Shack With BRAMBLES ON THE ROOF Built in ADVENTURE MODE | Fallout 76 Tutorial

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hello my fellow mono sodium glutamates I'm Mr church today we're going to be building next to Vault 76 that's right here on the map in case you don't know uh yeah and like I can see the little Hill so we're basically out behind it there's a pre-existing Shack here looks beautiful almost as good as your own house looks there's these stupid uh mattresses and I don't know just tent and stuff this garbage hole I don't know well I'm going to be using area to kind of accentuate what we are going to be building which is of course a shack CU why would I build something nice um there's a lot of cool garbagey things that I want to build um I've been getting a lot of inspiration from the things in my own life and so that's that that means we're just going to build complete trash okay uh so what we're going to be doing here is building a little Shack uh these two pieces here we're going to shove all the the way back so that the back two are kind of mushed into the ground uh and then we're going to get rid of these two pieces here for absolutely no reason you'll have to put them back in later when I remember that I actually want them there after all sometimes I'm going to be building with different wall pieces that I'll actually end up using later and that's because as you can see it's all scrambled up what the is that do they think that we want to play this kind of a mini game oh let's where's Waldo it's hunt for your stupid wall you want now put these back like I said you would have to cuz I didn't have to remove them to begin with these two you're going to switch to doorways so that you can remove the two temporarily remove them you can store them or if you're a idiot you can pick them up and put them off to the side cuz you forgot there was a store option in the game for such a time as this place two catwalks a half and a quarter which will allow you to snap a doorway to that uh you don't have to use a doorway but I did and in fact I would appreciate it if you got off my back about it sometimes I make choices and I don't want you looking over my shoulder while I do it place the the floors back in however you can try to get it so they're lined up I use the striped ones uh when I'm building foundations always because I can line them up easier and I can replace them to be um now when I'm placing the uh roofs of course you will have to place uh these slant roofs on the top first because if you place them on the bottom first it won't let you place the slant ones above them because they're intersecting with with a roof right so place the top ones and then place the bottom ones uh which means I'm going to use two glass pieces on the bottom area and then I'm going to have the rusty metal for the top area this will go in sometimes you have to turn sideways uh do some ancient um recitation if you will uh to get it to work now I'm going to use this beautiful rotten abandoned mind r roof and I want to stick some half walls in there but I can't so I'm going to flatten these down flatten them down flatten them down sit on them like you've seen a Big Mac when you know how it looks in the commercial and then you actually get it and the manager has sat on it that's how you want these roofs to be place these half walls like this then you can pick this back up and uh I'm actually going to turn those half walls to Shack later or the abandoned mindset but for now we'll do it this way and uh I'll have you know that this is all beautiful and glorious now for the most part fun part in the world see how these brambles can only be placed on the dirt but I actually want to place them on the roof like an like they're kind of overgrown sometimes you might have seen some you know EC modern with grass on the roofs or you might just seen an overgrown Shack with grass on the roofs you can't place these except now we can because uh hop along Tom in my Discord uh found this method for um being able to place uh certain things uh that can only be placed in the dirt inside of a mineart planter or there's a couple other Planters you can use now this is applications uh Hong Tom uh did it so that they could place um the water well somewhere in their camp but I thought uh if this works with brambles we'll be able to move brambles around and get them to be somewhere else than just in the dirt so we're going to go under the map using this classic method uh which is pretty simple um if you have to rewind and look back then that's on you place two brambles above ground I'm going to kind of spin them so they're not uh really looking that bad you can spread them out more than this now I'm going to take this Minecart planter I did try the tub planter but it was too small the minecart one uh works better um and that's just for the brambles I think you can get other stuff to fit inside the uh the tub but the the brambles are too fat um and then I'm going to stack these up and they're a little bit too high you want it to be so that there's a planter that's about level with the surface of the Earth when it's all said and done so I sunk these down so that when I go above ground the top of the minecart planter is level with the ground you may even see some of it sticking out and then you're going to make a blueprint of that so you're going to blueprint the thing jump up here and then you can blueprint these two brambles and I'm going to name it something creative like one and uh then I'll be able to find it now you can take this blueprint and you can place this down and this will allow us to manipulate the brambles and put them where we want them which is going to be on top of the roof now for the most fun you've ever had besides that one time when you ate glass remember when you spilled vinegar in your eye it's kind of going to be like that maybe not quite as fun uh so basically what we want to do is float the brambles up here and then hide the thing that is supporting the Bramble so we want to hide the planter and we want to float the Bramble far above the planter so we're going to use this reverse merge where you can place this thing down on top of the your Camp module in the bottom item will drop down now for some reason we in the community who have named things have not named this the drop merge even though this is technically drop merging we're dropping the bottom item down uh that's confusing but don't worry about it um cuz I'm just going to don't worry about it now I'm going to put a little um measuring system over here uh so that I can tell where to start with the first Bramble and so that when I place this down next to it the Bramble is kind of level with where that roof would be using this ability I can then know where to start on our Bramble Joy now unfortunately you can only place six Planters in your Camp uh which means I had to only use six Planters which means I'm going to use three Planters on each side for just the rusty part of the roof and it's going to be glorious and fun now I I like uh trying to find new ways to invigorate myself uh like um sometimes I stick a fork in electric sockets uh to see what'll happen and today we're also going to be doing this cuz I don't know what could possibly go wrong how could this be any sort of uh desperate fun so basically what you want to do is we're getting it so that when I place this up next to this like this the brambles form a slanting shape that will follow the roof line so um that's too high now that's too high if you go too high you can do the um the regular merge with a pressure plate uh which will syn that back down you can kind of use it as a back button if you go too far for some reason we call that merging even though that were is actually pushing the bottom item up so don't worry about that if you place that next to the foundation you can of course then place it down on top of it and we're going to use a wall to measure it this is our ruler as you can see that one is too high still so we're going to do more I guess what we call drop merging even though that's not we're not dropping we're we're pushing it up unfortunately it's too late to change the name of it uh cuz it's just that's what we call it now but it's backwards and I'm going to stress that because a lot of stuff doesn't make any sense if you think about it in the terms of drop merging you're because you're not dropping anything you have to think about it differently with a confusing name like that it makes it hard to figure out what you're actually doing so in this situation the reason why we're getting these brambles to be exactly how we want them to be is when we merge this down so that the Planters are even with each other it's not going to move the Bramble because we're not dropping anything we're not dropping this planter down we're pushing the bottom planter up and nothing else is going to change in relation to each other so that's why I don't like that we call it the drop merge cuz we're not drop merging we're pushing this up into what we already have so these are Level now and the brambles importantly are exactly the way they were before and they're at the exact height that we need them to be and the reason why we need them to be lower than the foundation is they're going to hide the planter inside the foundation so that is why we're doing that and because we love ourselves so much we're going to do this a third time and uh yes we're going to have three of these on each side um for those of you who are angry that I'm using a glitch in this game to build if you want to call it glitching that's fine um I prefer to use the word uh unique uh tip and trick that you can use um I want to point out the fact that you can't actually plant plants in the Planters they're broken uh you can't plant anything in the Planters okay you know the planter that you bought with real money to put plants in you can't use it the way that you can't use it it's unusable so forgive me forgive me if I'm getting utility out of an item that I purchased that doesn't work now if you you come in here very important pick out the flooring you want right now because you will not be able to change the flooring after the Planters are in the foundations it will not let you replace uh you don't have to worry about uh the back two foundations but the front two make sure you get them to be the flooring you want I'm going to switch these to the um army base walls and burn them you can also use the brick walls this is just to remove as much Collision as possible in the surrounding area now you're also going to want to come up here and you're going to want to flatten these back down to how they were so that the brambles don't intersect with it and for good measure you're also going to burn these two half walls up here and I'm not sure what's more laughable that I decided to make this uh build or that I'm presenting it as if it's a tutorial that someone will be stupid enough to want to follow you know what I mean so like let's just keep that farce going so now you're going to pick this up and drop merge see it's not we're not drop merging we're not dropping anything we're pushing the bottom one up into the pile that we already have and if you go too far like this you can go over here and then actually drop merge with the reverse merge and find the one you want now we're going to come in here you're going to pick up the frontmost do not rotate keep it the same orientation that you had and oh yeah you're going to want to have the make sure these are doorways so that you can actually remove them otherwise it'll say that you can't pick it up cuz you know then the the wall will be floating we wouldn't want that God please help help there not be any floating walls in this world that would be horrifying uh wouldn't it be cool if we could just like build stuff like I had to get a doctorate degree just to be able to build a shack A a 2X two Shack okay like I literally I don't know what to say anymore okay measure this front to back by kind of hovering a wall here we want to make sure the brambles are not like too far forward or too far back and now pick up a a floor put it over here and now we're going to use a different kind of merge which is the foundation merge if you're having trouble with any of these merges that I'm doing this video uh see nuc Violet's merge tutorial video um and it will go over everything in great detail even though she perpetuates the fact that they're called drop merging when we're not dropping anything don't worry about that I'm sure she was just kidding around when she did that and also don't watch any of my other videos where I also call drw merging because then it'll ruin this kind of you know how I'm being sanctimonious about it well that's going to ruin it if you go and see that I also called it that because if I'm the one that's saying we shouldn't do it then I shouldn't certainly have done it now drop this down until it's just underneath the floor you can actually have some of the the dirt showing if you want I kind of wish I did cuz it adds to that dirty Shack floor Vibe um but I didn't do that unfortunately hate everything now as you can see if we try to put this back in the U Mine cart's sticking out the back so it will not go in it's intersecting with that back Foundation see how much that's sticking out it's a massive amount uh so you're going to want to come in here pick this up move it out um and then now we should be able to put it back in and then uh make sure it's rotated the right way and uh then you might be able to put the floor back in um sometimes you can sometimes you can't and if you can't make sure you have some of the the front planter sticking out a little bit but that looks really good I think that's working really well and I think that was well worth five days of of straight up of joy you know you guys ever wonder why it takes me so long to uh put out videos just take a passing glance at what we've done here and uh start crying because you have to have some empathy you have to understand okay do you understand therapy isn't cheap okay and so I'm I'm doing this for you I'm doing this for you now uh we're going to do this side and I'm going to move this one out right now now when you're putting these Planters on you want to make sure that they're not overlapping on the inner wall because they will you know you need these two to be next to each other and touching and you also want to make sure that they're both lined up with each other so the brambles aren't like ones forward more than the other and you also want to have just a tiny bit of the front planter sticking out of the foundation that's really important and I'll show you in a minute why uh but what you're going to do is uh again reverse merge sometimes uh you may find that it's a little difficult because there's pieces of the thing sticking out like this but foundations have a massive hitbox take a week and a half if you need to uh to merge this down now this is where things get a little dicey because uh I was able to get this in where I wanted it and when I go to snap this back in it says absolutely not no no no you can't go there there's something sticking out even though there's way less sticking out this time than the other time uh it doesn't want to it doesn't want to at all hates you so much so because we have it sticking out the front a little bit we can actually burn the mine cart that's in there and because it's the forward most mine cart it is also the bottommost mine cart which means the other mine carts are sitting on this one which means when we burn this one the other two disappear fully there's no Collision there's no hitbox they're gone so then we can take this and put it back in uh that'll be beautiful that's great and glorious and while that's burned I'm going to go ahead and put some underpinnings on the front here and I'm going to use these Army based ones because the army base ones are going to allow me to do something magn ific which you've never seen before in your life and that is oh God I just now you might not be able to if it's too low to the ground but you know what to do you guys know what to do you've seen it all just go down here simple as that just a couple of 20 minutes and uh you should be able to put one half wall in okay uh this is why I never um feel like we should call these glitches when we are doing things to be able to place something down that should be able to be placed in the first place uh but because these are different uh you can burn them and they have a separate Collision type which will allow you to snap these special special wooden stairs in uh usually you're not allowed to uh when you have an underpinning there uh but these ones do let you but uh replace these with the abandoned mine Shack thing which is amazing it adds a nice scrappiness to it and covers up the side of the foundation uh now let's do a couple of cool little um decoration things so I'm going to make a pile of straw in the corner that I can sleep on so I'm going to hide this um sleeping bag in this hay bale so you can't see it at all I'm going to make sure it still works uh because because I need it to actually be functional or there's no point of even putting it down there you know what I mean uh so that's going to be good yummy now come in here and I'm not going to use that one cuz it hates being down so I'm going to use this back corner one uh pick it up bring it out if you click on something and it turns red that means you won't be able to put it back in if it turns green that means you most likely will be able to place it back in so keep it oriented the way it was don't rotate it don't don't mess around this is no time for clown show games uh I'm going to have it slightly at an angle here and that's going to really be glorious for a lot of different reasons but uh basically um this is going to be something magnificent in the corner of our glorious little area once again we're going to be doing the foundation merge that we've done a bunch of times again you have to be out free cam mode stand next to this pick it up till it turns green uh and then you should be able to push it down you can use the scroll wheel if you're on the M uh you know mouse and keyboard or you can hold the bumper and the uh build button or L1 R1 while you hold X and it'll go up and down without you having to move the joystick that's a good way to slide it up and down now of course it's intersecting because it's intersecting with the walls because why wouldn't it be why wouldn't it be intersecting so I'm just going to burn this entire corner of the house and then it should go in after that if it doesn't I'm going to delete the game all right that's good uh and now uh just repair all everything's going to be fine but while you're at it before you uh after you repair all in that situation um make sure you just burn these burn these two Roes up here anytime you're decorating a house with a half wall in height just burn those roofs and uh you'll be able to decorate in there a lot easier if you don't burn them everything you place is going to pop up through the roof now I'm going to make something a little funny little cute uh I'm going to make a clothes line with on it I've done this before but not with this method this one makes it a lot easier place down these blinds and with the blinds placed you should be able to snap a wall to the blinds it's a special special treat uh I did make a video on this if you want to check it out uh the the link for that will be in the description of course I'm showing exactly how it's done here so you shouldn't have to worry too much you can remove the blinds change it to a doorway and then we're going to try to snap the curtain to it but of course it doesn't want to because there's no uh floor underneath it why would why would you be able to place a door when in with with no floor that's so stupid of you to think that why would you do that so put a floor in you should be able to in this situation alone uh then snap the uh door there that's going to be good and then once you have that door there switch this to a uh to a normal wall and then you can delete it uh then you're going to take this um and we're going to use a special treat now this trick is actually all the way from Fallout 4 it's the same concept that jug uses uh with mats and conduits but basically if you have a wire attached to something that's on something else if you move the thing the conduits on and place it down after that you can pick it up and move it around wherever you want and the wire doesn't break um also I noticed while I was building this that they there's something weird that they changed where when you pick up something that's a stack the stuff in the stack doesn't ghost it's it stays a solid object so it looks really confusing like you like look that that conduit is fully there it's not a ghost item so it's a really really bad I hate it it's really bad to work with but that looks really cute I think looks pretty good uh over here is a good example of that so what I did was I drop merge that car down onto the uh forklift slightly so that it was like you know in the right position and now I want to sink the forklift down onto something so I can get it into the ground a little bit because if I place it on the side of a hill it's going to be floating in a way that I just don't want that it will make me feel sad so um look right there did you see that I picked it watch this I'm going to pick up that thing I actually thought that it wasn't on it because it was doing that look it's a solid object that that should be ghosting so that you can tell that you have it s I can't I can't every day it's something new every day it's something special and sweet um you know but um we love it so much we love it so much now I will say that I am excited about the um fact that they added new rewards to F knle or whatever you call it uh that's great they didn't at all last year and I thought maybe they had forgotten that they were supposed to be working on the game still cuz you know how they all got fired well now they're uh you know adding some special things glowing ones that's good glowing mask let's look at the finished product and stop bitching about the game uh now I've really really enjoyed building this I I did I did I I liked the challenge of it and I liked decorating it I really like how it turned out out now for that front there I used the rustic wall and then burned it and it creates this really cool boxed in look like it looks like a big shattered window hole um and I think that really really looks good there um and again the door uh that I'm using there probably really doesn't match it's a little too clean um but I got it from the item shop and so I wanted to use it cuz it was a new thing but um it's really good when you're building to try to you keep things small you can really um lose the the focal point of what you're trying to build when you when you try to go too big with it uh size isn't always the most important thing sometimes it's about the quality of what you're doing and details are important and if you have too much going on the details get lost I really really like how this looks though I think it looks really good looks really overgrown um I hate to say it but I was actually going to put the brambles all the way down on the roof uh but that I realized we could only use six Planters uh so then I had to do that which is good that that happened because I would have really lost my mind if I had tried to do that all the way down now you can actually see um there's some a lot of a lot of like all the junk back here because I didn't add to it very much um it just kind of accentuates what I have going on here and makes it kind of Scrappy looking and good instead of terrible um but I did add the wires and I did add that windmill thing and I did add some of those barrels back there and I think instead of taking away from what I built or taking away from what's already here I made something that can complement each other now I I might add some stuff into the shack later I I like it I I included it in the build Zone just in case I might make it into a still or something but to be completely honest with you this character hasn't done BB's Quest so I can't um but I'm I'm going to do that probably soon but in the meantime I didn't want to crowd out what's already here because what makes this stuff cool is that it looks abandoned and overgrown and if you build too much it it's really easy to get away from that so I wanted to make something small that fits in but that also has this vibe to it a lot of stuff bulldozes the grass around it um unfortunately and it's really horrific you can see that bulldoze grass around this whole building so I I use these brambles to shove that in there I wish there was more grass variants that we had Unfortunately they did just add those bushes and they put them in a bundle of other unrelated things so I didn't get them uh because you know obviously in my opinion uh them for doing that just gently with respect I really like how this looks there is a little bit of a gap in the middle of the brambles uh there is a way where you could get the brambles a little bit closer than I got them like if you put the brambles closer to one side of your mine cart uh then you won't have a massive gap between the two brambles but you'll be able to put them closer together in the middle by like rotating them so that side's facing each other I don't know if the words I'm saying make any sense but I really really like how this looked I use that hell visha fence that I keep forgetting I have cuz it's in the defensive area for some reason going inside again I use this Iron Mountain Anvil thing just for the door I love this door it's a little too clean for this build to be honest uh you'd probably be better using that faded painted white one or the or the wooden Shack door um that would go with this a lot better I think but I like it I like it um honestly I didn't doo do too bad like the brambles are coming through a little bit but it just looks like it would like the roots are coming through the the ceiling which is perfect in my opinion over here um in the corner I think that it looks pretty good I use the the new piece of wall wall thing that's from the uh scoreboard to make like a hole in the wall kind of look because you can snap the the vine to the wall and then replace it to this which is pretty cool I love how open it is without that broken the the sun really comes in and shines down on your day like it always has what a glorious Beautiful Bastard you are and this this world is your oyster so why don't you go lick it or something and slurp it down don't chew on it and the 76 uh box makes sense to me because we're right next to the Vault we're literally right here so if there would be a place on the map where there would be a box with those suits in it why not next to the Vault you know so I have some broken bits here like we're working on the uh the workbench and then we are sleeping in this corner here um on this pile of hay this is one of my favorite details that I added to this build um it really uh just add something different add something new and it make makes it kind of kind of cozy in here you know it makes it look like this place is abandoned and I'm just sleeping in it I'm just I'm not not really living here long term I'm in here there's some stuff that I'm using the workshop with um and it all has that kind of old appalachin vibe that I was going for I love how there's that big tree framed out the front window hole if you want to call it that and I love how you can switch these Roes so there's like little pieces that are open and little pieces that are closed I think it's really good with the glass walls cuz it's like pretty open in here even though it's a very small space using a lot of different like random stuff like the chairs are different they're broken um think about details when you're decorating because you want to think about like what would it be like here would you have a matching set of chairs probably not like I just found whatever you know laying around you can just jump out the front window but that the bottom of this does have Collision so you don't just accidentally walk through it but I really really love how this turned out I'm really proud of it and um I know it's kind of small but it is the important thing when you're making rundown immersive Shacks is to keep it small you don't want to go overboard with it because um sometimes less is more uh because you know we're trying to make it look like a small little Shack in the woods you know we're not making a mansion I also really like how this turned out looking I I put the conduits right on these posts and because they're kind of crooked it it really it really looks like I strung the wires up after the fact which I really like how that looks it's very simple but it's also very like it doesn't look like someone just made a Rat's Nest in their Camp of wires which I think is hard to avoid when you're wiring things up I really really enjoyed uh this a lot it was a lot of fun Scrappy builds are kind of my favorite thing and I haven't done one in a while so I was really happy to do this um uh couple of things I wanted to mention before I end the video is I have been streaming over on Twitch as well as on YouTube now on Mondays and Fridays currently is my schedule but that might change um and we're doing on Mondays a perade death run on Fallout 76 so if if I die have to restart my character um and that's been super fun and then on Fridays we're just doing whatever uh hanging out it's been a lot of fun so come and hang out for that uh if you turn your bell icon on it's supposed to notify you when I go live but half the time it doesn't so don't worry about that I'm not the CEO of YouTube so like you can get off my back about that personally I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to my patreons and channel members for your support uh it really does mean a lot to me and it really helps support the channel as I have more time to work on these videos and do fun things that I love doing and sharing these things with you uh join the Discord if you're not in the Discord already it's a great place and you will also see when I go live uh when I'm streaming uh thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Mister Church
Views: 5,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fallout, fallout 76, bethesda, tutorial, camp, build, steel dawn, wastelanders, immersive, church camp, modern camp build tutorial, base building tips, gameplay, atlantic city, fasnacht, 2024, country roads, glitches, tips and tricks, update, atomic shop, minerva location, fallout 76 fasnacht, fo76, playthrough, camp locations, pre existing, merge, how to build camp
Id: AnzgH0DR6T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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