Dr. George Fraser - Black People are Heading into a Second Slavery

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the sexiest thing the sexiest thing got a black band you can do today [Applause] I speak from experience yes I am black for those of you who were not entirely sure that is the beauty of our culture and race we come in all shapes and sizes and skin tones and hair textures lots of options out there brothers and sisters no need to strike now I can say that does I'm in America the same sister I said sister people ask me all the time dr. Fraser what is the secret to me to staying married to the same system for 45 years and it's a one word secret amnesia 45 years Nora Gene's gonna do something stupid I'm gonna do something stupid we discussed the stupid things that we have done Bishop [Music] we reach middle ground we bless it and release it never to bring it up again and we go about raising our family loving our children and serving our people till death do us part that is the key to success in the black community a strong black family a strong we just don't have time to unpack that but huge now all that needed to be said and today has already been said I got I got here at 8 o'clock this morning i sat patiently and listened to 6070 brothers and sisters speak with brilliance with intelligence with calm and collaboration was just a beautiful thing to see and they covered everything that you could possibly want to cover so a I applaud you for that Benz L I know you often call yourself Denzel yeah everybody else but you are the bomb I love you you are in fact a race man as I am a race man that we have committed our time talent and treasure to the investment and the upliftment of black people first I did say only I said first not only for that so let me say this to you from my heart if I could not be me I would want to be youth you're their brother I appreciate you and who and and the people that you coalesced around a powerful vision for the future a black folk in Denver now you are going to have obstacles one of my favorite quotes this for Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was one of the five great CSIS and it was Marcus Aurelius who said that the impediment to action advances action that what stands in the way becomes the way let me say that where there is no obstacle there is no way when God gives you an assignment when you're ready the next thing God does is places an obstacle in front of that assignment in your job your assignment is to get over around through under the obstacle and when to when you prove to God that you can do that God checks off a box gives you and how to boil an out a girl and then you get a new assignment and as soon as he gives you a new assignment an obstacle come on is put in your way and your job at that moment in time is to find a way over around and through the obstacle and for 400 years Africans in America have found a way over around and through the ops and when we look back on our lives we understand that the obstacle for us is the way we are awesome and beautiful and powerful people and we need to act like it alright it may be the best thing that has happened to us cuz god works in mysterious ways maybe the best thing that has happened to black people is Donald Trump that racist narcissistic fool has demonstrated to us what he thinks of us and what so much of America thinks now we have always suspected we've always complained we've always say Barret what we now know to be true [Music] America elected Donald Trump and we now know it so much and so many of America think about us but we've had that suspicion with you know it is we can almost say it ain't nothing new but now it's been proven your mom it's been proven so this is a good thing this I think will motivate us to understand that we are in a state of urgency [Music] we are at a state of emergency if you will interesting article in The Wall Street Journal I hope you saw it interesting and said that financial illiteracy is an American problem but the Wall Street Journal said financial illiteracy is an American problem and demand get that America both the public private and independent sector invests billions of dollars in bringing America to financial literacy that's The Wall Street Journal said in an editorial now we know that when white folks catch a cold black people catch pneumonia so if financial illiteracy is an American problem it is ten times the problem in our community we understand that therefore it is time for us to put economic development and wealth creation closing the income and wealth gap between blacks and whites in America I did not say blacks and Hispanics I did not say blacks and Asians I did not say blacks in alright I said so accent like though that's what I said because that's where our issue is it is time for us to close that gap it is time for us to put economic development on the front burner it is time for us to create a mantra and slogan around that idea and that mantra and slogan as I have been saying for the last five years is that economics is the new black power you can Amish must now become the new black power all right without the cooperation the investment and the engagement of the most important the most trusted institution in our culture and that is the black church they must touch it and so we must devise a system that allows us morally and spiritually to fulfill proverbs 13:20 - that a good man leaves an inheritance to his children to that is what survival interesting article for the front page of USA Today thank God it was below the fold but it was on the front page but he isn't essence what the article said it said that if nothing changes among African Americans no let me back up returning to that that was another audible this one said that African American baby Bulls African American baby homes will be the first generation of Africans in America to raise another generation of Africans in America that will not do better than them and so on the 400 year history of our people in this country we are the only generation to raise another generation that will be worse off we need our asses care [Applause] rolling-over they're gray all right you can count me out of that statistic I will not participate and you must not participate in that statistic understand that everything we do we do for our children just as everything our parents did they did for us we cannot allow this to happen not on our watch further investigation further studies further statistics tell us that's written in the Institute of policy studies a major report a 200 page report on the wealth gap between blacks and white folks in America check it out on Google the Institute of policy studies April of 2:16 here is the conclusion of that study and I quote from the study if nothing changes among African Americans it will take them 228 years if ever to close the wealth gap between blacks and whites in America but it will take this panics 89 years it will take us 228 years if ever I didn't add your veteran that's in the report that's almost the amount of time it took us to become free from slavery but why will it take 89 years for Hispanics and take us 228 years well the answer should be obvious to everyone what is the most important value in the Hispanic community Familia family therefore they have to working on their economic State and we have one [Music] [Music] cover story fortune magazine September of last year very interesting story about the wealth gap between blacks and whites in America here's a conclusion of that study by 2050 three just ten years after the country is projected to become majority non-white black median families were on zero wealth if current trends continue twenty years later Latino median families will follow suit white median families will continue to own six figures two hundred forty seven thousand five hundred dollars Fortune magazine last year so the prediction with all of the think tanks in Washington DC is if we don't get our act together we will have no money than a market-based economy and a democratic capitalist society we will work our way brothers and sisters into a second slavery [Music] no that's not height I'm not exaggerating the shots have been fired the flares have been fired so we can either listen and do something or we can continue to party make Grammy nominated rap songs my red bottoms Gucci's intercom bows and we're all this stunt right let's just see white folks right [Music] now that brings me to a crossroads that we have to engage in 1965 daniel patrick moynihan at the beat at the wish of Lyndon Johnson President Lyndon Johnson the debate reported study on the state of the black family was called the Moynihan report Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a New York liberal Harvard Graduate did his work publish the report and basically the report said the following what he noticed through statistical gathering is that the out of wedlock birth rate among black families was five times that of white families in 1963 and four and all ultimately publisher by out of wedlock births were at about 25% then and in the white community it was about 5% in Louisville five times the daniel patrick moynihan basically said in his own you know northeastern away their brothers and sisters and this is what the statistics are but the federal government cannot legislate you're screwing that's on you we can't tell you to screw but here's what's happening as a result of what you're doing your rates are five times higher than our rates and if that trends content continues and you do nothing about it and you ignore it within twenty to forty years you're out of wedlock birth rate will get to the sixties and 70% that will in fact affect and effect the black family structure and ultimately leads you into poverty oh the report was published and we will piss racists Patrick Daniel Patrick morning and we did nothing then what happened exactly what they reported so we don't have to listen to the statistics we can just continue doing what we're doing that's that's if you want to do that I have chosen not to do that because although the prediction is that by 2050 3 this will occur to us if you read the national coverage of the front-page story in December of last year in the Boston Globe about black people and their money in Boston it did made national news it's all on the national news Bishop Boston one of the wealthiest cities in the home of America's most elite education at Harvard MIT Boston College Bryn Mawr Sarah Lawrence Boston University here was the major headline in the Boston Globe I read to you the headline the headline was so egregious even the headline had to qualify the end result here's a headline this is no typo the median net worth of black Bostonians really is $8 I said $8 one of the wealthiest cities in America black Bostonians are worth eight bucks now I thought the prediction and Fortune magazine is that we would be broke by 2050 three well black Bostonians are about twenty years ahead of time we don't have to do anything but I'm recommending that we do something I'm recommending that we tackle the problem and I really see it I talked about this earlier I don't really see it as a problem because I'm an entrepreneurial finger and have been all my life I see it as a massive opportunity to education and training to 46 million black people that's what I see mass is something that we're capable of doing ourselves so with that thought in mind three years ago I began thinking through what was the system that we needed to put in place to institutionalize financial education in the black community where must have first be housed and then expanded and extended - and there's only one clear answer if you think clearly about this it must take seed and the historically black church is their 85,000 black churches in America twenty five million black people go to church every single Sunday we have the most morally grounded spiritually people in this country where the most church-going people in this country you cannot do anything or significance in black America without touching or it being led every major movement in this country every means the major good thing that has ever happened to black people in this country was led by the black church leadership from the black church so it's got to start there now there are 1500 references to money and he cannot mix in the Bible [Music] so this is no strange subject we just need to bring the subject up more frequently so we launched this year wins wins wins is an acronym well for the name of our divine son we know that is I created a little piece of poetry under winds and it says for the wind for it is the wind that makes us soar and it is the winds that bring change winds they will be financially a financial literacy centers wealth building centers that's how we're branding them now I have a little experience with branding I spent 13 years in branding and marketing in leadership positions with Procter and Gamble now anybody know anything about branding and marketing they are the beasts of branding and marketing they invented branding and I sat at the feet of the masters for thirteen years I was the guy that was partly responsible for the launch of pampers which disrupted the cloth diaper category forty years ago so I know a little bit on how to package design and do the brand architecture for something as powerful as a brand that needs to bring the suit literacy we are we introduced it last year at the power networking conference we said here's what's coming we launched it this year at the power networking conference we recruited now I eat the prototype I've had a win Center in my church for the last 14 months so I was sort of the test market we're now doing what they call in the branding world a soft launch so we've got 15 people around the country we will be meeting in October for the final train-the-trainer each person directing a win center must have some history in the financial services industry and then they must get a CFP i which is sort of a certification of financial education instruction you see because you are a stockbroker doesn't mean that you can teach financial education it is no different than basketball Michael Jordan is the baddest basketball player that ever played the game but he would fire himself as the coach of a team that he won because he cannot coach but Phil Jackson was a mediocre basketball player and Phil Jackson has 11 rings and nine of them offer coaching because you can play basketball doesn't mean that you can teach basketball because you could read doesn't mean that you could teach reading because you can do math doesn't mean that you can teach math you have to be certified I have to African sent to charter schools and you cannot teach basic reading in my charter schools without certification and reading but why would we allow people to teach our people something they're not certified and teaching and this is especially true for black people because we learn differently yeah well aural visual tactile kinesthetic and auditory we'll aural visual type of white folks that teach our inner-city children can't teach them Thank You they do not understand our learning and teaching style we are an archival now I mean we are an aural people white folks are archival they write they would pay and they they they read let me say that differently they write and they read that this world is sealed being run by books they were written 500 years ago don't you ever forget that they take out of their brain put it on paper and polish now all of us are writing books than ever before so we're moving in that direction we've got to write it down because that's you in order to systemize something you must be able to articulate it put it in writing and to make sure that there's a permanent record of it that's what so there's nothing wrong with the oral tradition is a beautiful condition we see it every Sunday in the black church that way we are probably the best speakers in the world because we come from the choral tradition President Barack Obama I remember when he first got glad I grew white friend is gonna be a man President Obama can really speak dr. Fraser he's a great speakers any essay you know I [Music] I said have you ever heard Freddie Haynes yes all right have you ever heard of God the tail is never heard Howard Thurman one you ever heard Jeremiah Wright you go yeah so we have an oral tradition we learn differently we have to learn so so we have to teach our people differently about wealth building and educate them differently around literacy and we have designed a curriculum a special culturally specific curriculum using special tools and ideas to educate our people about much to pull them away from the most important addiction that we have one of the most important addiction I say important I don't really mean that one of the worst let me say that another way what we have a very bad ass habit we really do not the black for 73 years and we have had a Saturday and this happened is the worst in us than anybody else in America then you know when that happened is our habit or addiction to instant gratification versus delayed gratification there's lots of socio-psychological reasons for it I'm going to get into it right I can take up too much time telling you why that we need to feel good right now and costs for 350 years we didn't feel so good right but 350 years we really couldn't party right so the last 50 years maybe we could say if we want to look at this metaphorically we were just partying we were just celebrating our fight for freedom basically we are really just just two generations out of oppression I mean the civil rights laws were enacted in 1965 the Voting Rights Act of 1967 which is two generations out of oppression right and the Jews did not get to the promised land after they were freed for hominid year right they mr Hayden had to get desktop together for 40 well you know we after 350 years of the crap we went through maybe they just do a little party a little something-something for change right but now you know it's 40 to 40 years is over the party is over brother all right so we now have to do the right thing so we are opening the wind Center it is a system as you've heard me say yesterday that ideas are wonderful but systems of that we are the most creative people on the planet we are there's nobody more creative than black people that is a special gift that God has given us the moral and spiritual grounding gift and the gift of creativity we invented jazz think about it jazz is 80% improvisation improvisation is creating an idea per second John Coltrane was alive and you invited him into this theater to play my favorite things his classic he would blow it out of the water only 10% of it you would recognize it would the melody that that's the only 10% you would recognize the rest of it we totally improvised if he went home and you invited him back tomorrow to play the same song it would sound entirely different that's how creative that's the power of our creativity but we need that good at building systems probably the best system bishop that we've ever built is the system of the black German the second best would be our fraternities and sororities that's a system so we have to move from just wonderful creative ideas you know being great football baseball basketball players right we're the talent but we don't own the system we don't even own rap we create the music you know we do the singing dancing playing football yeah but but we don't own the system the system is a system to to to to produce to package to manufacture and to distribute what is the distribution system for football the stadiums [Music] the media so we that that's a different kind of thinking and the this is the kind of thinking that we must engage our people in the 21st century now all of this will come under what we are going to be introducing while launching message because we introduced it this year Frasor nation you know for 31 years we have been phrase their net it is not an ego trip there's only one reason we used fraser because the brand has been around for 31 years and it has trust and loyalty and the fine reputation right so in the branding world so I learned this in Procter and Gamble this is called brand extension [Music] there was ivory soap and then we made ivory liquid and then we made ivory flakes and the reputation of ivory soap was gave the halo effect to the extension of that name in Brandt this has saved science brothers and sisters except you don't know what and I do now some of you may know so that's all it is it's not an ego play there's leveraging the reputation of your brand now the theme for fraser nation is citizens of generational wealth and citizens of generational wealth that's the thing under fraser net for 31 years we had three words that describe who we were and what we offer at phrasing that connect grow and prosper that was our unique selling proposition that was our value added benefit is we enabled you to connect with each other it's these connections you would grow and through growing you would prosper that's 31 years we're now morphing into something a little bit different a little bit better I think and we will have three terms not three words that will define and describe fraser nation and those terms will be demonstrated excellence that's one term that's the first term demonstrated excellence I did not say excellence everybody says excellence everybody Manties that word no no no no no not black people we're taking that to another level we're talking about demonstrate to us your excellence I hear your mouth running in your lips move I know you talkin excellence prove it where must that excellence be it must be a knowledge of self a deeper commitment to personal growth and development constant never-ending improvement and lifelong learning all of this will be synthesized under Fraser Nation as demonstrated excellence demonstrate to me that you got it going on when you demonstrate to us that you have it going on you can become a citizen of our nation so our nation is not for everybody just as America certainly according to Donald Trump we try to get nominations and bringing your babies up in the air now you ain't about nothing all right we may take your babies all right and the next communication from our nation and we'll figure out how to get you your babies back later okay okay okay so demonstrated excellence is the first term the third the second term is equity and investment equity and investment plus magazine comes out with a special edition once a year call the Forbes 400 is the 400 richest people in the entire world do you know how three hundred and ninety eight of those 400 richest people on camera made their wealth private equity private equity there's an exception to that rule and that's Warren Buffett who made his money through public equity my five ten fifteen million shares of McDonald's or or Nike the Warren Buffett understood a long time ago that is much more important to buy Nike stock than to buy a pair of $200 90 Steve he knows you buys them nubile [Music] Quan Buffett understood it's more important to buy McDonald Stockton to eat a Big Mac equity and investment equity and investment that is the second term if you are about that we can lead you to equity plays we have friends who are starting and building businesses and you know let me just dimensionalize that for you had Mark Zuckerberg being your friend 25 years ago and he was working in his room in Harvard trying to get Facebook started and ask you to loan him five or ten thousand dollars and I'd be worth about twenty five million today that's private equity this is before the ideal you understand what private equity is it is before the IPO right then there's public equity so equity and investment and then finally the third term for fraser nation will be entrepreneurial thinking entrepreneurial thinking I did not say entrepreneurship we must work on the minds of black people what does entrepreneurial thinking entrepreneurial thinking is taking responsibility taking ownership and mitigating the risks to all all things that you do in life and that mindset may lead you someday to a business then we know that there some Negroes that should not be within a hundred yards of owning a business seventy years there we got some Negroes out there doing business in the man and a businessman nobody trying to do with Fraser nations and put the big new people out of business [Laughter] because they're messing it up for those of us were trying to do serious business so that's the next thing and then to aggregate the brothers and sisters the institutions and the organizations that demonstrate excellence on a regular basis and to make them a part of this fraser nation which will be a system it is a system that will be institutionalized over a long period of time there will be membership based and chapter base and people heading up each state for the various chapters in that state guess what they will be called governors we have a nation when you head up a state in America what do you call a governor so we will develop Norman clay sure that connotes dignity respect and power and demonstrated responsibility and demonstrated excellence that's where we're going finally and I'm going to end on a couple of notes and then take questions and then roll them up out of here to return sooner rather than later Mike Benz L absolutely for that 3 minutes 30 okay look at the table to leave no is it 30 before week there's nothing we got to leave at 450 I just want to get the time right yeah what happened yeah so three or 45 is our stop with you at the brunch at what time is it now it's 3:15 okay good so I'm gonna leave some time for questions but I just want to leave you with one little tip I have traveled the globe I've met some of the most powerful and most important people to have lived from Malcolm to Martin Oprah and Denzel and what I've discovered in observing them and befriending them they have one very very simple little secret that they are able to act on that less than successful people are simply not able to do what is that secret they have the ability to remove toxic people and bloodsuckers from drain you of your time your energy and your patience [Music] now this is very easy to say this is very difficult to do do you know why because most of these people are your family [Music] strangling is not an option this is why I believe the friends are critically important because it's God's way of apologizing you can pick your friends but you can't pick their elders there's an old saying if you love something set it free if it comes back oh always be yours if it doesn't come back it was never yours to begin with but there's a big but on that brothers and sisters if it sits in your living room messes up all your stuff eats all your food uses your cell phone takes your money and doesn't appear to realize that you have set it free and you be the married or you gave birth to it [Applause] you must be able to remove toxic people and bloodsuckers from your life [Music] introduce me to your five closest friends as they know and as they go you go business is about relationships without relationships you have no business without relationships you have no business being in business back then business you're really in is in the business of building relationships so your relationships are everything 15% of your success in life will be determined by your skills but 85% of your success in life will be determined by your interpersonal have people skills your ability to cultivate nurture and develop relationships at work their home and into community they're three networks you're going to have to work on or your entire life through every passage of your life these are lucky you'll get eight passages each passage is about 10 years let me explain that to you you're a different person in 10 years all to you we're at one you're a different person at 20 than you were 10 let us pray 30 that you were at 20 you're a different person in 40 than you were at 30 50 and 40 60 and 50 70 and 60 80 and 70 you're constantly evolving and changing and people are platooning in and out of your life through every passage of your life and if you don't have the good sense to understand who is with you and who is not you're going down doing it were you supposed to go some art people really hang around stupid people unless they're related to disown you unless you associate with some people the more your life will improve and you better understand that when God wants to get into your life God will send a person when the devil wants to get into your life the devil will send a person your task in life is to determine which one is which and who has been sent by whom enemies have been anointed to have us do those things that we would never consider doing it is written in the twenty-third Psalm read the twenty-third Psalm now the parathe a table before me in the presence of deities right now you had better you better be able to discern that now I don't know who I am talking to here this afternoon but I am telling you there's somebody in your life that when as soon as you humanly possibly can you must bless them and release them or not gonna happen for you this is huge I'll put a pin in that will pick up of that chapter - Benz l then I hope and pray by the way that you helped us brother do this work let me say that differently money is the Mother's Milk of all intentions and without money all you have agreed to have intention but nothing will happen you have a great start this is an important initiative this is for you and about you make sure that it has the Mother's Milk that it needs to take the next steps forward you cannot have a baby and not give it as milk but I ask for pen itself that you do everything you can that you make a commitment to this idea to your future and you do it by putting your money way about this [Music] it's worth it and it cannot be done without I love you for the work that you and Keith and your crew and your team and the folks who supported this this is this is we ain't doing this what the hell homie so god bless there's the prayer that we use at the power networking conference every year for 17 years we call it how ancestral recognition prayer this is how we close the conference every year once you do me a personal favor you take the hand of the person on the left and the person on the right [Music] you do not have to stand on this particular breath [Music] may we always remember those who have gone before us sin may we be inspired by the addition and know that one may their lives continually remind us that service is more important than success that people are more important than possessions that principle is more important than power may whatever we do be molded and shaped by honesty excellence and commitment may our children and our children's children carry forth with pride the nobility of the histories that are represented here and the various traditions that are represented in this role to the creator of all of us by whatever name we may we may refer to that creator we dedicate our lives to make our world better and more beautiful can I get an amen I want you to say success lives in Denver say that and because success lives where I live we must be willing to share our success and to help others succeed each one inside must reach one must be fun and teach one can I get an amen [Applause]
Channel: brother jeff
Views: 508,339
Rating: 4.7867002 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. George Fraser
Id: -d916hab0KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 22sec (3082 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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