Moonshine Shack With Hidden Still for Jamborees | Fallout 76 CAMP & Shelter Build Tutorial

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hello my fellow intentionally stained name brand shoes i'm mr church have you ever wanted to build a tiny moonshiner shack on top of a mountain that no one's going to visit because it's on top of a mountain you can get away from it all you can get away from everything you can escape reality by playing a video game and then escape the reality of that video game by building a little shack here on the mountain so that you can pretend that you're in an even more alternate reality this is all about layers we're creating layers here by starting with this foundation let's put a foundation down and uh that's because we're gonna what we're gonna do is we're gonna build the house on that foundation you know what i mean um because we want to put walls on it so first we put a foundation but we're gonna be putting some a porch out out the back and then there's probably gonna be a porch on the front but i'm always going to make sure that the foundations are not floating in the air because that would cause pain to some viewers including myself if i were to ever look back and watch my own video which sometimes i have to do to edit and uh what what not but it's it's okay i take some epic act which i imagine you don't need if you were to watch the video yourself i don't need help vomiting but it's better if you know it comes out cleaner if you also take something along with it now here we have a little area and this is a moonshiners shack so we're not going to be cooking our moonshine in the shack because then we'll be caught and will be transported by the federal marshal marshals that roam the land trying to make you do a stupid quest that gives you a bunch of garbage that makes you overweight and unable to fast travel so we're going to be placing this down which will allow us to snap a floor over top of it and this hatch is going to be in the corner of the shack that'll get us down to where we're going to be actually making our moonshine now you're going to have to fiddle around with this and i'm not going to make a joke about fiddling because not only have i done that before it was immature last time and i'm i'm a new me you know more responsible more respectable and definitely i'm not going to be making any type of inappropriate jokes from now on because one person in the comments section one time said please no he didn't say please he commanded me to never do that again so i won't because he actually owns my free will and my ability to make choices now obviously you can't put this bed over top of that hatch um because why would you be able to do something like that so what we're going to do is we're going to line it up on this foundation imagine that the hatch is on that floor and i'm not just being stupid that is what we're going to do we're going to put a sleeping bag here and you'll see that it actually kind of sticks up way too much like some of the carpets do so it looks like it's floating slightly and has no weight now not only do our voices in the community have no weight but this sleeping bag doesn't and that's something that we can fix with this pressure plate and it's not something we can fix with the pressure plate in the other aspects unfortunately but it's worth trying now try to move this a little bit into the corner and line it up where you would imagine it would go over top of that hatch and then what we're going to do once we've done that and and take your time with it because you won't be able to adjust it once it's over top of that hatch move this pressure plate and we're going to move first well let's burn this bed and i don't really think that there's um any point in uh like getting into the bed first um because you know um then we would get catch on fire so don't do that i mean but if you want to invite one of your friends to get into the bed first then i would do that now we can place this here it'll snap over top of that and while the bed is broken this is a great time to add anything you would want to put under the bed like a sleeping bag that's not what i meant to say but that is what i meant to say yeah a rolled up sleeping bag we have those in a suitcase let's put a suitcase there which is actually what i meant to say and because you know how suitcases and sleeping bags are the same they are very easy to confuse now we can place this foundation back and when we place um this here and we can place walls along the edge uh this will be kind of basically how we're gonna do it so if once you put this uh once i put this in i could see that it was gonna be blending in with the wall there see it's kind of it's it's too close to the wall so you can actually just put the wall on the foundation when you first do it to test it before burning it and moving it over there so that you don't have to do it again like i'm about to do i've just done it again and edited it out and if you want to say edit it very quickly it's a very fun we're going to put some old drapes in the windows and the idea for this shack here is it's like a it was like a garbagey shack before the war and then someone came along afterwards so we're gonna have lots of places that are boarded up and lots of places that are inaccessible and there's going to be a lot of garbage laying around it's going to be beautiful um but we're going to use this junk fence maybe let's test it um well i want to see if i can get this to have like the little um what is that what is that called a uh palette yeah those are called palettes thank you so much uh luckily i was able to think of what that word was within like 45 seconds and that's not too bad um new record maybe even so uh what you would do is you'd place one of these junk fences down and of course burn it like we you know that's how we deal with all of our problems here just place it down and then you can hit the trigger button which is exactly what seems to happen when i try to solve my problems in real life as well is you know the triggering happens still and there's no resolution there we have a little wall meshy combo thing and that's really neat um but you know if you want to place stuff in the corner there you want to burn this and it's it's it's there it's just you can't see it because it popped the stealth board don't worry about that it's fine um there's no bugs in this game they were fixed um so just take a deep breath again we can use this curtain door as the curtain for the window you just replace that to a window after you put that in the doorway and that's a pretty easy and quick way to throw that in and uh it adds a really nice effect especially from the outside it looks really good with this look in fact i think i'm gonna put the junk wall there and i'm gonna move and put yeah i'm gonna put the curtain win window in the front so when you come and look at the front of the house you see that there so um i'm just going to make this into a doorway put the the curtain in there and fall off the porch using the dexterity of many trolls and then we can switch that back to a window and you have that very nice look and it's subtle but you can see the curtain from there looking good i couldn't put the junk stairs i wanted because i was too close to these rocks but if you move it this way a little bit you'll be able to put those in of course no problem now here you can put um two doors in the doorway if you wanted for some reason now you can't place a door in a doorway if there's no foundation in front of it but you can put two doors in the same doorway so that's good that's a i think that's a really good balance you know of thinking about like the things that should be in the game and the things that shouldn't be and making sure we have that let's go over here and put the uh um little railing thing so that people don't follow their deaths off the edge of the cliff not that that would necessarily be such a bad ending for them after visiting my shack but you know it it's not really the desirable approach and there's many other ways to have that occur now i'm just going to use this one on this side i don't want to use the palette because it's sticking out and so it wouldn't really have anything logically to be sitting on i would be floating next to the foundation so i'm using this thinner one so just the boards will stick out when it's repaired and that should be a really nice effect i looked to see what it would look like with a plain wall and it just wasn't enough texture so i moved it back to the window and of course we'll have those boards there now up on the top here we're going to be doing something a little goofy and we're going to be putting double roofs in so that we can have a nice wooden rafter on the inside now i'm just gonna put this these on here and i'm putting these ones on first which will also create a little bit of detail on the roof once we um get it built but you'll see what i mean in a second now after i've burned those you're going to take a flat and it doesn't matter which flat you use because you're going to be replacing it anyway but i'm using the haunted house roof and that's going to be the actual roof but you're going to want to make sure it's facing the wrong way so that when you replace it it pops up the correct way like that and then you can just snap that along flip it the way it needs to go now this area can be used in most builds to place i'm just going to pick that up go outside and repair this stuff but anyway this can be used to place a generator in if you want to hide it in there but this this build isn't going to have any hidden generators it's very scrappy and rubbish now we have these nice rafters in here and then up here we have slightly sunken roofs compared to um you know what else so what we're gonna do is we need to place um top arches in which you should have done first before you did this and you really messed up so if you're following along this tutorial put the wrap the side arches in first so that you don't have to cry and weep hysterically now sometimes you can still cry and weep hysterically like if you're trying to do some of the new events and you complete it and you don't get any rewards or you know some of the not new events like i don't know the scorch beast queen which is uh the you know just the boss game the boss event in the game um besides like that's not really something to worry about i'm sure they're right on top of it and they'll get it fixed within the next year um because they did just fix um what was it the uh ammo glitch bug so they're you know they're really you know on top of these like as soon as a glitch happens there that's going to be fixed within at least the decade of when it first was in the game so um that's really good and uh i'm just you know hopefully soon the fast travel glitch will be added to the backlog um you know because i'm sure it might have come up in a couple of meetings by now i don't know that's just a guess a theory um but let's not worry about who's not fast traveling to what event before it times out um we're gonna put a bramble here and kind of cover up any ugly problems the same way we might do that by um introducing um a lot of pep and ceremony in a scoreboard without addressing problem game breaking bugs let's go over on the side here and we're going to build a little thingymapoo which is called a clothesline i believe and that's like a it's it's a line that you would hang clothes on right and i have seen this done a couple of times before with using these power pylons as a clothesline and i thought it was a really neat idea um and uh so what i'm gonna do i've actually i think the last time i saw it was in a stream and i i'm trying to remember whose stream and it's killing me that i can and if you know and if you are a twitch viewer and you saw someone do that let me know who that was um because i feel bad not saying who but anyway i saw it was a cool idea and i thought maybe there could be a way to add something to the clothesline um so i'm going to try this uh porchy thing that's not a porch why did i say the name the word i speaking words not working what we're going to do is take this doorway snap it here and uh we're gonna move this in a little bit and you're gonna just kind of measure with this any doorway it doesn't matter which one you use um and we're gonna try to get this uh curtain door to line up with that door and so we're just gonna move this over this way and once you get it lined up you know side to side it's just a matter of you know up and down left and right just all the other angles that there are so that's not a big deal i don't think we need to worry about that you might need to get the wire out of the way for this you'll want the wire there when you first line up but um and you're also going to need to change the wall from a doorway to a normal wall to be able to delete it and that'll leave the curtain free floating and then you're going to want to burn that curtain so that once i find i just scrolled past my burning thing and then i still couldn't find it so then i went i gave up and went over to turrets and traps and got it from that menu and that was a really a fun adventure and i'm glad i left that in the video because that was really important for you to see you're welcome let's burn that and probably anything else within the vicinity that could have been touched for a millisecond by the flames and let's pop that along here hello snap on thank you and then uh when you repair that see oh that's not really how i want it so we're actually going to uh move it just another hair this way um but you're gonna do this and just line it up it's actually not that bad to do um it didn't take like as far as like things that you eyeball and that make you want to pull your teeth out this one wasn't that bad um and i just you know snap it in i didn't even like speed it up so it must not have been that bad you know because then so one time i sped the video up i apologize you know uh it was a mistake i didn't think people would want to watch all this um and you know it was a little too quick and people were sending me you know giving me comments and and sending me messages and saying that they had vomited all over their great-grandmother's antique rug and i said well i'm i'm sorry i can slow things down if you really want to watch a longer video so if this is getting boring and terrible for you rather than blame me the person who's making the boring and terrible content i'd like you to blame someone else so i gave you a list of names i didn't actually do that but i could um except i really just made that whole story up so that i could feel better about myself now we came around this side i put this into the we're walking too fast i'll show you later and but yeah i think it looks great um and this place is pretty safe there's not really i mean there are there's some wildlife in the area but they're mostly going to be like squirrels rabbits another small game um it's just a little moonshining shack but i went down into that shelter and we're just going to make a one and a half uh bite um two uh foundation area out of upper floors that are the farmable tiles and i'm going to completely encase it and block it off from the rest of the shelter so what we're doing here and i don't really do shelter builds a lot on the channel um and i have i have reasons for that that i'm not gonna get into right now um but i've done a couple um but we're just going to be using this little tiny area in the shelter as like a it's like a root cellar that's been converted into a moon shining area so um you can do like you don't need to use the entire shelter if you if in a smaller amount of space will tell your story better so if you think about the upstairs it's a little piece of crap shack and then there's a little hatch under the bed that you would like probably push the bed out from under you know that's just to kind of hide where you went down there so you push the bed out from under you know out of the way you go down in the shack and there's just or go down into the uh hatch and there's just like this little basement area and it's all gloomy and dark and there's dirt on the floor and there's old wood paneling walls and there's old nasty dirty brick and that's just where you make your moonshine and you don't need to worry about it you can store that stuff down there and i'm sure that there's ventilation before you get on my ass about that we dug a little hole you know to get that out of there and um this is going to just be a tiny little place but as you can see you can like kind of just free place these and then snap the rest to that and we're gonna cover up that area as well but that's just to give you a basic idea of it now i boarded off the front door and this is important because this is meant to look like it's kind of been you know abandoned and someone else came and is hiding in the abandoned shack and that's where you would want to do moonshining because people wouldn't look for you so there's a staircase made out of garbage crates up the side here which is um the actual way that you get in and out and of course we have this beautiful view out the back which is probably the best thing about this build is the location and where it is like the back porch is phenomenal views of the unrendered landscape in the distance and you can just see everything you can see graft and steel down there and that muddy coppery water that tastes like chocolate and augustus my boy watch out now inside here is of course just a little it's just a little shack you know it's not meant to look like a home it's meant to look like someone is kind of stays here now and then and so we have a radio which is probably the main source of entertainment uh you know after the other thing in this back corner by the boarded up door there's stuff shoved in front of it to indicate that it's been a while that that it's been boarded up and uh the little cooking station but we have down here an instant load screen because of the power of editing uh the moon shining area now i just put a light bulb up and then turned it off so that is because there's already like a dim glow from outside of the walls that we have here but i just did what i was doing is just you know cover up the all the holes with stuff we've got some jars of on the shelves a sleeping bag on these coffins i wouldn't like think about that too much don't worry about it and it's just like this really rough scrappy scruffy dirty vibe that we've got going down here because i wanted it to feel like a root cellar and that means just using a tiny bit of this and i left a tiny tiny piece of the of the door available so that if we want to get out we can use that but it's got like this really musty dirty feel and i wanted to keep it i wanted to have as small a footprint or smaller than the shack above it because it's a it's a basement so that makes more sense and you can just access the little corner there to get out of there and then upstairs again we have this little nice little shack here that's really cozy and also in many ways a fire hazard this is the fermenter unfortunately you can't put these in the shelter because anything that has value in you and usability can be put down there so that's that bites but this spotlight don't turn it on just trust me on that one you'll thank me later and um that pretty much sums it up now i had a really fun time making this shack it's very basic and small but it's been a lot of like a time thinking about the details of it like the way you get in is guided by the way things are locked and it kind of directs you around the building so you can kind of look at it and um i was also like thinking about some of the houses that are in fallout 4 and uh even in fallout 76 but they would like kind of be a maze of rubble and you had to like find the way in that was that the survivors had come up with but i had a lot of fun making it i hope you guys enjoyed watching it thank you so much for watching and if you're not already subscribed consider subscribing it really helps the channel out um big shout out to my channel members and patrons you guys are awesome and i really appreciate your support follow me on twitch where i stream join my discord well where that's an easier way to get in touch with me if you ever want to do that and i will see you guys in the next video okay i'll just cut that part out
Channel: Mister Church
Views: 19,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fallout, fallout 76, bethesda, tutorial, camp, build, steel dawn, wastelanders
Id: 2NZQ6YlokdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2022
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