Daniel 5 || Weighed-Weighed Counted-Counted || Joshua Maponga

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[Music] [Music] is [Music] my name is joshua maponga son of marara brought up as an adventist minister the seventh adventist church trained in solution our greater tribe of the society finds its roots in the greater nations of the munich the sons of torvera and morenga the message of the hour is not only for the christian community we extend ourselves beyond christianity to islam to the african nation at large there has been lots of discussion and talk around who am i and what am i doing i'm fully brought up in the christian space trained worked and developed i have a full understanding of the christian community which has the bible as its basis i had my further studies into the hebraic literature which has the torah as its basics i've had some readings into islam i've had some extensive studies into african religions but when conflict like this and controversy the challenges and problems of our times come it is too late to begin to look at each other in terms of denominational occupational and academic differences the problem unites us together as wealth has separated us in the midst of all the catastrophe of our times that we are living in one will be naive to say this problem is only targeted at one group of people less than the other there's been a lot of conspiracy theories there's been a lot of conversations around the greater space of the corona virus that has hit the world over some say it is a chinese disease some say it is american weapons of mass destruction some say it is bill gates trying to vaccinate the world some say it is actually pandemic it has been happening every 100 years if you can trust your history i'm not here to qualify approve or rather can i state that i'm not here to stand in justification of any but the reality is we are in trouble and we are facing a catastrophe of a universal nature many people have argued with me asking me why do i constantly seem like i'm confused between the two pillars of understanding african traditional wisdom and knowledge and the european-based eurocentric christianity which i have professed and lived so long there's no doubt in my mind that in the midst of growth from a size two pair of shoes you've grown to a size five size six size seven if you're like me you're now on a size ten in as much as i once fitted in the size two and size three shoes it would be totally obnoxious if not bothering on the sense of madness to force me to fit into the same shoes that i put on as a young child faith must be kept constant but education must never be constant learning breaking boundaries of knowledge must be a desire for every one of us i look at the biblical text from a slightly different perspective than many of you have many people face into the bible and look into the text because they are looking for doctrine they are looking for dogma they are looking for do this and don't do that but actually the text has not been built around the do's and don'ts the text has been built around the personal relationship which i want to term not spiritualists but i want to call that spirituality spirituality is different from spiritualists for spirituality speaks of your personal connection the waters above and the waters within the land below and the land within the air around you and the land that the air that is within you the creation of god for mankind therefore cannot be restricted to denominational and religious corridors having said that i read through the text not looking only for dogma but looking for relevance even for our time and as we are facing this universal problem the coronavirus cove 19 i would want to find my mind lingering around the passage found in the book of daniel chapter 5. daniel chapter 5 introduces us to a party a world party for when babylon was in power ruling the world all the vassal states from jerusalem israel and beyond greek and roman were all subject to babylon and at the pinnacle of the babylon empire belshazzar decides to call a party and this party is located somewhere in his royal residence where he calls all all the powerful people of his nation what do i mean by all i mean economic gurus magicians astrologers necromancers entertainment industry everybody who is who in the babylonian empire was invited for this party will i be wrong to say that at the pinnacle of this world civilization people are meeting and grouping in groups discussing and having fun and playing and talking our nation has been intoxicated with entertainment instead of education people sit around wanting to enjoy themselves i've heard of the world cup soccer matches i've heard of the olympics games i've heard of the cricket world cup champions i've heard of the rugby cup champions chess cup champions snooker cup champions all other champions around the world but when this disaster falls upon the earth it brings everything to a standstill i love something about this passage in the midst of the party that was invited then the bible says people began to enjoy themselves in intoxication that is in drinking of alcohol they began to enjoy themselves in terms of pleasure parties were running if it was in modern days then the lights were on the blue and red and neon lights were flushing on the dense floor as belshazzar was drinking wine in front of his concubines in front of his wives the world civilization has not found itself exempted we have found ourselves in soccer stadiums in thousands 60 70 80 120 000 people watching people kicking a skin of a dead ox people sitting and gathering burning themselves in the sun watching cricket buckets and cooler boxes time out playing with other children but this time and this virus comes around there's no more time to play with other children go home and play with your own children this catastrophe finds us totally absorbed intoxicated with entertainment and in the midst of such rivalry debauchery licentiousness that fills our land in the midst of the party that seemed to have been going very well with all guests present all wine present then belshazzar says please can you go and collect for me some of the vessels from the temple those ones that were brought from the house of judah those that were brought from jerusalem let me also drink wine in them you must be always be careful that in the midst of so much rivalry and entertainment and pleasure that you don't begin to tamper with religious issues for religious issues are not part of entertainment i know many of our churches have become entertainment centers for people who are stressed and distressed they come here for a word of encouragement and a small little word that can give them enough motivation to drive here to another week and many of us are on the drug called church drug where we go here we drink we sniff this drug given a little bit of hope god is on our side it's your year 2010 everything will be positive it's your year 2012 everything it's your year 2013. even in 2020 i saw declarations that 2020 represents equalization everything will be perfect the prophets of doom and the prophets of peace have come trying to tell us that there's peace and there's peace in the world when in fact now we have realized hardly three months into the year that the peace they spoke about is not yet materialized into anything that we call peace now here we are look down in our houses and we're going to move any inch away from our doorsteps as belches i had called a party the world politicians have called united nations world council of churches they've called up the african unions south unions commercial unions european unions brics unions and all these unions are men gathering together discussing the politics in the direction of the world as they sat in belgium's house palace all of them present they thought they were celebrating their civilization until in the midst of the civilization until in the midst of the celebration until in the midst of their entertainment and pleasure until in the midst of their spiritual adultery mixing wines and drinks celebrating with their concubines then the black book tells us there was the writing on the wall the finger of the omnipotent one walks into an invited party and he writes on the war is it not true that all our transport aviation sea rail roads are proved to be inefficient to deal with the catastrophic hand god does not need an invitation into the affairs of men the universe does not need an invitation into the foolishness of men's intelligence when the universe has something when god has something when yahweh has something whoever you call him god in columbus when he is something that he wants to communicate with the people he does not seek for their permission when doors are closed and all the guests are inside we seem to find the omnipotent one sneaking in through the corridors of time through the spaces the vector and scalar quantities through the upper cue and the transparent materials appearing and writing on the wall and the writing in our time in 2020 is on the war the intelligence of men the technologies of man the civilization of men has been proved but to be nothing useless useless and worthless the writing was simple many counted counted weighed weight found one thing follow closely the accuracy of heaven cannot be misunderstood he does not count he does not weigh if you don't know the hebraic concept of thinking you might actually miss it all together why would the writing of yahweh be duplicated translated wait wait counted counted found one thing see this concept of the hebraic school of thought seems to explain to us that when divinity looks at your case it's not just once we we weigh no i made a mistake let me weigh again no no i counted maybe i didn't count enough let me count again this duplicate function in the hebraic and the toraic teaching tells us that there's accuracy i grew up as a shepherd boy i know what it means when you come back home and my grandfather will say you cannot lock the gates of the crawl before you have counted the kettle there you are beginning to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 my father my grandfather at one time at 120 cattle and you know how much time that would take us you need to take a stick and count 1.1 and you're busy pushing them on the side and then you find two are missing you cannot just start running away from the crawl you must go back again and and start counting again and start counting again if you cannot trust yourself call someone else and say let's count this thing and make sure it's you and for sure after two three four counts you discover that two cattle are missing therefore the concept of counted counted it says you count the first time for yourself the second time when you count you need a witness you need to confirm that the first information that you found is correct so he counts and he counts again he weighs the morality of the world and he weighs it again he weighs the entertainment of the world and he weighs it again he weighs the economics of the world and he weighs it again he weighs the poverty of the world he weighs it again he weighs the family structures of the world he weighs them again he weighs the governance of the systems and he weighs them again he weighs the food of the world he weighs them again this concept of doing it twice simply says i want to confirm if what i have seen here is indeed what is happening on the ground therefore when a testimony is given we need two witnesses now that's the torahic concept of teaching you cannot condemn anyone to death before you find two or three witnesses to the same event that you're condemning them for when we look at the world's catastrophe right now we have been counted we have been counted how many are righteous how many are truthful how many are honest how many are seeking after god's face we've been waiting to see if the weight of our dignity is anything that can sit on the scale the black book gives us the shocking testimony wade weighed counted counted found one thing the concept of wanting found missing concept of wanting found not adequate concept of counting found not having sufficient grounds to justify existence this writing on the wall throws the whole world into a ballistic confusion those who seem to have solutions for medicine are locked up in the laboratories looking for the solution for the coronavirus politicians are making statements telling us don't worry don't worry but by now you know when they say don't worry it's actually a signal to say you must start worrying for how can we not worry when we are locked up in our houses how can we not worry when we're not free to move around the world how can we not worry when we cannot visit our friends and have celebrations on the streets how can we not worry when you as governments are worried banks shops malls freeways are empty friends and relatives are infected and affected as of this morning i receive a news that one of my dear favorite pastors in bloom fontaine is actually conducted coronavirus cove 19 close to me i know him personally and the government is saying don't worry when all of a sudden i must walk into my house putting on some liquids on my hands i must steam myself every day and i must make sure that i don't greet everybody i must start knocking everyone on the show the same shoulder i'm sneezing on i must be touching you with it how can i not worry and when the writing was on the wall the black text says the whole came to a standstill as the world today is also at a standstill those that are in the mountains stay there those that are in the fields stay there those that are in the house stay there those that are on the road stay there does that sound familiar for you if you're a reader of the bible that there will be no movement let everyone stay in their own place and not move at all and yet they say do not worry it almost sounds like the gospel of peace peace when there is no peace at all in the midst of such catastrophe writing is on the war people can't move the hearts of mankind are going to stop for fear when fear grips the hearts of mankind the old woman nebuchadnezzar's wife the grandmother of belshazzar and by chance by the way if you are not academic you want just to enjoy yourself on the biblical text and find why did nebuchadnezzar name his grandchild belshazzar when he also named daniel belshazzar because after working with daniel for such a long time he just hoped by streak of chance that the wisdom that god and yahweh had he bestowed upon daniel belsheza may also be transmitted into the grandson had become a party animal belgian had become a cooler box animal belshazzar had become a sex oggy boy birches i had become a collector of concubines bilshes had become a desecrator of holy places and the grandmother says you together with your grandfather when god speaks you don't listen when god demonstrates you don't participate and as he treated your grandfather who ate grass like a cow for seven years until he looked up to the heavens to discover that there is a god in heaven you have not humbled yourself the grandmother does small little devotion waking up the boy from slumber and all of a sudden we discover amongst all the guests that were invited one guest had not been invited and then we understand that there are places the children of yahweh must not be found where the rest of the world is meeting call on him the grandmother says he will tell you the writing that is on the war it's for the first time then we hear that the first passage in daniel chapter 5 needs some justification for the passage says he called all uh-huh he called all ministers the governors the leaders of his nation but we also understand in chapter four that when medopagia came into power daniel was appointed as one of the leaders of the kingdom same with babylon when daniel interpreted the dream he became the prime minister of the world so how can you tell me that now you are running the pick of the babylonian kingdom and yet you forget your own president you forget your own prime minister you forget your own governor daniel himself who was the kingpin of wisdom for your grandfather but i know very well when people are planning corruption in the evil they don't like holy people and righteous people next to them they don't like people with wisdom people with common sense who can challenge their status quo i hear the world over talking about globalization globalization i've constantly asked what will the african become in that global village if not we're going to become slaves and bear children to slavery of the economic masters as daniel walks into the room his words are as loud and as clear like a sharp knife hot knife cutting through butter he does not mix or mince his word he can tell that his father was here you can tell that there's been a visitation from the supernatural to which he looks into the world and he says to him yes i can read that and i can interpret that foolishly so belshazzar bellows out whoever is able to interpret this thing whoever is able to tell me the writing on the wall i will make him third in the kingdom why would you make him third in the kingdom when you are number one now we know that bill shazah was not number one for his father was still alive who loved hunting in the greater iran and iraq area so he was left to look after a kingdom which he was not actually the rightful king so he can only make the one who has interpreted the dream not number one not number two but make him number three why number three because he still wanted to remain superior to the one who had given him solutions is that not true is that not true that you still want to classify people even after you've discovered that you cannot solve the problem he accepts he accepts the offer i will put my golden chain on him and i will make him the third in the kingdom daniel looks onto the wall and he says many many take her sin o king and all your governors all united nations and all your governments and presidents all the queen of the commonwealth and all your fossil states in the common poverty all the leaders of the world and all those people that gather around you all the imf all the world council of churches you have been weighed you have been weighed you have been counted you have been counted you have found one thing as for africa and the plurality of the churches that have filled up the land with all our prophets and men of god all the anointings put together you have been weighed weighed you have been counted counted you've been found wanting is it not even interesting to say that within one week god has been ever able to actually give resignation letters give retrenchment packages to all our fake pastors we have been filling up the atmosphere where is your man of god where is your prophet they were telling us all sorts of prophecies where are they now where are the solutions wade wade counted counted found wanting some of them in the midst of these problems are still sending sm messes to their members please send us your tights and offerings while they're also in hiding from the same catastrophe that is affecting their members weighed weighed counted counted found wanting after we've put so much money in building infrastructures building monumentous galactic cathedrals this is where god is and now all those buildings have been shut down wade weighed counted counted found wanting with all pharmaceutical companies full of tablets and full of medicines vaccine after vaccines wade wade found one thing the education system full of doctors and phds people learning and graduating left right and center magma summa laude weighed weighed counted counted found wanting the technologies and the genius of mankind has been proved to zero when the writing wasn't on the wall even the kings tremble the passage is not lack of details it simply tells us that while the king was actually standing there his lawyers gave way what does it mean that the loins gave way it's a polite way of telling us that he just made a toilet where he was standing by opening up of the loins his own intestines could not hold the debt that was in his stomach and it's scary to find presidents prime ministers ambassadors all of them having been diagnosed to have this coronavirus how do we deal with it the planning to put five g's into the skies destroying human civilization and destroying nature on the grounds birds have proved to die where this 5g rudder is running trees have dried up the technologies of man because people are in a desire to rule and govern each other the universe and god looks and says wade wade counted counted found wanting many of us have been running away from our own homes and our homes have not been equally balanced now we are locked up in our own homes weighed weighed counted counted found wanting may i ask you a question now that we are locked up at home so who is going to baptize your children who is going to collect the tithes and offerings who is going to be standing at the dictionary telling people to put on ties and jackets who is going to be supervising your spirituality now that you are locked up in your own house and you cannot have access to other people out there did i not tell you in the past that there's no use for you going to church if you don't have a church right here therefore you take your church to church and if there's no church in your heart there's no church in the community out there wade wade counted counted found wanting our meetings and our gatherings have been rendered useless and valueless for god has not visited those places but they've been places of constant entertainment where people gather to hear what their itching ears are prepared to hear marinata god is good all the time all the time god is good people want to go there and be told things that are soothing when you tell them stuff that is to do with their own destinies you you're being told norman fund is you cannot speak like that please use polite language wade wade counted counted found one thing while the place he was standing on was smelling he could not help himself but take off his garment that he was putting on and put it on daniel take off the golden chain that was hanging on his neck and put it on daniel remove the ring that was on his hand and put it on daniel backtrack a little bit while the party was taking place the mediopatiens were at the gate while the united nations was having function and fun the enemy was at the gate while politicians were busy celebrating viva viva viva viva passy darwin down with aluta aluta while we're busy celebrating in our corridors of social gatherings while we're busy shouting men united man united kings of chiefs oh pirates but sundowns we're talking about porto and etc the enemy was at the gate history tells us that they had so much time to divert the river that flowed through babylon until the water was on the knee level and the enemy walked in through the walls of the city of babylon they occupied the city while the enemy was fast asleep enjoying and celebrating their own successes amazing business plans and it's amazing particularly in south africa we've just finished the state of the nation address a few days later we received the economics and the financial systems of the year we had plans and plans billions for this billions for that millions for this millions for that we're reading the united nations we have a target health for all by 2020 vaccination for all by 2020 poverty alleviation by 2020 2020 2025 2020 2030 2014 all these beautiful plans were busy celebrating in our corridors and while we were celebrating in our corridors the enemy sneaked in through the wall best into the house into the great wall where the party was taking place butchering and killing everybody in that house good news the ancient tradition says when you go to war there's one person you must keep alive and that is the king and of course you do your research before you go for war who is the governor who is the king who is in power his name was given his bereshazar peroxisa and how will you identify him you'll find him with a crown on his head you'll find him with a golden chain on his neck and you'll find him with a golden robe on his body but remember belshazzar out of desperation at a moment of sadness and in the moment of catastrophe he had moved his crown and given it to daniel he had moved his chain and given it to daniel he had removed his rope and given it done removed his signet ring and put it on daniel when they walked into the room what did they find they found a king when they asked him what is your name who can doubt it my name is bilshasa the rest of the clothes will tell him who he was the story ends when the entire house is destroyed and the king is preserved have you not noticed how god has a way of preserving his children in the midst of the problems how god has a way of preparing his children for the days of trouble this for me is a dry run where we are learning as people who believe that when troubles will finally come we've been telling you eat organic foods teach your children own what you consume own your own christianity don't allow the system to own your conscience be a man who listens to the voice of god place yourself in the place where grace can find you now all of a sudden all these things will begin to make sense but of good news for someone out there that in the midst of such catastrophe the preservation of grace cannot be undermined daniel is preserved daniel is kept well daniel is kept safe daniel is taken alive and well into the next dispensation we are facing a catastrophe of magnitude of global impact but i want to tell the children of yahweh who are out there that be of good courage do not give up in the midst of such catastrophe there will be preservation plan i just want to pray that you will not be found having been intoxicated by those who are inside the party you will not find yourself having filled your houses with flags of soccer with flags of cricket with flags of wealthy celebration you will not put too much trust into your bank accounts and your pin numbers you don't put too much interest in the education and the foolishness of knowledge that you've gathered between your two ears catastrophe speaks to us that we need to make sure that before the day of final trouble that we have actually placed ourselves where god and grace cannot kill our sisters daniel is taken out of this space and preserved he is actually promoted to become the next president of the city of pagia is that not good news god will take care of us god will preserve us but in the midst of this catastrophe it is my prayer that let the children of god find themselves secure study well study hard read the word place yourself where grace can find you and when the rest are found in houses of celebration may you find your shelter in the wings of the almighty they trust in horses they trust in chariots but i pray that you will trust in the lord and after the storm is over may the children of grace find that they have been protected even by the enemy we intended to kill them may the grace of the lord be upon you all nations at wide churches at white politicians that white be warned that god is in control and at the end of it all we shall come out victorious may the peace of the almighty rest upon you all may grant you peace of mind and peace in your homes until after the storm [Music] you
Channel: The Gospel According to Maponga Joshua III
Views: 33,500
Rating: 4.9102039 out of 5
Id: BketN9JTtjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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