like looking up a Catholic Church where she can go into confession booth and confess as she goes in and she has it all list of all the things the Lord revealed to her in the last 24 hours and she confesses it to this priest and she said when she walked out of that church that night just like this is like a lightning like going through her because she had cleansed and pure food and purified herself before the Lord and before what else and she said there was something about like the self-examination that tall Paul talks about before you take the bread in the cup examine the heart and if you don't that's why so many are sick among you you don't know say search me O God and know my heart test me know my wickedness by anxious thoughts see if there's anything wicked in me and lead me in the way everlasting and so she said I just ask God to show me what would stand in the way of his healing power his rhetoric couldn't power to flow through me and she said God showed me and so every week from then forward she goes I would do the work of the ministry from Monday to Thursday and Thursday to Sunday I would get low and I said God search me show me test me she goes and then I would confess and then on Sunday I would receive the fullness of the bread and the cup and I would take the forgiveness of Christ and I'd be raised back up to walk back out and do it again week after week after week you guys don't understand what a privilege and a gift it is to minister by God's mercy and grace that we come and confess and he says I raise you back up to new life so you know I was like Agnes did it I can do it when I got on the floor of my hotel room in Dallas Rand oh sorry oh my I feel like all my stories are from some random hotel room it's like the only time I'm ever alone otherwise it's like kids going where's my math homework so anyways I said God if you want this healing thing to be a thing if this is a gift of your spirit to all of us in the church if we're just a conductor for you to flow through and we lay hands and you just do all the work we take no credit just show me if there's anything to me that would block your power and he said what in your body have you cut and I remember a dream two months prior where he said eight years old from the womb and when my daughter was born I said tie me up I'm done and I had my tubes tied and I ended the right to give birth I played God and Here I am so like burden for other women who has to make choices if they're gonna begin her in life and I I did that I said God I think you're done with my womb because I'm a little stressed and I stopped that day because you know what we aren't the ones to open and close the womb we are the ones who determine when life begins and when life ends we are the ones who determine like with all rights to our bodies and our borders God's like no no I have a plan and your will has interrupted that and it might even thwart the fullness because you are taking control by might and power freeze God he says but by my spirit I can feel that and so that night was way well like I'm old now I'm like over 40 and I'm like if you want to fix this whatever I don't care but I just want to know that before God I confessed that I took the authority upon myself to determine when I would be done bearing children and that night I got up and it was this like there was just a new like in to see with God because we all have sin that we aren't even aware of until the Spirit shows us he's like ask so much more for you but you got to ask me to reveal it you gotta ask me to show you the places that you have put your might and your power in front of my spirit there's so many times we want but the spirit to pour out we want waves of the Spirit but what if my our own might and power is standing in the way what if we put up God says in Isaiah's like I don't need your temples I reign in the heavens and the earth is that not enough for man what would it be like if we put all our man-made efforts to the side all our abilities to prop and position things around us so that we look spiritual enough aware like naked and bare before the Lord going would you show me the hidden sin inside of me that would actually block your spirit to flow free because I don't want to be a minister of the gospel of peace and I don't want my will or my intentions or my plan or my own like assignment for myself to prohibit you I remember like when I finished this book you are free and finally turned it in and wrung out just wrung out was like three years where the Lord showed me all the places that I was not free and just wanted to walk me into that kind of healing and at the very end I just was like so emotional surprise newsflash Rebecca cries all the time my friend Christie novels she calls me a crybaby truth teller I'm like I think that was kind of a called a weeping prophet in the old days that I will take crybaby truth-teller I like it it's got a ring my other friend Angie calls me Jerry Becca I don't know I don't know why I got all these wacky nicknames but it's probably because I'm weird but anyways I remember that day on the mat and I just said Lord I'm such a mess you see this right I mean you know this and some for whatever ridiculous reason you asked me to put these words down about freedom because you can't know freedom until you know bondage and I was very aware of my bondage and so he said you just confess all the places because confession is the it's the gateway to freedom it's to confess the confessing the confession is so powerful the confession is everything and I think that night in the hotel room it is an example of just how much that he wants us to confess most of us understand confession is a form of repentance and a mission of guilt in a request for forgiveness and healing but confession has another meaning as well one just as essential on our journey to freedom confession could also mean declaring something emphatically such as our faith Romans 10:9 says if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus that God has raised him from the dead you'll be saved this first is not just about confessing sin it's about confessing that Jesus has come to save us in our bondage he's come to set us free when we confess something with our mouth such as our belief that God can forgive sin or heal or the fact we've been made free for the glorious gospel of Jesus we plant truth deep in our hearts it becomes a sea eventually yielding a harvests faith is always the evidence of what we can't see the trust what God declares is true confession begins with repentance and ends in declarations my 12 year old daughter couple months ago she started to have anxiety like physical expressions of it and I'm like of course and we were driving home from Thanksgiving and she's like mom I can't breathe I can't I can't get any breath I can't breathe and I said you know what honey I could I could pray over you and I will every time but at some point you got to make confession a part of your life you got to take this power of confession repentance and declaration into your own hands because God has equipped you in every way that he has equipped me he has given us his sword of the Spirit the Word of God the only offense we have in the armor of God to fight and resist the strategies of the devil so what I did is I pulled up while we're driving down the road from Virginia back to Nashville I pulled up 33 verses on peace on fear and I said I just want you to clear these verses over your life and over yourself right now she's like okay and I'm like I'm like no no I want you to speak them out with your own mouth I want you to say them out loud just like okay I'm not giving you spirit of fear but power loving herself okay and then I'm like keep going and keep going so now I'm in the back row of the van with the boys I don't know how I got booted but anyway she's up front with Gabe and she just keeps confessing and she keeps declaring and she keeps see she's like I would put my faith in you I will put my hope we in you I will put my trust in you she just keeps going through verse after first after verse for about twenty minutes she's just confessing and declaring confessing and declaring them in the end I'm like how hard cuz it how is it it's gone I said that's what you do that's what you do because God is our ever-present help in any moment of trouble it's not like oh I prayed that prayer three years ago but now I'm afraid now what it's like what he's still there he's like just a whisper away you know I think right now there's people in this room walking through something really hard and we're waiting for someone to come in and speak over us and gods like I'm right here I'm right here stop talking about the problem and start taking it to me stop asking someone else to show you how to solve it you just lay it right here you just lay it right here last fall I got walked in a bathroom it's this big on the cliffs of Carmel in a house that's like a hundred years old cement walls this thick my phone powers down the house is vacant everyone's gone for a break for two outs and I get up and I rattle the doorknob and nothing it's a wooden door about this thick cement walls and it's just me it's been seven years since I was healed of panic disorder and in that moment something begins and it rises and it arrests me a fear that I had never felt like in a more like huge way it was it was like a panic attack times a thousand and I was overcome and I couldn't and I was literally in that moment thinking if I don't get out of here I will die It was as if the last seven years never happens and then I was just I couldn't believe it I was like wait what what I've no phone no people here this this like house is invincible I'm on the cliffs in the Pacific what in the world is happening right now you cannot make this stuff up and in a moment I looked up and there was a window above the toilet high and it was like this big and it was arched and antique and I'm like I think I can hoist myself on the back of the toilet and I don't know if these hips can fit through this thing cuz they don't lie but we're gonna go for it and so I did I climbed up on the back of that toilet and I'd get the front half of and I was like is it even a lot who cares it's glass we'll figure this thing out and so I'd rather the latch and it opens like it's like like old Palladian antique window and I'm like it's the ocean and I can breathe I'm not at least the front half of me is not in that room right now it's on the show the rest of me out and I land on the cliffs like the rocks overlooking the ocean below and everything is limp I'm just like jello and I'm crying and sobbing and I'm like what in the world God was this my fraud was this last like six years of helium and all these miracles just fake what is this and anything you can focus on the fact that fear came against you or you could focus on the fact that I will always make a way of escape and all and that's that's for us today if you stand some of you have experienced deliverance in your life maybe in the particular thing but you're suffering and battling from right now perhaps you're in relapse moment perhaps like like like them like they came back and they had this promise of rebuilding the temple and they were trying so hard to make it happen but the discouragement and defeat set in and that's in it laid bare and just stopped there for for several years it took them over the span of 20 years to finish that temple though the building part was only four years long there's this fee and discouragement but God sent like he said this is rubber bail this will happen this will be accomplished and I wonder how many in this room are going I saw I thought deliverance a rescue I started to see whispers of promise and hope and then relapse settled in and now I feel discouraged I still defeated I've been called to something and I know it but it's been held off for a reason I want you to be reminded right now today the Jesus is your ever-present help ever-present how many of them if you want just come for it we're gonna pray well for someone who's battling something right now whether it's fear anxiety mental illness physical illness whatever it is we're gonna ask right now that God would just remind you of his palpable presence right now that what he began a decade ago two decades ago five years ago three months ago he is still faithful to accomplish the work that he will always make a way of escape so don't grow weary Church he is good on his promises his life is readily available to us because the same spirit that conquered the grave lives in us and that same spirit while it heals it also gives us conviction of sin it brings us back into right relationship with God and maybe there's something in your life that has just crept back in there's like just an opening in the door just just a foothold do you know how powerful a foothold is it's a wedge we're Satan stamps facilities like I'm gonna stand in the way of your healing I'm gonna stand in the way of your anointing I'm gonna like I'm gonna try my best he can't afford it but he will try he will try to diminish you and discourage you and defeat you and to make you mute but you're not mute Church you're not you you have the Spirit of the Living God living in you and he wants to bring you back to life he wants to bring you back to life it's time it's time it's time for the bride to rise it's time so let's raise our hands let's ask God for the places that we have still come under the yoke of bondage and oppression Jesus by you power and by your will and by your spirit that you lavish us richly with I asked first for your just healing love to flood this room like a bomb god I pray that everyone in here would know God with every ounce of their being God that you always make a way of escape but no firing dart of the enemy can actually take us out it might trip us up it might slow us down forgot everything you will fulfill for your glory and so we praise you for that I ask for the places of bondage that are present in this room for any sins that are hidden God that you would bring them to the light that you would take them upon yourself like you did at the cross and you said just bring it to me Church I'll take your chains where ever they are because there's nothing beyond how my blood in my resurrection god we cannot believe your lavish love we cannot believe that you will not let sin separate us from you that by your spirit you will always continue to reveal anything hidden in us any hidden motives any wicked way any anxious thoughts God because you know that when we are one with you when we are grafted in so tight from the vine to the branch that all the nutrients of heaven flow to us loyal ambassadors front minds of the kingdom the kingdom of heaven dwelling in the kingdom of man and so I pray right now God for a supernatural healing and all the places God that you know you know what they are so confess I confess I pray that there would be confession just extemporaneous confession of our mouths even now God that we would just cry out he would pour out any places Lord that have to remain hidden God that they would come to the to the they would flood the gates of heaven God so that we could experience the fullness of new life thank you God that nothing can separate us from your love thank you thank you thank you this is a message from God everything you've experienced God was there he saw your pain and your joy he saw your first steps your family feud's your anger and your tears he saw when you first went to work when you got married when you held your newborns hand he has seen all of your life nothing nothing pushes Jesus away nothing makes him cringe he wants you more than life he was willing to die to make you whole Jesus killed sin the day he died and shame has no hold on [Applause] he knew before the foundation of the world that one day you'd hand him you'd literally hand him as an offering every memory of wounding and shame he takes it off because he was there anyway with whole nothing from him he will carry you he will dance with you he will love you indefinitely shame is a curse but forgiveness is life Jesus gives life filled up pouring out spilling over he gives life to the full Jesus loves will hunt you down until you land on your knees it knows no bounds it cannot stop in spite of all our kicking and screaming his love will lift her head and it will cradle your hearts it will remind you who you were before all the running his love will bring you back to life he set you free to receive his love so that you will be free to love others with that same ferocity this is the way walk in it in Jesus name we ask all these things for when we do we know it has already been given [Applause]
Channel: Jesus Culture
Views: 6,206
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Culture, Jesus Culture Music, Love Has A Name, Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Bryan & Katie Torwalt, Chris McClarney, Derek Johnson
Id: ED5bzSowTzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 16sec (3796 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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