Caravan CAMP on a DINOSAUR Build Fallout 76 Tutorial

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hello my fellow pedantic paleontologists I'm Mr church today we're going to be building here in south of NAD in the Dr up River bed they call it I guess and we're going to be building on top of this brontosaurus why wouldn't we be building on top of a brontosaurus is I think the question you should be asking yourselves and uh so this is a free item that you get with Fallout first uh I believe it was last Mon's item and I put it down in my camp and I thought to myself H self you should put a house on the back of that thing so I went through the trouble already of placing this down on a conduit and then I sunk that down by one click uh in a pressure plate and that's just that that does two things for me it gets the Brontosaurus a little bit lower into the ground uh to make sure none of it's floating and it also allows me to disappear it later with a flame trap that I've also sunk into a floor item uh in UGA UGA egg and this gets the flame uh at a level where it'll be able to burn that conduit I did uh sunk it into the pressure plate um if you don't know how to sync stuff in a pressure plate I will show that later but um I show it in most of my videos you probably if this isn't your first rodeo know what that is already now I'm going to be lining this up but uh to finish my sentence that I started five weeks ago um if we need for any reason to get rid of the Brontosaurus if it's intersecting with stuff we're building on it uh deleting that conduit will make it go into the void rather than uh rather than to be destroyed and turn yellow and still have a hit box it'll be gone so uh it was just a thought uh planning ahead hoping against hope that it would work so we're just lining things up trying to get this and then you're going to go up by um a roof and a half also if you missed it I did just put out a video not too long ago of a um character build video that's all bash damage and it's pretty fun and the reason why I'm mentioning it is it is a series and there will be uh another video of its kind coming soon so that's something to look forward to anyway you're just going to be trying to line this up until the roof piece is sitting directly on his little back and now that we have that done this is actually going to be the determining area for where the Box part of the build is going to be um but underneath that we're going to start off with a platform of roofs that's offset by half Foundation um if what I'm saying doesn't really make sense um it'll all be clear as you watch this transpire so uh just sit back relax uh slap yourself in the face because of the well don't do that my therapist actually said not to do that um but one thing you could do is not don't know see that's the problem I started trying to think before I speak and now I've got nothing to say and I'm trying to do this voice over here and that's making it a little difficult but anyway uh to remove the roof that's holding those up you just change it to a slanted roof or something and it breaks that uh desire that it has in its heart for support so then you can get rid of it now I'm just building these over here because we're going to save this Foundation over here I'm going to make it a different colored one and uh that's just as like a placeholder in case we need to rebuild or attach anything to that floor area we have this over here keeping that safe and sound but out of the way and uh so that's what I meant by offsetting it by half foundation and now when we build the structure which we're going to use the original thing we lined up first of all the structure will be centered over the dinosaur Center Mass which is what we need and also uh there's going to be a half of foundation worth of uh floor in the front and back of the structure which we're going to be using as kind of like a back deck and also in the front that's where you're going to sit to drive Dino Boy around sometimes if you start lagging out especially in free cam mode uh just leave uh build mode and then go back into uh into it and it does uh seem to fix that issue uh quite somewhat Now using catwalks you're going to snap over and down blah blah blah you've been watching it happen um and I didn't tell you what was going on because I believed in my heart that your sense of perception was able to deduce what was going on so in that manner I was respectful and I didn't assume bad things of you I thought you know you are watching the video and able to perceive and understand what the things I'm doing are without me directly saying it okay and uh you don't really need to make them any specific wall type we're going to be using the Palace of the winding path but of course you can replace with any options you need the front back ones though I will recommend doing the Palace of the winding path uh because this next part we're going to make a little uh roof thing and it's going to be lined up directly with the floor um but we're going to make it a little bit lower um than a normal roof is and that will also be evident once I do it just what the hell I'm talking about I think it'll all be made perfectly clear so to to do this uh simply we're just going to snap the foundations over to where we want them and we're going to go down about this far so in order to do that you're just going to take this foundation and move it down that far uh because everything's already lined up for us that's why we keep these foundations cluttering up our lives and it's because I don't really have a good sense of when it's time to throw something away so that's why I'm speaking to you now from the bottom of of this pile of rubbish that has become my actual life uh that's right it's a it's a disgusting and Despicable heap of um anyway thanks so much for watching the video guys if you're enjoying the content consider subscribing because I do Post infrequently and uh it's always some manic rant so there's that and also if you like the video and like it with that little see how that little thumb there and you click on it and that what that does is basically Jesus uh he's like he comes back sooner first of all which is a Big W and then he says wow I think more people should be watching your videos because Jimmy hit that thumbs up so I'm going to show it to more people and then he'll get more views so it's actually helping me out quite a bit so I really do appreciate that Jimmy thanks for the like and uh we're just going to snap over now and because the Palace of the winding path doesn't have a beam down the middle when you burn it we're able to just snap these through it but when you do it you're going to want to make sure the orientation is right so that when you flip them up it's peaked in this direction so uh you you can see that when you start off and you and you and you change it uh you can see which direction it's going to flip up so this one is fine and then the other one you just you know it's going to be 100 0° of that so then you uh can do that we're going to flip these up and uh the next step here is um getting rid of these also um I'm over complicating this obviously I like doing that from time to time just I don't want you to get like oh don't get rid of that keep it keep it please and we're going to keep this as a third Foundation I'm going to move this out of the way as well uh because it's kind of ruining my vibes um I have Vibes sitting around that I don't like getting ruined uh they kind of make me feel kind of poop um so also make them all different colors uh as each other so you can remember this is a this is an anchor Point Foundation anyway um now that we have this I'm going to put a roof back exactly remember how we already had a roof right here and I could have just done this then instead of now add another one again well instead let's add another one again because why I do something uh you know the easy and quick and simple way when you can overly complicate it and make someone else's life worse in a tutorial video uh showing them how to do it you're just going to burn both of those and then at this point you can actually just store the roof and it'll store everything um or just store them one by one again try to maximize the amount of things that you do in your life um instead of trying to be efficient this will allow us to see you can actually snap these half walls in without burning the roof surprisingly if you just keep the roof down right but we won't be able to put this second roof above it without them being burned so that's why we burned it in case you are wondering I know you were probably sitting there why did he gosh darn it why why on Earth did he burn that I just can't figure it out well that's why um so mystery solved there wow yet another Humdinger and now we can use these Palace of the winding path uh uh slanty roof chunks and they have this kind of cool awning look uh which is why we did everything that we just did okay so that's why we lowered it down um and also uh now we can just turn these into you know not brick because that's kind of ruining the Mojo we have going on here I don't really want to put a bunch of bricks on the back of Barry the Brontosaurus when he's trying to carry me through the desert okay he's got a lot already on his plate he doesn't actually have a plate that's how bad things have gotten um and I'm going to use these ranch house rofes for one they have a red color on the top and we're going to be using a lot of like Reds and stuff and then um it's also a clean surface on the bottom so in in both ways things are good now uh this is the chunk structure that we've appeared uh to have built uh and see how it's just kind of levitating on his back I would say that's not good because when I you know want to go for a ride on the back of a brontosaurus I don't want it to just be like balanced precariously on his uh weird little chunk of back so what we're going to do is make a little bit of a shape that kind of folds around his body and it's going to also allow us to expand outward side to side so the structure on his back isn't just like tall and narrow uh so we just snapped over by 1/2 using the original structure template uh the the foundation we saved um for the structure location and it snapped over by half side to side which means and then we're just going to go up by one uh full wall instead of a wall and a half and that's going to get us with um with a half wall wall below this structure what I'm saying now makes literally no sense the words are correct but they're not very um they don't make sense so I'll just show you um oh that's not faced the right way the Palace of the winding path pulling its tricks again now we can snap this through here and again you're going to want to make sure the snapping slant is in the right rotation so that the slant will be like that and then it will actually snap right through the dinosaur and then turn this one 180 Dees so that it'll be snapping a slant in the other direction and again that'll snap right through it um and but if if it has if you have any trouble with that that would be a good time where you could destroy that conduit and the dinosaur would Disappear Completely and you wouldn't have any intersection problems for this very forgiving and again we're going to use that little a palace of the winding path slant and now we kind of have and I'm going to save this one as well so a fourth Foundation uh cuz why not have 3,000 foundations here but this is this is all there's just going to be four foundations in your Camp so just try to remember which one is which I already forgot so I guess Practice What You Preach as well H that's something they also recommend um but I don't listen to them I'm the one saying it that's why huh so then we're going to use the green striped awning uh which I bought about five month now I'm gonna say probably a year no probably two a year and a half it was a long time ago never used them before um why would I what do I need them for you know but I needed to have them at the same time and the green one kind of kind of matches it's not quite the right color but it's close enough and now we're going to deal with the fact you know again that it's kind of uh uh floating again on its back the slanty things coming down do help quite a bit with the illusion that it's kind of levitating on the very the very uh quasi Modo of his back so we're going to be um using conduits now and um just staple them to the side of his body he won't feel it um he's actually quite tough um and actually now that I'm on the subject of plastic dinosaurs I'm not really sure why they gave us any in the first place the the green one the the the T-Rex ones they're very cartoonish looking and they're like comical like their arms are wrong and their face and and and and they're very plastic looking and and and and whatnot the Brontosaurus it is obviously plastic um and it does look plastic but at least it it doesn't look quite as cartoony in my opinion and I probably wouldn't have thought to do something like this uh using the other dinosaurs even if it did somehow magically you know if if it was possible to put a a thing on his back which is not as much because of how he's standing uh but this one seems just believable enough that I was able to have the idea and build it without feeling too sad um this is kind of what I did with the some of these I I started using these nuca Cola breast conduits um because they're not quite as sticky outy uh surprisingly and what I did was I just I I put them on this when it was a normal slant roof and then when I changed it back to the Palace of the winding path it like put it in that that gold chunk sticking up and that kind of helps hide some of the conduits cuz we want the wires mostly the conduits can pretty much eat for all I care um so anytime that I get a chance to not have them be the focal point I'm going to try to go for that you know what I mean um but I think it just you can already see it adds a lot just helps give you that idea that it's kind of nailed down now for the sides I want these to be expanded floor space for such a small area so I'm going to try to shove a barbed wire fence on there and you can see that my right joystick does have some stick drift so every time I turn left you can see it turn uh right right again right after I do that I said the word right too many times in that sentence but they didn't mean the same thing each time and I think you can probably you don't have to take as many points off because of that but I do understand your point of view and I know why you're getting angry um and that's not even like it wasn't my fault if you want someone to not eat your mustard then you shouldn't leave the cap off that's something I've been saying for years now you're going to take this uh theater row seating which I put up front and for this one I want to put the ugaa egg underneath it and um that is how it's pronounced in case you are wondering and uh if you use free cam make sure you you go up into the sky as much as possible because they put R1 and R2 on the wrong sides uh when you're trying to go up and down with it cuz you know how when you're like moving an item up and down with R1 and R2 it's the opposite of when you're in free cam going up and down with R2 and L2 and I know the buttons are not called that on Xbox but it's probably going to be the same problem and uh that's probably something that they could take a look at if they ever uh booted up their old consoles blew the dust out of them I should probably do that I can actually hear it sounds like a jet fighter about to hit mock speed so that's probably a situation for future Mr Church to deal with because that sounds like too much work so let's just that's a drop merge by the way you just pick up that little con uh the pressure plate and then slap it down again and the button will push down and then you can pick stuff up and put it down it'll sink down the footage is you know already we saw it so this isn't help helpful when I'm saying it now and that's don't worry I'll fix that when I edit it it's going to line up perfectly and then I'm just going to well I now have to change what I said now but that's I'll be able to let's okay now I put these fences around here and I you can see that I changed them to the paddock fence and that's mostly just cuz they're called Paddock fence which is a funny name because it reminds me of hadock which is a kind of fish but over here I was having an issue because uh uh first of all overdrawn my bank account and second I couldn't figure out why that stupid um you know barbed wire fence wasn't snapping in and I thought well let's remove at least the the dinosaur from existence uh and this that's something that happens anyway spoiler alert uh they are extinct and that's not my fault uh but in this situation you can see when you burn the conduit after 15 just 15 short tries um that will disappear the dinosaur there's no yellow ghost of him anymore and uh you can just store the generator and now we have this free area underneath the structure cuz of course the walls and the roofs are all self-supported they don't sit on top of that um dinosaur why would you think they well they don't okay so this um I then tried picking it up the corner of it you know now it'll stick in that's what she no and then it wouldn't still and then I thought well the third try and I want to point out like I know it looks like oh you could have just done this thing I tried all of these steps individually but only when I did all three of them did it let me put that little fence piece in okay so you can get off my back about it and that's something that I would prefer you did in a you know sooner rather than late so over here um I wanted to put some posts holding up this back awning and that's because I'm going to stick one of those uh those little mole rat generators on the top of it uh which I will demonstrate in a couple of seconds as well um so I just stacked these on top of each other and then sunk them down till they were about this height um and I just kept sinking them down sinking them down until they would fit underneath that awning cuz remember that awning is slightly lower than a normally would be because of how we built it uh so those posts have to be lowered and then here's the generator which I built on that roof while it was flat and then and then replaced it with a slant so that's how it's in there so so deep and uh this um you can just get rid of this um but that molat generator I think adds a lot of like really good view if you need to repair anything by the way over here I recommend uh using the repair all on your con uh your Camp uh module instead of doing this this I don't recommend anything that I just did anyway uh that's fine I wanted to add that that generator because it adds some movement and it also adds a little bit I like the metals in it and it kind of has kind of a steampunky Vibe not too much we don't want to go too far in that direction just a little bit and then we are going to need a place to sleep in our little area but I also want it to be kind of more of a living space than a bedroom so the solution is I'm going to put the fur sleeping bag uh that comes from Beast of burden event and uh now you can see uh by sinking that down in we can sleep on the couch and that is called the couch and not whatever it's called in the game now this isn't doesn't fit against the wall uh and I was trying to and as you can see it won't snap because it's red and uh speaking of red that was uh the emotion I was feeling was rage and anger and I don't feel that very often um just probably like once every day and so as an emotion hard to deal with but I realize it was probably see this carpet is probably blocking it because you know how it's one inch off the ground and so that's going to keep you from putting curtains up uh in the game so I thought well if we destroy the thing that's holding up that carpet then it'll let me put the uh thing against the wall obviously we can't destroy carpets and even if we could the hitbox for it would still be there I was like well this is a five head strap because you know when we destroy that roof you know that's the support for the roof so the roof will go into the void much like the dinosaur did earlier and then I realized um I did get pretty far into doing this when I realized because I flipped that roof up to burn it the burned roof is now going to be in the way instead of the burned you know whatever else is sitting on it so now that I was like whoa wait what the f I saw there and I was like wait I just real realiz that's stupid as hell so then I got my sunken down burner you know which we had to burn the uh dinosaur and burned it this way and so now that's burned underneath there's no issues and it's still red it needs support guys obviously it needs support but it always says that um and so this is the demonstration over here when I was figuring out yes it is indeed the carpet getting in the way um and then the issue is if you remove the roof you get that roof out of there well what happens you still can't put it in because they added about a year and a half ago the need for support underneath certain items like doors when you place them in I don't know why they did this it's it's really ruined a lot of uh you know it's it's more restrictive we don't need more restrictions so uh what I realized is we need to make sure that the roof is still underneath the the curtain so so what that means is we need the carpet to be supported by the back roof so we can burn that roof which will get rid of the carpet which will then let us be able to still have the roof in the front which will then be able to to let us build the the curtain on the wall because it's just a little because it's it's fine guys this is normal okay but I want to say something for real though uh this is an example of the horrific building restrictions in the game that a lot of them compile in a way that don't really seem to make any sense and many of us uh have had years of figuring out how you know the all the little nuances and stuff but if I was like trying to get into this game and try to get into building this would be a massive deterrent for me and I would be very frustrated and um I was able to figure out what was going on because I've been building in the game for five years years but you know this is idiotic and you shouldn't have to do this I shouldn't need to pull out a whiteboard and literally do astrophysics to put this curtain on the wall that's just my opinion maybe and maybe I'm overreacting but I think you know you buy something from the atom shop maybe you should be able to put it in your camp and I know that maybe I'm in the minority with that thought but in my opinion when you purchase an item you should be able to use it of course you know I have been known to be a massive Karen so uh you know take that with a grain of salt and um also pepper cuz well do you guys even like pepper do you ever like think about pepper like that's like one of the weirdest spices that there are because like other spices are like they taste good and they have like an actual like Flavor that's like kind of in the same genre but pepper out there just tasting like and you're like why the hell does Pep like it doesn't taste like anything it's just it tastes like a rock that's like kind of being a like it tastes like if a rock was a I don't really know how else to put it and so I don't know why we're even like it's not really that big a deal but like why do we put that on our food when it tastes so fun like why is that one of the core Foods Salt peep like it's not a spite like there's better spices if you want to go for like a spicy flavor than pepper you know like we're this we're not a circus we don't have to be clowns right now so get that off the table like that you have some you have good spices that taste good um you've got like stuff that tastes like uh you know like a normal food but like what kinds of food actually you do you want them to tast like pepper none so why do people then are like you know what we should have Cracked Pepper as a flavor for potato chip you know what I mean like it's getting out of hand did you really run out of ideas already get that out of here anyway um that's really important and I'm glad that we got that sorted out um and of course I just had to show fixing the C uh the rug after all that and fixing everything that we had to move so that we could put that curtain in and so obviously you can see why Pepper would be out huh anyway if you stack these up right here you can have this cool little uh kind of like a footstand here for the guy that's driving and it will just float these things are nice cuz they do float and I like it that some things do float and now we're going to add something Joy this is actually my favorite part of the build and um I am not like I still have the same amount of hair uh as when I started this process why do you ask um so first I wanted to show that yes I did build this stash boox quickly thinking that it was um this generator um easy mistake to make especially with my bloodshot eyes that have been staring at the screen for so many hours but I think you guys can just take this time yes laugh at him he's a fool okay glad we got that sorted out now I'm going to remove this piece of fence because we're going to put a ladder here going down and the ladder is going to be so fun to make in fact I'm actually stoked just watching the footage remembering that feeling I had in the moment that joy that was in my heart it's hard to replicate it so it's kind of like living vicariously through myself um what you're going to want to do though if you're following the tutorial is uh you know go you know you want to probably watch through the whole thing before you build this yourself because you'll see that I do there's a shortcut here where you don't have to like do every step I did because I I did this you know stacking it up by a half wall thinking that you know I'm not going to want the ladder going all the way to the ground uh but then not realizing that there's a big gap of space underneath where you have the ladder in the first place uh so you know it can be expedited it doesn't mean need to be like this but yeah obviously I just blueprinted those things I could stack them and they would be lined up perfectly and then I built something on that chair and then I realized that I get this stupid um Furniture entry blocked uh issue and I need to use something like the chair because the chair floats and that's one of those magical tools that we use and there's only a few things in the in the building menu that float the filing cabinet is one but it's not wide enough as I showed um cuz what we want to do is once we just like move this stuff out of the way we want that what whatever the conduits are on to stay floating there um because we need to burn the thing that's holding up the conduits so that just the wires at the end of the ladder are hanging down if what I just said makes no sense to you don't worry it'll be uh shown in the video once I've achieved it but I found this console this is one of the other things that also magically floats there's a few things that do it and that's one of them and uh you're going to pick it up and place it down that will make you be able to place the wires through anything you want you're going to line up the uh blueprint side to side in in a way that will line up with those wires um so that you can snap these to it you're going to put these all the way up and down and again uh this is about as far as you can do it and then when you push this in it'll snap through there and you're able to uh put it in all the way uh because um it's a special wire trick um and then you can move this away and those little uh conduit pieces will stay um and then the nice thing about it is we're just going to move this back a little bit it's obviously not uh good it's not all the way just push it back a little bit just so those wires go through the conduits and then what happens is when we destroy the conduit um the bottoms of the wires will hang down without chunks on the bottom um and the reason why we need the floating thing is uh we need to destroy whatever we do destroy that the conduits are sitting on um which I'll demonstrate I need that to be just floating in the air so that we don't have a pile of underneath where the ladder is destroyed because anyone walking by can come up and fix it and the the easier it is for me to just destroy that one thing when they inevitably do fix it the easier my life will be so then you can just get rid of that stuff and that's not going to look like that obviously we're in build menu and it's bugged out so it's all black that's happening the whole time I was building I don't think that's supposed to be like that but as you can see when I removed all that stuff and I remove this stuff um and then I go out of build mode you can see that ladder hanging down um I'm also going to repair this you can see that in context with a dinosaur being there um and uh let's go out of build mode turn around and face the glory and then you can see how comically small the ladder is uh now that we looking at it but you see how those wires hang down and stop um so what I did was I redid it I rebuilt it but this time I didn't build up by half a wall I just I just build it right right on those foundations that we had as like a kind of guide to get us in the corner so I just did exactly what I just did only I used this now I found out after I did it that if I had line if I had snapped these together like this and then lined up the pile of um blueprinted pieces then I could have moved the conduit console out uh put the little uh conduit chunks in there and then snapped it right back and it would have been perfectly lined up I didn't use the snapping for my benefit but it's something that you do if you can ever decipher what the I just said because whenever I describe what I'm thinking I feel like it doesn't work out so well uh but it could be an easy way to do this if you use those consoles and and use the fact that they snap together you could easily line stuff up a lot EAS iier than I did but having it go down this far uh makes the ladder twice as long it looks way better and it actually looks like you could use it if you were you know trying to get into the dinosaur it's actually obviously not functional but uh we don't need it to function we just need it to look yummy so repair this it'll bring the dinosaur back and then when we go out of build mode we keep that broken see how those wires come down and then just stop that's a really special thing about um the broken things holding up so if we were just to break the conduits the wires would disappear you have to break the thing that's holding up the conduits so and then I got done and I thought well this is a really cool build I'm really liking how it's coming along but I'm going to add a little place first of all I want this to be a functional Camp because I want to actually be able to have it up and uh so I want to have all the stuff that I use at my Camp so um all the the benches and then my scrap box and my ammo box and now my cryo freezer cuz I have to have one in each camp and then it's kind of a dice roll and if it works or not um but you know it again um it's a product um I didn't pay for this one it was on the scoreboard so luckily I don't have to get as mad when it doesn't work I just have to get like I'm just I think I'm going to get about like 28% as mad as usual um but for things I buy in the item shop then I'm going to get 150% mad and that's going to make up the difference somewhat now I'm doing this cuz I don't want the Scrap Box to be visible because they've only given us one but skin for it and that's just as bad as the original skin it's terrible it doesn't match any Vibes for anything you ever make unless you're building something that's literally vault tech themed uh so uh I don't want it to be visible but if you have it just underneath the surface of the Earth you can still walk up to it and interact with it and um you know don't have to look at it if you interact with it you will see the lid open up a little bit and then I'm going to have a vendor over here um this is a pressure plate that's depressed um and one thing that you want to do is just if you know the pressure plate is depressed um just make sure you're being available for them uh make sure that the pressure plate knows that you're still there and you're open to hearing and listening and everything like that and you'll be there if it needs anything but you also need to make sure you have boundaries cuz the pressure plate you know it it puts a lot of pressure on your plate this is the finished product and I'm really excited with how it turned out um and I'm really I feel that inspiration that I was missing for so long and I know it's kind of goofy but I think it also it doesn't look too cartoony because a like I was ranting earlier this brontosaurus isn't as comical and cartoony as the other dinosaurs which I think is why this works but yeah we have all the little things here this story is kind of like this is like a place where this wandering uh Merchant Trader guy stopped maybe to sell some of his Goods maybe to refuel uh maybe to when I say refuel obviously get water um get more hay for the bronti to eat uh maybe sell some of his Goods on that little uh little dresser there while he's waiting um I also hid my ammo box in the same manner that I hid the stash or the Scrap Box so I do have everything I need there but I love how tall this the dinosaur is it's very imposing like when you walk up to it it really feels pretty cool it it was kind of I was kind of going with like um kind of like Arabian Vibes for it like uh Caravans I was thinking of like camels in the desert and like uh you know traveling uh merchants and um I did actually play around with like the fortune teller uh outfit and stuff but it wasn't really um it wasn't really working for me to be honest um but yeah we have some cool stuff over here and uh the like all the stuff that you would like need for like your actual camp and then over here you've got the cool spot and I did make sure um when I was making it that anyone can get into the dinosaur if they want you don't even need to have Mari wheel um or a jetpack or anything like that this character doesn't even have a jetpack and uh you just walk up the tail of it and then if you can't jump up this this lip here uh you can just interact with this violin here um which you might want to do anyway I've got this little bird I've got these barrels which have like food and water in it CU you're traveling a long time you've got a curtain here I would probably just keep it open because it does go in with that pipe but I love how the pipe looks kind of bulging out of the wall adding some detail adding some kind of like I said before a little bit of a steampunky feeling but not too much not too much you want to thread the needle there this bunny is hiding the fact that that edge of that curtain is clipping through the couch cuz I needed to push it over so we had egress right here otherwise I couldn't get through um this the reason why it's okay that this is blocking this door off is this is where all my stuff is that I'm selling the trader uh so you only need think of it like a trunk like you don't need to get in and out of that a ton you just you need to to to be able to push stuff down in there maybe pack it up but then you're fine to just cover that up with your couch and then you can away you go over the planes uh this can be closed obviously um you can close everything up um and it actually has this really nice cozy feeling when it's all closed up in here um so like you could I could even think about like sleeping in here and um I love a build that when I've made it I can feel like I could be in that in real life especially something as wacky as this idea like it it just feels like fun you know and then here's all the food for the Brontosaurus to eat on this side and a little uh maybe a little balcony you obviously can't sit in either of those chairs there's not enough space uh but it does uh sell the idea this is a giddy up faster button kind of up now that I think about it don't worry about that and then of course we have the egg that we hid here and then maybe some seats in case as you're traveling you see someone that needs a lift there's uh the Beverly Hillbilly's grandmother's chair up on the top there and then you have wood for the fire which is this is probably a gas stove and now I think but don't worry about that I think you're getting kind of like overwhelmed about it but I was really happy with how this build turned out and I hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed building it it really exciting it's really fun making like goofy stuff like this but executing it well enough to be proud of at the end of the day something that I can put you know a a blue ribbon on my chest thank you so much to my patrons and channel members for your support your continued support has meant so much to me especially as and frequently as I've been uploading uh remember I'm uh uploading some new kinds of videos too in addition to my Camp build so keep an eye out for that and I will see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching and have a wonderful time in the desert with your Brontosaurus
Channel: Mister Church
Views: 22,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, fallout, fallout 76, bethesda, tutorial, camp, build, steel dawn, wastelanders, immersive, atlantic city, fo76, gameplay, mothman, 2023, glitches, builds, camp builds, tips and tricks, playthrough
Id: wCqtq0ryjMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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