Our Bad Hairstyles

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we've had a lot of haircuts over the years and we're not proud of a lot of them I'm Elizabeth from Long Beach California let's talk about that [Music] mythical morning this isn't a switchblade it's a comb that we turned into a fake switchblade I knew that this episode is brought to you by Smule makers of fantastic musical iPad and iPhone applications like mad pad with this application you can take video and audio footage of things making sounds then you put that into like a drum pad and you can mix your own beats based on the sounds and the images that you've recorded it is quite amazing Matt bet it is pretty cool if I do say so myself you did say so yourself not that you asked thanks for watching not only good mythical morning but our latest and freshest music video my hair goes dot dot that's the name of the song the name of the YouTube video is my hair song so the song is titled something different than the video title it is a little confusing but it's YouTube and so you have to throw people curveballs whenever possible what's not confusing is our expectation for you to watch it multiple times and thank you for sharing it with everybody that you can and so we made a music video about my hair going up links hair going down you all know that that's the way that things work out now but did you know that that was not always the case and as we brought out some pictures from childhood and and Beyond we began to realize that we've had a lot of haircuts over the years and you're gonna get a kick out of this because we've had some bad ones yes we did some rummaging we we dug up these photos and so let's start with you in grade school yes and this is going back to you know one of my earliest school pictures and as you can see I think at this point my mother was probably cutting my hair it's kind of just on my head is totally natural there's nothing there's no conviction in the haircut it's just but this is just my head and this is my hair on top of it and so a couple years pass and then I'm like you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna part it a little bit but not too much pardon just a little bit and then there's definitely a product in there but I'm gonna keep the same shirt as you can see I think you're like Dennis the Menace in grade school you only wore you have like 20 of those that was your only I don't think that's true because in this next picture I'm a another year or two older and I have a white shirt on now you've done something pretty ambitious with the front of your hair I remember the day that I decided to do that I was in the mirror looking at my hair and I just got the comb and I said you know I'm just gonna wisp it a little bit and I and I wore that for at least a year and you know what I got my first girlfriend with that hair the ladies could not resist that little okay this is my one of my first grade school pictures here and I had something very similar to you my hair was just on my head pointing down home cut and then boom boom boom just cut right across the front of it I'm very happy you're happy you're also not looking at the camera though you were going for the dramatic look that's true I guess when you're that age you're looking at the guy who's telling you to smile you can't focus on anything and then fast forward a few years and I got on my knees wore a coca-cola shirt and gave a aggressive part to my hair I mean there's this product in there and there's a lot of forehead showing but you have on a coke shirt and I think you have on coke pants too it's not even possible you had a coke uniform all I did I did it's called matching Rhett it's called fashion sense but your hair your hair was very very slick I think what I did was I went too far so then a few years later I over corrected and I owned the part down well actually it's gone but it's at least it's going to the side a little bit but there's kind of an oval shape to my I guess you would call those bangs if a boy in grade school can have bangs I definitely did fast-forward Sue's an awkward year to middle school now we've got a picture from each one of us and probably this is like eighth grade let's just go with eighth grade because it I remember taking very awkward pictures in that time of my life as you can see my neck was very skinny and my shirt was too big so I've button the top collar button but my hair list we're talking about my hair I had a short fuzzy part the head really no appeal to this I don't know how I got a girlfriend at all at this point but I had one she must even embarrass to be with me oh man I'm embarrassed to be looking at it right now I only feel comfortable laughing because mine is at least equally as awkward if not more awkward I mean look at look at this the hair is the least of my worries in this photo your hair looks pretty good actually everything's kind of cockeyed it's like somebody grabbed the right side of my face and pushed it up right before the picture but my hair is you know it's it's it's normal it's got the part I think you had kind of achieved something that at that time was working pretty good for you though it's like someone's tickling me underneath the table and I'm trying to act like I don't feel it now this this shot here is an FLL dance which happened at Christmastime every year so I think this was probably sophomore year in high school now first of all let me note a couple of things about you you can know some things about me uh the bowl cut as you are sporting here was very popular at this time your hair you probably can't tell well I guess you can't is shaved all the way up to like the corners of your head so it's all the way up to here right is completely shaved and it's like a mushroom that's just sort of it's like your head is a nuclear explosion this was very stylish at the time now my haircut on the other hand your your haircut is I think it's just totally for efficiency I think at this point I was cutting your hair with clippers we're not talking about facial hair but I just can't ignore the fact that you've got some creepy extremely weak mustache and goatee something or other going on I'm not gonna deny it I look like I'm about to rob someone like I I'm on the verge of committing a crime would you trust I don't care that I'm in a tie and a bad tire that in a bad you know everything about it is yet it we had bad taste in suits facial hair and haircuts I have a pretty weak goatee and moustache myself and then a couple years past the prom senior year in high school now we didn't go to the prom together but it basically looks that way since yeah this is this is how we operated right so we actually had days and they were females what we would say is hey take it take pictures of us you just make this a photo op for us and let's shake hands and raise one leg in the air now I look not much had changed about my look except I have gotten rid of the weak facial hair you had reinforced your weak facial hair and you had let the ball cut go to almost like a Robin Hood level you know I'm saying like you look like a theater major who could definitely quote some Shakespeare but you couldn't and if you could hear you talk at the time how would you have heart out likely as well let's shake hands and lift one leg right that'll be cool count to three scuzz I can't stand on one leg too long things changed a lot once we joined a we started a band in high school and so this is a 4th of July performance outside at the Lillington 4th of July festival where we decided we were called the wax paper dogs first of all we decided to make our hair red white and blue this is our bleached hair phase and like all great punk bands at the time we wore white t-shirts and khaki shorts I love the fact that if you look closely at the crowd behind us no one's looking at us right they're trying they're trying not to make eye contact they're all looking the opposite direction later when we went to college this is like you retain this is freshman year in college now we actually both retain the the bleached hair look and and but I we can't find any pictures of me with bleached hair at the time but Lincoln you held it for a little bit longer than me I kind went back to the straight-up buzzcut but you kind of did sort of like a another sort of a criminal look definitely I'm about to do something wrong that the cops will not be happy with well the next year sophomore year the summer after our sophomore year in college we spent the summer in separate endeavors but the one thing we both did was we both grew out our hair in kind of poofy fashion this is the seed of the poofiness that I have now I check Spira mented lots of things in college with my hair it was you were making a statement and I think I think I look pretty good this kind of makes me think I should go back to the pouf yeah I think he could work that cuz it was poofy on the sides too it was it was pouffy everywhere I remember when we decided to all shave our heads of course that's also our roommate Greg and we're all a little little too close to one another and we've shaved our heads and we all look horrible yeah I mean what were we thinking let's make ourselves look horrible I think that's what we were thinking here's towards the end of our college career and we've gone pretty conservative now we're also wearing suits and shaking hands that yet another dance of some sort I I don't even want to comment on these haircuts there's just nothing memorable about them who poo on us this is actually a picture from my wedding and for some reason the day before I got married I made the unfortunate decision to completely shave my facial hair and to buzz my hair and then in this photo you made the unfortunate decision to look out a window yeah I mean I think that looks pretty good I think you're looking for your sense of style and then from there you know your hair got longer my hair got longer and we've kind of you know ever since we've been making YouTube videos we well I settled into my hair style earlier than you but you played catch up and did whatever you're doing now well it was a slow process we heard it to the absolute ridiculous level that it is now that's the thing about current haircuts ten years from now we'll look at what we look like now I think especially I'll look at what my hair looks like now and I'll be embarrassed you know first of all when I meet another man that has hair like me I think I don't want to talk to that guy that guy's I mean I'm not gonna like this guy I mean look at his hair but yet I have that haircut I have a haircut that indicates that I care too much about my hair but yet I feel like I'm trapped in it because now it's like part of a logo yeah I don't know where my hair is gonna be I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna go back up pretty soon maybe I should just go back to the buzz cut or you should go forward down kind of a reggae well I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a buzz cut and then I'm gonna shave all the beard off and I'm gonna pluck out some of my beard and mustache to make it real weak make it like a week go yeah I'm gonna go back to that that sounds painful and I'm gonna get earrings all right hopefully you learned something about us and you're not embarrass to continue to be associated with us let's spin the wheel here's the application here's the application though as we're about to spin a wheel - in the episode figure out what you're gonna do with your hair and just have some conviction about it don't waver into this this ambiguous place where you don't know what's going on with it if you're gonna part it part it if it's gonna go up stick it up if it's gonna go down get it down express yourself and here's a little tidbit and the hair goes up video we have hidden annotations we want to reward you for watching good mythical morning being a loyal viewer by giving you a hint as to where the three hidden annotations are there's at least three well there's only three here's the hint for one the man with the tie there's only one man with a tie that video like that's your hand let's in this video it's been nice to take a trip down memory lane look at our old hairstyles now we're gonna burn all these pictures alright famous actor in fan you you be a generic famous actor hey hey aren't you I'm sure that famous good kid good kid - OH nope no contact no contact Kenny no eye contact can I keep my hands just look this way oh can I get my can I get my behavior take off gonna come out you're taken can I get my picture taken I've got I don't have my camera can we use your camera oh okay okay I'll just act like I'm taking a picture here uh I'm uncomfortable kid fee tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,215,592
Rating: 4.9519753 out of 5
Keywords: rhettandlink, rhett, link, My Hair Song, bad hairstyles, Good Mythical Morning, pictures, school pictures, memories, funny, comedy, humor, good mythical morning, bad hair day, bad haircuts, bad hair
Id: 9kek1VVyiEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2012
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