God Provides Friendships! Ep. 168 - Your Prophetic Journey with Shawn Bolz

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hey everybody i'm so excited to talk about provision today some of you know i released a book called provision prophecies present decorations it's really getting to know god as a provider and when we think about provision we think of finances or a career move or whatever but we don't always think about it in the relational context unless it's just a spouse maybe but i want to give you kind of how the prophetic works behind the scenes for people when you start to walk with god and hear his voice one of the things that he'll do with you and for you is will help you pick a relational circle of friends that's for your benefit and their benefit and ultimately his benefit and when i moved to kansas city when i was only 19 years old within the first year or so i had a back injury and so i was in the prayer room a whole bunch just waiting on god to either heal me and i was also waiting on if i should do a medical procedure and i had some really bad issues there and one day in the prayer room i saw a man who had never seen before he was a very jewish looking man and uh he had a thick accident i heard him talk to somebody in a thick new york accent and he walked out of uh not like a bronx but an accident and he walked out of that kind of office area and he just looked downcast and i went over to him and i had a prophetic word for him and i said hey i don't know what meeting you just got out of but i want you to know that god is saying whatever they said to you is not his truth about you and that god has a higher truth and it's to encourage you and i saw the words were coming at you not because the person but because what the enemy wants to do is bring rejection like a knife to your back and i'm just telling you figuratively we're pulling out that knife by saying god is for you it doesn't matter what they said whatever they said the opposite is true you're gonna thrive you're gonna travel and you're gonna do what god told you to do in the last couple of weeks and he starts weeping and i just hugged him i just about to hug him he's about uh i don't know how much older than me but at least 20 years older than me at the time and his name was david dreiling and david said what are you doing this weekend and i said uh i i don't i don't know like i nothing i kind of have a back injury it's a little bit better but because will you come on a trip with me and i said what do you mean and he said well i actually lead a ministry team and we do prayer ministry for people and we go to places and speak it's a brand new thing i'm doing and what you just demonstrated in the way that you've prayed for me i've never seen someone do who's so young i would love for you to come with me and hang out and just to be a friend and i said i would love to well i ended up going with him on this trip and it like marked my life we became such good friends we shared a hotel room we became such good friends and we traveled together for the next i don't know five or six years he was a real estate agent but also had a number of other hats he wore as well as investments and we just became the best of friends one of my closest friends i've ever had in my life and i so enjoyed david dwelling just his personality and he was this big personality new york jew loved to you know loved to debate loved to talk loved being tense but also loved to have fun love to adventure and he was very misunderstood in the laid-back midwestern kansas city town that we were in especially with this big prophetic calling but he was fearless and he would say things like there's not enough women in ministry here let's bring women with us on the trip so we're going to have them prophesy and these women would get their first opportunity to really be a part of a prophetic ministry team or a team because of david david just didn't care he wasn't afraid of people who believed differently and he stepped on a lot of toes because of that but i watched him as such an example he kind of mentored me through some business stuff and i was able to buy my first house because dave dreiling i was able to make business decisions and do other investments in commodities markets and other things and even my first major business deal david gave me the courage and the excitement to do it as well as i took in a number of people from other countries to live with me and david helped support them and helped like let them drive a car and his wife ann and him just did so much for my family so much for me and it was so beautiful and i just think back i remember saying one time i feel like i won the relationship lottery with some of my friends but david's the type of person who was you know decades older than me i would have never picked him out of a lineup to be a close friend but god picked him for me and it was so much fun and there were so many benefits from it and i just want to encourage you that sometimes god will use the prophetic as a provider to send someone into your life that you would have never thought you would have never picked you would have never thought this is my people this is my dna but man i'm sure glad to have this jewish friend from you know a new york background from the jesus people movement from a different generation who was like the older brother i never had and unfortunately david dreiling has passed away and that was really hard for me when he passed it was a really you know one of those moments in life where it was he had already moved away from kansas city so we weren't as much contact as normal as we're out of a routine of life together but i just felt so like oh what a loss but the beautiful thing is when we have those people from god those seasons we can so cherish what god did for him and they're eternal like he's an eternal friend he is you know when we write bff you know in our yearbooks back in high school or junior high it's true in the kingdom when your friends your friends forever i'm so grateful for who god put in my life and i know that god wants to provide relationships in your life and part of how he wants to use the prophetic and put you on this prophetic journey is pick out key people who will do a spiritual journey with you as well as people you have fun with dave and i traveled the world together saw some of the most miraculous things i've still to this day ever seen in my entire life because he would say let's go here let's do this we'd stay you know way well past ministry trips and go on adventures in countries we would have never gone into like countries that were you know communism was failing and these things were happening and i'm so so so glad that i followed this man and did these ministry trips and learned about the prophetic because he gave me great opportunity and believed and lulled me to manifest a great god and because of that belief as a coach as a friend as a big brother i actually manifested way more than if david hadn't have ever been in my life and i'm so grateful so who's your david who's god putting in your life right now that may not be like you but it's going to lead you into a different place in a different way in a different form because of their belief in you and also it goes both ways it's a two-way street who are you a david for and i want to encourage you for me that was a true jonathan david relationship and again i'm so grateful for but who's your david who's your jonathan well i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you'll share it with somebody who uh matters to you who you really care about who attract with this and also make sure to subscribe and connect i love you guys i love the connection we're having all these videos let's do some more
Channel: Bolz Ministries
Views: 6,277
Rating: 4.9702969 out of 5
Keywords: Shawn Bolz, Bolz ministries, Translating God, Bolzministries.com, growingupwithgod.com, pastor, christian, God, Jesus, church, prophet, prophetic, prophecy, prophetic word, word of knowledge, bible, los angeles church, expression58, e58, iCreate Productions, exploring the prophetic, exploring the industry, your prophetic journey, exploring the marketplace, friendships, friendships from God, God providing friendships
Id: lwrSNrf-TKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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