ICLV | Shawn Bolz — Anything Can Happen | Aug 13th, 2017

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today the message is called anything can happen and I want to challenge you this morning it's a good challenge this is going to be an awesome challenge for you but I want to read a prophecy my friend how did you know who Jennifer LeClair is from Chrismukkah zine so she she emailed if you don't know she's the senior editor of charisma and I see she emailed me this like a week ago or two weeks ago and so can you do a foreword for the new book I'm writing it's a devotional and ics-cert send it to me and I'll figure out what to do but I start reading it I got so rocked by God this has never happened to me reading a book like I read bill Johnson's but God God is good or God God is good his last book and it rocked me theologically because I felt like it just defined some things but Jennifer's book literally is where I'm at right now like it was so profound and I wonder if you've ever read like a general prophecy and just looked at it and other people are like it was so awesome I read this thing on this list online or whatever and you're reading like yeah it's like a fortune cookie it applies everybody it's not a big deal but I read this prophecy in her first introduction chapter of the book and it just rocked me because I believe that God wants us to dream wild dreams and this book is called wild dreams and Serena had been on a kick of like going after God the last five years since we were married going after God's wild dreams of our lives and I've realized on my end I've had to detox from unbelief and from some some places of disappointment in my life that got God taking me on a journey of which I'm going to describe to you a little bit of today to help you on your journey into full belief because the worst thing we could do is limit the Holy Spirit in our unbelief when he wants to do so much for us it's beyond what we could even dream up and so I just believe if we get a line and partner our belief fully to God what will happen in the world around us we just we don't even know so let me read this prophecy to you it's from Jennifer LeClair's new book wild drink a dream wild wild dreams dream wild you'll see it's coming up soon I am marking you with my glory I'm changing you from the inside out it's time to embark on a new season of chasing me you will be more effective you will be more efficient you will do more with less you can't see it it's hard for you to believe it but I'm the author of it take the limits off take the lid off I'm opening new doors for you it's not just about favor I'm shifting you from favor to open heavens you will not strive but you will not lack I have gone before you to make a way for you the divine connections are right around the corner they are just ahead you will see them and know them I am indeed giving you double for your trouble I will put in your hands as much as you can believe me for how much can you believe me for dream again dream big dreams dream wild dreams dream with me and I will dream with you now that's a Rhema word that's a prophetic word but let me just read two logos for these are in the Bible first Corinthians 2:9 that's why we have the scripture text no one has ever seen or heard anything like this never so much as imagine anything quite like it what God has arranged for those who love him that's you could stand on that that's Scripture if he's in 3:20 God can do anything you know far more than you can ever imagine or guess or requesting your wildest dreams he does it by put not by pushing us around but by working within us a spirit deeply and gently within us now I went through a season of prophetic words how many of you have received prophetic destiny words before so it's a lot of you and how many of you have a sense even if you ever see those words of what you're calling your destiny is that give a sense of purpose on your life right so it's like the majority of the room and I went through a season of God really defining to me some things he wanted me to do we moved to Los Angeles out of a prophetic mandate from God it's been really one of the wildest things that's ever happened to me in my entire life that the overload I have of God's goodness on how he sent us there is so amazing but there's also trauma in the sense of some of the things that didn't happen and I don't know if you know this but neurologically when you have a bad experience it has twice the emotional impact on your neurology as a good experience that's one of the reasons why we have to renew our minds and we have to focus on what God's doing with to focus on who he is we have to focus on as goodness because you actually have to train your mind to do that it's a it's a virtue that you have to train yourself for because your natural propensity is to just focus on negatives and we live in a negative culture so so for me personally like we had so much good happen in Los Angeles we start to have these prophetic words given to us owning a historic property as a matter of fact the first three buildings we lease for our church in the first two houses I had the first house I had was actually historic property but the first two houses I had were historic and then also the first three buildings we leased for our church were historic to the film industry and also to church in Los Angeles and so we started these words you're going to own a historic property and that many of your people are going to own that are going to get placed in permanent housing it's going to be a sign of God's root system coming into the city you're going to film powered all these words but we moved there during the recession in 2008 so at the same time that we had all these words about the provision the resources that would break through our average person was in a startup company or either they owned it or they were part of it or they were in entertainment industry now at that time 2007 and 2008 we had the writers strike how many of you know most reality television was birthed because the writers strike so that's where a lot of the reality television shows that are on TV came from now because actors couldn't work and writers weren't writing sitcoms and dramas and so all these stupid shows came up so some of them are good but most of are stupid and so during that time like none of our people were working and we moved and the hardest time of the hardest season of LA in over 25 years and we didn't move with financial support because most of people who support us before we moved to LA believe that California was soon to fall in the ocean because of some of the prophets words that were going around the nation that like don't go to California it's it's the Badlands like it's going to it's going to disappear earth rates going to happen tell everyone you know to move away from California Las Vegas you know some of these words you've been there before like we always get the judgment word so if you look at if you google prophetic words for Los Angeles or Las Vegas it will be pages and pages of evil before you ever get to anything God's really saying it's just terrible so we moved there in a hard time and we moved there without full financing and so it was a struggle although God came through and it was beautiful how he came through I went through many years where we just had enough or sometimes we had less than enough but God would come through and give us creativity and wisdom on how to solve the financial problems in different ways that we not with finances but with creativity which is really hard for me because I've always been a person who's not like typical missionary for me as a missionary I didn't want to raise money with all my friends all the time every single trip I was like I'm gonna make money I'm just going to go out and I worked in the video game industry for a while with Universal Studios I worked I had my own alpha testing group for video game industry for nine years I did all kinds of stuff to supplement my ministry had tent making and I'm not against raising money but at the same time I just I knew that I could produce finance and so I just went out and would do projects too you know and even when we moved to LA I was doing some projects that would help us financially but they didn't bring in full help and it was a little humbling for me so I went through a season I have a little bit of disappointment and discouragement that turned into a lot of disappointment discouragement and I went through eight years where no one in our church except where I think one person even bought a house for eight years so we've worried that you guys are going to own lands properties you guys are going to be positioned and literally out of hundreds and hundreds of people nobody in our house in our church own their own home unless it already bought it before they were with our church so it's like god this is like really hard because we're going to stand where no one I know in the ministry even owns their own building except for some of the dumb denominations most of our friends who own own houses blood and money from before hand it wasn't when they got to LA that they produce fruit this is a really hard land to live in and I remember at one point when Rena got married I was debt-free we're fine you know I we had I think we actually unloaded that we paid off right away and we just we were like okay we're going to save up for a house but we've been given these words 47 words about God helping us to get in a house that's beyond our ability to get in because it was going to be a signpost to help bring unity in the los angeles area for the entertainment industry and for entrepreneurs and other things so we heard that word and sri partnered her face to that word and she actually went on a journey where she acts she knew the whole real estate market of los angeles so she was like whether it's twelve million dollars or 1 million dollars she knew what it was well the average house to start out in Los Angeles at least West Los Angeles is over a million dollars that's one of the reasons why most of our friends don't have houses because it's expensive and if you're an actor even if you've made it you know in commercials or if you you're on a sitcom you still can't buy a house it's crazy like we know people who make really of money and anywhere else you know we have the joke on have you seen the meme where it says millionaires in LA it's a Prius in a small broken-down house millionaires everywhere else is like a Bentley in a huge you know twenty thousand square foot house and say we have friends who make good money and they still can't buy property which is just frustrating so I went through a season of discouragement so we've received these words for houses and these words that were grandiose for other things influence authority and we I love the season I was in but between the season I was in and the season God was calling me into it felt like the faith gap was too large I didn't have a self diagnosis that I had unbelief I didn't think about it I just look like I'm so happy with what God is doing but I don't really care about the the long term or even short term future because I'm so living in today and that's frustrating to me so my wife would show me houses that were like the types of houses she would want and I go honey that's too expensive I don't want to look at a house like that because it causes me like it kind of hurts when I look at that is like I don't like that feeling and she's like I think you need to press into that and like get some healing I'm like no I'm fine just stop showing me houses like you look at that's your journey that's not my journey so I define it as journey you know and at one point I I was at the zoos and L call how many of you guys went to that in April or watched it anybody went to that this phenomenal event 65,000 people show up to pray for revival in America amazing event why I took a small portion on the stage and it was a phenomenal time and I got off and I was a little just in the motions the spirit of what happened and profit of Cindy Jacobs came up - if you don't know Cindy Jacobs she's intense and I don't know her well but I love her and she came out to me something I have a word for you and uh I can't even think straight I'm like I all did is to get my tape recorder out you know like my phone which is my table my bow now and press record so I'm like oh okay here and she gives us the word she said God is giving you a house and it's a house that Hollywood history has been made there and it has this building it has this and it's off this kind of Road is this and she gives this really specific word and goes it's for God's glory and it's the timing of it as significant and soon and I'm like a Jesus was coming back soon to you know like it's great behold I'm coming back soon it's 2000 years later thanks Jesus for that you know and so I my faith literally did not partner at all to her word I was like that's nice and I should have been able to diagnose that and go there's something wrong with me that somebody like one of the world's leading prophets gives me word and I could engage my faith but I just couldn't diagnose it I couldn't even feel like that there was something off and so my wife I forgot to even tell her the word I didn't play the recording oops and months go by July comes and now at this point over four years we've had 47 words about a house God cared and I and my wife cared and my wife and my my three-year-old daughter is at four would pray every night before bed and dream together over the house and so they had the soul prayer journey going on this intercession journey going on and so they were in they were like and I was like you guys are going to happen 20 years from now we're saving up for a normal moderate house in our price range right now let's look at that kind of house online which is really discouraging when you look at that house you're like Oh God oh Jesus thank you for those houses praise you lord oh so I'm from you know I lived 12 years in Kansas City for the same price you could buy the nicest house in Kansas City I'm like what is not really but you know what is happening in Los Angeles so so July comes along and I'm walking down the street from my office to a place to eat and then walking back I just want to take a little walk and be with God that was really hot outside and it was one as long as I wanted to be alone for lunch to just have some time to process because so much good was happening in the midst of the good I wasn't identifying that there was a place in me that wasn't satisfied there's a place to me that was frustrated there's a place in me that wasn't even entirely healthy and my faith is there so much that was healthy I'm speaking to mature believers today so I'm speaking to those of you who walked with God for a while you might be able to see yourself a little bit in this maybe not the whole thing but a little bit in this I'm walking back down up the street to my office and I hear the internal audible voice of God and he says I have a house from you but it's going to be sold by Monday it's Thursday it's going to be sold by Monday I so want you to have this house but you haven't partnered your faith to me do you want what I have for you the first thing that hit me was God could have said on Tuesday I had a house for you but you were in complete unbelief he didn't do that he was a good father the Holy Spirit represented the father so well I could feel the Holy Spirit I felt so much conviction but I didn't feel condemnation I was like you're so good like I was so aware of what I didn't believe in I was so aware of the conversations I've had with my wife and then all of a sudden I'm aware of Cindy Jacobs gave us a word that's really specifically I'd never even shared with her I'm like oh and I got so excited that God had a house for me cuz now it felt like now for real the first time I ever felt real but from the time he promised it was real and I'm supposed to fellowship vulnerably with his heart that he had something for me but I had disengaged my heart and so I immediately repented I'm like I'm so sorry you're so good like your faith I mean your your gift of faith you want to give me over this that I rejected over and over I'm so sorry like you love me so well I've been saying no this whole time because it feels like it's going to happen 20 years from now I haven't I haven't parted at all to the little hints you give me to the big non hints that even me I'm giving you a house you know I haven't partner it all to any of this because of the disappointment how disappointed am I I'm like I don't feel like I'm I'm a pretty positive person like what's wrong with me and I call my life up and I say honey I'm so sorry by the way we got a word from Cindy Jacobs you know try to throw that in there you can't slide that with you why it looks like she's like what she was so gracious and I go wow God's killing me right now currently actively of unbelief I'm so sorry and I'm the prophetic guy like I go around and prophesy over people specific words and I'm dealing with it so being vulnerable so that you can go maybe I find myself there you don't have to but some of you will so my life goes I tell her the word and I play the word for instance I know where that house is it's actually a listing that says Hollywood history has been made here that's exactly what she described there's only one of them on the entire market because it has a soundstage that's legal on the residential property and I'm like oh my gosh because you want to go see I said of course how can I say no so but the problem is we could only see the soundstage everything else had been sell an entire property and we get there and we the next day we walk out we're on the land and our real estate agents like she's been my prophetic pastor at our church for years she's so fun she's like you know Holy Spirit person and she think I don't know that I feel here yet I'm like Laurie this is our house a hundred percent feel this is our house I don't know how it's going to be our house but this is our house I said how do you feel straight she goes this is our house I'm like I have no I mean the gap between us being able to get the house and standing on it was so big like so big and then and then that real estate their real-estate agent came for the guy who's selling it and says oh you guys we have to full price cash offers we loved the listing because I'm going to create incentive and we want to do a quick sale do you guys have cash and we said no so you don't qualify that I'm so sorry and walks away and I look at straining out this is our house and I went from I don't even know if I'm I don't know if it's going to happen Tony Ishmael I don't even want to be present in this because it's almost painful because of what we haven't had up until this point has been so hard to know this is my hat like as if I was a champion the entire time know this was mine I totally believe in this the reason why I went that far is because it's like you know I think of Thomas and how kind God was to Thomas and as a matter of fact I want to read it I didn't read the last service but John 20 where Thomas like he said you know they said we saw the master and he goes unless I see that nail holes in his hands put my finger in the holes and stick my hand inside I won't even believe it this is Thomas who Jesus looked at and said I will raise from the dead and visit you and his first response to his best friend so he trusts a hundred percent as I got to see it to believe it I'm so sorry guys I'm glad you had an experience how many of you have ever felt that way or had someone treats you that way when you've had the experience in your sharing with them right there's times when just unbelief is our first response what I love about God is his response he appears eight days later he comes he comes through the locked doors so he transports into the room he doesn't just come in like knock knock knock he comes through in a spiritual way manifest in the natural and Thomas looks at him and says my master my God and Jesus said so you believe because you've seen with your own eyes even better blessings are in store but he says you know take your finger and examine my hands take your hand this is verse 27 take your hand and stick it on my side don't be unbelieving believe he could have said Thomas you're not one of the disciples anymore you weren't willing to believe in me get out of here but it says Thomas I loved you all along you're one of the ones I put my story in my life and your story isn't that you didn't believe your story is that you're one of my disciples and now my apostles go ahead and feel it but I wish you didn't have to but it's okay and he lovingly as a father nurtured him back into belief I felt very nurtured back into belief and he said I have a house from you I didn't say Tuesday he said Thursday then he goes after Peter Peter who denied him who'd already changed his story that he's not a believer anymore the other disciples weren't even trying to get him to stay in the Upper Room because they knew he had so turned his back on God and Jesus shows up and says that's not his story that's not who he is he's the one I'm going to build my church on and it wasn't just doing to validate his world like he has to be an apostle to serve me he was doing it because he loved Peter and he knew what was in Peter anyway and he said Peter do you love me he didn't say Peter I love you now what do you think he said do you love me Peter's like you know I love you and he was healing his place of disappointment and unbelief that was self-inflicted Peter was a mature lover of Jesus and he had to be restored but God the Father sent Jesus after him as though he was fully qualified and worthy of that restoration I just think how good god is and how you know I've heard that 50% of the Christians and the church in America don't even go to church anymore so 50% of Christians in America don't aren't Church attenders they don't go anymore and a lot of it some of it could be healthy some of it could be unhealthy but a lot of it is because people have been jaded disillusion they're so focused on what God's not doing on what they're disappointed in they were hurt by this person who heard that by that person and you have to train yourself to focus on the God who is doing something and stay present with what he's doing that's your job just stay in a place of belief I think of the father in mark nine who goes up to Jesus after wandering and watching him over and over and over watching him do miracle after miracle finally it's his turn he gets faith that his son who's a demoniac will get healed because the Sun started commit suicide all the time I think is opportunist is my son throws himself in the fire the water and tried to kill himself is there anything you can do if you could do this like like is there anything in Jesus I love what he says in here and again this is the message translation but this is what the whole message is based on mark 9:23 Jesus says if there are no ifs among believers anything can happen so he looks at the father and he goes there's no F and the father says oh yes you can do all things heal my unbelief and that was enough his son was healed the father is sending the Holy Spirit to challenge us in the belief about the things that he's wanted for us all along and he's so good that even if he missed it he can recreate the full destiny as if you never missed in the first place how do I know that because thousands of years went by before the Messiah came and the moment the Messiah came Jesus were stored at all in such a short period of time it's insane one of the greatest miracles is that we have the days on the cross we have the three years of ministry we have the 30 years of life were stored at all from thousands of years of delineation as if as if the father's original plan and dream never got deleted from in the first place and as mature believers one of the hardest things to do is to keep your heart open in full faith because the more mature you get the more you see what man does wrong the more you see idols crashing down the more you see people who give up I mean I can't tell you how many of my friends who start out with me when I was 19 20 21 in ministry and last completely their faith let alone their ministry prophets I mean people who are in the prophetic movement that I love the most and they gave it up because they they got exhausted by something they got hurt by somebody they got rejected by somebody and those little offenses of rejection and hurt as a as I got you know they became tripwires in their heart that blow up their whole life for me I just think how good god is I think God show me how to focus on who you are and what you're doing I love what you know the gift of discernment is it's the gift to be able to see what's good and bad and to focus on the good we can all see what's bad but can we see from a spiritual perspective how good the good is in the midst of how bad the bad is we serve a God whose government is only increasing on the earth we serve Jesus whose love is only increasing on the earth we serve a God who has original dreams that are so big that Paul has to make grandiose statements about how there's so much bigger than what you could even dream about in your lifetime and they're not just dreams for this lifetime their dreams for the lifetime's ahead so Sheree and I we wrote a letter to what we went to see the house on Monday because we finally got to see the whole property and everybody else did too the two other groups were production companies who wanted to buy the property tear it down and turn it into a production Center so the residential neighborhood so it's really unique you love that and I Marilyn Monroe has lived there in and I spent time there and one of the my Michael Keaton Batman movies had a bunch of scenes film there a lot of stuff was filmed there for for 30 40 50 years and so we got on the property and we just saw the house which needed to be redone my wife asked her what she thought she goes I didn't want to chip and Joanna Gaines forever for nothing you know like I'm ready for this I'm ready to you know turn this into what it's supposed to be and we wrote a letter to the owner and it was a very spiritual letter because at this point we're in common it's like we have zero to lose but everything to gain who the here's who we are Hollywood history has been made in your house we want to continue your legacy and we want to bring this house into its full purpose of what its put here for in the first place this is who our family is this is who we are spiritually we know he's a Christian we just treat him like he was so his real estate agent I met with him that night because they were going to go the bids and start a bidding war for the two cash prices and she went ahead and led us to the house for no reason there's no reason she loves to the house and then she let us write her a letter which he presented him she promised to present him this letter she has no incentive to do so and so he's about to go into bidding war with her and tell her like what he wanted she goes well before we do that there was this letter from this cute little family like I just have to give this to you I mean like you didn't have to read it but I told him I give it to you again I'll read it and say you know said because I saw that couple he posed as the gardener and watched all the three groups I want to buy the house walk around the yard and when we were looking at it we looked at it with all in wonder the way he did when he first saw the property then he says he looks at the letter and he throws it down in Custis and it's the worst cuss words over and over like bah bah bah bah bah bah you know MTV style and cuz there was believed everything I was the thing bleeps in my head Blee Blee Blee Blee and and he goes oh my gosh my grandma prayed when she's a Catholic Christian believer she prayed when I came into America that God would give me a miracle profit of a change our family's legacy and this is the property I have to allow this young couple this young family to have a chance at their miracle not a believer not a believer zero believer except for that and he gave us like a week to come out financing and we're like we had our first miracle he said yes God can do the second miracle I mean like at that point we're like we're just so surrendered to God's miraculous power at that point and by September we closed on the house and it's just been so incredible cuz since then we've had in our church 27 people in our church have bought houses in the last 18 months 27 4 of my friends who had planted churches in the last 5 to 10 years have bought buildings for their ministries I've never known anybody an entire city who bought a building for their ministry for friends have in the last 18 months so we're watching a shift like oh wow this is happening like this something is moving forward the spirit but we had a responsibility personally I had a responsibility personally to allow the Holy Spirit to disciple me and it teach me out of my unbelief to take me Ida open my heart as wide as possible and say God you have something for me that's beyond what I could dream up and for some reason I'm disappointed my own dreams I'm so sorry I just surrender it all to you and I say heal my believe help my unbelief just like that mandate about his son and God responded and that one help my unbelief not only did I get healed of my unbelief but I turn into a champion so my wife heard me tell the story about the house one time she goes and you left out the whole part where you were a wimp and almost gave up on the dream like well god never remembers that part in Hue honey it's okay today but we should we should remember that part and when you read about David and how God speaks about him in the New Testament he's a man after my own heart who had no wickedness all this stuff and you're like mm-hmm I read about King David I know lucking David God but the way that God tells our story the way that he remembers us is not after our failures in our weaknesses Peter was not remembered for his elitism over Gentiles he was given the opportunity to go in and have the entire foundation of the church built on his life even though he failed miserably and the only reason why God allowed us to see failures so that we can believe in our own life so I want to challenge you today I'm going to pray for you I'm going to challenge you today if you have unbelief or rejection if you're jaded or cynical towards what God's doing the church or in miracles maybe you've had the three friends die of cancer and so the next one is really hard to pray for with belief that maybe God will heal them maybe maybe you've had a financial failure before and you're just you're looking at that financial failure and it's determining your belief system over your next financial journey and we are empowered as people to look at God and what he wants not just what's happened to us we can't interpret our lives and our promise in our destiny based on every single circumstance that's happened in our past in our current situation we have to look at God's heart and say even though this is my life experience your God who says above like the rock that's higher you you lead me to a rock the tire than me I'm not a self-made person so I don't have to lean on my self-made experience or even like the confusion that sometimes happens when we pursue something God and it doesn't totally work out every time one of the worst things that happens to Christians as we immediately blame God for the failure and say I won't do it again I train people how to hear from God all the time and some people have asked me you know after 25 attempts 100 attempts of prophesying that don't work out very well and they're like I'm done this is stupid I hate this I'm not gifted in this and I look at them and say if you don't commit right now to prophesy over two or three thousand people you're not worthy of the gift because I prophesied from 19 to 26 before I started having significant fruit over thousands of people it had a nice encouragement like it felt like I even say in those years it felt like I was thinking of pretty here nice teeth you know you're nice person that's I felt that's as profound as I felt for six years giving platforms in front of thousands of people but I committed in my hearts and say this is possible the Bible says to pursue it I'm going to go after it and I feel like I've done that with my life now like wait you've given me words of promise and you give me scriptural foundation to stand on that your dreams are higher than my no one knows what's in store for me no eyes you know ears heard what you soared up father you had original plans when you created this person this person this person me and those original plans and dreams have not been fulfilled so let me live up to those dreams I'd rather go after it and only see half a build and not see any of them all right so I want you to stand pray over you some of you can relate to Thomas and maybe even Thomas to your principal I really need to see the flesh of this thing so I can put my fingers in there the good news is that God loves you and he'll meet you where you're at but man he wants us to be so far past that or Peter who are already left the whole thing it was like it's not worth it the whole thing's not worth it I'm a failure it's a failure Jesus hasn't returned yet and Jesus pursues him because Jesus is like I invested my heart and love into you and I believed in you that's how good god is some of you have friends right now that you're thinking of that aren't even walking with God anymore but you know in their core that they still love God he's so good he wants to pursue him again he wants to give his whole heart to him again I just want you to just focus on heaven right now focus on Jesus I'm going to pray over you first Peter 1:13 I said so roll up your sleeves puts your mind in gear be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives Lord if there's anything inside of us that can't put our mind into gear because of disappointment frustration unbelief past hard circumstances relational failure god I pray right now that you would you would help us to get our minds right and get our spirits right rolling up our sleeves getting ready again that you're about to come in such a way that's so much more fulfilling than we ever dreamed and he restricts three verse 12 so watch your step friends make sure there's no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course diverting you from the Living God for as long as it's still God's today keep each other on your toes justin has slowed so sin doesn't slow your greenboxes down if we can only keep our grip on the surfing we started out with we're in this with Christ for the long haul Holy Spirit we just ask you to heal her I believe we want to come to this Holy Spirit conference and we're going to be some one partnership to what you've already promised and what you want to promise to the dreams that you already showed us glimpses of and the dreams we haven't ever seen yet that you want to show us anything that's not an agreement or in alignment I pray that you would just show us quickly so we can remove it God Lord you're taking mature people you're taking them on an even more maturing journey and part of that is to get rid of disappointment and unbelief in it not a Hope deferred that makes the heart sick Lord heal us of any event so that our hearts would be so ready even the rest of this conference I believe there's a lot of positive messages and a lot of movement and activation messages and prophetic words and ministry times but Holy Spirit right now we deal with you and we just ask you to come and power our faith to believe for the things that you're setting our hope to believe in [Music]
Channel: International Church of Las Vegas (ICLV)
Views: 134,231
Rating: 4.8005867 out of 5
Keywords: ICLV, Paul Goulet, Las Vegas, Holy Spirit, Prophetic, prophetic worship, Shawn Bolz, Shawn, Bolz, Breakthrough, Encouraging, Discouraged, God, Jesus Christ, Blessed, Bolz Ministries, Christian minister, CBN News Network, Charisma News Network, Faith-links online, TBN, Your Prophetic Journey, Through the Eyes of Love, Prayers, translatinggod.com, Declarations, Prophecies, experiences, challenges, anything can happen
Id: ON6y6yubSi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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