Make Abstract Models with Geometry Nodes

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[Music] how's it going guys so in today's tutorial i'm going to be using blender 3.1 in geometry nodes to make a really cool abstract piece this type of modeling has never been able to be done procedurally with these kind of hexagons up until this new feature so we're going to use a brand new feature so you are going to need the experimental build well the daily build of blender so i'm going to leave a link in the description for you to download blender 3.1 because it's not yet officially available but you can still download it blender makes that available so you'll just unzip that and open up the blender execute file with that being said today's video is brought to you by concept d i'm using the concept d7 pro it's a really powerful laptop it packs a good punch and we're going to be using that throughout this tutorial so thank you to concept d for supporting the channel now let's get into the tutorial so once you download that file from the blender daily builds page you'll go right here to blender.exe and you'll double click that to open up blender i'm going to go ahead and highlight this here and let's go and get in a plane so we're going to need of actual geometry in a sense let's hop here into geometry nodes and go and make something pretty cool here so i'm going to click new to make a new node tree and i'm going to kill the group output delete him shift a and we're going to go here to mesh primitives if you've never done this before this is a really cool feature that allows you to edit your subdivision in a sense after clicking away so just say now you want to add your ico sphere well if i were to click away i wouldn't be able to subdivide this again without doing it destructively in edit mode well now you can add subdivisions click away and still add and take away subdivisions and that's really really great i'm gonna go here to three subdivisions so shift a we're gonna go ahead and get a dual mesh note now this is the part that only blender 3.1 has currently i'm going to click it drag it there and that's what dual mesh does gives you an instant kind of really techy sci-fi looking hexagon shape i'm not sure if it's a hexagon but you get the idea let's go ahead and get in a delete mesh i mean delete geometry node we use this in the last geometry no tutorial to make a really cool loop we're using it again because it's really fun i'm going to go ahead and get a color ramp plug the color into the selection this is going to tell you over here where to delete your geometry by using a texture so noise texture here plug it there so there we have our geometry playing with that color ramp we now brought it in bring that detail down and then bring some more geometry in look how cool this is so let's go ahead and get an edge split we can also do that here within the geometry nodes workspace so edg split edges now that that's done we'll go here to the modifiers and add in a smoothing modifier and we're going to get a solidify modifier and then bring up that solidify a little bit i'm going to go and drop down this up here and i'm going to click on cavity that's going to just give us a nice looking viewport after that i do want to go ahead and bevel what i have going on here so we're gonna bring that amount to right about here and then we'll bring up those segments now one really fun thing about geometry nodes maybe not so fun it is a weird thing about the workspace but if you want to shade smooth you have to go here and click set shade smooth plop it right there and that'll make it a smooth shaded object and then you can uncheck that from there some like it some don't i don't really mind it now let's go ahead and hit shift d on this and then i'm gonna go ahead and delete these modifiers that i've added now right here on this two we're gonna select that so we can make a duplicate of the node tree we made and then i'm going to go ahead and go right over these two these two nodes because we don't need them anymore now we're going to go here to curve to mesh we actually need to do mesh to curve first now i've created curves now we're going to go back here to curve to mesh and then we'll go curve to mesh and then to tell it what to do we're going to go get a circle we're going to do a circle curve plug that curve into the profile and what that's going to allow us to do is if i go 0.01 which that kind of made it go bonkers we'll go here to the radius and do 0 0.01 enter and this circle basically the size of the circle is going to be the size of our mesh here you can kind of see that there and that is how we create this fun thing right here so now we've created this really cool contraption you can even play with your piece there like that if you want to we've created this i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to scale this down a little bit so it kind of meets in the middle of our solidified geometry just like that now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and delete i mean uh duplicate by hitting shift to this guy and scale it in okay and then i'm going to click the number 2 here i'm going to go my subdivisions and subdivide it back by one and then right here i'm just going to go over the delete geometry so that we're not deleting any geometry because i want this middle one to stay there and then i'm going to hit shift a add another ico sphere bring it down and then i'm going to go ahead and just subdivide him by a little bit so now that he is nice and subdivided him in the middle i'm going to just barely be in there just like that perfect and we've now created our abstract uh ball here really cool it's really fun and pretty versatile workspace you can play with shape and all that stuff now let's go ahead and start shading this and finalizing this piece now the cool thing is we do get to use cycles x here we're going to go here to the gpu if you want to know what tech is inside of this computer we're going to be working with a quadro rtx 5000 and an intel core i7 so this is incredibly powerful stuff they put inside this laptop i have i've had no problems i genuinely enjoy using the concept e7 pro i've used it a ton so let's go ahead i'm gonna hit the tilde key go to the front i'm gonna hit shift a and get my camera and let's just go ahead and bring this camera all the way back then i'm going to hit 0 to kind of go to my camera view so there we go i kind of eyeballed that pretty quickly but if you need to play with it more click on your camera hit g and middle click and you can zoom in and out so i'm going to go ahead and just highlight this go back to my camera view and i'm going to hit r to kind of move it around to be something that i think is pretty cool so that looks really nice i'm going to hit this drop down and click on cavity just so i can have a nice view another thing you can do is if you want to kind of have some more perspective you can click on shadow and now you kind of have really interesting shadow and makes it just kind of look like final already to get a better idea what you're working with now let's go here to shading really quick and we'll we'll start shading this so let's go ahead and kill these windows i'm going to select this and click new make it metallic now you'll notice nothing changed even though i added this and one interesting thing about geometry notes which i don't know if i'm a fan of i'm sure there's a good reason why they do this so you have to actually add the material you'll hear material and then select material put at the end of your node tree and then select the material there and then it'll add it so it's kind of weird but so we'll get this set material we're going to get another material well might as well add it now we're going to need an emission material just like that go ahead and add that emission material and then here on this middle one we'll do the same thing it is a bit of a drag to have to do this every time again if you guys know sort of the practical reason why that is a thing please let me know i'm sure there is a very good reason why blender has us doing it adding the materials in the node editor regardless let's go back here to shading and start playing with those materials some hit this drop down select that material i'm going to go up and i'm going to make a material we actually made in the last tutorial let's go ahead and get in a noise texture here plug that there we'll get an a voronoi texture switched over to chebychev and then we'll get these two guys right there let's get two color ramps so shift d and we'll plug color here and factor here we'll get any mix rgb and we'll plug the color there in the color there and plug this color into the roughness so what this is making is a kind of a cool sci-fi kind of techie material so i'm gonna bring the factor over so we can just see the noise texture plug that there scale it all the way up we'll bring this roughness up click on the black portion and we're going to bring this up a little bit so it meets it and then here we'll bring a factor over here i do want to kind of bring this in to make this more dramatic and then bring your factor over and just kind of slide it over to you'll start to see as much of the voronoi as you want to see that's happening there now let's click on the emission material let's get a color ramp there you guys know i love color ramps i'm noticing i get kind of made fun of for using color ramps so much in the comments that's okay uh they're pretty useful all right bring that detail down and then um click on the white and pick whatever color you want your object to have and then i'm going to bring my strength up from linear to b spline kind of play with that brightness there and then here in the cycle settings we'll actually click on cycles and see how that's looking so it's pretty cool so far let's go ahead and add some lighting so i'm going to hit zero i'm gonna hit zero there you probably hear the fans kicking in now so we've got a pretty good cooling system here on this laptop handles everything pretty well right about now is a good time to save so i'm just going to call this geo and let's go ahead and light this scene so i'm going to go here into cycles we'll go to the world icon bring this down in fact we need to go back to shading go from object to world and add in a volume node so principled volume plug that there and then we'll bring that density down to like 0.1 for now so it's already looking pretty cool i'm going to hit shift a add a light and get an area light hit g to kind of move it over and i'm going to hit r to rotate it so move it over like this actually maybe bring it up and then hit r and then here i'm going to go ahead hit g s to scale it up and then we'll go back here to the render view so click on the the uh light we'll go ahead and edit that a little bit make it a little bit blue that's kind of how we want it to look i'm going to hit shift d move it over here i'm going to hit r to rotate it and i'm going to shrink it down and switch to a green color here and then make it pretty dark just so we can get kind of an accent reflection and we we're pretty much done this is how you create this really cool thing now let's go ahead and optimize our render settings to make this render as fast as possible so the way you do that of course make sure you're using your gpu and then here in our samples on the render i'm going to give myself 500 which is a good amount of samples but that's you don't really need to worry about that because here in the light paths make everything one so right here glossy one transmission one volume zero transparent we don't have any transparency we'll hit zero really important turn off these right here and then i'm gonna go ahead and render this image and i'll show you how fast it rendered and how it looks at the final piece all right we're here on the final render and we're looking at 33 seconds for this 1080p 1920 by 1080p render it looks really good this was made this was rated in cycle so really good hardware here on the concept d7 pro super fast rendering really cool stuff so there you go guys that is how you create this render it's really fun have fun with geometry notes there's a lot to explore there's a lot more geometry notes coming from the channel here thank you guys for watching thank you conception for sponsoring the channel and i will see you guys in the next tutorial [Music]
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 7,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Geometry nodes, Ducky3d, B3d, Blender 3D
Id: K5eNdCpoRD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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