Shading With Transparency in Blender 2.90

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[Music] so uh we got a new intro guys hopefully this one sticks around for much longer than the other ones but whatever so today we are gonna be continuing the node series this one's gonna be less like part three and more of just hey let's learn some new weird random things so in this one we're gonna be using some gradient and stuff to make this weird little abstract shaded thing that you can add to a character for example another practical application for this is i did the exact same procedure on this render outside of this compositing trick um you know gradienting these two materials together to make this really really cool vibe and i think it's really cool and let's go ahead and pop open these nodes this is what we're gonna be doing so i'm just gonna move this guy over here as my uh reference and we're going to open up a new blender file today we're going to be using a base mesh now if you you can use anything you want here if you just look up head base mesh there's tons and tons of free ones so i'm just going to go ahead and import the obj right here on my desktop and right here free obj mailhead so we have this guy i'm going to go to the front here and we can start shading this guy now so i'm just going to move him up a little bit and head on over to shading now i'm going to be using cycles for this so we're going to pop one open and i'm going to hit z rendered in cycles and let's go ahead and there's no lighting here so if you click this down arrow right here and bring this there you get one of the default hdris you have several to pick from now if you're going to be using ev i will show you one thing you need to do if you want to use ev for this but um i find this to just look the best in cycles so step one we need to get in a mix shader mix mix shader and we'll get transparent so the transparent bsdf right here now we'll take this mix shader and pop him right up here and let's go ahead and start shading so get a color ramp like always i've shown in this shader series color ramps control a lot of things give you flexibility and all that fun stuff now i'm going to get my noise texture in oh i now in this case any texture is appropriate you can do whatever you want in fact i'm going to use the magic texture this time because i think i have a great idea for it so ctrl t with that map i mean with the the node wrangler add-on and plug the vector straight to the object vector connection and then we'll use the magic texture right there now we have all this weird gradienting blobs let's go from linear here to uh constant just like that and we'll bring this in so now we have those straight edge cuts i'm gonna bring my depth to say four bring my distortion pretty heavily up and then bring the scale down so now we have all this fun stuff i'll bring my death to two that'll that'll look nice okay so now we have the swirly boy now if you're using evie i'm gonna go to material preview here if you're using eevee what you need to do is an eevee go to your material and then on blend mode use alpha blend what alpha blend is going to do is allow you to gradient this you can see some weird things going on with alpha blend maybe you can go to alpha hashed that might solve your problems so use alpha hash or alpha blend for you ev users depending on which one works for you i'm just swap back over here to cycles now we want now when i was making this design i wanted this sort of head part to be this thin weird wire and the mouth part to be renderable in terms of being able to see it as a mouth and a head and i thought that was a really really cool concept so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to get a noise texture in o i noise texture we're going to plug the mapping here to the noise texture and i'm going to get this color ramp bring it down here plug that there and then just to make sure it's working correctly i'm going to swap this out and then let's say bring this over like that and i'm going to bring my detail all the way up and also my roughness up so we get this nice smooth almost cement looking shader and then we can just bring in this color ramp like that to kind of look like it's distressed but you can still see the mouth the whole head all that fun stuff so i'm going to bring this over like this and shift a we'll get a mix rgb plug that there put this guy on the bottom one just for organization but it really doesn't matter plug that guy there so now they're mixing together in a not so great way let's get another color ramp and let's get a gradient gr gradient ctrl t with that node wrangler add-on object color so now it's gradienting this way just to make sure see how it looks in eevee this is yeah so it looks pretty good and evie but it will just look much much better in cycles in my humble opinion if i bring this in a little bit you can see the gradient looks good so they both really kind of speak to each other pretty well um but i'm a big cycles guy i love cycles so we're gonna switch this over and i think on the x rotation got to rotate it by 90 no that's not the move i think it's z 90. there we go so now he's like this which is really really cool um what i can do now because i don't like how smooth the gradient is i can uh bring it in like this and then on the x location bring it down and then say i can bring these two in together to really get a better look all really just depends on your artistic style what you want to do with this and now we have this cut in half situation in my original render i actually used a noise texture so an o i noise texture vector factor roughness down to zero detail down to zero and then i did um a pretty big scale something like this and now we have my original render so this is a really cool exercise for just making really cool shading all that fun stuff and then i made it yellow just really cool and really fun and you get this this crazy concept you can even make this big and then you get this wild almost looks like fine art kind of sculpture situation so you can go ahead and then if you want to add some bump nodes and stuff like that you can add like a bump node play with roughness all that fun stuff with this really cool concept that you can add to stuff and make things look really really cool so there you go thank you guys for watching and i hope you learned something
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 44,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Blender Rocks, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender node, Blender Procedural Shading, Blender Cycles, Blender Eevee, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender 2.8, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract Tutorial, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Blender Wood, Procedural Wood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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