Sharon Osbourne - Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #16

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hey everybody welcome to another episode of stevo's wild ride and now we've seen me get pretty excited about some guests in the past but never have i been more excited than for sharon osbourne man i'm a lifelong aussie fan everything about the osborne's kicks ass so let's get into it ladies and gentlemen sharon osbourne yeah yeah yeah what an honor i can't even believe i was frankly surprised that you agreed to do this and uh i couldn't have been more thrilled about it why why are you surprised i've known you since you were a little boy what the [ __ ] are you surprised about now speaking of when i was a little boy okay i want to show you this uh framed picture right here maybe you recognize it this is print number 21 of 90 in existence now knoxville bought this print for me because uh he just knew what a crazy maniac fan of ozzie i've always been and what's unbelievable knoxville didn't even know is that this picture was taken off ozzy and maybe i believe even wimbledon but certainly in london in 1974 and i was born in wimbledon in 1974. so essentially this is a picture of ozzy when and where i was born oh my lord that just gave me goosebumps yeah tell me about it oh it gives me goosebumps all the time i i just i just love it so much and uh you know i know that there's just so much that i want to ask you and and again i can't say it enough how thrilled i am to have you um i i like i said was just such a fan of aussie aussie was the gold standard for me when it came to excess success being out of control on drugs and alcohol i always just aspired to party like ozzy to be crazy like ozzy and uh as a nod to him in 2003 i got the words [ __ ] and [ __ ] tattooed on my knuckles oh my god i got to show that to him one time at the jay leno show now that i had those tattoos for over 10 years and the and i'm so fiercely proud of the fact that they never held me back they never got in the way they never caused any problems but ultimately they did outlive their usefulness and i got them lasered off right good for you yes yeah so uh first off how have you been with uh with everything going on jesus uh listen i can't complain because we're all well and thank god you know the family has not got any of this virus and so we're blessed you know it's um i think the most thing is it just [ __ ] with your head yeah just really [ __ ] with your head because every day the rules to this virus change they tell you one thing then it's another and you know it's oh don't worry it's gonna go when the when it gets hot well it's [ __ ] boiling and now there's more cases than ever right right you know so it's like every day that the rules change but listen we're fine and and where are you today are you in la are you in london we're in l.a yeah uh-huh fantastic and sharon if you hear somebody else talking i'm scott randolph i'm steve's co-host he's i'm good he's three for 15 from introducing me and if you hear another interesting voice that's going to be paul briskey over there he's our engineer slash producer hey sharon how are you good thank you it's a pleasure i i think steve is just really excited about this one uh when we were talking we were coming back from new mexico and we were like you know we might have sharon osborne on the podcast he broke down the whole entire story of how much he loves you and his relationship i know he has a ton of things to talk to you about well yeah it was it was a roughly 12-hour drive and i would say it a good two three hour three hours was devoted to me giving him some history about about the osbornes and um you know most notably i think this has just got to be some kind of like really impressive world record is the fact that black sabbath was such a like just a you know arena rock huge you know successful band and they actually kicked ozzy out right because he was just too much out of control with drugs and alcohol as is how i understand it and for all of the say that michael jackson leaving the jackson five where you know justin timberlake leaving in sync you know for all of the the people who have have left bands and gone solo to eclipse the success of the band that they left is there another example of somebody who did that however the circumstances of them leaving the band was they got kicked out right that's i just can't imagine that that's ever happened i don't think so the nearest one i can think of is sting and he left so you know right um yeah sting would be in there with michael jackson with justin timberlake and uh it's just that um in especially in this genre of of a you know the band that they were in their genre it was just never done the singer would always you know just go into isolation well right i mean ozzy had his own reasons for going into isolation he would just snap and then shave his head and then go into a hotel room for months and i remember because i uh my formative years were in in england i uh we went to the american school in london and and so you know i got into all of this living in london i actually had the same dentist as ozzy uh when i was in you know in uh in grade school and uh i would see karang i would you know all these magazines and ozzy would have all these different hair lengths um but it's just it's just so fascinating and with with black sabbath uh it was actually your father who managed black sabbath that's correct yes and i worked for my father yeah right and so then when when black sabbath kicked out and kicked ozzy out uh that was uh you guys were not already together at that point no uh we were just friends yeah we were we were friends my main friend in the band was tony okay he was like you know we would keep in touch over the years and if he was in town he'd say do you want to come to the show i'll leave you some tickets you know it was one of those sort of things we weren't like buddies speaking every week but you know we would stay in touch loosely and that was it right and for people who aren't quite as plugged in tony is tony iomie the lead guitarist really the the face of black sabbath you know aside from ozzie i wasn't getting the president that she was tour manager no no no i managed the whole program though they put everything together yeah for awesome absolutely i was tour manager while i was on the road with electric light orchestra and i was mainly their tour manager oh cool yeah so there's i've heard these these i suppose you would call them myths or legends but uh of course you know a lot of people know that ozzy before he was in black sabbath he worked in a slaughterhouse in uh in england and so he was sort of you know comfortable with with death and and this and that and so i heard it i'm dying to find out if this is true but that when there were meetings for ozzie to get a uh a record deal for his solo career for his first album which is a bona fide greatest hits album blizzard of oz like going into these meetings i heard a story that uh that you directed ozzie to walk in with a live dove in one hand and a dead dove in the other and that he would go into the the board room and and bite the head off of the dead dove and spit it on the board room table and release the live dubs it would fly around the room and then just turn around and walk out is there any truth to that being able to ask sharon osborne about that story is so cool you know what else is cool my cats and i love them so much of course i have a litter robot what's that it's a self-cleaning cat litter machine and that makes it so that my cats don't have to stand in their own poop to poop and i don't ever have to clean up the poop see there's a sensor that detects when they go in there and it gives them seven minutes to do their thing and then it cleans itself how does that work it just rotates and then it sifts out the poop drops it down into the drawer below this is without me doing anything at all i get a notification on my phone that says your litter robot drawer is full there it is you just replace the bag maybe once a week and your house never stinks like kitty litter your cats are happy and healthy you can't beat it so how do you get one you go to and buy yourself a litter robot buy it today and the shipping is completely free and you get a 90 day money back guarantee that's right but there's no way you're gonna [ __ ] send this thing back because it's the dopest invention ever made so again go to and get yourself a litter robot yeah dude okay it's it's you got bits of it right the deal was he was to go in because it was his first introduction to the record company they'd never met him so they were having you know all the staff come into the conference room and he was going to you know walk in and you've got to remember this was like 81 probably or something 81 18 no it was 80 i think or 81 anyway nobody gave a [ __ ] about aussie it was a cheap deal they were doing him a favor putting the record out they didn't know about this genre of music at all why because ozzy created it they knew nothing about this music and so he goes in there and all these people are like you know listening to crazy train they they've got no [ __ ] idea what they're listening to and we said take the doves and let them go and it's like a peace offering everybody will go oh how gorgeous that's lovely and you know we'll walk out so was he goes in he's already drunk and it's the morning it's like 10 in the morning so he's got a dove in each pocket he sits on this girl's lap who he has no idea who she is so he sits on her lap he does the vibe in the room is very strange and he looks at everybody they look at him and he takes the dove out and he just rips the head off and spits it on the girl's lap that was it over game over he then gets the other one and lets the other one free in the room so it's flying and [ __ ] in the room and then we got ushered out by security and that was it and that was with the the record label to actually sort of pitch the record deal oh no the deal was done it was okay this is aussie you've just signed him it was like a meet and greet oh gotcha i'm great because i was it under just like hi you know and that was it i got back to the office i got a call from legal they said if you ever do this again we won't release the album and we'll literally destroy you and we're like oh okay thanks wow so that's uh i'm pretty proud to even know that story because i was looking for it on wikipedia and there was nothing about it yeah and um and and here's the this is what's just again i'll keep going back to it because to be kicked out of black sabbath and then go on to have the solo career which just utterly eclipses anything that sabbath ever did and then after that all these years later the the black sabbath reunion i've gotta you know i've gotta guess you being the shrewd you know business mind behind the aussie empire and the way that the world works when black sabbath gets reunited with ozzie now it's going to be on your terms and essentially all of the other people in black sabbath are going to be employees of the band is that about writers it's about right but aussie and tony own the name and bill don't so it's aussie and tony that own the name and they are partners in black sabbath so you're kind of right aussie and tony are equal and at that time the other guys you know it's kind of like pay for play yeah what do you call it a jam session employee um now i wonder this is a somewhat similar situation but with motley crew where there's all kinds of uh different accounts or there's vince neil's version of he got kicked out and the others say he left but of course ultimately vince neil came back to motley cru as an employee is that is that right i don't know i honestly don't know but um i know that they are kind of each on different deals i know that but i don't know what any of the deals are right i just i'm so fascinated by the business of it all and um then okay so after ozzy left black sabbath then they get ronnie james dio yeah and the the world's just not that happy about sabbath without ozzy right i mean dio's a lovely guy or he was a lovely guy he was a great talent but sabbath never really did very well with dio did they they had two hit albums they did they had two good hit albums they had two good tours together and um then it was the band were fighting there was a lot of fighting in the band with ronnie so um i you know what ronnie had a great voice but to to change a band that had a kind of bluesy type vocal real gritty bluesy vocal to a rock opera vocal it was so different because i i always looked at ronnie as a rock opera type singer you know it was one of those and ozzy had such a bluesy voice i i never got it right so then dio left sabbath and tony became the singer of sabbath and that's when they really didn't do that great yeah well they kept getting all these different guys in i mean every week it was somebody else and somebody else you know and they were doing you know really badly and taking silly gigs you know like playing you know under somebody they weren't the headliner anymore and always when you go from that headliner to okay now you're underneath and you're on somebody else's tour and for so long it's your tour and you're the headline and then you drop it's very kind of final tap very spinal tap um and so when dio left sabbath he put out holy diver that was his first album because god that's a good album he's good yeah so on his own dio's great great absolutely and um ozzy of course ozzy how much uh with with mtv coming out right was uh like bark at the moon was one of the first like really big videos on mtv like uh that that helped explode ozzy's success it did it did it broadened his you know his audience a lot it did and then there was the legend of biting the head off of the bat you had to know it was a pretty safe bit that we were going to talk about ozzy biting the head off of the bat because it's a crazy story but do you know what's a 100 guarantee that i will always in my pocket have this the case for my raycon e25 earbuds that's right i've said it before if you ever catch me without it in my pocket without my connie 25 earbuds i will record your voicemail greeting whatever little shout out video you want for your buddies because i'm never going to get caught without them i love them i can't stand working out without listening to music and when i'm working out you think i want big clunky earphones on now it's hot and uncomfortable these are not only comfortable but they're half the price of any other premium earbuds out there and unlike all those other premium earbuds these ones you can actually control pause skip track all the rest of it dude they're so comfortable in here i can have my head resting on my pillow and feel fine they're the best and if you go to buy stevo you can get yourself some for 15 off that's right 15 off if you go to buy stevo i mean to work out listen to tunes and just be the man now let's talk about that bat which which everybody knows about and they sent him to get these crazy rabies shots which back then went through your stomach and and were really that was a huge deal that was a huge deal i mean he it might have been like a mistake and like funny as [ __ ] at the time but then he had to pay for it by getting all these shots that you take over a long period of time and we were all really frightened for him yeah i mean the shots that were like huge long needles that go into your stomach and how long did they have to give them four oh over six months oh wow so so when you're traveling with them and you see ozzy bite the head off of bat like what's your expression while you're there like what the [ __ ] did he just do or is it funny i was like oh my god first thing i think of rabies that's it it's over you know right and then there's these these i mean i wouldn't even call them myths or legends but this like folklore which which i just they would say that ozzy would have the the uh the crowd pass a bucket around and everybody spits in the bucket and then it goes on stage and he drinks the bucket you've heard those ones before yeah yeah and there's no you know me there is no way i would ever ever know that that is like you know it's like uh johnny cut his finger off and the next he's cut his head off you know right get exaggerated and right like richard gere was the gerbil and yeah right so uh all of this just incredible history and i love it so and again blizzard devos that that was aussie's first solo album yeah i mean if if that's not a greatest hits album i would i don't know suicide solution crazy an all-time classic album it's it's it's unbelievable and uh and and with all the my my first concert was twisted sister but uh was it my i think my second concert was uh the ultimate sin tour oh wow and uh ozzy wasn't in very good shape in 87 no he wasn't i remember i remember him like going back back and forth across the stage and it really tiring him out it was probably loaded at the time right for sure and then of course the osborne's comes out on mtv and this is a this is this a little bit broke my heart because jackass came out in the year 2000 and set absolute records for ratings it was the highest rated show in the history of mtv until you guys came along and you can imagine how i felt because we were out here breaking our bones and just like absolutely murdering ourselves for these ratings and then you guys stroll along and you're sitting in the living room and you're more popular than us just hanging out at home and and god bless you for it what uh like what what it what a revival and and the osborne's came before oz fest yeah um no i came before yeah wow so i didn't i i thought of oz fest as a little bit newer no us fest came before yeah but you know what it was it was like we were the festival that every kid wanted to go to but it was like under it was kind of underground people didn't want to write about it they didn't want to speak about it because we weren't the it's thing to go to you know lollapalooza was and we were like this bunch of crazy ass that nobody wanted to write about but we were going out and doing you know sell out business everywhere and just doing our thing but quietly yeah i mean i think oz fest was a little bit more edgy with like slipknot i think maybe you guys had it and it's like you know that genre of music has never been too popular with the press never right i've always felt that they looked at it as if they were the bastards of the music industry yeah no it wasn't chic it's not you two it's not the stones it's not you know lollapalooza so it's not chic to be seen at you know but it was certainly a rebirth for ozzy oh it was it was just phenomenal to be able to to go out every summer and give these young bands a stage and you know see these bands that were you know not even signed at the time then suddenly you know the year later they've got a huge hit album it was just exciting so exciting i think lamb of god would be one of those bands maybe yeah absolutely yeah sleep not hadn't got their album released at the time either it was just unbelievable and you think you know incubus and all those great bands that we had yeah um i think uh that the success of ozzy's solo career is is really about just the the caliber of musicians that have been behind him i mean i like back to randy rhodes and you know jakey lee all these just incredible musicians and what was the process like for getting the for finding these musicians to perform with ozzy to put the band together it was really really hard hard hard it's not something that just happens you know it's um it's really hard it's a long process but it's aussie has always you know to go from tony naomi yeah he could not go less than so to find somebody that is so creative but young was you know it was a gift from god yeah i i just i just love it so much and your career on your like when did you get into all the television stuff on your own only from when we did the osborns and then that was it i never thought i always loved to do my business side and creative side and do that and then it just came organically from the osborne's right safe to say that you're kris jenner before kris jenner as far as being like the momager the the the the business mind that builds the empire behind the scenes yeah yeah i i love it and uh you know i they started going what do you like doing more do you like uh you like touring and doing band stuff or do you like going to the studios and doing tv shows and air conditioning and i do know what they're both so different but they both are great but there's nothing like seeing that live audience those kids that just gives off so much energy and love and it's just there's nothing like seeing a festival audience you know it just gives me chills to this day i love it yeah it's giving me chills too i mean the amount of people you put on the map just from doing that is incredible it's so funny because scott asks what do you like better the touring or the tv studios and in my mind i'm thinking or do you like bending people's will to dominate them in business and uh because that's how i think of you i just love it so much that the just the way that you're the the puppet master it feels like and and and what what a wonderful family you have just last week i was with this this professional skateboarder who rides what's called the mega ramp where he comes down like and flies like through arenas and with the x games and uh i mentioned to him that i was going to be talking to you and he said dude i've got i've got this great story he said that he was at the beach and and uh going the wrong way he had to do a u-turn but his car got stuck in the sand right on the boardwalk and there he is and the wheels are just spinning he said all these people are just going by laughing at me nobody's doing anything and then all of a sudden after i've been there for a while with all these people going by somebody says hey man let me help you out you've gotta uh let the air out of your tires and and here come on we'll do it together and that was jack osborne yeah he's a good guy he is he had no idea who elliot sloane was this is elliot sloan the professional mega ramp superstar and jack osborne didn't know that it's just testimony that jack would do that for anybody in that situation and we we sat next to jack on the plane and we had a good conversation with them i don't remember where we're coming back from but we were coming back from costa rica picking up our fifth dog oh yeah and he was coming back from doing i think a tv show with ozzy at the grand canyon or they're doing something yeah yeah it's just and i i have quite the history with jack i remember he was newly sober and i believe 2005 and somehow he ended up over at my apartment where there was just a few of us just getting cross-eyed drunk but we all and jack stayed stayed completely sober and we all just had this riotous good time and uh he's always been been a real bloke i think everybody yeah he is he's a good bloke exactly but do you know what i always look at you and i look at jack and i see what jack did and you've done it and it's just amazing oh it's it's such a blessing it's such a blessing you know what people say that they there there's no such thing as miracles but they are because for me this is a miracle oh you got to believe in foolish miracles sharon yeah i i and um uh yeah that just made me it warms it warms my heart and i just wish you could you could uh bestow upon people the willingness to do the work of recovery but you know but you can't and and i don't know what gave me that willingness or jack for that matter but god i'm grateful for both of us but was there one point that you said this is it i can't anymore i was yeah it was when knoxville locked me up in the psychiatric ward and and they decided to keep me for a couple weeks that was enough time for the was it then or was it the 52-50 well that's what that got taken into the segway on 51.50 and they turned it into 52.50 so that means that they could keep me scott's an example of uh of the miracle recovery as well here it's uh yeah it's great i was at the uh the premiere there was a premiere the screening of uh the the documentary that jack made about ozzy yeah and uh god if if tommy lee isn't the star of that when he tells the story about ozzy smearing the [ __ ] all over the hotel room walls oh my god and tommy throwing up yeah oh man so it's so so brilliant and so then the osborne's came out you get into all kinds of television stuff like like uh judging on the x factor and and eight well no no don't say that if you bite your tongue you take that back it's the talk the time i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah you don't see the viewer around here i'm sorry when my dad worked for for sorry it's like when my dad worked for pepsi you're gonna walk in with a coke ah so what and and uh what was it like working with howard stern on agt god well i i was a friend of his anyway so to work together was the best we had a really really great time together so much fun so much fun it was just brilliant i loved that gig yeah and then and i was sad when you left but uh but you you you were across with nbc for their treatment of jazz i was very cross with nbc particularly a guy called porter legley and this woman meredith heir they they did very badly by jack who at the time was going through so much because he'd just been diagnosed with ms and he was completely without any um self-respect as a man he just got married he had a child he had no work and he wanted to be able to provide for his family and he um they gave him a gig and then they took it away from him and i was so upset with them so upset that um i just basically i called them all arseholes [ __ ] told them all to [ __ ] themselves and then i was leaving yeah um i i'd never seen anything like it because then they said oh the most insulting thing was um oh well we'll pay him we'll just send him money and i'm like no you don't get it he's he needs his self-respect he needs to work oh well we'll pay him and it's like no they could have said well we'll give money to an ms charity in his name but none of that it was just oh you know throw a check at him and they'll shut up they didn't give a [ __ ] so no i never wanted to to um work with those people again i love how how you stand up for what you believe in sharon yeah but do you know what i'm in a very very blessed position and i realize it because i'm in a position where i don't have to do it i do it because i really love doing it so i can say to people [ __ ] off i'm not taking it whereas so many people can't you know they can't and that's why so many people are so badly treated right because they need the gig right um and and the talk what's going on with the talk now um well we're doing it from home you know we're doing it through zoom every day so um i i actually love it because i don't have to leave the house oh there is so much about about this doing things remotely that that i want to hang on to once the coronavirus is enrolled i kind of prefer going to 12-step meetings on zoom instead of in person it's just kind of nice to sit in your underwear well especially in la when it takes an hour to drive anywhere and then an hour to drive back when you can just get into the business of what you're doing and and uh it's it's pretty convenient um and and uh i i saw on your wikipedia you have uh the the record for the the top selling book in the history of uh of books in england yeah i do i know i who would have thought it's fantastic that that uh what book is that it's one of sharon's three autobiographies sorry let me not answer your question for you yeah it's called survivor and it was um that one was about uh my you know meeting aussie growing up as a child in the industry and meeting aussie and you know us some of our life together so it's um it's a good book i think yeah i was actually sorry i was curious about some of that like what was ozzy like when you met him was he always that like this kind of crazy guy or did that develop over time um he was always always very nice guy funny he was so funny and that's what attracted me to him because he was naughty but he um i think as the drinking and drug taking progressed with aussie he got more dangerous and his his behavior was much more dangerous you know it wasn't so funny towards the end sure what i'm dying to know is because i'm a tour manager for steve and when we go travel you know like our rider is just soda water for the green room all we ask for is soda water and you were doing these bands you know what are some of the interesting writers that like elo did or ozzy wanted or black sabbath do you know what we i have always told everybody that i work with whatever you have on your rider you pay for nice you know you're allotted a certain amount maybe you're allotted 500 from the promoter but everything over that you pay for so if you want a sushi chef and you want a huge party after the show it's on your dime so you know just have the bare bare bones because you don't need it you don't want it you're only going to throw it up the wall anyway aussies has always been you know minimum same as sabbath and yellow it was very very you know loki how did the uh collaboration with post malone come about oh it came about through kelly um kelly knew one of the producers for post malone who had just done i'll come up with an idea for a new song and said that um ozzy would be perfect to do a duet with um post and so kelly then came to us and so that's how it started through kelly okay it's amazing how big this post malone character is isn't it it's incredible and what what i find fascinating is is that his image is so much harder than his music yeah right yeah look at the image and you go what the hell is this and his audience is very young right i know it's it's i mean i think his audience is just everybody he's so big yeah so he's a good guy he's a very good guy everybody says that about post malone like he couldn't be nicer yeah yeah yeah that's all you ever hear very nice humble you know sweet guy he really is for sure um and now with the random questions over here but what was it like to to work with donald trump on the celebrity apprentice oh my lord very interesting put it that way very interesting it was at the time you know that he did it in the trump tower and all of that and he he's just um he's i can remember we went into his apartment and we had to wear surgical things over our shoes so we didn't get the place dirty and we went in there and it was like my grandmother's um my grandmother would have loved it in there you know a lot of gold and a lot of velvet and it was you know it was just like an old lady's apartment they've like couch protectors over his couches and they might as well you know but they did have one of those portraits of him and his wife done on black you know they do it with the charcoal they used to do like asian ladies that were done with the black background you know and they would sit like this i mean just the worst art you've ever seen in your life but oh and i think he had um a water feature with plants in in the apartment i mean just terrible and he was i he was um just weird you know did you see my receptionist did you see her did you see how beautiful nobody has a receptionist like i do she's gorgeous she's like she looks just like my daughter yeah oh man and and and so with i'm just bouncing all over but this has just been so so thrilling for me um how's ozzie doing now he's doing good he's doing really really good you know he's he's some had terrible terrible injury that you know at one point they thought he would never walk again but he is he's walking he's doing great and you know he's been hit by so much medically um but he's he's doing good he is he's getting stronger every day yeah was that the spine injury you're talking about yeah that you think brought on the the gene oh god i mean the to be hit with the you know the spinal injury and then what it had done was it kind of um started off the parkinson's that he had the gene for but was never activated he just had the gene it's like having you know the breast cancer gene but it never comes into fruition it never gets alive and he had the parkinson gene and this accident just sparked it off so he had he kind of had a double dose of everything but he's doing good yeah i mean it's uh it's it's heartbreaking it's heartbreaking to see this at you know he's had this ride in his life and then suddenly boom and like you are flawed and to have your health taken away no matter what what you've got money wise or anything in the world can't fix right but uh but he's still thriving in his career yeah oh my god what about his album i mean just incredible the album was sensational it um it you know he's starting his second album with andrew watt right now and you know he's he's you can't stop him you know he's he's doing it yeah oh it's fantastic well i i think yeah ozzy says that he as far as performing goes he has to end it his way because it was his farewell tour that he was on but he still had a year to do of that tour and there were seats sold for the next year but you know the accident stopped it all but he said it's not gonna win just like that it's gonna end his way and he's gonna go back out and even if it's just one huge show to say goodbye he's going to do it so i love it i love it well i'll tell you what sharon this has been everything that i i imagined everything i i hoped for and uh you're just so fantastic so wonderful and and uh just loads and loads of love to you and your whole family bless you thank you i have to ask you once of course ask me anything you'd like yeah tell me about your dog this is wendy i found her in the streets of peru and uh it's i was in peru for three weeks and she followed me everywhere i went she has her own t-shirt too the fresh princess of hollywood yeah and i made a video of uh of finding her i was actually filming when i found her and uh you know i slept with a tent outside the hotel because they wouldn't let her in the hotel and um and this video i made of finding wendy and bringing her home it it uh it garnered more views than anything i've ever put on the internet which uh god she is beautiful right is that she she goes at my speed if i go fast she goes fast if i'm sitting there she's sitting there what so how many dogs have you rescued uh well we had five but we one didn't really work out so we re-homed that one uh we've got four dogs at the house two cats and three goats in the backyard i love it yeah whoa yeah i love it it's so good to see you doing so well well thank you i appreciate that so so much and uh kelly she's uh rocking it in sobriety yeah she is she is she's doing just great she is thank god all my love to to all of your family everybody it's uh it's it's such an honor such a treat and uh and and thank you i don't know about you but i think that was the greatest and as i always say thank you so much to you guys who stuck in there to the very end i'm guessing that this going out in two days have i already sent the street team a text i'm not sure if it's not already where you've got the [ __ ] first access to the gnarly comedy special it's imminent so yeah do that whole [ __ ] text me thing and uh the street team gets it first [ __ ] yeah love you guys
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 144,050
Rating: 4.8947935 out of 5
Keywords: steve o, steveo, wild ride, podcast, wild ride podcast, steve o podcast, jackass, wildboyz, wildboys, sharon osbourne, ozzy, ozzy osbourne, the osbournes, mtv, sharon, the talk, bat story, bite, bat, heavy metal, black sabbath, history, music, rock and roll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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