Storytime: Rhett's Son Stuck in Car

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open your mouth link coming in hot coming in not I mean hot there's open a little I could go in that's called when he goes to crawl its perspective welcome to good mythical more did we know you know yes we did know I did know and what's the yes for those of you first of all thank you see those mythical beasts ooh we haven't even been talking about the webbie's but those of you who have just gone out on your own intuitions and Volition's and found out about this and you're already spirit been spreading the word about this but the way the web bees work is you get nominated based on some Academy but then you get you win based on people's votes that's just how the internet award stuff works these days guys can't change let's just not race it no no oh the web winner and and voting there's there's voting components and there's also the the People's Choice Award bottom line is you didn't say that right there's the voting component is for the People's Choice but then there's also judges who vote and give a give away a separate please also vote for us yeah I mean I'm saying this is just a blanket thing if you're a judge or a mythical beast there's a vote for us so where do they go to do that one let one last day to do that yes we will tweet out the link so that you can do that and also on our Facebook rhett and Link and the categories are best web personality slash host and also web personality channels and networks lots of personality around here you need to vote for it yeah one thing I will say because I always feel weird about getting people to you're asking people to vote for an award but this is this is my perspective on this is that getting a nomination or a win for something like the webbie's is a great way for people who have no idea what this good mythical universe is all about to find out about it so this is a way I know you guys already do a good job of like telling your friends about what we're doing but this is a way to kind of completely reach a new audience and expand this mythical universe and you guys can be a part of that so we appreciate your vote okay well good picture wrap yeah I'm very excited about that can I just put it on my Instagram and just see if RiRi hits me up or do we have to like put it next to the thing in the video and we got to do the whole thing and put it on the rhett and Link stuff guy just do it I'm a personal stuff yes right I give you permission to post it on your because in addition to my own that photo because you took it that's how photos work I give you permission to put it on your Instagram yeah my uh okay that's nice yesterday I weird lunch we were at lunch and I we actually had lunch here for my wife and kids cuz they were gonna be at the office of the Drowned lunch and I was like let's get them lunch as well and so I texted Jesse now it's like you do know that you you guys you and the kids have lunch here and she texts back that's aggressive currently I am on the side of the road I can just you know what I can read you exactly what she said because she texted it to me it's in your phone you have a permanent record I want to get these he's making this up but he's trying to make you believe it bye I tell you what it's on there is food here for you and boys well that's not wasn't passive-aggressive and she says I'm currently stuck on the side of the road and about to have to cut Shep out of the seatbelt about to lose my mind trying to decide if I need to call 911 a line with the Acura dealer he's tied on she called 9-1-1 and someone from acura answered auto uh let me get into the details he's tied himself into a nut it's stuck around his waist and locked he's not around his neck that would be really bad so I saw obviously at that moment I didn't just keep texting I called her and she was like I can't talk right now I'm on the line with accurate person and they're helping me I was like okay so it was tied around his waist that's where so seat belt goes well so here's what happened there's a he was in a normal seat belt he was in his seat belt but then he was in the back and there's another seat belt that in the third row seating of the SUV there's seatbelts that come from the roof because you can you want to be at away completely because they win seats lay down you can't string the seatbelt with it right so he took the seatbelt from the roof and pulled it down and wrapped it around his wrist this is Sheppard this is not surprising at all it was probably a better way to be secure yeah yeah he was just trying to have redundancy in his his restraints so anyway he's in the he's in the all the way in the back and Jesse's driving lock is not currently there okay and so she was actually going to get luck to bring him back here and she says scheppers like mom I'm stuck in the seatbelt and she's like okay Shepherd Lane in he's like mom I'm snug into the seat belt he started crying and she's like Shepherd she's drunk you're gonna have to stay stuck until we get home and then he starts really crying and he's like saying things I can't breathe so she stopped she pulled onto the side of the road she actually pulled off of the highway the freeway and got down on like a side street that's good and that's where she made the calls so she said that she it looked and it was like wrapped around and it was really tight around his waist and somehow it had gotten locked up to itself in the top part had locked and there was nothing to release cuz I first I thought that's why I like later when she was on the phone I was like texting her pointless things like are you you can't release the latch you know things like just try to be a help just trying to be a helpful husband it's like seeing you know like okay you can't just push the red button on the oh wow but there was no it wasn't in anything to be released and so now you may remember that she's like a sailor tying himself up to the mass I told a story I told a story a few years ago about a squirrel coming into the house in my home and she called nan she called man 1 yeah well I'm ready to update you with the fact that my wife Jesse called 9-1-1 it she called 911 again yesterday when this happened and because apparently and I don't know why she didn't tell me this the first time but she told me that this morning she's like I actually did call 9-1-1 but it said we are experiencing high call volumes and that was it that's what happens when you call 911 la because women are calling 911 about squirrels in their homes and their gentleman being tied up in seat belts and that's why people who with real emergencies can't get through boho hold on Rhett this faults in your logic because she's the waltz in your plush she's the one that couldn't get through she couldn't get through because of other people like her who are calling 9-1-1 inappropriately what she admitted well what she said this morning she was like I called 911 because I was panicking because he couldn't he was he was crying and you know Shepherd doesn't care doesn't cry for no reason like he cries when he's hurt so did she have scissors uh no she didn't and she cuz she was like I think I'm gonna have to cut him out but she didn't happen you can't cutting a seatbelt you gotta have a good pair of scissors or a knife and we don't we don't have that in the car so anyway she said this morning when a shepherd we don't we don't let him carry a knife anymore she said well the reason I couldn't get through I guess is because people like me calling 911 one for you know when they shouldn't be so she I recognized that she shouldn't have been calling I'm like I think what he knew what she was calling but that is a little bit scary though because what if it was a real emergency is that is that how crowded this city is that if you're and I said did they call you back she's like no so like what if I'm dying it's iPhone and I can't get up moment and I don't have my life alert Life Alert calm nice posture I don't need know if his calm is it work I don't know could be dot biz dot us net they probably own them all life alerts in charge and I don't have my life alert and then I call nine-one-one and I can't speak it I'm having a heart attack and like we are experiencing Calvo high call volume and then I become incapacitated shouldn't they it just seems scary night when one is little it is the lifeline so anyway we need more 9-1-1 operator what did they say high call volume the los angeles 9-1-1 system are you still in there yeah you guys got it you guys got a good pair of sisters yeah what happened she well she the text the next thing she texted me was we got it no words she had a tough day yesterday she ever did a number of other things just she's busy right now lots of things going on so but what ended up happening is she said that eventually she was able to get the weight off of it and it released and i don't know if that was with the help of the acura person on the phone because then I was also like you know you had the OnStar button yeah those people will show up and like do your laundry for you but we have an OnStar button but we've never pressed it I don't know but I'm just interesting about my the vulnerability of life in these parts yeah we had he's not where does he about anymore definitely and he's getting the knife back why not when I searched Los Angeles 911 when I searched high call volume 9-1-1 the los angeles 9-1-1 system infographic comes up oh and if i if it says it is apparent that the chp California Highway Patrol has an increasingly large volume of 9-1-1 calls yet is equipped with fewer resources I notified vital information in response to these growing challenges enhanced Wireless 911 service has already begun to be implemented in LA in which 9-1-1 calls from cell phones will bypass chp and instead be routed to local PSAP s and with a and i and a li technology and a pc peace man oh well PSAP s and with any and ali technology saying in elliott yep i guess for some reason it didn't go to any rally got a side busy and a lead org thanks for sticking around for good mythical more if you want to watch more well we don't have good mythical more more but we do have a lot more videos here's two of them also click the circular channel icon to subscribe
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,401,269
Rating: 4.9484806 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical more, rhett and link good mythical more, good mythical more rhett and link, season 11, vlog rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, storytime, rhett link story time, rhett link storytime, rhett's son stuck in car, rhett's son, rhett link kids, rhett's kids, rhett kid, rhett son, rhett son car, rhett car accident, rhett car trouble, rhett shepherd, rhett mclaughlin kids, rhett kids, rhett wife, rhett mclaughlin wife
Id: gGTuLM8Dfo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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