50 EPIC Camp Spots! | Fallout 76 Best Camp Locations 2023

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ladies and gentlemen it's TNG and in this video I've got 50 camp locations to show you now all these spots are videos that I've uploaded before however I thought it'd be a good idea to choose my best camp locations and put them all together in one big video so without further Ado let's take a look at them oh and as a quick FYI there is time stamps in the description so you can choose to look at whatever spot takes you fancy okay then for our first spot we're just up from the converted munitions Factory and this place is bloody fantastic it's literally an abandoned settlement it's very Raider is in its design there's a lot of different buildings here and honestly this site is bloody massive so be straight up with you guys I'm not even sure if you'll be able to get this whole area within your Camp radius but give it a try let me know what happens a couple of different levels to it it's all join together by these little catwalk decking kind of things I don't know wooden Walky byy 5000 let me know the technical term down in the description as well as all the buildings it's got a really nice ni view too just take a look at that simply simply lovely enemies wise the last time I were up here all I saw was dogs and moats but it's been a while so since the update they could have put more shite up here all in all it's a really nice location the only comparable spot I can think of is near the Gorge river bridge where all those open-sided cabins are so it's pretty unique as well next up we're in the cocaine Valley also known as a toxic Valley and we're just outside of Clarksburg in a pre-existing Diner so I think I'm right in saying that this is the only Diner where you can place your camp on the entire map so yep mhm that's a bonus inside it looks like well a diner what else do you want me to say it is what it is we've got a skeleton in ear who's still waiting for his meal looks like he could do with it as well and in the corner along with baby we've got a porter diner with that perfectly preserved pie M very nutritious enemies you say yeah it's got him there's a gaggle of ghouls that live inside the diner itself and on the outside a collection of crustations my works is what I'm trying to say yep if you like your diners it's a pretty cool spot and due to the fact that Bethesda have still not given us back the ability to stack counters and make our own diners you're pretty damn limited now we're having a wander into the forest the best location in the entire game and we're just down from the reway tower and we've got ourselves a little pre-war house now pre-war roses are everywhere in the game as you'll see later on in the video but I like this one for number of reasons one from the front of it you can't even tell you can build in it it's all boarded up so there's less of a chance of a lot of people building here in theory anyway don't hold me to that the second reason it's in bloody good condition none of the walls are blown out it still has a roof and the inside is relatively clean now the game wants you to think that you can only build in this room here but you can glitch through the wall and you can put down some stuff inside as well you will have to place your items down on mats and then put them down but that's the same for most pre-existing locations in the game game the other reasons why I like this place it's got a nice view you're not elevated so it's not the best in the game but it's still a pretty decent place I've never seen an enemy here unless you're aggro to the Raiders you shouldn't have any problems but again I could be wrong I am known to make mistakes on the enemy's front and the final reason the aformentioned Raider personally I like having NPCs at a camp they make for great missiles and you can launch them at Mac 3 across to the other side of the map in some cases next up we're back in the toxic Valley and we're just across from Becca farm and yeah we've got more pre-war roses as I said there is a lot in the game it's just some of them are in better condition than the others these two are pretty much intact they both have decent size Interiors the bigger of the two houses is obviously well bigger because it's a larger structure but anyway moving on both of them are very well fleshed out inside there's a lot of furniture they both have two stories and like I said before they are in pretty good condition on the porch of the smaller house you do get an NPC I had one of those roving TR Raiders at one point can't remember what she sold but yeah we're overpriced let's be honest in terms of the enemies I think I've seen ghouls here it has been a long time since I've been to this spot but Gs does spring to mind and to finish up you guessed it we are back in the forest and yes it's another pre-war house I know I like to surprise you all this one's right next to the river so obviously you get some absolutely stunning views especially at the evening when it's starting to go dark and all that orangey shy comes through mhm simply simply lovely the house itself is in remarkable condition there's literally no damage to it whatsoever obviously the interior is full of like most of the locations in the game but this one has an extra special kind of crap in it there's a little Easter egg by Bethesda inia and I don't know exactly what it is it's some really random video but it's about some chap that married A rad roach I don't know I'll leave a link down in description take a look at it if you want so for our first spot we're just near the pumpkin house and we've got ourselves a little backwards Bungalow not the silver variety The Green variety simply simply lovely now there's not really too much I can say about this spot I mean it's a caravan Bungalow kind of whatever the Buddy L thing it is you know it's quite self-explanatory but it is very easy to put down items on the inside of it a lot of pre-existing structures you need to use mats but this one everything seems to go down no problems whatsoever which is a bonus sorry about that not quite sure what happened there I just lost it for a second but that's okay let's continue if you did unlock the bwoods bunard you know that little green one we got on the scoreboard I think it was then you could build yourself a nice little campsite here it's pretty much set out for you I can't remember the build limit on the Bunger Wars but yeah it goes without saying you're going to be able to put at least one more down don't it it kind of makes sense I will say though before you put down your Camp here if you're adverse to fighting you know you're a pacifist or something there is enemies around here and quite a lot of them you've got a fissure site just across the way from you which is always a barrel of fun and I've had super mutants spawning here as well which again are an absolute blast to deal with you know they come in firing at you with assault rifles and Min guns it just keeps you on your toes next up we're just across from the Rollings labor camp and this is LMP Biscuit's favorite spot let me tell you now do be warned we are in the ash Heep so when you breathe in and breathe out you've really got to be careful cuz you can give yourself one damage and if you ever do see some of the blood Eagles that spawn you it's best just to put your hands up then put them down and ask them what they're going to do now I'm so sorry I'll stop with the pathetic dad joke now this location is actually massive you've got a number of different structures you can build in here we've got this little signal buy 3000 with a water tank at side of it I don't know the technical term of what it is I don't work on the bodyy railway we've also got this Gap defeater 300 here also known as a bridge you can get your Camp radius to go around that as well which is very very nice and you've also got all these little train carriages you can build in and around as well very very nice honestly a really cool spot this if you ignore all the enemies which do spawn you as I mentioned before then jobs a good in number three yes we're in the cranberry bog I know it's a bit risky but do I care yes would be the honest answer but we're going to pretend it's no and crack on anyway now as you just saw on the map we're just down from the sunrise fields and there's some little buildings here that you can build in these are not the best at all let me tell you now there is better locations on the map however I very rarely show spots in the cranberry bog and it's about time and mix it up a little bit so what are the positives of this beautiful location well you've got these two little Shacks you can build in if you could even call them that although one of them I'm guessing you'll be pissing in the wind trying to place anything down in because it's just so bloody small and that is exactly what she said before you get in there in the comments you buggers the second building yep you can build in it but you are probably going to have to use mats to place down items so don't say I didn't warn you what are the other positives well we have a wood pile at the back which is always nice you know wood is really difficult to get hold of NOP no it isn't one actual positive we do have though there brain fungus lying around and as we all know that is very good for your intelligence I wish it were a real real thing because Jesus Christ I could do with some of that myself so now we move on to the not so good points you know because I put forward so many good points that's a lie and the first blaringly obvious problem with this place is the location itself the cranberry bog I hate this place if you like it fantastic if you like me and you don't well you made the right decision and just totally ignore this Camp location altogether the second most annoying thing about this spot is the type of enemies that spawn here I've had Mo rats and I've had GS next up we're at the top of the world and we have got ourselves a nice little raider windmill very very nice indeed now the key word here is Raider right it's a Raider windmill so if you're not alled with the Raiders Raiders do spawn you and they will shoot at you so be prepared to have a little scrap other than that it's a pretty sweet location I can't fault it you can't really build inside the windmill it is very small and enclosed in there but it would look pretty epic as the centerpiece of a farm build the windmills show up on farms I don't know you never see them in Britain and if you hadn't guessed I am in indeed British I will say however this is quite a well-known location I have seen camps here before and I have seen videos of it on YouTube in the past so just beware you may struggle to get your Camp down every now and again for our last location we're just near for atas more specifically near that little dog there can you see him there wagging his tail is he lovely now this spot I've got nothing bad to say about it I've not even seen an enemy here would you believe it but that doesn't mean there isn't any old TNG does have an habit of not mentioning certain things like that but we'll just go over that and carry on the main feature of this spot is obviously the open-sided cabin shelter thing over there these aren't unique to this spot though there is some more over near the guard River Bridge I'll leave a link to a video I did on that spot in the top corner you you'll see it floating if everything works as well as the shelter we've got this little campfire area too it's really really simple there's nothing special about it but it does give a nice effect to the area I don't know why it just looks good on top of this there is a little acid deposit a little bit down the road as well you'll see see where I mean when you actually get to the location I'm not sure if you'll be able to get the shelter and that into a camp radius but it's there if you need it hey up everybody how the devil are we all doing it's an nauy Gan and today we're taking a look at another top five Camp location simply simply lovely location Uno we in the swamps of deerar otherwise known as the Maya now I'm going to level with you I absolutely hate this region but for some strange reason Bethesda saw fit to put some of the best Camp spots here so what can you do anyhow let's take a look at this Camp spot shall we Yes sounds like a good idea don't it as you can see we've got ourselves a little Tin Shed with a G paw strapped at side of it now it's not brilliant granted but it is quite unique and somebody much more intelligent than me could probably do quite a decent Camp here if you place down your C modu strategically you can get a little bit of the weake inside its radius which is really good if you're the type of person who builds 87,000 lot water purifiers at you camp simply simply lovely the terrain around it is pretty you know like most of the Meer in general but it should be too much of a challenge to throw some down here all in all guys region aside of course it's not a bad Camp spot at all location two we're staying in the Maya and we're actually just up the road from our first location ain't that lovely nope still an absolute all all it is is another example of Bethesda put in a brilliant location in perhaps the worst region on the map if you do like the Maya by the way now would be a good time for me to apologize NOP I'm not going to do so what do we have here then well we have ourselves a tree house and I'm not going to lie it's pretty freaking cool how easy it is to build in I could not tell you all I noce you can put your Camp module in and around it and you can put stuff down the job of working out what to build here and how to build here is down to you m Petty fls access to the trios itself is gained by this ramp here you will get stuck on some of the vines so you may have to jump and fall into the water and repeat the process again but once you've completed that Indiana Jones s Temple Run thing you'll find yourself at the top here with this nice little of view of the lake ain't that nice yeah it's lovely is it even as a guy that despises the Maya you know like I've said 16 times in this video I've got to admit this is quite a Pleasant View and quite a nice area fair play for location 3 we're in the best region on the map and much like the north it's God's own country yet we're in the forest and what do we have here well we have ourselves a nice little viewing platform as well as a creepy old NPC who if was real would probably spend most of his time in trouble with the plays for incent exposure now don't deny you know exactly what I'm on about Gramps just gives off the whipping your Wang out outside of a retirement home and wi Milling kind of VI do you know what I'm saying yeah of course you do anyway where where are yeah Camp location now other than this little viewing Tower we've got ourselves a tent which is nice I guess yep simply simply lovely and of course we've got ourselves a couple of workbenches or crafting stations whatever you want to call them we've got a cooking pot here that's absolutely great and underneath the Watchtower itself we've got ourselves a weapons workbench simply simply fantastic now onto the terrain it doesn't look too difficult to build here but I've not tried it so I couldn't tell you again this is going to be down to you guys to discover what the buy Al's like personally I reckon it's got a ton of potential now then we come on to the pier do resistance as the Dutch say yeah we'll go with that obviously with it being a viewing platform you expect it to have a view don't you and that's exactly what we've got take a look at this you know I'm sure some of you think why do you love the forest so much TNG well there's your bloody answer it's views like this and this is by far nowhere near the best view location in the region there's some absolutely beautiful spots out there just take a look at some of my other videos Shameless plug I know all things considered I think we can say that this is a pretty good spot can't we yeah we can all agree on that one however before we move on to our next spot I will say enemies do spawn here so far I've had liberators and a couple of mole rats but don't let that damping your spirit or your enthusiasm to build a just slap down a couple of turrets or pull out your gun and shoot the enemies and they'll die I know it's incredible in it in a post-apocalyptic game you do indeed have to shoot things radical Thinking by Bethesda there for location four again we're in the forest best region on the map just in case you didn't hear it the last 76 times and we just start from the Tyler County Fairground simply simply marvelous now then what's the first thing you notice about this location there's nothing that really stands out is there other than one small feature it's flatter than Kieran nly's chest yet this place is absolutely fantastic if you want a really simple and easy build there's no un even terrain to combat it's a nice big open area so you can put down the biggest most vulgar Camp you could dream of and to top it off it does have a resource as well yep you can put down a steel extractor oh brilliant that eh who doesn't love steel everybody loves steel steel is the real deal that goes well with any meal something about a Navy SEAL and an automobile Jesus Christ I need out so all these Fallout videos I make you know I have to actually play the game and it's left me with just two brain cells fighting for dominance up there so yeah there's not much left in my mind at this point now back to the camp location we've mentioned a lot of positive sway but there is some negatives enemies on my excursions through this area which is quite admittedly not a lot I have come across blood Eagles and super mutants now again you can kill them using turrets or by whipping out your weapon but they are a little bit more Troublesome than a mole rra well let's say that depends on who you asked don't it but in all honesty guys it is a really nice location dead easy to build in and flat ground isn't something you come across often in Fallout especially massive open areas of it like this as well for our last location we in the are send of no way and technically I think you classes is the Savage divide but I'm not too sure it doesn't look like the contents of mat Tyler after a night out in town so yeah we'll go with Savage divide now this spot is pretty cool and I do believe it's pretty popular I've seen quite a few camps up here but what we have is a mega trios I think this bugers some at like five or six stories tall it is pretty you know substantial yeah that's the word now similar to the was trios to get into it you got to go up these steps here the only difference is you don't have any Vin stopping your way but there is some really really thin planks and if you fall it will do you some damage placing your Camp module can be an issue as well if you place it right at the top you'll be able to build on the top story and a couple of levels down but if you place it on the floor you won't be able to build on the higher levels does that make sense yeah of course it does what I'm trying to say is try to be strategic on why you place you camp module with this being in the ass under of nowhere if you're the kind of person that likes to sell for your vendors this probably isn't the best spot for you not many people come up this way however if you dislike people and you fancy yourself a hermit this is spot on again another pretty cool and unique location obviously there is more trioses in the game but nothing quite to his scale first up is two locations that I'm going to class as one location considering the next door to each other so to start with we've got this little Pond behind Gilman Lumbard here it's an absolutely brilliant spot I have my Camp here from day do it's only in last couple of months I've moved it to Flatwoods it's really forging to building you know the water level's not too high not too low it's just perfect like baby bear's porridge and the Little Rock face at the back of it is quite forgiving you can snap walls into it and Floors quite easily on top of that you're in the forest of course so you have all the beautiful scenery surrounding it to be honest with you there's only one let down really and that's a lumber itself you've got all this beautiful Wilderness and then you've got that big bloody ugly thing in front of you but other than that I can't fault it you do get scorched and liberate as ear every now and again but just shoot them you know that's what guns are designed for the second part of this location is a little bit down the way and again it's a nice little Pond but this one has the added benefit of having a dock on it as well the water levels again are very good to building but I will say this is more common than the one f up so you may struggle putting your Camp down all in all two very good spots in my opinion they're both are decent size they both have have an abundance of materials I.E wood you know because you're in a forest it's kind of self-explanatory and of course by being in said Forest you've got all those fantastic views and all that scenery and lots of Critters that you can go around and murder for no apparent reason for our second location we are near the Pleasant Valley railway station very very nice and there is a couple of bodies of water here but this one is probably the best in terms of water level and the space you've got to build in as I say guys there is a lot of water around here so when you find the one where there's a lord of Brahman pretending to be submarines you know you're in the right place I've done a shitload of camps here and trust me you do have enough space to put down some fairly large structures I've had some ships here I've had a big mansion here with a swimming pool your possibilities are endless there's a couple of things I will pre-warn you about though guys some of the areas here and this does happen in other water locations as well but if you put down a foundation and you're not happy with it and it's slightly under the water you won't be able to highlight it again and delete it so just be aware of that the second thing is Primal Cuts does take place in area during meet week so yeah you will be getting enemies around here at some point however you could class this as a positive really stick down a couple of turrets on you camp sit there and just milk the event for XP location TH or three in English we're just down from the reway tower e-b 1-02 definitely not a mouthful and yeah that's exactly what she said you filthy minded buggers now if loas were ranked by team this would be god tier and I mean our bloody Lord and Savior tier seriously if you've never been here before just go down and take a gandas there's a reason why everybody holds this place in such high regard the water itself is quite a decent size it's not the biggest one on this list but it'll do it's also quite easy to build in simply simply lovely as well as the pond itself the scenery is bloody marvelous as well you've got this massive rock face at the back here or Cliff face that's more of a cliff face definitely bigger than a rock face and if you do a full 360 and look out towards a cranberry bog you get an absolutely fantastic view of all the nukes Fallen now we're back up in the forest and we're just near P Pleasant and the marago Pavilion now some of you may remember I did cover this spot not too one back but it is one of my favorite water locations on the map it's not the biggest locations we've been to In This video but it is still a decent size and you can get down a relatively big Camp here it's got these stairs winding down to a little docking area down there and you've also got your own canoe as well which I'm sure is perfectly ship shaped nope it will sink like a lead Ball but I guess that's totally irrelevant considering you can't actually go in a boat on Fallout 76 what am I even on about again oh yeah camp locations if you're going to build here my advice would be to build around the decking area at the top of the stairs not that my advice means much but yeah may give you some ideas it is quite tricky to get the foundations around that top decking area but you can do it and it makes for a really nice looking Camp there is some enemies here I will pre-warn you up near that giant car Vega sign they usually scrapping amongst themselves if they come down to your Camp kill them it's as simple as was that in it last but not least we are down in the bottom corner of the map and we're just near the giant grizzly bear thing can you can you see it there fantastic now this is a bloody huge body of water you can get down a nice size Camp here no problems whatsoever Foundation placement shouldn't be an issue the water isn't too deep but there is quite a lot of crap knocking around in the water I.E debris see I'm a poet and I didn't know it but it shouldn't be an issue and you should be able build around it you don't see many people placing the campstone here so when you log in it shouldn't be an issue actually being able to put your Camp down on the flip side of that though you may not get much traffic to your vendor down here so just bear that in mind in addition to being quite a nice water location you do have all these trees around you as well it's not quite as green or as vibrant as the forest but it's still got some nice scenery so for our first location we're up in the arender nowhere we're located just near the converted Munitions Factory and just a little bit across from Sacrament now this place does have a couple of good things going for it one it's smooth which is the whole entire purpose of this video yep fantastic and two it's within spitting distance of the workshop absolutely brilliant it is quite a baron location though other than this road running through it there's not much here at all you do get this little for before though which is brilliant if you like it if you do want rid of it though I will pre-warn you it's much like my career it ain't going nowhere so just bear that in mind before you build here you cannot get rid of that jeep enemies wise there's not really that much up here you get ghouls you get mole rats and you get dogs I think that's about the worst of it next up we're just near dropsite Bravo and this place is a bit sad because it used to be a lot better than it is now unfortunately Bethesda in their Infinite Wisdom decided to put a tent down right in the middle of the location so now the building area has been reduced by half as you can see you can still get a pretty decent sized Camp Don you could even incorporate the tent into a bloody build if you wanted to why but as Church says why would you put a tent down in one of the only flat locations in the entire game it just seems a bit stupid to me aside from the tent though it is still a really good location you can put down a nice build here and to top it off just look at them views absolutely fantastic enemies wise the only thing I've seen up here so far was a ya gu or however the bloody how you pronounce it Angry Bear next up we need a floody trainyard and this place is absolutely massive just take a look at this look at all that flat land I've never seen anywhere else in the game with this much concentrated in into one area absolutely fantastic all the foundations go down really nice you can get them dead low into the ground does not 27t of concrete sticking out of it and because it's such a big area you could put down an absolutely ginormous campier no issues at all the only problem I have with it is the location itself the cranberry bog I don't like the colors I don't like the fact that you're in the ice end of nowhere however I know a lot of you guys like building down here so that's why I've thrown it in plus the aim of this video is best flat locations not the best places to camp so yeah yeah let's carry on the place we're located at here is just near the giant snake this is probably the biggest and flattest area around the golf club the driving range is pretty smooth as well but it's a much smaller location what can I say it's an absolutely beautiful spot this is probably the place where most of us when we started playing first came to and fought yep I'm putting the camp down here the main problem with this spot is its popularity you will struggle to get you camp down on most servers it may take you one or two tries but in my opinion it's a small price to pay for such an amazing location enemies wise I've had everything here I've had more rats all the way up to super mutants so yeah it's just look at the draw you could have anything all in all one of the oldest and most common locations in the game but by far one of the best locations in the game next up we have a location that's absolutely perfect for shops diners and everything in between let's take a look this is the car par for the miners monument and let me tell you I have seen some absolutely fantastic builds builds here as you can see the terrain is dead straight you could put a ruler on that absolutely no problem whatsoever you've got the cars here which gives a nice bit of scenery especially if you are doing something like a Dino and with it being so close to the White Springs you probably will get a few visitors every now and again the biggest problem with this spot is the robots that spawn down near the miners Monument most of them are fairly easy to deal with but every now and again you do get an assaultron so just you know keep your eye out for it one thing I will say guys you can't get rid of the cars so they are going to become parts of your build that's why I'm suggesting more of a themed build here they do limit the space that you can use as well but as you can see from these foundations I've put down you can get a reasonable size Camp down here so for our first location we're just down from Foundation God I'm a pet and I didn't know it and I'm actually surprised I've never seen this little area before now the tight rope yeah that's quite a well-known thing but this Band Stand I've personally never actually come across it before and it's actually budy brilliant I don't actually think it's a band stand it's more of a viewing spot but we'll just gloss over that now other than this little viewing platform for me just take a look at the view itself it's actually bloody amazing I really do like this it's not the best spot that I've seen in the game but it's up there definitely and to make this location even more desirable we've got no enemies absolutely bloody fantastic that isn't it all in all it's a solid spot if you like views it's got them if you like walking tight ropes then yeah it's got that as well I guess and if you like imersive structures and you've got the little viewing platform simply simply lovely so for the second spot again we're near foundation and what we have here is Golem cave stupid Hobbit say Jesus Christ it's easy to do that when your balls haven't dropped anyway moving on swiftly now this location is a bit of an odd one yes it's very cool because you've got a cave but there's not much room to actually build around and in it if that makes any sense but if you come to the top of it then you've got a big Flat Rock that you can build on so if you wanted to you could have this as like a little basement I I don't know I'm just trying to swing some ideas your way the wildlife's pretty annoying around here as well you get them floaty jellyfish things what they call float that's the one yeah got there eventually so yeah this could prove to be a little bit of a challenge to build here but I'm sure if you put a bit of imagination into it you get an half decent camp at end of it on to number three and this is a very well-known very old school location I like throwing these in every now and again as you can see we've got ourselves a rope bridge and isin't that lovely nope it really isn't but it's something to build a structure around now for fans of Game of Thrones you may be getting the same kind of Vibes as I'm getting you know wal the fry that kind of stuff but I'm not on about you know the genocide and betrayal at a wedding I'm on about the actual towers that they live in across that River what's it called the twins that's the one I don't know that's just me anyway as well as a rope Bridge we've got this little campsite down here that you can build in now enemies do spawn here I've seen cultist but not much else to be honest with you that being said though this isn't a spot that I regularly visit so you could have buddy death calls here I don't know it's a surprise it makes it more exciting for you doesn't it there's also this nice little Lake down here as well that you can build in and around so think of this as two locations in one yeah that's best way I put putting it for this spot we're back in the forest and we're just near Vault 76 actually so that's nice and there's actually a couple of ways you could go around building here you've got this tent so if you into your immersive builds and yeah that will suit you right down to the ground incorporate it in there jobs are Gooding it's not the best but it's got a motorbike in there and some other assorted crap and if that doesn't do it for you if you come a little bit to the left of that then you've got this nice little patch of flat land now yes it's not the biggest flat area I've ever seen in my life but it's enough to get down a decent sized camp and as with Mor of the forest to top it off it's got an half decent view as well again not a bad location really easy to build in and it's got a couple of things there for a multitude of different designs and last but not least we're up in the Savage divide and we're near the red rocket Mega stop I think that's its name anyway it's a big ginormous gas station I think and what we've got ourselves here is a military checkpoint simply simply lovely now as you can see we've got an APC that we can go inside very very nice it is missing its concrete base though because that's what all military vehicles have as we all know we've got a temp which is STO with some crap which is again very very lovely a nice little shooty platform here and to finish off the military Vibe we've got a little four before as well brilliant now if this isn't enough military goodness for you then there's actually a relatively flat patelan nearby as well and if you really wanted to you could use this area to put down a more permanent base the Brotherhood flat Tower the Armory or just build some it from scratch alternatively you could put down a buddy modern oia it's absolutely fine I'm sure it'll match in perfectly with the surroundings couple of things to note though guys there is enemies here I've had mole rats and they are the most frustrating things you can come across in the worst land that and rad scorpions as well and to make things extra spicy as well the blue car explod so just stay clear of that if you're doing some friendly shooting hey up everybody it's the nail gun how the devil are we all doing in this video we're taking a look at another top five camp locations as ever if you like the video after watching please consider hitting that like button and if you really want to help a guy out you may even hit that subscribe button too hm suits you sir anyway let's jump into it right so let's take a look at our first location we're just up near this bumblebee I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to represent but yep you can't miss it nice and easy to spot and what we've got ourselves here is a motorbik dirt track I do believe I've not been here in a very long time but I do remember Scorpio Prime showing me this a while back I could be wrong but I'm pretty damn sure it's the same spot so thank you very much for that it's quite a w loation you could pretty much get a settlement down here if you really really wanted to but the PS do resistance as they say in Japan is this little trailer in the middle of it as with all the trailers in the game that you can build in it is quite a small area there is a bed that you can use in here as well but I will pre-warn you the Super Mutant doesn't come with the deal so if you're into that kind of thing I'm sorry to disappoint you enemies wise Raiders do spawn here which isn't a problem if you're allied with him and as you may guess super mutants also spawn here as well so expect a little bit of fighting this isn't World War I you can't cont iously object if you want to place your camper you're going to have to fight for it it's as simple as that all in all a very good location very immersive if you're into them kind of builds but like I said there is a little bit of danger to it for the next spot on our tour of Appalachia we're just across from Camp Venture and again we've got another pre-existing structure this one's pretty damn sweet it's an old dump truck with a shack built around it I will pre-warn you though there is enemies here it's usually wild mongrels or mole rats on top of the beasties that spawn there is a fixed turret inside of the shack itself so yeah just be mindful of that I'm not sure if it only loads in when you load into a new server or if it just respawns continuously other than that though it's a pretty solid location it has really nice views looking out over the cranberry bog as you can see here and you've got yourself a couple of workbenches in the shack as well there's a tinker's workbench right down at the bottom of it and then at the ass end I think it's an armor workbench I'm not 100% on that though and to finish it up if you walk around to the back of the dump truck you can also Place Camp stuff down in there as well now we're in the ash sheep and we're just across from Beckley and this is probably one of the biggest pre-existing structures you can place your Camp down at to put it simply this thing is cool as just take a look at this if you're into the industrial revolution or some kind of other you know mechanical kind of things then yeah this is going to suit you down to the ground you can build on top of the crane there's a little picnic going down here as well with a couple of skeletons they look like they're having a really good time apart from being dead you can actually use the stairs that'll take you up to the top of the boom arm on the crane I think that's the technical term boom arm yeah you know what I mean the big winchy by 5000 at front of it if you go up to the top of the winchy by 5000 you will get a very nice view of the asep turn around and you also get a nice view of the forest which is a good touch I will pre-warn you though this was filmed in Worlds um I've not changed any of the restrictions on Camp building but I have set the weather to clear so it may not be as what's the word Crisp that's it if you do it in adventure mod in terms of enemies I've not actually seen any quite surprisingly but I'm sure you guys will let me know down in the comments how wrong I am going back towards the Michael boom blay B we're just near the north Cut Throat camp and this is a really nice little water walk a it's not the biggest by any stretch of the imagination but as my wife always says Size Matters Wait no that's wrong anyway moving on got some nice little log piles over here as well for all your harvesting needs you know because wood is really really hard to come by in this game nope I'm totally wrong again it's extremely easy to come by if you hate Mother Nature you can delete all these reads around the pond as well just put down some floor decorations I like to use the confetti because that's pretty much the only use it has in the entire game if you're a fan of Castaway you've also got this little raft here as well wi which I'm sure you could incorporate into some form of build I don't know how but yep the opportunity is there and to top it off I've not seen any enemies here again you're probably going to tell me what an idiot I am down in the comments and tell me how many times you've been murdered here but that's okay I like to learn things and to finish this video up we're back in the ash sheep yet again I know quite surprising there's actually places you would want to camp in this absolute hell hole what we've got here is a little Gantry I know it doesn't look much but I reckon that some talented Builders out there could actually make a really nice Raider theme build here to add to the Raider goodness you do actually get two ra that spawn here again if you're allied with them no problem if you're not you're just going to have kill them simple as that you won't be able to get the whole Gantry into your build area unless you're in Worlds of course but you can get up to a decent point where I've put that palm tree is pretty much the build limit enemies wise again tell me what I've missed down in the comments because I've seen buger Aller and just to finish it off you do get another nice view of the forest I know I am really surprised at all these Ash sheep locations where you can actually get a really nice view of some decent terrain again though it was filmed in world so I don't know how clear it's going to be in adventure mode next up we're in the Meer and we're pretty much building on top of Bron's Quality Medical Supplies H very intrusive thank you very much to my fellow content creator and good friend Lobby 76 for showing me this spot let's take a look at it so let's start off with the obvious this location is absolutely smooth as silk you could put down anything you wanted to here while you could put down any build here I would advise keeping it immersive and LA friendly for some reason I don't think a modern house placed down in the middle of the meire in front of an old factory is really going to look right let's be honest with ourselves you can get this build pretty close to the factory as you can see the foundations that I'm putting down now are not too far away at all I'd recommend a military style build here or you could even just add some extra Warehouse style buildings to match in with the factory in the background I don't know it's your build I'm just trying to give you some ideas enemies wise I've only seen a couple here and that was super mutants and I think they were fighting some settler Engineers I don't know if that's the only spawn I don't know if it's a static spawn but yeah I just thought to make you aware of that one this next location is old school you know I like throwing these in there let's just take a look now where I've got me Camp down is only a small area of what you can actually build in this site the first spot I'm showing you here has this nice little cabin here you can build into it but I will pre-warn you the picnic benches that are inside you can't get rid of them as far as I'm aware so it can be a little tricky you've also got these steps here that down in different levels on the side of the mountain it's got fantastic views of the bridge as well and all the surrounding Forest really really nice spot if you're into your views if you follow this path down all the way you'll come to another set of these open-sided cabins and also some more steps again you can build inside the cabins but there's two of them so you can do a nice build including two rather than just the One Singular one further up that path it's got nice views just like the other spot and all in all it's a really well-rounded location enemies wise you do get ghouls around this area it's quite a common place for him I've also had more rats but again just get your gun out shoot them and you'll be absolutely fine don't worry about it next up we're back in the Maya and we're located just near the moths hole or is it moths home I don't know it's something to do with moths anyway this spot has a pretty cool structure on it already a lot of places in the mea built in this style I don't know what their obsession with bunkers is but yeah we'll just carry on it's pretty well fleshed out inside you've got all this furniture there's an armor workbench but there is also a slight problem with ticks they do spawn in every time you join a server so yeah it's not ideal but they're not too difficult to deal with let's be honest with ourselves all in all unless you don't give a about making your build fit with the environment you are going to be limited to a law friendly kind of build here there is quite a few locations similar to this in the Maya so if this one doesn't do it for you I'll leave one of those floaty boy cards in the top Corner take a look at it and you may find a spot that suits needs more than this one last but not least we're at Summersville Dam and this place would make an absolutely fantastic military style checkpoint I do believe it's some form of pump house or something to control the flow of the water on the dam I don't know I thought a toilet block was a restaurant on one of my last videos so don't take my word for it there is a lot of crap inside this building so it's going to be one of them you either incorporate this building into a larger build or you think smart and you build small I don't know it's entirely up to you enemies WI there is a lot of them I'm not going to lie to you you get a decent amount of scorched spawning on the dam itself and there is some that spawn inside this little pum post too so yeah if you want to camp here you're just going to have to deal with that aside from the enemies it's a really cool location there's a lot of room for a theme build like I said a military one would fit here perfectly and it's just crying out for somebody to have a shot at it you know what I may actually do a build here in one of my next videos the first location we're going to is near this little pig on the map here it's just up from maragal Pavilion and this is one spot that I've been wanting to build in for a very very long time as you can see it's an abandoned junkyard and I reckon it' be perfect for some form of law friendly build but don't get your knickers in a Twist angry Aaron if you want to build a modern house in the middle of the junkyard that's absolutely fine nobody will judge you far it as well as all the junk yardy goodness we've got a junk pile at this end of the scrapyard just outside the fence and then at the opposite end we've got a wood pile too so yeah there's a couple of resources here it's got quite a decent area to build into you could get down a fair few structures here and with it being in the forest you've got all the trees around you too so that gives it a little bit of eye candy enemies wise I've seen absolutely nothing like literally nothing but before you could build here I do remember ghouls spawning so they may pop up again I don't know I couldn't give you an answer on that all in all it's a really nice location and I'm glad that Bethesda have finally opened it up for us so we can build our camps here next up we're in the ash sheep and we're near the Earth Destroyer 3000 otherwise known as the rockhound what we have here is a little twostory Shack the interior is really well fleshed out on it I think you've even got a tinker's workbench in it as well which is a nice little touch you've got a few Vehicles outside including one of those big dirty mining trucks very very nice indeed and of course if you're a fan of PVP you've got a workshop slap bang next to you simply simply lovely enemies wise I've seen a few of you all the way from mole miners up to super mutants it really does vary on what's going to spawn in you can also get Raiders in here too which isn't much of a problem if you're allied with the Raiders or your friendly with them but if you've not done any of them quests then they do usually shoot on site if you don't mind lung disease or asbestosis this spot would be absolutely perfect for you I don't think there's enough good places to camp in the ashap so this is a welcome Edition for spot number three we're back in the forest and we're just down from slam's jaw or up from slam's jaw depending on which way you look at it anyway moving on what we've got here is a pre-war house and from the outside it's a lot like Harley Quinn you know it looks bloody God but once you dig a little bit deeper you find that it's all blown to and everything's a mess while the ground floor is in good condition albeit a very messy kind of good condition the upstairs is totally screwed honestly The Landing floor has just disappeared and has been replaced by a piece of wood and the rooms off to the side are not that good either but aside from the top floor it's really not a bad location to build in you've got this little garage at the back as well you can't get inside of it but if you use the old cooking stove trick you can glitch your way into it enemies wise I've not seen much other than a couple of gouls there is a workbench here as well I can't remember what the bloody ID is off top of my head but yeah I think it's an armor one I could be wrong again it's another cool location and it's well your time just heading over there and even having a look at it you don't even have to build there just scope it out and see if it'll suit you for this next one we're just on the outskirts of the ash sheep where it starts to border with a forest pretty much directly across from the kaah haa haa Hana nuca plant now this is the first of two trailers I'm going to be showing in this video the second one I'm going to show you at the end is a lot more fortified if that's the right word but this one I'd say he more homely if that makes any sense whatsoever the interior of it is very well fleshed out you've got quite a few bits of furniture in here but like most trailer locations I'd recommend incorporating the trailer into a larger build because otherwise you are seriously limited to space there is an NPC spawn here the only one I could get to pop up is a raider I'm not sure if any settlers spawn here or there's any enemies but I didn't encounter any whatsoever again another fantastic location I really don't have anything bad to say about this but if some of you guys do have anything bad to say about it leave it down in the comments comments we're back at the top end of the forest and we're just near Ty County Fairgrounds this location is one I've seen in the past and again I'm really excited to be able to build here now to me it seems to be some form of fishing spot you've got the boat Seer you've got the net Seer and if you actually watch the settlers at spawn here they'll throw imaginary bait into the water don't know why they do it but they seem to be having a great time other than the settler spawn you do get some enemies ear I've seen dogs I've seen super mutants and I think I saw scorched on one occasion H probably dead but that's fine just take your gun out and shoot him and it will kill him don't worry about it nothing much more I can say about this location really just get in there while you can because with all of these you don't know if Professor have done it by accident or on purpose so yeah just enjoy it while it lasts if you're looking forward to Halloween but you don't plan on buying the new Halloween set when it comes out this house may be the perfect substitute for you apart from the giant spiders in the front garden which some sick bastard decided to make I absolutely love this location decorations aside the house itself is pretty cool as well it's not a normal two-story house it's actually got a basement which is a really really nice touch the old place seems to be in good condition and couple that with the decorations as I said before this would make a perfect Halloween Camp enemies wise it varies I've seen rad scorpions here I've seen super mutants but then I've seen more rats I don't know if they're worse or better than mutants to be honest with you but yeah there's nothing too serious just to finish off this location if you go a couple of F feet further up the road you'll come across a little Farmstead I don't think you can build in any of the houses down there and I'm not sure if you could build there before the update but I thought I'd mention it it's a really nice spot go and have a gandas at it if you're in the area and to finish up we've got another trailer located just near the national isolated satellite array I think that's what it's called as you can see it's the same design as most of the trailers in the map but this one is a little bit more fortified it's got some walls around it it's got a little camp spot on top of it it's a lot more industrial than the last one we looked at in this video looks like Walter White's been here cooking up some meth or something on the enemy front I've not actually seen anything here oh wait no that's a lie I have seen some dogs here that's about it oh no I have seen some mutants as well yeah it's safe to say enemies do spawn here but yeah just stick down some turrets or like I said before shoot the boogers it's really quite simple for our first location we're just near Vault 76 and it's a little Lookout Point that you can incorporate into your Camp build now don't let it Simplicity F you you can do a lot with this place I'll leave a link down in the description below to Mr Church's Channel he's recently done a build here and it'll give you some idea of the kind of thing you can put on this spot now NPCs do spawn here usually I've found that it's settlers but if you're not happy with a random MPC wandering around your Camp you can get rid of them without Bloodshed now there is a cabin further up from this location as well I believe it's called the sickle man cabin or the sickle woman cabin but I don't know for sure I've only been playing the game since it first came out so what do I know unfortunately though you can't build in said cabin which is an absolute killer because it has an amazing hot tub on the decking of it but don't fret if you want a hot tub in this build that you're going to be doing here just go to the atom shop and give Bethesda all of your money and you'll be able to purchase one all in all it's a pretty cool location you don't see many people putting campstone here the other bonus it's in the middle of the forest so when your server does inevitably crash you're not going to be engaged in combat with any high level beasties the next location is just near uncanny Cavern again big thanks to my friend storis for showing me this one absolutely amazing find as you can see this place seems to be some form of abandoned Traer and I think it lends itself perfectly to an immersive build you could put up a little settlement here imagine something like I don't know bunker ill from Fallout 4 it could be a little Traders Hub where everybody meets up to sell the war God knows I'm just trying to put ideas into your head give it a little bit of a back story with it being situated on a road you could put a diner next to it you know something a bit more modern and a bit more well constructed and you could have this little trading post as something that's been added to the side of it after the bombs fell again guys I don't know it's entirely up to you I'm just trying to give you some ideas of what you could put down in this location to sum it up it's a pretty cool spot with a good view of The Uncanny caverns and it would make for a perfect trading Hub let's crack on this location is just near the Charleston fire department and next to mumbles little shot this is a pretty old school location it has been done to death loads of people have built here but like I said in the last video there's a lot of new players in the game now and some of them may never have seen these locations it's nice to bring back the old spots so people have a chance to build in them as you can see it's a very well preserved house it's got one main living area at the front with a little Loft space at the top of it now there is a bed in here but unfortunately you can't sleep in it it's totally unusable if you go through to the back there is a kitchen area with a door leading off to a bathroom and another door leading off to a room with just a bath in it for some reason the bath and the tile are separate there's also a door on the back wall which leads you out of the house into what would have been the back Garden this is one of the best preserved pre-war houses on the entire map yes it is quite small but the pvea is close by which means when you've used up all your legendary modules crafting absolutely useless armor you can go and script them and start the cycle all over again perfect next up we're near the XP farm AKA em at mountain disposal site and it's a little mountain gift shop I do believe I don't know take a look at it see what you think now this thing is made out of one of the best building sets I've ever seen in this game in typical Bethesda fashion though we can't actually use it despite the fact it's an actual asset in the game itself but don't worry in a couple of years time when there's no other players left in the game they'll probably put it up in the atomic shop for a ridiculous price and me and the other skeletons can go in there and buy it fantastic stick all joking aside though it is a pretty nice location you've got this car park at the front again this would suit a dino build down to the ground absolutely perfectly 100% it needs a diner build a diner here on top of that it does have some pretty decent views this location not the best I have seen better but they are acceptable now there has been a couple of NPCs in the vicinity on the last couple of times I've spawned in here there's been a couple of super mutants some liberators and on one occasion a very angry death claw so don't say I didn't warn you the inside is pretty small but again I'd concentrate on building onto this rather than trying to cramp everything inside of it incorporate it into a build rather than it being the build itself if that makes any sense no probably doesn't and last but not least we have the location where I did my last Camp build at and it is down in the Meer just near Haven church now this is a pretty cool location there is other places in the game with stuff buried under the ground or turned into a bunker but this is the only one that's actually been built if that makes any sense it can be a bit difficult putting down items inside of the bunker if you are struggling just use the old rug glitch and you're onto a winner no problems whatsoever at the back of this location there is a little farming area NPCs do spawn here I've had the settler a forager most of the time you know that weirdo that walks around asking you pull his finger for some strange and disturbing reason but other than the creepy guy it is a pretty sweet location there's also this house as well well now I don't like building in this because it's got more lean than Michael Jackson when he did that crazy dance move do do you know what I'm getting at with big feet anyway I'm going off on a tangent what I'm trying to say is it's hard to build in it so just take that into account anyway that's it from me guys thank you very much for watching as I said at the beginning if you did like the video please physically smash the like button like I mean physically H it with an Amor or something if you want more Fallout 76 content please consider subscribing I upload weekly and it's usually camp tutorials or camp locations like this anyway I'll catch you in the next one have fun everybody much love
Channel: TNG
Views: 154,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ShareFactoryStudio, fallout 76 top 5 camp locations, fallout 76 top 5 best camp locations, fallout 76 best camp locations, fallout 76 camp locations, fallout 76 unique camp locations, fallout pre existing camp spots, fallout 76 forest camp locations, fallout 76 cool camp locations, fallout 76 camp locations 2022, camp locations with view, fallout 76 camp building, fallout 76 camp locations with a view, unique camp locations fallout 76, awesome camp locations fallout 76
Id: Sc7AJ9Lpx_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 35sec (3095 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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