Seven "I AMs" in the Bible - by Maponga Joshua III

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the gospel according to mapunga jay here on your station brand new space we're moving all our content and sermons for your spiritual development right here you subscribe you share with your friends this is your new home for your spiritual [Music] growth greetings hello everybody hello even if you don't like me that's the ones when you smile and there there are no side effects for this service i just want to see something i want to see something on this service you are free to switch on your phone switch it on and make it on put it on silent if you want your friends to know where you are in terms of a live facebook twitter or instagram or or youtube channel if you have any of those channels and they go with enough data just for about 20 minutes or so 20-30 minutes max it's okay in my service it's allowed so don't feel bad picking up your phone just remember to put it on silent so that does not distract you and we can do a live streaming and i know some of us are embarrassed to tell our friends we go to church but if you cool you can actually log in and let them know you also appear in these places so that when you misbehave in the week they can say how okay i thought you were able to anyways you know but it has been a wonderful it has been a wonderful few few days that we have spent here and uh pastor vanello and makadi mamaruti here they've made it a point want to stand on the left want to stand on the right and be knocking me trying to find my middle ground but it was deliberating from this one it was deliberate just to push the church away from the comfort zone just slightly and allow for a rethink and the redo we do a song entitled we know not the hour of the masters appearing signs all foretell that the moment is nearing he will come we were clouds of great glory but we still don't know the hour [Music] oh [Music] ha ha ha ha ha [Music] hey [Music] ah hey [Music] hello [Music] hey [Music] so [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] hey bye [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hello of the many things that we can do in life preaching is one profession i'm glad it won't make you to heaven we can shout as much as we want on earth but amongst many of you who are going to retire i think i'm the one who's going to retire the most there will be no sinners in heaven so preaching is not a permanent job it will expire very soon but the other day i was sitting around by myself and i was thinking why would you choose a profession like or a career or a calling like preaching just to stand in front of people and start shouting at them is there anyone in their normal brain who should be doing that and i replied myself no it's not normal you need to just lose a little bit of your brain to become a good preacher and thank you very much to in colombia my good friends are all here and fellow pastors we are we are covered today and well comforted um i've done it someone once which i just want to pick up the introduction to the to that passage because i will need the information for this presentation for today uh we presented this week on the six or seven eyes of yeshua hamashiach where he says i am this i am that can i have those verses up please if you are a let in the media center there where we say where he said i i am i am i am i am seven times in the new testament the lord declares introduces himself in case you did not know he finds it important to introduce to you the i am and i think i did an introduction yesterday which i will weave into as we are getting into the the sermon of today and i'm under full instruction today that is don't go there in lecture go there and preach no i won't tell you who said that because i still want to go home and sleep on a comfortable bed i didn't say anything your minds are corrupt yeah you always thinking your own things like the children of israel yeah ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find knock and the door will be opened unto you beautiful way of reading that passage as long as it is you who is asking it is nice to know the one you are asking from has enough supply to give you seek and you shall find as long as you know what you have lost and you get out there and you start looking for it and you know it was somewhere here you have hope that you're going to find it knock and the doors will be opened unto you especially when curtains are moving and you can see people inside for sure you have expectation that someone must come and open beautiful way that the human being is the beggar and god is the giver so you can always say i must go to him he must give i must seek from him i must find i must knock at his door and he must open but then in my favorite sermons where i attend this passage and they say let's turn it around since when you are asking you want to find since when you ask you want to be given when god asks do you give him since when you seek you want to find when he seeks for goodness kindness and gentleness does he find it in you and many times when we knock on the doors we want heavens to open but chapter 3 verse 20 behold i stand at your door and i am knocking when he knocks do you open now now that we know that do unto god as you want god to do unto you as it is written do unto others is you want others also to do unto you so treat me like you want me to treat you and i will also treat you the way you are treating me and to many of us god is a dog that walks outside our yards when we are sleeping we report we are now sleeping please take over god is supposed to be a watchman in our cars only when we travel now chief please watch over us while we travel we strategically position him where we know that our insufficiencies will be exposed then god becomes this breakup tire this backup wheel this backup file who must close but in moments of pleasure and excitement in moments of wealth and development alas we don't remember this fella and if god should treat us the way we treat him many of us will be remembered on sabbath only at 5-11 because that's the moment when we seem to gather ourselves together and we remember that we are human beings and there is someone up there but if you must remember one thing for nothing for this morning it is that it's about a relationship hello somebody hello somebody i'll say some of my weird statements don't worry take them digest them you when you grow up and you get some gray hair on your chin you you will understand why i say that many of us get into relationships because we are looking for what we don't have yes if you had love why would you look for it if you had patience why would you look for it so actually your deficiencies will always expose you and to make it easier for you i can say write a list of the things that you expect they can guarantee you all the things you're expecting it's exactly what you don't have because if you had those things you will share them so come with me on the passage of today and he says i am i wanted all of them chana you are putting me on a difficult position you won't catch up with the speed so you just put all of them one time uh the seven ims of yeshua i gave you a nice picture also nice picture if you and just highlight it or expand it so that it can be visibly nice please keep the introduction in mind and then yesterday we looked at the passage where moses is uh confronted by the burning bush i like that part also there are times when we must understand the burning bush the bush must bend but it must not bend he didn't hear me it must be on fire but never getting consumed so it is okay to get angry but hit nobody you must be on fire but don't burn preservation in the midst of destruction not for today i will go alone in that passage but moses is confronted by a burning bush and they asked him so when they asked me what must i say and then the one who are standing behind the bush says when they ask you tell them that the i am has sent me there i am the great i am in in those who did greek and a bit of hebrew and theology you'd remember the great uncaused cause the one who is without and becomes without who depends on nothing to be and sustains everything within himself he neither eats no breathes needs no air he does not need life he manufactures it lives in the extraterrestrial spaces of time he does not keep time he is the time himself he he lives without what makes us ourselves and yet sustains everything that we are therefore we cannot worship a god who gets hungry a god who gets this a god who gets tired and that's why the black book simply throws in a dice a cave ball and says he who neither slumbers no slips wide awake you know wide awake 24 7. i get excited a bit you hold me and we we we d machana your speed your speed is not as as fast as i want it to be mrs google know everything mrs google know everything if you are really stranded just say the seven items of yeshua prop you get a picture they cut and paste oops let's go let's go in my next life in my next life of the project manager now when he says i am since he does not want to be identified as a chair or be identified as a tree or be identified as a man in fact there's a passage in the bible that says i am not a man that i should lie did you hear that part there now that's even more complicated we say we are created in his image after his own likeness and 6-0 comes around and says i'm actually god and i'm not a man so in the midst of your imagination of what i look like don't look at yourself and think that i look like you i made you in my image in my likeness so what is the likeness of the image of god that's for serious theologians remain with a few of us talking on the forms and norms of god come with me a little bit of philosophy will help us because we're going somewhere the lowest the most primitive form of human existence is physicality physical this is the most primitive of all forms of life it's a manifestation of this hello this is the most primitive why because what is more important is not the shape of this thing but what you can't see the software that is inside this phone and that software will be nothing without a signal somewhere in the service provider somewhere who makes this useful you can't see that and that on its own is actually useless without a brain sitting somewhere in the company called apple who thinks as to what must go into this thing yes or no so there is more which we can see than that which we can see those who survive therefore only on what is visible forfeit the opportunity to experience what is invisible yet present the fact that you are looking at me right now i can't see your brains it doesn't mean that they are not there they are invisible yet they are present your behaviors cannot be qualified only by what i see for what i see can deceive me eyes can only see in one d in some certain instances in 2d when there is enough light you may see 3t with extra help 4d here there there the 5d you can see under and over 6d 7d it becomes spiritual and supernatural therefore when you look at me even when you say you're looking at me you're only looking at me on one side a little bit of my ears my back you can't see but i'm present to trust your eyes therefore is to have a limited sight into the realities of what is really there don't deal with people therefore on facial value deal with them at a spiritual level come on guys if you can see it it is temporal and it is cheap for what we cannot see is spiritual and permanent don't make decisions based on the physically visible make decisions on the spiritual invisible but present one of my favorite scripts i always say this therefore don't worry about the man who steals your car what about he who is with him who steals your car it's not about the one who is insulting you and cursing and swearing at you if i were you i'd close my eyes and see that one who is with him who is cursing and swearing for there is a voice that is managing the visible in the space of the invisible therefore to fight the physical is to lose the battle of the spiritual eye for an eye truth for a tooth will leave the whole world toothless and blind who have killed each other and missed the real enemy behind the curtain therefore use physical strength for physical stuff but when you want to deal with issues use spiritual understanding to deal with physical impossibilities for there is always a whisper of the supernatural behind the natural then yeshua says i am seven times i am my glasses are not with me i am the true vine hallelujah there are the vines but i am the true one the true fine if you have done the book of romans chapter seven and eight you know the wild vine and the temp vine and he says i am not the wild not the them but i am there the true one in the greek that appears there i am the aletheia one i am the honest one i'm the trustworthy one i'm the verified one i am the one that is original where everything else comes from the true fine having been divine he is calling for connection get connected with me many of us are connected to our things things that come and go and we get forget to get connected to things that last so get connected the least you can do is to find yourself grafted to the truth which is divine and by the way there is no limitation to growth when you are plugged in the vine for the growth and the nourishment of the vine guarantees your growth and your nourishment also and why are you worried as if yeshua will ever get hungry not tired so get plugged in and manifest who are sitting here watching me this morning your limitations are not on the vine the limitations are on yourselves you are as big as you dream you can be let me say it in a sad way unfortunately our religion our culture and our education has actually taught us how far to dream and how fun not to dream those who speak english they're actually inhibiting factors they block us from becoming had not been a christian maybe i would have been dead but maybe i could have been alive and maybe i could have become something else that you would have never known but because this is vineyard says my trumpet says saturn you don't do this this devil this is saturn this is what and you walk in this small little corridor of a thin-sliced life and then they say having love is better than nothing to hell why half a love is better than nothing when i can have the whole love why must we be satisfied with little things with beautiful songs we sing until we cry i'm satisfied with a cottage below a little silver and a little gold no wonder you do little things how can you be satisfied with little things when he came and he said i have come so that they may have life not in small quantities have life and have it more abundantly when you hear that my pongal jay is stuck on the freeway you could send your driver with an extra amg and say please pastor make use of it when yours is fixed up please pretend mine that's abundance not living in small little corridors if you have enough for you and your family you're still poor don't tell us about what you have only when your neighbors and your servants can show opulence can you to be counted among solomon when the queen of sheba came to visit and they found at his gate sevens were decked in gold and in silver dressed up in fine clothes and then leaning standing just at the gate watching the men the queen had brought some silver some gold and when she saw the pearls on the sevens she said i have nothing i can give you i can only give you myself maybe this way of refined prostitution started but that's for another day but when you have nothing else you can give because the one you want to give has everything and many of us cannot even be counted amongst the rich because much of your food is in the dustbin your maids can't even eat what is in your fridge and if god should come through your kitchen through the dustbin you may just close those blessings for a very long time how can you be so stingy with cooked food until it gets rotten and your maid is there she can't touch and then you walk around your louis vuitton bags and your gucci bags and you think that you have something to be mentioned poverty is a state of mind literally that even some in the midst of abundance they still cannot demonstrate abundance i thought when you have money you're able to free your time to do other things that are important to you now that you have made money majana why are you still stuck in a life that is meaningless right now you should be flying around the world doing things hey are you with me jeff are you with me chief doing things that are meaningful to you leave the people who are poor to struggle with the day-to-day means and yet you're experiencing life get connected and there's no limit to your development someone say amen or die i want to say this one nicely for all the young people never give your dreams to someone who can dream better than you they will reduce you to the limitation of their own brains you come to me who is playing 15 music instruments and you say you can't play it then i'll send you back to your mother because in my world it's possible if it is impossible in your world don't come around and tell me what i can do and what i can't do go home you who can't do stay there where you can't do let those who do and don't think that because when you cannot run 47 kilometers those who are running it cannot do it content with yourself struggle with yourself as i said on tuesday do not copy a mathematics examination when you are writing a zulu examination the answers are not the same totally different law policies were no parliament you cannot copy from each other let every person deal with their paper have yourself as a fingerprint of your own success and do not wait for other people to tell you what you can do and what you cannot do and how painful it is to take your brains and put them in the limited space of other people who cannot think beyond their own nostrils i am the vine get connected i am the way the truth and the life three times the word life appears on the cycle here i am the truth the way and the life also comes up i am the bread of life also comes up i am the resurrection and the life therefore three times he speaks of whatever element but this element is directly attached to life itself therefore we start working because we want to stay alive come on guys come on guys let me stretch it we walk because we want to stay alive i'll give you an experiment go home put fresh water in a jug and put it on the window two days later don't drink it it's poison as long as it is seated there poisonous but take a same jug of water in another jug of water keep on pouring the water from one vessel to another for eternity you can drink that water it is a life as long as it moves it stays fresh it's long ask me why many of us are dead we are no longer being emptied from vessel to vessel now in retrospect you'll understand what i was doing then now i can see heads going okay okay there must be a constant process of taking everything that you know everything not some of it throw it away into someone else until you empty out yourself of what you have you can never receive new stuff and some of us are stuck with old cankered brain in the sanctuary the loaves of bread we're supposed to be fresh every morning the supplies of the lord are fresh every morning what keeps freshness is movement come on church start moving start start moving if you can't move on truth move your neighbor's house not caring mama gossip but caring the good news blessed are the feet of those who bring the good tidings but keep on moving as we said the road goes nowhere and it does not take you where you want to go a road takes you where it wants to go because it was built before you got here just identify the destination of the road and your destination you could be on the wrong road leading to the right direction or you could be on the right direction but the wrong destination altogether it's your business with your christianity by the way if you are happy the least you can do is to build a monument on the road and block other passengers we want to travel we are not here to park on the freeway we are here to pass through so keep on going i am the way the truth and the life there is a way that leads to life only if you find it if you are here simply because of what the church says what your family told you and what your father said you have not yet found it you didn't hear me if you are here because the advent this church says and that's all you know but a lot what the church has told you you have not yet found the path they say i am what do you say i am if you down and some of us are afraid of backsliding we're afraid of truth because we know that the day we meet the truth we may change are there others like me where you know this thing is there but if i should cross that line i will not come back so you're scared of yourself basically but truth has never been more exciting for me than the call of ezekiel from the shallow waters of self-control and power over your ankles to the knee spaces where now you're becoming weaker and the water is becoming stronger to your waistline issues where now you're fully submerged water can take you away it wants to talk you ultimately you are sitting in the water another 4 000 cubics into the water where now water has power and you have become powerless are you prepared to move into the spiritual space where he takes you where you want he wants you to go not where you want to go the greatest weakness of human beings is to control themselves to control their destiny to control their future to control their money to control to control birth control to control human beings obsession is is control man if you really want to control control how much air you breathe per day if you really want to control let's get to real issues how much water you lose per day through perspiration control that now you begin to understand that we like controlling things that are peripheral things that really sustain life we don't have control over those things the beautiful part about this faith that i have now found it is that it is not limited to be playing in the shallow waters there is no limit to the divine depths of understanding a teaspoon at the beach front does not reduce the volumes of the sea so is our mind on the sea of knowledge of god don't limit yourself for the little that you know doing children's play at the beachfront and you think that you know god those even the best amongst us like ezekiel spend the whole day looking he's like this he's like this he's like lying he's like the ox he's like what and then there's a wheel inside the wheel their arms all over the things are moving without turning and what you know then read the conclusion this was the likeness of the image of god like a rainbow flashing through the sky so did i see god what did you see moses also is an introduction no i want to see you i want to say no man you can't see me okay okay go behind the rock cover yourself i'll put my hand on your face i will hide you behind the cleft of the rock i'll pass by the rock and then you will see me while you're hiding behind the rock and do you see me we need to use the rock as a filter otherwise your eyes will be messed up for a very long time then he passes by a few moments later so moses what did you see no the lord is good the lord is kind lord is merciful he's gentle showing kindness from the first the seventh generation oh come on moses tell us what type of shoes was he putting on how tall and how what what the color of god and he walks away only with an experience that i was in his presence and all the physical issues that touch us from color to uniform to black and white to tall and and short to fat and and thin when you have been in the presence of the lord you don't come back with a physical description you come back with an experience of interaction what did you see i experienced goodness no what did you see i experienced long suffering moses come on we eyes open yes what did you see kindness goodness i was with him therefore when a person has been with god he does not come back with the definitions of what you think he must come back with every one of us has space to experience dfinity without using reference of another moses saw something else isaiah saw something else ezekiel saw something else nebuchadnezzar simply looked and says i see something like the first man everyone who has come close to walks away with a different picture of what the other person has seen therefore you don't have permission to read what i have seen and consider that is your testimony come on go in there go in there go check him out for yourself when you come back let's also hear your storyline let's also hear your storyline thomas went in there came back with a finger dripping with blood says man i don't believe he has died by the time he was going back home this is true the man from emmaus no one told them he didn't even introduce himself just walked and spoke to them etc then broke the bread and then he prayed for them and after saying amen he disappeared then i love the story that begins who was that guy that was him ash and the other guy then throws the passage one day when i'm very happy ask me to preach that simon did our hearts not move within us when he spoke amongst us can you believe that you can't see the guy you're walking in the dark but somehow when he talks to you something in your heart keeps on getting warmer and warmer and nicer because this presence of the lord creates goodness out of those that are hearing it why must people walk away from you feeling interpretation i think because your spirit cannot connect with the spirit but where the spirit of truth is the bible says our hearts just warmed amongst us that's life a path that leads to life i'm the resurrection in the life i like that part there waking up from death if death is the biggest problem that we have as human beings in fact the common denominator common denominator to all of us from those with them with powders those who do six-pack those who do hair extensions those who are on lightening crims and everybody else and those who are we we have one destination one destination and when we get there we are all equal and everything that you have collected in this world you can't even take a handkerchief to go and wipe your face on the other side of the grave and then he comes in with a rather interesting curveball and he says i am the resurrection i am the resurrection take note he does not say i will resurrect or i will be raised from the dead he takes ownership of the event then i know i went to school here his english fine when he takes care of the event and owns the event says i am the resurrection it happens within my jurisdiction it happens within my authority i am in charge he doesn't want to talk about death he talks about the resurrection which is actually the adverse opposite of what has taken us there oh you didn't hear me out there maybe let's stop worrying about what takes us there let's worry about what brings us back to the other end and he says i am the resurrection in other words if there's supposed to be a resurrection it can only happen in him then there's a passage that confuses me and the church is not yet ready to talk about it it says those who believe in him though they die they will leave again another translation actually says those who believe in him will not die oh what does that mean therefore accepting truth places you into eternity while you're still in the physical space you can now you have now just plugged in into the eternal vibe even if you die we say you are sleeping but life literally does not stop because you are dead death stops being a factor for life has kicked in i am the resurrection i am the light influence power vision to be seen i'm coming back there quickly then he says i am the gate meaning the door opportunities privileges entrances exits i am the door are there women in the house are there women in the house what did you bring into this world you thought you gave birth to your children now you need to read that passage very carefully i am the door can we talk about what went in can we talk about what came out and he says i stand at the door and sometimes we offer christianize these things and we miss the beautiful import of wonderful texts of scripture those of you who are spiritually inclined you can hear where i'm going yeah when he says i am the door the door marks the entrance the door marks the exit i stand here and i see everything i know what is without i know what is within and i stand at the door in the olden days shepherds would not go and sleep at home they would actually sleep at the door you know you make some bushes some shrubs and here at the entrance that's where the shepherd would put his met and sleep here now you can read the other passage that says if you want to have access to my ship then you must kill the shepherd first then you can have access into the ship and then he comes on this passage and says i am the door you are safe come on tell your neighbour you're safe i'm safe this is where i get angry sometimes for us as africans that our the men at the door was overpowered that's why we ended up as slaves i am the shepherd leading us into political issues into economic issues into social issues do not apologize for only being led to eating grass in green pastures and you're helping with grass only no the good shepherd can actually you can ask daniel the prime minister himself you can ask kings like david you can ask military generals the good shepherd is a good leader who should take us not to the places of our fear but to the places of his conquest since this is what god says i'm the bread of life for diet and fisting and sustenance as we're concluding since this is what he says he is he shares one of them with us i am the light of the world and he also says to us you are the light of the world are we looking at areas of common convergence can i become the good theologian this is where you you must be wide awake now you can't miss me now it was me and you are me and you we're in the same what's up group let's go together i am the the light and he also comes around and says you are the light of the world a city build on a hill cannot be hidden in that we are the light therefore he is talking to our sense of influence commentary number influence you cannot always be cowering around and being afraid of being who you are stand up on the portal be visible be counted you can't be in a function and no one can see you was she there i don't know it looked like but i'm not sure i don't know about you if i come to your function you will know us whether for good things or but you will know i was there you will know i was there you are the light of the world start appreciating influence come on somebody oh you didn't hear me well start building networks that place you where you belong come and tell your neighbor shine come on say like believe it no shine oh it doesn't matter you know it doesn't matter you know being a christian ah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter no it matters it matters in fact it really matters that if we say we are the christians who are producing the best people in the world then why are they not running the political systems if we say we have the correct education how come our education has not translated us to owning banks being the highest suppliers of food in the market since we believe in vegetarianism and good food always has taken over because masavata busy fasting and praying doing weeks of prayer tell me what is hulu is selling which which your advent this message does not know and all of us are queuing at woodward there's a sign of class war unto you and cease on you you should have been the heads in this department not the tales you should have been the suppliers not the consumers the whole world is going out naked out there where are the fashion dressmakers here who can clothe up this nation fashionably and nicely with the brand sda brand we as adventists we as adventists that's all you know how to say show me more than making a claim show me more what more can you say after that what more i am the light of the world and since i am the light of the world you too must become the light of the world come on someone say even out there start start building your brand to a moment of shine and don't be embarrassed about it build it and build it well young lady until everyone in town knows there is someone on that corner who is doing x because if he is the light then we also must shine and i've heard this stupid theology from some of my friends who are still in kindergarten in theology school say no he's god he shares his glory with nobody he doesn't share his glory with anybody what does the church say [Music] and i sit back and i go cis man that theology is not true moses went up the mountain spend some few days with god after the conversation which was so intense and intimate when he was walking down from the hill it was normal to him it was abnormal to anybody else and everybody else lo and behold when he got down the hill now go and tell them mapunka jay says what is we lying for god can share his glory with others moses came back fully dressed shining with the shaking of glory in fact if you read well from then on they would put a curtain on moses face when they are talking to him and when he goes into the tabernacle moses would remove the curtain for he was talking to the old man one on one and now you tell me he does not share his glory with another then that gives you a doctrine of weakness for what god have you met and he has left you the same because if you had seen him by the time you came back here we should have been seeing something of a different nature i mean even if your glory was not shining you can ask jacob after he had an experience on the side of the river when he arrives in the morning he is no longer ready to run he's limping where are you coming from i had a struggle and i fought god and i won since all his life was in the business of running away the lord says this time around i'm gonna keep you on the ground you're gonna meet up all your enemies and you won't run anywhere else come on get to the lord get injured if you must get crippled if you must bring some shine if you can but you cannot tell me even if you ask another man who has just seen him over a few moments do you want to be well yes i want to be well said i want to be well no no i don't want people can't push me and you know they come on man take up a match and then people say is this not the guy is this not the guy whom we have seen on the other guy and he's on sabbath and and how can he be walking and this man yes i'm walking and the other blind man gives testimony whether that man is a sinner oh he is whatever you say he is i leave that to you who are in the theology class as for me i know one thing i was blind now i see if you understood theology let's discuss my change state as of the sabbath issues is what must be done on sabbath what must not be done who must heal what what power was behind my healing that's none of my business and many of us are always worried about business that is none of your business hey witnesses go and get worried about the hairline eat our lap get busy what about your nails that are cracking and your feet that are cracking what about pimples on your face there's enough problems young lady worry about skates that can fit and pullings that can that's your problem worry about your empty fridge there's enough for you to worry about than to take me you want you want to get you want you you're serious you can't manage genesis one verse one you want to start worrying about my pungency like really go home get a life keep your nose away from other people's business if you want to know real business smell your armpits there is business that must be attended to right there is someone with me smell your breath you may need a toothbrush find something else to do with yourself but learn to leave other people's business out of bounds because even if you know something about it what are you going to do about it and that's for another day i am the bread of life let's conclude this thing nicely since he's in the business of feeding others we must also be in the business of feeding others as a matter of fact if he is the bread of life the question is so who is the waiter are there guys in the catering department here can you hear where this is going since we already have an abundance of supply of bread on what can we add on the value chain to make sure this bread gets to people then if he says i am the bread of life then you must open up a catering company to deliver the bread when he says i am the way the truth in the life start walking start walking thank you sir start walking find the path that leads to life stop nowhere until you arrive at the destination where he wants you to arrive and if he says i am the resurrection in the life wake up from your slumber wake up from comfort wake up from things that you know must be done which you are no longer doing why are you sitting and sitting on your legs it's moment that you also experience a resurrection not of the second coming but the resurrection now things in your life that are buried in graves of hatred and of anger and etc let there be a resurrection let there be not only a resurrection in the life i am the good shepherd follow shepherds that have your welfare at heart identify good shepherds and follow them find your safety in the shepherd not only that but for all of us also let's learn from the master let us also be good shepherds let's also lead other people into parts of righteousness for the restoration of their own souls i am the door and i am the gate oh this one i can't say much just open up the door and let the conversation with divinity begin spirituality will not happen while he is outside and we are inside struggling alone and one of my summons this one is not yet done but it will be done very soon if he is standing at the door and he is knocking then who is busy with you inside and i'm the door right at the door and i am the light of the world someone here needs to learn how to shine and how to shine may the lord god of heaven abundant in grace abundant in bread abundant in light abundant in knowledge standing at the door with strength to sustain us the one who shines even in the darkest corners the one with strength even for resurrection may that resurrection be a portion may that path be your portion may that pedestal waiting for you if there is anyone on it may the lord remove them and fast track your progress to the place where you belong the lord will lift you up not because you are better but you want a better person on the same space walk up there with confidence find the path walk in it find the bread eat it find the vine plug in identify areas of death resurrect may the god of heaven bless us all amen [Music] gospel of god subscribe and join us in changing our continent there are those who are always asking what happened but they are those who make things [Music] happen [Music]
Channel: The Gospel According to Maponga Joshua III
Views: 268,960
Rating: 4.8022699 out of 5
Id: XE-gdJsuA28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 8sec (3368 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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