Florida Man Lets His Son Drive Off Road

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/covidincum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tbh I prefer the vlogs and podcasts over the regular GMM stuff. Shepard is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScreamingTablecloth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think this one might be my favorite vlog to date, or it’s at least the one that had me smiling and laughing the most.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/juleeneleven πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Link was not impressed with Rhett’s parenting/teaching hahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LilBlue19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yes a lot lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bubbletrollbutt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anybody know where to get rhetts glasses?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/t_bet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

A lot of not Mossy Oak approved content in this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ephen_stephen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part was watching how proud/scared Rhett and Link looked when Shepherd took over

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Throwawaymissy13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Everybody's commenting. Woah! Today, we are going on a excursion! We're headed into the wilderness! We're truckin'. We're gonna go off-roading. We're gonna take this truck to the-- What? What?! How did you get in here, man? It seems that we have a stowaway. Have you been in here the whole time? Yeah. Just kidding! Was that great acting? Yeah, we were like very convincing. My wife is out of town. I'm responsible for him. Okay, you're zooming in on me, because you're judging me for the glasses that I have on and the hat that I have on. Let me tell you. There is a very good reason why I'm dressed like this. I've got my Florida hat on, because if anything goes wrong, or we get in trouble with some authorities, I'm just gonna be like, "I'm from Florida," and they'll be like, "Oh, okay." Florida. You gotta say Florida, Florida. I'm from Florida. The last time we took this truck to this particular place, we got stuck. I'll call it an obstacle. And we spent the next two hours just trying to get the truck to where we could drive it back home. So, Shepherd, you may have to do some heavy lifting, brother. It is freezing! You didn't check the weather? I did, I checked! I got this thing on man! I got me a coat! It's gonna be 45 as a high with wind. I gotta get a jacket, y'all! We need to drive to the next town and get some more clothes, I'm sorry. Well, listen and your boy? This is everything he's got on! Well your boy's got holes in his britches! I'm blaming this on my wife. What kind of daddy-- A daddy from Florida! Man, we could be out there right now! There's snow on the ground! We could be friggin' Listen. I've never seen that in Florida. We're going in a friggin' so that you can buy apparel. Here's one option, so you can double up with another hoodie. Sir, you can't film in the store. Oh yeah, Okay. 26 dollars later, we have three hoodies. Don't take the sticker off, because we might need to take it back. I'm partial to Mossy Oak. So what I did is I got a Mossy Oak hoodie. And then I got another Mossy Oak hoodie. You bought your son here one hoodie. And then you bought yourself two hoodies. The reason I got him one hoodie is because we only found him one that fit him, and that doesn't even really fit him that much as you can tell. Are we going off roadin' today or not? Listen, man, I'm from Florida, I don't give a-- That was a lot funnier than it should have been! Shepherd are you warmer? Yeah. Where are you from? Well, I'm from Florida! I didn't realize that your hat actually said Florida. Yeah, it says Florida! It's where I'm from. Yeah, we're from Florida! Wow man, look at that! We're hungry for some off roading! Your use of protective apparel, check, skill level, check, vehicle condition, questionable, terrain, check, weather, slightly cold, common sense, haha! Turn back, man. We don't got no common sense. You know what, just go fast. Maybe they won't notice. Okay, here we go. We got a guide here. It's just like skiing, easiest, more difficult, most difficult. Now, as a man coming off of a ski injury, I gotta say that sign makes me a little nervous. And Florida's real flat, you know? Here we are, at the four-wheel drive practice and safety training area. Yeah, look at that. You ready for some practice and safety training? Behind us here, is some sort of a obstacle course. There's all types of things that we're gonna try to climb. We gonna get into some trouble! Now, I gotta say this is the first time that we've been to this place, just the two of us. And we're not alone. Your son is still here, right? Yeah, Shepherd knows a lot about a lot of things. He's very helpful. Okay, well he can give us a tour of the truck. Okay. You want a tour of the truck? This right here, y'all are in front of my shot. Shepherd, tell 'em about it. The tires are cool. Don't act like your sick. Act like your enthusiastic! The tires are cool! Yes, show them how big it is. How many inches boy? Like, 60? There's 31. What's this here on the front? That's, like, the thing. We've got this right here. It's a light. What about up here, Shep, what's that? It's something. I never educated you about any of this. This is a jack, man. Oh yeah! It's what we call a lift jack. Yup, we're gonna need to use this later when we get stuck. We got these things. What's the official off-roading name for those things, Link? Steps. That tour was not as dynamic as I hoped it would be. I'm gonna blame it on Rhett's son. I thought it was pretty awesome. Oh, you know what we gotta do? This is like a cool, off-roading video thing. We got to air down our tires, man. Or we can say we did it and then cut it out. We're gonna do a cool, air-down, montage! You gotta get your PSI down a little bit, so your tires will grip those rocks. So basically, just screw it on there. It kind of makes the tire pass gas. So this will all automatically assume the correct PSI. Whoop, oh hey hey, excuse me! Excuse you, man! Whoa, excuse me! Whoa, excuse me! β™ͺ Who would have thought that our truck would make music? β™ͺ β™ͺ Ohhhh! β™ͺ We have aired down, and now we're gonna head up! I look at that, and I'm kind of scared. Oh, I know I'm scared, because I've been on it before! Just 'cause this is a practice zone, doesn't mean we can't totally screw up this vehicle. But as long as I don't get hit, I'm gonna consider this a victory. Lets go. You don't have to act like your from Florida the whole time, because then people will think you are from Florida. Well I am from Florida. What are you talking about? That right there's my buddy, Rhett. He's driving a truck, and he's gonna come up this hill. Oh! Oh, look at that, dang! Oh, hold on now. You got a rock right there. I can't see that rock. We ain't got anything like this in Florida. I'm completely out of my wits, man. All right, go for it. Hold on, you think I'm going to be fine if I go over this rock? Yeah! There ya go, keep going! Oh yeah, whoo whee! The beautiful thing about this is it looks like nothing is happening. Oh no, I got a good angle on it. Whoa, ho ho! Hold on, yeah! Woot! You made it to the top! Was that scary? It was, somepum'. It's my turn. Do you want to go down or do you want to go up? Let me go down it. All right. You ready? I mean, from my vantage point it's gonna careen down this mountain! It's a lot easier to roll one of these things over than you realize! I want to go on this. Oh God. Oops, you see that, I'm sliding sideways. Turn to beat the slide, you know? As the back end goes to the right, turn to the right. Okay now, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now you're in the pit of the spirit-- Oh God! I'm not comfortable! Just easin' Now, I'm going straight here. Okay now, hold on there's a camera that you placed! Yeah, I'm not gonna hit that camera. What if you slide right into it, then we're just stuck with one camera. I think it would make for a cool shot though. Did I hit it? No, you're about to slide into it. Oh, you got really close to it! I'm about to ask of you the most difficult thing either of us have done today? The most difficult thing I've done today is put up with you being a Florida man. Take your track right here and come up this, 'cause your other wheel needs to be on this rock. All right, come on! Am I lined up? Where do you want me? Come this way, this way, turn, turn, turn, turn! I don't know exactly what's gonna happen, but I think you're gonna be okay. I'm from Florida, trust me. Yeah, brother, that's what I'm talking about right there! You wanna see a re-play of that? You feel that? I felt that. I'm going to keep going straight? Yup, real slow, real slow, real slow, real slow! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, perfect, you landed right on that rock! Ease it on over! That's why we got these things, Link, so you can hit rocks with 'em. I tell you right now, my bunker string is tight! Ew, that's not a good sound! Ew, ew, ew! It's just the bar. Ew, that's a bad sound! It's just the bar! It's a bad sound! It's just the bar, man! Ew, ew, that's like nails on a chalk board! That's what those things are made to do, man! Wow! I just! Ah! What? I don't know what's happening! How am I gonna get out of this? Hey man, there's only two words for this right here y'all, bad ass. Bad ass! You see, it's gonna be easy from here on out. Yeah, yeah! Whoa whoa whoa! Now you're turning directly into the camera! Turn back to the right! The camera is right over here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, ha, ha, ha, yeah! Yeah! Whoo! Yeah, you see that? Take that rock! I'mma smush you! Because I'm a guy in a truck! All right, so right here we got these culverts. My boy, Rhett's gonna try to take that F-J up there! Yeah, you got it, man! Oops, now you're in the hole here. Give us a little confessional, about how you're feeling. Okay, well first, I wanna thank my sponsors, Mossy Oak hoodies. I've been looking for a wider Mossy Oak sponsorship, like maybe pants and hats, but they have not awarded me that yet. So right now I'm just rocking the hoodies. I got two on right now. I also want to thank the great state of Florida for all y'all do for me, thank you very much. Okay, I'm back. What were you saying? Nothing, man. This is pretty narrow. I think we need to, well, just to put things into perspective, last time we were here, we tried this and we got stuck, and we had to get help. Once we went off the side of this thing, and you, it was you. I think it was you. You made it. Ah, ah, ah! Stop, stop, stop! I'm just concerned about you being able to get up that. I think we gotta take these rocks and put it in the hole. Just that is going to do a lot, right? See the problem is really the back tires too. You got this tire wanting to come off. If we needed to use the winch, there's nothing to winch to. Uh huh. I think we need to bail on this. I don't know how to bail. Just go backwards? Are you making a lifestyle statement, or are you making a logistical statement? Man, I can't even spell bail. Is that what you mean, like that? Maybe we did this backwards. Oh, I think that's what we realized last time. When we got stuck, we had done this backwards, and now we are doing it backwards again. I wanna apologize to Mossy Oak. And I know that this is not consistent with the Mossy Oak brand. So take it off. I can't sport a Mossy Oak brand. I can't live with myself. That's not how a real Florida man would do it. Hold this, son. Gotta take off all the branding. Hey, wait a minute, you're not from Florida! I'm just a regular old man from California now. You're a failure is what you are. Now get this thing off here, so we can do something else. Keep going. Stop. Sorry, Mossy Oaks, please don't hold this against me. I'll do better next time. All right, we're coming up on my favorite kind of ditch, hard ditch! What you laughing at Shepherd? That was a hard ditch. Whoa, that was a hard ditch! Hey, bud, what'd you think of that ditch? Man, I thought that ditch might be too hard for you. It was a hard ditch. That was a pretty hard ditch! That's pretty much a hardest ditch I've ever seen! Yeah, I don't think there even is a harder ditch! The funny thing about it is I could imagine a lot harder ditches than that. But I've never been on one. Nope! Never seen one. Uh oh. Look at that! Okay, what kind of vehicle do we have? Is it a motorcycle? Nope. Is it an ATV? Nope. Is it a four-wheel drive car? Yeah. That's a black diamond, boys and girls. We're gonna find a pronghorn sheep and tame it and take it home as our own pet. Is that what happens on the Pronghorn Trail, you find a sheep and bring it home? Yup, Shepherd is very into this trip. Hey boy, if we catch a pronghorn, I'm gonna make you ride him! Okay. Wait, hold on. This looks like a jump! Looks like a jump for, woah! We don't have jumping suspension. you can't see where you are driving once you go over these hills. You just gotta trust that there is more ground on the other side of it, yeehaw! You do a lot of vlogging. Tell the people about the experience. That was pretty crazy. Hey guys, it's Shepherd again with another video. That was pretty crazy. Tell them about your professional driver here. So this is Lincoln Neal, a pretty bad driver, but like-- What? This is Rhett McLaughlin. What's up, guys! It's Rhett from Cali, from So. Cal. It's so rad out here, man, gahh! So, um, yeah. Now he's coming back. Why'd you leave me, dude? I don't know my way around here, man! I'm like a helpless baby! Oh, look at this! Whoa, okay! That's kind of freaky, hold on. That's, that's, that's rather steep! Yeah, this is slick-looking. This is why it's a black diamond! And then, when you get up there That's a pronghorn sheep right at the top! There's a hard left. I actually don't know if we're gonna be able to make it up this thing, because it's kind of crazy! So radical Rhett here today! We're in So. Cal. We're burning up the trails. My good friend Link-a-Dink, is up here. Man that looks slick. I'm just gonna tell your dad that it looks easy. We won't be in the truck, right? No. He's gonna help me navigate this, 'cause it might get pretty gnarly, out! All right! Okay, he says he's ready. Here goes nothing. This looks pretty crazy! Kind of crazy! I'm not gonna get stuck here? I don't think so, no. Ah, I don't have my rear diff on, dude! Get your rear diff back on! I got the rear diff on, dude! I gotta get some momentum, dude! Go dad! I'm in a little trouble, dude. I think you are too high on that side. This is kind of tough, man. Dude, I know! Come around this way, I think. All right. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Be honest, if I wasn't filming this you'd be really scared, right? I'm not scared, I just kinda feel like I'm not gonna make it. Try going straight up there. Little more speed, keep going, keep going! Yeah! Oh gosh! I don't know if this is going to work! You're moving a little bit! He made it! He made it! Whoo, you made it! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, you did it! Yeah! Rhett Van Winkle, I wanna thank my sponsors, Blue Balls! I meant to say Blue Bull. That was quite a climb, man. All right, y'all ready to eat something? We do have protein bars, and I have a meat stick. We can split that three ways. Look at that stick, man! It's a good day when you find a good stick! It looks like something you'd get at Harry Potter World. You'd pay $80.00 for that! What would you be learning if you were in school right now? We might have Spanish. You might be learning Spanish? Speak some Spanish, man? Hola. Hola. Buenos dias. I forgot what that means. You forgot what buenos dias means? How long have you been taking Spanish? What have you learned today so far? That I don't know what buenos dias means anymore. We need to look at the map. I don't wanna die out here. I only got three hoodies. Look at that vista! It's absolutely magnificent and expansive and just feels like I'm looking into a Bob Ross painting! I was just trying to translate how awesome it was. I don't know, maybe it would be better in Spanish. Shepherd, give it a shot. Hola. Look at this, bro, oh ho! Oh my gosh, where are we going? I'm just noticing that when we go over the bumps... Oh gosh, the shocks are making weird noises. It is making a weird noise. Do you hear that noise? Don't. Oh come on! What? Okay, first of all, if you're gonna do the whole, "It is making a weird noise," fart joke, you gotta be quicker on the draw. All right, back in the driver's seat. We ready? Ready. [Link And Shepherd] Whoa! Whoa! Heads up! Where's the map? It's down there at your ankle. We are going the wrong way. Oh, we are? What do you want to do here? I guess we need to give Shepherd an opportunity to learn how to drive. All right, Shepherd, you're not in school today, but you need to learn something. It's time for your driving lesson. Hop up there, boy. All right, you know what to do? Uh uh. Here, get out. Is this a coming-of-age? Yes, son. Depends on how you do. I'm not gonna steer for you! Okay, Dad! Don't laugh, just focus. Oh God! This is not a video game, man. You can't just run into the side. You actually have to try to avoid obstacles. All right, don't smile. Look like you're confident. Slow down, slow down, Look confident! Slow down, dad! We got a turn up here now. All right, you got it. Turn a little bit to your right. You've played Mario Kart, right? That's how I'm doing this kind of. Yeah. I tell you, when I let him drive out in Florida, it's pretty much just wide open. Keep it turned sharp. Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn. Look at that, man. You should probably switch off with me. I can't, my foot's cramping, and is stuck in accelerate. Oh gosh, nothing I can do at this point! I'm at the mercy of the cramps. Wow, look at this Shepherd! Whoa, look at that! That's pretty cool, man! I'm just gonna sit here and let you have a father, son moment. All right, you wanna drive off and jump out at the last second, and he'll stay in the car? Yeah. That's what we call Florida style. When there's nothing to fall off of. You bring your best friend up here to murder him. Why are you teaching your son this mode of comedy? I don't-- Just because. Everybody's commenting. Woah! Dude, what the crap! Okay, all right. Hey, hey, that wasn't funny, man. So Shepherd, that was a wall. Can we stop for a second and have a little breather? Okay, man. I just want you to know that if my side of the truck goes over the cliff, your side is quick to follow. You planted the seed and then all of a sudden, he's thinking it will be funny to do it. Yeah, I'm sorry, man. My cheek bones hurt, 'cause I laughed so much. I got so scared, I bit my tongue! Give me a high five man! That was fun! You did awesome! Look at that! Is the name of this going to be, "My son drives a car!" Hey, your pitching titles for a YouTube video? "My son drives us off a cliff." That's the title. Almost! Hey, lets take some thumbnail photos. Three, two, ahh! If we don't have-- There's gotta be something in there. Look how beautiful it is out here. Pronghorn, pronghorn! We got pronghorn deer, creep up, creep up! I got my Mossy Oak! Don't get out of the car, creep up! What are you doing? I wanna see how close I am gonna be able to get to 'em. This is what Mossy Oak was made for. Okay, this is a true test of the Mossy Oak. Come back, don't leave me! You know what, Mossy Oak, it's not foolproof. Back in Florida, we don't got things like that! We got crocodiles! Actually, I think they're alligators. I can only image the bull crap that he's telling his son right now. I don't think it was the Mossy Oak. I think it was my smell, ' cause I got Eternity on today. Let's go, man. We've hit pavement! Here it is, the end of our dirt day. Shepherd, we cannot leave without giving thanks to the road that is the off-road. We've come out here into nature today. We cannot leave-- We still good? We're still good! So we came out here, and we enjoyed the bounty of the Earth. And now we must pay respects to the Earth itself. So son, I would like for you to get down on your knees and kiss the ground. Okay, all right, hey buddy, I didn't buy you that six dollar, that 12 dollar hoodie, 50% off for six dollars for nothing! Kiss the Earth! You get down there and kiss the Earth! I believe in this, man! We came out here. We took advantage of the Earth. Now we must respect the Earth! Shepherd you know your dad is a nut, man. In Florida, we kiss the ground all the time. Just do it. Shepherd, put your shadow there. It looked like you were about to kiss Shepherd on the mouth! I'm kissing my boy's shadow! Right, that was a bit odd. All right listen, boy, you gonna get down and do it? I'm not gonna take you back to Florida, ever, if you don't go down and kiss the-- I'm not doing it, man. So, you don't respect the Earth? How bout just kiss this rock? This is from the Earth. There we go! I also stepped on it right before you did that. That's even worse. All right-- Subscribe! Subscribe and click that bell! Respect the Earth, respect Florida. We'll see you next time.
Channel: Rhett & Link
Views: 1,305,317
Rating: 4.9581399 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, rhettandlink, rhett & link, rhett&link, rhett, rett, mclaughlin, link, linc, neal, good mythical morning, goodmythicalmorning, mythical, mythicality, comedy, duo, commercial, kings, music, videos, skits, weekly, vlogs, A Scary Off Road Adventure (with My Son), off-road, off roading, 4 wheel drive, adventure, rhett's son
Id: p7fDQIEczS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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