SDA Men's conference 2019 || Part 1|| Joshua Maponga

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I go you guys you guys getting this slowly but surely put your hands together and put it on your head put we put your hand on your head brother put your hand on your head so after me this is how I think the simplest those complicated not with this is who are always suspicious happens put your hand on your head it's your head I wish you put your hands on your head Sam Sammy this is how I think come on say like panic para in the house this is how I think put your hand on your heart if there is anything inside there say after me this is how I feel about guys are too weak man you've nothing too much vegetables this is how I feel put your hand in your hand say of the maze this is how I - now you know what must do one more time this is how I think this is how I feel and this is how I do every male in this house who is African must know that a dystopian cannot change his skin and a leopard cannot change his spots and then I how much we try to become whites we will never do eyes in as much as we are trying to be white the whites are trying to be black so let me start off way it's very uncomfortable right on the tip end I'll find it don't worry if I lose you every time you try to be like me you are surprised me depriving me an opportunity to experience you some thanks Olga every time you try to be like me you are depriving me an opportunity to experience true every time we try out black people to be like white people we are depriving the white people and experience to experience us we've read not a religion that white washes us from ourselves no wonder some of our prayers never get answered because every time you pray for a house someone rises in America it was a brain English let me delete this ring like an applicant good afternoon Kings princes nobleman in wisely interpreter and brethren is not we treat each other proper atoms are others young people I am so let me start off by controversy this business are speaking that a man must have one wife yeah Maggie's detail enough umph as I want is not enough he knocking well Elijah no man until you have one wife but if you girlfriends in a few children in the bush so let's not waste each other's time but I've heard yet be discussing infidelity issues we are not here track 3 were here to share ideas it's not right for Atlanta to have one wife a man was it twice put it on record and coat me when you see that my father said I need a second wife you are not enough [Music] please I'm a project you must one who was born out with a yahoo now the world is over lucuma my child let's go together nicely before you head please when you're recording don't cut it until I finish the statement otherwise you will force me out of context who was this - I mean I can't wait get the full picture amen yes in the Bible the book of Genesis tells us in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth then what was down to create even after you finish creating Eden then it creates other and then it was not a look after it after that to give in to Adam the first wife is left [Applause] the second one is the one who sleep with it's illegal to make a woman pregnant before the land is pregnant don't be in a hurry looking for Eva's legs when you have not sweated with the festive wife which is left teach your children properly before they can find the woman let them find length and until Elaine is pregnant you will their children to poverty then a connecting cable between the past and the future that's right between our lives there is a cable that [Applause] this table is intended to connect the past and then before you connect double check for the piece of land that you are connected because that land is expungeable for bringing up your next generation you can't connect with your eyes closed is me reversible you must open your eyes and see the length before you connect that's why you must use your brain first before you use you people respect your history if you speak like an African respect your ancestors ask me why they like the click or they are very diligent when you hold your cable you are holding all of them [Applause] this is not a personal issue that some of us use these tables for entertainment it cannot be entertainment its responsibility when you hold your people you're holding tight you're holding Jimmy's the holding life you're holding continue it you are creating bringing things that are invisible to the physical the whole world is the woman's room because of the waters that are inside becomes a medium that means the invisible visible when the seed is planted it takes everything that you are and everything that they wear so that it becomes what I'm saying respect your ancestors I'm saying respect the blood that runs inside you for that's not your business not our business you're caring a tribe you are caring a nation you cannot use your truth as a weapon of mass destruction or use it for digging graves every Hornet that you find does not mean it must be penetrated establish the fertility of the left and bring a man is not getting a woman pregnant dogs do a better job they met 16 children at one pool you can only make one [Applause] we cannot measure your masculinity by the production being a man is not taking a woman's spend it down it is supplying the soap ended with you that makes sure that tomorrow morning it smells and when you are very interested in human don't be modest watch me underway my neighbors say but Tecate who are shy plenty of fast she now one educated simply say he is washing the cover that leads to the dog of his inheritance who is this man why she's my maid well now how about Eliza - go - I didn't barrel of a thousand parappa quite some time as Africans I want us to agree that we as men we have lost the liberty of sitting as men in this amount of water for example traditional round tables when mom calls would sit with cousins in pub Shanna sharing information sharing now we live in concrete jungles where every man for himself god help us all I want to take you through a volatile presentation that will resurrect the African in you be patient with me as I do this please fruit seeds follow carefully the tree I hope Alex grandfather's your mother's in your father's there is no hopeless life as a person as a man with problem is one father and his own mother was the back cut out hooray have a new who got witch doctors when your things are not moving well and you think that every wished not to tell you today the biggest witchcraft is a relationships that are not fixed between you and your parents there's nothing wrong with you connect your mother's house and clean up the traits of your own father's there's nothing wrong I didn't say washing cleaning them up in my excitement the proverb that says never allow your son to marry a cap for the screams where the fathers are they tell me suppose victory if you want our good good heavens touches the Bible on further in the only commitment that is insurance policy in your case will be that the Lord will give you prayer does not substitute personal responsibility is family I challenge this church to we cannot have members who are easily conceded that the master take 10 percent of their salaries as tithe and offerings yet they are sending 200 transient mothers and fathers growl Western bacon the responsibility to the church cannot be more than the responsibility Johnson those who want to cry God and private angels so how can you say you love God whom you'll never see when you hate your parents with procedure existence this your religion makes you look after it multiple planets the Bible calls you it not believe West but it going to read for themselves we have artists reporter : we have a supernatural man who's an innovative attendance you want to pray title earlier than most recently churches it true African Spirit says ten responsibilities seriously that is fest bus stop for your on the church this is the reason why are sometimes see if we're careful work on to develop account what is the count a couch is not to text human beings away from their families images and that fish of seventy some code Adventist all of a sudden you parent expose those who don't believe you in Adventism has become such when I disagree hardest we have the dist before he notices David Koresh she came out of the desert fascist you keep on trying that I tell you end up with a list of Norway where you cannot recognize your own family the sake of the church that cannot be African Africans we start at home and what the religion is not to make you divorce your own planet not all of us support trees water you more taxes when the pyrotechnic lula da gama hey lady water party whether you manage the sangoma of Tecate a witchdoctor water that causes to the food this is the table should we to come into existence the prayers of the parents are far much my important than the prayers of the postures your father to wish you well you to be we're with you when you panic goes mad on you boy try going in track make deals you come back home with Pakistan if hopes why because we need not secure your roots you can never have foods on the top side come and join me is right the joy lies in the days before the days of peace come nigh when you shall see I want to Charlie I'm excited it must come to my cup you now let me see if you thought I wasn't a chick now you come I will put out my hate my Haiti and let's see what we can do on the freeways but enjoy life enjoy life fruits must be joy amen fruits must be if you don't read your Bibles enjoy your life with the wives that God has given you for this is your portion if it be joy call Lisa Lisa have fun enjoy yourself hallelujah so as a minute ed yeah amen I have a knack you see buddy good Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] traveling under my googa if you get a quarter-past cata bus good morning Africa good morning Africa [Applause] hi one way has passed up first when asked us to enslave us and one fine if you have before 20 years old 12 o clock is allowed Twitter book budget for men for the pasta salad but it's all about diet it's all about diet what we need for the power plant and on asking and saying these things but there's nothing that sprays it then send a pipe that cannot come up if you want to fight you people meanwhile the problems between you let's assess America confident in college submit him cover even if you get to 20 seconds 20 seconds every day just just was the amount of fat that is just sitting here tends to destroy other things that are below the belt when you get South Africa [Applause] I don't understand the garden I've been over India because men men cannot just be men with ties and jackets men must be banned in the twisted sense of the word and I think we must be comfortable to become men I want us to move to the left slightly so that I can collect reset become it an Adventist preacher before you go home and say mother things that are not related to what I'm saying plants trees water fruits with joy sees represent and we plant them for the next generation he are people that you're not allowed to sleep with the door that you kept when yoga no cocoa it's a no-go area it's an abomination in Africa go to Roberto no call where your father came just to see their nakedness is a kiss later on to sleep with unacceptable your mother no don't even listen to okay we do not deluxe suffer again so go go Obama and no co-ed sees sees that come out of you know behavior those of what number generation no rain please of course don't touch cousins and etc most dangerous group our relatives we need to be homage to children abused children no go ahead rain it's a non-starter don't become a weekend would you create soon who slow regular foods then we have Clement Patrick like a background make a tailback on a deposits I'm saying if you want to paste cedar then be professional about it fellow miscellaneous walkway in Vegas just walk home honey I am NOT saying prostitution is allowed but I'm saying if you feel that you cannot control yourself you'd rather what was that away that raping those that still in the future yes Mike thank you into the easiest take a milestone anyone
Views: 166,673
Rating: 4.8156791 out of 5
Keywords: Joshua Maponga, SDA sermon, Seventh day adventist, Men's conference, SDA men's conference
Id: B81ogsPD4n0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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