Maponga J III - Building Relationships That Last

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[Music] the gospel according to mapunga jay here on your station brand new space we're moving all our content and sermons for your spiritual development right here you subscribe you share with your friends this is your new home for your spiritual [Music] growth in the world of business there is something we call strategic positioning every brand needs to find itself a place in the marketplace so that the customers that it is looking for and the clientele that it intends to service can find these services where they are easily available at the quality at which they must be given one of the greatest and most exciting passages that i've read in the bible would not be found very far except the passage of scripture maybe that has been read a couple of times but i wonder if people have plowed their minds in trying to find the meaning behind this thing i will position the conversation of this afternoon on two to three different levels the first level will become the level of the individual the second level is the level of the family the third level is the level of the church the fourth level is the level of the nation and if we had time would also look at the level of the continent and the world and beyond understanding that from where we are if the individual is well positioned then the family will be strategically positioned strategically positioned families may most likely give us a strategic community and the strategic community may give us just a strategic nation as we move over to the continent and beyond the danger we have faced for the greatest amount of time it is to think that we can be planted anywhere and still achieve and give forth the fruits and the results which we intend to have those of you who have been more educated than i am you say how do you know a fool it is the one who does the very same thing over and over again and expecting a different result psalm chapter 1 verse 1 challenges us especially in the backdrop of the epidemic that we are going through right now the corona crisis around the whole world and then the bible submits to us as i commonly call it the black book says to us blessed is a man happy is a man excited is a man filled with divine presence is a man the man who is blessed here is supposed to be a happy man and though man is used as a masculine word but it is intended to communicate to us that humanity can be blessed if we follow this model of organizing and planning our lives blessed is a man how do you become blessed you become blessed on three levels you become blessed in the way in which you you walk two you become blessed in the way in which you stand three you become blessed in the way in which you sit and some of you might be wondering why is mapunga sitting down again and the bible says and he took a chair and he took a seat and he sat down and he began to teach them saying so it is biblical certain times when we preach also we must sit down and now that you are at home on quarantine it is good and very strategic that we must just sit down in your own lounges also and we share a word of encouragement at this time three blessings that you will find three processes that you will find in life the process of walking the process of standing and the process of sitting down this applies to you as an individual this applies to you as a family this applies to you as a church in general first question that i want to ask you is who are you walking with as an individual second question who are you standing with third question who are you sitting with as a church who are we working with who are we standing with and who are we sitting down with i hope you can see from the passage how relationships are conducted and how relationships develop you don't just wake up in the morning and you're sleeping with someone before you sleep with them you should have been sitting with them and before you sit with them you should have been walking with them before you walk with them you should have been standing with them and before you stand with them you should have at least met them so take note that the relationships grow gradually from hello hello to working together two standing together two sitting together to finally sleeping together therefore in philosophy they say if you can if you can if you can lie to me l-i-e why can't you lie with me l-a-y because the whole process it is consistent to give us an expected ending we are called upon to become a blessed people and our blessings are attracted by our company as individuals as families and there's a church i don't want to stand up again and constantly behead as the one who is lambasting and always shouting on the church and i bet you as you as you as much as you know and i know also good relationships are a battlefield a battlefield of emotions even those who kiss each other hello honey hello honey it's not shocking that by sunset you may not be talking to each other because someone has said something someone has done something and whatever has been said and whatever has been done seems to timber with the foundation of the relationship and therefore when you see my relationship with you as a greater christian community where is a sweet and sour relationship because i feel to certain extent that we have taken a journey and we have started working with wrong people we have started standing and having conversations with wrong people we are sitting with wrong company ultimately we cannot be calling a blessing upon ourselves as a church in total i would want to kick into the air a whole bucket full of unresolved issues that even now as i'm sitting here talking to you i'm still not convinced on the same-sex marriage you can go home and argue about it it's my opinion as i read the black book that if ever we are supposed to believe in the book how do we respond to the basic issues that are taught in the bible i am not saying that those who are practicing are must be condemned to go to hell neither are they better than the thieves and the robbers who are collecting the offerings as deacons and elders but we cannot allow one problem sitting in the church and say because others have problems let's not address it also what quality of conversations are we having with the company that we keep as members as families and as a church so it has become much much easier that the company that we keep is almost reflecting on the policies and the practices that we now practice but then the bible says blessed is a man who does not walk in the council of the wicked nor stand with sinners nor be found in the company of scoffers because in the midst of you walking standing and sitting with those that are contrary to the principles of which you uphold your quality of behavior your quality of policies will always portray the quality of the company that you have there i have said it therefore when you hear that the church actually has a policy on this has a policy on that you must just ask the question who is our company in terms of this policy in terms of these problems our problems and our policies are being informed by the quality of our association but we have the opening word blessed is the man so if we want to be happy let's sanitize our company the one we work with let's sanitize the company that we sit with the company that we stand with then we can access the blessings that the book of psalms is talking about here what is number two what are the things that are of delight excitement joy to the church take note verse one tells us of what god can do blessed is a man who does not who does not who does not but in the midst of you not doing the things mentioned above section two then discusses what must you be doing instead of working with standing with and sitting with what must you be doing then the first one that comes up we must find ourselves that we must delight in the laws in the precepts in the principles of yahweh what does that mean therefore that our joy must not be involved our joy must be in truth our joy must not be in popularity our joys must be in principle right now we are running a spaza shop organization which delights in who votes for what and who does not vote for what and the same church taught me when i was young that right is right even when no one does it and wrong is wrong even when everyone else is doing it we have built around ourselves a popular organization may all those in favor say aye aye opposition same sign it is carried the fact that fools can agree does not make it right at all the black book that i constantly stand with though many people think that i don't believe in it says and it says it very clearly loud and clear delight yourself in the laws of the lord and upon this laws meditate day and night occupy the seasons of life with punctuations of correct divine instructions what does that mean it means that you read the principles and constantly in your life thrive to apply these principles i am very very disappointed to note that people have correct principles in their hearts but when it comes to the organizations they would sacrifice their personal principles for popular comments that are being passed in the whole space that are surrounding them in other words deliberately so the consciences of the individuals have been submitted to the organizations and to the structures what is it that you delight in as an individual you have taught me i'm now of age by beholding you become changed so tell me what have you become after watching the gays and lesbian movies on tv what have you become watching boccaravo changing husbands every week what have you become by watching murder and crime on your tvs every day what have you become by watching sophie's and watching morally decayed watching pornographies in your own house what have you become what have we become because the diet we have been consuming has resulted in the quality of the lives that we are living and unfortunately because the power of righteousness the bar of truth the bad that we want you as the expectations of god by watching inferior quality information and practices and left on the left hand side we have found it much easier to reduce the bar of expectations of divine requirements if you not told me that i saw an angel flying in the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel why was the gospel not walking on the ground it must be in the ground within the visible space of the human kind but within the direction from where god is too far for human beings to achieve but visible enough to be admired away from god closer to man in mid-air therefore if god was a tailor i come back again if he was a tailor he would never cut the ropes to fit the people he will cut the people to fit into the ropes unfortunately we have reached the time of suggestions right now where the requirements of god must be cut so that we can fit into those requirements but as long as the black book remains what it is maybe let's read it the other way around that you don't need to cut the garment to fit you we need to cut you to fit into it did you not read matthew 21 on the matthew 22 on the big banquet that was called that the garments were supplied you did not need to bring yourself a tailor who would need to cut your garment first and see if it is too long if if the garment is too long it is covering you with your nakedness if it is too short it is exposing your lines of effectiveness so the garment of god can never be too short it can never be due too long god will give you the garment that qualifies you for the task that is at hand how have we reduced divine requirements for human expectations i understand you as an adventist church i'll speak to you again as a prophet the word that is so foreign to the church i'll speak to you as a prophet because again the church has found itself standing with constitutions standing with policies standing with community expectations we look at the bible this side we look at the government this side we look at our friends this side we look at the bible this side and we can almost make a suggestion but i think god made a mistake here he should have recognized that there's a problem over here and because now the constitution says this we cannot be saying this because saying this is against the bible hey i'm in court already over this issue so let me make it very clear for those who did not hear me the first time i am not to blame here the first complainant on this issue must be god himself take god to cut and if you've passed and you failed there number two take the printers of this book to court harper all the printers who are printing the bible for they are printing a book that is teaching things that are contrary to your constitution number three if you pass with god and you pass with the printers of the book number three is the church take the church to god for they taught us to be true to the word we are looking for man one of the favorite quotations who cannot be bought no sold men who are true to duty as a needle is to the poor men who can stand for the truth no matter if the heavens fall did you not teach me to memorize those things now i come back at the age of 50 and i give you back your same comments your same sentiments that if i find that it is true why are you forcing me at the age of 50 to change my position from the position that you taught me when i was a young boy train up a child in the way they should grow when they are grown up they will not pat away from it why are you condemning me for putting away from the nonsense that you now uphold because the constitution is now fighting the text and if you pass with the church then find me as a preacher complaining number four who is preaching what the church is teaching what the bible is saying what god is saying so they don't come around and monkey around me and asked me those stupid unfounded questions are you still a christian are you still an adventist because if i should ask you are you a bible believing christian are you a bible believing adventist i might have an answer that is superficial in your mouth yes i believe in the bible and i believe in god but in practice you are far from it is the bible not true was it not talking to you when it says they have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof if the bible can convert a prostitute to become a deacon how long somebody hold me if the bible can convert a murderer to become a sabbath school superintendent hello somebody if the bible can convert a pedophile and convert him to become a pathfinder leader if the bible can convert a sinner why is the bible in the blood of jesus not effective enough to change a homosexual and make him straight now it looks like the power of god has selective power with other people it can help them with other people it cannot help them then what type of a church are we building that shows partialities when it comes to practices but i know why the company we've been keeping where have we been walking who have we been talking to and who have we been sitting around with is that not the same question that god asks adam and eve who said that you are naked the question is simple who have you been talking to and the person you have been talking to has changed your status quo i left you in one condition i now find you in another condition the question is simple who has been conducting the conversations with you conversations around morality conversations around land issues conversations around purity and righteousness who is talking to the church it's one thing to be printing more sub-school lessons more photocopies and more photocopies but i wish we were photog photocopying pure and more righteous upright people would believe in the precepts of god than the precepts of men and many of us amongst us as ministers i throw a stick right around many of us amongst ministers we have become an embarrassment to the god who called us and the truth we once upheld is the only truth by the bible in the bible alone it's a shame of the first order that even some of my ministers standing with me right now no longer believe in the bible they only believe in it as long as these collecting ties and offerings when it comes to other principles that seem to temper with popular sentiments what is kosher to say what is politically correct to say when you look at me do you think i'm a politician if i wanted to do politics i would go there hell no i'll do a good job but until such a time comes i am not a politician i remain circumcised by the principles of this book which right now i must be honest i am disillusioned for the church that i once believed that they believed in the black book are as far from the book as far from the book as a man who has been on load shading for 16 weeks and his button can no longer hold on to his shirt and his stomach is now exposed and for that reason please allow me to be if ever there is any truth that we could find in the text our company always affects our disposition our principles and the behavior of the church right now shows and goes to length to tell us that we are keeping rome company it's not embarrassing 2018 2019 that the biggest homosexual and gay conference of the seventh day adventist church was held right here in cape town negotiating and talking issues of homosexuality how many homosexuals do we have how many polygamous people do we have which issue is more pertinent and more important to the church right now i'll make it easier for you as long as the agenda that is being discussed does not affect the americans it will never make it to the priority list and the agenda of the division and the gc which is effect so we are now moving into the space of public company and public company and public association has resulted in public theology and public sentiments we call we as a church we believe in this stop wasting my time you no longer have a church that believes in nothing you have nothing to say about land so shut up you have nothing to say about corona so shut up you have nothing to say about wealth creation and establishing banks lehanyan is doing far much better than you he's got a bank for his people and he's building other things for his people so shut up you cannot come up right now and say you have a moral ground to condemn social ills when you're failing to hold it where it matters the most the question i have for the church for the family and for the individual what company are you keeping so if you find that in your own behavior as a child you are acting somehow ask yourself what company are you keeping show me your friends and i will show you your character as an individual as a family and as a country what sort of friends are we keeping as countries our presidents are shying shaking hands with enemies whom yesterday were killing our own grandfathers and we are shaking hands with all these enemies the quality of our friends affects the qualities of our policies this is a cascading principles can you see that the people that you walk with they are the people you are going to stand with the people you stand with are going to be the people that you sit with ultimately the bible spares us the details those are the people you're going to be sleeping with instead let your delight be in the law of the lord in the law of the lord meditate both day and night listen to this other beautiful one then the last part says and they are like a tree yes and they are like a tree i like that part there planted beside their steel waters strategic positioning where is the church planted two where is the family planted three where is you the individual where are you planted take note of what happens here when you are planted besides the waters simply put you will drink from the waters of proximity that which is next to you will supply into your nourishment and assist you to become what you need to be therefore there is no way that we can be planted on the rocks and will be green as trees that are planted besides the waters our associations will always determine our productivity which rivers are we drinking from and take note the bible then says and there's no need to worry about the seasons ah that one kills me totally you know some people only work in seasons when things are good they're good when things are bad they become bad also but the passage says when you are strategically positioned your life will not wither number one two you will bear fruit in due season number 3 in everything that you do you shall prosper therefore the church does not need to worry about the seasons of corona seasons of problems seasons of these seasons will not matter if we were strategically positioned besides the still waters it means that our nourishment is constant our bread is constant our water is constant let the winds come let the storms beat upon us but as long as the ground on which we are founded on our positioning is constant our lift will not wither our fruit will be due season and in whatever that we do we shall prosper and there we have it some people have a problem with the prosperity gospel there we have it then you will prosper not only prospering in materials prospering spiritually prospering economically our families will prosper our careers will prosper our entire societies will prosper why the secret is that of being positioned next to the rivers that supply us constantly if i had time i'll talk about ezekiel the river that flows by the throne of god if i had time i'll talk about genesis the river that were flowing around the city and this greater garden of eden if i had time i would talk about the river of life in the book of revelation that will flow and watering the entire new jerusalem if i had time i'll tell you that when there is a river face life if the church is complaining that things are getting dry there's no more money in the coffers maybe we've been planted on the wrong grounds all along had we been planted besides the many waters our lives would not wither our fruits will be in juices and and in everything that we do we will constantly be on the prospering side or may our families find these rivers of constant supply may our churches find these waters that will never run dry may our governments and the world over find themselves placed beside such a great supply and demand may the god of heaven the almighty lord of grace the one who supplies and constantly causes jew to rise upon the earth every night what are your lives and what are your careers even in the mega amount of the resources that you have let the seeds of your hope and your expectations and effort be planted besides the main waters that you may leave to witness the abundance of your harvest and seasons will not matter or say hallelujah with me out there that it does not matter what season is it as long as we are strategically positioned find therefore that solid ground and plant yourself where supply is constant bring it on as long as we are grounded makes no difference [Music] the gospel according to mapunga here on your station brand new space we're moving all our content and sermons for your spiritual development right here you subscribe you share with your friends this is your new home for your spiritual growth [Music] you
Channel: The Gospel According to Maponga Joshua III
Views: 97,852
Rating: 4.9104633 out of 5
Id: PPUPE42qigY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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